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Mar 15, 2019 6:04 AM

Nov 2011
With the climax quickly approaching, Yuki is finally ready to end this once and for all.

This honestly felt more like a buildup episode so perhaps they're pouring the budget, storytelling, etc into the finale. Meh, I got a bit of mixed reactions about this all coming together. It feels like more bodies are going to hit the floor because of war.

Mar 15, 2019 8:46 AM

Feb 2019
So they are going the EMP blast "Escape From LA" route to send the planet back to the Dark Ages. I don't see why that would stop the war, unless it causes a massive mutiny in the Grandigan forces. Just losing their chrars, they can still shoot each other with guns, and kill each other with blades and rocks. Not to mention, since they lost the technology of their ancestors, they have obviously already come out of a Dark Ages with technology, and even if they destroy all the chrars on the planet, new technologies are going to be invented, unless Yuki plans to set up some sort of despotic state where using and inventing technology is a crime.

Yuki and Stella are finally on their collision course, and with the self-referential name of the final episode, I fear ominous foreshadowing. The sign that Stella has decided to abandon her past makes me fear for Layla's life, as well as most of the other main characters. Or the price of smiles could simply mean throwing the planet into the dark ages.

I honestly worry that we will get a poor ending. That seems to be pretty common in anime, a lot of good build up with a bad ending.
Mar 15, 2019 9:19 AM

Jun 2017
HOOfan_1 said:
So they are going the EMP blast "Escape From LA" route to send the planet back to the Dark Ages. I don't see why that would stop the war, unless it causes a massive mutiny in the Grandigan forces. Just losing their chrars, they can still shoot each other with guns, and kill each other with blades and rocks. Not to mention, since they lost the technology of their ancestors, they have obviously already come out of a Dark Ages with technology, and even if they destroy all the chrars on the planet, new technologies are going to be invented, unless Yuki plans to set up some sort of despotic state where using and inventing technology is a crime.

I think the idea is if the chars are destroyed the nano tech can be fully functional and eventually restore the environment. Though their "modern" civilization will be set back without the chars. You do raise a good point that for a while the Dark Ages will start and conflicts will begin regardless. If history repeats itself, humanity will learn nothing from this and develop new tech like you said (especially because everything is being kept secret).

At this point I don't have the highest hopes for the finale but at least this anime had it's moments. I do really like many of these characters too. But the pacing kinda hurt this show as a whole.
Mar 15, 2019 10:20 AM

Apr 2010
So many death flags this episode.
It looks like Yuuki is in trouble judging from the cliffhanger but it also looks like Stella's unit is in for a shock.
The main thing i am wondering is wether Reina will get to meet her daughter seeing as she had a major death flag above her head towards the end.
It also looks like the rebellious member of Stella's unit won't last long next episode judging by his attitude.

The thing that seems clear tho is that it's pretty much the end of Yuuki's country tho things might change during next episode.
And i wonder wether Stella will learn the truth to her existence.
Mar 15, 2019 10:22 AM

Feb 2019
ricksed said:

I think the idea is if the chars are destroyed the nano tech can be fully functional and eventually restore the environment. Though their "modern" civilization will be set back without the chars. You do raise a good point that for a while the Dark Ages will start and conflicts will begin regardless.

Right, but this is supposed to be Yuki's Hail Mary plan to end the war....but why will it end the war? All she is doing is taking the one advantage that her side had (advanced chrars) and taking it away.

What was Grandiga's goal in the war? Apparently at first to get hold of the advance chrars...which they already have done. So what is their current goal? It seems to be taking control of their enemy's land and population. Why will disabling the chrars stop that?

Even assuming all the war deaths, the population of the planet is probably large enough that the high yield of a few farming operations bolstered by the chrars is what supports it. Get rid of the chrars and the fertility of other areas may increase, but they will have to convert a large portion of their population from their current occupations to an agrarian society. That isn't something that will happen over night, and it will likely cause famine, which may end up killing more people than the current war. At the very least, again, the disparity in resources will still cause more war.
Mar 15, 2019 10:27 AM

Apr 2016
So it looks like it's going in the direction of a stalemate, where everybody ends on the same boat : no more chrars, no more "conventional" energy (chrars) and a world they have to build up anew ... IF Yuuki and Leila succeed and don't die before.

If the opening is not a complete troll : good ending, no more chrars, no more war, no more dead.

If it was a troll action : tragedy, Leila dead killed by the squad of her daughter, Yuuki failed, planet doomed, all dead.

I still tend to hope for a "good ending" but seeing how many characters already paid the price of smile, I wonder if some more will die next episode and in that case how many : Lily? Huey? Leila? Yuni ? Stella ? Yuuki ? ...

That's where the show really delivers : "we don't know", we can't be sure they will all be alive at the end of the episode next week and we are not even sure Yuuki will get her way and if so, at what price.

The animation suffered again a downgrade, sadly.

HOOfan_1 said:
So they are going the EMP blast "Escape From LA" route to send the planet back to the Dark Ages. I don't see why that would stop the war, unless it causes a massive mutiny in the Grandigan forces. Just losing their chrars, they can still shoot each other with guns, and kill each other with blades and rocks. Not to mention, since they lost the technology of their ancestors, they have obviously already come out of a Dark Ages with technology, and even if they destroy all the chrars on the planet, new technologies are going to be invented, unless Yuki plans to set up some sort of despotic state where using and inventing technology is a crime.

On the short term at least, they won't fight over a specific resource and a technology that destroys the environment.

The fact that all the armies will end moving on foot and without thurgears or artillery will probably change the priorities. If your enemy is only 100 kms away, you need several days by foot but meanwhile you'll have to think about food and water. Weapons : dead, war logistic : dead --- > end of the war at least for several decades.

It's like a reset and the inhabitant of the planet will have first to develop new ways of survival and new technologies before going to war against each others several thousands kilometers away.
Mar 15, 2019 10:41 AM

Mar 2016
I’ll just stop myself before I go off on another rant.

Apparently the way it looks, there’s likely not gonna be a s2 unless a cliffhanger is induced next week in the finale.
Mar 15, 2019 10:42 AM

Feb 2019
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:

On the short term at least, they won't fight over a specific resource and a technology that destroys the environment.

They aren't fighting over the technology now. Grandiga has the new chrars and are putting it in their units. The war stopped being about capturing the advance chrars in episode 3, and apparently became either about capturing land, or the Grandigan emperor's power trip.

Most of Grandiga's military will be stuck in Soleil though. So they will have to be fed. If their current infrastructure relies on crops grown in facilities run by are they going to feed their own citizens and the Grandigan army?
Mar 15, 2019 10:45 AM

Feb 2016
So next week is the finale. I wonder how It'll turn out.

Can't believe this is already ending :0 This anime surely had its good times. I hope the ending to be worth.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Mar 15, 2019 10:51 AM
Mar 2017
Stella finally punched the piece of shit of Huey and the best thing is that she squeezed in his face that he is a piece of shit for thinking that the soldiers are easy to replace and I insist that I do not think better of him despite he has donated money to the orphanage that Gail directed.
Yuuki sends a last warning to the army of Grandiga and shows the firepower of the new weapon that will give a turn to the situation of Soleil, but Yuuki has an even more daring plan, stop all the chars that are on the planet and with this return the humanity to a dark age.
So in the end the big battle is just a distraction for Yuuki to arrive at the experimental facilities to activate the EMP, but apparently Yuuki knows that in this mission she can lose her life and she decides to tell the family of Izana about his death.
The convoy in which Yuuki goes is chased by Stella's squadron, things will be difficult for Yuuki to achieve her goal.
Layla and Yuuki's conversation was very emotional, listening to Layla talk about Stella as a girl made a knot in my chest, because I know something horrible will happen in the last episode and Layla tells Yuuki that her smile saved her from her deep depression when she lost her family. That hug that Layla gives Yuuki is the saddest death flag I've seen, please do not let Layla die. We see that Lily identified Yuuki in the convoy, what will happen now that Stella knows that the monarch of Soleil is in the convoy?

The name of the next episode gives me a very bad feeling, obviously the price of smiles is the sacrifice of the people we love most, I will not bear to see the last episode, it will be a tremendous suffering to see who will die and see if Yuuki will be able to send all mankind to the dark ages.

I hope that in the last episode of this anime Huey dies as it should, I'm fed up with his shitty attitude, he's a coward and he needs to die so that Stella's squad gets rid of that undesirable burden.
Mar 15, 2019 11:03 AM

Apr 2016
HOOfan_1 said:
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:

On the short term at least, they won't fight over a specific resource and a technology that destroys the environment.

They aren't fighting over the technology now. Grandiga has the new chrars and are putting it in their units. The war stopped being about capturing the advance chrars in episode 3, and apparently became either about capturing land, or the Grandigan emperor's power trip.

They aren't using the new chrars yet. But it's true they could have stopped the moment they get some to study them ... if to stop war was that simple.

Most of Grandiga's military will be stuck in Soleil though. So they will have to be fed. If their current infrastructure relies on crops grown in facilities run by are they going to feed their own citizens and the Grandigan army?

That's why they'll have to focus on going to the field and producing food instead of focusing on fighting. Although Grandliga's army is now in soleil, they can go back ... even if it's ten times slower that when they came. And it's not like it's a hundred thousand men army anyway.

Furthermore, part of the difficulty to produce food came precisely from the fact they used the chrars. When the chrars are dead, they'll have eventually better conditions to grow foods, or at least they won't get worse, which was the case until now and possibly one of the indirect reason they went to war.
Mar 15, 2019 11:08 AM

Jun 2010
Could you imagine if this show just ended with literally everyone we've been following so far, including Stella and Yuki, dead? The next battle just ends with no one left alive and them having accomplished nothing with this plan? Wow.

Probably won't happen, though. That would be too dark, and I feel like no one, not even the creator, would be satisfied with that. xD.
Mar 15, 2019 1:24 PM
Jun 2016
....I have little sympathy for the second main char here, no offense you guys are the BADGUYS stop whining about your people being killed. I get it's not really their fault, but they are the agressors invading another country, stop acting like your so being hurt here.
Mar 15, 2019 2:08 PM

May 2018
Oh great they wasted that shell for a warning shot when they could have used it to decrease the number of enemies they have and now Yuki's convoy jaz encountered a couple of Grandia's scouts......One more to go and they'll probably jaz rush everything in that one last ep.
JiangHaoyi1979Mar 15, 2019 2:11 PM
Mar 15, 2019 2:11 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
"How do you expect to win like this?!" he says whilst his team are grieving a very recent loss. In the next 30 seconds, he rushes into the enemy team, likely to die if Stella didn't help him.

What an idiot.
Mar 15, 2019 4:24 PM

Mar 2016
This episode looked really good in some parts, and really bad in others. Especially the character art in the first scene which was so poor. But still some nice visuals, particularly with use of color and background art. These really stood out to me for what it's worth:

Good episode though, despite the obnoxious arrogance that it takes to actually believe that some sort of 'primitive' life is somehow objectively better than their current state. The fact that Yuuki (royalty) is saying it makes it even more suspicious. 'Without the technology everybody would live in harmony.' I really hope it doesn't go that far in the end, but unless I'm crazy there was a conversation to that effect earlier in the series.
syncrogazerMar 15, 2019 7:42 PM
Mar 15, 2019 7:34 PM

Aug 2018
So, the solution elaborated & decided by Yuki is to end the war by paralyzing both resource production, weapons production and of course current mechas & technology... well it suits her style pretty nicely ! But I think this is naive to believe that it will put an end to the war : ok there won't be huge conflits because of firepower's inexistence, true. But how would everyone react if they notice all their comfortable technology ceased functionning ? How would any order be created / maintained ?

Actually I'm just curious to see if this plan will be achieved or if something will prevent it. Oh and this is great to see that Stella & Yuki are close to meet eacher other... maybe the opening was not a complete mirage.

I already started thinking about a season 2 and it - in my opinion - won't happen. Not because the show doesn't work nicely but more like it HAS to end on a pacifist vibe. I don't see them failing and having peace with Yuki's capture, that would be too ridiculous.
Mar 15, 2019 8:35 PM

Jun 2015
i wonder if they're gonna do an ending where yuuki uses her life and sacrifices herself, thus ending the war at the expense of her death. but it also seems like they're aiming for a in between, stop the war and stop the use of all chars. work together sort of thing.
Mar 15, 2019 9:25 PM
Jul 2009
The quality really dipped this episode... and it was looking pretty good so far.
Mar 15, 2019 10:33 PM

Feb 2011
salbery755 said:
Stella finally punched the piece of shit of Huey and the best thing is that she squeezed in his face that he is a piece of shit for thinking that the soldiers are easy to replace

You realize he doesn't say what he thinks?
Mar 15, 2019 11:09 PM

May 2015
I have a feeling this is gonna end really bad.
Worst case scenario both Yuki and Stella die without reaching their goals.
Mar 15, 2019 11:10 PM

Jul 2017
The inevitable finale that is the war, and Princess Yuki is at her wits end. Knowing how much the responsibility is to shut down technology and switch off the chrars, the journey back to the Verde Empire's experiment will be a hard-fought one if she aims to succeed and make everyone smile again.

On Stella's side, Huey got the end of the short stick as his stuck up attitude wrenched the team's morale, but hopefully things pick up from there.

Visuals and art are abysmal, but hopefully everything's thrown down for the finale, and the eventual meeting between Stella and Yuki.

Not gonna expect a Season 2 since its an original series, but hope that we didn't throw 3 months of time into the garbage bin.
Mar 16, 2019 2:08 AM

Dec 2015
So, an industrial regression will bring... peace? We had wars between large countries before the steam era.


@KANLen09 We didn't throw away this time, we spent it celebrating Tatsunoko's anniversary and ability to create its own properties. Maybe this could lead some peoples delving into their catalogue.
Mar 16, 2019 5:33 AM

Oct 2007
Lily has a nice idea to send part of their salary as donation to Gail orphanage. Good girl.

Huey clearly affected by their commander death. Rushed into battle with what seems like a suicide attack into a mob of soleil gears. Fortunate that it was Stella who punched Huey.. if it was Break who punched, the fight would have been much worse if it's the two men who had a brawl. Friendship restored in the end after some more talk. :)
Mar 16, 2019 8:32 AM

Apr 2016
papsoshea said:

Then you have the Soleil side in which their leader is a profoundly unlikable brat who is very clearly directly responsible for their setbacks

well, it seems you forgot she was put at disadvantage right from the start and most of the losses in the beginning were not her doing but her counselors' doing.

Most importantly, her failures was a decision of the screenwriters. Usually in other shows they would just pull up some super genius plan to win battles and the good guys would win despite the odds. Here the odds are : from the start the Soleil kingdom is supposed to lose and ... SURPRISE ! Soleil loses (never sawn that before in an anime, didn't you ?)

It's also the screenwriters who decided that winning the war should not be the purpose of the main heroine and indeed ... she won't win the war next episode.

Her goal was to save the planet and her people and that's what she'll do despite all the warmongers retards aroung her, against her and here in those threads. Period.

THAT WAS THE BIG TWIST. Some don't like it, some do. At least nobody expected that. I applaud for this twist. They trolled us all. That's why this scenario is worth praising.
Mar 17, 2019 5:47 AM

Nov 2011
I feel like Layla is 100% going to die and that disappoints me. Honestly at this point I think Yuki will die as well. Layla and Stella will meet though but I think Stella will hold true to what she believes and will be the one who kills Layla.

I dont want Layla to die because I love her character but I feel like it's going to happen.
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Mar 17, 2019 5:53 AM

Jul 2017
@Ysad_Ziwezhan good explanation, but in this case I have to agree with my good bud @papsoshea here.

The world building in this series is quite monotonous, with the war being one of the strongest traits in showing and telling the main leads to smile at it all.

Problem is, with their character establishments, from the start there are already 2 different personas, one being a kid who does not know how to lead a nation, but eventually being coerced into fighting for Soleil to save whatever that can be salvaged, and another one who seems like a veteran and fully knows her capabilities and hardships, and her smiling lessons are taken hard and learning to fulfill whatever she could before her life ends at war.

In the light of this episode, as per my discussion that Yuki is already at her wits end, she is forced to take the Verde Empire route to finish this war once and for all, while Stella is fighting for her team, in the war game, to survive as long as they need be. Question is, how would the finale wrap everything up with so much Q&A left to answer.
KANLen09Mar 17, 2019 5:59 AM
Mar 17, 2019 6:44 AM

Oct 2008
ow! cliffhanger huh! i wonder what would happen next...
1 more episode left in this world of pain and suffering!

Mar 17, 2019 8:08 AM

Apr 2016
KANLen09 said:
@Ysad_Ziwezhan good explanation, but in this case I have to agree with my good bud @papsoshea here.

The world building in this series is quite monotonous, with the war being one of the strongest traits in showing and telling the main leads to smile at it all.

Problem is, with their character establishments, from the start there are already 2 different personas, one being a kid who does not know how to lead a nation,...

but she will know how to save the planet and all the nations, which is better, better than the Grandliga's emperor who does "knows how to lead a nation".

You're one of those who just focus on winning war, whatever the cost and whatever the consequences.

The TWIST is that it's not what one should aim for, that's the message of this anime and that's why Yuuki, in the end, despite being portrayed as a loser for many regarding the war is actually the one with her idealism who is the best suited TO WIN WHERE IT MATTERS.

That's why I say this show is not for people with the typical "shounen expectations".

As for the world building, we went from a war for resources between two nations on a distant planet (episode 1), to a war with a third party involved (episode 4), to a war for resources that destroys the planet (episode 9), to a goal where the war has no more meaning in itself and the goal of the heroine goes beyond and is to save the whole population despite all the warlords with and against her (episode 11).
I think it's good world building (even though there are flaws), we had almost nothing in the beginning and we all thought that was a simple shounen-bipolar world but that wasn't the case and most of the things came to place slowly but surely.

As I said, the storyline has a big Twist compared to what one would have expected at the beginning . Some might like the TWIST and some others, the one expecting a typical "good guys must win the war" scenario, will feel completely lost with this unusual and unexpected development.
Mar 17, 2019 8:16 AM

Jul 2017
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:

As I said, the storyline has a big Twist compared to what one would have expected at the beginning . Some might like the TWIST and some others, the one expecting a typical "good guys must win the war" scenario, will feel completely lost with this unusual and unexpected development.

Now that you say this, I begin to see the differences through the breakdown, and sorry for cussing that we as anime watchers have seen too much anime to believe that whatever is going on makes perfect sense, and less of plot twists like this show has.

I'd like to see you do a review on this (next week) though, yours so far is THAT one exception where it is positive.
Mar 17, 2019 11:31 AM
Jan 2019
I do not know why, but the idea of ​​the princess Yuki about disabling the chras seems to me splendid.
Mar 18, 2019 4:05 PM
Apr 2017
wolfwing said:
....I have little sympathy for the second main char here, no offense you guys are the BADGUYS stop whining about your people being killed. I get it's not really their fault, but they are the agressors invading another country, stop acting like your so being hurt here.

So being the aggressors means they have no right to humanity?
Mar 18, 2019 4:48 PM
Jun 2016
attinat said:
wolfwing said:
....I have little sympathy for the second main char here, no offense you guys are the BADGUYS stop whining about your people being killed. I get it's not really their fault, but they are the agressors invading another country, stop acting like your so being hurt here.

So being the aggressors means they have no right to humanity?

well they do, I just don't have sympathy for them, always annoys me in movies where you have bank robbers killing people and cops then get pissed off when one of them was shot, I mean it's natural, but always feels just annoying to see.
Mar 19, 2019 1:51 PM

Feb 2016
Why blame chrars and try to deactivate them? They are pure innocent classy mecha that I am enjoying at this season. Not enough mecha shows, so leave them alone. If Yuki wants to end the war; she should found an idol group, Macross style!
Mar 19, 2019 5:38 PM

Nov 2013
Huey had it coming, he was an insufferable douchebag from the start. Stella finally came out of her shell.

Yuuki came up with a daring, but great and necessary plan. That Stella's squad was stationed where Yuuki and Co decided to enter Verde was a bit too convenient. Still a good setup for the meeting between our protagonists.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Mar 22, 2019 2:38 AM

Aug 2017
The animation is bad but at least the episode was very interesting.

It seems that Yuki and Stella will meet in the final episode.
NurguburuMar 22, 2019 2:47 AM
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 22, 2019 6:08 AM

Oct 2009
This series has a lot of wasted potential, but still at least we have a decent closure. This at least lift it a bit above scores of mediocre half baked show concept out there.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Mar 22, 2019 7:57 PM

May 2017
The way I see it, the introduction of this new weapon is too little to change the outcome and arrived too late. We have seen examples of this in the past. It is a really cool weapon though. It reminds me of the huge railroad gun Schwerer Gustav that the Germans used to destroy an underground weapons facility in Sevastopol, though this weapon seems more powerful. I also really like Stella and hope she doesn't die. In my opinion, she is the best girl in this show.
Mar 30, 2019 9:16 PM

Mar 2009
Someone didn't die at the end of this episode!? It must be a Christmas miracle.
Apr 28, 2019 11:29 PM

Jul 2016
Huey was quite annoying this episode, wasn't he? Well, at least I'm glad Stella managed to give him the punch she couldn't a few eps. ago.

It was an interesting episode overall. I personally don't think the idea Yuuki had will cease the war completely but I have to say that said resolution pretty much suits her style and mindset.

And unfortunately, it also seems Leila won't be able to make it to the end and the idea of Stella being the one killing her feels more likely to happen than ever.

One more episode to go.
Jul 20, 2020 5:29 AM

Jul 2015
Quite the drastic measure to stop the chrars from working meaning that all technology will stop working, but probably the only way for Yuuki besides Empire destroying the Kingdom's remaining forces to create peace even if it lasts for a short while.

Feb 21, 2022 12:08 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Let the final battle begin.

SerafosMay 18, 2024 1:42 AM

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