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Dec 25, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, the series' finale focused a lot of time on Futaba and Takeda together. Fitting since they are the main leads and honestly, it almost kinda sad seeing the way Futaba remembers their good times.

I also find it amusing how the episode tried to make Futaba drunk. Kinda wish the other main characters got more screen time for the finale but it's understandable they wanted to focus on the main pair. 8/10, had a lot of fun with this show.

Dec 25, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Takeda's finally locked a major deal, and he's more capable than ever. Except for Mona whom still acts like a scary creep to Futaba in the toilet, whom only stresses the fact that Futaba, more than admiration that she has for Takeda, their romance takes a backseat for nothing more than just teasing.

Since Takeda managed to do so, but doesn't have time, Futaba goes for the usual business client meeting without the reliable Senpai, and it shows her growth to finally stand on her own. Except when he's swarmed by other ladies to land the contract, Futaba goes into an overly worried daze, and reclused to spending time on her own while giving Takeda the push.

It's interesting to see how Futaba's introduction to the office is like, that slowly characters one by one all get to know her better, from the big boobs Sakurai (which added the -chan formality because of her childish look) to the big bodied Takeda (whom took the mistake of labeling her as a kid, therefore making him the Annoying Senpai) that which their initial first impressions didn't start well. But still, as Senpai-Kouhai colleagues they're practically stuck together, so there's that.

Futaba wallowing in alcohol and tears at the same Izakaya pub back in Episode 1, and Takeda came to her aid to spend time with her since parties aren't his thing. She trying to raise the same question from back then, but Takeda is content with whatever she so chooses. A happy ending I suppose, even if they don't get together. Probably the closest they got together in the series is sharing an umbrella under the rain.

Yet another office rom-com that is good and definitely better than the manga.
KANLen09Dec 25, 2021 10:20 AM
Dec 25, 2021 8:49 AM

Jul 2017
I didn't enjoy this too much but it did improve with the 2nd half, especially when Sakurai and Kazama got some more focus to balance out the annoying main couple. It was a safe, forgettable but not boring experience overall where maybe if the office romance felt more, mature per say given the ages at hand rather than having the characters feel interchangeable with a high school setting, it might have been somewhat more enjoyable for me and help stand out more. The finale wasn't my favorite episode by any means but it wrapped up the season in a decent enough manner while focusing on Futaba and Takeda more (even if I still don't like them much).

Will say Doga Kobo did a good job in elevating a really bad web manga into feeling like an anime original series in a way given how much life they gave to interactions in every episode compared to the web manga. Good production and direction helped there too, it looks nicely animated too. I hate the web manga but the anime's passable so they did their job well. Overall, probably a 5/10 for me. Was a lower score earlier on and it doesn't really stand out to me as consistently entertaining or special by any means with an annoying main couple, but good production and a really entertaining secondary couple along with some memories/experiences being made did redeem the series somewhat for me to a passable score.
Dec 25, 2021 8:58 AM

Apr 2016
You guys remember all the TV/anime shows that you always find in all kinds of gifs/yt videos that you find funny, like Monty Python and The Holy Grail for example ? Like you watch the gifs/yt videos and you laugh hard ... but then you decide to watch the entire thing and you like, i laughed twice. Well, this show kinda reminds me that.

I used to just skim through the manga chapters, not even reading the text, just funny gags and scenes. And that is kinda what this show is worth.

Also i would wish to work in Japan, such a sweet working conditions full of wonderful people, with nice working hours and after work chill.
Dec 25, 2021 9:25 AM

Apr 2018
Nice we got Futaba drinking alone but we could see a bit of her past when she arrived to the company and first met Takeda, fortunately he came and they drank together ahaha, sure she won't feel alone now.

My enjoyment was quite low for this series but it's just that I'm not into this kind of slice romance and this atmosphere, but sure they did a good job with the adaptation and production of the anime so it's positive for the enjoyers of these genres! :)
Dec 25, 2021 9:59 AM

Oct 2017
An episode full of Takeda and Futaba and it was wholesome. Good to finally see the backstory when Futaba met Takeda, that was amusing. The look on Sakurai's face when she first met Futaba was hilarious. Also the post credit scene was sweet.

Really loved this anime, both of the pair were fun to watch. Hoping for another season.
Dec 25, 2021 10:05 AM

Jul 2015
the last episode being dedicated to the main characters and the ship Takeda x Igarashi

It was a simple episode with a flashback and of course wholesome moments. The episode didn't really stand out that much compared to others but I guess that was intentional.
Started with a bang and ended with a whimper.

This was an extremely nice adaptation all things through.. Would HIGHLY recommend others imo, this is probably a better work force anime compared to Wotakoi.

an easy 9/10 from me.. I really hope we get a season 2..
Dec 25, 2021 10:06 AM
Oct 2017
I'm satisfied with that ending. After Taishou Otome Otogibanashi's finale yesterday, I don't mind this one. I don't want them forcing "something" after very little development from one of the mains. Definitely needs an S2!
Dec 25, 2021 10:09 AM

Nov 2016
Loved it



One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 25, 2021 10:10 AM
Sep 2015
The relationship between Igarashi and Takeda is very very slow. Though I've no problem at all if they'll end up with just being co-worker. I love Takeda and I'd feel hurt if he end up with any woman, even with Igarashi.

Takeda landed a huge contract, everything about him has to be huge ;)
Dec 25, 2021 10:11 AM
Aug 2021
While the last episode was sweet and all, it felt kinda lacklustre as a final episode. I do like how the focus was entirely on Igarashi and Takeda instead of a bit on Kazama and Sakurai (don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Kazama and Sakurai as a couple, but they need to get their shit straight. They're both clearly madly in love with each other, so they need to become a couple already, and leave the "will they, won't they" to Igarashi and Takeda). I just feel like it was a bit meh compared to some of the other excellent episodes.

That aiaigasa at the end was peak shoujo tho
Dec 25, 2021 10:20 AM

Jan 2014
I knew that this was going to be a hit the moment I saw the preview for it. So glad I picked it up, and was super happy with it from start to finish. Going to start reading the manga for sure.
Dec 25, 2021 10:24 AM
Feb 2021
Nice anime good luck in sales .. imo has better jokes and sol than overrated komi crap
Dec 25, 2021 10:26 AM
Mar 2019
one of the best anime of this season swear a new season soon
Dec 25, 2021 10:31 AM
Jul 2017
More of this... PLEASE!!!
Dec 25, 2021 10:36 AM

Dec 2020
I really enjoyed every 12 eps of this anime. One thing I loved the most abt this anime is that it doesn't have a single annoying Character. This anime doesn't do something extraordinary or doesn't has unique or weird Characters like komi-san but still the interaction between Characters, it's art style or Character design makes this anime very good. Sakurai and kazama has became one of my fav couples in anime. So overall a solid 8/10 from me.
Dec 25, 2021 10:52 AM
Mar 2021
Office romance where the characters acted like high school characters, that kind of dampened by enjoyment of the show if I'm being honest.

Still good, Sakurai and Kazama best couple though hands down. Their episodes alone were gold.
Dec 25, 2021 10:52 AM

May 2015
It was ok but a bit boring overall, I'll probably forget about it soon and I'm not looking forward to seeing more of this. The main pair dynamics aren't all that interesting and it is kinda hard to root for them in a romantic sense because of how weird they look together. As a simple office slice of life, it was a decent watch though.
Dec 25, 2021 11:00 AM

Jul 2017
lol ofc the final episode just had to be focused on solely the main couple lmao. But that was a very sweet ending to it all

anywho overall I really enjoyed this series for what its worth. Was a very wholesome Sol with a sprinkle of romance in it plus a very warm art style. Reminds me a lot of Working! in that regard. ngl I didn't really have any expectations when it came to the romance so I can't say I'm disappointed with the lack of progression. Still though would've been nice to see the sakurai pairing go somewhere lol, don't think I'm the only one who thinks they were the better pairing

also damn I really liked Natsumi's VA, such a cool voice. I do hope this series brings more attention and she can get more roles

Natsumi's voluptuous tits/10
Dec 25, 2021 11:04 AM

Mar 2018
Very heartwarming episode this was for the finale.

Igurashi was reminiscing on the past, which didn't seem to enjoyable at first, but she soon came to love everyone at the company. Then Takeka came and said he would rather drink with her... :'))

After credits scene was also really cute, love the name drop.
Dec 25, 2021 11:07 AM

Dec 2013
This show was super wholesome and so enjoyable, I would love a second season, everything is getting one nowadays so here is hoping.
Dec 25, 2021 11:15 AM

May 2020
Hey good for Takeda and Igarashi pair to get the spotlight in this final here, after them being overshadowed by Sakurai and Kazama for last few episodes. But Takeda you sure was too wrong there misunderstanding Igarashi as a middle schooler lmao.

Well overall i had fun watching this, so won't mind having a second season there.
Dec 25, 2021 11:16 AM

Jan 2012
A flashback to their first meeting to end the season. This series surprised me. I expected to like it but I ended up liking it even more than that. The characters were enjoyable and often put in very cute scenarios. If I had a complaint I suppose it's that the main couple didn't get nearly as much development as the side couple, in fact we barely got any hints at all that Takeda likes her romantically, if any, it's all been pretty much on Futaba's side, but that's a minor complaint. I should also note that Takeda reminded me of a fusion of Cooking Papa and Goda Takeo, largely design wise but also in the cool and reliable big guy sense. 8/10, I'd watch more if we got it.
Dec 25, 2021 11:28 AM
May 2021
Cute anime. I liked it. Nothing underwhelming, nor over the top. It was what it was.
Dec 25, 2021 11:44 AM

Feb 2020
nice, a little prequel bit for the last episode.

A romcom I actually enjoyed from this year, wow. Happened to like Sakurai & Kazama's relationship a lot more tho, and i'd have rather seen more development there. hopin for a sequel
Dec 25, 2021 11:48 AM

Aug 2008
Meh, only parts about big breasts and gamer boy were enjoyable. The rest was mostly boring and predictable.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Dec 25, 2021 11:50 AM

May 2021
Great final episode! We got to see Futaba and Takeda together for this last episode and Takeda left his party celebrating his achievement at work to drink with her!

Really loved this show and I hope we get a season 2!
Dec 25, 2021 12:05 PM
Mar 2019
can any told me the name of the mang aor novel? thx
Dec 25, 2021 12:12 PM

Jun 2017
How fitting for the final episode to finally feature their early interactions, I was particularly curious about this and it obviously delivered as well. Takeda-san totally assuming Igarashi-san to be a middle schooler from the get-go was hilarious. At least he's able to trust in her capabilities now, which is nice growth to see.

Interesting stuff they say when they're drunk xD. Takeda-san's comment about protecting her until her prince comes in to snatch her was, well, curious-striking imo. Definitely got to mean something...

Surprisingly little from the Sakurai-Kazama pairing this episode. It's a pity that Kazama-san couldn't see the picture from last episode's close. I was hoping for some more in this episode hence but well, it seems like that's for later.

Kurobe-san and Yuuto-kun, ngl I thought things were a little awkward at first but I'm glad that things didn't progress the way I feared it would. Wasn't just me, right?

All in all, this has been another entertaining Doga Koba show. They've nailed the SOL theme and I'd no doubt this would join those ranks too. One thing that immediately drew my attention was the Op, and that still continues to deliver! Please, a Season 2!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Dec 25, 2021 12:17 PM
May 2017
Best anime this season by a clear margin. I'm glad i discovered it pretty late so i could binge it.
Rytakahashi09Dec 25, 2021 12:21 PM
Dec 25, 2021 1:11 PM
Jan 2021
I'd love to see the progress for Sakurai and Kazama becoming official. this series was such a gem and i really hope they announce a second season.
Dec 25, 2021 1:13 PM

Jul 2016
Nice having a Futaba x Takeda-focused episode as the finale. Excellent way to conclude the other extremely wholesome SoL of the season.

As expected from Doga Kobo, this adaptation ended up being quite the good one. I had a really great time watching it weekly and I found the entire cast to be pretty likeable as well.

8/10 - Season 2 when?
Dec 25, 2021 1:33 PM
Oct 2013
I enjoyed this show
8/10 overall
Dec 25, 2021 2:02 PM

Jun 2021
Ryuseishun said:
I generally liked it for the most part, but I think most of us can safely agree that more focus on the Kazuma x Sakurai pairing would've made the series far more better IMHO.

Hard disagree. For me, that relationship works much better as a subplot than the main focus. It feels a lot more shallow than the lead story, and it can be pretty repetitive. Kazuma feels insecure about being with Sakurai, she moves the relationship forward more, maybe he makes a gesture to show he cares, and then she smiles because he stared at her boobs. It's cute and funny, and they're good characters. But it's not enough for a leading act.

The main pairing can get repetitive at times, but it's more dynamic and has changed more over time. There's more conflict with it, but that IMO makes the victories all the sweeter. Igarashi's issues are deeper, impact a lot of how she interacts with others and sees herself, and can move the stories forward.
Dec 25, 2021 2:05 PM

Mar 2010
Very touching but I guess it wasn't all that how to say? hearwarming but Its just not their time yet. I don't feel like they go well together but at the same time, why not.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 25, 2021 2:22 PM
Jun 2020
where to continue in manga?
Dec 25, 2021 2:53 PM

Dec 2020
I had a lot of fun to watching this show.

That was funny how igarashi was a little drunk and she thinks back how she began their job. I hope Kazuma and Sakura to see a little more but they are not main.8/10
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Dec 25, 2021 3:13 PM

Jan 2018
That was a fun anime, I ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would.
I hope they make a season 2.

Dec 25, 2021 3:21 PM
Mar 2015
A really sweet ending Glad he protects her and her to share his umbrella
Dec 25, 2021 4:37 PM
Jan 2021
I didn’t like this last episode as much as every other episode this season. It was a let down for me. My main ship in this show was without a doubt sakurai and kazama and the lack of a confession or even some real romantic scenes which made it known to Kazama that this goddess, out of his league, likes him back, pisses me off. Justice for kazama and sakurai (hopefully in season 2). While the futaba and senpai ship is a bit weird physically I know futaba deserves happiness and hope she gets it.
Dec 25, 2021 5:20 PM

Apr 2015
It's a good thing that Futaba and Takeda get the spotlight a final time this episode, even if it was partly in the past as well. Drunk Futaba is just too adorable.

Overall another really solid SOL show done by Doga Kobo. Another show where the OP is so important once again for dragging me completely in, cause honestly been one of my favorite OP's in a Doga Kobo show.

Great show and I would love to see a S2 of this! Doga Kobo blessing us (almost) every time!! 9/10
Dec 25, 2021 5:37 PM

Feb 2020
Wholesome ending suit well with the wholesome anime. Nice 'you're drunk' counter there, Futaba. Still, i just can't believe they showed me how Takeda and Futaba first met as senpai-kouhai, and why Takeda being called as an annoying senpai. Even though i may already had an idea. Still, not to mention how my focus just goes to Sakurai that casually called her Futaba or Igarashi 'chan', and then Kazama with fierceful looked from Futaba as the beginning of their fierceful encounters every time and around when they met xd. Doga Kobo really did a pretty well done work toward these rom-com. Even though the romance part actually many comes from their side couple. But i don't think i can mind that much. Because just like i said, wholesome theme always should be handled in such a wholesome way, and Senpai ga Uzai actually did a pretty nice job to simply depicting it all as i like, on the very constraint time.

Score goes to the very good one, and i may need to catch up with some same show like these too. Hopefully my little time support my wish....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Dec 25, 2021 5:54 PM

Oct 2013
That was a nice finale showing how work-place Tatsumaki and Senpai meet. But gotta say, I do find the Sakurai & Kazama dynamic more interesting. Even though the situations can be repetitive, it has a charm and I still do hope there will be more 6/10.
Dec 25, 2021 6:03 PM

Feb 2020
This is my favourite anime this season.
Thank you Doga Kobo!!
10/10 Hope we can get season 2 soon~
Dec 25, 2021 7:50 PM
Oct 2021
Since last episode was almost entirely Kazama x Sakurai, it's fair this one would focus on the main duo.

Very well brought flashback of Futaba's first day. They knew how to build it to reach that melancholic point. That's the third time someone stood for his mate against a drunk/jerk generic guy, I found it predictable, but wholesome enough.

And of course the post-credits is the typical umbrella-sharing scene every Slice-of-life deserves, this time with a nice rainbow. Loved it.

This was surely a 9/10 show.
Nice humor, marvelous relationships, and I loved that almost every character had their own story, not focusing only on the main ones. You don't see that very often.

An excellent slice of life scent, as expected from Doga Kobo. Undoubtedly would watch a 2nd season.

Dec 25, 2021 9:12 PM

Nov 2008
I feel so bad for Futaba. She's really head-over-heels for her senpai, but he has close to zero romantic feelings for her and even gave her a "Yeah, but" in the beach episode when she inquired about what type of women he was attracted to (the implication being that he didn't find her attractive). He clearly sees her as an adorable kouhai or, at most, a little sister, but he expressed almost no interest in her beyond that. The closest he came was during this episode when he said he would protect her until she found someone she wanted to be with, which more reinforced a platonic feeling than a romantic one.

Takeda is a great guy and amazing senpai, but I feel she would do way better finding a lolicon/MAP who not only appreciates her kindness and the effort she put into her work, but who also finds her attractive, as well as her childish nature—someone she doesn't have to constantly try and act "adult" around, but who views her as an individual with strengths and flaws.

Futaba, find yourself a lolicon/MAP who thinks you're the most attractive girl around, and stop comparing yourself to the women around you in a way that makes you feel inferior!

PHEW! I've been wanting to say that for a while.
Dec 26, 2021 12:41 AM

Jan 2011
was super turned off by the size dynamics of this show but thankfully it turned out to be super cute to make up for it despite being overly cliché and insanely predictable it didn't take away from my enjoyment but gotta give it a 7 since it copped out of neither of the parings going anywhere with this flashback finale.

still had one of the best visual ops of the season was so fun to watch, will gladly take another season

though this whole show did reminds me of that real lady that does look like a child and how hard her life must be and how it's nearly impossible for anyone to date her unless they had the same conditions as her which makes me sorta feel bad for Futaba if she wasn't tied down by anime tropes of grown adult but looks like a loli
Dec 26, 2021 12:43 AM

Sep 2011
It was a really good slice of life anime... I want a second season ASAP :(
Dec 26, 2021 2:20 AM

Jul 2021
Takeda managed to land a major contract. Takeda now trusts Futaba enough to let her give a presentation on her own. The presentation was successful at the end.

Takeda has suddenly become ladies' mad in the office, Futuba is jealous xD Takeda is invited to a party which he initially turns down but after a push from Futaba he ends up going.

Futaba was alone for most of the day today, she went to the client alone, had lunch alone and then was drinking alone. She was thinking about old times when she was a new hire. The part where Takeda misunderstood Futaba as a junior high student was so hilarious.


She was just thinking about the good old times and was feeling sentimental when a guy starts harrassing Igarashi and our boi Takeda appears at the perfect moment to save Igarashi :D

Aww this is just like a mini confession lol, no wonder Futaba went all tomato after that xD

Takeda and Futaba are later walking down the road talking and Futaba goes, "I'll not always be by your side". To which Takeda replies, "I don't know who will be with you down the road but till then I'll be by your side protecting you". Now I don't care this is basically a confection okay? Takeda likes and cares about Futaba enough to be by her side till she doesn't need him anymore.

The way this anime ended, I'm pretty sure we will get another season. Also they didn't show Kazama x Sakurai this episode, not gonna lie I'm rooting more for them than Futaba and Takeda lol.

That Dum Dum Dum.. by Futaba was so cute at the end lol.

And thus another great anime of this season comes to an end. It was great to watch a slice of life anime in an office environment, there aren't many like this. It was fun to watch Futaba and Takeda, they were quite a contrasting duo. There were many funny moments, wholesome moments, cute moments which I just couldn't get enough of. I really enjoyed this anime, always looking forward to the next episode. I almost didn't watch the last episode coz I didn't want this to end lol. But well all good things come to an end. Hopefully we get second season in fall 2022 xD

I'm gonna miss watching this every week, I'm gonna miss the banger OP man, gonna miss shouting "OSU", "HAI", "CHOTTO" along the OP.

I still want more of Kazama and Sakurai. I'm really really hoping we get a season 2 and it is announced soon. This anime will forever live in my memories.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Dec 26, 2021 2:51 AM

Feb 2014
It was to be expected that the final episode would be focused mainly on Futaba and Takeda and I'm glad it was. It was nice to see a little flashback, showing how the two of them first met when Futaba was new to the workplace and things didn't get off to a good start, but over time, her appreciation for Takeda has skyrocketed.

It also felt fitting to see her return to the same bar that she and Takeda went to back in episode 1 while reminiscing on her thoughts before Takeda showed to save her from a pushy drunk salaryman.

Overall, I still think this is one of the best shows this season and a generally great office Rom/Com as well. Doga Kobo did a splendid job with the production values and the OP remains a standout for this season for how catchy and well made it was.

The characters had a great chemistry and the addition of the Sakurai/Kazama pairing getting a good amount of screentime made this series even better. They didn't outshine the main pairing, thankfully, but their moments together were precious and amusing all the same.

8/10 is my final score and I would beg for the producers to make a season 2 if possible. Please let it happen!!! XD
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