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Nov 3, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Nakanaka is hilarious, kinda reminds me of Rikka from Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! complete with even an eyepatch.

Loved the Komi reactions and fantasies as usual. Everyone sees her as a perfect beauty at school. Please give Nakanaka more screen time for this show though. She's a very entertaining character imo.
Nov 3, 2021 8:28 AM

Apr 2020
So this is the first time Komi's friend comes to her house, Komi's mother is very cheerful.
Smoll Komi? damn she looks cute.

So Agari is a ramen expert, lol. her personality changes when it comes to food. even when Komi-san eats ramen, she looks charming.

Nakanaka is a Chuunibyou. she calls Komi-san "Princess Komilia" lol.
So Tadano used to be a Chuunibyou?! I see, Ever since he was rejected by that girl, he stopped being a Chuunibyou.

Ngl the ED is so cute.
Nov 3, 2021 8:29 AM

Apr 2018
Once again there is Yadano who wants to compete with Komi but of course she can't beat him, and Komi isn't even aware of the contest xD

Going to Komi's house with Najimi, that's surprising, Komi's mother is really fun for sure and she looks young, Komi has a lot of communication books under her bed I'm not surprised at all, it's also pretty cute to see them looking at Komi's picture when she was little, but sad she was always alone xD and she also got a picture of them thanks to Najimi, Komi wants to frame it xD

They went to a ramen shop and the rules are pretty strict wow, but seems like the owner has a communication problem as well so it went well for Komi, all the other ones ate too much but it really made me hungry seems these huge ramen bowls to be honest

Seems like we also have Nakanaka who's a chunnibyou, Komi is Komilia-hime now... be aware of Dragon Force, even more surprising is that Tadano apparently used to be a chunnibyou as well but stopped when he got rejected by the girl he loved lol, at least that was good to see Komi doing P.E activity with Nakanaka, I guess they're friends now
AshhkNov 3, 2021 8:34 AM
Nov 3, 2021 8:58 AM
Jul 2017
First of all, I'm surprised they adapt 2 chapter that was supposed to appear on previous episode which has a purpose (as a build up to the episode's conclusion) and my prediction is right that they skipped one chapter which has no impact on the story.

Okay, lots of story to talked.

Summer arrived. Students changing their clothes to summer uniform, which makes Komi's appearance more elegant than her winter uniform. Although, Komi herself really confused what happened with others when they see others, especially Tadano that's blushing after seeing her.

Another part we get is Yadano's second attempt to defeat Komi's score at sport which resulted in total defeat. This part is concluded with Yadano acknowledge Komi as her rival.

Then, we are shown the other side of Agari as food's reviewer which must be noted that her role as reviewer and M trait will be the explanation on a "restaurant visit" story on the future.

Next, Tadano and Najimi visit Komi's house, which introduced to us the "eternal 17 yr old" Komi's mom, Komi Shuuko, which is the total opposite of Komi. On this part too, we know Komi's past and her attempt to fix her disorder from books she hides. The funniest thing on this part is Najimi expecting some "moments" between Komi and Tadano, which Najimi forgets that anything Tadano will do is gonna be normal.

New character introduced. This time, it's Rik- I mean, Nakanaka which show herself as chuunibyou that asking Komi to be her friend by chuuni's way. Because of Nakanaka appearances (as chuuni), Najimi opens up Tadano's dark part.

This short backstory tells us that Tadano is a chuuni at junior high school which is totally opposite of Tadano we know. But, this Tadano's persona totally destroyed after getting rejected by his crush that makes him transform into Tadano we know, which always make sure what he does matching people's expectation in order to avoid himself getting hurt. And yeah, who wouldn't got heart attack after your embarassing past revealed by your friend.

Story continue to the gym where we shown Nakanaka's struggle to find her partner because of her chuuni, which solved by Komi decided to be her partner. Thus, making them friend.

Last but not least, while the ending plays, it continue to story where Tadano and Komi walk together in the middle of rain with an umbrella that happened because Najimi borrowed Tadano's umbrella. And, we could see their is a glimpse of the relationship progress between them.

I think, this episode is the sad one. Because, on this episode, we learn Komi and Tadano's past where we know that =
- Komi has no friends despite being talented in some areas just because of her communication disorder
- The Tadano we know is a new persona who was born after being rejected by his crush, making him less confident than before and more concerned about what other people say in order to not hurt himself.

Other than that, this episode really solidify the reason behind Tadano's action on previous episodes =
- On episode 1, Tadano really do what others wanted him to do (Shinobino ask him to quickly return Komi's eraser) in order to not getting hurt
- On episode 2, Tadano answering Najimi's answer by saying he's out of Komi's league even after becoming her 1st friend just because he is an ordinary person
- On episode 3, he wanted Komi to add Najimi and Agari's phone number first (same reason as episode 2) and even made it more clear by Najimi on "he's good at it but bad at it at the same time", implicating that Tadano could read the atmosphere and anticipate it, but become really bad at anticipate it when the atmosphere is about him becoming the first one/special/"romance progress" (possibly wrong explanation here).
- On episode 4, after Tadano reassured Komi about what she said to Yamai, Tadano really embarassed about it because of how he said it that reminded him of his past (trying to look cool)

Because of this, Tadano will still consider himself an ordinary person despite what he had done to Komi and this will continue until someone could break this Tadano.

That's why, remember this part because it will still makes sense on the future episodes.

Overall, I liked the episode, especially with how they rearranged the order of the adapted chapters.

Another fact =
The ending (which its visual changed with rain story on this episode) perfectly decribes Komi and Tadano situation at junior high school =
Above, Komi's loneliness
Below, Tadano's heartbreaking after rejected by his crush

Nov 3, 2021 9:54 AM

May 2020
Komi's mom is total opposite of her, hard to believe they really are daughter-mother pair.

Time for a new girl and she's a chunnibyou, straight up talking about those fantasies but Komi you don't have to take them seriously lol.
At the end, good for both of them as they both got themselves a new friend.
Nov 3, 2021 10:13 AM

Jul 2011
Makeru is always fun.

Was great to see Komi's mom animated.

Nakanaka felt the least problematic of Komi's new friends.

For the better or worse Tadano's stopping being a chuuni was good for this series happening.
Nov 3, 2021 10:18 AM

Jul 2017
So they went back to adapt chapters 21 and 22 that were skipped last week due to spending the focus on Yamai eh. I don't care for 21, but I did like the home visit section here, as awkward as it was. It was nice seeing Komi make some progress in actually having friends over for once in Najimi and Tadano. Even got a photo to add to her memories collection here. Also learning a bit of Tadano's past was pretty sad but also a good touch to his character in a way. Rest of the episode involving the chuuni and the stuff at the start were pretty forgettable, and yet again, the supporting cast for this series still sucks. But this episode had a segment or two that I found positive at least, compared to how bad the last week was except for like a minute. Chapter 29 I think were left out from the way this series is being adapted.
animejasNov 3, 2021 10:32 AM
Nov 3, 2021 10:24 AM
Oct 2021
Episode 5? But 3 doesn't come out on Netflix until nov.4 and I thought it was exclusive to Netflix
Nov 3, 2021 10:27 AM
Jul 2017
animejas said:
Chapters 29 and 30 I think were left out from the way this series is being adapted?

Chapter 29 yes. Chapter 30 is adapted. Did you stop watching after Nakanaka's story?
Nov 3, 2021 10:31 AM

Jul 2017
MudaMudaMuda said:
animejas said:
Chapters 29 and 30 I think were left out from the way this series is being adapted?

Chapter 29 yes. Chapter 30 is adapted. Did you stop watching after Nakanaka's story?

You're right, my bad. Didn't check the actual chapters properly that time. Edited that.
Nov 3, 2021 10:38 AM
Jul 2017
bababooeylmao said:
Episode 5? But 3 doesn't come out on Netflix until nov.4 and I thought it was exclusive to Netflix

Netflix episodes released worldwide 2 weeks after the anime released on Japan only. That's why on Japan it's already has 5 episodes while Netflix has 3 episodes. Why two weeks? Ask Netflix.
Nov 3, 2021 10:40 AM
Oct 2021
MudaMudaMuda said:
bababooeylmao said:
Episode 5? But 3 doesn't come out on Netflix until nov.4 and I thought it was exclusive to Netflix

Netflix episodes released worldwide 2 weeks after the anime released on Japan only. That's why on Japan it's already has 5 episodes while Netflix has 3 episodes. Why two weeks? Ask Netflix.

Aw damn I always forget about the delays between the Japan and worldwide releases my bad lol
Nov 3, 2021 11:12 AM

Apr 2018
Seems like they're going to Komi's home this time. Her mother sure looks young and cheerful. Small Komi looks adorable but she had the communication problem since the beginning so of course the pictures looked pretty lonely. The ramen shop was pretty nice with the guy having the same problem and Nakanaka in the end which reminded everyone of that Chuunibyou anime.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 3, 2021 4:07 PM

Dec 2013
My favorite episode so far, we got to see mini Komi and her mom being the complete opposite, more Yadano antics I like her a lot and Nakanaka was lovely, she just was to have some friends much like Komi and was super brave about talking to Komi.
KanameYuukiNov 3, 2021 4:50 PM
Nov 3, 2021 4:52 PM
Sep 2021
I don’t know where it watch it? Can someone help?
Nov 3, 2021 5:26 PM
May 2016
Kikoku Inoue as Komi's mom doing her famous "eternally 17" line was great. :D
Nov 3, 2021 6:52 PM

Feb 2019
This episode takes a bit of a different approach, in that it's four different segments, completely unconnected, and unrelated in any way, with no structure, focus, anything. Basically just whatever they could find to throw together. First, a girl named "Hates To Lose" who hates to lose, and spends her entire segment screaming loudly. Then Komi's mother, whose schtick is that she constantly screams excitedly and loudly. Then we run out of ideas and have to re-run the bit about going to a restaurant, but ramen instead of a cafe, with old characters screaming loudly. Then we finally think up another character name pun for "In Puberty" for the obligatory fourteen sick character, whose gimmick is… you guessed it, screaming loudly about how fourteen sick she is.

As many sins as that dumbass assassin show has, at least I'm finding some comedic value from it. Certainly unintentionally on its side, but I'm laughing. Here, I'm being screamed at. Constantly. Incessantly. Painfully. Nothing anchors the episodes. It just meanders from one screaming character to the next, occasionally going backwards to past screamers. I do not like being screamed at. I can go see my two year old nephew whenever I feel like having my ear drums pierced by twenty nonstop minutes of shrill yelling.
Nov 3, 2021 6:52 PM

Jun 2021
Ooooooh what a beautiful ending on this episode

Tadano and Komi under the umbrella and she was looking at him all the time

And she waited Tadano because Najimi took his umbrella

The begin of the love for Tadano and Komi is here!
Nov 3, 2021 7:25 PM

Oct 2017
The eternal 17 always amuses me no matter how many times I see it. Komi Shuko's a lovely mother.
Nov 3, 2021 7:55 PM

Jul 2016
Eternal 17~ Not gonna lie, Komi's mom makes me feel things.

Lovely episode. Really liked the set of chapters they chose to adapt this time.
Nov 3, 2021 8:26 PM
Aug 2020
I loved this freaking ep.
Several things I have to mention about it. First of all, the pace of this ep (and the whole show in fact) was really good, somehow it manages to develop the relationships between the characters in a short period of screen time for most of them, without ending up in a fast paced format (as horimiya, for example, sadly fell in imho).
Second, the comedy is gold. It retains the manga format for many of the funny scenes and I think it is extremely well suited for the story and the situations Komi end up living (which several of them I relate to).
Third, it goes without mention the reference of Ruka from "chuunibyou and other delusions" in this brand new friend of komi that suffers of chuunibyou.

I'm expecting much more of this show week by week, and It never fails me.
totally fascinated and with a huge smile in my face during each damn second of this show.
See you all next week.
Nov 3, 2021 9:21 PM

Aug 2009
RayReynolds said:
This episode takes a bit of a different approach, in that it's four different segments, completely unconnected, and unrelated in any way, with no structure, focus, anything. Basically just whatever they could find to throw together. First, a girl named "Hates To Lose" who hates to lose, and spends her entire segment screaming loudly. Then Komi's mother, whose schtick is that she constantly screams excitedly and loudly. Then we run out of ideas and have to re-run the bit about going to a restaurant, but ramen instead of a cafe, with old characters screaming loudly. Then we finally think up another character name pun for "In Puberty" for the obligatory fourteen sick character, whose gimmick is… you guessed it, screaming loudly about how fourteen sick she is.

As many sins as that dumbass assassin show has, at least I'm finding some comedic value from it. Certainly unintentionally on its side, but I'm laughing. Here, I'm being screamed at. Constantly. Incessantly. Painfully. Nothing anchors the episodes. It just meanders from one screaming character to the next, occasionally going backwards to past screamers. I do not like being screamed at. I can go see my two year old nephew whenever I feel like having my ear drums pierced by twenty nonstop minutes of shrill yelling.

Is this fun?

Do you enjoy doing this?

Nov 3, 2021 9:30 PM
Feb 2018
RayReynolds said:
This episode takes a bit of a different approach, in that it's four different segments, completely unconnected, and unrelated in any way, with no structure, focus, anything. Basically just whatever they could find to throw together. First, a girl named "Hates To Lose" who hates to lose, and spends her entire segment screaming loudly. Then Komi's mother, whose schtick is that she constantly screams excitedly and loudly. Then we run out of ideas and have to re-run the bit about going to a restaurant, but ramen instead of a cafe, with old characters screaming loudly. Then we finally think up another character name pun for "In Puberty" for the obligatory fourteen sick character, whose gimmick is… you guessed it, screaming loudly about how fourteen sick she is.

As many sins as that dumbass assassin show has, at least I'm finding some comedic value from it. Certainly unintentionally on its side, but I'm laughing. Here, I'm being screamed at. Constantly. Incessantly. Painfully. Nothing anchors the episodes. It just meanders from one screaming character to the next, occasionally going backwards to past screamers. I do not like being screamed at. I can go see my two year old nephew whenever I feel like having my ear drums pierced by twenty nonstop minutes of shrill yelling.

this is the BEST comment that i've ever known
wow you're so genius, anime community is so blessed for having you
Nov 3, 2021 9:52 PM

Feb 2019
RayReynolds said:
This episode takes a bit of a different approach, in that it's four different segments, completely unconnected, and unrelated in any way, with no structure, focus, anything. Basically just whatever they could find to throw together. First, a girl named "Hates To Lose" who hates to lose, and spends her entire segment screaming loudly. Then Komi's mother, whose schtick is that she constantly screams excitedly and loudly. Then we run out of ideas and have to re-run the bit about going to a restaurant, but ramen instead of a cafe, with old characters screaming loudly. Then we finally think up another character name pun for "In Puberty" for the obligatory fourteen sick character, whose gimmick is… you guessed it, screaming loudly about how fourteen sick she is.

As many sins as that dumbass assassin show has, at least I'm finding some comedic value from it. Certainly unintentionally on its side, but I'm laughing. Here, I'm being screamed at. Constantly. Incessantly. Painfully. Nothing anchors the episodes. It just meanders from one screaming character to the next, occasionally going backwards to past screamers. I do not like being screamed at. I can go see my two year old nephew whenever I feel like having my ear drums pierced by twenty nonstop minutes of shrill yelling.

Is this fun?

Do you enjoy doing this?

Does something bother you?
Nov 3, 2021 10:28 PM

Aug 2009
RayReynolds said:

Is this fun?

Do you enjoy doing this?

Does something bother you?
Just wondering why you are like this.
Nov 3, 2021 10:53 PM
Jul 2021
Seriously such a great show, for some reason I feel like I like this episode less than the previous 4. I still definitely liked it but the others are like a 10 for me and this would be an 8. But seriously I can't believe how happy I am, and legitimately excited to see someone do mundane everyday tasks just because of how well they set everything up and how much I love Komi. I felt like Tadano when she helped out the Dragon Force girl lmao. And I'm glad they now have a weekly thing they do, I wonder if/when she'll start liking Tadano. Btw this episode made me realize I need to finish that show based on what that girl has Chinybuu and other somethings or whatever the title is, I enjoyed it but got distracted for some reason. Anyone know if that ends up staying/being a good series?
Nov 3, 2021 11:08 PM

Apr 2021
Welp It's Nice to see Komi's mom Shoko there :

And Yeah Agari the Food specialist :)

And of course Nakanaka......

Tadano being dressed as a Badass:

And that must have been painful, so much that Tadano changed :
Joel77Nov 3, 2021 11:24 PM
Nov 4, 2021 12:09 AM

Jul 2017
Komi's summer uniform, is NOICE (though everyone knows it's the same uniform she's been wearing, and they don't care).

Yadano is back from the physical examination of the last episode, and even in the fitness examination, she is no match for Komi in her gym uniform with ponytail who's better at everything, done with elegance. Yadano's such a fun rival character.

The home visit to Komi's house, and Komi is feeling all the pressure. Najimi has no constraints lols, and Komi's mom Shuuko is a beauty, the eternal 17-year-old haha xD
Tadano also has some issues, mostly just being quiet with Komi, which Najimi is vying for their own "couple" time that ended in hilarious failure. But if anything, Komi has a new picture she could frame it up as her first friends being invited to her house.

The after-school ramen experience of Komi, and Agari steps up to the plate for recommendations, such an aficionado for Ramen. Quite an intense rule of having ramen where no words are exchanged, and Komi is having a nice bowl of ramen with ease that became a habit. Najimi and Tadano ordered too much xD

The 5th friend (or blood contract) in line: the Chuunibyou Nakanaka Omoharu, and with that exposition, Komi sure understood in fear lols. But of course, Najimi won't be afraid to drip the details of Tadano's junior high days being a Chuunibyou once, and what a life to form the current personality of today. The reprisal of gym class, and Komi reached out to Nakanaka who's still in amazement.

Pretty interesting to adapt Ch 30 with the ending song with all expressions. Tadano and Komi under the same umbrella is just pretty to see.
Nov 4, 2021 1:45 AM

Sep 2011
Another good episode lol Komi-san has invited his friends to her house and Komi's mother was happy. Now we have a chuunibyou girl who wants to become friend with Komi ahah She reminds me Rikka from Chuunibyou :D
Nov 4, 2021 1:56 AM
Aug 2021
The part where Tadano's past as a chunnibyou is shown was really funny.I loved the voice change in that partXD

The scene where Komi's eats ramen was rather well-animated. Good food pron.

Looks like Komi's mom is the only person in the family who isn't quiet. It must be difficult for her.
Nov 4, 2021 2:34 AM
Apr 2021
To this episode is very satisfied and closing in ending episode very nice
Can not wait next episode 👍
Nov 4, 2021 4:02 AM
May 2021
What a cute episode & we het to see Komi-Sans mum!!
Nov 4, 2021 6:19 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Nakanaka the chuunibyou was really funny and I'm happy Koki was kind enough to join up with her when no one would. Osama Jimi also thought something would happen between Komi and Tadano when they were alone... but nothing did xD. Was cool to see Tadano's chuunibyou past...

Looking forward to the next episode!
Nov 4, 2021 6:48 AM
Aug 2021
Bro this shit just keeps gettin better
Nov 4, 2021 6:50 AM
Mar 2021
Honestly, not the best episode but it seems like this anime finally has stablished a proper framework to continue within a particular context.

This episode made me ready to write a full review about the anime because we have all the foundations we need now so the next episodes are just going to make everything slightly better or worse.

(Also I hate the pink-haired girl tbh)
Nov 4, 2021 7:17 AM

Aug 2020
this was a great episode really love the events, I didn't like some cut scenes & animation but it could be better! looking forward to next week

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Nov 4, 2021 7:34 AM

Jun 2020
Damn they visited Komi's house that should be fun and kind of boring now that I thought of it, Well I can see she took that beautiful everything from her mom, She has a nice nickname Shoko

That was a nice change of pace and setting going in a Ramen Shop nothing major happened just those heavy impressions made by people around Komi

Yeah I can really see who Nakanaka resembles but not as dumb and not as short as she is and not as obnoxious as Rikka.

Nov 4, 2021 8:00 AM

Mar 2021
They even threw in Rikka from Chunibyo... Love to see it!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"If death is the end, why do people exist?
If it all ends in oblivion sooner or later, what's the point of frantically scrambling around to keep ourselves alive?"
~ Michiru Matsushima
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nov 4, 2021 8:45 AM
May 2021
2 backstory and a new character in one episode huh, this show was a real deal
Nov 4, 2021 8:59 AM
May 2021
Looks like we found Togashi and Takanashi’s daughter lol.
Nov 4, 2021 9:50 AM
Apr 2021
Komi's mother is basically a hyper version of Komi.
Nov 4, 2021 11:59 AM

Apr 2017
We got a peek at Komi's brother last episode, and now we've been introduced to the eternally 17!
Nov 4, 2021 12:27 PM

Dec 2018
Great episode, I’m liking the bits with Makeru quite a bit, I wouldn’t mind if they lead every episode with her. Nakanaka is also a great addition to the cast, I heard there was gonna be a chuunibyou character and she did not disappoint, I really like her interactions with Komi.

The Komi house and Ramen shop bits were also really good, I’m glad I was eating Ramen while watching this otherwise I woulda been hungry lol. I also hope we see more of Komi’s mom, eternally 17 is a great motto.
Nov 4, 2021 12:37 PM

Aug 2018
Oh poor Tadano he was a Chuunibyou 😂
"When There Is Evil In This World That Justice Cannot Defeat, Would You Taint Your Hands With Evil To Defeat Evil? Or Would You Remain Steadfast And Righteous Even If It Means Surrendering To Evil?"
Nov 4, 2021 12:54 PM

Dec 2015
The ending was absolutely perfect, I loved the episode !
Nov 4, 2021 2:02 PM

Feb 2014
Komi wearing her Summer school uniform is a sight to see, that's for sure. =)

This episode was really enjoyable once again. It was nice to see what her mother was like when Komi invited Tadano and Najimi over to her house. I wasn't expecting her mother to be someone who's proud to be "eternally 17", but with a personality like that, I don't mind as she looks pretty cute!

As from before, Yadano's attempts to compete against Komi once again was amusing and she's proud to declare herself as Komi's rival in front of her. For me, I really liked the introduction of Nakanaka, whose chuunibyou gave me Rikka Takanashi vibes instantly. Her interactions with Komi was great, not just in terms of comedic moments, but even some wholesome moments between them during their gym lessons. Her blushing face is super cute as well. ^_^
Nov 4, 2021 4:05 PM
Jul 2018
Tadano is literally my favorite character on this show, his past story was very embarrassing and funny at the same time.
Nov 4, 2021 4:23 PM

Dec 2019
Where are you all seeing the new quality production for this week? I've glanced some places online but failed to find it, may anyone kindly direct me to where it was found it? With the English captions.
Nov 4, 2021 6:21 PM

Aug 2020
Tadano and Najimi finally came to Komi's house. She was very nervous, and her mom made Shouko even more anxious. After all, she couldn't hold a conversation, but this will change.

Agari found her time to shine, and recommended a lamen place to eat. Since Shouko had a wish of going to one. The lamen guy knew what she want (or tried to xD), and she ate in a heavenly way. Tadano and Najimi didn't really like the experience, but from what it seems they returned on better conditions the next days.

Nakanaka appeared, and she is the typical chuunibyou, as Najimi spotted. She wants to be Shouko's friend. But finds it hard to admit xD

After making pairs with Nakanaka, Shouko got another friend but in a odd way. Since the first didn't want to admit. With Makeru (Komi's rival) it's two in one episode.

Tadano's chuunibyou times were funny. Unfortunately, he was rejected by Yamai. But it turned out to be good, since he became more mature after leaving the trend. At least he wasn't rejected by who he was. It was just due to his style...

Anyways, nice episode as always. This one made me laugh a lot also.

Nov 4, 2021 7:25 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Since after the first episode, everyone being amazed at komi's ramen-eating skills is the best thing I've seen so far. That and pregnant Najimi

Komi-san to me is what Horimiya for me a couple seasons ago. Both had me going in with high expectations, being blown away by the first couple episodes (for komi-san, I really only thoroughly enjoyed the first episode), before realizing it was becoming rather mediocre. Maybe it has to do with the introductions to the side characters, taking away the spotlight from our two main characters which I initially came to be invested in?

Horimiya's side characters were nothing special, but I remember some of them did have pretty good stories to them. Here in komi-san though, so far I'm getting real close to calling the side characters as annoying. Except Najimi though, he/she is alright. Like in this episode we were introduced to a chuunibyou character.... that was the last thing we needed.

Don't get me wrong I'm still overall enjoying it, but I'm really here only for the actual star of the show, komi-san herself. Everything else can just blend into the background as far as I'm concerned

whiskey tango foxtrot

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