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Jul 9, 2021 1:08 PM

Nov 2020
What a amazing episode. This was amazing I’m so glad I watched this. S2 better happend
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Jul 9, 2021 2:09 PM
Jul 2021
Akshat0710 said:
ilalochezia said:

Thanks! To fulfill the character limit, I must mention that every time the ending song played in this season my heart stopped.
Thanks a lot for the link

ah wait it says the invite is expired; is it alright if you send it again ?
Jul 9, 2021 2:38 PM

Jan 2010
So I watched this knowing there’d be a season 2, so it changed my perspective when watching this. I’m sure season 2 was planned way ahead of time because of the crazy ending of this final episode! Throwing in some new villain, was not what I expected. Poor Emma still had to die huh. I really wish there could have been some more hints that there was a secret bad guy in the shadows instead of dumping it on the viewers at the very last moment. It comes off as cheap shock value, so that viewers will watch the second season

I can’t say I enjoyed this anime as much as others have though. If it weren’t for these discussion threads, I’d be so confused with almost every episode lol. I think if you really tried to critique this show, you could find plenty of plot holes and contrivances with it.

The characters were very flat, didn’t help that the voice acting was pretty mediocre. CX was the only character who had any depth to him. But the show was really about him imo. I kept waiting for the moment when we’d get LG’s backstory, but it never happened. Hopefully it’ll happen in season 2 as long as he doesn’t die. Which I’m sure he won’t, because that would be such an awful writing choice. I probably won’t even watch season 2 if he stays dead xD be nice if the second season gives some explanation to how everyone’s supernatural powers work, especially now with this bad guy in control.

When this show first started, I was so ready to ship LG and CX, but I have very mixed feelings about their relationship? The show implied they were close, but barely showed for it. Their interactions with each other were mostly arguing with each other during the mission focused episodes, with LG always getting frustrated with CX who didn’t want to follow the rules of the mission properly. And we only got snippets of their past through flashbacks. So for me personally, it never felt to me that they were really close friends.

Speaking of flashbacks, I think the show went overboard at times with using so many flashbacks to tell the story, I found it irritating at times.

But even with all my criticisms, I still enjoyed it. Just not blown away by it. I’d argue that a show like ID:Invaded that had slightly similar themes to this show was much better in terms of writing. I’d give Link Click a 7.5/10 hopefully we don’t have to wait more than a year for season 2, because id likely lose interest by then…
Jul 9, 2021 2:43 PM

Sep 2009
wow that really was a big brain episode and I think I need to rewatch the episode to fully grasp what just happened.

one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is the blonde he was paralyzed right so how is he able to move? I mean he should not be able to move in the current timeline it doesn't make sense or does it?

maybe someone can explain xD

Jul 9, 2021 2:50 PM
May 2021
Meruru-tan said:
wow that really was a big brain episode and I think I need to rewatch the episode to fully grasp what just happened.

one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is the blonde he was paralyzed right so how is he able to move? I mean he should not be able to move in the current timeline it doesn't make sense or does it?

maybe someone can explain xD
Liu Min is paralyzed but the culprit who is responsible for Emma death took over Liu Min's body and made him walk again. In the earlier episodes, where one of the basketball players receives a leg injury, it carries onto Liu Min and that's why Liu Min says I have this leg injury. I'll try to edit this to sound as specific as possible. The culprit can take over people's spirits so it's no surprise that the mysterious culprit might have been involved in previous cases.

See the connection, the mysterious culprit took over the body of a basketballer in one of the earlier episodes that got an injured leg in a game, he hijacked Liu Min's body and helped kill Emma. Liu Min was in control of himself when he choked Emma in the car and became paralyzed because of the car crash. After that, the second culprit who we were introduced to in this episode took over Liu Min's body and helped put an end to it all by trying to kill Emma a second time. The mysterious culprit is the one who stabbed Lu Guang and took over Emma's body right before she hit the ground

As ilalochezia said, traits can be overwritten so being paralyzed will not stop the second culprit taking over your body from moving.
RumniJul 9, 2021 3:06 PM
Jul 9, 2021 2:53 PM
Nov 2020
Meruru-tan said:
wow that really was a big brain episode and I think I need to rewatch the episode to fully grasp what just happened.

one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is the blonde he was paralyzed right so how is he able to move? I mean he should not be able to move in the current timeline it doesn't make sense or does it?

maybe someone can explain xD

In the basketball episode, Cheng Xiaoshi dives into the body of the photographer, who has myopia or some other issue with the eye. However, Cheng Xiaoshi found out that wearing the photographer's glasses made his vision worse, indicating that Cheng Xiaoshi, in the photographer's body, maintained good vision. From this, we can infer that the antagonist who infiltrated the blonde guy's body can move because the antagonist is not crippled. It's like the person who dives into a body overrides the body's traits, kind of how the eyes of the person being dived into turns gold.

Unrelated but the director of the show has hinted that the antagonist is pretty hot. Pretty interesting I guess.
Jul 9, 2021 3:02 PM

Jan 2010
just saw this on twitter, it was info given at a convention:

direct text, will spoiler just in case:
Jul 9, 2021 3:03 PM
May 2021
giveup-the-ghost said:
just saw this on twitter, it was info given at a convention:

direct text, will spoiler just in case:

Thanks for the link, I will read it now.
Jul 9, 2021 3:57 PM
Jul 2018
Not happy ending but well executed. Looking forward to sequel. I enjoyed this "DIVE BACK IN TIME" gem.
Jul 9, 2021 4:08 PM

Sep 2009
ilalochezia said:
Meruru-tan said:
wow that really was a big brain episode and I think I need to rewatch the episode to fully grasp what just happened.

one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is the blonde he was paralyzed right so how is he able to move? I mean he should not be able to move in the current timeline it doesn't make sense or does it?

maybe someone can explain xD

In the basketball episode, Cheng Xiaoshi dives into the body of the photographer, who has myopia or some other issue with the eye. However, Cheng Xiaoshi found out that wearing the photographer's glasses made his vision worse, indicating that Cheng Xiaoshi, in the photographer's body, maintained good vision. From this, we can infer that the antagonist who infiltrated the blonde guy's body can move because the antagonist is not crippled. It's like the person who dives into a body overrides the body's traits, kind of how the eyes of the person being dived into turns gold.

Unrelated but the director of the show has hinted that the antagonist is pretty hot. Pretty interesting I guess.

AAAH thank you so much for explaining... can't believe how cleverly written the show is, I didn't even pay attention to that scene because I simply thought "ah yes okay so the killer was probably there with him all along" but I didn't even pick on the hints about Cheng Xiaoshis eye sight and that being relevant to the case! I just realized that's also why they showed the little boy having such a strong punch because yeah obviously he wouldn't normally be able to know that technique nor have the physical strength for that?!

Now I understand so thank you for pointing it out =)

Being able to possess someones spirit seems to be way too overpowered honestly haha.
I'm really curious to see how Cheng Xiaoshi wants to clean up this mess...

Also I'm super hyped for the real villain as well haha. I found Blondie to be quite hot as well honestly, in a weird crusty way lmao.
I gotta feeling that the character might be like a very slick, stoic type of guy that no one would suspect but we'll see!

Jul 9, 2021 5:21 PM
Nov 2020
skysky_ said:
Hey how does the discord server work i havent joined one before and dont know how i get permission to introduce myself or pick a role..

Ah, I still remember when I've experienced this same feeling before. First you have to create an account. It's best when you do that directly on the main page ( because you get to set your password and email too instead of just a username. Then, after creating your account and logging in, you click on the invite again and POOF! You're in! Hope that helps.
Jul 9, 2021 5:31 PM

Apr 2015
WOW that was an incredible last episode, I didn't even notice it was 30 minutes long until I finished it. My heart was pumping hard the entire time. I cried while Cheng Xiaoshi was talking about his life-learning experiences with Emma (I haven't cried watching any anime for over a year) but my heart dropped when the killer took over her body. I knew she was gonna die somehow, but still, Cheng Xiaoshi having to witness her die and Emma jumping off the building structure when she didn't even want to was heartbreaking.

Overall, I got to give this series a solid 9/10. Finally, my first anime of the year that I've given a score higher than an 8/10. The show is truly incredible at capturing human emotions, even more so with portraying the essence of family/friends relationships. I rarely see any anime focus on depicting family bonds and the love & struggles many parents go through for their children, yet this show does it so well. Bravo. The OSTs are amazing as well, even the OP and ED are perfectly matched. This anime is way too under-watched. What a thrilling ride. I'm definitely going to re-watch this again sooner or later to see all the hints and be able to piece everything together more clearly. I love these kinds of shows that have so many hints and foreshadowing spread out. Can't wait for season 2!
XiaoJul 9, 2021 6:41 PM

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Jul 9, 2021 5:39 PM

Feb 2020
lizzziziz said:

Same, I suddenly felt tears running because it hit me hard.
The stain of red that colors the pavement
Painted with blood of somebody you love
Is this the sacrifice for the broken
Losing the purest of what's in your heart
Jul 9, 2021 5:42 PM
Apr 2020
Jul 9, 2021 5:48 PM

Mar 2008
giveup-the-ghost said:
So I watched this knowing there’d be a season 2, so it changed my perspective when watching this. I’m sure season 2 was planned way ahead of time because of the crazy ending of this final episode!

This is a wrong assumption, just because a writer "plans ahead" does not mean that he can't write a series for just a single season without continuation. Good writers do this, they don't expect opportunities to appear, they plant the opportunities that they'll use later.
Just this week Gen Urobuchi talked about this, in an interview after Thunderbol Fantasy S3 ended. There was something in the last episodes that was only possible because when he was writing the first season he established the premise/planted the seed because he wish he could do something in the story if he had a change. But at that time Thunderbolt Fantasy existed as a single season only, he didn't knew if would be more. I believe the same goes for Link Click, the writer may have well just written this season as "the villain wins" and it may very well end like that. But he must have thought more than it was necessary about back story and how to create this mystery, work that will be useful for the next season.
This don't diminishes this season, nor makes it better, it's just "normal", what should be expected from any good story.

giveup-the-ghost said:

Throwing in some new villain, was not what I expected. Poor Emma still had to die huh. I really wish there could have been some more hints that there was a secret bad guy in the shadows instead of dumping it on the viewers at the very last moment. It comes off as cheap shock value, so that viewers will watch the second season

Don't know if you followed the threads but there where suspicious since almost the beginning, at least since from episode 3 was some solid reasons to suspect the framing was trying to tell us that something was looming in the shadows.
Jul 9, 2021 5:53 PM

Mar 2008
Wusel-chan said:
lizzziziz said:

Same, I suddenly felt tears running because it hit me hard.

"One more thing..." that I can praise are those dialogues in the series.
Anime frequently frustrates me with how it can't make speeches and have good dialogues. When it gets to the big moment when protagonist needs to spill all out, put his emotions to words, debate the antagonist, it's almost always disappointing. The japanese are generally very bad in writing these moments, but this whole scene with Emma was perfect, every word between Xiaoshi and Emma felt right and natural to me, it didn't felt like Xiaoshi was just talking "something" to save her because the plot needed it to happen.
Jul 9, 2021 5:53 PM
Apr 2020
Jul 9, 2021 6:03 PM
Jul 2021
Jul 9, 2021 6:16 PM
May 2021
Subcoolbaby said:

Totally, this donghua manages to capture heartfelt emotions. The mystery, the thriller, the suspense it's all in one. Cliffhangers are the best part, once a mystery is solved, a new one opens up. I really would like to see another anime or donghua with the concept of time travel again.

Season 2 is going to live up to its hype and I can't wait.
Jul 9, 2021 6:19 PM

Feb 2020
PaninaManina said:
Wusel-chan said:

Same, I suddenly felt tears running because it hit me hard.

"One more thing..." that I can praise are those dialogues in the series.
Anime frequently frustrates me with how it can't make speeches and have good dialogues. When it gets to the big moment when protagonist needs to spill all out, put his emotions to words, debate the antagonist, it's almost always disappointing. The japanese are generally very bad in writing these moments, but this whole scene with Emma was perfect, every word between Xiaoshi and Emma felt right and natural to me, it didn't felt like Xiaoshi was just talking "something" to save her because the plot needed it to happen.

Yeah he genuinely told her what he thought because of his experiences through jumping into other peoples' bodies and what kind of experiences it were, to make her understand that is there is so much more. It's literally like 'You don't know how someone feels until you are in their shoes.' and that makes it feel so real and intense even for us watchers. It's not just the cliché-talk. That's why it hits us hard. Just amazing writing on that part.
The stain of red that colors the pavement
Painted with blood of somebody you love
Is this the sacrifice for the broken
Losing the purest of what's in your heart
Jul 9, 2021 6:57 PM

Oct 2016
I don't know where to start but...

I think that just make one of my favorite anime ever.
The ending was surprising, though I was already sceptic about something bad or fishy will happen. Now.. well... I'm just gonna stay tuned for the next season.

and suffer.
Jul 9, 2021 7:08 PM

Mar 2016
now i have to stop thinking bout it, stop thinking bout it, stop stop thinking bout it HAHHAHA

Jul 9, 2021 7:11 PM
Jul 2021
Damn Wtf was that ending T T I was so Happy when Emma smiled and tried to take His hand and I was gonna sleep but My Dumbass wanted to watch the Ed so I waited and now I Regret it
Jul 9, 2021 7:15 PM

Jul 2017
Hell of a fucking cliffhanger that was lmao.
Jul 9, 2021 9:07 PM

Mar 2008
giveup-the-ghost said:
just saw this on twitter, it was info given at a convention:

direct text, will spoiler just in case:
Basically, her post says the convention revealed:
1) Season2 will dive deeper into Lu Guang's story.
2) A crowd-funded extra will include some cute stuffs and no knives (maybe).
3) The part about Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang going abroad is a relevant clue that will be expanded on.
4) The new character with supernatural powers is HOT.

Thanks for the link.
Lin Min also finished his education abroad. Maybe all their powers comes from the same origin.
Jul 9, 2021 9:18 PM
Nov 2020
giveup-the-ghost said:
just saw this on twitter, it was info given at a convention:

direct text, will spoiler just in case:

For number 2, 'no knives' actually means nothing that will break your heart.
Jul 9, 2021 9:43 PM

Mar 2016
I was gonna give this a very fair score, and then THAT horseshit at the end happened and was like "fuck all your hard work".
Animation is nice, concepts were quite well presented, and the individual stories were nice, though I can't say I found myself really enjoying it as much as most people.
Everything was set up quite well, but I question the need for that ridiculous wrist-slap by "Being X"-looking ass party pooper at the end. Why that cliffhanger? That was unnecessary. I get the need to leave a last hook to continue on the plot to a s2, but you did not need such a nasty method to end things right here. Not to mention that, like I mentioned before, it's basically a big middle finger thrown at the very last moment, even if people claim it was foreshadowed.
7/10 majority, 1/10 ending, 5/10 overall.
Jul 9, 2021 9:54 PM

Jun 2019
My 154th completed series chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 7/10 rating.
Jul 9, 2021 10:35 PM
Nov 2020
Ryuseishun said:
I was gonna give this a very fair score, and then THAT horseshit at the end happened and was like "fuck all your hard work".
Animation is nice, concepts were quite well presented, and the individual stories were nice, though I can't say I found myself really enjoying it as much as most people.
Everything was set up quite well, but I question the need for that ridiculous wrist-slap by "Being X"-looking ass party pooper at the end. Why that cliffhanger? That was unnecessary. I get the need to leave a last hook to continue on the plot to a s2, but you did not need such a nasty method to end things right here. Not to mention that, like I mentioned before, it's basically a big middle finger thrown at the very last moment, even if people claim it was foreshadowed.
7/10 majority, 1/10 ending, 5/10 overall.

WatchTillTandava said:
My 154th completed series chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 7/10 rating.

Glad you guys are being honest. I myself rated it a 6 / 10 but this is a series which I personally find to be near-impossible to rate.
Jul 9, 2021 10:36 PM
Jul 2018
the definition of a banger episode
Jul 10, 2021 12:01 AM
Oct 2020
Bro I’m sitting here speechless. Who said you can’t introduce an antagonist in the last episodes??? Damn what a ride this is truly a show I’m glad I came across.
Jul 10, 2021 2:19 AM
Oct 2016
Hello everyone, once again. This series took quite the toll on me, hence my late comment on the finale my though are still spiraling uncontrolled so I'll jump from one thing to another, good luck if anyone actually will read this incomprehensible mess.

First of all, I'd like to express how this series touched one to many strings of my emotional range and how it made me question the world morality.
Morality, we will keep that for later.

A big thank you for the people who translated the songs/sent links for them, it made the episode much more vibrant (curse my Chinese knowledge meter being at 0).

The episode itself, the 30 minutes scared me since it would feel too incomplete to end things here, when we have yet do much of their world, their backstories and this worlds past. Thankfully this was not the case since a s2 was announced in the finale credits.

About the episode itself. It was humane despite having the supernatural element present. We had Cheng Xiaoshi atone for his accidental wrongdoing, by talking his heart out to Emma and it worked. Lu Guang can look through a picture, 12 whole hours ahead in the span of a few seconds. Which meant that he saw that Xiaoshi in that very moment altered the pictures contents, meaning the result.

The death node became nothing more than words of the past. Xiaoshi really gave Emma the will to live with his heartfelt speech and the proof of this is the exclamation Lu Guang did.

Our killer doesn't have all the cards either. It was only last episode where they understood that Xiaoshis power works with clapping.
Nor did they expect to have an audience where they gave emma a hand at "suicide".

Let's not forget that we were introduced at a different timeline with the phonecall paradox. If they're pulling a steins gate on us I'll cry for real y'all.

Moving on. Every ability has a trigger as we have seen. Cxs is clapping, Lg is holding a picture in some form, their combined power where the dive happens while their minds are connected is activated with a clap between them. That creates the question of what is exactly our red eyes villain power. It is said that it has to do with spirit possession, however Liu min and qiao ling were very much alive at that moment. I believe that it has fo do with touch in a way. Remember the handof that dude, that suspicious glow? Remember the kidnapper in shanshan episode, where cxs while following after the suspect saved a girl who we didn't know whether she was alive or dead. That suspect had hooded eyes and seemed sure of his movements until he drugged himself and his personality changed.

About the Qiao Ling possession, I wonder how did that happen. We will probably be given context next season. My question is though, do the people know that they are possesed? Do they gain their memories as well? Red eyes person could have very much learned everything they told qiao ling within the last case about their abilities, resulting in our MCs disadvantage *cough Lu Guang is taking his beauty sleep yall relax*.

Another thing that bugs me is the origin of their partnership and the initial exploration of their powers. However I'm glad we werent told before we got to meet the characters better.

Morality. Wrong and right are nothing more than a blurred gray shade when it comes to this word. Follow the rules, follow your heart, right whats wrong by creating other alternatives that just like the first one, are uncontrollable and unpredictable.
The rules of not altering death are a safety net in order not to be found by other ability users? Are they formed and set by experience perhaps? Past failures resulting to a restart? All those are nothing more than thoughtless theories, however they are fun to make.

Last but n0t least for now, because im running out of braincells. Lu Guangs lengthy nap with some good ol wine spilled on him. After they provided the killer with all the information about coming to the studio etc etc, red eyes had the advantage. The moment cxs changed the node they were infuriated and since they remembered Lu Guangs face from the night before ( if they got Liu mins memories when they went to possess him one last time in order to silence him), red eyes decided to take something from cxs to level their standing. Oh well, they wont permanently kill Lu Guang either way. We will get backstory, overseas trip and such. Even if they do kill him, it's not above Cheng Xiaoshi now that he knows that the node is changeable to go back in order to save Lu Guang as many times as it takes.

Yesterday , i admit my hands were shaking from the sheer thrill and the anticipation every single moment in the episode. I've come to cherish this series since to me at least it appears to be much more than picture diving, it has to do with mentality and morals, how far will one go, what will they do and why.

See y'all in season 2. (Unless I happen to remember the rest i wanted to say)
Jul 10, 2021 3:18 AM

Apr 2018
ilalochezia said:
PaninaManina said:

This is a big question that remains.
Do these "nodes" really exist?
A dead person can't really be brought back from death?
Lu reacted surprise when it looked that Emma would really survive, but it's because Xiaoshi managed to overcome the "node" or just because the Mystery Killer would force her to kill herself?

In the original timeline, Emma would not have died, so there was no such 'node'. However, all that photo-diving gave rise to an altered timeline and created the node of Emma's death. So once a node is created, it cannot be overcome?

Y'know, i think with everything we know now there's an argument to be made that Emma was always destined to die. Like cheng xiaoshi himself said, her case was different from the start, she was a personal grudge of liu min's, he attacked her of his own volition for the whole "money stealing" business and chances are he would've done so regardless, whether lu guang and cheng xiaoshi got involved in her life or not. i think cheng xiaoshi might've had less of an impact on her death than he thinks - lu guang didn't foresee her death in the next 12 hours, but that doesn't mean liu min would've never gotten around to attacking her.

That being said, till this point i was under the impression that nodes shouldn't be changed, for time paradox reasons et al, but if they can't be changed then that's a very different thing.
Jul 10, 2021 3:25 AM
Jan 2017
Absolute amazing final episode that only confirmed one thing: this donghua is a masterpiece, a true gem that needs to be more popular.
Jul 10, 2021 3:33 AM

Oct 2008
w0w impressive! i'll wait for S2 for sure! and damn 8.81 score? is that the highest chinese show we have ranked on MAL!?!?

Jul 10, 2021 3:52 AM

Jul 2014
Oyashka said:
I didn't understand how the guys sent the suspect a hint to find a photo studio. The subtitles said it was done with Emma's phone, but I think it's a mistake because she threw her phone off the bridge. Who understood how they did it?

Hihi yes the subs is mistaken, what they actually said is the hint in <Qiao Ling's> phone aka the message that QL sent, "did you go to the interview yet"

From the killer's side, he'll see this message with QL's name, go to weibo and see that Shanshan had hung out with QL at the photo studio the previous day, and connect it that the photo studio is where he needs to go. The reason he has Shanshan's phone is because he took it from when he kidnapped her.
svzuuJul 10, 2021 4:05 AM
Jul 10, 2021 4:16 AM

May 2011
I was kinda expecting a closure with cheesy ending (probably coz not expecting a second season) but what the heck, it escalated even more! The moment Lu Guang got stabbed I'm like damn, this is definitely getting a season 2.

Doesn't seem like the villain can time travel (only the possessing part is similar). He was analyzing and only deciphered that Cheng Xiaoshi can teleport by clapping hands, showing that his ability is different from his. They didn't took any picture either and yet Qiao Ling was suddenly possessed.

Man, I wonder when S2 will be out.
Jul 10, 2021 4:36 AM

Jul 2014
Everyone talking about Emma's death. Emma's death is something that Will happen no matter what. Luguang has said it, these things can't be changed. The reason he was surprised is because he Thought Xiaoshi might be able to change it. /Might/

It's like seeing something you already know to be true, but even when you're watching it, you're like "Maybe it won't actually happen"

Emma was meant to die, she was already prepared to die before Xiaoshi came but with Xiaoshi intervention, Being-X (someone called him this and I unironically love it) came to ensure the job was done.

The only question is why - what's Being-X's motive? Why do they work with Liumin, is Liumin their boss or are they just using Liumin as a puppet like what Luguang said.

If we take it that Being-X is working with Liumin in any way or form, Emma surviving would be bad for Liumin and also the company (run by Liumin's dad) - She knows too much and poses a threat, Liumin also has a personal grudge because he thinks she stole money from them (which technically she did iirc, the money given from her boss). Liumin however, didn't seem to actually want to kill her, as said by him in the police station interview (but how much of this is true idk bc he could be lying about his intention too)

The thing I'm really wondering is Why are there /Two/ of him. They show Liumin in two cases - the killer and now in the police station , and the pajama clad version in his home balcony. Is there an alternate timeline running now with two Liumins or is it a before and after - aka Pajama Liumin is just showing us the before possession, before all this happened. He's shown stopping at Shanshan's picture and talking about 'making her famous' and then he gets possessed.

Another thing is /how/ does Being-X possess his targets. Xiaoshi ankowledges him as another ability user but is it from photos? Unless they took a photo at any time after Luguang got stabbed, I don't think it's possible - though I wouldn't put this behind either, Xiaoshi does seem like he would try to take a photo then go back in time to prevent the stabbing lmao. But then how did Liumin in the police office get possessed? If Being-X is a member of the police force then that could be possible...

Anyway I love this series, I'm super happy to see more cool Donghua around and getting noticed, and also Inplick's poster arts and character design. Chef kiss. If you haven't seen Ep 5.5 yet, I recommend watching it after the main series, everyone could use some fluffy goodness after this cliff hanger ending LOL. Can't wait to see Season 2 and learn of Luguang backstory too, I'm really excited for when they discover each other's abilities cause I can only wonder how that'll happen lmao

Everyone's also talking about the BL bait/tease but honestly aside from the one moment of Luguang blushing from Qiaoling telling Xiaoshi about his 'naive' comment, I don't really see it - believe me, I'm trying though LOL I think I ship OT3 here, or Xiaoshi and Luguang then OT3 because they didn't tell her about their abilities until now. Either way, they're all very cute and wholesome~
Jul 10, 2021 4:46 AM

Jan 2021
I didn't even realize it was 31 minutes long lol that was so intense!

So we'll get second season? Yay! I really like the mysteries~ (and Lu Guang♡ but look at the ending... duck)

Jul 10, 2021 6:17 AM

Mar 2008
@elany @svzuu

The question if Emma was "destined" to die still remains. After she died, yes, she died and can't come back, but this is looking from the angle of the present (timeline), after Xiaoshi sent the message. What I'm really discussing now is if that message is what made she "destined" to die.
It's very trick and hypothetical because this isn't about "the plot", what the story is trying to do and where was going have nothing to do with if she "would" died or not.

Lin was only able to give her that ride because of Xiaoshi's message. If not for that message she would be at her apartment the whole night, not at the station. Would Lin still keep stalking her as long as necessary to have as good an opportunity to kidnap her or do any harm? The opportunity that message opened to him was golden, late at night with few witness.
It's more probable that Emma would have escaped, moving from her apartment, maybe going back home. The doubt here is not if she would have died anyway, would be killed anyway, the question is if she would have eventually committed suicide and the downfall of her boss only accelerated this inevitable end. That's why I said it's very trick and hypothetical, it's something that depends 100% on her feelings. The possibilities are 3:
1- stay at the city, or other city, find another job, any job even a low skill low paying one;
2- too ashamed to stay in the city and find another work, too ashamed to go back home, give up and suicide;
3- too ashamed to stay in the city and find another work, give up, go back home.

See? I'm not thinking about the plot/story, my interest is on her character itself.
I guess that we can more "hope" than understand and argue which alternative is more probable to happen, because... look at alternative "1". Going that path means that she lives... for a time. From what we see from her life she could also end working herself to death, from disease or a future suicide having "failed in life". And alternative "3" would be very hard for her to choose if not for that reply to Xiaoshi's message giving her courage to face her parents.
Jul 10, 2021 6:47 AM
Jul 2018
damn that ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 10, 2021 8:29 AM

Apr 2018
PaninaManina said:
@elany @svzuu

The question if Emma was "destined" to die still remains. After she died, yes, she died and can't come back, but this is looking from the angle of the present (timeline), after Xiaoshi sent the message. What I'm really discussing now is if that message is what made she "destined" to die.
It's very trick and hypothetical because this isn't about "the plot", what the story is trying to do and where was going have nothing to do with if she "would" died or not.

Lin was only able to give her that ride because of Xiaoshi's message. If not for that message she would be at her apartment the whole night, not at the station. Would Lin still keep stalking her as long as necessary to have as good an opportunity to kidnap her or do any harm? The opportunity that message opened to him was golden, late at night with few witness.
It's more probable that Emma would have escaped, moving from her apartment, maybe going back home. The doubt here is not if she would have died anyway, would be killed anyway, the question is if she would have eventually committed suicide and the downfall of her boss only accelerated this inevitable end. That's why I said it's very trick and hypothetical, it's something that depends 100% on her feelings. The possibilities are 3:
1- stay at the city, or other city, find another job, any job even a low skill low paying one;
2- too ashamed to stay in the city and find another work, too ashamed to go back home, give up and suicide;
3- too ashamed to stay in the city and find another work, give up, go back home.

See? I'm not thinking about the plot/story, my interest is on her character itself.
I guess that we can more "hope" than understand and argue which alternative is more probable to happen, because... look at alternative "1". Going that path means that she lives... for a time. From what we see from her life she could also end working herself to death, from disease or a future suicide having "failed in life". And alternative "3" would be very hard for her to choose if not for that reply to Xiaoshi's message giving her courage to face her parents.

I don't think any of the three options you listed are even a possibility, honestly, because it's far more likely that the attack itself was already the inevitable part. You said it yourself, he was stalking her, the only reason he was even at the train station was because she'd be there. A new opportunity would've presented itself as long as he was determined to make one. At some point she would've had to leave the apartment, Go to a store. Go the the station. It's not like she'd be on the watch out for a potential assailant and who's the say he wouldn't have followed her to another city, or even home?

I feel like by this point we have been given plenty of clues that she was always meant to die, and not a single one to the opposite beyond just plausible deniability. Not saying the opposite is impossible, but ignoring the actually presented clues does seem a bit like wilful ignorance, wouldn't you say?
Jul 10, 2021 8:45 AM
Nov 2020
PaninaManina said:
soughtflower said:
the link click discord server is in SHAMBLES.

season two has been confirmed, everyone! no set release date or anything, it's just been stated. you can also find a new art poster here!

an amazing ending, so much sentimental build from all the previous clients then they dropped us right with the sudden ending wwwww

This poster hit in a macabre unexpected way...
"Brazillians will know".

Hello, I’m curious about the history of the second image.
Jul 10, 2021 2:23 PM

Mar 2008
Ryuseishun said:

That's fair. Still, IDK why people get too personal due to conveniently taking subjective criticism or impressions so factually when there's no such thing as absolute objectivity with it comes to fiction.
I'm not totally exempt from this myself, but then there are countless others who take it to the next level..

To be fair, we are also to blame, a bit.
Link Click is above else a deeply human and emotional story, people are coming here to cry with others since the first episode. We praise this series so much because it's also well written, but the meat of the discussion here are the emotions, not the logic.

Jul 10, 2021 2:43 PM

Jan 2010
more info pulled from twitter about the special episode that will air at some point, although I think it will need to be crowdfunded to be made? and a couple more bits of info about season two.

good news is that the special episode will be light-hearted fluff.

bad news is that season 2 may not come out for another year and a half, so I guess sometime in 2023.

for folks who don't want to use the twitter link, I'll copy and paste the tweets and put it as a spoiler just in case.
Jul 10, 2021 3:02 PM

Mar 2008
elany said:

I don't think any of the three options you listed are even a possibility, honestly, because it's far more likely that the attack itself was already the inevitable part. You said it yourself, he was stalking her, the only reason he was even at the train station was because she'd be there. A new opportunity would've presented itself as long as he was determined to make one. At some point she would've had to leave the apartment, Go to a store. Go the the station. It's not like she'd be on the watch out for a potential assailant and who's the say he wouldn't have followed her to another city, or even home?

I feel like by this point we have been given plenty of clues that she was always meant to die, and not a single one to the opposite beyond just plausible deniability. Not saying the opposite is impossible, but ignoring the actually presented clues does seem a bit like wilful ignorance, wouldn't you say?

That's why I said "golden opportunity".
Just because you can stalk someone does it mean that you should? Follow someone is easy, but to attack or kidnap is not, not if you're not willing to be seen. She only accepted his offer because she was in a moment of desperation, she was willing to do anything to get to her parents fast, but can you imagine she agreeing to enter a stranger's car in any other day?

Now this is a bit unrelated, but I already forgot to write this two times, not a third one.
I wish I could ask the writer if the person who hired the main duo get information about the parallel account on Emma's company is relevant for the story. I guess was Lin's father.

ilalochezia said:

Hello, I’m curious about the history of the second image.

Jul 10, 2021 7:02 PM
Nov 2020
PaninaManina said:
elany said:

I don't think any of the three options you listed are even a possibility, honestly, because it's far more likely that the attack itself was already the inevitable part. You said it yourself, he was stalking her, the only reason he was even at the train station was because she'd be there. A new opportunity would've presented itself as long as he was determined to make one. At some point she would've had to leave the apartment, Go to a store. Go the the station. It's not like she'd be on the watch out for a potential assailant and who's the say he wouldn't have followed her to another city, or even home?

I feel like by this point we have been given plenty of clues that she was always meant to die, and not a single one to the opposite beyond just plausible deniability. Not saying the opposite is impossible, but ignoring the actually presented clues does seem a bit like wilful ignorance, wouldn't you say?

That's why I said "golden opportunity".
Just because you can stalk someone does it mean that you should? Follow someone is easy, but to attack or kidnap is not, not if you're not willing to be seen. She only accepted his offer because she was in a moment of desperation, she was willing to do anything to get to her parents fast, but can you imagine she agreeing to enter a stranger's car in any other day?

Now this is a bit unrelated, but I already forgot to write this two times, not a third one.
I wish I could ask the writer if the person who hired the main duo get information about the parallel account on Emma's company is relevant for the story. I guess was Lin's father.

ilalochezia said:

Hello, I’m curious about the history of the second image.

Thanks for telling me about Tancredo Neves. Contemporary Brazilian (and indeed the whole of Latin and South America’s) history is definitely something I and many others don’t know much about, yet at the same time it is quite complex.
Jul 10, 2021 11:48 PM
Jul 2021
The fudge was that. They pulled a uno reverse card at the end.
Jul 11, 2021 12:00 AM
Aug 2018
svzuu said:
Oyashka said:
I didn't understand how the guys sent the suspect a hint to find a photo studio. The subtitles said it was done with Emma's phone, but I think it's a mistake because she threw her phone off the bridge. Who understood how they did it?

Hihi yes the subs is mistaken, what they actually said is the hint in <Qiao Ling's> phone aka the message that QL sent, "did you go to the interview yet"

From the killer's side, he'll see this message with QL's name, go to weibo and see that Shanshan had hung out with QL at the photo studio the previous day, and connect it that the photo studio is where he needs to go. The reason he has Shanshan's phone is because he took it from when he kidnapped her.

Ah, thank you so much, now I can see it clearly!
It's not that this detail has much importance for the plot lol, unlike Emma's possible death/surviving or Red Eye's possessing ability. The discussing of that things is very interesting but I personally don't like to make assumptions cos of "temporal paradox" which makes all that time-travelling thing too complicated for me lol
Jul 11, 2021 2:39 AM

Mar 2016
Well this was incredible, cried 'bout every episode! See you when season 2 comes around, bois! <3
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