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May 6, 2021 2:23 AM

Nov 2011
Yikes, Anna is scary when she's pissed off.

However, the real catch of this episode is Horohoro. He turns out to be tougher than he looks with those ice abilities of his when fighting against Yoh. Furthermore, I find the way he uses his abilities rather unique. (such as manipluating a snow shaped snowboard). Not bad tbh. Horohoro actually impressed me from this episode.

May 6, 2021 2:31 AM
Feb 2020
An enjoyable episode. I do not have all that much to say about it other than that it's about what I expected.

It did however commit one GRAVE MISTAKE that I will not let slide. Anna was not wearing her winter attire in this episode and this should not ever be allowed to air in such a state.

Something important that I think got left out of the episode, or at least I didn't catch it, was Horo horo stating he was so surprised his oversoul almost broke.

And this is an incredibly important statement as it eases the viewer in to the idea that the oversoul is maintained by your full concentration, and gets weaker when you are distracted by literally anything.

For the things we did get, this version of the anime includes the whole aftermath of Chrom's death, which is nice and explains how the Shaman Fight works exactly. Yes, the great spirit knows everything, but can't predict future - otherwise there wouldn't be need for the tournament to take place at all. The Patch tribe could just go to the person that would win if they were to hold it, and make them the shaman king.

And I was hoping we will manage to squeeze that ending part of the episode in, which I am glad they did. But I am gonestly worried for it. No matter how they do it, it should be the best episode of the series so far, but I REALLY hope it gets the honor of being two episodes long. without all of the buildup it won't hit as hard as it should.
May 6, 2021 2:43 AM

Nov 2015
Solid episode as per usual!
A fan favorite, Horohoro has finally appeared, and all of his ice based attacks look real amazing with modern animation.
Very very excited for next week as it introduces another one of my favorites!
May 6, 2021 2:58 AM
Mar 2021
HORO💙💙💙Actually didn't expect this episode to be this well animated❄
May 6, 2021 10:00 AM

Sep 2011
Another great episode, seeing Yoh shining with his OS was awesome.. his muscle-trained Shinku Buddaghiri cutting all the ice was incredibleee, the highlight of the episode


Why so pretty?
May 6, 2021 1:02 PM

Aug 2020
Yoh's next opponent seems intense.
May 6, 2021 1:04 PM

Jan 2021
I liked that HoroHoro quite a lot, both its design and its dream, Kororo is also very cute (≧◡≦)
I could already see that they would be good friends. His sister has an Anna complex 0.0
It seems that the next episode will be very interesting

May 6, 2021 1:14 PM

Jun 2019
No... Anna, Yoh is not cheating on you with Silva. LOL. Aww... Hororo and his friend Kororo's relationship is so cute. I love it. Kororo especially is beyond adorable.
Manta is a Koropokkokuru. LMAO. Other than that, a great episode with great action involved between Yoh and Hororo. But, in the end, our boy Yoh got one step close to his dream of leisure by becoming the Shaman King.
May 6, 2021 1:22 PM

May 2020
Stars-Soul said:
Oho, Faust comes up next episode! That will be interesting, his arc was really dark in the manga, I wonder if they'll adapt

Hope so!

May 6, 2021 2:45 PM

Jun 2014
Horohoro did a good job in his fight against Yoh, showing off what he's capable of pretty well, but it wasn't enough to overcome Yoh and Amidamaru's strength. Lol at him just casually joining the celebration at Yoh's house.

We got a little tease of Yoh's next opponent at the end. I remember the intensity of their fight in the OG anime. With how fast the pacing has been so far in this reboot, I hope it's able to capture that same intensity.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 6, 2021 2:56 PM

Jul 2013
This was a pretty enjoyable episode. The humor really made me nostalgic; that was some Shaman King humor right there.
I think Horohoro's introduction was handled well and that he left a good impression on the viewers. Almost forgot that I was watching a remake, which is good, at least until that cool soundtrack started when he appeared. It sounded pretty modern.

In the next episode we see Faust! Another one of my favorites. Hopefully this fight will be longer than one episode because a lot happens.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
May 6, 2021 3:12 PM

Jun 2017
Pretty decent pace with Horohoro's fight. Kororo was super cute too.

Faust next week should be fire but I wonder if they are gonna heavily tone it down. That fight was probably the first most brutal thing in the OG along with him being super creepy on top of it. I don't really like his new design, they made him look like a softie. happened?


May 6, 2021 3:28 PM

May 2012
Great episode and cute spirit too for Horohoro :3

Faust VIII - Yoh's next opponent...I wonder if he will do some....

May 6, 2021 3:45 PM

Aug 2018
The PowerPoint animation is getting really annoying. If we can't have great sakuga at least let the characters move a little bit
May 6, 2021 4:21 PM

Oct 2020
Geez, Anna was really scary this episode. Horohoro seems like a pretty interesting character. I love his charisma and his confidence. Kororo is a cute spirit; I love her tiny design and the way she comforts Horohoro. The fight between Yoh and Horohoro was, once again, really well done.
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May 6, 2021 4:55 PM
Feb 2021
In general terms, it was a good episode, the battle was quite short but enough to make a great introduction to Horohoro to the series.
May 6, 2021 6:16 PM
Jul 2018
Horokeu's unbelievably good fight, I hoped it would be a very exciting fight.
May 6, 2021 6:41 PM

Jan 2020
Horohoro is a dope character and it's always nice to see opponents that aren't sore losers. The next match seems super intimidating but I'm expecting yoh to win

May 6, 2021 7:09 PM

Jul 2016
Anna thinking Yoh was cheating on her because she found a strand of Silva's "Pantene" hair was hilarious. The same with Manta being mistaken for a Koropokkoru xD

Nice episode overall. HoroHoro ended up being a cool dude. I like him and his dream of wanting to protect his spirit's land is quite noble.

Looking forward to Faust's re-introduction next week.
SouthRzVaMay 6, 2021 7:13 PM
May 6, 2021 7:58 PM

Dec 2020
that was a nice episode. their fight was engaging, i rly enjoyed it. also really like horohoro guy, hope he gets into their friend group
May 6, 2021 9:24 PM

Jul 2017
The Patch Tribe's lost Chrome, and the Shaman Fight is the only cause of this travesty, and might I say that Tao Ren started the conflict. And don't piss off Anna, she might think that Yoh's two-timing her HEH.

The Ainu's pride Horohoro with his Sacred Soul Kokoro, dang he's a good opponent. Too bad he doesn't have a girlfriend, much less a fiance at Yoh's age, but he has his Koropokkuru, and Yoh has one in the face of Manta. The fight is decent though, and Horohoro is a nice dude deep down for his dream of saving the Koropokkuru from extinction.

The loss and win of another Shaman Fight, and the "power of friendship" trope lols. Turns out that Pirika is the same as Anna, the sister stronghold.

Next up...Faust the VIII.
May 6, 2021 9:47 PM

Mar 2016
Quite enjoyed this episode. I got HoroHoro's personality right away and we're seeing more of what makes Yoh so likable and unique.

I swear the haters of this anime expected everything to be front-loaded into a single episode and can't appreciate characters being revealed slowly but surely over the entire series. I'm also glad Ryu's gang was squeeze in at the house this episode too, just to remind us what happened to them. The manga went into a bit more depth, and it was all funny, but all you really needed was to just see what Ryu is doing (basically being a maid) and his gang beside him, and it's implied they're doing the same.

I'm really enjoying this so far and the pacing is just fine. Good start and I'm definitely looking forward to my favorite character finally appearing next episode. It's so rare to see Faust with his legs and so this is one of the best fights he gets.

5 for me.

MomoSinX said:

Faust next week should be fire but I wonder if they are gonna heavily tone it down. That fight was probably the first most brutal thing in the OG along with him being super creepy on top of it. I don't really like his new design, they made him look like a softie. happened?


They followed the manga? He dressed exactly the same in all versions, from what I recall.

_Endless_ said:
The PowerPoint animation is getting really annoying. If we can't have great sakuga at least let the characters move a little bit

You people are literally one note. "Sakuga, Sakuga", that's all you can say. I think you care more about animation than the actual content you're watching. Pretty sad.
CrimsonCWMay 8, 2021 2:55 PM
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 6, 2021 11:37 PM

Aug 2018
CrimsonCW said:
Quite enjoyed this episode. I got HoroHoro's personality right away and we're seeing more of what makes Yoh so likable and unique.

I swear the haters of this anime expected everything to be front-loaded into a single episode and can't appreciate characters being revealed slowly but surely over the entire series. I'm also glad Ryu's gang was squeeze in at the house this episode too, just to remind us what happened to them too. The manga went into a bit more depth, and it was all funny, but all you really needed was to just see what Ryu is doing (basically being a maid) and his gang beside him, and it's implied they're doing the same.

I'm really enjoying this so far and the pacing is just fine. Good start and I'm definitely looking forward to my favorite character finally appearing next episode. It's so rare to see Faust with his legs and so this is one of the best fights he gets.

5 for me.

MomoSinX said:

Faust next week should be fire but I wonder if they are gonna heavily tone it down. That fight was probably the first most brutal thing in the OG along with him being super creepy on top of it. I don't really like his new design, they made him look like a softie. happened?


They followed the manga? He dressed exactly the same in all versions, from what I recall.

_Endless_ said:
The PowerPoint animation is getting really annoying. If we can't have great sakuga at least let the characters move a little bit

You people are literally one note. "Sakuga, Sakuga", that's all you can say. I think you care more about animation than the actual content you're watching. Pretty sad.

Did you miss the part where I said "at least let the characters move a little bit"
And you are literally only assuming things about me that are not true. If you read some of my previous comments on the anime you would know I'm enjoying the content.

This is a FIGHTING anime. Of course I can be a little disappointed if we have all kinds of different cool attacks but all of them are shown as just still images.
May 6, 2021 11:42 PM

Mar 2016
_Endless_ said:

This is a FIGHTING anime.

Actually, it's not. You are pretty unfamiliar with what this series actually is.
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 6, 2021 11:45 PM

Aug 2018
CrimsonCW said:
_Endless_ said:

This is a FIGHTING anime.

Actually, it's not. You are pretty unfamiliar with what this series actually is.

Right. It's not like we had a fight in every single episode so far and we are currently in a tournament arc.
May 6, 2021 11:49 PM

Mar 2016
_Endless_ said:
CrimsonCW said:

Actually, it's not. You are pretty unfamiliar with what this series actually is.

Right. It's not like we had a fight in every single episode so far and we are currently in a tournament arc.

If you go in expecting the standard shonen fare or spectacle, you're going to be disappointed.

Even though a lot of harder fans complain that it's not getting enough breathing room, I haven't had that issue and disagree with them.

SK has never been about flash or long-winded fights or drawn out tournaments; this tournament IS the series' plotline and just a brief part of it to boot; would your precious "Sakuga" make the writing of these fights go away and give you that OPM spectacle you want?

No, because it's never been about that at all. The animation fits the writing. If all you're seeing is fighting, then you're watching it about as superficially as I can imagine.
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 7, 2021 2:24 AM

Jan 2009
Yoh is very strong for such a slacker eh

the animation will not become better
May 7, 2021 4:11 AM

Dec 2015
It's confirmed Yoh is a stoner.
May 7, 2021 4:46 AM

Oct 2016
Good episode! Anna mistaking Silva's hair for a woman's hair is funny. Horohoro is a really good dude and looks like he's in the same boat as Yoh having an intense woman tortu- I mean training them. Welcome to the gang Horohoro.

May 7, 2021 5:16 AM

Oct 2020
Chroma said:
It's confirmed Yoh is a stoner.

Wanted to say this as well but you beat me to it lol

His whole chill persona is now finally explained.
May 7, 2021 5:57 AM

Aug 2020
For me it was the best episode so far, I'm starting to like the story, didn't watch the first version of Shaman King, so I don't have much to compare with.

Horohoro is a very nice guy, loved his motivation and will probably be my favorite character in the series.

The fight could be better, but it was enough for me.
May 7, 2021 12:38 PM

Apr 2016
Kororo was already adorable in the old version but they even amp her cuteness in this.

LOL! Manta being called a koropokkuru.
May 7, 2021 2:24 PM

Jan 2010
this chapter went pretty fast but still I'm enjoying it, the next couple of chapters are some of the bests.

I can't never forget faust.

May 7, 2021 6:07 PM

Oct 2009
Anna is a scary creep in about every episode, that's not even news. (Oh, and then there's Horohoro's sister. Mangaka must've had some sort of complex, I swear.....)

But wth's up with that shirt of Yoh's??? Just... what. So random and weird. I know it's been long, but I just don't recall that at all. Wth.

Horohoro is fun as ever and then Yoh's personality shines through - wanting to make the dreams of others come true once he's Shaman King... just like that, without a second thought. That's a great guy.
May 7, 2021 10:37 PM
Nov 2019
This episode is superb! Idk, maybe i just love horohoro. But i think the story is not really fast just like before.
May 8, 2021 7:26 AM

Dec 2020
why people are so salty about this remake?? I cannot understand. I have been longing for a remake/sequel for ages and am sure there are many like me. And I know that there are others who like the old version more or didn't like the new one as much, and I understand where they are coming from but it is so simple, just DROP it, DON'T WATCH IT. how hard is that???
May 8, 2021 8:30 AM

May 2008
My second best boi HoroHoro is finally here. I love him to death.

Also wonder if they really will adapt the manga version of Faust's episode...I hope so. That shit scared the pants off me when I was a teenager.

May 8, 2021 8:52 AM

Mar 2016
Will_do_it_later said:
why people are so salty about this remake?? I cannot understand. I have been longing for a remake/sequel for ages and am sure there are many like me. And I know that there are others who like the old version more or didn't like the new one as much, and I understand where they are coming from but it is so simple, just DROP it, DON'T WATCH IT. how hard is that???

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

But I say they're the vocal minority at best; looking at the polls, it's pretty obvious.

I do agree with you though; just go back and rewatch 2001 and stop with this one. It's not hard.
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 8, 2021 8:52 AM

Nov 2013
pfffffft why does yoh have a shirt with weed print? Isn't he like 10?
also anna do be looking like a titan in this shot lmao
May 8, 2021 3:30 PM

Dec 2009
Chroma said:
It's confirmed Yoh is a stoner.

My exact thoughts!
May 8, 2021 6:16 PM

Feb 2012
First Time watcher

Anna's vicious in this episode wow. Having a go at Yoh after finding Silva's hair and defending her man during the fight with Horohoro. Parallels to be drawn with Horohoro and his sister.

Poor Manta got mistaken for a Koropokkoru, I can't stop laughing.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 8, 2021 7:02 PM

Aug 2017
how is this anime so far
i personally wait until it’s out on netflix until then i have a bunch of other stuff to watch
May 8, 2021 8:31 PM

Sep 2018
I'm not really feeling this anime so far (haven't watched the original either).

Everything screams mediocrity early on and I feel like this is an anime that's probably better binged, which I think is what I'm going to do now (put on hold).
May 9, 2021 12:26 AM
Feb 2020
madelajn3 said:
pfffffft why does yoh have a shirt with weed print? Isn't he like 10?

14 at the time of this episode. Yoh is a big fan of Reggae music, so a shirt like this could be just a normal fan activity.

Another thing to keep in mind is, Shaman King explores believes related to death and spirituality from all around the world, so culture, religion and yes, drugs are obviously a part of it.
Drugs have been associated with spirituality and shamanism pretty much no matter how far back we look. The idea of a trance being a part of the process largely stems from the seers getting high
May 9, 2021 12:56 AM
Sep 2019
Why does this anime even exists? An ad for the manga re-release? Maybe. Cause sincerely this "anime" brings almost nothing to the table. The manga brought the story. The VA's brought their best performance. And the studio brought nothing. The OST is mediocre at best. Almost never plays making the silence while the character talk feel awkward. When the OST plays, it plays for 5 seconds cause scene already changed. Animation(if you call static images with some cg effects animation) is so bad. I went through the trouble of comparing the original 2001 horo horo vs yoh battle for both of them. And whole both are pretty static the 2001 at least tries to add some movement. I saw no battle movement at all during the entirety of the battle in the 2021 adaption. All in all this anime doesn't need to exist. The manga already works with static images. No need for some fancy cg and while i love the VA's, they don't carry an anime.
MaruyamakaMay 9, 2021 12:59 AM
May 9, 2021 1:42 AM
Feb 2020
Maruyamaka said:
Why does this anime even exists? An ad for the manga re-release? Maybe.

Considering that a series which had 300+M fans worldwide only sold 35M copies as of the announcement of the anime, (38M as of airing of the first episode update) I'd say it's pretty obvious that the series does need promoting.

It's not just the re-release either. Because worldwide, in many countries where Shaman King was THE most popular Shonen, manga is only being printed for the very first time, right now. So no wonder the sales are "so low" when it simply was not available worldwide.

It's also a part of the 20 year celebration from 2018, but as you may remember the 2018 anime was cancelled by Takei, because Megumi Hayashibara, who Anna is based on and co-written by, couldn't play her role then. So instead the anime got delayed to 20th anniversary of the anime, instead of 20th anniversary of Shaman King
May 9, 2021 2:36 AM

Oct 2017
This Horohoro kid is really amusing and his spirit Kororo is really adorable. Thou Yoh is also damn amusing lol and he was cool too. Horohoro's sister is also quite amusing.
May 9, 2021 3:35 AM

Nov 2019
TakafumiNaito said:
Megumi Hayashibara, who Anna is based on and co-written by

Huh, that's the first time I've heard that. I tried checking the Shaman King wiki for more information but couldn't find any. You got any source where I can read up on Hayashibara co-writing Anna and the character being based on her? She's one of my favorite VAs (and one my main incentives to watch this show) so I'm interested to know more.
May 9, 2021 3:44 AM
Feb 2020
AmarantineAzure said:
You got any source

Megumi Hayashibara "Characters that taught me everything" pages 168-173

and on p173 quote from Takei Sensei "...Of course I'm aware we're talking about a manga character that's not real, but there is no other way to describe it. You produce an incredible presence for a fictional character -a 2D one no less- that she becomes a very real part of this world. It gives me goose bumps every time. And since you became the real Anna, you even tell us 'I would never say this' if you have an issue with the script. How wonderful is that?"
May 9, 2021 3:50 AM

Mar 2016
AmarantineAzure said:
TakafumiNaito said:
Megumi Hayashibara, who Anna is based on and co-written by

Huh, that's the first time I've heard that. I tried checking the Shaman King wiki for more information but couldn't find any. You got any source where I can read up on Hayashibara co-writing Anna and the character being based on her? She's one of my favorite VAs (and one my main incentives to watch this show) so I'm interested to know more.

X2. This makes zero sense, because Anna originated from the manga and was exactly the same; why she would be involved randomly with a manga before it was ever adapted makes zero sense.
This sounds like fan theories at best.
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
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