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Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai
Jul 11, 2024 3:33 PM
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Hammontron Jan 16, 12:52 AM
I certainly don't wish to cause you irritation by bringing it up, but would you mind educating me on why you dislike the YYH dub as much as you do? I've watched it both subbed and dubbed (there's no way I could watch a series that good only once) and I found myself thoroughly enjoying it both ways.
DepressedJakass Jan 15, 6:58 PM
And a happy new years to you.

Hammontron Jan 15, 4:47 PM
I suppose the most obvious similarities would be that we both know how awesome Yu Yu Hakusho and the Yu-Gi-Oh manga are and that Dragon Ball is really cool, haha. All good with not remembering stuff, I completely get that myself. Our two common friends are DepressedJakass and Lil-Bird who I've had very nice conversations with in the past.
Hammontron Jan 15, 2:21 PM
Heyo! Sorry for the random add, I just saw that we have a couple of friends in common and after checking out your profile I saw that you have some cool and similar interests. I hope that's alright with you, but I totally understand if you'd like to talk more first or something! God bless!
DepressedJakass Dec 12, 2024 4:13 PM
No me moo this month from you. I'm waiting.
Lil-Bird Nov 24, 2024 12:24 PM
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Did you do some celebratory pizza or something that night? Any of your rally buddies join in? The hubs and I kept tabs of what was going on and had Mister Metokur on in the background, but didn't really have a pizza or the like that night, was just pretty chill until we went to bed at about 2. I find it astounding how many places dragged their feet on calling states, the maps I was using were just so different from each other.
DepressedJakass Oct 15, 2024 2:36 PM
Ohhhhh look whose finally back online.
DepressedJakass Sep 20, 2024 8:02 PM
Deb trivia: This was the first profile pic I ever had on MAL back in 2019. Welcome back Mr Shindou.

+ Finally got around to finishing Raw Hero. Took a bit, but I thought it was pretty solid - ending a little underwhelming though! Regardless, seems it wasn't your cup of tea.
Deknijff Aug 24, 2024 3:40 PM
I wonder how he was in the first series with the different dub
I don't remember despite hearing it on occasion when taking screen shots for pictures
Japanese almost always trumps English when it comes to higher beings, or those that are supposed to be beyond humanity. Because they can alter the way they speak, just by speaking in a different manner, you come across almost as a wholly different person. The fact in 3, Yuji starts talking in the same way as Snake is proof of that; he barely even still sounds the same when he does that.
When they separate and Hino does his regular voice for Yuji its really emotional and not just because the choice of dialogue when they part ways but because you can truly hear the change back to the regular Yuji we all loved and cheered for in season 1 and 2
You're going to have to tell me what HOTD is. I have no idea.
Its one of the most famous ecchi anime out there
And honestly, having a voice call about Shana sounds like fun! I'm in! Let me know if you can arrange something and tell me when! I'm self-employed so I have a pretty flexible schedule. Don't know if you two are even in the same country, so the time differences might be a hurdle, but so long as it's not 3am to me, I can manage
I live in Sweden and he lives in France but might be still be in Greece for summer since he has family there
I remember you live in the US but where exactly?
I know there's been a lot of falling in love before between them, but it is also outright explicitly stated that the first true merger was Justus, with Johann and Pheles, but who knows if that counts actual sex.
In any case, what Yuji and Hecate did didn't seem to pique Shaher's interest, haha.
It most likely doesn't count as sex, think the way Denizens are, they probably just merge their vessels together and either become one new being of existence like Justus or if it creates a new being not connected and being their child. But in my head canon I consider it sex since it feels good and achieves the same goal based off the little we know
It is weird we never see a Denizen being the daughter or son of a famous Denizen from the past unless we count the Trinity for Snake of the Festival who considers them his children and at the very least Hecate has to be some kind of divine being related to Snake since she the collector of their hopes and dreams for the wish and is always reborn
I did search around and I saw two characters I haven't the slightest who they are
I hope it was something really dumb and funny like this from the show

or something cool related with Accelerator
Deknijff Aug 23, 2024 5:53 AM
I tried watching the confusing part of 2 in English, just to see what they chose to write (even more hilarious when you watch that commentary clip about HOW SERIOUS THEY WERE TO MAKE EVERYTHING STREAMLINED AND PERFECT) and it wasn't that much different from the subs, but good fucking lord, the voice acting just about killed me. Shana and ESPECIALLY Wilhelmina were just unbearable. And this was at the end of the series! The actor had 23+ episodes of practice! It's like they mistook Wilhelmina's monotone voice to mean "Don't act at all". Yikes. Dantallion was trying, but a character like that is cringe in English, no matter who they get to try and play it.
But yeah, to sum up, I think they're totally confused about what they were saying in that clip. "Tyrant" was mentioned before that scene and I think they came up with their own confusing headcanon for it. I'm definitely curious on what sources they used, but it's not anything I'VE found.
Dantallion being cringe I think is how I prefer it, dude basically hated by everyone and only tolerated because he such a valuable asset, I know watchers usually find him annoying even in Japanese but I find it really funny and over top when you compare him to the rest of the cast with the exception of maybe Marchosias which really drives in why he generally hated by everyone

Carey Bruce as Snake of the Festival makes me almost just throw up by how bad it is, of course you can't compare the greatness of Hayami Show with his perfect villain voice which demands you respect him but the dub voice is the most opposite of that, dude sounds like he just faking it the whole time
I cannot believe how many anime fans default to dubs, and I've actually heard the excuse "WELL, IT'S THE SAME, RIGHT? I DON'T WANT TO READ..!11" And yeah, then they blame all the shit on the dub acting.
Those people should watch both versions of HOTD, I once put on my DVD and had the dub on with the Japanese subs and holy fuck how I couldn't stop laughing at how much they had changed just for one episode
I actually had to buy the series officially after trying the Eclipse Subs; I'm sorry but "Tomogara" and the like just made it unwatchable for me. I felt way more confused from them than the official ones too.
Thats funny to hear, usually if someone says Psalm of the Grand Order I need a second to remember thats Taimei Shihen they talking about
So this thing you linked is translated? I took a look; hmm, I need more research because I don't know who these characters are or what this is supposed to be. But still, good find!
And hey, I'd take ANY visuals over none, so I don't mind!
Yeah is thankfully translated now, when I listened to it it wasn't translated but I didn't mind, was just nice hearing the characters again and especially with other characters I like, J.C. STAFF animates both of their anime so think its a shame the gacha game company didn't get them to animate it so its like the anime

Word of warning btw, if you start doing research into To Aru you might be falling into a deep abyss of a rabbit hole, author been writing that LN for 20 years and still going strong along with co-writing around 4 or 5 spin-off LNs/manga
So, she actually loved Wilhelmina. Like, she was one of her favorites. Her thing with Merrihim was confusing to her, but she didn't mind it. Kazumi was actively endangering herself for this one guy and it just drove her crazy when it was clear he wasn't interested and still she won't let it go.
Still think it was dick move of Yuji to say she should forget about him if she could yet he still comes back to the city asking for her help due to the Tuning near the end
Anyway, I'm also talking to your friend GoldenPincers and he gave me his own explanation, so it's always nice to find more of you guys! He said you've both talked for hours about all this too!
I should read his explanation too lol, Ill try when Im not being lazy

Yeah yeah, always nice to meet fellow fans, especially when they bring in a new perspective so Im glad you reached out to me.
I remember back then and most likely still now even Pincers doesn't agree with my interpretation that in the anime original ending of season 1 that Yuji and Hecate had sex based off how Sydonay called it dirty for them to touch vessels along with how merging Johan's and Phele's vessels is what created Justus
Doesn't help Hecate be making moans with this face

the 3 of us should try having a voice call on discord at some point if you have discord and talk about the show
Deknijff Aug 21, 2024 4:45 PM
Aaah, see, those are DUB commentaries.... I avoid dubs (and especially THIS dub; the acting is terrible too) so I felt there was nothing of value to be found there. My own sets (I think I own DVD copies of the blu-rays, probably bootlegs, but who cares? I don't, I prefer DVD) have the exact same stuff. Anyway, I did still watch it and hmm, now I'm more perplexed... I don't know what research they did, because all I've ever found is that Tyrant I and II are the two copies of the Silver; one anchored in the Palace of the Stars that can project itself to find emotions (what Margery entailed) and Tyrant I is simply the Silver that was put into the MLC by Sabrac to allow it to unify with Tyrant II eventually. That was the plan, and it's how Snake contacted Yuji from inside it.
Yeah Im not a fan of the dub either, Funimation only has like 3 or 5 good voice actors and the rest is trash, don't think any of the good voice actors were picked for Shana either from what I can recall but I watched the commentaries just cause I had them and thought since they tried playing the characters they could have deep insights which they did not, I don't remember which episode commentary it is but they start complaining that fans thinking DVDs and Blurays are expensive just ignoring they're hard work. But don't want to hear that from trash Funimation honestly where Ive had them have wrong subs or out of sync subs the rest of the episode because 3 characters talked at the same time one time like my Shana Bluray or such as other DVDs when they accidentally put the OP song on the ED visuals for the special features
It makes even less sense now with that. He even said "Absorption/Unification, we know that from the first series"....??? Where? Was that with Hecate? I have no idea what he's even referring to there.
Personally, they were completely confused themselves. The anime is LITEARLLY showing flashbacks to when the Silver burst out of Yuji, and if we go with the Light Novel "Tyrant I and II had the same systems and unified prematurely", which explains how it's stated to be "inside" Yuji from Sabrac and yet ALSO outside at the Palace of the Stars at the same time. So where they got that Tyrant II is the Pride statue.... uh, that makes no sense. The anime also would've flashbacked to THAT if that's what they meant. I'd hate to imagine how hard to follow the dub is.
Ive lost count how many times Ive been pissed off seeing a hater on the how criticising the show because the voice acting bad but they watched it in dub. Im sorry but the dub should never be what you judge for any show. Is it good if the dub is of respectable quality? Yes of course thats a bonus but you shouldn't critic a show for the voice acting when it has no relevance to the true art piece and is just an altercation
Speaking of your subs, I used the ones on this DVD; they use terms like "Psalm of the Grand Order" vs "Taimen Shihen" which was on the free subs. Those free subs also prefer "Tomogara" and "Fuzetsu" instead of "Denizen" and "Seal", and I remember not liking it very much with those because I couldn't follow along whatsoever
I have fond memories of Eclipse & Static subs even if some minor fuck ups because you could see they were purists in intention of the writers in the best way they could be when given the chance
But really, you hate those Mare episodes from II? They are essentially recaps, but they're not awful or anything and I do like how they incorporate Mare from her sidestory into the series, set up the Keeper on the MLC, and even bring her up again with Sabrac. It definitely was a little fanservice-y though.
Yeah they aren't terrible but I just never enjoy recap type episodes, feels like the writers questioning my ability to pay attention on what I watched just moments ago
I know there was a 2 year wait for season 2 but still annoys me
Speaking of stuff in the LN after the season 3, on the wikia, apparently I've heard that there are audio dramas? So I guess the voice actors did some acting to at least bring those to some sort of life, even if it is just through imagination. So maybe they already do exist?
Again, Japan gets everything. You get less than scraps as an English speaking Shana fan.
Ive completely missed those audio dramas if they exists, they've never appeared when searching Shana on YT for myself which I search up very often
If could find them Id give them a listen, Ive never touched a gacha game unless we count Master Duel for Yugioh but I watched this when my third favourite series had a collab with Shana in its gacha game

well more so just listened to it because fuck those game visuals trash as fuck

Speaking of Japan getting everything good. I was super jealous a few months ago when they had this in Japan

If Mami had been there too with Kotoko Id have said its the greatest missed opportunity of my life
Well... my girlfriend is well versed on shojo manga; it was a lot of her past. So Yuji drove her insane with how oblivious he was to Kazumi and Shana (and she really hated how he always made Shana feel). She cared a lot about Shana and agreed with her, so while she understood what he was doing, she fundamentally just shook her head at his method and how seemingly without awareness he always continued to be.
And Kazumi, to her, she was just "that girl" you always see in shojo that she couldn't stand. I did see her point in a way too; I mean, realistically, she's like 16, very pretty, with another boy confirmed (and who knows how much more) into her, with a brother, dog, and full family, yet for SOME REASON, she's not only willing to die for this ONE boy who barely even acknowledges or who is just too nice to say no, she just could not sympathize with her feelings. It is a bit crazy too, when I put it like that to me too.
Like even after the Snake of the Festival pretty much tells her he chose Shana, she's STILL enamored with him. It's anime, yeah, but, yeah, kinda insane.
Does she feel like that in a lower extent with Wilhelmina since she was still in love with Merihim who loved Mathilde or does that never come up when thinking of Wilhelmina?
Margery, she was just really off-put with her getting involved with a literal 16 year old. And yeah, she could never get back in her good graces after that. That was just too much. The only other girl I've watched Shana with had the same reaction.
Being well versed in shojo manga makes that even more surprising to be honest
I know Americans usually very super fixated on 18 but thats usually just when talking about girls being too young
Age of consent in my own country is 15 but honestly just ignoring he 16 I feel like moment is super well earned, really emotional and makes sense in terms of how their dynamic had been built up
GoldenPincers Aug 21, 2024 6:15 AM
Hey, no problem, and agreed.
I've known Deknijff for a long time. The first time we voice chatted, we talked about Shana for 2.5 hours straight, haha.
Yeah, being an English-speaking Shana fan is painful. The LN was licenced in English in a time when people in the west didn't know/care about LNs yet, so it flopped and stopped after 2 volumes. I'm 99% sure if the Shana LN was licenced a couple years later, we'd have a fully translated story by now. And we've had no luck with fan translations. A year ago, the person translating the Hidan no Aria LN also started translating Shana, so hopefully he continues (currently half-way through Vol.2). But because he has 3 translation projects going on, it takes time.

Regarding the anime's original content, overall, I don't have too much of a problem with it. Of course, it would have been better without, but considering the era Shana came out, with so many anime having anime-original content, Shana's is comparatively quite decent. Regardless of my thoughts on it, I will at least always respect how they somehow managed to connect 3 seemingly independent anime-online plot points (S1's climax, Fumina, S2's climax) and, for the most part, make it coherent. I remember being positively surprised how, the massive amount of Power of Existence released in S1's climax actually became relevent in S2's climax when awakening Tyrant II and Statue of Pride, same for Fumina. The plot points themselves might not be fantastic, but I respect the work done to connect them. Especially since Shana's anime wasn't originally planned to continue (they didn't anticipate how popular the anime would be, which is why they had S1's anime-only finale, as a sort of big climax to end it off). Unfortunatelly, as far as I understand it, the anime had drifted too far away from the LN, so putting S2 back of course was tricky (it still doesn't excuse so much of S2 being just fluff, imo).

To my understanding:

Tyrant I was implanted into the Reiji Maigo by Sabrac, as a way to secure the Reiji Maigo for when the time came to complete the Psalm, since its infinite energy output would fuel Snake's substitute body (used as the heart).

Tyrant II was meant to be used to house Snake's consciousness, and it needed to collect emotions and behaviors to make it stable, I think? At base, Tyrant II is a creation, an object, so it doesn't have anything.

Fumina Konoe also gathered emotions, but I believe there's a difference. No matter how much data Tyrant II absorbed, it could never become a true "living being", nor have a will of its own; it would always remain "a thing", "an object", "a tool". Meanwhile, Fumina's absorption of emotions allowed her to progressively became her own person. As S2 progressed, Fumina became less and less robotic, could hold proper conversations, hand out with others, and, while subtle and subdued, had her likes and dislikes (ex: the birds). Essentially, Fumina gained a will of her own (to some extent, since she's still linked to Hecate). That's why Fumina was used as "the brain", because Tyrant II couldn't serve that purpose, since it wouldn't be able to hold onto those emotions and do something with them.

The Statue of Pride was supposed to be the exoskeleton, the "skin", of the substitude body. Snake's body would be in Tyrant II, which itself was inside the Statue. Perhaps because Snake's real body is gigantic, having Snake's substitute body also be gigantic was "befitting" of him. For Dantalion, the Statue also had the added effect of experimenting the creation of a Denizen outside the Crimson Realm, which would normally be impossible. "Our Lord would inhabit the body of a Denizen, one of our kind", was perhaps the self-evident idea for Bal Masque. Then I guess Snake decided "Never mind, I'll inhabit that Mystes instead. He's not a Denizen, but he will work."

That's my interpretation.
I hope maybe that answers some of your questions.
GoldenPincers Aug 13, 2024 4:43 PM
Sorry, I missed your first message.
I'd love to discuss about Shana, as well. It's up there in my favourite pieces of fiction ever, in spite of its apparent flaws.
From the comments you gave to each season on your MAL, I assume you've read the LN?
Deknijff Aug 13, 2024 4:18 PM
Since we talking so much about it I was reminded of this from my Bluray commentary on season 3

Sorry its camrip quality but I couldn't find it on YT so it was just faster to record on my phone and upload like this
I don't remember if it was explicitly Dantallion, but I do remember it was either him, Sydonay, or Bel-Peol who said something akin to "Flame Hazes around the world won't be able to ignore it" as if it was one of the benefits of them doing and why they didn't like it when it was sealed, preventing it. I don't get this as they spend ALL of 3 trying to keep the Flame Hazes off them.
I tried skimming through episode 23 and 24 of season 2 but I couldn't find a scene like that honestly so Im starting to wonder if the subs different or something
My guess was this was only to be temporary until the Snake fully transplanted inside, now housing the MLC. And maybe this giant Effigy of Pride was just to distract and battle the Flame Hazes while they departed. Bait, essentially. I'm sure it would've been hard to kill.
Ah after rewatching the show with the context of season 3 Ive always just assumed Effigy of Pride was meant to serve the exact purpose Yuji ended up serving, like building up moral for the Tomogara, help find the weak spot on earth that would lead to their pathway inside the rift and then having a body strong enough to fight if need be like how Yuji is constantly fighting
My point is, it barely makes sense no matter how much headcanon I try to use; I can barely make it fit at best and it doesn't line up whatsoever at worst, and it just seems like a HELL of a lot of extra work on Bal Masque's part for something that didn't even work, or that wasn't the original 3-part plan to begin with.
Again I don't see it like extra work, before Yuji was even on the table they were building up to creating an Avatar to help Snake of the Festival enact his will on the world, I think the Tyrant and Effigy of Pride would just be that so they could do everything without Yuji
The only other idea I have is it's Dantallion's idealized version of the Psalm and he thought he could speed run it all together: Getting the MLC, the Tyrant II, and a new body for the Snake (that could possibly do what his original body was needed for WITHOUT having to trek insdie the rift?), and get to experience a lot of crazy shit that has never been done before. That IS in character with him, but again, that's a lot of effort and trust for Bal Masque to give him and risking Tyrant II in the process. (What even happened to it at the end? It just falls over, but didn't they need THAT one in particular as the Snake's body??? Tyrant I was just essentially a backup that was originally going to just be an energy source.)
I still think they'd need to into the rift since its the body of the God which is needed to do the divine power
The body dying was a shame but after waiting 3000 years I don't think a small set back would anger them too much and they'd just start from the best last safe point with the data and materials they had gathered, luckily for Bal Masqué Yuji ended up joining them after talking with Snake of the Festival which made things go much smother since he could just make a Flame Haze contract with a person he had a heart to heart with
At least thats my reading, I remember my friend GoldenPincer mentioned once the merge Yuji and Snake does isn't a Flame Haze contract like everyone else in the series but I can't remember the difference he mentioned, I should ask him on discord if I see he free
as a Shana fan who knows the material better
You give me too much credit man, if anything Im feeling like you know the material way better than me right now in the moment with how fixated on this one part of the show you are but Ive never given much thought and just rolled with it
Deknijff Aug 13, 2024 7:41 AM
Ah my bad sorry, I felt it was stuff I had already gave my thoughts on
Could you quote the parts you feel I haven’t answered to a satisfying conclusion?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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