Apr 3, 2013 5:12 PM
Wow that ending... My guess is that after Nakoshi used the trepanation method on Nanako and went out, he started seeing all of those "Homunculi" as himself and is able to become friends with people easily and know their problems because he realized his own problems. The thing is that he left Nanako to bleed to death and during the 1 year time he dissappeared, he went on a search for a volunteer who would also try to "see him" like he tried with Nanako and use trepanation on them. That's why a year later when he was eating in his car, Manabu Ito showed up looking like a real girl which I thought at first was Nanako and he almost used trepanation on him. I think Nakoshi has been killing people with trepanation in that 1 year time skip and that Ito decided to find him to stop what started only as an experiment and ended up with a Nakoshi who seemed insane or maybe he was also kind of an enlightened psychopath who just wants someone to accept him. But the police came and I guess it's the end for Mr. Nakoshi. That's how I interpret the last few chapters of this volume and I think it ties up the story pretty well. It's kind of a sad ending though I'm not gonna lie I still feel pretty bad for Nakoshi and what he had gone through. I'll definitely recommend this manga to anyone who is interested of a psychological dark drama. I don't know what to say more but I'd like to see what others opinion on this ending. The beginning started of great and then got slightly slower near the middle and got a good ending. I'll give this an 9/10 overall. |
mikzflavaApr 3, 2013 5:36 PM
Oct 22, 2013 4:45 PM
For the ending, all I can say is... WTF? |
Apr 8, 2014 7:03 PM
That ending was SUPER WEIRD and I don't even understand what really happened |
Apr 8, 2014 7:40 PM
I think the first comment summed up the happenings of the ending very thoroughly.I would like to add that I think that mr. nakoshi found his personal truth in the end. That truth being that he was an incredibly ugly person on the inside as well as the outside. Seeing his own "fake" face on every person around him must have been seriously terrifying for him. A constant reminder of his sins. I believe he was in denial and probably killed countless people in search of someone who could possibly tell him otherwise. Did I mention that this story had a wonderful ending? |
Apr 27, 2015 11:35 PM
kami_desu said: For the ending, all I can say is... WTF? Yeah... This series felt almost more about the crazy and psychotic than existentialism... I honestly loved the beginning first couple volumes, up until the #1775 arc. From there it tripped and although it has some great moments of thought-provoking ideas and societal commentary, they were in between many repetitive scenes that kept beating the dead horse. I'm inclined to say that it succeeded in some aspects but failed in others. The way Nakoshi could "manipulate" others by drawing out their subconscious problems was a hack felt lacking, and ironically, led me to feel that the series was superficial at times (despite the series trying to oppose that notion). Ito's build-up was long-winded and his revelation was fine, but his character appearances after that felt forced to move the story along. I'm mixed on the ending as well. But it was about time Nakoshi was put somewhere. The fact that he's still around with even more holes in him, well, that says a lot. Probably quite a few people dead because of him and his attempt to find solace in another human being in his new world. In the end I feel like he never really did find his true meaning in life, merely discovering something bizarre that deceived him into some abstract comfort. However, I did think the ideas of existentialism were explored in an interesting way, so I think that was the most notable part for me. Reminded me of Oyasumi Punpun with the direction it took as well. |
MirorinApr 27, 2015 11:49 PM
Feb 3, 2016 5:43 PM
This was a mind twisty series but quite unique. I was somewhat disturbed by the final few chapters of the last volume tbh especially in regards to Nakoshi and his behavior, actions, and perception of others around him and in general the world as well. A lot of the content seems to have abstract quality and imo, that was fairly well done. |
Feb 3, 2017 11:31 AM
I don't know... I felt like the ending was rushed. Like he did the trepanation thing on Nanako and your turn the page and it's like years ahead. It was like someone surprised the author with a "Hey this is the last volume, you know?" Overall I liked the story and psychological aspects of it. This could turn into a twistedly interesting TV series. :D |
Mar 18, 2017 11:39 AM
The ending was rushed af. I loved most of the story tho. The rushed ending leaves me feel so empty. |
May 27, 2017 10:22 PM
I'd agree with people that the ending felt "rushed," but I also felt like the story was still fully in place. This definitely seemed like where things should have ended up and story-wise it made sense for me. The lack seemed more in filling out the scenes between Hotel Bangself and the end so that it didn't feel like it was only 5 scenes to end the story. |
Mar 7, 2020 8:04 AM
This is one of the best things I have ever read/seen. I wish it didn't end at all.. I'm happy with the ending. I personally, didn't think it was short of anything.. the ending was approaching when Nakoshi put the drill to Nanako's head I'm spooked overall, as this manga shows a lot of things in the universe of human psyche and the human condition.. Human is very beautiful but scary.. I have so much to say about this, it was sooo thought-provoking, so unbelievably raw, realistic and surreal, in some ways scary because of how repulsively truthful so many things depicted in it are.. so much symbolism and fully metaphorical.. I just loved this manga. I doubt I'll ever find any manga of this caliber - it doesn't let up even in a single page. You could take this manga literally for what is shown or have your own interpretations to everything in it - one of the few fictional works that gives it's audience such a open range of personal interpretations.. will really make you look into yourself.. And thus, you cannot really judge any character in the manga, they're all so human.. I want to read it again, it feels like I couldn't get enough of it |
removed-userMar 7, 2020 8:12 AM
Oct 27, 2020 6:27 PM
I'm still digesting, but it was a great read. I thought the author's implementation of numerous socioeconomic aspects was very tactful. Though the characters were sometimes written a little crudely, it was a grating when they were chewing dialogue in some the more psychology heavy parts of the story. That said, it had a good pace, though the arcs are too clearly defined and some parts were contrived. I think I liked the ending, but I'm still making up my mind. It was heavy — I felt the author built to it well and finished strongly on something that lingers. I also like how he flirted with Nakoshi's delusions and didn't lean too far in one direction or the other. As a reader I got the sense that Nakoshi's hallucinations were supposed to lead to some brighter place, to make him more whole, but actually it's the opposite and I feel the author includes enough subtext that you can appreciate the plot in many regards. |
Nov 11, 2020 12:29 PM
*If anyone is still confused on this ending, Nakoshi basically becomes even more deranged after leaving the girl in the hotel. It's heavily implied that she died because she was left unattended with the head wound still bleeding (Nakoshi turned heavily ill after the first time he performed this himself and Ito even warned him of this). Subsequently, Nakoshi went roaming around still opening holes in his skull and doing it to others while living in his car - hence, why the it ends with Ito and the police confronting him. This ending caught me so off guard due to it's obscene sadness. It makes sense in Nakoshi case considering at how delusional he turned out to be after all. This story will remain in my thoughts for probably the rest of my life... such an amazing plot overall. I wonder what my homunculi looks now because of this lol |
Mar 27, 2021 6:16 AM
That was quite an intense read. Reading this made feel depressed, grossed out and contemplative, all at the same time. While I didn't fully appreciate everything about this manga, it's still has some merit. 6/10. |
Apr 20, 2021 10:34 AM
What? Whyy? It would've been a lot better for me if they ended it when nakoshi's gave advice and greeted people in town. Btw thanks to OP for summarize what happened.i had a bad feeling when he said nakano was tired but i just wasn't sure. So she really was dead and then he becomes nut Still a good read. Really enjoyed this I wonder if ito is going to prison too for practicing the trepanation |
┏──── WHY Is HoneyComeBear so Underrated? ───────── ┗─────────┛ |
Jul 6, 2021 2:04 AM
The ending really disturbed me for a while, it has really mind boggling and weird ass moments but the ending seemingly justifies what Nakooooshi has become as it was foreshadowed. It showed that the first hole was the start of descent into insanity, really beautiful. |
Jul 26, 2021 2:42 PM
I've been binging on it for past 3 days and now I'm finished. Can't really say how suprised I was for this ending. Honestly, it looked like Nakoshi finally accepted the world, both the truth and lie. Those homunculus were his own hidden desires to be accepted. Moreover, he actually got some kind of enlightment. Yet, as we can see he just wasn't able to stop. Seeing homunculus became his obsession,w hile he still was trying to find someone to see him for who he truly is. Nanako was able to do that only at the end of their story. It looked to me liek he had given up on her and understood that she won't be able to completely see him. So he just left her to die from bleeding. And then the year passed, he was still trying his searching to find someone able to accept him. Iou found him, but he also wasn't the one to grasp what Makoshi really is. But don't get me wrong, Nakoshi also lost some par tof his humanity while seeing homunculus. He lost some kind of ethical borders which allowed him to decide what is good or wrong. Throughout the whole year he was creating new holes to see and understand himself better while still seeing homunculus as himself. Thus, he stopped seeing ethical borders as something to care about, because for him he was doing it all to him. So it's permissible to assume he was doing other trepanations to other people in order to find someone who could truly see him. Itou, as I already said, wasn't that person. He was the closest one to be called Nakoshi's friend but for him it was like he failed him. It was supposed to be experiment and probably escalated in mass murdering by Nakatoshi. Sad ending, indeed. Also, it looks like Nakatoshi still understood that he was doing something wrong, at least the vague feeling of it. And throughout the year he realized his dream of being seen for whom he really is will remain unfulfilled. Thus he said "I'm tired of seeing it". |
Oct 17, 2021 10:35 PM
Mihu95 said: I've been binging on it for past 3 days and now I'm finished. Can't really say how suprised I was for this ending. Honestly, it looked like Nakoshi finally accepted the world, both the truth and lie. Those homunculus were his own hidden desires to be accepted. Moreover, he actually got some kind of enlightment. Yet, as we can see he just wasn't able to stop. Seeing homunculus became his obsession,w hile he still was trying to find someone to see him for who he truly is. Nanako was able to do that only at the end of their story. It looked to me liek he had given up on her and understood that she won't be able to completely see him. So he just left her to die from bleeding. And then the year passed, he was still trying his searching to find someone able to accept him. Iou found him, but he also wasn't the one to grasp what Makoshi really is. But don't get me wrong, Nakoshi also lost some par tof his humanity while seeing homunculus. He lost some kind of ethical borders which allowed him to decide what is good or wrong. Throughout the whole year he was creating new holes to see and understand himself better while still seeing homunculus as himself. Thus, he stopped seeing ethical borders as something to care about, because for him he was doing it all to him. So it's permissible to assume he was doing other trepanations to other people in order to find someone who could truly see him. Itou, as I already said, wasn't that person. He was the closest one to be called Nakoshi's friend but for him it was like he failed him. It was supposed to be experiment and probably escalated in mass murdering by Nakatoshi. Sad ending, indeed. Also, it looks like Nakatoshi still understood that he was doing something wrong, at least the vague feeling of it. And throughout the year he realized his dream of being seen for whom he really is will remain unfulfilled. Thus he said "I'm tired of seeing it". I don't think the whole process made him loose touch with what is wrong or right, he was horrible from the very beggining. I think the ending was more about he not being able to feel true empathy towards no one but himself (quite literally when he starts seeing others as himself) even though he went trhough all that self discovery process. He went on a journey to discover himself and found out he had always been awful and continued to be so, waiting for someone to look at him and tell him he's not. But there's no such person, even Nanako saw nothing but a demon at the end, because it wasn't about being able to see: no one could've seen something good in him because he just wasn't. The way I interpret the story, he didn't loose track of ethics nor lost his humanity: he just never had them to being with. Sorry, I just finished it and needed to vent lmao. |
Dec 27, 2021 11:53 AM
In the hands of another main character, this could have been a wholesome story about character growth. I don't blame the author for making the mc a terrible person. |
Jun 19, 2022 5:04 PM
I went through this whole series expecting Nakoshi to continue to learn about himself until he reached this dramatic lightbulb moment and then he would attempt to correct his previous mistakes and better himself but then he just went on this weird tangent about the heart to Nanako and went fully insane and I just didn’t appreciate this ending at all, the whole series just felt like Nakoshi was growing and then it was all just dropped at the end, all the tension was lost and it just lost me. This was a 9/10 for me until the ending, 7/10 |
Jul 31, 2022 12:24 AM
the story was about nakoshi knowing himself by seeing the reflection of his distortions in others, in the end we see that nakoshi isn't ugly just from the outside but from the inside too, and he doesn't want to accept this fact, he wants someone to tell him that deep down he is a pure cloud, although he isn't, in the end he could never get rid of his selfish desire to be accepted by people and that led to him descending into madness |
Oct 2, 2022 3:48 PM
I've never came across an ending this disturbing yet magnificent and extremely fucking depressing, it gives the reader the feeling that there's no way out and the only person who is able to view their heart is themselves |
Nov 30, 2022 10:11 AM
The dialogue in darkness due to snow building up on the car windows was a nice touch. Really enjoyed reading this, I think the ending was pretty fitting. Also liked how the mangaka’s art developed from Koroshiya 1. |
"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!" - Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin - |
Dec 8, 2022 8:48 AM
kuramadoe said: I went through this whole series expecting Nakoshi to continue to learn about himself until he reached this dramatic lightbulb moment and then he would attempt to correct his previous mistakes and better himself but then he just went on this weird tangent about the heart to Nanako and went fully insane and I just didn’t appreciate this ending at all, the whole series just felt like Nakoshi was growing and then it was all just dropped at the end, all the tension was lost and it just lost me. I think that's what makes it great and separates it from others of a similar genre. You're led to believe Nakoshi is a little otherworldly and is working toward some divine moment where he will become a better person, but actually he's deeply unwell. The ending causes you to reframe and rethink everything before it, which is what makes it so heavy and memorable. Two years ago when I commented here I said; "I think I like the ending," now I think it's probably one of the most unforgettable and compelling endings in any manga I've read. It certainly takes you for a ride and leaves you feeling a little weird afterwards, but I think it matures in a really unique and beguiling way. |
Jan 11, 2023 6:01 AM
how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real |
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor |
Apr 9, 2023 6:01 AM
Wow great final, with surprises although with one point that you can imagine!!! It was a surprise the real Nanako´s face, ugly!!! kekeke Nice manga in general and easy to read and with nice draws!!! 9/10 |
Apr 27, 2023 4:44 PM
Nakoshi's final moments were sure something, especially if he just fell into insanity more and more during that time skip... at least he could see Ito one last time before getting arrested... |
May 2, 2023 2:05 PM
Don't really know what to say... The story was mostly a study of perspective and artistic flow, with a story laying somewhere... I expected a tad more of this manga. It was interesting, but could be better. |
May 4, 2023 8:57 PM
The manga was less than average overall though the ending makes you think a bit and isn't totally clear about everything. The story got repetitive at some point and I am not easy to shock, so most of the scenes were just dull for me, anyways isn't the best nor the worst, 4/10. |
May 9, 2023 7:08 AM
I just finished it a few minutes ago, so maybe I have an immature impression. Some parts of the story dragged on for quite a bit, and I feel that the dialogue could have been cut in half and still conveyed the message. By the last volume, I was ready to give it a 6/10, but the last few pages saved it and I am going with 8/10. Small question though, did Nakoshi kill Ito at the end, and the police scene happened later on? (Ito's position in the car scene reminds me of the Mother in Psycho movie !). |
Jun 26, 2023 11:38 PM
what a confusing series, the ending is very confusing and dark. protag was using his powers to control subconscious of other people but looks like he was killing people all along in a whole year. |
Jul 3, 2023 1:07 AM
mikzflava said: Wow that ending... My guess is that after Nakoshi used the trepanation method on Nanako and went out, he started seeing all of those "Homunculi" as himself and is able to become friends with people easily and know their problems because he realized his own problems. The thing is that he left Nanako to bleed to death and during the 1 year time he dissappeared, he went on a search for a volunteer who would also try to "see him" like he tried with Nanako and use trepanation on them. That's why a year later when he was eating in his car, Manabu Ito showed up looking like a real girl which I thought at first was Nanako and he almost used trepanation on him. I think Nakoshi has been killing people with trepanation in that 1 year time skip and that Ito decided to find him to stop what started only as an experiment and ended up with a Nakoshi who seemed insane or maybe he was also kind of an enlightened psychopath who just wants someone to accept him. But the police came and I guess it's the end for Mr. Nakoshi. That's how I interpret the last few chapters of this volume and I think it ties up the story pretty well. It's kind of a sad ending though I'm not gonna lie I still feel pretty bad for Nakoshi and what he had gone through. I'll definitely recommend this manga to anyone who is interested of a psychological dark drama. I don't know what to say more but I'd like to see what others opinion on this ending. The beginning started of great and then got slightly slower near the middle and got a good ending. I'll give this an 9/10 overall. That's what I thought happened aswell. I gave it 10/10 but sometimes the conversations dragged on and it didn't need to be. Best manga I've read so far though. |
Oct 9, 2023 3:19 AM
I just finished the Manga and WOW. This was the strangest Manga I've ever read. It was beautiful sometimes, heavy most of the time. This was just sad and I don't really feel like talking about the whole Manga right now. I just don't have it in me right now. But I do wanna talk about the ending I think the ending fits the story perfectly. There couldn't have been a more perfect ending. Still a disturbing and a sad ending. It didn't feel rushed to me as some people think. I just dk what to say other than the ending is perfect. It lines up with the story and feels natural. OP summarized it perfectly. This is exactly what I thought about it. It's good to see that someone came to the same conclusion as me about the ending. I need a little break from reading other things now. Overall, this Manga explores the human nature in a very strange way. It has perfect depth to it. Not too much that it would be confusing for people and not too little that people would not feel it. I'm constantly finding something like this to read. The most questionable, strange, maybe disturbing and interesting to read. But has a deep meaning to it. This was a great read. It's gonna be hard to find something like this again or maybe I wouldn't find something like this. But I'll always remember this Manga. |
Jan 2, 2024 4:45 PM
So Nakoshi went completely insane after killing "Nanako" and probably killed a few more people under the excuse of "seeing the real him" by drilling holes in his head. He probably escaped the police for that year and Ito is crying because he has lost it. 8/10. Some arcs were great, while others felt strange. There's plenty of introspection and good ideas but overall the trippiness of the series makes this very hard to recommend. Like, you need to be in a state of mind to read this without questioning the sanity of the author. And also, there was absolutely no need to make the #1775 arc the way it was. The whole scene inside the car was not necessary. |
Mar 26, 2024 4:57 PM
Reply to Pakumen-
So Nakoshi went completely insane after killing "Nanako" and probably killed a few more people under the excuse of "seeing the real him" by drilling holes in his head. He probably escaped the police for that year and Ito is crying because he has lost it.
8/10. Some arcs were great, while others felt strange. There's plenty of introspection and good ideas but overall the trippiness of the series makes this very hard to recommend. Like, you need to be in a state of mind to read this without questioning the sanity of the author.
And also, there was absolutely no need to make the #1775 arc the way it was. The whole scene inside the car was not necessary.
8/10. Some arcs were great, while others felt strange. There's plenty of introspection and good ideas but overall the trippiness of the series makes this very hard to recommend. Like, you need to be in a state of mind to read this without questioning the sanity of the author.
And also, there was absolutely no need to make the #1775 arc the way it was. The whole scene inside the car was not necessary.
@Pakumen- what is it with modern people online and despising r scenes so much that they must call it unnecessary even in a manga as deeply uncomfortable as this one? is that one scene seriously worse than watching the mc spiral into the absolute rock bottom of mental illness? it's a part of the art, as disgusting as it is |
Apr 19, 2024 2:40 PM
This manga felt like taking jimsonweed, not a pleasant trip at all. I like the premise of this manga and I also liked how "different" it was. Ive consumed plenty of psychological media but this one just had a certain...vibe to it. not a good vibe, but a vibe nonetheless. Hard to explain. Seeing the mc's gradual insanity was the highlight of this manga, I honestly thought nakoshi would be some sort of therapist after gaining his "powers"-- but in reality, he would just become worse and worse. He definitely "helped" people alright, whether it's raping them in the car or genuinely giving heartfelt advice like to that homeless who commited suicide. I honestly disliked the dialogue during what..the second half of the manga or something? I felt like there was so much repetitive convos about "seeing the heart" and "i always look down because im ugly as shit" like ok man, i get it. i really do. i felt like i was reading the same shit when nakoshi vented about it to itoh in vol 11 and then to nakano in vol 12-15. the conversations about psychology and the human mind felt unnatural and didnt have a proper flow to it. the dialogue doesnt have to be realistic, but it just felt so "on the nose" and tacky. the rest of the dialogue was fine though ending was very good, i get how it felt "rushed" but i still loved it. it felt like a proper payoff nakoshi's character. my interpretation is that after killing nanako, he ended up becoming totally insane (he trepanated himself even more after the time skip). he kept seeing images of himself after plastic surgery because of he's full of lies and he totally accepts that. his self-discovery journey resulted in the realization that hes a complete and utter narcissist. even before the trepanation, he abandoned nanako's child because of his insecurity (i think). overall this manga had very high highs and very low lows. would not eat my own cum again |
man. |
Apr 30, 2024 3:18 AM
Im gonna rate 6 , it's kinda good but what I except didn't match |
Jun 22, 2024 3:40 AM
I dont know how I expected this to end.. but definitely not like this. Definitely the strangest manga I have ever read. |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Sep 17, 2024 12:36 PM
Does Ito die? Cuz in the final scene nakoshi drilled/almost drilled a hole into him Also, dam what a fucked up ending, and seeing him with so many holes, he truly went insane bro Such a self centered, egotistical, narcissistic jerk of a protagonist, such a complex story. I would only recommend to people who atleast read 5 to 10 manga, cuz some stuff is too much beginners (car scene for example) Overall, 10/10 |
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