◈ hi! im aiden :] and i love manga just like you!
unless you dont, which i think would be sorta strange
if youre so deep into myanimelist that youre on some random's profile.
definitely a shonenhead, show me a cool transformation and ill be hooked,
but my other vices are delinquent and zombie manga.
if we disagree on something, that just means we're both
passionate about manga, which is great! no hard feelings here.
just dont be elitist, okay?
ranking scores
10: life-changing, defines the way i think a story should be written, i usually think about it for months after, becomes a major talking point in why i love animanga. i usually try to enthrall myself in every aspect of it
9: fantastic, absolutely loved every last bit of it, nearly nothing to complain about. or rarely, a 10 that had 1 huge flaw that brought it down just barely to a 9
8: great, thoroughly enjoyed most of it, just something about it may not have clicked with me as hard as a 9, or some parts just dragged it down further
7: alright, found somethings fun about it, but didnt really blow my mind
6: okay, not really anything too special, but consumable
5: just passable, bare minimum of entertainment
4-1: completely strenuous to watch to the point where there IS no point, i likely will never have many of these, because i tend to drop series i dont like right away
Really good review for Boys On The Run. Agreed with every point you brought up, especially how you mentioned that it's a story that makes you strongly feel a lot of emotions. That aspect of it makes me greatly admire Hanazawa as an author.
Yet where you gave it a 9, I gave it a 1 lol. I couldn't forgive the MC for how much he ruins everything for himself throughout the whole manga. Maybe when I've mentally recovered enough I can try to read this one again xD
All Comments (8) Comments
Yet where you gave it a 9, I gave it a 1 lol. I couldn't forgive the MC for how much he ruins everything for himself throughout the whole manga. Maybe when I've mentally recovered enough I can try to read this one again xD