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Mar 11, 2021 9:19 PM
Sep 2018
I thought that by going anime original they could write something better, but nope. The manga near the end had this issue too with people changing sides suddenly but the anime just made it worse with the pacing its going at
Mar 11, 2021 9:54 PM
Mar 2021
Lmao the story is too convenient. Even a 6 year old child can make a good story than the writer of this show.
Mar 11, 2021 10:04 PM
Jul 2018
For me, this episode solidified that this anime is one of the worst sequels, if not, the worst sequel I have watched. I will still continue to watch since there are only 2 episodes left.
Mar 11, 2021 10:08 PM
Feb 2021
MegamiRem said:
Putting aside the fact that how easily Norman's lackeys turned over a new leaf this episode was quite emotional. We got a lot of more info and it's time to get gracefield back.

okay so i was thinking with Normans lackey like theyre all still children the reason they all turned over a leaf so quickly is just because they werent sure in the first place also they see that if they break into gracefield they can live and thats a much more effective use of time then killing demons
Mar 11, 2021 10:18 PM
Apr 2020
Decent episode but a lot of convenience. Just when Norman reveals he gonna die they get cure. Will we get to see who it was that gave this info ?
"Who am I ? Where do I come from ? Where am I going ? That's all I want to think about"
-Saikawa Sohei
Mar 11, 2021 10:19 PM

Aug 2010
There was a slight hope in last episode but nope. Everything is too convenient, plot armour that was strong in manga is even stronger and if Isabela's grandma reveal goes same way as in manga, it's gonna get even worse. I actually liked that plot twist in manga but following this episode... nope. Friendship is magic, I guess. And that pen? That's a joke to series itself.
Mar 11, 2021 10:20 PM

Jun 2012
Yawn... series was interesting but now it just feels cheap and uninspiring.
Mar 11, 2021 10:23 PM

Sep 2020
I was actually one of the people who thought this show was pretty good (around an 8), until this garbage aired. Are you going to tell me that Emma was able to convince Norman to not kill every demon, and basically wasting the drug he worked hard on while having seizures and other side effects just by saying "duh norman we're in this together"?? That ruined all momentum this show had going for me. Also like many have been saying this episode was just wayyyy too convenient. They found a way to cure Norman and the rest of the Lambda gang, the blueprints for the Demon HQ, and where every guard is located or whatever in the span of like 5 minutes? It just made everything so boring. At least the ending twist was ok
watch this and your dick (or vagayna) will literally blow off with the sheer amount of force and momentum created by inertia and Einsteins second law :)
Mar 11, 2021 10:31 PM

Jun 2017
This is the worst episode so far. The more I think about this episode, the worse it becomes. It is so cringy when everyone agrees with Emma so easily. Even Barbara. I thought the manga was bad but this actually makes the manga look a lot better in hindsight. I am laughing my ass off at this trainwreck. Reading these comments is actually more enjoyable than watching the episode itself. 😂
Mar 11, 2021 10:36 PM

Jan 2021
Ashhk said:
They're really going back to Grace Field like that, they don't think if it's a trap or not, but at least they have the plan + more information.
But yeah that end is gonna be interesting for sure

IKR! I thought Ray will figure it out. But once Norman explains about the Lambda plan it kinda made sense that they didn't divulge into the credibility of the transmission.

The end of the episode had a great twist and I am once again hopeful for this anime now.

Maybe not...IDK.
Mar 11, 2021 11:06 PM

Mar 2019
What a mess... I think this is shaping up to be worse than the manga ending at this point. LOL. Amazing.
Mar 11, 2021 11:15 PM

Feb 2020
So the old man was the survivor from Mujika's history, eh? I see why he got that power, even Sonju too. A little note for the conversation between Emma and Norman: Its not that hard, Norman. You just need to listened out to the true god of the series, Emma, and you could get what you want. Even if it means your lives and the others, you just been granted with Emma's blessing. So, thats it! Finally Norman finished his goofing around and acted as a god there. Because no shit, the true god of these series actually Emma.

The other experiment folks also easily joined to the gangs. That's good, more power means more confident for the group of escapees to executed their next plan. Its not so bad, its just simply fine and really understandable, for this second season standard. However, apparently, they didn't make it all too easy as they created some challenge. Yes, ofc a little betrayal drama may happen next to intensified the expected story. Well, once again, a little burden maybe too silly, but, its just fine.

The doctor was Norman's dad, possibly. Well, no surprise. Its just understandable. I can't wait to see Isabella in action again at the next episode. Lets see....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Mar 11, 2021 11:40 PM

Jul 2019
norman aint build like eren xdddd

Mar 11, 2021 11:41 PM

Mar 2016
This was so anticlimactic. One of the three main characters became an antagonist, and he was saved by a few minutes of talk? And, the people who hated the demons also changed at the same time, so the whole thing ended without any conflict.

The characters got a map of their enemy's location and people from Lambda even got a cure for their illness. Every thing is too convenient. With this pattern, I feel like Isabella will just betray the demons and save the kids.
Mar 12, 2021 12:18 AM

Dec 2018
would have been better if someone had died XD
Mar 12, 2021 12:48 AM

Jun 2020
Norman made a magical drug but they don't need it anymore because of some magical blood. Ohh noo seizures... PLOT TWIST another magical drug makes an appearance. Where are the labs and scientists to manufacture this? Don't worryyyy it's magic. Why is everyone suddenly acting like a different person after a few words from Emma? Now this is a little known but Emma herself is a magical drug too. Sorry I spoiled the ending for you, but yes. They just find out that they were all on LSD.
Mar 12, 2021 1:14 AM

Jan 2012
While I am pleased that the plot is going in a different direction (because now it doesn't look like the manga with worse development), this story is stupid.
Basically this episode is "lets take what people didn't like about the manga, and make that the main plot points."
Should've named this episode 'Deus Ex Machina'
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Mar 12, 2021 1:30 AM
Dec 2018
Omg vincent why TwT
Mar 12, 2021 1:32 AM
Dec 2018
PBandJake said:
The old demon they saved, who lives in some random unknown isolated town, just so happens to have a cap that just so happens to be compatible with the kids' pen that just so happens to contain a detailed map of the farms AND the guard patterns AND the CURE for Norman's 'deadly disease' .

What the fuck?

Lmao "just so happens to" i mean its a fictional show so xD
Mar 12, 2021 1:36 AM
Dec 2018
absortio said:
Was that Isabella who received the transmit from Vincent? Somehow, I find that quite relieving.

She took the deal the demon offered so i dont know what is relieving about it
Mar 12, 2021 1:46 AM

Apr 2018
Emma choising to save everyone turns out to be a huge win for the team after they discovered a piece that leaked a ton of information about the farms from grandpa Vylk a survivor of the evil blood.

I freaking knew that Vincent was gonna stab them in the back like an ass.
Mar 12, 2021 1:54 AM

Jul 2012
They really took what was bad from the manga and made it worse huh... damn

i mean, my expectations were already low considering we only had 3 episodes left but wow
"In the past few months since we met, I've shared many memories with Nagato. Though I've also shared memories with Haruhi, Asahina-san and Koizumi, I found that I've experienced more events with Nagato in particular. In fact, every situation seems to involve her. I might as well mention this, she's probably the only person to cause the bell within me to shake the most vigorously..." ~ Kyon, TMOSH
Mar 12, 2021 2:19 AM

Jul 2020
Well, that pen was convenient af LOL.

I accept random friend requests!
Mar 12, 2021 2:27 AM

Mar 2017
Not a fan of this arc and the end to it wasn't great either because it was all very convenient at the end like Norman's group just cooperatively changing their minds despite how much they wanted the demons dead before, the old demon dude just happening to have a Minerva pen and the cure to Norman's group's side effects.

The next arc seems pretty cool though! Isabella is back in action, we've got a traitor and we'll get to see Phil again and it feels like we might get the high-stakes feel back to the anime that's been missing this season.
Mar 12, 2021 2:29 AM
Jan 2017
Well this was deus ex machina episode if I ever saw one
Mar 12, 2021 2:40 AM

Feb 2014
Not only Emma's path is the hardest to follow in a story, literally saving everyone, and by doing so they get the info they needed to move on to their next plan. This is likely the only way they would have gotten their hands in to that pen part, now I understand why people criticise the story after the events of the first season, everything that happens on the second season suits Emma's plan.
Mar 12, 2021 3:13 AM

Apr 2016
Masalahnya berdatang terus anjeng kayak sinetron aja.... dan sekarang si botak memulai masalah baru
Mar 12, 2021 5:22 AM

Oct 2016
They really adapted the manga's bad parts and amplified it's shittyness even more. Though bad parts aside, I actually liked Vylk and the Emmas smiling at each other was pretty sweet. Wonder who Vylk found found though, I hope it's not who I think it is, that'd be whack. Looks like they heading straight to Grace Field.
Mar 12, 2021 5:41 AM

Jul 2014
Amazingly incompetent writing. The deus ex machina that is that random part of the pen some random human happened to have, that our old demon happened to stumble on by sheer dumb luck and think "I should keep this, just in case some humans happen to run into me and happen to need it one day). And of course it's got a cure for the Lambda drugs written into it for some reason, despite mostly being focused on the main headquarters of the farm and not the Lambda facility itself. Oh, better yet, of course the guard patterns and building schematics inside it will still be 100% accurate, even though it's been 15 fucking years since old demon found it.

I haven't even bothered mention how rapidly Norman and his goonies changed their minds, but it's hilariously shit writing there too. No way in hell Barbara would agree with Emma's stupidly blind, unrealistic optimism like that, no fucking chance whatsoever. And no, I don't believe that Norman never wanted to do any of it either.

And as for the bald guy being a mole: that shit would have come up way sooner than this and would have impacted things well before now, such that none of this shit around the return to Grace Field would be necessary.

Everyone involved in the writing for this season should be ashamed of themselves for producing something so hopelessly, hilariously incompetent.
Mar 12, 2021 5:53 AM

Feb 2016
DetectiveDazai said:
I am pretty sure, if the anime were to be released first and only after that the manga adaptation, the anime wouldn't get that much hate for now, because it is still a well written story. Also it is nothing new in the whole anime history, that one of the main character is choosing a wrong path and another character helping him to come back on the right one. I am happy to see the old kind Norman again and maybe more Emma-Norman moments.

Do you seriously believe all the hate comes from the manga readers? Open your eyes, dropping from 8.3 to 7.0 in score isn't something a minority can do, on top of that, the final arc of the manga was already bad, so if you want to point your finger at the problem, point it at Shirai.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Mar 12, 2021 6:31 AM

Apr 2020
Well, then the pacifist managed to stop the radicals.

Isabella is a Grandma now! And that Lambda project sounds bad. They can ship kids at whatever age now.

So the old man has been living with that blood for 700 years!!! Damn!!!
I hope we get some info on that pen thing, kind of came out of nowhere.

Mar 12, 2021 6:38 AM
May 2019
Exactly what I thought, Norman did side with Emma as well as others to have a change of heart oh at least Vincent didn't also that old demon holding onto a piece of pen for 15 years without losing or misplacing it and that piece conveniently having the layout of the entire facility as well as cure for Lambda kid's condition both marked on the map and the escape route Wow How very Convenient!!
Mar 12, 2021 6:55 AM

Jul 2013
AdolZeppeli said:
DetectiveDazai said:
I am pretty sure, if the anime were to be released first and only after that the manga adaptation, the anime wouldn't get that much hate for now, because it is still a well written story. Also it is nothing new in the whole anime history, that one of the main character is choosing a wrong path and another character helping him to come back on the right one. I am happy to see the old kind Norman again and maybe more Emma-Norman moments.

Do you seriously believe all the hate comes from the manga readers? Open your eyes, dropping from 8.3 to 7.0 in score isn't something a minority can do, on top of that, the final arc of the manga was already bad, so if you want to point your finger at the problem, point it at Shirai.

I haven't read the manga and I think the story is BS now.

A blind? old demon carrying a magical tiny pen cap for 15 years was RIGHT THERE at that moment with his granddaughter conveniently named Emma?

Total BS.
Mar 12, 2021 8:17 AM
May 2017
I really want to know this series' circumstances. Why wrap the whole thing up in 11 episodes? Because of budget? Since the author is apparently involved, does he dislike what many like about the manga? Does he like what what many dislike about the manga? Did he not read fan feedback about those things or did he misinterpret? Is he ashamed with how the manga as a whole turned out and wanted the anime to be over an done with?

I haven't read the manga btw, just going by what people have said.
Mar 12, 2021 8:32 AM
Dec 2019
Not gonna lie, I just scanned ahead through the episode over the course of 6-7 minutes and at least they seem to have set up a not worse ending than the manga had. If they're going to use either part of the manga final arc (either the fight part or Emma's mission; being vague to avoid spoilers) they can probably only do one. If they think of something new then it might actually finish in a somewhat interesting manner.
Mar 12, 2021 8:50 AM
Dec 2020
how convinent something with the cure and the blueprints of the headquarters just happened to be given to them 😐
Mar 12, 2021 9:09 AM
Jul 2019
I was just thinking, first time I saw the cover of this anime here :

I told myself : Yay ! Looks like this demon girl will be the main antagonist and we'll see a lot of tactical and mind battles between the demons in the forest under her lead and the kids led by Emma. A thriller just like first season ! Can't wait.

Never in my mind did I expect it to go to this crap route.
Mar 12, 2021 9:24 AM

Jun 2020
What the fuck, I actually liked the last episode and thought this was going somewhere good. The writing is abysmal this episode lol
This anime shit is addictive
Mar 12, 2021 9:50 AM
Jun 2020
Stark700 said:
I'm not surprised to see Emma talking sense into Norman and consider his recent actions. All hell broke loose in that town after all. Norman's mental breakdown this episode also didn't surprise me but I'm glad he was able to show his emotions to his friends.

We got more storytelling about their world and timeline again, which is an important part of this series.

Really hope the kids have a solid plan about their future.
I really hope the kids die in the future, top 10 uWu moments ^_^
Mar 12, 2021 10:32 AM
Aug 2018
Lol, somehow they made a drug to kill all the demons in the most convenient way possible. A fuckin group of kids. They never learned pharmacology SMFH

Then they somehow have a cure to their disease. Lol

Wtf is this trash
Mar 12, 2021 10:56 AM
Jul 2019
Uh oooh, did Vincent just snich one Norman and friends ?????
Mar 12, 2021 11:47 AM

Jul 2020
This episode is truly embarrassing from a writing standpoint, like what the fuck? Norman does a complete 180 from his ideals in the span of 5 minutes and what's even worse is that his fucking henchmen change their mind in 10 minutes? They are just being completely out of character because the story demands it since there is no indication that they think their ideals are flawed in any way, hell a few episodes ago the fucking girl was throwing a temper tantrum over the demons and her hate towards them so why does she change her mind in the span of 10 fucking minutes?

Forget about that, I hate what this does to Emma and the Demons. I hate what it does to Emma because throughout the season she's had it extremely easy unlike last season where she was always at a disadvantageous position because of Isabella. This season portrays her as an overly optimistic Mary sue, she got what she wanted because Norman and his squad just 180s out of nowhere. It's truly silly.

Last but not least, the demons. The grandpa and grandma forgive Norman now? "Yeah I forgive you for committing genocide to my people because they do bad stuff". The grandpa somehow has the final part to the pen which is not foreshadowed or even hinted at whatsoever so it really just feels like they are pulling stuff out of nowhere to progress the plot. Deus Ex Machina has been shown before but no where has this lazy writing been used when the stakes are this, high.

Truly awful especially the previous episode while having quite a few flaws was honestly very enjoyable.
Mar 12, 2021 11:55 AM
Jul 2018
That old demon ate a human 15 years ago didn't really surprise me.
Mar 12, 2021 11:56 AM

Jun 2015
That you turned a town of peaceful demons into a slaughterhouse huh yes im sure they will. That sure was a unique way to take down a demon from within though. Still at least with Mujika's help the survivors were able to revert back. Looks like the next plan of action will be the raid on Grace Fields. Curious whether their intel will allow them to break through the trap that the enemy has in place for them though. Overall a decent ep that featured quite a lot of tension that paired well with the sense of revelation that Norman and his team found by observing Emma's actions. Given the shock at seeing their actions im not surprised that they would want to step away from their chosen path. That last betrayal though sure was quite the surprise.
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Mar 12, 2021 12:12 PM

May 2018
and of course the power of friendship saves the day. The kids have now become good people (except for that filthy traitor)
Mar 12, 2021 1:20 PM

Sep 2014

Wow this is garbage. Easily the worst episode ... yet.

Why does even a story about monsters raising children like cattle to eat them have to turn into your generic feel-good, no consequences, lets-pick-flowers-on-a-field show?

Demons are wild animals who stole sentience from humans by feeding on them, in comes the holy bloodline which conveniently stops their need for sentient cattle with no side effects. How convenient.
The human lab rats have an undying hatred for the demons but forget all about it because they see a demon puppy, how convenient.
The demons are lusting for human flesh and have no issues killing children for it but forget all about it, how convenient.
The human lab rats will definitely die soon as a side effect from all the experiments, in comes the cure. How convenient.
Aside from the token early dramatic death to fake urgency and drama one more kid actually got shipped, but hey he is back for season 2.
One side wants to return demons to their original self, the other doesnt. They say "lets not" and thats it. How convenient.
Meanwhile children all over the world are still getting eaten by demons, but lets just ignore that.
Edit - Oh right convenient pen part, conveniently getting carried around for 15 YEARS, which somehow conveniently has the cure for a drug (and apparently all the physical experiments too, convenient) which conveniently needed 15 years to get used apparently because they only recently got the results they wanted out of it. How insanely lucky the drug was perfect from day 1 and did not get worked on at all in those 15 years. What did they even do in those research stations? How convenient its somehow 15 year old information. Bet the building plan and guard positions have not changed either.

I predicted this developement in season 1 after the strong start which is why I always thought this show was incredibly overrated but not bad. I did not expect it to get this in your face bad though.

This is nearly as bad as GoT S8 writing.
Comander-07Mar 12, 2021 1:31 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 12, 2021 1:40 PM

Oct 2020
Again, major plot points that are supposed to be meaningful to the audience are so rushed through that it holds little to no emotional significance. Unfortunate :/
Mar 12, 2021 4:00 PM

Mar 2020
Whait. Did they just killed Lucas?!?!?!?!! Or is it Yuugo???!?!?!?!

Mar 12, 2021 4:22 PM
Feb 2021
Marinate1016 said:
After the pretty good anime original episode last week, I felt this one was a return to the subpar form of the second season. Conflicts being resolved too damn quickly with no tension at all. Killing yuugo off with some bullshit..

Next week they’re heading back to Grace field house.. does that mean no queen fight?

2 episodes left, I don’t know how everything gets wrapped up... anime original third season too? God I hope not.

I did think Vylk’s backstory was a nice addition, but that alone doesn’t save what’s going on in the show.

Couldn't agree more. I understand the producers were rushed but... that conflict was resolved too fast! Although taking someone's life is always easier said than done, Norman and his "genocide team" could have taken a little longer to realize it once they've started the killing, for the sake of the plot. The worst part was that, in the end, the "evil blood" cured everybody so all those acts of terror won't have any serious consequences for their perpetrators.

I hope at least the last episodes are worth it... Just hoping...
HelveciusMar 12, 2021 4:29 PM
Mar 12, 2021 4:35 PM
Jun 2020
Probably my favourite episode of season 2, which says a lot since some stuff didn't make sense. Especially Barbara turning so quickly? Although the ending was quite unexpected to me which was cool. Isabella's appearance made this episode though.
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