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Mar 4, 2021 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
The practice session was honestly weird to watch. Between the small talk and plays, I had a hard time taking it seriously at first.

Ofc they also throw in some man service this episode lol. Jokes aside, it was an average episode imo for me. Felt more like a buildup for perhaps bigger episodes in the upcoming weeks. Weird cliffhanger.
Mar 4, 2021 9:37 AM
Jul 2018
interesting episode i guess with that dude who has broken knees or whatever, guess they're gonna have their match now
Stark700 said:
The practice session was honestly weird to watch. Between the small talk and plays, I had a hard time taking it seriously at first.

Ofc they also throw in some man service this episode lol. Jokes aside, it was an average episode imo for me. Felt more like a buildup for perhaps bigger episodes in the upcoming weeks. Weird cliffhanger.

yeah, comepletely agree, this anime seems to be all over the place.
Mar 4, 2021 9:56 AM

Jun 2019
Looks like the guy trying to protect his friend got injured. I guess we're gonna have to look for it. Seiin vs. Fukuho is on the corner. Too bad, accidents happen a lot of times. I hope it won't affect Fukuho's gameplay.
As for the episode, it was pretty mid. Nothing more than ordinary build-up for their match. Ngl got bored by the end of the episode. I hope it picks up because there are only 3 eps. left.
Mar 4, 2021 10:09 AM
Sep 2015
Is 2.43 trying to compete an unease feeling with Stars Align?
Mar 4, 2021 10:12 AM

Aug 2020
What a way to end an episode.
Mar 4, 2021 10:31 AM

Apr 2017
The greatest ending to an episode ever forged in the entire history of mankind.
Mar 4, 2021 10:33 AM
Oct 2019
Spoilers for the episode in case you haven't seen it yet!!

Ok but that cliffhanger was a bit strange and ominous. Makes me think that Ochi's broken his arms or something.
Mar 4, 2021 10:35 AM

Nov 2019
That ending sure was unexpected. That got really dark real quick, I wonder if Subaru will be able to play as well not that Ochi isn't there...Lets hope that if its a head injury (it looked like it), that it's not too major, like memory loss or something
Mar 4, 2021 10:49 AM

Jul 2014
I swear the plot confuses the protagonist team all the time
Mar 4, 2021 11:40 AM

Jun 2014
Of course they're gonna show off rape face Aoki in the nude, lol. He does have the hottest face, although I don't care for his body.

Ochi had Subaru sit on his face, but he didn't know the safety word, so Subaru sat on him for too long, and Ochi stopped breathing. This may affect Fukuho's play.

Mar 4, 2021 12:07 PM

Jul 2017
phantomfandom said:
Is 2.43 trying to compete an unease feeling with Stars Align?
I'd feel the EXACT SAME way, but the victor is clearly Stars Align, how 2.43 paced with various sub-plots just feels so disjointed and disconnected.

Most of the times, it's always from Seiin's POV, now we see from Fukuho's (at least for the 1st half).

Subaru's physical situation sure made for some danger aversion of protecting his vitals from internal harm, but other than that, it's pretty much the normal chit-chat and extreme-level training of all the volleyball groups before the next tournament.

Trying to have some manservice as an excuse for filler time, but it was also the time that people started to shift away from volleyball (for Aoki and Oda).

The "save" moment of Subaru towards the post-credits...Fukuho is in deep trouble for having a player injured (and essentially losing him), pretty ominous indeed.
Mar 4, 2021 12:10 PM

May 2020
I hope Subaru pull's through all this, not playing for 2 years is such a longtime, especially for serious player as him T^T
Kuroba and Ookuma are such a great dramatic duo xD
Did Subaru land on Ochi's head and what's with that after scene!?
Mar 4, 2021 12:23 PM
Oct 2019
Ochi had Subaru sit on his face, but he didn't know the safety word, so Subaru sat on him for too long, and Ochi stopped breathing. This may affect Fukuho's play.[/quote]

I just burst out laughing and now I feel bad- Also the post further up about it potentially being a serious injury like memory loss made me cry so now I'm sat here laughing and crying like a maniac :)
Mar 4, 2021 12:44 PM
Feb 2015
Please I laughed so hard at that ending scene, Subaru just sat on Ochi's head and sent him to the hospital- dear god it's tragic but why'd it have to look so funny?

Still looking forward to the next episode, I'd like to see how Subaru will handle what happened.
Mar 4, 2021 12:48 PM
Feb 2021
the episode today was okay. I can't even lie I let out the BIGGEST cackle at the end. Like I was scared for a split second and then I couldn't stop laughing
Mar 4, 2021 1:19 PM

Apr 2012
I'm so sorry but that last scene was just hilarious. I know I understand it's some big deal and dude is gonna be hospitalized but pleaseeee it looked so awkward like those top 10 epic fail videos on youtube xDD
OokamiRisuMar 4, 2021 1:22 PM
Mar 4, 2021 2:25 PM

Jul 2017
shitttt Subaru so dummy thicc he literally hospitalized a guy dayumm. rip manager-kun though, probs not what he meant when he wanted someone to sit on his face

honestly I thought Subaru's knees would explode which is what would lead Seiin to victory, but now I'm thinking that Subaru's guilt/lack of manager-kun might put them off their game
Mar 4, 2021 4:44 PM

Mar 2020
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea throwing snowballs at each other before a big game. Well, Subaru's performance during the game next episode may be difficult to predict now. Will he give a sloppy performance, or will he play a game of a lifetime?
Mar 4, 2021 7:01 PM

Jan 2010
Like others, I laughed at the moment where Subaru sent his bf to the hospital by giving him a head injury with the sheer force of his butt. I guess the impact of Suburu falling on Ochi's head as he fell on the snow which might be harder of a surface, could cause an injury, but still, I couldn't take that moment seriously.

I'm still so mixed on this anime. I considered dropping it, but what I've been doing is watching two eps at a time by skipping the previous week's ep. It's slightly more enjoyable to watch more than one ep back to back. I'll stick with it to the end I guess.

The biggest issues I have with the anime is the pacing being way too damn fast. Which has become more of a problem now that the anime is switching back and forth between both teams. The production quality isn't that great either. the animation is okay during some of the volleyball scenes, but everything else is pretty lackluster.

And lastly, the supporting characters have gotten little to no development, it's hard to care about them. I guess I'm rooting for the Seiin team, but everything about this anime is just so "meh"

This anime is at least better than two of the other sports anime out this season, Skate Leading Stars and that Wave/surfing anime that I didn't even try to watch because of how mediocre it was.

But even as I'm watching it, it's like 50% of me just doesn't care what's happening with the story or characters.
giveup-the-ghostMar 4, 2021 7:08 PM
Mar 4, 2021 8:06 PM

Dec 2020
they're doing a rly good job on making me like the fukuhou team. too good, since im liking them better than the main team lol.

!! spoiler for this ep !!
that ending was a bit weak tho.. making it seem like ochi broke his arm or something though i feel like it'll be played off as a joke in the next ep. and if its not, if he rly broke his arm thats so lame lol
Mar 4, 2021 8:24 PM
Aug 2019
lizzziziz said:
they're doing a rly good job on making me like the fukuhou team. too good, since im liking them better than the main team lol.

!! spoiler for this ep !!
that ending was a bit weak tho.. making it seem like ochi broke his arm or something though i feel like it'll be played off as a joke in the next ep. and if its not, if he rly broke his arm thats so lame lol

Did you not watch the post credits scene?
Mar 4, 2021 8:36 PM

Dec 2020
WeebletReviews said:
lizzziziz said:
they're doing a rly good job on making me like the fukuhou team. too good, since im liking them better than the main team lol.

!! spoiler for this ep !!
that ending was a bit weak tho.. making it seem like ochi broke his arm or something though i feel like it'll be played off as a joke in the next ep. and if its not, if he rly broke his arm thats so lame lol

Did you not watch the post credits scene?
ah fuck i didnt was there one? my sister took over the tv as the ed rolled
Mar 4, 2021 8:56 PM
Aug 2019
lizzziziz said:
WeebletReviews said:

Did you not watch the post credits scene?
ah fuck i didnt was there one? my sister took over the tv as the ed rolled

Yeah i doubt its a problem but ill put a spoiler tag just in case

Mar 4, 2021 9:09 PM

Mar 2016
I like Seiin, but I want Fukuho to win. I can't stop caring about them.
Mar 4, 2021 10:54 PM

Dec 2020
WeebletReviews said:
lizzziziz said:
ah fuck i didnt was there one? my sister took over the tv as the ed rolled

Yeah i doubt its a problem but ill put a spoiler tag just in case

ah damn ty for info tho !
Mar 4, 2021 11:01 PM

Sep 2012
Short_Circut said:
shitttt Subaru so dummy thicc he literally hospitalized a guy dayumm


I'm not really sure how Subaru falling on Ochis head in the snow would be so serious he ends up in an ambulance. Seemed so unbelievable I was just laughing oops
Mar 4, 2021 11:15 PM
May 2011
Seiya said:
Ochi had Subaru sit on his face, but he didn't know the safety word, so Subaru sat on him for too long, and Ochi stopped breathing. This may affect Fukuho's play.

Short_Circut said:
shitttt Subaru so dummy thicc he literally hospitalized a guy dayumm. rip manager-kun though, probs not what he meant when he wanted someone to sit on his face

These responses are too good. Seriously, what was Manager-kun trying to accomplish? It reminds me of Kuroba spiking the ball after hearing about the fake suicide and last episode where Haijima sets him up for the same thing in response to Fukuho....watching them (?), only for him to pull back. It's over the top and serves no purpose
Mar 4, 2021 11:28 PM

Feb 2020
I see Subaru got a little problem with his knee and looks like its serious enough to be an excuse to let Seiin won his first official Volley-bu tournament. Well, i hope i still got a cool nice between them and Seiin. However, in the other side, Seiin showed their determination by taking their coach orders very dedicated. Chika looked pretty different this time, by getting a nice conversation with his senpai.

The day of the match arrived. Something bad happened at Fukuho's school. Their snow play got a casualty at their hands. Fortunately it wasn't Subaru, but that little manager. I wonder if those little touch have a good impact to their match performance? Lets see next, then....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Mar 5, 2021 12:11 AM

Oct 2017
Oh dang he saved Mimura but his hands got hurt. I hope he didn't break any bones.
Mar 5, 2021 4:21 AM

Aug 2020
spaesu said:
interesting episode i guess with that dude who has broken knees or whatever, guess they're gonna have their match now
Stark700 said:
The practice session was honestly weird to watch. Between the small talk and plays, I had a hard time taking it seriously at first.

Ofc they also throw in some man service this episode lol. Jokes aside, it was an average episode imo for me. Felt more like a buildup for perhaps bigger episodes in the upcoming weeks. Weird cliffhanger.

yeah, comepletely agree, this anime seems to be all over the place.

I am sure they are gonna make Fukuho lose because of the manager-kun's injury.
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Mar 5, 2021 1:00 PM

Jul 2012
The show tries hard to push drama and the execution is always hilarious lmao
Mar 5, 2021 1:08 PM
Jul 2018
i don't even know how to feel abt that last scene. it was so weird. never have i seen an accident like that.
Mar 5, 2021 9:59 PM

Oct 2016
With how the show kept talking about Subaru's knees I just had a feeling something bad will happen, didn't expect Ochi to get sent to the hospital by Subaru's massive cheeks though lmao.

That was a nice episode, it didn't feel as rushed as before and we actually got some proper build up. Honestly, either team winning is fine by me but it really do be easy to root for Fukuho.
Mar 6, 2021 2:56 AM

Aug 2019
Man, this show's character designs are so ugly..
Mar 6, 2021 9:00 PM

Oct 2008
someone got injured at Fukuho...that means will it demoralize the whole rival team???

Mar 7, 2021 4:25 AM
Oct 2019
Both team are doing their last training before the play off match...

Damn looks like Ochi broke his arm trying to saving Subaru..
Well this is why playing snowballs before the match is a bad idea...

I like the build up episodes like this, so you can either root for Seiin or Fukuho..
Mar 8, 2021 9:45 AM
Jul 2018
so far the plot is great, it seems to be difficult with a broken knee.
Mar 8, 2021 9:47 PM

Dec 2020
Japan's paramedics must have got heaps of free time on their hands ...
Mar 9, 2021 6:54 PM

Jul 2016
Seriously, what's with this show and its way to conclude episodes in such dramatic manner?

Well, it was being a rather decent episode until the last scene with Ochi making that jump as if the fate of the world depended on it just to save Subaru from falling... on his ass. And why did it have to look so funny tho? I mean, Subaru literally sent his partner to the hospital just because of how hard he sat on his head... like damn, those butt cheeks must be hard as fucking bricks, man.

And now of course Subaru will feel bad/guilty and won't be able to play at his best due to this laughable accident. Anyways, at least it seems his knees won't explode after all since Ochi took the "cliche-injury-before-important-match" bullet instead.

Seiya said:
Ochi had Subaru sit on his face, but he didn't know the safety word, so Subaru sat on him for too long, and Ochi stopped breathing. This may affect Fukuho's play.

Short_Circut said:
shitttt Subaru so dummy thicc he literally hospitalized a guy dayumm.

LMAO I'm crying xD
Mar 14, 2021 5:34 AM

Apr 2018
Ochi really got injured like that in the snow.... really xDD imagine if he dies, how weird it would be
May 11, 2021 4:17 AM

Jul 2015
Lots of training this episode for the upcoming play-offs. Foolish of the Fukuho team to have a snowball fight right before an important match, not too suprised somebody got hurt.

May 14, 2021 8:31 PM
Dec 2019
Bruh commitment issues you thought you wanted to be a drama disguised as a sports show then you realized you weren't good at that halfassedly wrapped it up in an episode then immediately tried to fall back on being a sports show make up your mind already jeez
Wataru doesn't care about the genuine thing
Jun 3, 2023 1:59 AM

Dec 2022
Well that looked more dramatic than it should have.
Apr 16, 2024 8:42 AM
Feb 2024
weve gotten a gay ending two times in a row now

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