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Feb 25, 2021 1:36 PM

Nov 2016
Clas1ck said:
So now Emma and Ray will go to find Mujika and Soju, I think it was different in the manga xd
And what is that demon in the basement??
Norman spitting blood already, looks like he doesn't have much time left :(
In the manga
so it's not going to be as good and entretaining. Even tho it was already bad
Feb 25, 2021 1:38 PM

Jan 2016
ellolove said:
Chad Norman is the one thing keeping this show afloat, but for real what I’ve noticed is an inconsistency in these past two episodes. Norman said he wasn’t experimented on in Lambda but he has the Lambda seizures, was he lying and why?
Yes, he was lying... You're insane if you think that that's an inconsistency
Feb 25, 2021 1:42 PM

Jan 2016
ttcchen said:
i didn't think my impression of this anime-original 2nd season could get any worse, but apparently I was wrong for underestimating the production team's ability to ruin this series. first thing first, what's the point of adding that flashback scene at the very end? If it showed us what Norman actually saw in that room, then there's a point to it. But it didn't, it showed us exactly what happened in season 1, and cut off right at the scene when Norman looked surprised at what he saw in the room. Why add it in? It serves no purpose.

Is it that hard to understand Emma's character? Yes, she's naive and optimistic and wants to save everyone, and in the manga it makes sense for her to make these decisions since we saw what she went through and what drove her to do so. But since the anime cut it all out, for Emma to still make the same stupidly naive decisions just seems like she's a retarded immature brat who needs to be taught a lesson on how cruel the world can be by the very demons she's trying to protect. Also, that sudden switch in character of Emma who decided to make a deal with Norman and search for Mujika is so out of place. This adaptation is freaking ridiculous lmao. How the average score can still be a 7 is beyond my comprehension.
In regards to the scene, they are very likely going to continue with that scene next episode, or at the very least one of the next episodes.
Feb 25, 2021 1:45 PM

Mar 2016
a much better episode for me. i will raise my current score of 2 to a 3.

Feb 25, 2021 1:57 PM

Jan 2021
Alvaritoterreos said:
Clas1ck said:
So now Emma and Ray will go to find Mujika and Soju, I think it was different in the manga xd
And what is that demon in the basement??
Norman spitting blood already, looks like he doesn't have much time left :(
In the manga
so it's not going to be as good and entretaining. Even tho it was already bad

AAhhh yes, I remembered, She was raised by a demon
A lot of good characters have been removed:(
Feb 25, 2021 2:21 PM

Jul 2017
Emma is so annoying.

She doesn’t want to kill demons despite demons wanting to kill her and her family and Norman’s plan being the best solution. It doesn’t matter that her whole family happily want to get rid of the demons, Emma doesn’t want to because muh conscience. Why does one person’s feelings dictate the safety of everyone else?! And of course the kids are guilt tripped into going along with her plan.

Emma’s selfish, stubborn and a naive little girl. Her eternal optimism puts Naruto to shame.
FlexstyleFeb 25, 2021 6:03 PM
Feb 25, 2021 2:37 PM
Jan 2021
I enjoyed it. Loving season two so far and dont understand why people are so upset
Feb 25, 2021 3:02 PM

Apr 2018
What a fuckfest. Didn't know it could get this bad. I really enjoyed the first season and they should've ended this series there. Incredibly disappointing.
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
Feb 25, 2021 3:06 PM

Oct 2020
Season 2 continues to dig a deeper hole. The first season had me believing that there would be a sense of realism in characters decision-making, even if it went against what they personally believed, but here we are with Emma wanting to save both sides. It's like she doesn't care that she is putting herself and her family at infinitely more risk of death by playing the pacifist.

I wonder what are those Lambda Seizures that Barbara and the others have about. Also where is Isabella in all of this. Apart from that one scene we haven't heard anything from her.

@OG_Gattsu It's funny because even Gilda was questioning her decision like "you want to save demon who just tried to kill you before"

Feb 25, 2021 3:47 PM
Apr 2020
Marinate1016 said:
Who would’ve thought that Barbara would be the only good thing we got out of this season. Her seiyuu did an amazing job today and last week. On its own merits, the episode was decent . They did only do 4 chapters so it wasn’t as rushed as everything else, but one decent episode won’t save this train wreck.

Still can’t get over them not going with mature Norman.

The season is below a 7.3 now on MAL and I’m looking forward to see how low it goes.
Yeah but all things considered this episode was actually good, if we overlook the fact that they skipped more than half the story
Feb 25, 2021 3:57 PM

Jun 2017
Since the plot is back to the manga, just all over the place, on a technical level it was an alright episode but man, it's gonna be rushed as fuck. They won't be able to do anything good with just 4 eps left.

Or do we really have to suffer through an also butchered S3 later on?.....
Feb 25, 2021 3:59 PM

Apr 2018
Honestly this ep was pretty good but still eh.
Feb 25, 2021 4:11 PM

Aug 2020
the best part of this ep was the s1 flashback lol.

the soundtrack is damn good though. Isabella's lullaby and the orchestral version played during the scene in the cave or wherever that was, was real nice. Just listen to it lol.

Emma is getting annoying now but the thing that makes me cringe so much is when the kids go ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!?!

Seriously have no idea where the hell this is going. They bring up isabella one episode, then norman comes back with a "sinister" motive, and now they introduce some guy in this episode? WHAT???
Feb 25, 2021 4:40 PM

Mar 2019
This Season doesnt trasmit anything...

Zero Goosebumps, Zero Feelings, Zero emotions...

SO DIFFERENT from S1... Saddly Disappointed...

The Animation Quality is the only thing that keeps holding this series above 7 in rating...

Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Feb 25, 2021 4:45 PM
Dec 2019
Emma is too stupid and naive. The hit from reality it's gonna hurt.
Feb 25, 2021 4:50 PM

Jul 2020
Emma is more annoying than she was in manga
Feb 25, 2021 4:59 PM

Jul 2017
This was was definitely an improvement over the past few episodes. Some nice character development with Norman, but why is Emma so stupid? Also at least for now, I think the twist of the gate to the human world being at Grace Field is a bit forced. I might change my mind when the story gets to that point, but for now it just seems a bit too convenient.
Feb 25, 2021 5:22 PM

Nov 2014
k0rvus said:
ttcchen said:
i didn't think my impression of this anime-original 2nd season could get any worse, but apparently I was wrong for underestimating the production team's ability to ruin this series. first thing first, what's the point of adding that flashback scene at the very end? If it showed us what Norman actually saw in that room, then there's a point to it. But it didn't, it showed us exactly what happened in season 1, and cut off right at the scene when Norman looked surprised at what he saw in the room. Why add it in? It serves no purpose.

Is it that hard to understand Emma's character? Yes, she's naive and optimistic and wants to save everyone, and in the manga it makes sense for her to make these decisions since we saw what she went through and what drove her to do so. But since the anime cut it all out, for Emma to still make the same stupidly naive decisions just seems like she's a retarded immature brat who needs to be taught a lesson on how cruel the world can be by the very demons she's trying to protect. Also, that sudden switch in character of Emma who decided to make a deal with Norman and search for Mujika is so out of place. This adaptation is freaking ridiculous lmao. How the average score can still be a 7 is beyond my comprehension.
In regards to the scene, they are very likely going to continue with that scene next episode, or at the very least one of the next episodes.
i know, but i just think that attempt of cliffhanger this episode is pretty lame since it's just reusing clip from last season
Feb 25, 2021 5:48 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
I am only watching the anime and it seems to be an okay plot development to me also. This episode was a real setup for the ones to follow with all the plans laid out by Norman and the other kids at odds with his thinking. Then there is that lovely weekly cliffhanger. Good stuff for me.
Feb 25, 2021 5:51 PM

Jul 2017

Feb 25, 2021 5:54 PM

Apr 2019
Whoever decided to take and make this anime only route probably should have actually tried to write a story that actually makes sense. Not only does this not follow the manga, but the anime only route makes no sense as it’s own thing. Way more than just disappointing, appalling decision.

Feb 25, 2021 5:57 PM

Sep 2015
Blue_Maroon said:
This anime isn’t bad.

It still has good art/animation, music, voice acting, and a somewhat interesting plot. I know it cut out a lot of good stuff from the manga, but just knowing that knowledge doesn’t make the season worse. It is worse than the first season because the pacing is too fast and they departed from the suspense and smart decison-making in the first season. There is still an interesting world and the prospect of Norman and/or his new allies becoming antagonists is a compelling one.

I wouldn’t rate it very highly, but it isn’t trash.

Exactly my thoughts. The anime on its own isn't that bad. It is obviously rushed, but the story still makes sense and it is not difficult to understand what is going on as other manga readers are trying to point out.
Feb 25, 2021 6:00 PM
Nov 2016
This episode was a bit better than the previous ones, this is probably the best episode of the season but that doesn't mean much, I give the previous episodes a 4/10 give or take, I give this episode a 6.5/10 or maybe even a 7/10 just for being nice about the improvement.

It's still a trainwreck though, this is not simply an anime only thing here, this is also the manga so the anime simply skipped a good portion of the manga to rush to the ending and end everything in this season. Or maybe they will end it with a movie.
Feb 25, 2021 6:09 PM

Jun 2020
What stuck out the most to me in this episode was Ray mentioning to Norman about how he WANTED to go. It's almost like Norman knew he was going to die, so he allowed himself to be shipped off. He DID get angry about it, shooting back the "you let me get shipped off!" line, but the fact that Ray pointed out that he may have wanted to go was very telling, especially if you consider the ending scene.

It's been stated constantly that Norman was very sick as a younger child and spent a lot of time in the infirmary, but his new companions were blown away by that fact. What if Norman actually DID want to get shipped out, to let the demons eat him and take his life early so that Emma and Ray didn't have to witness his steady decline? Or if the demons, during their experiments at Lambda, were actually keeping him alive - and now that he's apart from it, he's declining again?

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but I'm feeling all kinds of sus about the way Norman's acting right now.
Feb 25, 2021 6:37 PM
Apr 2016
Good girl Emma still dead set on saving those demons because of that one girl who was good to them is so freaking cringe. She's the embodiment of everything I hate in shonens.

This whole season is just stupid regardless. Maybe it could make more sense if it wasn't so freaking rushed. I mean do you guys realize that in a mere 7 episodes we went from hardly escaping the farm to the freaking endgame?! I thought it would take at least a couple seasons to develop the outside world.
Feb 25, 2021 6:38 PM
Sep 2020
I am so confused rn
Is Norman bad or is Mujika bad and why did Norman cough up blood?!
Feb 25, 2021 6:48 PM

Dec 2020
the episode was dull and boring, nothing interesting except Norman's flashback, most of which is just recycled material from S1. I waited one freaking week after that tension in the last scene of the previous episode about the "Evil-Blooded demon girl", I thought there would be something more interesting.

and is/will there be any follow-up on the men who attacked the shelter? like seriously they were forgotten quickly and easily, no-one even mentioned them again.

I think I am giving up on this anime and will start reading the manga -_-
Feb 25, 2021 7:20 PM
Nov 2020
I'm surprised no one made an "Emma vs. Norman" thread. I'm leaning towards Norman's mindset since it's more practical while Emma is being too sentimental which goes against self-preservation instincts.
Feb 25, 2021 7:33 PM
Jan 2012
There is such a crazy power difference in the demons and humans that Emma's idea has left me baffled. Humans already tried and failed and ended up in this farm system and Emma is like "Well, even though I only know of two demons that don't eat humans (actively, because old dude is waiting for free range kiddos), and even though these demons only have families because they eat usband therefore mimic us (this isn't their default state of being), annnnnddd even though some demons tried to go human free and were murdered, well, golly gee, it just doesn't seem neighborly to kill these guys. "

Demons are the super bad guys. I haven't read the manga, so I'm being presented with a very black and white situation. Either kill the demons or be killed. There is no peace with these guys, they don't want peace, they want dominance. And Emma is wasting time and putting people in danger for... I don't even know at this point. All the build-up of season one and she's like "well, maybe we should of tried talking to them."

I would of knocked her out and hid her in a closet till it was all over. She may not be able to smile, but at least she'll be alive.
Feb 25, 2021 7:42 PM
Jan 2021
They took out ayshe which is basically the only other thing i was actually looking forward to after they took out goldy pond and yugo. She had such a cool character design and i was hoping theyd go more in depth with her or give her some more lore or something to add to her character but that’s basically my last hope for the show down the drain cause from the looks of it theyre most likely keeping the ending it had in the manga which was terrible because of how much plot armor it had and how unnecessarily underwhelming it was. Actually theres lucas whos left but i doubt there gonna make him nearly as good as he was in the manga
Feb 25, 2021 7:47 PM

Jan 2013
I mean i was getting happy with this episode since i knew that Norman would proceed with the plan anyway, but did he really betrayed them at the end? Or that's part of his plan??? I honestly didn't get that last part, like what!?

Also, it appears that Norman is also dying, so basically none of them has much time left, i just hope that it's all part of Norman's plan.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Feb 25, 2021 9:13 PM

Nov 2020
Hmm this is tough because on its own this is a decent episode with some interesting ideas. On paper I have no problem with these ideas as they present a number of moral dilemmas and put the characters at odds with eachother. Issue is neither Emma nor Norman's points of view are easy to take seriously when very little time was dedicated to building up to them. Emma being the pacifist and wanting to spare the demons since she sees them as living beings doesn't work since she's only had a couple of friendly encounters compared to how much misery the race of demons has caused them in general. Likewise with Norman, his turn to a morally gray and jaded group leader feels weird since he wasn't gone from the show for that long, and his supposed journey after Grace Field further emphasizes just how uneventful the main group's story has been. Seriously, it feels more like Emma and co. are on vacation rather than surviving in enemy territory. I'm almost liking it, but these cool ideas are handicapped by the rushed foundation and lack of characterization.
Are ya winning, diners?
Feb 25, 2021 9:26 PM
Aug 2019
Worst adaptations and stories , even its not following manga anymore at least plot better story .....dropdown this show since episode 6 ,watching episode 7 by skipping found out it was not worth watching just a great disappointment for the show ,my ratings goes to 0 if i could
Feb 25, 2021 9:45 PM
Mar 2015
Norman and Emma will each do what they have to do
Feb 25, 2021 9:56 PM
Sep 2019
Feb 25, 2021 10:33 PM
May 2020
My two cents:

I think that Emma wanting not to kill the demons is related to Japan being the only country to have been attacked by a Nuclear bomb. The sense that all life is important even if it is against you. Yes that is naive
but I get it.

Not having read the original material this does feel rushed. I am more interested in the breakdown of the demon's world and how their elite class system has helped that.
Feb 25, 2021 10:36 PM

Dec 2020
prespective from a manga reader !

the episode was honestly rly well done. barbara's part was crazy good, and the reveal of their "lab" was also rly well done. it actually felt like a tpn episode, still doesn't make up the shitshow they did for the past eps tho lmao
Feb 25, 2021 10:38 PM

Mar 2016
I was hoping that Norman would bring the 'intellectual' pace this show had back on track, eventually, propelling itself to redemption. It just isn't going to happen: Norman's character has spent too much time off screen and has developed a totally different moral compass which only seemingly exists to conflict and buffer with Emma's. It's forced instead of developed. Norman's absolutism isn't something we can relate to because we haven't seen what they've done to him. This clashes with Emma's tolerance of Demons based on one specific experience.

So we've come to this 'new world' only to return to the old one(?). This writing really isn't great. I think i wrote better stories in my room when i was 10. The writer has pushed himself so far into a corner and bit off more than he could chew, only seeing the way out as a total regress from where the show could go. This further solidifies my theory on the farm being a standalone area where if the author leaves so does his ideas. All this season is: an exposition dump about things that have already happened, ironically, more interesting things. We just keep going back, until eventually, we're where we started.
It isn't smart.
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't.  Lie until you aren't lying anymore!
Feb 25, 2021 11:07 PM

Aug 2019
I just realized this show is supposed to end in four episodes, seems like a short amount of time to wrap this up given the current state of the anime but who knows
Feb 26, 2021 12:20 AM
Dec 2020
They r fuckingly making this final arc
Feb 26, 2021 12:26 AM

Jul 2012
Overall this episode was good relative to the rest of the series. The infodump at the beginning was annoying but that's pretty par for the course now. Norman has become a pretty strong character at this point, with clear motivations, beliefs and influences, especially the fact that in order to side with Emma he'd have to turn against his fellow LAMBDA escapees whose symptoms are getting worse with time. His disagreement with Emma is compelling at its core and I can see both sides.

I think that Emma's position is morally defensible. While her point of view would feel more relatable if she'd had more interactions with civilian demons (children, etc.) in the town, she was still influenced by Sonju/Mujika, the blind demon in the tower (who she mentioned probably had his own family), seeing the demons in the marketplace acting similarly to humans, and her own reflections on the fact that humans (including her) also take lives in order to live. I don't think that it's a stretch to say that those experiences could dissuade someone from wanting to genocide an entire species, especially for an idealist like Emma.

Speaking objectively, there is nothing inherently evil about your average demon wanting to eat humans, since they need to do so in order to keep their form, and that of their family's. The true antagonists are the demon aristocracy/royalty and their human cooperators who exploit demons' need for human meat as a way to control them, and run the farms despite the option in the past to use Mujika's blood. It's a real shame that that side of the story has had absolutely no development other than off-hand comments in exposition dumps. It's arguably the most interesting part of The Promised Neverland's world.

But anyway, the obvious issue with Emma here is that, as others have mentioned, she has no plan.
Like, what are you going to do once you find Mujika and Sonju, and as Norman pointed out, even if you somehow overthrew the king and distributed the blood successfully, how would you coexist with a bunch of demons that crave human flesh? It's only natural to get frustrated with her, especially considering the fact that she's putting her family at risk. On the other hand, it's not too different from what happened in the first arc. Emma was the idealist who fought for a seemingly impossible result based on not wanting to compromise, and you had Ray as the polar opposite, who was a pragmatist willing to even take his own life and abandon all the other children just to help Emma. In the end Norman bailed her out with his intelligence, and they chose a moral middle ground which developed Ray's character. I think the same will probably happen here, only swap Ray and Norman. I guess at this point Emma is just trying to buy time and hope that someone can come up with a plan by then. I don't think it's too out of character for her, even if it's really bone-headed in its own right. The main difference is that of Emma's motivations were better developed and more believable in the first arc.

I also find it kind of weird that Ray is so passive now. I guess he's pretty much resigned to the fact that Emma gonna Emma, regardless of what anyone says, so he might as well stay close and keep her safe.

Still no Isabella, yikes.

ScottMerica said:
Issue is neither Emma nor Norman's points of view are easy to take seriously when very little time was dedicated to building up to them.

I agree. I might be more lenient on this point than I should be considering that I have background information on Norman from the manga that I can't make myself forget. Broadly speaking, your complaint pretty much sums up the issue with this season as a whole. The lack of buildup and development makes everything feel kind of cheap.
the7thfloorFeb 26, 2021 12:41 AM
Feb 26, 2021 12:53 AM
Jun 2020
I really don't like this season. Emma is getting on my nerves, typical nice girl doesn't want to kill the things that are literally her enemies. It's been done so many times and it just makes her character selfish. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about Emma but I really dislike her. Why would someone realistically want to keep the things eating their friends alive?
We don't even know Norman's friends that well but I'm more on their side than I am Emma's and Grace Field Farm kids.
Feb 26, 2021 1:15 AM
Aug 2020
Emma is becoming like the most shittiest character of the series. I guess her brains are filled with mud.
I hope that Norman survives and is able to carry out his plan.
Feb 26, 2021 1:17 AM
Aug 2020
kero_3768923 said:
I really don't like this season. Emma is getting on my nerves, typical nice girl doesn't want to kill the things that are literally her enemies. It's been done so many times and it just makes her character selfish. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about Emma but I really dislike her. Why would someone realistically want to keep the things eating their friends alive?
We don't even know Norman's friends that well but I'm more on their side than I am Emma's and Grace Field Farm kids.

I feel the exact same way. She got on my nerves since the last episode. I just hope that Norman is able to carry out his plan. That would be a slap on her face
Feb 26, 2021 1:23 AM

Apr 2020
I had a feeling Minerva was something ancient.

Norman is dying! Shit! Shit! Shit!
Will we see his life in Lambda now?
Feb 26, 2021 1:38 AM
Jun 2020
Sukuna100 said:
kero_3768923 said:
I really don't like this season. Emma is getting on my nerves, typical nice girl doesn't want to kill the things that are literally her enemies. It's been done so many times and it just makes her character selfish. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about Emma but I really dislike her. Why would someone realistically want to keep the things eating their friends alive?
We don't even know Norman's friends that well but I'm more on their side than I am Emma's and Grace Field Farm kids.

I feel the exact same way. She got on my nerves since the last episode. I just hope that Norman is able to carry out his plan. That would be a slap on her face

Lmao you've said it perfectly. Someone said they hope Emma gets eaten and lowkey, i wouldn't be mad if that happened. I'd rather her be the one to die rather than Norman.
Feb 26, 2021 2:08 AM
Aug 2020
kero_3768923 said:
Sukuna100 said:

I feel the exact same way. She got on my nerves since the last episode. I just hope that Norman is able to carry out his plan. That would be a slap on her face

Lmao you've said it perfectly. Someone said they hope Emma gets eaten and lowkey, i wouldn't be mad if that happened. I'd rather her be the one to die rather than Norman.

Yep me too. Wouldn't mind if she just died along with her mud brain full of self righteousness.
Feb 26, 2021 2:44 AM
Jul 2018
Marinate1016 said:
Who would’ve thought that Barbara would be the only good thing we got out of this season. Her seiyuu did an amazing job today and last week. On its own merits, the episode was decent . They did only do 4 chapters so it wasn’t as rushed as everything else, but one decent episode won’t save this train wreck.

Still can’t get over them not going with mature Norman.

The season is below a 7.3 now on MAL and I’m looking forward to see how low it goes.
Yes. This episode was probably the best ep of this season.
Feb 26, 2021 2:59 AM

Jan 2012
KaiserVonGogureo said:

Ah but there is stuff added, a bunch of useless filler!

I can only think of 2 new scenes: The demon talking with Mother, and the sick demon child.
Was there anything else?
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 26, 2021 4:54 AM

Oct 2016
A not so bad episode, but I just don't feel anything about what's happening right now, there's no impact for me personally. It feels really nice to hear Isabella's lullaby again though.

I can understand Emma though and her arguments makes sense, with the comparison with demons and humans and how they're trying to survive, I don't fully agree with her, but I can understand her. She's just very naive.

Barbara's VA killed it though. If Norman was still experimented on, they should have kept big Norman, because it fits his current personality. Shame we didn't get Ayshe though, I think she was a great character.
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