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Feb 20, 2021 3:41 PM

May 2015
I really hope Reki gets better :(
No matter who much you regret or wish,
if you couldn't do something in life,
you can't do it after death, either.
- Hanako
Feb 20, 2021 3:42 PM

Feb 2020
Ah, its about time they reached out Leki despairs as how he felt leave behind by his own new bestie. Its looks like they will recircle the former relations between Joe-Cherry-Adam. While its actually began from the despairs Adam felt over his noble status, and how its led him into the bad connection with his own secretary. The plot has been cleared out. I find it ironic. But, well, thats kinda legit how its plot finally reach out its track again after spacing out episode previously.

Then, when everything looked alike worsen, i am still believed that they will find a way to consolidate the shattered feeling. Ofc, its a skateboarding itself that will reunited all of those feeling, what else?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Feb 20, 2021 3:42 PM

Jun 2013
doily said:
you promised me you would stop seeing that man!
I hate that I laughed, but thanks for this.
Feb 20, 2021 4:07 PM

Mar 2010
kaid0ushun said:
it was definitely emotional, but reki should be happy for his best friend, just because he's a tiny bit behind isn't rlly a big deal. i liked reki a lot but now idk. also, after this idk if they're gonna end up together like most fans thought. they're basically beyond repair in terms of relationship

Well for months he has been happy and very supportive for Langa.
The one scene were he looked totally proud of him just to get called out by the others really made me sad.
I think it's like someone in a previous comment said, it's not that Reki hates Langa for being much better than him... It's more that by standing next to Langa, everyone else makes him feel like he's untalented and useless (although he's probably a much better skater than half the people there).

I guess a lot of people can relate to Reki to some extent. The best thing for him is to distance himself and really try to sort out his thoughts instead of releasing all his anger at Langa..... but well... Langa wanting to break their promise didn't make things better... and so in the end he screamed at him... ahh just hope they resolve everything....
Feb 20, 2021 4:37 PM

Jan 2011
Girlhinata13 said:
kaid0ushun said:
it was definitely emotional, but reki should be happy for his best friend, just because he's a tiny bit behind isn't rlly a big deal. i liked reki a lot but now idk. also, after this idk if they're gonna end up together like most fans thought. they're basically beyond repair in terms of relationship

Well for months he has been happy and very supportive for Langa.
The one scene were he looked totally proud of him just to get called out by the others really made me sad.
I think it's like someone in a previous comment said, it's not that Reki hates Langa for being much better than him... It's more that by standing next to Langa, everyone else makes him feel like he's untalented and useless (although he's probably a much better skater than half the people there).

I guess a lot of people can relate to Reki to some extent. The best thing for him is to distance himself and really try to sort out his thoughts instead of releasing all his anger at Langa..... but well... Langa wanting to break their promise didn't make things better... and so in the end he screamed at him... ahh just hope they resolve everything....
That is why I love the writing in this show. You can see Reki's passion. The show doesn't spoonfeed shit to us and jsut shows us. That is why his emotional breakdown was so effective because we the viewer back Reki. that is why I have said to my followers this story is about Reki and Langa, not one or the other. It's such a good balance. It also helps at jsut how effective Cherry, Joe, Miya, and Shadow are as they push the plot along and teach our characters things, or expose them to thigns they don't wanna see.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Feb 20, 2021 4:47 PM

Apr 2015
Ahh damn, this episode centering on Reki's feelings of inferiority and envy towards Langa was inevitable, but it was still pretty sad to watch. Everyone can probably relate to Reki in some way or another; yes, it's a bit selfish, especially since none of it is really Langa's fault either, but that's part of being human. I really liked this episode, a great build-up for Reki's character development, I just hope the follow-through and ending will be satisfying enough and not so cliche where they go back to being best buds in one single episode. Really looking forward to the next episode!

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Feb 20, 2021 5:08 PM
Apr 2020
Aww. Poor Reki. He's in a slump because Langa right now seems unreachable. He's trying his best but he still can't catch up. Reki looks like a supporting character, but I hope there's a twist and make his character more amazing.

Langa, on the other hand, is probably shocked because he doesn't know what's going on. He had his first fight with his first friend and mentor. It's a bit sad seeing Langa going to different places looking for Reki, he even waited Reki in the middle of the rain. Such a good friend. I hope they'll remain good friends up to the end.

Feb 20, 2021 5:09 PM

Jan 2021
When I first started this anime I wasn't expecting it to be this emotional and deep. Poor reki. He deserves better
Feb 20, 2021 5:32 PM
Feb 2021
This week's episode has me near crying, and I usually never cry about shows...

I can relate to Reki with the situation he's in. It's not a good feeling when your friend gets all of the attention and you get nothing (maybe that's just my superiority complex idk).

I really hope Reki comes through, because right now he's obviously struggling.
Feb 20, 2021 5:40 PM

Sep 2019
Drama for the sake of drama... are the creators of this show finally happy since they made Langa a god and made Reki look like he can’t achieve anything at life except teaching Langa how to skate because they wanted to make an unreasonable drama? Good for them I guess.
Feb 20, 2021 6:28 PM

Sep 2017
So Reki's inferiority complex finally got the better of him this episode. It's sad he just can't handle his new friend being such a natural due to all his experience with a similar extreme "sport." Yeah ppl talking referring to him as the guy who hangs around Langa is pretty shitty, but he never tells Langa what's going on or how he feels about it.

The one line that really stood out to me was when Langa said something like "you're a skateboarder. Shouldn't you know how exciting it is to skate with someone as good as Adam?" The contrast is so good because in Reki's mind he is always skating with someone much better than him (Langa), but he only feels inferior. And when he skated with Adam he just felt scared.
Feb 20, 2021 6:39 PM
Jul 2020
i feel so bad for reki tbh. i understand how he felt. thank you for todays episode. i've been waiting for reki's episode. i hope he can shine more after this.

also, i know how langa feel, he wanted to beat Adam. by that, he broke his promise. i dont feel disappointed at him but he pushed himself so hard it made me scared. im afraid something will happen to him if he push himself more.
Feb 20, 2021 6:53 PM
Oct 2020
Fruitpie said:
So Reki did to Langa the same thing Miya's friends did to him, huh?
Too bad, Reki was my favourite character. Obviously he is not now.

Its not exactly the same thing. Reki is definitely jealous of Langa but he's also concerned for him, as Reki's other friend was badly injured skating with ADAM and stopped skateboarding. Reki is the worst skater out of the entire cast and these feelings of inferiority have been building since Reki's lost against Shadow. I find this so relatable because there were certain activities that I tried and IRL talent beats skill/effort everytime for everything. Most of the hardwork stuff in shounen anime is idealistic at best and destructive at its worst. Ive been hurt many times because my effort didn't create results and here I am at 20 with no direction and no talents/abilities to help me be satisfied with life or even just make money. I still like Reki because it shows that not everyone can be a winner or even be relevant. Maybe Miya can talk to Reki and explain to him why what he's doing to Lagna is wrong but its not like Reki's feelings are going to change. He's gonna just have to accept it and be content that he's the worst, as he's not even worthy of a nickname. Reki still however can build boards and maybe he should just focus on that.
Feb 20, 2021 7:17 PM
Oct 2020
mattrash said:
phantomfandom said:
Even though they're breaking, their interaction is still look cute to me... teenagers.. such a passionate youth.

I suggest one realism solution to this, Reki stop skating and focus on creating skateboard instead, this is the one skill that he's definitely better than Langa, and it's actuall the skill that might make him a millionaire in the future.

But of course, Reki is not gonna stop skating, this is anime after all.

What kind of shitty mindset is "ignore your passion, only follow your talents?"

When following your passion only hurts you because of your lack of talent/skill I would say that's a real solution. Not everyone will be a winner or even be remembered. He should stick to making boards, its not like he doesn't enjoy making boards. Reki's boards enabled Langa to start his exponential growth in the first place. The least Reki could do is stop skating/spectating at "S" so that he isn't constantly reminded how outclassed he is by everyone around him.
Feb 20, 2021 7:59 PM
Dec 2020
I really sympathized with Reki this episode. Imagine showing someone something you love and are really passionate about, acting as a mentor to them, excited to teach them, and then having them inadvertently no longer "need" you. Langa obviously didn't mean to do this, but skating comes more naturally to him as a former snowboarder than it ever did to Reki. Poor guy.

Also looking forward to seeing more about the former Adam-Cherry-Joe dynamic and how that fell apart. I really love Cherry and Joe's characters!
Feb 20, 2021 8:00 PM
Sep 2015
mattrash said:
phantomfandom said:

I suggest one realism solution to this, Reki stop skating and focus on creating skateboard instead, this is the one skill that he's definitely better than Langa, and it's actuall the skill that might make him a millionaire in the future

What kind of shitty mindset is "ignore your passion, only follow your talents?"

It's shitty but we see a lot of this in real world, especially in a case when your passion can't make money but your talent can.
Feb 20, 2021 8:06 PM

Jan 2020
Dang I feel bad for Reki and I can see where he's coming from

Feb 20, 2021 8:31 PM

Aug 2015
Didn't expect Adam, Cherry, and Joe to be old friends. I knew they had messy history but it runs deeeeep huh. Cherry with that visual kei look though - very nice.

I guess the dynamic the three of them had is like the reverse of what Miya went through. And Langa is going through exactly what Miya went through. I'm so sad for Reki. Poor boy.

What on earth is the dynamic between Adam and his secretary?? They grew up together? But the secretary takes so much shit. Adam clearly has contempt for him. Is it because they were friends at one point but then the secretary didn't have the guts to stand up for Adam while Adam's father was being abusive, so this is how Adam's trauma shows in the present? Man.
Are Adam's three aunties replacing the domineering role his father once had over him?

Adam dropping down from the helicopter slapped my consciousness into an alternate realm. I literally can't imagine how his entrances can escalate from here.

I am so fucking hyped for this tournament arc.
Feb 20, 2021 8:50 PM

Jun 2020
i feel so bad for reki.....and langa...............after hearing what his mum had to say at the start of the episode & then reki doing this to him, i feel so bad, for both of them! but knowing reki's character, i'm sure they will get out of this stronger together!

and I FEEL SO BAD FOR TADASHI TOO? omg we need more of this guy

and O m g ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ????

what a bunch of bishies

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Feb 20, 2021 8:54 PM
Apr 2015
minfairys said:
i just hope ppl would not hate on reki because of this now. anyone could be in the same situation if you have a friend like that. it would be weird if he didn't feel anything. Now reki needs to sort his feelings out and try to not think about being like langa and instead be himself. this is not reki's fault, not langa's either.

either way this episode was really painful to watch and i nearly cried

I cried like a river lol
I really understand Reiki point / he felt helpless and that fact Langa was better while he was just newbie he didn't process so well it came as shock to him, not to forget the trauma caused by Adam
So yes what he felt is reasonable
Although I wonder didnt they say he will take special training last episode ? What happened to that?

I think Reiki needs to learn more by a mentor will be better
Feb 20, 2021 10:26 PM

Aug 2020
Feb 20, 2021 10:42 PM
Apr 2018
It's the people around Reki that made him feel like that. That's the saddest part. He was so happy and so proud of Langa...
Feb 20, 2021 11:04 PM

Nov 2019
I feel sad for Reki.
He reminded me of ""Mashima Taichi" (Chihayafuru)" words:
"Is that the story of my life? Is everything I do futile?"
Feb 20, 2021 11:31 PM

Oct 2016
That's why we had that fun ass episode last week to prepare us for this episode, sad to say it wasn't enough. All i felt was P a i n.

That last scene made my eyes watery, we knew it was coming but man the scale is much worse. Being compared with others suck, being talked about behind your back sucks, everyone has their limit. Of course Reki cares and supports Langa but all those other people talking shit about him can hurt like a bitch.

Can't blame Langa either, he always sees Reki as a cheerful and energetic guy, that's the first time he saw Reki like that so it's understandable. I am interested in ADAM's backstory though, young Cherry looks fucking fire. That was a really great episode.
Feb 20, 2021 11:41 PM

Dec 2015
Why do sports fujobait anime have to deal with jealousy between MCs?

I guess I'll completely avoid these type of anime in the future.
Feb 21, 2021 12:22 AM
Feb 2021
Reki is still my fave character. After this episode, I can't really blame Reki. I understand that Langa is talented and Reki has been supporting him since the very beginning of their friendship. The only time he snapped, was being called a low-life who hung around Langa. I don't blame Langa as well. I think Reki just wants to be on par with Langa. In the last scene of Episode 7, Reki said that he and Langa are no longer a good match. Meaning that one of them had exceeded what was expected and the other was left behind. Reki was there for Langa before and after Langa had shown his potential in skating. I don't think Reki deserves to be bashed or hated even if what he felt was something that a human being would feel. He IS proud of Langa, it's just that he can't be a good match if he stayed the way he is, or that if he is scared. I hope that Reki will have a character development in future episodes.
Feb 21, 2021 12:25 AM
May 2019
Between this show wonder egg priority and cells black it's no wonder this season is one of the best we've had in a while.
Feb 21, 2021 1:01 AM

Apr 2015
"Adam and you are nothing like me"
well thanks god for that!
its so fucking annoying when your partner is jealous of your success. Reki, if you want to be such an asshole, leave Langa alone.
Feb 21, 2021 1:22 AM
Feb 2021
spaesu said:
damn this episode was so sad... feel bad for reki feeling inferior, hope he feels better soon. langa's been skating for way longer then him and stuff so he shouldn't worry about stuff like that and just be happy with langa although it is understandable why he'd act like that. interesting stuff with adam and his family too, wonder how this tournaments gonna go down?
u mean snowboarding?
Feb 21, 2021 1:33 AM
Sep 2020
minfairys said:
i just hope ppl would not hate on reki because of this now. anyone could be in the same situation if you have a friend like that. it would be weird if he didn't feel anything. Now reki needs to sort his feelings out and try to not think about being like langa and instead be himself. this is not reki's fault, not langa's either.

either way this episode was really painful to watch and i nearly cried

Yea I was rly not expecting such a tear jerker scene out of show like this. Things coming to a close or ending especially good times with someone always rly gets me. Its always the line were they tell you its over, and here it'd be what Reki was saying about were just not a good match anymore. When they say things like that you think back to all the good times they had and that can be pretty sad. Hopefully they can resolve this though because this episode was a sad one ngl.
Feb 21, 2021 2:24 AM

Apr 2020
When you lowkey understand Reki and it hurst you. ._.

i hope they will resolve it and be buddies for sure. ^^
Feb 21, 2021 2:35 AM
Feb 2021
This episode is so depressing. i was litteraly crying. i feel so bad for Reki :(
Feb 21, 2021 2:42 AM
Oct 2020
Feb 21, 2021 3:55 AM
Mar 2018
What a heart-wrenching episode. I understand the feeling for falling behind others, causing you to lose your passion. This hit too close to home.

I feel so bad for Reki, just hope that Reki and Langa's friendship is forever tainted.

Feb 21, 2021 4:32 AM

Jul 2017
It hits close to home when you feel you're falling far behind against a close friend.

As usual, Adam is confronted by Inspector Kiriko in politics, and it'd be easy given his area of influence to ward off enemies. Proposing a tournament "to determine who's the best" in such a time as this, you can tell how "rushed" Adam wants to do this proposition before being found out by authorities, and asking his subordinates to be scapegoats (even his personal assistant Tadashi) to hold this out.

I'd swear that Cherry Blossom and Joe's comedic mockery is still funny. But both and Adam being old friends, that...shouldn't be a surprise given the history behind the trio's feud.

BUT...between Reki and Langa, from best buds to tainted friendship. Skate-boarding vs. snowboarding, a parallel between the two, it's obvious which sport works best interchangeably, and Reki feels the pinch being left behind, avoiding "S" and hitting rock bottom against an amateur with only months vs. years of experience.

What a change between Reki and Langa: their roles swapped for bad, and regressing REAL FAST. Whatever Reki says now, Langa WILL NOT listen, and acting like a brat...which hits hard and cannot blame him for the discourse of events.

A hard-hitting episode, for sure.
Feb 21, 2021 6:23 AM

Apr 2018
Damn how can something you've seen coming from 10km away still hit so hard. You'd think I'd be ready for the inevitable mid season parting of ways but apparently not. Also I feel for Reki, I really do, but also I can't even imagine how confused Langa must be. Langa who still sees Reki as his senior in skating, who doesn't know anything about Reki's childhood fried getting hurt, who approaches skating, improvement and the thrill of a challenger from a completely different perspective. That boy probably has absolutely no idea what just happened. I'd say I hope they talk it out soon but with a) this being anime and b) the most present adults in their lives being,,,,, joe and cherry,,,, ykw, i don't have high hopes lmaooo

Also there's a subset of people here who apparently can't comprehend somebody being the main character and not being The Best at whatever the show is about. Like, in what way does him being an average skateboarder make him less of a MC?
It's not like the show ever pretended it's going to be about Reki becoming the skating hokage or whatever, why is anybody surprised when the show went in a different direction? I'd say the show is doing the bare minimum to be slightly more complex than your standard shounen fare but man some people can't even deal with that it seem

Like yes, I too want him to resolve his issues, deal with his inferiority complex and mend his relationship with Langa, but honestly? I'm not sure I want him to do that purely by getting better. That'd just feel cheap and unrealistic, and while realism is not exactly what I expect from this show, even something like 'the power of friendship' saving the day would feel more earned and thematically appropriate than a sudden power level increase.
There's been a discussion in the comments about pursuing something you're good at vs something you're passionate about, and I think Reki has a chance to do both, even if one of those only as a hobby, but he'll only be able to do that with a healthier attitude towards skating. And that has to start from a place other than simply improving his skills.

Anyway yanki cherry lives rent free in my head brrrrrr
Feb 21, 2021 6:51 AM
Jul 2013
elany said:

Also there's a subset of people here who apparently can't comprehend somebody being the main character and not being The Best at whatever the show is about. Like, in what way does him being an average skateboarder make him less of a MC?
It's not like the show ever pretended it's going to be about Reki becoming the skating hokage or whatever, why is anybody surprised when the show went in a different direction? I'd say the show is doing the bare minimum to be slightly more complex than your standard shounen fare but man some people can't even deal with that it seem

uh idk abt that. I would say people are mad at how the show treats Reki and shove Langa's genius down the viewer's throat. It's a waste of time at this point because we understood that ages ago. It's fine if he was an average skater but the show has been literally and metaphorically kicking him at absolutely any opportunity. The stuff said this ep were like extra harsh and rude and I fail to see the reason why.

Plus I don't think the show even did a good job at showing Reki is just an average skater bc he barely shows his proper skating lol Getting blinded by some fireworks from Shadow and then attacked by Adam doesn't rly tell much if someone is a good skater or not imo.
Feb 21, 2021 7:03 AM
Feb 2021
Feb 21, 2021 7:54 AM

Sep 2020
Ngl, I cried like a baby. Seeing Reki like that really broke my heart 😭

I sensed in the last episode that something like this could happen, but seeing the ever so cheerful and supporting Reki being down like this really hurt. I understand what he's going through, seeing someone grow at a much higher pace than yourself and reaching heights you can only dream of is really hard, even if you love this person.
You can clearly see that Reki is fighting the growing jealousy, but in the end his own insecurities and fears got the better of him.

I think it's good that he distanced himself from Langa before they can hurt each other beyond repair, but he could've chosen better words than he did. Trying to make Langa feel bad because of the broken promise won't do them any good, but I think he'll realize this himself in the future.

I hope that Reki will become stronger, both mentally and in his skating and that he finds his confidence again. I also sincerely hope that Langa won't burn himself while trying to defeat Adam.
Feb 21, 2021 8:33 AM

Apr 2018
Mika-taicho said:
elany said:

Also there's a subset of people here who apparently can't comprehend somebody being the main character and not being The Best at whatever the show is about. Like, in what way does him being an average skateboarder make him less of a MC?
It's not like the show ever pretended it's going to be about Reki becoming the skating hokage or whatever, why is anybody surprised when the show went in a different direction? I'd say the show is doing the bare minimum to be slightly more complex than your standard shounen fare but man some people can't even deal with that it seem

uh idk abt that. I would say people are mad at how the show treats Reki and shove Langa's genius down the viewer's throat. It's a waste of time at this point because we understood that ages ago. It's fine if he was an average skater but the show has been literally and metaphorically kicking him at absolutely any opportunity. The stuff said this ep were like extra harsh and rude and I fail to see the reason why.

Plus I don't think the show even did a good job at showing Reki is just an average skater bc he barely shows his proper skating lol Getting blinded by some fireworks from Shadow and then attacked by Adam doesn't rly tell much if someone is a good skater or not imo.

Oh yeah, I can totally see why people would be annoyed by that. It's clear what the show was trying to do, but it did go about it with all the subtlety of a fireworks display and I can't blame anybody for getting irked by that. Personally I didn't mind it that much bc, I mean, it's not like every other part of this show isn't over the top too, so might as well.

But that's not really what I was talking about. I was more so talking about the attitude that Reki has to be a good skateboarder to deserve his MC status, which to me are two completely unrelated concepts. He could be literally the worst skater in the world and he'd still be a good protagonist of this particular story, bc the plot doesn't hinge on his skateboarding skills. Like, saying "why did they make him bad at skateboarding, isn't he the mc" makes no sense bc those two things are largely unrelated.

(as for the actual level of his abilities, i admittedly never really thought about this i suppose. being a snowboarder myself i could somewhat judge his skill level from the start and by some point just figured that anybody who even participates in S is at least average but probably above that. thinking back on it, the show could've established his abilities a bit better, but maybe they took the same approach to this as i; anything that's Not As Good As Langa would do, and the specifics don't matter lmao)
Feb 21, 2021 8:48 AM

Dec 2016
Wow, what a tearjerker episode after the most relaxing episode...💀

It was so painful to watch Reki like this. Reki's situation is completely realistic. I never teared up watching a sports anime, I had to watch the ending with blurry eyes...Among all the sports anime I have watched Reki is the the most relatable. It's not just in sports but this situation can happen in any kind of field or career.

A similar thing is happening with Langa and Reki like what happened with Miya and his friends. I just hope Reki and Langa's friendship doesn't break because of this.

Those shits calling Reki a lowlife is too much. If not because of Reki Langa would've never started skateboarding.

The cringy character is here from a cringy looking helicopter...

This anime portrays both the point of view of the one surpassing and the point of view of the one who still can't get it done even after trying their hardest. Really well done.

This anime might become the first sports anime I might give 9 or 10.
Feb 21, 2021 9:24 AM
Jan 2020
This was an intense episode. Reki’s started to feel something in him that is tearing him apart from Langa. Langa is extremely talented and can do much more that what Reki can do. Knowing that Reki and Langa were almost at the same level and now Langa is worlds apart from Reki, makes Reki feel very inferior to Langa. There is some tension coming out of there. ADAM is holding a tournament and the person who was funding him is arrested.
Feb 21, 2021 9:55 AM
Jul 2018
leoscoo said:
spaesu said:
damn this episode was so sad... feel bad for reki feeling inferior, hope he feels better soon. langa's been skating for way longer then him and stuff so he shouldn't worry about stuff like that and just be happy with langa although it is understandable why he'd act like that. interesting stuff with adam and his family too, wonder how this tournaments gonna go down?
u mean snowboarding?
yeah, i wrote that in like 30 seconds
Feb 21, 2021 10:43 AM

Sep 2020
The part where Reki was like: "Don't you know I-" to Langa- ahhhh. I wonder what he was going to say, poor Reki :((
Feb 21, 2021 10:46 AM
Jul 2018
I love me some Anime tournaments, looking forward to it. I expect some epic interactions between Joe/Cherry and ADAM.
Feb 21, 2021 11:33 AM

Jul 2014
It's been interesting from the start to have one main character be the natural prodigy and the other be someone who has to work hard to even keep up, and I'm not surprised to see that come to a head here. It's easy enough for Reki to be supportive of Langa while he's able to take on the mentor role, but when he's surpassed he just can't handle it because of how everyone else acts about it. And Langa's fascination with ADAM just seals the deal and pushes the two even further apart, as Reki is understandably controlled by his fear of serious injury for himself or his friends.

That aside, I'm not exactly sure what the ADAM subplot away from skateboarding is for or how it's going to connect to everything else, but I'm sure it's not being done without reason.
Feb 21, 2021 11:35 AM

Jun 2014
Reki has finally started to feel inferior, and that's not a nice feeling at all. Langa was rather shocked when Reki told him how he felt. I wonder what Langa will do?

Meanwhile, ADAM's tournament is about to begin, but there is some legal trouble, where he expects his servant Tadashi to take the blame. Will Tadashi grow some balls?

Feb 21, 2021 11:41 AM
Feb 2021
spaesu said:
leoscoo said:
u mean snowboarding?
yeah, i wrote that in like 30 seconds
u got quick hands damn
Feb 21, 2021 12:09 PM
Jul 2013
elany said:
Mika-taicho said:

uh idk abt that. I would say people are mad at how the show treats Reki and shove Langa's genius down the viewer's throat. It's a waste of time at this point because we understood that ages ago. It's fine if he was an average skater but the show has been literally and metaphorically kicking him at absolutely any opportunity. The stuff said this ep were like extra harsh and rude and I fail to see the reason why.

Plus I don't think the show even did a good job at showing Reki is just an average skater bc he barely shows his proper skating lol Getting blinded by some fireworks from Shadow and then attacked by Adam doesn't rly tell much if someone is a good skater or not imo.

Oh yeah, I can totally see why people would be annoyed by that. It's clear what the show was trying to do, but it did go about it with all the subtlety of a fireworks display and I can't blame anybody for getting irked by that. Personally I didn't mind it that much bc, I mean, it's not like every other part of this show isn't over the top too, so might as well.

But that's not really what I was talking about. I was more so talking about the attitude that Reki has to be a good skateboarder to deserve his MC status, which to me are two completely unrelated concepts. He could be literally the worst skater in the world and he'd still be a good protagonist of this particular story, bc the plot doesn't hinge on his skateboarding skills. Like, saying "why did they make him bad at skateboarding, isn't he the mc" makes no sense bc those two things are largely unrelated.

That's fair, tho I do kinda understand their sentiment to SOME EXTENT since it's largely the anime's fault. The whole shtick is to skate etc. so when a character doesn't do that and the show does not bother to emphasize anything else they might have going for them that would be relevant to the main plot, then such attitudes jump out. One could argue Reki's thing would be the vast knowledge abt skateboards and the making of them but the show didnt particularly care for that after like 2-3 episodes. Only Langa praised him on some random occassions but no one else in this show rly gave a shit about it so. I honestly dont know how they wanna fit Reki here (especially in this tournament arc) after 7 episodes of like not rly committing to giving him anything significant to do or have going for him (related to plot). Ig we will see.
Feb 21, 2021 12:57 PM

Apr 2007
The show has been slowly leading to this moment, and it was heartbreaking :( It's so easy to understand what Reki is going through and the fact that it's so hard for him to explain to Langa how he feels. Reki knows it's not Langa's fault, and he doesn't want to take it out on him, but that's not easy to do.

The promise part is a little weird, but that only came about due to Reki's fear of Adam anyway.

I can't imagine how exactly they'll fix their friendship after this. Just looking forward to the tournament instead :>
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