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Feb 18, 2021 12:35 PM
Jul 2018
As an anime only I thougt the first three episodes were great, episode 4 and 5 seemed a bit rushed to me, but this episode really made it better. I really liked this episode.
Feb 18, 2021 12:38 PM

Jan 2021
yay, the re-encounter with Norman... (;⌣̀_⌣́)
Barbara's design is amazing, I understand her desire for revenge.
A lot of new information, Idk what will they do with only 5 ep.
Feb 18, 2021 12:41 PM

Jan 2021
KaiserVonGogureo said:
CrossBlack said:
Ok, I can't deal with this bullshit of not killing the monsters, why does it always have to be like that??

It seems like every anime follows the same structure. I'm not kidding when I say there are about 100 idealistic Emma out there, not only that but Ray too? I can tell where this is going but I hope I'm wrong and they surprise me in a good way.

Yep, I called the same thing with attack on titan, I knew it wasn't gonna follow that path since episode 1
KaiserVonGogureo said:
CrossBlack said:
Ok, I can't deal with this bullshit of not killing the monsters, why does it always have to be like that??

It seems like every anime follows the same structure. I'm not kidding when I say there are about 100 idealistic Emma out there, not only that but Ray too? I can tell where this is going but I hope I'm wrong and they surprise me in a good way.

Yep, I called the same thing with attack on titan, I knew it wasn't gonna follow that path since episode 1

But they did kill all the wild titans...
Feb 18, 2021 12:50 PM
Jan 2020
As an anime only This season season definitely doesn’t compare to season 1 but While it feels rushed I do enjoy the world building I just hope the story raps up nicely and doesn’t leave me too disappointed
Feb 18, 2021 12:55 PM
Jun 2016

soulless (as expected)
Feb 18, 2021 1:03 PM
Apr 2016
Jesus, Emma is so naive... She just won't learn until one of those monsters massacres her entire family
Feb 18, 2021 1:18 PM
Jan 2021
k11chi said:
Let's see how they wrap up this story in 5 episodes.
wait season 2 is only 11 eps?! I thought they would have 24 😭
Feb 18, 2021 1:52 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Well at least the content matter was more similar to the manga this week, but the timing and execution feels pretty off this way regardless
Feb 18, 2021 1:53 PM

Feb 2021
Tentriyami said:
KaiserVonGogureo said:

Yep, I called the same thing with attack on titan, I knew it wasn't gonna follow that path since episode 1
KaiserVonGogureo said:

Yep, I called the same thing with attack on titan, I knew it wasn't gonna follow that path since episode 1

But they did kill all the wild titans...

Didn't Eren not kill that one at the end of season 3 or something
Feb 18, 2021 1:59 PM

Feb 2016
This is the point where I started to lose hope in the manga, and even tho I already lost hope in this adaptation from episode 3, this somehow manages to disappoint me even further by maintaining the shit character Emma is in this arc.

"Hurr durr, let's not kill demons, they act like humans"

Well duh Emma, that's because they f*cking ate humans lmao. (And no, idgaf about Mujika's convenient reveal here)

thebrentinator24 said:
Looks like they probably intend to wrap up the whole story in this season, oh brother this should be fun lol.

Looks like? LOOKS LIKE!? Of course they're going to wrap up everything in this season, unless they somehow manage to drag things and finish it with a movie.

expired_0 said:
You might think I'm twisted but I completely agree to wipe out the demon race. There's no garantee that demons will comply living peacefully with humans - their food. It will end up being a twisted world and demons will eventually overpower the human race and this cycle will repeat again and again. I get that there are demons that don't eat humans, but Sonju clearly stated that he'd like to eat humans once they have a dense population.

If anyone wants to prove me wrong, go ahead.

Don't worry, you're not twisted, you have the right mentality here, being twisted would be equivalent of thinking that Demons that ate humans, could co-exist with humans, just because they have humans characteristics, that they got by eating humans. Let alone back up your facts with the slight possibility of 2 "good" demons you met.
CrimsonWandererFeb 18, 2021 2:09 PM
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Feb 18, 2021 1:59 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
I now wonder if Mujika looks like a demon because she's a human who's been eating demon meat.

In the grand scheme of things I ain't sure whose side I'm on. The way they portray the demons combined with Emma's charisma makes me want to choose her side. But if I replace "demons" with other stuff then I think I may find myself on Norman's side.

It also doesn't help the group (apparently saved by Norman?? Why is there no footage of that?? Why do they talk and not show??) is incredibly unlikeable. I get it and I think I'd feel the exact same way. But from a storytelling perspective it might not be the best way to go about telling such a story.

Norman took any kind of control Emma and Ray had out of their hands. Will the rest just be Norman's ultimate revenge plan or what? Not that the demons don't deserve it but this isn't very fun to watch.... I like when there's steak- uh stakes

I have the idea I'm being unrealistically harsh on this sequel season yet my problems with it aren't unrealistic
This show is giving me way too much internal conflict and not in the way they intended
Feb 18, 2021 2:08 PM

Jun 2020
This is probably my least favorite episode so far. The first part was an info dump that contained a lot vital information, but the presentation was very boring. However, the interaction with Norman's squad was cool. I always liked those guys and thought they had the potential to take the story in an interesting route. I'm not that optimistic about the author taking advantage of that potential though.
Feb 18, 2021 2:11 PM

Jan 2012
HaXXspetten said:
Well at least the content matter was more similar to the manga this week, but the timing and execution feels pretty off this way regardless

Actually I think that it's even worse that it was similar.
They claimed they want to go original, yet so far it's been like the manga but with less characters and story. it feels like someone who read the manga years ago is trying to tell the story, but forgot half of it...
I enjoyed the manga (even the end - unpopular opinion), but if they are going to skip so much, might as well try a new route so the comparison won't be as bad
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 18, 2021 2:19 PM

Dec 2020
as an anime only, this episode just felt like an asspull. usually, i don't mind an asspull or two to keep the story going, but norman was hardly gone because so much was cut out, so we weren't given enough time to process his "death" and miss him. this made the reveal of his plan just feel anti-climatic.

the themes of whether it's morally right to kill all your oppressors are interesting i guess, but it's a jarring switch from the previously established supernatural thriller themes for this season. there are other series that discuss the ethics of war and the subsequent cycle of hate better.

this episode wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. hoping this season can be salvaged, it's not terrible, it's just mediocre.
Feb 18, 2021 2:45 PM

Jun 2019
better than last 2 episodes, but still not good. It was okay
Feb 18, 2021 2:45 PM
Dec 2020
To the people saying how Emma has matured, no she hasn't. She has become the epitome of that typical annoying character everyone hates.
As an anime only watcher it feels very rushed and like everyone has said, Norman's reveal had no suspense whatsoever.
I'm very curious about why Norman doesn't like Mujika so that's something to look forward to at least, all in all, this was the least entertaining episode so far.
Feb 18, 2021 2:48 PM
Oct 2018
Norman in first season: Need to sacrifice himself and needed three most smartest to make one part of the plan (get out)

Norman in second season: escaped of two farms ALONE, and thinked in one plan ALONE AND WORKED!!

Feb 18, 2021 3:16 PM
Jul 2018
This was much better than before imo, but still not great, hope the last 5 will be good enough to give some closure as I don't think we're getting a season 3 after this stunt...
Feb 18, 2021 3:31 PM
Aug 2020
Guys help, should I watch this? I’m worried about spoiling the manga
Feb 18, 2021 3:38 PM

Jan 2021
KaiserVonGogureo said:
Tentriyami said:

But they did kill all the wild titans...

Didn't Eren not kill that one at the end of season 3 or something

That's not a very eren like thing to do
Feb 18, 2021 3:51 PM

Jul 2013
Norman Jaeger ayyy lol

I'm not surprised Emma feels apprehensive about the plan; she has a kind heart and is a very sympathetic person. At least, Ray brought up some good points: are Mujika and Sonju exceptions? what happens if the drug doesn't work for them? what if the demons can maintain intelligence without eating humans?

But then the fact that Norman knows who Mujika is, calling her the "evil blooded one", well it turns out there's more that Emma/Ray/the audience doesn't know about.
Feb 18, 2021 3:54 PM
Jun 2020
Do I have a monke brain or is this just a anime retcon kind of thing? Norman shows up and somehow has this drug that can basically kill the demons but it isn't really explained HOW he found this other than he's just a genius? I haven't read the manga so I'm kinda asking this in the dark. Did anyone else question this scene or am I alone on this? I'm not hating the new season its okay, 6 or 7/10, but that scene made no sense
Feb 18, 2021 4:00 PM

May 2012
ttcchen said:
KANLen09 said:
WELL OK...other than the differences in the manga space, I'd say that the dialogue itself still remains faithful to the source material (whilst only having relevant content).

Norman was once part of the Lambda-7214 team, wanting to change the human-demon landscape and putting an end to the Neverland, that's a lofty goal, truth be told. The look on Emma and Ray's faces doesn't seem like they want to follow Norman's huge plan, and for personal reasons.

in the manga, did this episode go exactly as it did in the manga? did Norman just spoon fed us all this exposition? or were we shown his backstory and what exactly he went thru to turn him into this cold-hearted boy?

Both. He just info dumps stuff but we also see him in Lambda and he basically has the body of an older teen when this portion of the story happens while in the anime he still looks like a kid.

Seems like the anime is just using core plot points from the manga.

Feb 18, 2021 4:21 PM

Oct 2012
I'm disappointed. Everything that I loved about the first season were absent in the second season, and this episode cemented the terrible direction. Within a short couple of months (since the anime presumably skipped a couple arcs), Norman has not only freed children from a bunch of farms, managed to find a place to hide them, and becomes this all-knowing saint, all the while Emma lacked any progression from the first season and still retains this idealistic naivete. In fact, Emma's dementia has gone worse, since now she not only wants to save all the children from Grace Field, but she wants to save all the children and all the demons without a plan.

In the first season, the success came from the fact that the children lacked any hard power and all the pieces of information, and had to carry out their plans discretely and carefully. There was real suspense, since any mistake would have had disastrous consequences. And now, all of a sudden, this Garu Stu Kirito character comes along to propose a war with a few dozen children and an unknown amount of a degeneration potion to take out supposedly millions of demons. And Emma's job is to be the Naruto to his Pein.

All the other Grace Field children still act like indistinguishable sheep flocking to the savior, and all the Lambda children act like stereotypical yakuza third-rate villains from the other shows where they act crazy for the sake of spectacle. As if one shows how hard they are by going on emotional diatribes.

Unfortunately, this episode has just shown that there would be no character growth, and any inner motivation and nuance in the first season has been replaced by cliched archetypes, like the character representing vengeance, the character representing ideal peace, and the character that's just there to mediate.
My subjective reviews:
Feb 18, 2021 4:24 PM

Oct 2012
JanPri said:
Jesus, Emma is so naive... She just won't learn until one of those monsters massacres her entire family
Emma's the reason this story cannot be saved unless half the children die.
My subjective reviews:
Feb 18, 2021 4:28 PM

Mar 2020
Kill or be killed in Yakusoku no Neverland, no middle ground. For demons to survive they need human flesh and without it, they die. Humans will try to escape the fate of being eaten, that's just how it works; however, Norman has a plan to eradicate the Demons. He plans create a world without evil but Emma wants to find a way to coexist with Demons, seems almost impossible. Well it seems Mujika has been brought back into the picture as at the very end of the episode Norman had the look of an afraid person when her name was mentioned.
Feb 18, 2021 4:31 PM

Dec 2020
yeah. mmm no way they can redeem themselves and save this show. that’s disappointing. season 1 was bomb. cant wait to see how rushed the rest of this season’s going to be now that there are only 5 episodes left
"give up on your dream and die" -levi ackermann
Feb 18, 2021 4:44 PM
Nov 2020
imean.. it was alright. emma and ray talking to cislo, barbara, and vincent, then came norman talking about mujika and all and the infos where there so its still good in a way

btw, who are the voice actors tho for cislo, barbara, and vincent?
Feb 18, 2021 4:54 PM

Aug 2017
Looks like Norman knows Mujika :/. I'm surprised humans can eat demon meat.
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Feb 18, 2021 5:06 PM

Mar 2016
Last episode everyone had their panties in a knot because of Norman and/or the skipping of a manga arc. Now, everyone is glad he's shown up. Anime fans make no sense to me. I understand this is the only dopamine you guys get but Jesus it's depressing to see. Reality check: this show still stinks like bunch of poopy ass dicks covered in chocolate feces.
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't.  Lie until you aren't lying anymore!
Feb 18, 2021 5:25 PM

Nov 2016
Wow, 20 minutes of trash pacing and a rush of information without any visuals, incredible, fantastic.
I loved watching the new characters getting animated, but that's it the story is going too fast skipping a lot, I can't feel shit about any of them from what I've seen in the episodes, thankfully the manga explains it a little better, the why Barbar and others hate them and what has happened to them, but yeah, I won't be even surprised if they try to end the whole thing in this season.

Let's not forget that Norman was gone for like 1 year at most, in 1 year (anime pacing) Norman has escaped and destroyed 2 super high quality farms, saved A BUNCH of kids (not even show in the episode), and made a potion that degenerates demons out of nowhere. All in 1 year.
AlvaritoterreosFeb 18, 2021 5:29 PM
Feb 18, 2021 5:32 PM

Apr 2020
Ah, Emma... fuck you. Shounen protagonists and the same idealism of peace where everyone understands each other.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Feb 18, 2021 5:34 PM
Mar 2020
It's interesting how there are characters from the manga and manga dialogue in the episode. We really don't know what's going to happen in the next few episodes, whether or not it's going to follow the manga or have something completely different.
Feb 18, 2021 5:38 PM

Nov 2016
expired_0 said:
You might think I'm twisted but I completely agree to wipe out the demon race. There's no garantee that demons will comply living peacefully with humans - their food. It will end up being a twisted world and demons will eventually overpower the human race and this cycle will repeat again and again. I get that there are demons that don't eat humans, but Sonju clearly stated that he'd like to eat humans once they have a dense population.

If anyone wants to prove me wrong, go ahead.
I would prove you wrong, but since it seems that you are an anime only I don't want to spoil anything to you, it also seems that they are fully going to cut the
in the manga.
Feb 18, 2021 5:39 PM

Aug 2013
Let the train wreck known as season 2 continue ... ChooChoo
Feb 18, 2021 5:54 PM
Jan 2018
The pacing seems like it's been turned up to maximum. "Get it over with, the faster the better it will be."
Feb 18, 2021 6:12 PM

Dec 2014
I'm curious how they are going to end the story in the next few episodes.

The Norman reunion was very nice, though sounds like he has a plan to destroy all the demons. Personally, I don't dislike Emma opposition to his plans and wanting to find a way to co-exist. It's naïve and optimistic but I don't dislike that sorta thing and it fits her character. I'd be interested if she can figure out a way to make it happen.

That ending though, Normal just broke. What kind of experience does he have with those two demons?
Feb 18, 2021 6:14 PM

Jun 2019
I wasn’t fully on-board with the direction the show was taking, but this episode made me interested again. Norman is acting like a cult leader and may end up being the main antagonist this season. I don’t see why they would send a problem child like Norman to a testing facility instead of eating him (given his astronomical intelligence). I also don’t know how Norman has created and mass-produced this drug, but he is suspicious so I will take his claims with a grain of salt.
Feb 18, 2021 6:19 PM

Jul 2020
well the episode was acceptable and a bit fast
Feb 18, 2021 6:22 PM

Apr 2020
As an anime only, I feel that the pacing for the first half was at warp speed but then slowed for the last bit where Ray and Emma hang out with Norman's people.

I'm also wondering whether Mujica and Sonju were created from the experiments at Lambda since Norman seems to know they exist.
Feb 18, 2021 6:26 PM

Dec 2019
As an anime only i still really enjoyed this ep but once this season is over im definitionally gonna read the manga. 4/5
Feb 18, 2021 6:34 PM

Jul 2016
My boy Norman and his gang are going full Eren now. Just wish Norman looked more sinister here considering the goals he's pursuing. I mean, more than a year has passed and he still has the same baby face despite the potential horrors he has seen in Lambda.

Overall, another interesting episode. Demons need Human's flesh to evolve but there can be exceptions such as Sonju and Mujika. Emma doesn't want to eradicate their entire race because of course, she's not into genocide and it's understandable but at this point, she's pretty much alone with her reasoning. This said, let's see if she can find a midpoint in Norman's plans.
Feb 18, 2021 6:43 PM

Feb 2016
hakaihisaki said:
HaXXspetten said:
Well at least the content matter was more similar to the manga this week, but the timing and execution feels pretty off this way regardless

Actually I think that it's even worse that it was similar.
They claimed they want to go original, yet so far it's been like the manga but with less characters and story. it feels like someone who read the manga years ago is trying to tell the story, but forgot half of it...
I enjoyed the manga (even the end - unpopular opinion), but if they are going to skip so much, might as well try a new route so the comparison won't be as bad

I agree with this assessment.
Feb 18, 2021 6:44 PM
Feb 2021
This ep was easily one of the best episodes in the entirety of the series since this series has so far been heavily dependent of twist that had so far been anticlimactic and foreseeable like Normans survival.
This episode left me wanting more with that cliffhanger, the anticlimactic reunion with Norman was heartwarming in its own way despite that it was easy to predict.
Emma and Ray's conversation was pretty good when you take their circumstances into account and Rays response was very easy to relate to.
The introduction of Norman's 3 companions was a bit underwhelming but still had the tension because of their difference with Emma.
Feb 18, 2021 6:59 PM
Dec 2019
Emma is too naive to live. She must die for the greater good
Feb 18, 2021 7:06 PM

Dec 2013
This pacing is ridiculously fast and Norman's drugs are BS. The amount of stuff Norman has compared to Emma's group who have done nothing is almost hilarious.

Emma's ideals are definitely naïve but I can't understand why she wouldn't be excited about genocide of a species that is capable of thought and emotion.
Feb 18, 2021 7:38 PM

Nov 2014
KaiserVonGogureo said:
ttcchen said:

in the manga, did this episode go exactly as it did in the manga? did Norman just spoon fed us all this exposition? or were we shown his backstory and what exactly he went thru to turn him into this cold-hearted boy?

Yes, the setting was different as they were already in Norman's base, and it was just him, Emma, and Ray, but I don't think he had a drug, they were just gonna wipe em out, and yes they showed Lambda, not a whole lot, but a good amount I think, we never really found out how he escaped, but he and his crew along with another boy named Adam did, who has most likely been cut as he was in Goldy Pond, the manga also showed the scene right after Isabella takes him to be shipped, it skipped another important character introduction (who will be here as he's in the intro)
wait so characters like that barbara girl are anime originals? In the manga they never ate demon meat?
Feb 18, 2021 7:41 PM

Jan 2013
Damn it's tough for Emma but there is no way that i would disagree with Norman, they at the current moment don't have any better option, so it's like their "brothers and sisters" dying or degenerating the demons, the choice is obvious so i am worried that Emma might screw the plan somehow...

Like those guys for sure went through a lot, like really a lot. That's why they respect Norman so much, the dude is indeed a leader! He appeared out of nowhere and solved all their problems, like lmao girl
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Feb 18, 2021 7:42 PM

Jan 2011
continue to be anime only this was fine not great totally feels like a poor mans AoT final by easy comparisons

with how insanely fast this is going i thought this was new content but turns out is near the end of the manga? stuff it almost feels like Emma's group is a bunch of like lv 10s with wooden bows still meanwhile end game player Norman has showed up with his OP drugs and plans to commit a genocidal war on the demons with his band of revenge seeking max players lol i'm just like the hell are they gonna do.

starting to think im just gonna drop this i thought we'd be getting original stuff but it seems to just be borrowing manga content but extremely cut
Feb 18, 2021 7:44 PM

Dec 2020
here we go with the "I wanna everybody to live a happy life together" bullshit, jeez that was so painful and cringey to watch.
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