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Sep 25, 2020 5:56 AM
Nov 2019
So, what do y'all think? Wanted to hang out a little more with Uzaki Chan? or was this enough?
Sep 25, 2020 6:17 AM

Mar 2019
So this is the end of our Uzaki for the moment...I hope for a second season. definitely enjoyed it overall.

Drink, drink and drink more...they live the college life perfectly. Those are the best friends who wants you get drunk hehe
Sep 25, 2020 6:32 AM

Dec 2013
Big, big disappointment of a show. Poor execution of the source material, shame.
But I'll keep it at 6/10 as I had some fun and after all liked it anyway.
Sep 25, 2020 6:41 AM

Apr 2010
This was a nice anime and i hope we will get more in the future.

I have to say the sleeping over incident was funny especially Hana's misunderstanding.
Well let's hope they end up together at some point.
Sep 25, 2020 6:43 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, a little bit of storytelling of the past from Uzaki's point of view.

However, this episode still had a lot of comedy between Uzaki and Sakurai. The two still has a lot of character chemistry together even for the series' finale. It's been a long Summer and the two managed to capture the magic of their relationship all the way to the end. A very entertaining show if you ask me.
Sep 25, 2020 6:46 AM

Feb 2016
Thank God this shit is over, may this anime rot in hell. Can't believe it's getting a second season of sorts lmao
CrimsonWandererSep 25, 2020 7:56 PM
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 25, 2020 6:54 AM

Jul 2017
NAN DEMO??? Uzaki-chan doesn't want to hang out anymore? WHAT A JOKER LOLS, once a joker, ALWAYS a joker HAHA! Had me anticipating an anti-climatic scene, that got me good.

Father Asai, you're already old, please don't suffer too much...even if it's under pretense or not.

OH HO, Uzaki and Sakurai's first meeting of their junior years, definitely coming across that stern face of his as a first impression, and really HARD to believe he was once a person whom others look up to. But Ami's unknowing drop of Uzaki's true feelings, that almost took her for a ride...AND SHE'S NOT ASHAMED ABOUT IT.

To think that Uzaki would take the impractical jokers' advice of Sasaki and Ami to attack Sakurai romantically, even to go as far to make him drunk, what shenanigans shall assume, is the usual foreplay. The unknowing surprise of saying "I like you" in front of Uzaki, Sakurai's attack is SUPER EFFECTIVE!

SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN for Sakurai and Uzaki, clearly they'd have no idea of what went through the previous night, and clearly Ami and Father Asai takes notice just as quick to be funny and annoying Darumas. And the mind games go on as per normal...

Sakurai...your low-tier confession sure plays off the funny man, but Uzaki's gonna keep trolling you!

This is a very difficult show to really express, but I went from hating this to loving this. Don't hope a Season 2, not really.

EDIT: OH WAIT, Season 2 confirmed, and on the future horizon? Guess people really love Uzaki-chan to death.
KANLen09Oct 1, 2020 7:04 AM
Sep 25, 2020 7:11 AM

Aug 2012
I'm sure that chiropractor gets lots of patients lol.

AdolZeppeli said:
Thank God this shit is over, may this anime rot in hell and hopefully NEVER gets a second season, I don't think it even deserved to get an anime.

MrAwesome2018Sep 25, 2020 7:18 AM
Sep 25, 2020 7:11 AM

Apr 2018
Oh so the problem was just about homework xD and then they're drinking way too much once again lol
Well overall it was sure a cute and funny anime to laid-back on, I don't understand the hate on it... 7/10
Sep 25, 2020 7:14 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
This thread has been cleaned.

Please keep the discussion focused on episode itself and not veer off topic on whether or not others have watched the episode. Additionally, please only post in this thread once you have seen the entire episode and follow the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules
Sep 25, 2020 7:21 AM

Feb 2016
MrAwesome2018 said:
I'm sure that chiropractor gets lots of patients lol.

AdolZeppeli said:
Thank God this shit is over, may this anime rot in hell and hopefully NEVER gets a second season, I don't think it even deserved to get an anime.


I've just lost faith in humanity again
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 25, 2020 7:23 AM

Aug 2020
Cliffhanger from 11 was a bit of a let down. Uzaki getting depressed over having homework or something else that eats up spare time is to be expected, but using tears reduces her credibility. She rarely cries in the manga, only when she is really hurt, and this situation doesn't qualify.

The overall episode was ok, but the flow of the episode felt a bit off. I liked that they added the extra bit of wake up routine, and Sakurai partially letting down his guard without being drunk was a nice bonus too. A decent episode but bit underwhelming as season finale, even with the sleepover. I still feel episode 8 was more like a finale than this, but just read we will ger a second season, so hopefully the anime team will capture that vibe again next season.

(ps sorry for the offtopic messages earlier, point taken)
Sep 25, 2020 7:24 AM

Aug 2013
Lol, I was stupid to think that something serious happened when Hana told Sakurai she couldn't hang out anymore.

Anyways, this was a nice episode. We got to see some backstory on Hana and Sakurai.

The misunderstanding about the sleeping thing was funny. Ami and her father were too funny.

Sep 25, 2020 7:37 AM
Jul 2020
I was hoping for a season 2 teaser but that’s fine. The cliffhanger in the episode before made this episode highly anticipated. Instead it was something dumb but over great show hoping for a second season. Loved the episode
Sep 25, 2020 7:46 AM

Nov 2016
Started off as an amusing anime, but turned out to be even more engaging than I hoped for.

Great that there will be a second season, more of Uzaki's mom and what was shown during the festival episode will be appreciated.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 25, 2020 7:53 AM

Aug 2017
Itsuhito played it real smooth. Best wingman ever!!

Sep 25, 2020 7:57 AM

Oct 2017
Ah yes the backstory of Uzaki and Sakurai, I like that part. Uzaki with Long hair looks pretty.

XD they drank and they slept and they woke up in the same futon, ahem wonder what happened in the middle.

Pretty decent anime adaptation of the manga, I enjoyed it quite a lot but the thing is some stuff bothered me till the end and one of them was Sakurai's voice.

Looking forward to season 2, more of Uzaki is always welcomed.

PS. Mama Uzaki best girl hehe.
Sep 25, 2020 8:26 AM
Jul 2018
The show was a fun watch, though they hit us with some bs with the cliffhanger from last weeks episode though.
Sep 25, 2020 8:30 AM

Feb 2014
good anime 7/10
and about the end i didn't like it , open Ending , and no news about second season
Sep 25, 2020 8:45 AM

Feb 2016
This didn't feel like the last episode. The same old comedy between Sakurai and Hana.
Overall the season was fine.

I thought this anime would just be an advertisement for the manga but that's not all considering it got a 2nd season announcement soon after the first
Sep 25, 2020 8:50 AM

Feb 2020
Certainly wasn’t their best episode but this shows entertainment value is great another big plus is they sparingly used ecchi didn’t shove it down your throat. Really liked the Op I Look forward to s2, thought this one was great 8/10

Sep 25, 2020 8:55 AM

Apr 2008
Fun series. Yes I do want to hang out more. Bring on season 2.
Sep 25, 2020 9:20 AM

May 2020
Season 2 has just announced wieeeee~ Had lots of fun with Uzaki and the rest of characters despite the low execution and lousy environment. I still had fun though. <3 See ya on S2 guys~
Sep 25, 2020 9:31 AM

Jun 2017
Didn't enjoy this as much as many did nor as poorly as a few, but I had my ups and downs here I suppose. As for this episode, it might've been the best of the series NGL.

Backstory to start the episode with. Yes, that was genuinely good! Again, makes me wonder how Uzaki went through that 360 no scope turn to become that Uzai ~

Drinking misunderstandings, xD. About time the series touched on this, I guess.

And lastly, to sign off with another misunderstanding followed by a tease. That's trademark stuff for the franchise by now, lol.

All in all, I just couldn't get into this show and even though this episode was clearly heading in the right direction, my experience as a whole has been mixed. Uzaki's mom deserved more screentime too, lol.

Going to settle with a 5/10 here.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 25, 2020 9:52 AM

Jan 2018
Got baited hella hard with the end of ep11 but Christ am I ready to watch another 12 eps of this pair.

Stupid wholesome show. lol
Dimmock is a lot like Veal, an acquired taste.
Sep 25, 2020 10:00 AM

Apr 2018
Such a great show. Incredibly entertaining.

I'm so happy we will get a second season.
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
Sep 25, 2020 10:01 AM
Oct 2016
Uzaki chan the most controversial show of summer has now concluded. It was a pretty fun show. Not the best comedy I've seen and a decent amount of the jokes didn't land as they probably should've with me but I enjoyed it. The real power of the show comes from the main duo Uzaki and Sakurai. Those two are a riot. I loved all their scenes together playing the jokester and the straight man so to speak. Uzaki constantly messing with Sakurai but never in a malicious way like that other show with the teasing girl. They were definitely the best part of this. Everything else was pretty hit or miss. A very limited cast with less than ten main characters to really see. Ami, Boss, and Sakaki were fine. Nothing spectacular or even up to par with the main two but fun enough is suppose. They kept things going when Uzaki and Sakurai would stall out from time to time. The few moments when things got somewhat serious were really interesting to see. Uzaki being down the one episode they went for the fireworks festival and the later episode with the trip to Tottori were my favorites. Animation served it's purpose of being fun to look at while the jokes were flying. Overall I'd say it was an enjoyable comedy for me with a great lead ship. 80 out of 100.
Sep 25, 2020 10:04 AM

Mar 2016
I really don't understand how something like this could get so much hate (or love). It had some moments, but otherwise it was a mostly bland experience. As a 'teasing' story it just falls flat. I thought the old man and his daughter added a much needed change of pace when they were introduced. But holy shit they got annoying fast. And Uzaki isn't even cute.

syncrogazerSep 25, 2020 7:35 PM
Sep 25, 2020 10:13 AM

Jun 2020
Ep 12 was a pretty weak final episode (especially after that cliffhanger, holly shit) so I'm glad the second season was announced.
Sep 25, 2020 10:32 AM

Oct 2017
moadsama said:
good anime 7/10
and about the end i didn't like it , open Ending , and no news about second season

Yes there is.....
Sep 25, 2020 10:48 AM

Jan 2020
Misuta-Kitsune said:
moadsama said:
good anime 7/10
and about the end i didn't like it , open Ending , and no news about second season

Yes there is.....

I was hesitant to watch this anime, but I was pleasantly surprised and actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I was going to give it a 7/10 because of the open ending and no indication of a 2nd season, but the news you linked to has bumped it up to a 8/10 for me. Looking forward to the next season.
Sep 25, 2020 11:01 AM
Nov 2018
No special ending or epilogue has left me sorely disappointed.
Sep 25, 2020 11:05 AM

Jun 2019
Ngl. I enjoyed it more than I expected from this anime.
It's an aight anime. Decently funny and cute.
Sep 25, 2020 11:23 AM

Feb 2008
I really think that this episode should have taken place sooner in the series.

Very happy about the announcement of the second series.
Sep 25, 2020 11:39 AM

Dec 2018
Yep they got us at ep11 all the worry for nothing good anime and good to hear the confirmation about the S2
Sep 25, 2020 11:57 AM

Oct 2013
Loved it, can't wait for the second season
Uzaki one love! Her mommy is hot too, not gonna lie!
Sep 25, 2020 12:22 PM
Jul 2019
WTF, all that sad moment where Uzaki can't hang out anymore with her sempai was SIMPLY DUE TO HER UNFINISH SCHOOL REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????

That was a bland ending....On to 2nd season.....
Sep 25, 2020 12:53 PM

Mar 2020
I wanted to rate it eight because in ep 11 ended with a cliffhanger. And ep 12 first part it was all about assignment -_-. Totally bullshit.
Sep 25, 2020 1:04 PM

Dec 2018
This anime was a bit twisted on the enjoyable side. It was boring at times but there were also parts where it was enjoyable. Really excited to see what season 2 has to bring to the table.
Sep 25, 2020 1:04 PM

Feb 2015
I've really enjoyed this series. Its definitely ro
Ance and comedy oriented. Very much looking forward to season 2
Sep 25, 2020 1:06 PM

Jan 2013
yea im sure most of us feel the same way Saku felt in the beginning of this episode after that cliffhanger. we were robbed.
i enjoyed it, it was funny. i can be cringe if you think about how some parts can play into real life especially when Saku and Uzaki are out in public. Aimi, coffee man, and the friend are great as insitigators/wingmen.
love to see more of the brother in S2 and how he’ll react to Saku
Sep 25, 2020 1:25 PM
May 2016
Funny as usual, looking to hang out more in season 2. :)
Sep 25, 2020 1:33 PM
Jun 2015
Very disappointed in the adaptation. I love the source material, but the anime took any and all comedy, and dragged it out as much as humanly possible, effectively killing the pace and comedic beats. And that's not to say it was all bad, the episode where Hana drinks for the first time is a very good episode of anime in general. My biggest issue was and remains that this show should never have been a standard length anime. It should have been a length similar to Aho-Girl at the very least.

I hope the second season learns from Dagashi Kashi and changes to a shorter anime.
Sep 25, 2020 1:44 PM

Mar 2014
I really like this anime, it was one of the best of this season. I was a little disappointed with the ending episode, but hopefully we're getting a second season. Can't wait.
Sep 25, 2020 1:54 PM

Nov 2017
Well that cliffhanger de-escalated quickly 😄
Sep 25, 2020 2:00 PM

Aug 2020
dannymilk said:
yea im sure most of us feel the same way Saku felt in the beginning of this episode after that cliffhanger. we were robbed.
i enjoyed it, it was funny. i can be cringe if you think about how some parts can play into real life especially when Saku and Uzaki are out in public. Aimi, coffee man, and the friend are great as insitigators/wingmen.
love to see more of the brother in S2 and how he’ll react to Saku

Yeah, especially with the tears, it was overly dramatic, and the next time the anime shows Uzaki crying, it will be harder to believe something's really wrong. I felt that cliffhanger should have been toned down, so no tears, and not even be a cliffhanger but put at the beginning of episode 12, then you get like "what the H!?" only get to wonder about it for the duration of the opening theme, and then the issue gets resolved. Like they did in another episode, where Sakurai says over the phone he needs Uzaki to be with him, and then it turns out it was for the cat café. That would have been a better use of that 'standing in the rain looking all sad' scene.
Sep 25, 2020 2:09 PM

Feb 2015
This was mostly a remenise video and Uzaki realize how comfortable she is with Sakurai. Sakurai hardly shows up and is mostly Uzaki interacting with the other characters of the coffee shop including Saku best friend, Itsushito and tries to get some dirt on his drinking game.

The epic joke was when they try to remember what happened to the coffee manager and his daughter and then they revealed a bit too much. Making them quickly to close the shop and give them cake so they keep spewing the beans. That had me laughing x10.
JZASep 25, 2020 2:15 PM
"Miharu denki desu"
Sep 25, 2020 2:14 PM

Feb 2014
Misuta-Kitsune said:
moadsama said:
good anime 7/10
and about the end i didn't like it , open Ending , and no news about second season

Yes there is.....

oh ^_____^ thanks , you really make my day
Sep 25, 2020 2:44 PM

Mar 2010
Great anime, Laughed many times, and the cat was obviously the best character.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 25, 2020 2:57 PM

May 2020
I loved the little narrative break in the start! It got me good, shouldn't expeected better from Uzaki, it's been a meh one for me, it's had it's moments but overall it was average. I tried something new by watching the teasing/bully girl MC, but I didn't like it all the much, it wasn't as fun as I thought, that's a big reason this anime didn't win me over. It had its moments but it ended up being not so enjoyable for me, for now it's a 4/10 in my opinion.
Le_UsernameSep 25, 2020 3:46 PM
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