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Kakushigoto: My Dad's Secret Ambition
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Jun 18, 2020 7:55 AM

Jul 2017
Hime, finally learning of all the secrets in plain sight. And meeting soneone else that's not father his circle's thoughts of the family, even towards Kakushi's wife.

The infamy of Kakushi almost getting killed by his overload of manga (that the manga company didn't need anymore with the content lacking of dirty laughter...), and their mother killed in a freak accident...all is quite depressing though. It's understandable if Kakushi has lost all meaning towards losing his wife and his career afterwards, ALL IN ONE SHOT.

Amnesia...the weight of Kakushi as he forgot what happened as his brain stopped operating when Hime was 10. Rehabilitation is the only way to go, and the thought of "resurrecting" Tights in the Wind in this moment, the only way to kickstart his mind afresh.

As Hime slowly learns from Father Kakushi of how his mangaka life amounts to being the sole breakwinner of the family, it's a sacrifice that was taken for granted. All he wanted for Hime is to be happy...and Hime has got the message LOUD AND CLEAR to bring forth his manga drawing, even if it means keeping him alive and well.

A wonderful resolution as Hime acquires Kakushi's past works from the Pandora's Box, and understood his passion and everyone's efforts to keep him going. Literally shedding tears of this journey that's come to a close.

Whatever is the way, Hime will always love her dad, in any shape and form. Embracing secrets together, and going the extra mile to follow in his footsteps, that's what a mature daughter is to Father Kakushi, forgoing their past and holding onto the present times with confidence.

Great show. One of the best of the season, without a hinge of doubt.

"Kakushigoto, nan desu ka?" What's your secret?
KANLen09Jun 18, 2020 8:44 AM
Jun 18, 2020 8:00 AM

Feb 2019
So my coma prediction from months ago was right... but man, why the fuck is it raining in my room?

What an absolutely beautiful conclusion to a beautiful series. Great storytelling to have everything come full circle at the end there. Goto was afraid of Hime finding out the truth and hid is career from her. When he wakes from the coma, Hime and co want to hide the truth from him.

I think the sequence of Hime running to meet up with her friends and get those manga manuscripts is one we’ll be talking about for a long time.

Very fitting that at the end, Goto’s love for manga is what brings back his memories and reconnects he and his daughter. Heartwarming show.

For those interested, the manga is also ending next month.
Jun 18, 2020 8:01 AM
Dec 2017
Great adaptation and show overall. Nice job, Ajia-Do.
Jun 18, 2020 8:01 AM
Apr 2017
Wow what a story. This ending was definitely satisfying and rewarding, and the story feels quite cohesive, though some of it feels a tiny bit off. The emotions here were definitely high for me; my face is still wet from all the tears.

Love this, excellent job! (also that ending lol)
Jun 18, 2020 8:02 AM

Feb 2018
At least it has become a good hope. Even so, Kakushi still worries about Hime, that's a good question. At least this event closed well. at least you have to drink Yakult as much as possible so you can get big quickly, covered with sleep? not bad either.

Jun 18, 2020 8:06 AM

Nov 2010
As far as having watched the show, it was an unnecessary addition that he was of a Kabuki lineage (and that running scene).
Jun 18, 2020 8:09 AM
Jul 2018
I am not crying. Great series!
Jun 18, 2020 8:17 AM

Jul 2017
3/10 show for me sadly.

One of the biggest disappointments of the year sadly for me, since I really was intrigued about this. But I just struggled with nearly everything about this, from the comedy to the characters, to the hints of drama (especially with the end part). Favorite thing about it is the ED song used probably, that was good. What a shame, since I was expecting something after I fairly enjoyed the unique and enjoyable nature of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (although of course, wasn't expecting something similar to it).

I can definitely see the appeal for why people would like it, and I can rate that. Just sadly didn't connect with me on that level.
animejasJun 18, 2020 8:25 AM
Jun 18, 2020 8:18 AM

Jan 2014
I've never been so sad or cried or felt tears so much during this episode. Super touching.

I do wonder though. What if the moments we saw when Hime was ten, was all just a dream from his perspective? Because it was all fun? While the clips of future Hime, is happening in real time? As if we're watching flashbacks to the fun days where sure, there were moments she could've found out, but they were nice and peaceful days. Despite searching for his wife.

Touching show, loved it.
Jun 18, 2020 8:28 AM

Feb 2020
No more weeks, no more episodes, now, Kakushigoto is over ...

Finally, Dad's secret was revealed to Hime with a heartbreaking surprise:
Kakushi is in the hospital and now Hime is alone and discovering, trying to understand everything by herself.

If this series has been different, it is precisely because of the way he handled comedy and drama, and in the end we were not disappointed, so after a lot of sad moments, hope came and Kakushi was able to get out of the situation .

"Today I turned 18, dad ..."
This is probably one of the dates of the year and I am happy to say that it has meant a happy ending for Kakushi and his daughter.

It has been a pleasure to enjoy this series, to enjoy ... Kakushigoto
JULES_WKJun 18, 2020 5:50 PM
Jun 18, 2020 8:30 AM

Feb 2019
Well, that sure was a fun ride. Wasn't as good as Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei but it was great in its own respective.
Jun 18, 2020 8:34 AM
Apr 2020
COMPLETED! Such a great story!

Jun 18, 2020 8:39 AM

Oct 2014
Japan doesn't have a free healthcare system? Lol poor sensei

I've had a lot of issues with SZS. Never could really grasp Kumeta's humor. But, with Kakushigoto, it finally worked for me.

It has been some time since I last saw a seasonal anime getting an ending this satisfying. Everything properly wrapped up, all jokes really on-point, and a nice, light final note.

Jun 18, 2020 8:42 AM

Jul 2017
This was quite thought provoking.

I certainly enjoyed the show, that much is for certain. Though there were a few parts that admittedly didn't work as well as I would've liked - namely in this episode.

I think my biggest issue is that the "mystery" regarding Goto's personal life wasn't portrayed as well throughout the series. I think a good mystery should have elements leading up to the big reveal that would allow the reader to have a solid chance at figuring it out for themselves. However, many things like Goto's family history were just tacked on at the end - unless I'm missing how we were supposed to guess that on our own.
And, admittedly, this final episode was a bit rushed. I think it would have benefitted from having two episodes instead of one. But I digress.

That said, the final few minutes were really good and offered a satisfying conclusion I didn't think we'd get.

Despite my complaints, I still think this was a really good show. The family aspect was a pleasure to watch, and the comedy was very solid, if not a bit uneven for me. I found some episodes far more humorous than others, but that just may be my taste in comedy.
The art was very nice to look at, and the OST was good as well.

Though Goto as a protagonist is ultimately the glue that holds this series together.

Ultimately, Kakushigoto is a solid show that mixes several genres (comedy, slice-of-life, tragedy) very uniquely, and well done at that. Though the final episode was a bit rushed, I can say without a doubt I am satisfied.

If it weren't for Kaguya-sama, this likely would've been my AOTS.

8.5 (effectively 9) /10

Daver_ said:
The episode was definitely emotional bait, but i admit I still spilt a few treats. Personally, I felt that the whole artistic lineage aspect was unwarranted, especially as it felt like it was tacked on to explain the relationship between the Grandfather and Goto. I wish the the mystery aspect wasn’t stretched thin and developed throughout instead of being used as an exposition dump to lead into the Amnesia. I think the episode would’ve worked better it opened with Goto’s Amnesia. That way it wouldn’t have felt so stuffed and there would’ve been more of an epilogue.

The way you explained it is how I think I felt, though I was not able to do so concisely. The lineage served no purpose this late into the story and the mystery was indeed stretched too thin for what it was trying to do in it's final episode.
Oddly enough, I feel this series may have benefitted from an open-ended conclusion as it wouldn't be required to explain as much.

Still enjoyed it quite a bit though.
zamandzoeJun 18, 2020 8:46 AM
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Jun 18, 2020 8:44 AM

Oct 2017
Kind of cliche, touching and pretty funny finale. Glad Gotou sensei is alive and well. Seems like he's gonna even start a new manga series, hope he makes it big. Also glad for Rasuna chan, she became a famous mangaka. Hime has started to make manga too and she's keeping it a secret from Gotou lol.

Good slice of life anime, didn't really like most of the gags but loved the SOL part. Glad this got a proper and happy end.
Jun 18, 2020 8:54 AM

Jul 2014
Well, everyone knew something is coming, but I never expected to surprise me this much even knowing it was coming soon. Like holy this was so well done, amazing episode and a great ending for this anime.
Jun 18, 2020 8:56 AM

Nov 2016
Well, so all the foreshadowing was drama bait after all and I'm grateful for that :P Wrapping things up in such a wholesome fashion was more appropriate and moving.

Emotional ride throughout, tho, I clearly prefered this series for it's comedy and cozy vibes.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 18, 2020 8:56 AM

Apr 2020
Wow, that’s quite a reveal...

Oh god, I should be happy that Goto is alive, but that “Who’re you...” it really made my heart drop. Thank god it was a false alarm...well, kinda.

What an ending though...I feel alive again! I was bracing myself for the worst this entire time, so I am SO happy my worries were proven wrong!
Jun 18, 2020 8:57 AM
Jun 2019
From the beginning till the end, I laughed and cried.
This may be one of my favorite aspect in this show, the way we can cry, and then laugh instantly.
I cried and laughed so much during this episode (Tomaruin being Tomaruin truly is hilarous).
Kakushigoto has become my favorite anime.
Jun 18, 2020 9:06 AM

Feb 2017
Crushed by Weekly Shonen Jump huh. Thighs in the Wind were just too strong that Shueisha had no other choice it seems.

This episode was a lot more funny than sad to me. Overall wholesome and funny show throughout. Liked it very much
Jun 18, 2020 9:13 AM

Jul 2017
ngl at first I thought this show was gonna be as mediocre as SZS given the comedic style in the beginning, but I'm glad I was wrong. While certainly the comedic aspects weren't the best tbh, I absolutely loved the more dramatic parts and the father-daughter bonding moments were fukin amazing. This final ep was pretty nice, lol at Hime (trying) becoming a shoujo romance mangaka while keeping it a secret :P

Overall, definitely one of my more favourite shows this season which honestly surprised me

Hidden Score/10
Jun 18, 2020 9:21 AM

Jun 2017
Right, so it turned out to be emotional bait after all but I still shed some tears this episode. Gotou-sensei deserved this second chance and I can't begin to express how happy I'm for Hime-chan.

It's good to know that he didn't fall into despair once again this time though, he has kept Hime-chan waiting for long after all. And in the process, the most priceless 18th Birthday gift too, I suppose. Happy for Rasuna-san too, she's made it in to the top and that too quite deservedly so. And then there's Tomaruin being Tomaruin, lol...

Loved the final two minutes a ton as well. Hime-chan's secret xD, clearly runs in the family - like father, like daughter, I see.

Hime-chan at the start trying to keep the secret intact was tough to watch but that just made the whole "selfish" act all the more touching and encouraging.

Gotou-sensei's generational lineage and whatnot felt a little unnecessary to be honest. Hime-chan with her artistic skills and the half-sister deciding to keep the place as it was was definitely sweet though. And finally an insight into the rocky relationship between Gotou-sensei and his father-in-law.

Geez, the rumors spreading causing a drop in the sales of his manga really hurt. Also, Gotou-sensei's eager search for his wife to put the icing on the cake. Just heartbreaking stuff.

Overall, this show has been roller coaster ride with laughs, smiles and tears alike. I decided to check this out even before the airing of the show thanks to the hype building up over in Japan at the time, and I'm just really glad that I didn't sleep on this one (accidentally).

Studio Ajia-do did a commendable job with this project too, it must be said. Very Shaft-like artstyle, consistent animation and a good soundtrack. Definitely going to be missing the artistic Op visuals and the fantastic song, and the great ED themes too.

Solid 8/10 from me.
_MushiRock11_Jun 18, 2020 9:38 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 18, 2020 9:32 AM

Feb 2020
The Ending is so great!! This show, Yesterday wo Uttate,Nami yo Kiitekure and Kaguya sama,are all my favourite in this season.
Jun 18, 2020 9:32 AM
Nov 2019
Episode felt a bit rushed and the extra family drama of the half-brother and Kabuki lineage being thrown in felt inconsistent, but still the feels train hit with "Who are you?".

Could have done with an extra length last episode or 13 episodes but had a satisfying conclusion.

Now the tables are turned and Hime is keeping her Manga drawings a secret from her father....

I feel this had a much more satisfying conclusion than "Yesterday wo Uttate" is going to have...

Loved the artwork, music adaptation and most of the humour - 9/10.

BTW : was it just the version I watched or are there subs missing for some of the dialogue during the end-theme?
penrhosJun 18, 2020 9:39 AM
Jun 18, 2020 9:35 AM

Sep 2018
WOW, that was a f*ing emotional roller coaster!(tears left and right!)
Seeing him having a accident at the job and then waking up from the come with amnesia and not recognizing Hime was heart breaking.
Hime playing his assistant and Sensei saying that seeing Hime grow up would make him the happiest was a beautiful trigger for Hime to act up and help him remember...

Without a doubt my favorite anime this season(out of all the new anime this season).

well that's just my opinion.....
Jun 18, 2020 9:39 AM

Mar 2016
The pathos really slapped hard with this episode. I know this show may not connect with everyone based on a few comments I see here, but this single episode accomplished within a short amount of time many times more than the entirety of something like Sing Yesterday or Tower of least from my perspective.

The part when Kakushi was like "what I want the most to see Hime grow up" and having the current Hime being right there to hear it....that really slapped hard.


P.S. Tbh, I enjoyed this a bit more than Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei because the comedic material of that series has me a bit lost at times, especially during the last couple of seasons, to where my engagement levels lapsed a lot more than I wanted. In fairness, Kakushigoto is still significantly different in nature.
RyuseishunJun 18, 2020 9:45 AM
Jun 18, 2020 9:40 AM

Oct 2017
I'll admit that this episode was a bit (a lot) cliche and that people spoiled the whole coma thing from the first episode, but it definitely still made me tear up. I thought it was a beautiful way to end the show, even though there were some unnecessary things added.

Also having Hime be a manga artist too is pretty funny 😂
Jun 18, 2020 9:41 AM
Feb 2020
I started crying two minutes in, and as soon as he said "Who Are You?" I started letting down a river down my face. I literally haven't cried so hard since the ending of Your Lie in April. My eyes literally hurt.

In all seriousness, I absolutely think this is one of the best shows of the season. The comedy was great, and the slow dramatic buildup to the end was amazing. It's the first anime I watched parallel to its release, so maybe I'm a bit biased, but I think it was an amazing show with an even better ending.

Solid 9/10 from me!
Jun 18, 2020 9:43 AM

Mar 2017
it could be because of the way I watched it, or it could be because this was such a great series, but damn this episode toyed with mah kokoro

am now feeling empty, but my love for watching anime has reignited
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Jun 18, 2020 9:47 AM
Jul 2018
Wasn't as sad an ending as I would have expected it. Felt much more heart warming than sad. Anime of the season imo 9/10.

Also, I got confused on the whole sister/brother thing. Can someone explain that to me? Also, Which chapter do I start reading from?
removed-userJun 18, 2020 10:01 AM
Jun 18, 2020 9:49 AM

Jan 2016
I liked this show. This episode at least pointed out the cliche being used. I found what happened funny. I guess Hime is vaguely related to that guy?
Jun 18, 2020 9:53 AM
Mar 2016
That was an Incredible ending, very emotional didnt expect smt so heavy when i started T.T. Ofc the Amnesia trope has been used too many times before heck even Tomaruin thought so too but it was done well here. Man the Music in this episode made it more emotional it was great throughout. Albeit a few things were unnecessary here but in the end it was satisfying. ^^

Pretty sure this is gonna be one underrated gem this year. Might be mistaken as dad's love gone the wrong way or smt lol but thats not the case definitely didn't expect such a good heartwarming show. Its kinda poetic too.

The humor's pretty weird, Dad being kinda like the lewd manga making superhero who doesnt want his identity to be revealed lol and also all the inside jokes on the manga industry might not be enjoyed by ppl although i laughed my head off. That Police misunderstanding in ep 2 was one of the funniest shit i've seen, I Legit cried laughing.

The OP song is done by my fav band and its freaking awesome, i think i started watching this because of that XD.

9/10 would recommend if u want a unique show.

Jun 18, 2020 9:57 AM

Apr 2018
Outstanding last episode which amplifies all the previous ones.
So every ends of episodes were the actual present and real timeline of the anime and all the comedy moments were from Goto's memories with his daughter ? It addresses really well the sudden comming of age and that it's important to appreciate the little things in life, great.
Jun 18, 2020 9:58 AM

Mar 2018
Hmmm, the last episode felt so rushed and added things that it feels off at the end... I really wanted to give this show a 10/10, but with the last episode, I can only give it a 9/10 which doesn't make it less fun or great though!

I really loved this show and really was missing something like this, I will miss this kind of anime for sure. It hits hard when you hear that he is worrying about his 10 year-old Hime while Hime is in the room and that he wishes for her to be healthy and growing up. It brought tears to my eyes ;_; Time to put the Opening on repeat again.

☆  PlayStation: KoitoTV
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Jun 18, 2020 10:00 AM

Feb 2016
Even tho I hate the Amnesia cliché, I admit this was handled really good and made perfect sense.

"Anywhere is good as long as I'm with you Father"

Quote of the season.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jun 18, 2020 10:02 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Wouldn't say I was an overwhelming fan of Kakushigoto in general but this was a pretty cool ending I have to say. Tied things together quite nicely. Amnesia is a pretty overused cliché though but at least it was applied in a fairly tasteful way
Jun 18, 2020 10:03 AM

Feb 2020
i wish the ending was spread out over two episodes or something it felt a bit rushed but everything about the ending felt so perfect. the ending made my score go from a 7 to an 8.

hopefully we can get some ovas to see how they're doing but wow this anime made me feel so warm and happy.
Jun 18, 2020 10:04 AM

Aug 2015
RPWPA said:
Also, I got confused on the whole sister/brother thing. Can someone explain that to me?

Yeah that confused me as well. Technically they are half-cousins because his Mum and Goto are half-siblings.
Jun 18, 2020 10:07 AM
Jul 2018
Albaer said:
RPWPA said:
Also, I got confused on the whole sister/brother thing. Can someone explain that to me?

Yeah that confused me as well. Technically they are half-cousins because his Mum and Goto are half-siblings.

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.
Jun 18, 2020 10:11 AM

Apr 2011
Gonna be honest, it didn't quite live up to the build up. Missed the mark, but just by a bit. Still, it's been a fun ride and I wouldn't really change much about it.
Jun 18, 2020 10:13 AM
Dec 2017
RPWPA said:
Albaer said:

Yeah that confused me as well. Technically they are half-cousins because his Mum and Goto are half-siblings.

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.

Goto and his sister had same dad - but they was born from different mothers. Struggle between Goto and his wife's dad is an important part of the story and it was repeated in this episode, remember?
SondferJun 18, 2020 10:19 AM
Jun 18, 2020 10:17 AM

Aug 2015
RPWPA said:
Albaer said:

Yeah that confused me as well. Technically they are half-cousins because his Mum and Goto are half-siblings.

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.
I watched it again to be sure: Goto's dad (the Kabuki actor) and his mistress had Goto, and his dad and another woman (presumable his wife) had Goto's half-sister. Goto's wife was completely unrelated to him; the daughter of the Japanese artist. They had Hime, and Goto's half sister had the young guy (Hime's half-cousin). It's kind of confusing with the way they infodumped it.
Jun 18, 2020 10:18 AM

May 2018
Oh so, Hime's mother and dad were half siblings...

Goto being seen working in a storage facility where it has lotsa unsold manga was probably the time he quit being a mangaka....

Rasuna becomes a mangaka herself.
Jun 18, 2020 10:24 AM
Jul 2018
Albaer said:
RPWPA said:

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.
I watched it again to be sure: Goto's dad (the Kabuki actor) and his mistress had Goto, and his dad and another woman (presumable his wife) had Goto's half-sister. Goto's wife was completely unrelated to him; the daughter of the Japanese artist. They had Hime, and Goto's half sister had the young guy (Hime's half-cousin). It's kind of confusing with the way they infodumped it.
Sondfer said:
RPWPA said:

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.

Goto and his sister had same dad - but they was born from different mothers. Struggle between Goto and his wife's dad is an important part of the story and it was repeated in this episode, remember?

Thanks for the help. I watched it again and it does make more sense now after reading this.
Jun 18, 2020 10:24 AM
Jan 2018
Albaer said:
RPWPA said:

What? I thought Goto married his step-sister.
I watched it again to be sure: Goto's dad (the Kabuki actor) and his mistress had Goto, and his dad and another woman (presumable his wife) had Goto's half-sister. Goto's wife was completely unrelated to him; the daughter of the Japanese artist. They had Hime, and Goto's half sister had the young guy (Hime's half-cousin). It's kind of confusing with the way they infodumped it.

^ this
for people who confused about that thing
Jun 18, 2020 10:33 AM

Jan 2013
that first half was a big “oh damn” moment. i am glad Rasuna became a big name and has her old co-worker buddies to work for her in the end, she is the glue of that old group. also i got so scared for Hime when she was running recklessly

8/10 for me, only thing holding back from a 9 was ALOT of Tomaruin’s stuff

Albaer said:
I watched it again to be sure: Goto's dad (the Kabuki actor) and his mistress had Goto, and his dad and another woman (presumable his wife) had Goto's half-sister. Goto's wife was completely unrelated to him; the daughter of the Japanese artist. They had Hime, and Goto's half sister had the young guy (Hime's half-cousin). It's kind of confusing with the way they infodumped it.

thank you for this, even tho i had to reread it like 3 time for my tiny brain to process it lol
Jun 18, 2020 10:42 AM
Nov 2017
I laughed and cried from beginning to end of the episode

One of the best of the season without a doubt
Jun 18, 2020 10:46 AM

Mar 2017
That was the perfect end to this beautiful anime. It wasn't the ending I expected but it was still so emotional and honestly, it was better than what I thought it was going to be. Now that we know everything, it really makes you appreciate all the little details throughout the anime (like the truth about the boxes).

I'm definitely going to read the manga because I'm guessing it's different from the anime (what with the anime ending being pretty final but the manga only just ending).
Jun 18, 2020 10:46 AM
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

Apr 2020
11 awesome episodes and a really rushed ending. Would have given a 7 but the fact that I was watching it when it was ongoing and helped me connect with the characters a bit better makes it an 8. I definitely do not regret picking this show, considering the fact I'm not a big fan of comedy and didn't expect much from the show when it started. Pretty disappointed about how it ended.
Jun 18, 2020 10:50 AM

Aug 2015
dannymilk said:
thank you for this, even tho i had to reread it like 3 time for my tiny brain to process it lol

RPWPA said:
Thanks for the help. I watched it again and it does make more sense now after reading this.

No worries :) I was initially pretty confused too so it was good to go back and make sense of it all.
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