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Dec 5, 2019 6:15 PM

Oct 2009
HeroVladimir93 said:
If you like this show's exploration of teenage life, that's perfectly fine, more power to you, don't let me rain on your parade. I'm just laying out reasons as to why I'm not enjoying the show's current state. The "bad parenting" aspect has become way too repetitive for me. I actually the end of the first episode, the scene with Maki's father, because it was unexpectedly dark and it gave Maki so much pathos. But as the series developed, it became clear to me that this wouldn't be restricted to Maki alone. Suddenly, everyone would have problems with their parents. This wasn't a one-character thing, it had become a staple of the series as a whole and personally, I don't like it.

Ah, yeah, I understand how it's turned into more family drama than any kind of sports anime. Tbh I also expected something more light-hearted when I added it to my plan-to-watch list way before it started airing, I usually steer clear from dark angsty crap because I have enough to stress about irl, so I do prefer funnier stuff. But then indeed, the first episode happened, and I guess just seeing so many actually relatable things for once in an anime keeps me engaged.
Dec 5, 2019 6:15 PM

Dec 2014
Decent episode.

After watching this episode, I'm grateful that I was brought up with a lot of freedom to do whatever I wanted. My parents were never really strict towards me and always let me do my own thing. I suppose they kind of understood I knew what I was doing or something and respected my wishes. So yeah, among kids brought up in Asian culture, I had it very lucky.

I understand people's complaints about the parents being very over the top and all of them being terrible but alot of the things happening here are genuine problems in tons of Asian countries and I've had friends who had to deal with abusive parents so yeah very real stuff but perhaps for an anime I will agree with a lot of people saying that it's overly dramatic and sometimes thrown in out of nowhere.
Dec 5, 2019 6:24 PM
Oct 2017
Stark700 said:
I feel really bad for Shingo and all the shit he has been through. Even getting slapped and falling off the stairs

I thought the one who got slapped by his dad and falling off the stairs part is Tsubasa?
Dec 5, 2019 7:31 PM
Apr 2018
I still like how this show is taking the more-drama route. I somehow can relate to them. Me and my friends were like this when we were in high school. You may find it hard to believe that a group of friends have family issues, but it really happens.

But yeah, I understand why some people here are not liking how this anime is focusing on family dramas instead of the sport theme.
Dec 5, 2019 7:34 PM

Jan 2016
Personally, it was a great episode. Really loved it.

Was kinda disappointed that none of them have fully supportive families, but I guess not everyone can get what they want in life.

So they showed Nao's mom again and what really pissed me off about her even more is when she told him to use his right hand??? When he's left-handed??? Ok now I'm seriously convinced she does not care at ALL what he likes. Because of his mom, Nao's become too much of a liar, but at least the others are trying to accept it, and hopefully they'll help him.

For Shingo, when the mom said that she wasn't his real mom, I was kinda surprised, but I also kinda expected it. Both of his parents didn't have his orange hair, but I did think the dad has a similar face to Shingo. But it really felt heartwarming to see how Shingo and his little sister interact.

Then finally for Tsubasa, his dad's definitely a jerk. He didn't even do anything when his son fell down the stairs. I can understand why you wouldn't like your son if he doesn't like what you do, but you wouldn't even lift a finger when he becomes injured right in front of you eyes?

Also, I've been reading some other posts in the forum. My opinion about what some of you guys have been talking about is that it really depends for some people. Some people just watch it because they want to "escape reality", others just watch it because it's an anime. It's cool, no one is obliged to watch something they don't want to watch, and no one is obliged to keep watching if they don't like it.

Another thing, is that for some people, it's just a show, that we shouldn't get worked up because its fiction. Cool, I don't mind if you think that way. But for me, and for other people, it's not just a "show". I don't really know how to properly explain it. I've always been empathetic to fictional characters, because I always think that what happens to them are scenarios that can happen in real life (not really in fantasy shows tho). Especially in an anime like this, I can seriously relate to because I’ve experienced some of their problems, and some of my friends go through them as well. I guess it’s kinda like telling someone that something important to them is easily “replaceable”. But it’s not.

I’m not trying to change anyone’s minds or anything, I’m just trying to say that everyone has their own opinions and I acknowledge and respect that. You don’t have to change your opinion, but it would be nice if you at least acknowledge the other side’s opinion and respect that.
jd2001zDec 5, 2019 8:38 PM
Dec 5, 2019 7:56 PM
Jul 2015
So is nobody going to mention that we had no follow up on last week's cliff hanger? Like that seems like the show's biggest problem. It doesn't follow up on stuff, more often than not. It just sets up the next shitty home life.

I know that the show isn't going to show these as easy problems, that can be resolved in the run time, but the parents don't feel like they exist off screen a lot of the time. Sorry I don't have the names straight. The character of last week doesn't seemed to have been effected by that episode. He's not even worried about it in the background.
Dec 5, 2019 8:17 PM

Oct 2009
Walker-Vargas said:
So is nobody going to mention that we had no follow up on last week's cliff hanger?

It has, actually, been mentioned more than once. I know many of the posts are long, but read them.
Dec 5, 2019 8:36 PM

Jan 2016
Walker-Vargas said:
The character of last week doesn't seemed to have been effected by that episode. He's not even worried about it in the background.

Yuuta's probably trying not to show it? Yuu probably doesn't want to run the team's fun by worrying about them.
Dec 5, 2019 8:59 PM

Mar 2016
I hate to be in the minority, but god this episode really just undid whatever hopes I had for this to be an it’s basically Hanebado 2.0. It’s so infuriating and laughable to see how this show has handled its melodramatic elements. It’d be even more perplexing when you only 1 cour to play out one whole story (since this is anime original).
Dec 5, 2019 9:00 PM

Jul 2016
And here I thought I would see how much the boys have improved as a team against the girls but it wasn't even said if they ever won a single match :/

And by the way, did they really forget about Yuu and last episode's cliffhanger?

Honestly, I'm quite disappointed with this episode and the huge amount of exposition some of the characters received. I mean, how they pretend for me to feel bad about Tsubasa if I've never seen how his father and household were before? There wasn't any build-up nor hint so of course the emotional impact would be little to non-existent. It's a shame but as many people said here, most of the drama in this show has started feeling quite contrived lately.

Anyways, there are only 3 eps. left and Toma's issue wasn't even properly addressed. Honestly, I have no idea how the director will conclude so many plot lines without them feeling forced in the end.
Dec 5, 2019 9:20 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
Not every family is perfect nor does every family have serious problems. Not all parents are criminals either. I think they are going overboard with the ratio of serious issues.

Dec 5, 2019 9:22 PM

Oct 2017
Wth is this lol. They skipped the whole practice match against the girls and showed more family drama. If one or two of them had family issues then it was okay but at this point this is just way out of hand. Each and every player of the club have family issues. Meh sports anime my ***.
Dec 5, 2019 9:23 PM
Mar 2015
More parental bull shit First Nao's mother makes him lie about An to try and get the match cancelled. Then Tsubasa's father hits him and he falls down the stairs breaking his wrist.
Dec 5, 2019 10:27 PM

Jan 2018
Nao had it really rough. But it is not the reason that the match will be delayed due to An's disappearance to the infirmary.

On the other hand, Tsubasa's dad is just selfish that he cannot forgive his own son for giving up football. Not all have the same talents when you pass on the genetics.

Too bad, the wrist took the fall.
Dec 5, 2019 11:02 PM
Jun 2015
this anime is a show of involuntary comedy.
Dec 5, 2019 11:30 PM

Mar 2014
This episode is right there with episode 5 to see which one is the worst. But I firmly believe this is the most offensive one and dishonest one yet.

I can't even put my finger on all the points that make every single action in this episode so extremely forced just for the sake of having a conflict.

Nao, which was seen cheering with all the boys about the match at the end of the previous episode, is back to be depressed again. Was that ending scene a mistake then? (lol)

Anyways, his mother is being inconsiderate as usual, his father doesn't give a damn and his family is the perfect nonfunctional family this show needs for a juicy drama.

Shingo's sister is introduced. Her only role is to be the trigger for one of today's episode drama. Maybe she'll play a bigger role later on, but this is her only purpose for now.
She goes with Shingo, everyone's nice to her and she decides to go to the toilet the exact moment Mitsue's not there. And the Taiyou thinks it's a good idea to let her go alone and doesn't even go after her after she takes a while to get back. This is convenient as it is, but I can forgive it as this is a common way to create conflict in a story. Or at least I could forgive if this show wasn't so blatantly trying to create said conflict.
And if that wasn't enough, she goes exploring on her own! But wasn't she desperate to watch her brother match?
Well, anyways, "kids will be kids", right? And she just conveniently goes to the infirmary and conveniently falls asleep there... And who conveniently founds her? Nao.
And he just... snaps? Yeah yeah, he did it because of stress, pressure, his mother or whatever. But just snaps at the sight of a sleeping child and locks the room to cancel the match (the match he was excited about one episode before)...? This is beyond stupid.

But our hero Maki sees through his evil plan in an instant and the little girl is saved. And what happens after that? Everyone acts like nothing ever happened. No one blames Nao and they are even feeling sorry for him. What was the point of this but to give Maki information about Nao's family? This whole sequence was extremely inconsequential. Everyone just LITERALLY laughs it off? Also, the soft tennis match is basically ignored...

And let's not forget the top-tier writing dialogue "I don't belong here. This world is wrong..." from Nao. Maybe he's been listening too much Radiohead lately.

And speaking about top-tier writing, the dialogue on the riverbank is so robotic. "Bad parents who don't care for their children or whatever." Again, the show is just trying to trow its message in your face...

Then we get to Tsubasa.
Another crazy father and you already know the story. He conveniently falls from the stairs a few steps above his father and injure his wrists... Now, I'm not an expert at the psychics of stair-falling, but falling like that, a few steps above his father and injuring himself just feels... wrong. I could forgive this if the show wasn't already trying too hard to just create conflict for the sake of it, but this just feels forced at this point.

He goes to Shingo's house, who conveniently walks out to train exactly when Tsubasa is conveniently there, and conveniently grabs his wrists (wouldn't you normally grab the shoulder?) and finds out about his injury. And now we have two more dramas added to the drama bingo and only 3 episodes left.
Also, more one-dimensional parents were introduced. What a surprise.

This is the lowest this show has been. Everything just felt too convenient and forced for me to just ignore. Now I'm really curious to how they are going to wrap everything up.

Edit: I just remembered. What about Yu's mom? I guess they forgot about that cliffhanger too, lol.
Kaidu-Dec 5, 2019 11:33 PM
Dec 5, 2019 11:32 PM

Mar 2019
Full Mixed Feelings...
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Dec 6, 2019 12:50 AM

Nov 2010
There is no reality at all. If there is such a mythomania (liar) around boys, he would be ignored or bullied in the real school life. Although this show describes a lot of domestic issues, there are few issues or bullying in the tennis club. Actually, "school caste" (hierarchy in school) is a well-known problem and many problems also occur in club activities. And unfortunately, club activity is compulsory in most of the junior high schools in Japan.
Hollweg said:
The Nao side of the episode had a creepy vibe behind it that I kinda liked (Maki solving everything yet again was a letdown though),
EdHaku said:
But our hero Maki sees through his evil plan in an instant and the little girl is saved.
As Maki witnessed the hungry liar who didn't finish breakfast was eating a lizard, he knew something was wrong with him that day. XD

By the way, is there anyone who knows why the geek girl jumped into the particular boy for help? I almost forgot whether they are intimate or not.
kuroneko99Dec 6, 2019 1:02 AM
Dec 6, 2019 12:53 AM

Mar 2014
kuroneko99 said:

By the way, is there anyone who know why the geek girl jumped into particular boy for help? I almost forgot whether they are intimate or not.

I was wondering about that too. It was so sudden, and I barely remember she talking to him before.
Dec 6, 2019 3:29 AM

Aug 2013
This anime is just getting more and more depressing.
Dec 6, 2019 3:46 AM
Oct 2013
Is this series trying to discuss issues of child abuse...? 🤔 because we have gotten various situations with multiple parents; Nao's and Tsubasa's obviously being the most detrimental to both them and the team. The hard part is that not all of it from the outside looks like abuse which may be the overall point. Interested to see where we go from here.
Dec 6, 2019 4:17 AM
Sep 2016
The writer(s) of the story thinks that they have gone through child abuse by their parents (may be they actually have, idk). This is their way of venting some frustration and retaliating.
I am saying this because literally nothing else makes sense.
Dec 6, 2019 5:20 AM
Jul 2018
uhm, where should i start? is it the intro? Nao's mom and her abusive overprotectiveness that has no room for understanding and unconditional love for her kid, or, this episode making me tear up after a few weeks of mild melancholic depression symptoms.. where..?

the ending hit me even harder. as an ex-tennis player, i couldn't help but start sobbing after tsubasa's fractured wrist incident. anyone who's had a hobby he dearly loves, something that involves part of your body you treasure and take care of, yet.. because of certain circumstances, it's all gone.. it's like something precious is taken away from you, that pain is honestly destroying. i've had this happened to be several times in real life, it's some sort of helplessness together with few drops if not more of frustration - it's worse than hell.

why are the parents in this anime so screwed?! (maki's mom is an exception. she actually asked him "are you enjoying soft-tennis?" - not because its prestigious, not because of money - his mom was actually interested if her kid is having a good time there)

gloominess was overflowing within me during these 20minutes, 'cause on the one hand these kids have finally discovered their passion, something they enjoy spending time on improving, ready to explore their own youth and life, whilst on the other - we have their parents, control freaks, self-centered individuals who don't give a single f*ck about their kid's happiness and development/growth as human beings.

when Nao was sitting at the dining table.. and his eyes went blank.., i could actually feel that frail inner voice saying "ill do whatever you say, just don't touch my friends, don't touch soft-tennis, don't touch what i hold dear the most.. mom.. don't.. please..." (as a kid, idealising your parents and their decisions in life seems to be something quite common, some just can't stand up and confront them head on. as kids, you're just a vulnerable human.. trying.. and doing, whatever you can at that moment. that's where Nao's lie came from)
Dec 6, 2019 7:03 AM

Jun 2017
I finally figured it out. "My Dad/Mom's a Jerk: The Animation."

Dec 6, 2019 8:13 AM

Jul 2017
Honestly, am not gonna rain on the parade of emotions vs. realism (as is the topic I have been talking about in this series for a good 2 months now) that EVERYONE has problems with it. If on the side of #relatable and emotional play, I can sympathize, but on the side of it being realistic, that's where the anime falls short of it following that one "family abuse" formula, and directly copy-and-paste with little to no resolution (which is the case with this episode getting old on other's family sufferings which are different and unique to each of the characters alone, no one of them has the same amount of issues faced). That's in part of how Akane Kazuki plays his story plots that although he's no Kunihiko Ikuhara by ANY means, it does do it's overarching plot well but on results and deliverance, kinda falls short. TO WHICH EVERYONE IS RANTING NOW AND BEFORE. If you have a problem with it, please STOP watching, don't continue at your own convenience and saving other's breath (though we need arguments like these everytime, but not to an obnoxious level).

*Whew, rant done*

Episode analysis: there's a lot for this episode, just like with the past.

Shingo's little sister An makes her debut into the family drama craze, and Nao is getting more irritated and frustrated by his mom's involvement in his life, much less to the chagrin of his dad being pretty much ABSENT AND SILENT in the family.

The mistake about bringing an infant like An to school is not just being lost, but being exposed to seemingly dangerous stuff. With how Nao is stretched and stressed mentally (like living a life full of lies), Maki is able to recover An. Capturing somebody's body language isn't as easy as a thought process, but please, will somebody help Nao!

Yet another victim, Tsubasa, got the short end of the stick, as being the usual "black sheep" retaliation of the family (same as Nao) got him into trouble as the cost involved spraining his wrist. Thank God for Shinjo which saw him and his family brought him to hospital, but the damage had already been done by his dad whose actions have brought misfortune into his good hands.

For Tsubasa, being able to do something different meant the whole world to him, the whole soccer mentality runs in the family whilst being a reject JUST for doing something else. To show that without said sport, he'd be good at something else his family would see and recognize, but alas that's not what it seems.

With that...will the match be canceled for good???
KANLen09Dec 6, 2019 8:17 AM
Dec 6, 2019 8:48 AM

Sep 2018
Horrible Parents - The Anime

I cant wait for Nao to blow-up on his Mom( especially after we saw how she's continuously breaking him and molding into the shape she wants)

Turns out that Shingo's mom is not really his mom(perhaps his fathers 2nd wife,or maybe his parents are dead and his Dad is really his uncle or something) but looks like his Dad loves him...

And finally Tsubasa,at the start i didnt really like how Maki looked confident in public but was powerless in front of his Father(but he has i phobia from his childhood) but in Tsubasa's case he has a mom and 2 older brothers which both seem to love him and yet they let their father abuse him lake that....
well that's just my opinion.....
Dec 6, 2019 9:36 AM

Jan 2016
Oh man.... I can't stand with all of those parents drama. The more of them being introduced, the more i get disgusted. I really want to continue this original anime until it finished but I guess I need to be get used to the story in the future.

Also tbh, I expect more of the sport elements to be added in the anime.
Life is strange

Dec 6, 2019 11:12 AM
May 2013
HOOfan_1 said:
With that post credit scene, I'm not sure we can assume An is Shingo's sister.

The woman obviously is not his mother, but when the man said that Shingo's aunt looks like himself, he was looking right at An. Are they hinting that An is Shingo's aunt?

That had to be more than just a throw away line to mention an aunt. The way this show is going though, we may never know because there are tons of loose threads dangling and only 3 episodes to tie them up. This may be another anime where they just leave it all ambiguous.

There's been no concrete evidence that the man is Shingo's father either.

There's a mistranslation
Shingo's father did not say "... Shingo's aunt looks like himself."
What he said was "Aunt says he resembles me though" "Obasan was ore ni niteru tte iu kedo saa
Dec 6, 2019 11:44 AM

Aug 2013
God, some of these boys parents are the /worst/.
I feel so sad for Tsubasa... poor boy.
Dec 6, 2019 11:55 AM

Nov 2016
How to be a bad parent the anime.

Out of jokes it is pretty much impossible that all the members in a club have this type of dark/hard problems with their parents, but since the realism of that situation isn't the point of the anime, Im not going to have that into account.

Maybe in the most popular countries (idk, like EEUU, england, spain) the parents aren't as bad as this anime exposes them, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of parents still deciding what their kids have to do, what they have to watch, what they have to study, etc... In Asia in general that it's something normal that has to be changed and this anime represents this things so good.

If after watching 8 episodes do you still think that this is mainly about the tennis then you are pretty much blind, and don't forget that we might have access to this and any other anime, but Animes are made mainly for japanese people and this type of families (yes again) are pretty common in Asia countries. Stop complaining about the same thing every episode "more abusive parents", "stop shoing abusive parents when not all of them are like that", of course not all the parents are abusive, but *maybe* you didn't have this level of problem with your parents, other people has this problems.
AlvaritoterreosDec 6, 2019 12:33 PM
Dec 6, 2019 11:59 AM

Nov 2016
phantomfandom said:
I used to think that is it necessary for all members to have family problems? But now I realized that every family have problems, no family is perfect.

And this episode brings me another question, why their problems are all in the same wavelength? The only one that is entirely different is the adopted son that has happy family, other members are all suffered some kind of abuses.

This is me just nitpicking minor details though, the show has very strong fundamental of storytelling. And one thing I've to loudly praise is that despite mellow animating style, the show has some serious hot characters, Tsubasa's brothers for example. They look so... delicious...

Also, about the injury, my solution is that either the manager has to play or Tsubasa have to practice to use the other hand.

I think that the problem that Shinjo has with his family is also different, it seems like his "actual mother" isn't his real mother since it looks like she is Shinjo's father second wife, and An is her real kid, and since An loves Shinjo her mother thinks that he can be a bad influence. Not a big problem since his father is ok and she doesn't seem to hate him at all.
Dec 6, 2019 1:01 PM

Jan 2016
What a brilliant episode! I get that "every character has family issues" but it's sooooo well done! The voice acting is also beyond amazing
Dec 6, 2019 1:32 PM

Jun 2012
This show is starting to get a bit ridiculous now.
Dec 6, 2019 3:31 PM
Nov 2017
Poor Tsubasa :c He's cute
and his dad is annoying
and I love all this drama
He says he wants to play but what would happen if he tries, can he risk losing his ability to use his right arm at all?
Dec 6, 2019 4:31 PM

May 2015
Bad parents the animation.

For real, it's beginning to get really annoying.
Dec 6, 2019 5:11 PM

Sep 2018
God!! The little girl makes me nervous!! No another drama please!!
Nao!!!!! What did you do??!!!!! God!!! I hate this!!

Tsubasa got fractured! Another dilemma 😞 I hate the drama on this show! Especially parents mistreating kids!!!!!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Dec 6, 2019 5:45 PM

Feb 2010
I work at a mental health facility...and honestly guys we all know all these parents and children probably need some form of counseling. like ASAP.

Literally when I get off work and watch this I feel like I'm back at work and it concerns me a lot how they all
probably are going to get some sort of trauma from the horrible parenting going on here. Oh man.
EarlCielDec 6, 2019 8:20 PM
Dec 6, 2019 6:44 PM
May 2017
This anime wants to potray reality but I call bull****....Its totally bs how all of the tennis club members have bad parents..Thats too big of a coincidence...Its sending the message that parents are the real wrong...It would be fine with one or two cases but this is overdoing things...I am no parent but this anime is clearly potraying parents as the villains...Very bad influence for teens...It might change their cognition like "parents are wrong..we are always right"..That is just so wrong....clearly overdoing things
Dec 6, 2019 7:01 PM

Nov 2008
It bothers me the last episode ended where Yu's mom found out about them dressing as a girl, and we didn't even see what happened, they just seemed fine this whole episode
Dec 6, 2019 7:07 PM

Aug 2014
EdHaku said:
And let's not forget the top-tier writing dialogue "I don't belong here. This world is wrong..." from Nao. Maybe he's been listening too much Radiohead lately.

Okay dude, this was the best comment ever.
Now I hope the next time they show Nao's bedroom there's a Radiohead poster on the wall. I'm all about the foreshadowing.
Dec 6, 2019 8:23 PM

Feb 2010
SharryPsi said:
This anime wants to potray reality but I call bull****....Its totally bs how all of the tennis club members have bad parents..Thats too big of a coincidence...Its sending the message that parents are the real wrong...It would be fine with one or two cases but this is overdoing things...I am no parent but this anime is clearly potraying parents as the villains...Very bad influence for teens...It might change their cognition like "parents are wrong..we are always right"..That is just so wrong....clearly overdoing things

I agree that it does seem to be exaggerating the impact of parents on children but...the truth is, it is a well-known fact that guardians and parenting styles really do impact the development of children. If a child is exposed to helicopter parents, abuse, and neglect it severely impacts their development and if not severely, it has some amount of significant impact.

And sadly, depending on the area you live in, these problems and difficulties at home is actually not that rare. It is quite common. I'm only speaking from my experience, however, and I do agree with you about how it seems unrealistic, though. Especially since this takes place in Japan. However, you never know maybe in Japan some areas this is a reality as well.
Dec 6, 2019 9:14 PM

Jul 2009
Came here to vote this episode a 5/5 to save it from all the haters.

Also, Tsubasa needs to be protected, poor kid. His bros are cool tho. Thank god they're not some obnoxious bullies.

Nao needs therapy. And to be removed from this toxic parent.
Dec 7, 2019 12:33 AM

Jan 2018
I feel really bad for Tsubasa, now he can't play soft tennis for 2 months because of his asshole dad
Dec 7, 2019 6:45 AM
Aug 2018
Why they didn't show what happened to Yuu after last episode 🤔
Dec 7, 2019 8:40 AM
Jan 2017
why does everyone have parents issues? I'ts heartbreaking
Dec 7, 2019 8:57 AM

Dec 2016
Short_Circut said:
with the way this drama is going, I wouldn't be surprised if a suicide attempt is made at the end lmao

I agree Nao have a lot death flags, to the point I would be surprised if he didn't commit suicide in last episode.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Dec 7, 2019 11:14 AM

Nov 2019
Me after this episode..

Dec 7, 2019 12:39 PM

Dec 2016
sports anime but it's an au where everyone's parents suck. nao was really about to lose his shit - was ready for him to beat an to a pulp.
AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Dec 7, 2019 4:48 PM
Feb 2016
Never seen so many scumbag parents in one anime.
Dec 7, 2019 5:54 PM

Jun 2013
I think my opinion of Mitsue improved after she immediately showed concern over An-chan getting lost.

Honestly, I thought Nao was going to do something to her, either suffocate her or touch her out of frustration. I had an ESL student in the past, he was in high school and we had a topic about family and when we got to the topic of his father, he casually said that he wished his father would die. Whenever he got a low score on his exams, his father would ignore him and wouldn't even give him an allowance for months. He had to borrow money from his friends to buy things like pencils, erasers and even snacks. His older sister moved out of their home and stopped talking to their dad and he wanted to move out and live with his sister. I'm seeing a bit of him in both Nao and Tsubasa.
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