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what would you give this anime?
May 5, 2008 6:13 AM

Mar 2008
did you enjoy or not and why? :D
personally it surprised me how amazingly dark it got towards the end. i thought it would be one of those cute magical girl anime but far from it! it was good.
sugarplumfairyMay 7, 2008 10:58 AM
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Jun 15, 2009 1:53 AM

Jan 2008
I liked the fact that Ichika received supernatural powers but used them for quite ordinary things (at least at the beginning) instead of fighting against evil monsters from space or stuff =D The idea of the powers changing her view of herself and also of others was also decent.
What I liked best about the show was the music though (OP and ED were very nice in my opinion =)), it was really fitting.
However, I loathed the many panty / bra shots. They were absolutely unnecessary and ruined the atmosphere a bit for me since they didn't serve any purpose and in my view, didn't belong there...
SaorinJun 21, 2009 4:27 PM

Nov 1, 2009 5:58 PM

Jun 2009
hm? This anime is hard for me to say, but I think that when it ended I was ready for an ending.

In the middle I got tired of the same old plot idea, after it switched to the dark side the episodes were more interesting. Although I loved the relationship between Ickika and her partner it was kind o forced at times.

Also the characters enjoyed a lot of time bending the rules of the game that no one else seemed to get the chance to share. In the end i think I liked the hinting at Sei and Kai's story better. They were strangely more developed then the girls.

The ending was supposed to deep and clever, but I wasn't really fond of everyone sacrificing themselves. Everyone is way to willing to give up their lives in anime. So I guess I thought it was kind of cheesy. I liked it enough, but it was kind of cheesy.

The very ending was disappointing, why would she choose a human in Japan again? That was just strange.

Also as a whole note, why was it needed to see all of those transformations in such detail? It was really uncalled for.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Dec 23, 2009 11:12 PM

Dec 2009
is this game based on Golden Sun's Djinn thing?
cus' i remembr quite a long time this game had something called Djinns or w.e o_____O''

Dec 24, 2009 2:25 AM
Mar 2008
TogetherForever said:
is this game based on Golden Sun's Djinn thing?
cus' i remembr quite a long time this game had something called Djinns or w.e o_____O''

This has nothing to do with Golden Sun. It even came out before Golden Sun.

Djinn are a type of demon in Arabic mythology. They are sometimes called genies.
Feb 1, 2010 11:43 AM
Mar 2008
I had to force myself to watch this show. It was sooooo boring and banal. I only liked the OP and the chara design, all the girls are hot.
5/10 for me.
Mar 21, 2010 1:25 AM

Oct 2008
I agree with draker, but with this "hot" i pass. Anime is kind good but nothig special, it could have max 6~7 ep becouse most of 2nd plan charakter and action are boring like hell. Main plot have potencial but it wasnt full taped, we can easily trash first 6 eps and start to watch from 7ep and we wont lose anything special. My rate~ 5/10
May 5, 2010 12:46 AM

Dec 2008
At the beginning 1-5 I was really into this show, after that the mistery thing was getting a bit annoying.

I really liked the characters of this show, even most of them were 14 old they acted pretty adult more adult than high school kids in other shows.
At some point the plot became really serious.

The girls looked good better said attractive, I enjoyed the cautious fanservice.
It wasnt like "T&A in your face"

The opening theme was great I never get tired of it.

the way Ichika used the powers was a bit lame, no fights
I would have liked to learn more about Manatsu, cause I really liked her, she talked like Hakufu and looked like Hatsune Miku.
I also would have liked if they had shown more dialogs between Ichika and Manatsu.
Their relationship seemed a bit stiff sometimes.

What I really disliked was that the Seya villain wasn't punished for what she did.
The impale scenes with the scythe were disguisting to me.
I was not really satisfied with the ending I expected a deeper impact from it.

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Nov 23, 2010 9:01 PM
Dec 2008
Oh I absolutely adored this series from start to finish! I loved how this series was a magical girl series without being a magical girl series. While Ichika does get magical powers, this isn't a hero story about fighting evil. This is about a girl coming of age and seeing relationships change as she grows older and matures into a new stage of her life.

Some of the side story lines were a little frustrating to me because I really wanted to see them expanded more (I would have loved to learn more about the pasts and future of Keiko and Satsuki after
). I've heard some people complain about the series ending on an OVA but I really can't agree with that.

With the series ending, the main storyline is given a really nice close but there were so many unresolved feelings that could have been tied a little more cleanly. Giving the main characters a proper farewell was marvelous to me and even got me misty eyed in the end.

The one place that I really had to complain was with Saya. Really annoyed at how open her story was left in the end!

Other than that, just a wonderful drama that takes a good dark twist in the middle. I can absolutely see myself watching this again in the future or telling others that they need to watch it.
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Associate Editor -
Jun 23, 2011 12:02 AM

Aug 2010
I enjoyed the series a lot but I really would have liked for
I was really at tears in this one, kind of a happy and sad ending at the same time.
Jul 20, 2011 9:52 PM

May 2009
I also hoped that Saya would get her comeuppance for putting innocent children through all this crap as some sort of test of character. That said, who is she working for? God, or something? Sounds like some jolly ol' fellow on the other end of the magical phone.

I just finished watching the series, and I think it'll take me a bit longer to digest it, make sense of it, and think about how good or bad it is.

I definitely did enjoy the journey. The ending turned out somewhat different from what i was expecting, but...oh well.

The soundtrack was definitely really pretty.

On the other hand, the fanservice--such as the random panty/crotch/boob shots--was annoying. I was enjoying seeing a cast of mostly innocent children gradually growing up. I didn't enjoy seeing them displayed as sexual objects.
GlennMagusHarveyJul 20, 2011 9:55 PM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jul 30, 2011 4:13 PM

Feb 2010
When kai or sai (w.e the difference) block the halberdier with his hand I was like wtF, then Ichika pulled her hands out of the daggers I was like wTF, then the other guy kissed the other dude I was like WTF. Then Ichika and mana kissed that was pretty cool. Saya pisses me off since the start of the show and she still does. Anyways I guess that's about it for the show can't really see it go any further then this.
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Aug 27, 2011 9:06 PM

Jan 2010
Definitely a surprising anime. Rough start, yeah, but it ended pretty well. The fan service and the strange djinn usage made me expect a bad show at first. Yeah, the ending felt incomplete and the philosophical issues are mostly left for the views to figure out, but Uta Kata was still pretty good.
Dec 7, 2011 6:45 AM

Feb 2009
I like the soundtracks, Opening and Ending kept me watching this series until the end, but I really hate the side character, Saya Who she is, she had the right to do all kind of thing like that =.= this ending was too hard for me to understand correctly
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Aug 11, 2012 6:42 PM

Feb 2012
I absolutely loved this anime, it's a 10/10 for me. I thought Manatsu was an amazing character and the ending was everything I could have hoped for. I loved that the OVA picked up right after the last episode; I thought it wrapped everything up so well, seeing the two girls get back together one last time was just wonderful. Such a sad anime overall, even hearing the OP and ED just puts me in that melancholy state of mind. Uta Kata is just one of those shows that left a lasting impact on me and I'm so glad I picked it up after seeing it as a recommendation on the Madoka page.

"In both love and octopus-hunting, you have to take the initiative!" - Gintoki Sakata
Aug 31, 2012 9:18 PM

May 2009
Still trying to figure out what I think of this show. What this show is actually about. It seems to be about coming of age--how, even if you have superpowers to help solve problems doesn't mean that problems that people face are easy to solve. And that's a mature concept to grasp.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Mar 17, 2013 6:29 AM
Mar 2013
I really enjoyed the anime and give it a 5/5 on your poll, a 9/10 according to the sites scale. The anime wasn't really what I expected, It was introduced to me as being a yuri/shoujo ai anime but I don't think it really is. I believe the Kai and Manatsu represent the characters attitudes toward themselves. Seeing as they came from a mirror at the beginning and turned back into mirror fragments at the end. Ichika's eyes turn red during the middle of the anime when she looks in the mirror to show that she believes she is becoming a monster, yet in the end when given the choice she doesn't want to remove herself from the planet, rather she refuses to take part in the game.
Dec 10, 2014 1:22 PM

Feb 2014
Uhh, wtf? Super crazy ending! So Kai and Manatsu sacrifice themselves because they develop strong feelings for their partners o_o and in the end Ichika and Sei are alive but they only have mirror fragments to remember them by. So sad that they have to lose friends :(

But when the scythe touched Sei's hand and Ichika's chest I was like "WTF??????" Same thing when Ichika's hands broke through the knives and as well when Manatsu was walking through the scythe. Geez it's crazy watching people get impaled by sharp objects.

Although I still don't feel closure about the whole djinn and Saya thing. Why do the tests happen? Yes, they talked about how these tests can lead to the 14 year old hating him/herself or having cynical thoughts about society, but it's only 1 person. Why do they have to test these teenagers with the djinn? And the biggest thing that annoys me is: why is Saya even a part of this??? Yes, she looks like the overseer of the events with the djinn, but why would she be okay with killing and causing pain on innocent children? And who's that guy on the phone???

Overall, I'd give this a 7/10. Not bad, but not amazing either. The soundtrack was good (i especially liked the ED and the BGM when Ichika would use the djinns' powers in the second half!), and there was some interesting character development. The second half was really interesting. However, the first half was kinda dull. Mostly slice of life stuff, and the djinn really didn't do anything. I wish that the djinn had a bigger impact on the events of the first half of the show instead of just giving Ichika superhuman eyesight. Lol and the camera angles were a bit much...they really didn't need to add the fanservice and I think it just added to the "drabness" of the first half. Anyway, I'd definitely call this a good show.
Noodle070Jan 21, 2015 7:30 PM
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Nov 21, 2015 8:08 AM

Apr 2009
Uta Kata is a hidden gem. I'm so happy that I was able to finish this one. The first half is just a bunch of slice of life episodes. I love how they turned it around on second half. Overall I will give this a 8/10.
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May 20, 2016 3:28 PM

Aug 2012
This anime touched me a lot. I know it's a one in a million chance but I really hope one day we will get to see a continuation, a sequel, a movie, ova, anything... I was desperately looking for the contact infos of the producer group's members to ask for it but failed...
Sep 7, 2016 10:23 PM
Dec 2011
It was a bit of a letdown but still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Oct 12, 2017 4:41 PM

Dec 2011
When we consume a piece of media, of course we all interpret it differently. This anime sits comfortably between a 7 and an 8 for me. While there were things I wish they expanded on (or didn't show so much, like the panty and boob shots), for what there was, I loved it a lot. Its message and big overall theme of loving yourself / accepting yourself is precious. It's essentially saying, only you can dictate and interpret the way you live your life, so live it as a god of your own person. Take care of yourself like you would take care of a friend.

The bond between Ichika and Manatsu is what struck me the most. Because they're a reflection of each other, whenever they trusted and supported one another, of course it was like saying hey, this person is fighting for their own happiness. At the same time, we can view them individually. Two halves of a heart. Something akin to a soul mate. Manatsu loved Ichika, and Ichika loved Manatsu. Yep, lovely content right here.
Feb 27, 2018 2:45 PM
Apr 2016
just finished yin-yang bubbles, it's good I like it. A mahou shoujo story without the nanoka stuff. the story as I interpret, is very symbolic and boob-less. Ichika and Manatsu represent you, different personalities and sides. pessimistic child-hating bitch Saya represents Rules, Law, what the society accepts as norms, the world. Sei and Kai are rightful police, they have their own sense of justice but overshadowed by cruelty of this world, their abilities are very limited with Kai being a puppet of Saya and Sei being a failed experiment. the one giving Saya order representing God or your fate. I like to see more yuri action if not, then romance between Ichika and Sei. a solid 7/10 to 8 for me. Ichika makes a good candidate on my imoutou list
Oct 27, 2018 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
I didn't expect this anime to turn out into something so beautiful and meaningful! The idea with the mirror fragments and Ichika and Manatsu actually being two sides of a mirror and person, was great.

Although I disliked the fanservice and panty shots. It wasn't necessary and ruined a little bit for me. I definitely don't want to see panties from a 13 yo little anime character lol.

8/10 to me
Jan 4, 2019 10:29 AM
Jul 2012
Not very good anime Try to give a message of growth and maturity, but fails to have bad writing and characters not very well developed.
It's present the problems of Ichika and her friends as if they were the end of the world, when they really are not the big thing ... (ex: Ichika losing a clock, one being left by the lover, etc. what was the fuss ?) The message does not arrive because they are trying to put you through rather trivial situations.
Also the characters are badly characterized, they are stereotypes and have zero development.
The worst was the end. Try to be witty and intelligent but it does not make much sense. All the characters find themselves skipping the rules of the situation as if nothing (wtf).
However, the series has a good pacing, a nice soundtrack (the ending is beautiful) and an acceptable direction. What makes it something enjoyable if you see it with your brain off.

Edit: I did forget it, this one is a 4/10 for me :3
Jun 3, 2019 6:00 PM
Jul 2018
I liked it. It was nothing too special, but I liked what it had to say and how it said it. Also the transformation costumes and the OST were beautiful. The drama was pretty meh but it made up for it with nice exploration of its themes. It was very interesting to see the main character change and how she reacted to it. And Manatsu is super cute.

By the way were people complaining about fanservice even back in 2009? It wasn't really a big deal. Just a bunch of panty shots here and there that aren't even disruptive. It's not in-your-face fanservice, it never bothered me.
Aug 16, 2019 12:02 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
There were a few things I wasn't sure about, but they ended up wrapped up relatively well! Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this series, and heck some things actually annoyed me. The fanservice was like...??? Mn. Also, how Saya was always there-- like we got the picture. We assumed she was always watching, but they always showed her anyway.;; Despite those things, overall it was a nice show.
There were some things that I thought were some pretty interesting takes on the genre.
Ending was fine with me too. ouo)b

It's been a ride.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
May 10, 2020 2:27 PM

Apr 2012
Quite an interesting anime. Felt like a darker and more intimist Arjuna. Thought the coming of age exploration was well done, especially with how the secondary characters are used, but the final rationalisation in the last episode was tragically plain.

Why do they keep mentioning humans and humanity when the whole point of djinns is inhuman power and perspective. Sure being powerless is a staple of the human condition, but when experiencing it you only gain miser, so Ichika wasn't wrong in that (and humans overcome that with cooperation, but that has nothing to do with coming of age or the anime). I guess the only thing that relates to puberty in Ichika's supernatural experiences is the out-of-control aspect, a term women often use to describe the inevitability of the change in their own body.

Which lead us to the so-called fanservice. While the body is showed, it's nothing like the gratuitous shots at the beginning of Strike Witches for example. It's more about the gaze of the viewer and Ichika's own gaze. There's a nice mirror effect between outter/inner perceptions and inner/outter changes. It creates a limbo space between reality and imaginary friends, parental and romantic love, friendship and rivalry. In a word it recreates puberty.

Thank you @Archaeon for getting me interested in this anime.
May 16, 2020 3:48 PM
Dec 2019
Anime was alright at first but started getting boring half way through. I thought the things ichika used her powers on were kinds dumb and only for her selfish needs most of the time idk maybe she could’ve used it on saving someone which she only did ones I recall but mostly just useless things. I actually really liked the ending but it would’ve been perfect if it ended on episode 12, I felt like episode 13 was just random and to make it a happy ending. 7/10 it was decent
Jun 5, 2021 6:13 AM
Dec 2017
I love how they had a variety of manga artists to do the costume design for each episode.

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