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O Maidens In Your Savage Season
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Jul 5, 2019 8:34 AM

Nov 2007
aLotQuestion_ said:
shanimebib said:

Pre-air doesn't have the OP and the ED.

So the actual content will not missed?

Actually I just posted in the previous page. The pre-air is missing the final four minutes of episode 1. I just saw episode 1 a couple of hours back. Sorry for my mistake.
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Jul 5, 2019 8:38 AM

May 2017
OH MAN the amount of second-hand embarrassment in this one made it almost unwatchable XD

This is super good and I love Mari Okada so count me in!
Jul 5, 2019 8:44 AM

Jun 2017
Well, that sure was a weird but interesting watch.

‘Sex’ is the ever-trending topic among teenagers and (young) adults alike and this show perfectly captured that (albeit a little exaggerated thanks to our main character being paranoid against this xD). Lol @ wanking off of the childhood friend and the music in the background was hilarious! Seeing how those shop signs were being rewritten to her eyes followed by that weeping outburst makes me really sad for her for going through such an odd phase. Pretty typical group of 5 there but definitely curious to know more about them, especially that blonde girl. Lol @ those ‘best friend’ jokes this episode, totally on point for me! Amazing Op and ED by the way, (Chico with) HoneyWorks delivers yet again!

Definitely in for this peculiar and uncanny ride!

Edit: Apparently, it’s going to get even more wild!
Brace up, lads!
_MushiRock11_Jul 5, 2019 11:01 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 5, 2019 8:55 AM

Feb 2016
Seems pretty interesting with the light-hearted drama and romcom.
As an experienced person I can say that the last scene was pretty embarrassing for both of them
Jul 5, 2019 9:05 AM

Jan 2015
shanimebib said:
@Xenocrisi: Watch episode 1 again if you have only seen the pre-aired version. I just saw it and it has 4 minutes extra after the whiteout. :P

The ED actually shows the other male characters involved in the story.

Oh thank you just watched it. I was kinda right then, he was masturbating
Jul 5, 2019 9:06 AM

Apr 2016
@shanimebib thanks for the heads up, the extra scene was hilarious.
Jul 5, 2019 9:33 AM

Jan 2008
I thought the talk about sex was just going to be a 1 episode thing but if it's the entire show, this could be amusing.

The walking in scene made even me embarrassed.

I'm guessing each guy shown at the end is for each girl.
Jul 5, 2019 9:46 AM

Jul 2017
Color me impressed. I did not think it would go that far.
The tone of the entire thing is especially good. Definitely something I'm keeping up with this season.

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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Jul 5, 2019 9:49 AM

Mar 2016
This was great.

Was going to say that as long as they keep the comedy and drama in a healthy balance it should be a lot of fun, but seeing it's Okada-shit (it really felt like it too) I'll just try to enjoy it until the terrible melodrama kicks in. .

Also, it's pretty hilarious that he's a train nerd and is fapping to what looks like train chikan.
syncrogazerJul 5, 2019 10:04 AM
Jul 5, 2019 9:51 AM

Jul 2015
Bu The question is, was he fapping to hentai or normal porn?

Jul 5, 2019 9:59 AM

Dec 2014
Surprisingly compelling. Nice start.

Loving all the girls from the literature club already, I honestly really like the dynamic between Kazusa and Mo-chin especially when they hug each other. <3
Niina is well 'interesting'. xD

I feel like the club president is one of those characters who would look so much more prettier if she let her hair down and took of her glasses. Not sure if that's the case here though. xD

The final few minutes were glorious, that OST to go along with the running sequence, Train! Train! Dokamademo!. I couldn't help but laugh. XD
Jul 5, 2019 10:00 AM
May 2019
What a great first episode! Yeah, you can talk about sex without having the "ecchi" tag. :) Let's battle that declining birth rate, this time, the girl's side! Enjoyed the light atmosphere of the episode, reminded me of Tsurezure Children. Hope the mentioned incoming drama doesn't break too much of the balance.

Nice animation (specially in the running scene), enjoyable backgrounds, well done voice acting... This is shaping up to be the sleeper best of the season.
Jul 5, 2019 10:25 AM

Nov 2016
Defintiely a pleasant surprise to see something so refreshing. Personally, I think it's kinda weird to get confronted with sex in such a manner, but what do I know about Japanese high school girls.

That aside, I really enjoy the whole vibe of this series. I hope it can keep it's charm through it's whole run and that we will get some juicy drama later down the line.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 5, 2019 10:51 AM

Aug 2016
I thought it was more like Asobi Asobase or Ramen Koizumi, turned out it has more drama in it.
It's interesting how people change because of sudden surge of hormone. xD
Jul 5, 2019 10:59 AM

Aug 2013
Oh wow. I had no idea what to expect from this, but i really liked it!
That ending though
Jul 5, 2019 11:06 AM
Aug 2010
I was expecting some ntr at that scene, the guy in bed with those two sluts... but we got that, what the hell. I'm not expecting much but I'll give this the three episode chance to see where it goes.
Jul 5, 2019 11:13 AM

Dec 2018
In the beginning, my lesbian radar go off right away, and then the lily flower passes by,, Lily means Yuri in Japanese, We have lesbians in this i can feel it,,,,,, I'm so thrilled ,, where are my lesbians? Surprised I didn't look up much info about this anime but hey something for me,, So I'm all invested now!

Yuri-CrusaderAug 6, 2021 10:19 AM
Jul 5, 2019 11:21 AM
Jan 2019
I'm still somewhat doubtful, but I think I'll give it a try. It is the anime of the words with double meaning of the season 😅.
At first glance, I did not like the animation so much, but as I watched the episode, I must say that it was to my liking.
First we had Ao-chan, and now we have these girls from the semi-perverted literature club xD.

So far, Sugawara is my favorite character. It has that touch of mystery, and it's cute.
But when she said "I want a real penetration", I said "WTF ?, Devils Miss! LOL.

Ps: 1. Luckily, it's not Yuri ... it's not my kind of anime xD.
2. When someone puts the music at full volume in his room with the door closed ... you know that something happens. I feel sorry for the friend of childhood. There are fates worse than death. LOL 😂.

Moral: You always have to close the door with security, gentlemen.
Jul 5, 2019 11:34 AM

Oct 2015
Good episode. I really like how the characters already have a bit of depth from just an episode apart from the main girl's friend. The clffhanger though, sheesh
Jul 5, 2019 11:35 AM

Feb 2012
Somebody was too distracted and didn't hear any footsteps, typical anime people always get caught off-guard lol

I had a feeling this was going to be the most interesting show of the season, not wrong so far~
Jul 5, 2019 11:37 AM

Jul 2017
Is anyone else getting "A Place Further Than The Universe" vibes from this one? Not just in the varied cast girls, but also the care and artistry that goes into the directing and animation. Or maybe it's just because the main girl of this series looks like Mari Tamaki, I don't know.

As for the heterosexual aspect, I'm in the boat where I'm not upset there's no lesbian rep, but also just a little disappointed since it seems like they're going to do five different male/female love stories (at least the ED showed 5 different male counterparts for the girls). As much as I'm excited for different types of relationships between each of them, I wish they would've explored a girl developing sexual feelings for another girl, and how she deals/struggles with that. But I guess I can just watch Kase-san again.

I'm really interested in seeing the girl with the ponytail and glasses tackle her own feelings on sexuality, because it seems she's the most vehemently repulsed by it, but the short dark haired girl seems interesting too, since she's already in a sexual relationship online.

Really really looking forward to where this goes!
Jul 5, 2019 11:39 AM

Dec 2017
i really love the vibe of the story, it’s entertaining, but i can feel the sadness here and there.

the fact that they’re still innocent and kinda pure is making me worry. the story where someone trying to find their way to adulthood, especially in romance always reeks of heartbreak and betrayal, i can’t let these 5 cute people to be treat such way

even though there’s a comedy, i can only feel sadness in this series i dunno why, Kasuza seems really stressed and confused, Sonezaki is bullied hard, i dunno how she can comeback from that, especially against those gyaru girl. i probably looking too much into it.

anyone who read the manga can tell me if this story will maintain the fun part or it will be really escalate into something wild, like e.g sexual harrasment and/or assault?
Jul 5, 2019 11:41 AM

Jun 2010
The masturbation scene..hahaha i watched at least 3 times..XD
Jul 5, 2019 11:43 AM

Jan 2019
strange, weird, also hilarious. cant wait for the next episode. well thats fun tho especially at masturbation scene rofl
Jul 5, 2019 11:44 AM

Nov 2007
EGOIST said:
Good episode. I really like how the characters already have a bit of depth from just an episode apart from the main girl's friend. The clffhanger though, sheesh

I hope you saw the entire episode and not the pre-air because the train fit the tunnel. :P
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Jul 5, 2019 11:57 AM

Jul 2017

Totally forgot that Mari Okada, the famous author who did Maquia wrote this.
Finally getting around to watching it again, albeit the full 24-min length episode.

Again, nice OST when it comes to HoneyWorks.

Characters have their distinct personality which makes it easy to identify who's who. And looks like the topic of SEX won't be going away, at least for the next 3 months.

First casualty, Kazusa with her love interest Izumi. Momo is her soulmate. Really felt bad for her, once then, twice even.
Second casualty, Hongou with the "sweet juice" of pork miso soup.
Third casualty, Sugawara with her bucket list of ACTUAL penetration, knowing her limited time.
Fourth casualty, Sonezaki with the obsession of sex that's been running on everyone's minds.


But more importantly, YET AGAIN, I have found my less-than-stellar but still funny Asobi Asobase of Summer 2019. This season, really is a "SAVAGE" season.

Inukanura said:

anyone who read the manga can tell me if this story will maintain the fun part or it will be really escalate into something wild, like e.g sexual harrasment and/or assault?

There will be fun moments (as expected of Mari Okada), but some insane jokes are on the way. Can't spoil too much now!
KANLen09Jul 5, 2019 12:13 PM
Jul 5, 2019 12:04 PM

Nov 2013
i was expecting this to be stupid as hell, but it went even beyond that LOL at least it's funnier than i thought

i was expecting it to be a short tho... wtf

anyway, i don't think i'll finish this one. but i'm interested in watching 1 or 2 more episodes before deciding
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Jul 5, 2019 12:18 PM

Sep 2016
wow, i exected nothing

but ended up loving his. kind of funny and had some points which i felt were really relatable, i really feel for the girls

realy good so far
Jul 5, 2019 12:31 PM

Oct 2010
Probably the most promising anime thisdseason based off episode 1s. Fairly realistic approach to this theme, from a girl's angle rather than the usual male angle we've seen hundreds of times. Great start. Also the voice acting was top tier! Great animation too and of course music was fantastic.

The only real issue was that HiDive are morons that think 2Mbps is good enough for 1080p when it's not. 1080p needs 8 Mbps minimum.
Jul 5, 2019 12:54 PM

Dec 2015
What...the fuck?
Jul 5, 2019 1:03 PM

Dec 2015
Yuri-Crusader said:
In the beginning my lesbian radar go of right away and then the lily flower passes by,, Lily means Yuri in Japanese, We have lesbians in this i can feel it,,,,,, I'm so thrilled ,, where are my lesbians???

Oh god...please no.
Jul 5, 2019 1:49 PM

Sep 2011
Okay, this was wild, funny, and good. I'm already rooting for Kazusa and Izumi, her childhood friend. it's a cliché, but like Sonezaki said: clichés are important. lol And I know no one wants to be bullied, and I don't know how much Izumi cares about Kazusa, but he might feel hurt that she is avoiding him in public, especially if he doesn't know why. And it would be nice to see Sonezaki getting together with the guy from her class that stood up for her too, especially if he is popular. It's another cliché, but. lol I don't know where this is going, but I'm definitely in for the ride. This episode also reminded me that I still have to read "Run, Melos!'" too...
Jul 5, 2019 2:08 PM

May 2018
O man I'm loving this so far
I even decided to read the manga up to 15 chapters pretty good!
Until... I scrolled down to read the comments then saw this spoiler(not gonna type it) I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue this anime/manga lol
Just because I'm not really a fan of
_________ lol I'm not saying it
Jul 5, 2019 2:16 PM

Jan 2019
Its really pushing the awkwardness.

The last scene made it clear to me that this character's perspective is waaaaaay to far for me. After giving it a few moments of thought, I can somewhat salvage it if the girl's mind thinks of consequences before curiosity. In which case shame doesn't come until... well it comes a lot later. Without that shame, there is no understanding. etc etc
Fortunately I think I've seen this alien character in anime before (maybe terror in resonance :S), thus the punch feels milder.

Maybe there are actually many people who can relate to the last scene? Am I the alien?!
Jul 5, 2019 2:16 PM

Oct 2012
I thought I would love this, but didn't like it as much. Some dialogues felt fake. I'm head over heels for the character design of the main girl already, though. When she was running she looked like Ochako and I'm DOWN for Ochako. The seiyuu of the black-haired girl... I don't think the voice/visual suit each other at all.

RobertBobert said:
I regret that this anime doesn't make P.A.WORKS. Damn, guys, this is Marie Okada! You miss such a huge chance!

Also, has anyone already guessed which of the girls is a lesbian?

I have been screaming the blonde one is a lesbian since the anime was announced, but didn't want to and still don't want to get spoiled about it. She IS looking at the MC in the poster though~
Jul 5, 2019 2:36 PM

Oct 2008
WOW! i'm impressed with this new show!
normally if a show is not so good, i get sleepy, but this one keeps full attention 100% of every second of this first episode!

Jul 5, 2019 2:37 PM

Aug 2015
That was just perfect. It was everything I hoped it would be but better. I mean it's just the first episode but 7 score seems unfair
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Jul 5, 2019 3:01 PM

Apr 2012
MaahHeim said:
I thought I would love this, but didn't like it as much. Some dialogues felt fake. I'm head over heels for the character design of the main girl already, though. When she was running she looked like Ochako and I'm DOWN for Ochako. The seiyuu of the black-haired girl... I don't think the voice/visual suit each other at all.

RobertBobert said:
I regret that this anime doesn't make P.A.WORKS. Damn, guys, this is Marie Okada! You miss such a huge chance!

Also, has anyone already guessed which of the girls is a lesbian?

I have been screaming the blonde one is a lesbian since the anime was announced, but didn't want to and still don't want to get spoiled about it. She IS looking at the MC in the poster though~

Well, I personally like to think that she is bisexual, but this is speculation. But I can tell you in PM if you want, since it a HUGE SPOILER.
Jul 5, 2019 3:40 PM

Oct 2012
This reminds me of Tsurezure, great first episode. Way to go!

(and to think this was written by Okada...)
Jul 5, 2019 3:48 PM

Jul 2012
I was definitly expecting less than this.

The main girl is cute.

Also the way that the students treated girl with glasses was kinda sad
Digimon is the best Isekai
Jul 5, 2019 3:56 PM

Nov 2018
I have a feeling this will be a great show xD
Jul 5, 2019 4:33 PM

Oct 2013
Ok that was just plain amazing.

Sure is hot today
Jul 5, 2019 4:34 PM

Apr 2012
That was weird, but good. Like the coming of age side of thing was well done, but not sure desiderata about sex can keep me interested for 12 episodes. We'll see.
Jul 5, 2019 5:12 PM

Sep 2012
Cant wait to see everyone's opinion take a 360.
Jul 5, 2019 5:17 PM

Apr 2010
I'm positively surprised, I can sense the potencial on this.


Love the OP. Such a nice melody to it.
Jul 5, 2019 5:32 PM

Nov 2016
The fuck is wrong with this comment section, can y'all shut up and don't put spoilers on it, thanks. The VA of the girl that was sex chatting is pure shit, the worst VA of this season. Everything else is a piece of art. 10/10
Jul 5, 2019 5:44 PM

Mar 2010
I am really glad its not a anime with long discussions in the club room. looking forward to future episodes
Jul 5, 2019 6:27 PM

Nov 2007
Chmur said:
Also the way that the students treated girl with glasses was kinda sad

Sonezaki was partially responsible for the treatment she got. She was asking for it. Also, that gyro is super hot! Can't find all the fault in her for lashing out on Sonezaki.
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Jul 5, 2019 6:45 PM

Jan 2011
well this sure was a surprise thought i was going into a cute SoL /club now it's turned to some strange coming of age story surrounded by sexual desires.

easiest thing to say it's like a "real'er" Seitokai Yakuindomo? if every sexual thing wasn't a gag

also the normie's in this show are ruthless it makes me sad
Jul 5, 2019 6:56 PM
Mar 2017
I think this anime will be very entertaining to watch, but I feel there will be broken hearts and lots of tears from the girls, especially from Kazusa who seems the most sensitive, especially with her relationship with Izumi, another part that shows how innocent Kazusa is was when she looks for the meaning of the word "defloration", she was so adorable.

The premise of this anime is very innocent, five girls who begin to explore the meaning of sex, either as the sexual act as being more aware of the opposite sex, something very common in boys and girls of that age. Each girl managed to captivate me when they were presented for the first time, all very embarrassed and shy to hear the erotic lines that came from the mouth of Niina.

My favorite was Rika, she seems to be the most uncomfortable about sex, but I feel she is the most insecure about her feminine side, but after hearing that boy said that she is not ugly, I think Rika will begin to explore her feminine side.
Momoko also seems somewhat sensitive as far as sex is concerned, but I think she has no experiences with boys (maybe the Yuriservice comes from her, you never know, besides the Yuri is always welcome), but i like a lot the adorable friendship she has with Kazusa.
Hongou makes me think that she is in something shady, seeing that she communicates with someone in a chat for adults, I hope it is not dangerous at all.
I do not trust Niina, I see her as neutral girl, but she hides something, she has that mature and mysterious personality that makes you doubt a lot and because of how beautiful she is, some drama may happen between her and one of the girls.

Damn ... what awkward moment, I can not believe that Kazusa caught Izumi masturbating, I think first I laughed too much with this, the reaction of both was so hilarious, but afterwards I felt sad since this will cause both to distance themselves more than They are already and that will give the opportunity for some bitch to take Izumi fromKazusa.
As for the anime in general, the animation is very well achieved, the colors feel so nice to look at.
The character design is the best, the detail is so well done, that part in which Rika cries when she is called ugly, it moved me a lot as how she looked, she transmitted her sadness to me.
In terms of music, OP is too good, very girl power like, also CHiCO with HoneyWorks always get good musical themes, the ED also results in something very feminine for the closure of this, plus we had a look at several men that I assume will be the love interest of the girls, although I saw two adult and that looks like something illegal will happen there.
Anyway, this anime has potential, it will have drama, but not the toxic one, but this innocent a really girl like and that will make you feel sad to see the girl cry, as happened to me with Kazusa after what happened with Izumi.
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