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May 5, 2019 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Not going to lie, I think this episode was kinda creepy especially the first half. If it wasn't for Veronica, I'd imagine the situation would of been a lot worse.

Marlya's role feels strange in the show. She's not weak but definitely didn't impress me as far as her role this episode.
May 5, 2019 9:50 AM

Jun 2015
V's opponent sure was a tricky one. The unpredictable nature of his attacks really matches V's opponent quite well. Free's admonishment of his fairy lol. Still the fight between the two sides sure ended rather spectacularly especially with regards to V's opponent. Given that Dorothea contains among its ranks many veterans from the war i guess its normal for them to have among their allies veterans who prefer to work from the outside as well. The welcome party for Maryla though was a heartwarming moment and did well to defuse the tension that came from that missions aftermath while at the same time doing well in introducing the rest of the team. Overall an interesting ep that while concluding the fight nicely also did well in expanding upon the Dorothea organisation. The insight into Maryla and V's past before and after the destruction of the village through comparisons of their past sure was interesting and did well to flesh both of them out.
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May 5, 2019 11:31 AM

Apr 2009
Nice continuing of the flashbacks. The fights were "ok" for the most part. Veronica's opponent was completely sick in the head. Pretty funny that Free had to yell at his fairy for basically Maryla's Fairy showing new stuff too. We continue to get bits and pieces. Alright episode, i enjoy the music in this.
May 5, 2019 12:30 PM

Apr 2012
Stark700 said:
Marlya's role feels strange in the show. She's not weak but definitely didn't impress me as far as her role this episode.

At first I wanted to say that she performs the role of a surrogate for the female audience, but then I “suddenly” realized that it wasn’t shoujo. However, Sirius also looked like an obvious action show for girls.
May 5, 2019 12:38 PM

Aug 2017
What a great episode. The fight was not as spectacular as I hoped it would be, but I was happy to see that Marlya was finally able to summon her fairy. And what a beautiful one she has! Very victorian and stylish. Too bad Free lost that suitcase though.

Well, Ver does care about Marlya a lot but she has to take care of some other things first. Like killing Jonathan (yay) and that man, Ray Dawn. I wonder how they are related?

Seeing Marlya staring up at the moon like that while thinking about het dear friend Ver (I presume) was sweet. I wonder what the blonde assassin is up to; staring and humming that mellow song just like that. Can't wait for next week!
May 5, 2019 12:50 PM

May 2018
ya know I kinda hate that them antagonist like Ver and Wolfon kick better asses than with Free and Marly,
May 5, 2019 1:06 PM
May 2017
Pretty cool fight, it is good to see that there are a lot of different types of fairies, with different roles. Like Jonathan's "trickster" fairy or the other assassin's anti-fairy fairy.

eryn-chan said:
Well, Ver does care about Marlya a lot but she has to take care of some other things first. Like killing Jonathan (yay) and that man, Ray Dawn. I wonder how they are related?

I don't think Ver had anything to do with Jonathan, she just protected Marlya from him. Ray Dawn might be the one who ordered the destruction of their village in the war, but idk.
Also they got back the black fairy tome (which is unfortunately a fake).

RobertBobert said:
Stark700 said:
Marlya's role feels strange in the show. She's not weak but definitely didn't impress me as far as her role this episode.

At first I wanted to say that she performs the role of a surrogate for the female audience, but then I “suddenly” realized that it wasn’t shoujo. However, Sirius also looked like an obvious action show for girls.

Well she is clearly not quite suited to combat yet, but well what do you want, up until now she was a simple security guard, and now suddenly she is up against professional assassins, it is only the 5th episode yet. Probably she won't ever be that great in close combat, but she doesn't have to be a frontline fighter to be useful, she's a ranged support and her fairy seems to have pretty wicked abilities.
But yeah, she is the most "normal" of the main characters.
imSOuniqueMay 5, 2019 1:24 PM
May 5, 2019 1:42 PM
Jul 2018
Oh well there goes another one of those boring flashbacks and only those random insert songs made it bearable lol.

Anyway this was another pretty meh episode where nothing notable thing happened for half of the time really and the show really sure taking its time using 24 episode at its full advantage. Action shows like this I prefer fast-paced developments and this show seems one of those show might get better at episode 9-12.
Also the script continues to be very boring and unoriginal really shows its making by one who never worked on shows. Seems like time to really drop this show. Shame that the music or action sequences have been great imo but the main plot is too uninteresting for me.
May 5, 2019 1:44 PM

Apr 2012
@imSOunique The only thing I want is that the anime is good. And whether female MC will kick ass or not is not so important to me.

May 5, 2019 2:37 PM

Feb 2015
It's revealed a little bit of the childhood of Marlya and Veronica and when Veronica attempted to kill Lay Down. Veronica started to fight with Jonathan, starting a fire, they both and Marlya got out of the church, Veronica killed Jonathan and went away. Free defeated Patty and recovered the tome, Patty escaped. They went to Dorothea where Marlya was attended and went for a drink with other Dorothea members.

Quite normal episode, it finished the action that started the last episode and Marlya became an official member of Dorothea. And whats with that song, the same song from Marlya's mother, I can't figure their childhoods now.
Atlas77Aug 14, 2019 9:50 PM
May 5, 2019 2:41 PM

Apr 2012
eryn-chan said:
Well, Ver does care about Marlya a lot but she has to take care of some other things first. Like killing Jonathan (yay) and that man, Ray Dawn. I wonder how they are related?

If you believe the synopsis, then this dude is responsible for the death of their village.

May 5, 2019 3:48 PM
Apr 2016
Okay look you had a foot on your target, the black fairy tome something. Your options:
Be an awfully written character and for some reason give it to the murderous villains after taunting them.
I remember good times when third rate series at least tried to stay comprehensible.
May 5, 2019 3:58 PM

Dec 2018
I'm very pleased with this episode, The animation is kind of average but the lightning effects and colours are its strongest side and shines through

Ver sure defended her girlfriend love to see that, and then she got some help back from her lover. Klara seems to be very interested in my girl .That's is really cute my waifus should be together in some wonderful lesbian action between military girls. And to see that Klara defends my girl from the males unwanted attention get big plus ,and proves that she is interested in her, they are a adorable possible couple

Well you sure have improved your self on many fronts, Give me some more Yuri suggestions and hints and more points will follow. Pleasantly surprised, love this episode 8/10

Yuri-CrusaderMay 6, 2019 8:20 AM
May 5, 2019 5:50 PM
Mar 2015
So that was a successful mission. I would hate to see an unsuccessful one I suppose any time you come home alive it can be considered a success
May 5, 2019 6:55 PM

Oct 2015
Vero killing Jonathan was very gruesome, I guess she really changed. She left again, I guess it will be another chase for Marlya. Damn, I hate those.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 5, 2019 7:42 PM
Dec 2014
What the hell was this episode. I had high hopes for this show as it has a setting and visual theme that's rare these days, but it's really going downhill. Seriously, what the heck was this episode?

- Flashback was ok, but like who cares, nothing new was revealed for half of it, the other half was Ver trying to kill Dawn.
- Absolute garbage of a fight scene. Free turns the tables... somehow? By raw force? Even though he was losing? Then proceeds to let his opponent go... and then gets pissed at her fleeing? what?? And she gives them back the fairy tome? What??????
- The fire was super fake. Marlya had enough energy to summon her fairy for a second... and fucks up the attack. Honestly, if she hadn't told Ver to dodge, she would've hit her rather than him. Then they go outside and talk a bunch of nothing. Then Ver kills the guy. Then she goes away and they get separated by a super fake looking fire. I mean the fire was literally going in an horizontal path-blocking line. No debris from the building or anything like that. Is this an rpgmaker videogame?
- Also literally everyone on this fight scene has fucking tunnel vision. Or rather, they can only see what we can see. Veronica is facing the bad guy, but she blocks a couple of his ranged attacks and suddenly ??? oh no where did he go??? The bad girl is running towards her bag and doesn't see Free until he steps on it? Are you fucking kidding me?
- The pacing of the fight in general was also very boring and all over the place, there were no real high or lows or a real sense of intensity and escalation or progression to it. Really lame.
- The welcoming party was ok, even though it felt pretty stiff and then... oh wait what 21 minutes went by? Okay...
- Forgot about the duke dude showing up 2 times, but I mean, it was literally super forgettable. Dude just showed up to quote a book two times or something. "what do you fight for" "history is written by the victors"? Really? Wow, I'm sure interested in this character.

Jesus what a shitshow. At least visually it's still good.
May 5, 2019 8:24 PM

Sep 2017
I thought the show was getting better, but this episode was about as good as the first two (not a compliment). The action was awful, the dialogue was terrible, the voice acting continues to be just "fine" (which is annoying because there are some very talented voice actors in this show, such as Tomoaki Maeno) and it felt like nothing got accomplished the entire episode. The only decent part of this episode was the soundtrack. Honestly, that's probably the only reason I'm still watching it. I was hoping this show would eventually get better, but at this point, the only reason I'm watching this show is because I hate dropping shows. Here's hoping, I guess?
May 5, 2019 9:17 PM

Sep 2017
So... why didn't Ver use her like ever during that fight?? I don't think we have any reason to think it would be on cool down; she just busts it out at the end to finish him off. The fight was fine otherwise, but you know maybe summon the super strong monster living in your heart? Johnathan's fairy was pretty cool anyway. They have been pretty creative with that at list.

So I'm not too concerned with how Free seemingly magically turned that fight around. He got a good hit breaking her only weapons. I'll bite; but like wtf was up with the briefcase thing at the end. Surely there must be two briefcases right? Because our esteemed (co)MC couldn't possibly just give the black tomb (book/whatever) back to her and then be surprised when she decides to run. That was just a briefcase with weapons and he wanted to fight more. Of course.

Then when she runs away she grabs and throws the OTHER briefcase back with the tomb in it because she's been beat and doesn't want to be chased. That must be it; the writing can't be that stupid.
May 6, 2019 2:54 AM

Aug 2013
At this point, I'm just watching this show to enjoy the soundtrack and insert songs while waiting to see if the Yuri ship will set sail for the memes. Though the idea of piece by piece story telling to help flesh things out and gradually bring everything together in the greater scheme of the plot has been done before, this show doesn't do it very well. Granted we are only in week 5 but the problem is, it feels like there's so many things going on in the show that you don't know WHY they are happening. Instead we have to derive the context clues from the flashbacks, which isn't a bad thing but kind of annoying when you're getting a new character every five minutes or something.
Don't believe the hype.
May 6, 2019 3:05 AM

Jul 2017
More backstory and good OST. Seemingly the production staff really putting that 24 episode count to good use. This time, Veronica's backstory and her acquaintance with Marlya, kids struggling to thrive in a post-war world.

As for the rest of the episode...the creepypasta feelings of unaccomplishment.

Once again, Marlya is ALWAYS fixated on the thought that Veronica would return to normal "friend-friend" conditions, but its clearly not the case. Free's fight was sub-par too, with the Black Fairy Tome stolen right out of a briefcase? Bad writing if you ask me. Average action though that excites to the surprise of no one.

A formal welcome party for Marlya into Dorothea. How nice. The overwhelming character count is something I haven't quite had a gripe about, but if this is the direction to take as many characters into the picture, I'm ready to call it quits.

In the end, this anime is still a few hits and many misses of screws loose. Wonder how everything will wrap up in the coming episodes.
May 6, 2019 5:21 AM
May 2017
Daniel_Naumov said:
Okay look you had a foot on your target, the black fairy tome something. Your options:
Be an awfully written character and for some reason give it to the murderous villains after taunting them.
I remember good times when third rate series at least tried to stay comprehensible.

There are 2 cases: one for the assassin to have her weapons in it and the other smaller case with the black fairy tome.
The assassin took her own case when escaping, since it is obviously important to her, it has all her weapons and stuff, and she left the case containing the black fairy tome behind to be able to escape from Free (also her assignment she got from Bitter Sweet was to deal with Free, not to steal the black fairy tome, they could have stolen it and dissapear without fighting if they wanted to, they used the black fairy tome as bait).
So Free did get back the black fairy tome (although we already know that it is fake, the Dorothea doesn't yet).
May 6, 2019 5:27 AM
May 2017
landofthekwt said:
So that was a successful mission. I would hate to see an unsuccessful one I suppose any time you come home alive it can be considered a success

They got the black fairy tome, which was the goal, so it was a success. Clashing with the assassins or doing anything with Veronica wasn't part of the mission.
May 6, 2019 5:44 AM

Feb 2014
Jonathan's one wacko character and in the moments leading up to his death by Veronica, his "Yes!" was disturbing and yet, oddly funny as well. XD

The flashback shared some more light on Marlya's past as an orphan and also showed Veronica's attempt to kill Ray Dawn, which ended up backfiring against her. Both battles of Veronica Vs Jonathan and Free Vs Patty had some nice animation and both were entertaining enough, too.

The party at the pub, thrown to celebrate Marlya working for Dorothea, had a nice and joyous atmosphere to it that made me smile. Their jobs might be tough, but it's refreshing to see the other members bantering between one another while downing alcohol, although the bald guy was downing those drink like there was no tomorrow. =P

It's taken five episodes, but this is the first one that I thoroughly enjoyed quite a bit. It still has flaws in its story and all, but it's starting to get better now. I just hope that it stays that way for a while...
May 6, 2019 6:01 AM

Sep 2011
Veronica ended that 'artist' and saved Mariya, who could still help somehow in the battle I guess, only to say again that the Veronica she knew is dead. Free also defeated the girl and got back the fake black tome page.

There was a flashback with Veronica too, and I usually love characters who are in it for revenge, but I'm having a hard time finding her plight compelling so far. The life "full of light" she had feels a bit generic, lacking something more specific that was lost to tug at my heartstrings, but welp. She is still one of the most interesting characters here.
May 6, 2019 6:27 AM

May 2013
Can't Veronica use her faerie for blocking why the hell din't she not use her faerie the whole fight?
May 6, 2019 8:11 AM
Dec 2014
Man most people on this forum seem to have garbage trash pile level standards, or maybe it's just me who had higher hopes for this show from the way it was presented at first.

ProofByColor said:
So... why didn't Ver use her like ever during that fight?? I don't think we have any reason to think it would be on cool down; she just busts it out at the end to finish him off.

Mercuri said:
Can't Veronica use her faerie for blocking why the hell din't she not use her faerie the whole fight?

From what we've seen I'm guessing her fairy is utterly useless other than for doing the one-hit KO once she finally manages to wound her enemies.
May 6, 2019 9:24 AM
Apr 2016
imSOunique said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Okay look you had a foot on your target, the black fairy tome something. Your options:
Be an awfully written character and for some reason give it to the murderous villains after taunting them.
I remember good times when third rate series at least tried to stay comprehensible.

There are 2 cases: one for the assassin to have her weapons in it and the other smaller case with the black fairy tome.
The assassin took her own case when escaping, since it is obviously important to her, it has all her weapons and stuff, and she left the case containing the black fairy tome behind to be able to escape from Free (also her assignment she got from Bitter Sweet was to deal with Free, not to steal the black fairy tome, they could have stolen it and dissapear without fighting if they wanted to, they used the black fairy tome as bait).
So Free did get back the black fairy tome (although we already know that it is fake, the Dorothea doesn't yet).

Oooooooh... Yeah I should have actually paid attention instead of just listening to their shouts on the background,... still generic. But thank you.
May 6, 2019 9:47 AM

Nov 2011
Damn I agree with people here - the setting and character design is quite nice, but the rest is just so messy...
It's an anime original story, why do they rush so much? Jump from one scene to another, one year to another, one location to another. Then weird fight scenes where you let your opponent run away and you get angry for them running away? And again introducing 10 characters at a time.

This show is a huge mess.
May 6, 2019 10:46 AM
May 2017
Daniel_Naumov said:
imSOunique said:

There are 2 cases: one for the assassin to have her weapons in it and the other smaller case with the black fairy tome.
The assassin took her own case when escaping, since it is obviously important to her, it has all her weapons and stuff, and she left the case containing the black fairy tome behind to be able to escape from Free (also her assignment she got from Bitter Sweet was to deal with Free, not to steal the black fairy tome, they could have stolen it and dissapear without fighting if they wanted to, they used the black fairy tome as bait).
So Free did get back the black fairy tome (although we already know that it is fake, the Dorothea doesn't yet).

Oooooooh... Yeah I should have actually paid attention instead of just listening to their shouts on the background,... still generic. But thank you.

"why character didn't do X action? - awful writing
oh character actually did X action - generic."

Outlander said:
Then weird fight scenes where you let your opponent run away and you get angry for them running away?

He was just chivalrous, he didn't want to fight an unarmed opponent. But insead of fighting, the assassin ran away. And yes, he messed up, and that's why he was angry with himself.
Here we can see the contrast between Veronica and Free. Veronica slaughters her opponent without a though, Free doesn't fight an unarmed opponent.
I am not saying one of them is better, just there's a big difference in their way of thinking.
imSOuniqueMay 6, 2019 11:08 AM
May 6, 2019 10:48 AM
Apr 2016
imSOunique said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Oooooooh... Yeah I should have actually paid attention instead of just listening to their shouts on the background,... still generic. But thank you.

"why character didn't do X action? - awful writing
oh character actually did X action. - generic."

Yeah yeah I will suck this one. But I am watching.
May 6, 2019 11:03 AM

Aug 2017
imSOunique said:
Pretty cool fight, it is good to see that there are a lot of different types of fairies, with different roles. Like Jonathan's "trickster" fairy or the other assassin's anti-fairy fairy.

eryn-chan said:
Well, Ver does care about Marlya a lot but she has to take care of some other things first. Like killing Jonathan (yay) and that man, Ray Dawn. I wonder how they are related?

I don't think Ver had anything to do with Jonathan, she just protected Marlya from him. Ray Dawn might be the one who ordered the destruction of their village in the war, but idk.
Also they got back the black fairy tome (which is unfortunately a fake).

Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I feel like it has to be something like that. Let's see how the story will unfold :)
May 6, 2019 11:05 AM

Aug 2017
RobertBobert said:
eryn-chan said:
Well, Ver does care about Marlya a lot but she has to take care of some other things first. Like killing Jonathan (yay) and that man, Ray Dawn. I wonder how they are related?

If you believe the synopsis, then this dude is responsible for the death of their village.

Thank you for telling me :)
May 6, 2019 11:12 AM

Aug 2018
An OK episode overall, we got to see a decent fight with a new fairy owner & learnt more about everyone's past. Not a huge step inside the plot, but I guess there is time for it & time for more like present-present moments.
May 6, 2019 10:48 PM

May 2015
Marlya didn't want to get the firewood? Girl, help the old man!

You mean Marlya was carrying that gun around since she was young? Who taught her to shoot?

Ver lost everything, tries to assassinate the king, but she doesn't pull the trigger. Blinded by revenge and lost all alone in this harsh world...

Knife Fight!

Jonathan has a cheap fairy. It just kamikazes itself, and Jonathan can summon it very quickly...

Free's fairy is bulletproof?

Did Free literally just give Patricia her suitcase back and then let her escape? Did he really just do that?

And the episode ends with Marlya, Free, and other members of the Dorothea group whose names were shown on the screen for a second sharing drinks in a bar. Well those other members won't seem to matter much in the future if they just introduce them like that. Well they did mention something about Dorothea being security of the upcoming war anniversary, so that might mean something.

More chasing around of the Black Fairy Tome! What is this, the Claire Bible?

May 7, 2019 12:54 PM

Feb 2019
Johatham sure was annoying I'm glad he died! It was interesting to see how Vers fairy killed him. I'm glad we're getting more flashbacks as this animes goes along
May 7, 2019 12:54 PM

Feb 2019
Johatham sure was annoying I'm glad he died! It was interesting to see how Vers fairy killed him. I'm glad we're getting more flashbacks as this animes goes along
May 7, 2019 4:32 PM

Dec 2016
Could someone help me because I don't know if I missed something or it wasn't show/explained why Veronica knew melody from Noel's flashback? and even voices sound suspiciously similar (but maybe it's only me).
Nieznajomy43May 7, 2019 4:35 PM
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
May 8, 2019 5:14 PM

Apr 2018
That enemy tho was kinda creepy. Slow pacing but more character development
May 9, 2019 6:20 PM

Sep 2018
Can someone explain to me why it's rated so low? 6.24 seems abnormally low. It seemed interesting which is why I put t on my PTW list.
May 9, 2019 9:24 PM
Jan 2019
That guy went to the school of Deidara. Art is an Explosion 😱
May 10, 2019 2:00 AM

Sep 2013
So, this episode basically concludes the introduction/welcoming of Marlya, but, uh, what actually happened? I feel as if the episode was just empty.

This really did feel like the earlier episodes again, in terms of quality. I really like Episode 4, so to see it dip in quality so soon afterwards is a shame.

I remain true to what I said last time - the pacing really needs to sort itself out. If anything, it should pick up again soon, but I suppose we'll see. You can never tell with this show.
May 10, 2019 6:35 AM
Jan 2019
Does Veronica's fairy kill people? What the hell are those black fluids coming out of the body?
May 10, 2019 4:29 PM

Jun 2013
For once, I actually liked this episode. The main reason were the flashbacks. I feel like it is more interesting than whatever mumbo jumbo is happening currently in their present time. I hope it improves. Just realized this episode is 24 episode. I thought it was only 12.
May 12, 2019 5:16 AM

Aug 2013
tbh this episode was kinda boring. Not like the others.

May 16, 2019 8:10 AM

Aug 2017
Pls, stop with the flashbacks lmao. It gets annoying after a while.

So, Veronica attempted to kill Lay Down....and Jonathan is dead.

The welcoming party was very boring lol.
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May 20, 2019 7:28 AM
Mar 2019
Honestly i don't Know if i like Fairy Gone or not anymore the episodes have been Kay overall i did like the beginning episodes it's been kay and always have to force my self to watch the new episode the opening is really good and Veronica badass entrance from episode 4 was really amazing but overall i don't know anymore..
Jun 8, 2019 4:13 PM

Dec 2016
Whoever made the decision of adding a little snapshot of a bigger flashback at the beginning of every episode is absolutely genius. I can even go as far as saying that's the best part of every episode. Maybe because there is no dominant horrible fairy involving fights. Those things do have a bad effect on the show. It would have been better off as a mystery crime show that focuses more on being realistic than mixing both reality and fantasy. Which did not end up good? And with the musical score that roamed in the background, it was phenomenal. I can't believe I'm saying this, but that was easily one of my favorite scenes from this year's Anime.
Jul 27, 2019 11:34 AM
Jul 2019
Half through this episode, I finally decided to drop this anime. If there was anything that kept me watching up until this point, it was the action sequences. Even then, we don't get a lot of them. And we we actually get them, they're lame. Marlya doesn't seem to be of any use, and for a protagonist she's an incredibly dull character. It's 2019, and Mary Sue is still a thing?

I know that this may sound quite harsh, but Fairy Gone is very disappointing. I started this show with hope that the it will be as good as the premise that they to bait us, but it turns out that it's poorly executed. This show could have been much better if they get rid of the redundant flashbacks and dialogues.
Jan 8, 2020 5:54 AM

Jul 2015
Jonathan sure was one heck of a psycho

Feb 13, 2021 8:45 PM
Oct 2019
what the heck happened with that suitcase? He gave it to her, then yelled at her to stop when she left with it? then she slid the suitcase back to him from the shadows? Huh? I'm missing something... different suitcase? did she make off with the tome? since when is one page/scroll a "tome"?

Idk, just confused about that

also confused about the creeper dude and his fairy. His fairy was able to keep regenerating? or were those multiple fairies? what was it expelling from its body? It looked like nuts and bolts or something, and it was flammable?

Marlya was kind of dumb in the church scene. "I'm not weak anymore" blah blah blah. I don't care about your "growth". then her telling ver not to kill the guy (both the creeper dude and the king dude). child, what is wrong with you?

I'm glad the episode was otherwise good. and I appreciated how the fairy soldier dude and his fairy essentially toyed with that chick and her fairy, and then just turned it on when they needed to

is this magical puppy thing going to play a role at all?
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