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Apr 14, 2019 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
I have to say, this show has some gorgeous backgrounds and landscapes.

Marlya and Free are still traveling while working together. Also, I have to admit that the creatures in this series is getting stranger and stranger. What's up with the giant eyeballs on that green creature? Lol.

Not bad for the action but Marlya needs improvement in her skills.
Apr 14, 2019 9:32 AM

Dec 2017
so how is this episode any different from the last one? two rivaling acquaintances or comrades meet and fight each other. dunno what the fuck happened, tbh. countless names and titles that i clearly don't care enough to remember. this shit is starting to remind me TG:RE in a way
Apr 14, 2019 9:38 AM

Apr 2016
The music during the fight scenes, it reminds me the youtube videos of those newbie youtubers, who are making informative walkthroughs about games and into the videos they blasting some random crap music so you cant even hear shit they saying.
SwagernatorApr 14, 2019 9:49 AM
Apr 14, 2019 10:01 AM

Dec 2014
The art and the fight scenes are decent I guess but the story is still all over the place. Not sure what to think of this still, don't know if I'll continue watching if it goes on like this.

Soundtrack seems decent though.
Apr 14, 2019 10:01 AM

Jul 2015
What's the end goal here? Are we just following them at random?
Apr 14, 2019 10:06 AM
Dec 2018
In2TheBlu said:
What's the end goal here? Are we just following them at random?
they have mission to get rid of illegal fairies..( artifical faries)
Apr 14, 2019 10:11 AM

Mar 2015
Come on.. it's not THAT bad, i think you guys are a little too harsh.
Apr 14, 2019 10:12 AM

Sep 2017
Okay so Marlya had a rough childhood all around and she's special because the fairy fused with her naturally while everyone else had a fancy operation. Sure.

So she joined the team and they go on their first mission to stop some illegal fairy trading thing cause only the good guy police are allowed to have fairy powers. It is cool how it seems that fairies aren't necessarily big fighty monsters. Karla's (or whatever it was) looked like it could only be used for recon and serge's was more like a body enhancement sniper thing. Maybe they can fight as well idk.

It's kinda funny how this episode basically did the exact same thing as the first with the other MC meeting a character from his past that -surprise, surprise- is a bad dude now.

Lots and lots of proper nouns dropping. Shows like this should really slap a map on their mid episode screen to help us remember what all these places are.
Apr 14, 2019 10:15 AM
Aug 2018
It's starting to get some hate anf I have to agree this anime is boring af but i'm sti going to watch another episode before dropping this.
Apr 14, 2019 10:16 AM

Dec 2018
Music was fine until the singing or horrible noise started,,,,,,

Two new girls was introduce awesome. Now they are four and something can wishfully happened and if that happens this show will be a hidden gem

Otherwise it don't have much ,its ok =P 7/10
Apr 14, 2019 10:24 AM

Mar 2014
Terrible music during this episode's fight. I wanted to give this show a chance becouse of WW I aesthetics but so far it's nothing special.
Apr 14, 2019 10:45 AM

Nov 2016
Okayish episode, it's kinda sad that such a good production is wasted on a lackluster story.

I usually love P.A. Works orginal projects, unless it's their supernatural action stuff like here or Sirius. Well, it can still get better.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 14, 2019 10:49 AM

Aug 2013
FragileGlass said:
It's starting to get some hate anf I have to agree this anime is boring af but i'm sti going to watch another episode before dropping this.

Fair criticism =/= hate

The episode was exactly the same as the previous one but with the other MC meeting his childhood friend.
"Doubting everything that you take on... That is very important. Open your own eyes, clear out your ears, and look and listen to the world... And think using your own brain. After you've doubted everything, there is a possibility of something real to believe in. To believe in something, doubt everything."

Apr 14, 2019 10:55 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Unlike most others, I enjoyed the music during the fighting scenes, I just love the OST. However, I have to agree that the music was way too loud, making it hard to understand what the characters were even saying.

I liked the first episode a lot. This one wasn't as good as the first one, but still okay to me. Lots of question marks above my head since I didn't know what was going on, but I'm hoping for some explanations in the coming episodes.

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Apr 14, 2019 11:28 AM

Jun 2015
If anything the addition of fairy soldiers made combat in this world much more chaotic. The contrast in fortunes between Marlya and Free though sure were striking. Marlya's skill with the rifle sure was impressive. If anything working with this agency will allow Marlya to meet her friend eventually. The insight into the kind of ops that Dorothea performs though sure was interesting. The fight between Wolfram and Free though sure was fun as was the fight against the artificial fairies. Free combat strength and his tactics were impressive. Still Wolfran though sure is one cold hearted person turning on his allies like that. Overall a strong ep that while introducing the character of Wolfran also did well to show the kind of missions that Dorothea performs as well not to mention the type of threats that they face.
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Apr 14, 2019 11:34 AM
Dec 2018
Haptism93 said:
Unlike most others, I enjoyed the music during the fighting scenes, I just love the OST. However, I have to agree that the music was way too loud, making it hard to understand what the characters were even saying.

I liked the first episode a lot. This one wasn't as good as the first one, but still okay to me. Lots of question marks above my head since I didn't know what was going on, but I'm hoping for some explanations in the coming episodes.
they want to get rid of illegal fairies ( artificial fairies) wolfran was behind of all illegal transactions
Apr 14, 2019 11:46 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Kyohe08 said:
Haptism93 said:
Unlike most others, I enjoyed the music during the fighting scenes, I just love the OST. However, I have to agree that the music was way too loud, making it hard to understand what the characters were even saying.

I liked the first episode a lot. This one wasn't as good as the first one, but still okay to me. Lots of question marks above my head since I didn't know what was going on, but I'm hoping for some explanations in the coming episodes.
they want to get rid of illegal fairies ( artificial fairies) wolfran was behind of all illegal transactions

Yes, I understood the part with the illegal fairies, but that was not what I was talking about. I meant lore information, more character backgrounds etc. They just threw stuff at us we don't know about yet. But since we're only 2 episodes in, I think (hope) there'll be more information in the future.
Haptism93Apr 14, 2019 11:56 AM

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Apr 14, 2019 11:46 AM

Feb 2015
The first 5 mins were a mess. It seems this show has some direction issues. I enjoyed the fight scene but the way the scenes were put together is clunky along with story telling.

Cant fault the animation but I didn'tcare about the music though. Second half was good but it should be alot better. Still think the fairy designs are ugly.
Apr 14, 2019 12:12 PM

Apr 2017
The art and the animations are okay, but this show is very tiresome. I have a feeling that I just wasted 23 minutes of my day for nothing.
Apr 14, 2019 12:12 PM
Jul 2018
The music is still a little mismatched for the show, I think that will be happening a few billion times in this show. The art and animation are favorable but this story. The format so far is ,, HERE HAVE A DOSE OF BACK STORY, some banter, NOW THE PAST COMES BACK FOR A FIGHT.... episode 2 and its already repeating itself and assaulting my senses with back story implants cause its to lazy to paint it over an extended period of time. This show in a nutshell,

"im bout to show you some shit, but I cant generate emotions yet, SO I NEED YOU TO FEEL THIS WAY, before I do the thing, can you manage, okay have a fight"

Its not very good, and its feeling like a chore. Ill hang in there another week, but if its more of the same, then I am going to have to be super flipping bored to dedicate my free time to watching this show.
Apr 14, 2019 12:26 PM
Dec 2018
Grizzziff said:
The music is still a little mismatched for the show, I think that will be happening a few billion times in this show. The art and animation are favorable but this story. The format so far is ,, HERE HAVE A DOSE OF BACK STORY, some banter, NOW THE PAST COMES BACK FOR A FIGHT.... episode 2 and its already repeating itself and assaulting my senses with back story implants cause its to lazy to paint it over an extended period of time. This show in a nutshell,

"im bout to show you some shit, but I cant generate emotions yet, SO I NEED YOU TO FEEL THIS WAY, before I do the thing, can you manage, okay have a fight"

Its not very good, and its feeling like a chore. Ill hang in there another week, but if its more of the same, then I am going to have to be super flipping bored to dedicate my free time to watching this show.
fitting on back story are not bad..
Apr 14, 2019 12:28 PM

Nov 2010
Direction or story boarding is abysmal (depending on what has more impact on what cuts get in).
We get super long shots of stuff that makes no sense and a lot of shots that have no connection at all.
The animators for the fight scenes needed some examples of real fights, because a lot of how the people in the show fight makes no sense.

I think this show good have been good, but so far it is more like a carcrash you can't really look away from.
It feels like there is no real through line, it is more like 'oh that would be good' 'ok, throw it in there' 'does it fit?' 'no matter just put it wherever is space.'
zwolf12Apr 14, 2019 12:32 PM
Apr 14, 2019 12:33 PM
Dec 2018
Haptism93 said:
Kyohe08 said:
they want to get rid of illegal fairies ( artificial fairies) wolfran was behind of all illegal transactions

Yes, I understood the part with the illegal fairies, but that was not what I was talking about. I meant lore information, more character backgrounds etc. They just threw stuff at us we don't know about yet. But since we're only 2 episodes in, I think (hope) there'll be more information in the future.
i dont care about lore information or characters background.. i watched for action fight scene
Apr 14, 2019 12:47 PM
Jul 2018
well this was more okay (and has less problem) than the last episode I have to admit that but still feels bit messy and whats more weird is that overall story was very little and too much action scenes.
It gives me vibe that this kind of story would fit for a action-rpg game rather than anime. Also shocked that this will be 2-cour show.. I don't see any potential here even if pa works last original show had 2-cour then it would have been less garbage and this show feels like stretching little story using action scenes here and there.

The music is mixed bag- the normal ost are freaking good but the vocals doesn't somehow match with the setting imo. Hopefully they don't overuse the vocal osts. It sure sounds cool but giving second thought it really feel awkward to watch.

I don't want to hate this but the story so far gave me little reason to be likable. Best move would be establishing the characters and setting and make it more interesting to watch.
Apr 14, 2019 1:22 PM

Mar 2014
Pacing for this show is a bit off and the backstory provided so far don't provide enough justification of why we should care. Ver and Wolfran now seem to be on the bad side but there's minimal explanation regarding their motive, especially Wolfran's. Fight scenes were cool but the music doesn't really match. Not a fan of the fairy designs but I'll take those in stride.
Apr 14, 2019 1:32 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
I always commend P.A Works for mainly focusing on anime-originals, even if I don't end up liking almost all of their project. But their last several projects have been underwhelming and this one might just be their worst one in years. Still, there's a lot more episodes left, so it can pick up. But I don't see much potential in this because the premise is so uninspired.
Apr 14, 2019 1:51 PM
The soundtrack is really great tbh. Wish anything else about this was above average, but alas it's a P.A. Works original. Not sure why I'm expecting much. At least it's way better than Irozuku so far.
Apr 14, 2019 2:23 PM

Sep 2011
We learned a bit more about Free's and Mariya's past. It seems she is a special case because her fairy possessed her instead of being transplanted. We were also introduced to two of Free's comrades: Serge and Clara.

Their fairies seem to be a bit different from the Persona-like ones who are good for close-range combat. But they are still cool, and they make a great duo. There was also Wolfran, the guy from Free's past who is now in a mafia or something. but different from Mariya who cares about Veronica, Free doesn't seem to care very much about this familiar face.
Apr 14, 2019 2:25 PM
Dec 2018
Idk why ppl are hating on this. The story is a little foggy but it will probably clear up in a bit. I also dont think they are presenting too much info to remember. Like you dont have to know places and dates that well as long as you get the basic idea, like wtf?
Apr 14, 2019 2:28 PM

May 2016
The ost gave me feelings similar to when I first watched AOT, with it being similar to tracks like DOA but like not as good, felt this episode was better overall than the first but was still pretty meh.
Apr 14, 2019 2:53 PM

May 2015
eh wasn't to bad, aside from the trucks with legs and wheels, why not just pick one? lol. Ill give it a few more episodes see if becomes a little less disjointed
Apr 14, 2019 2:59 PM

Feb 2011
Swagernator said:
The music during the fight scenes, it reminds me the youtube videos of those newbie youtubers, who are making informative walkthroughs about games and into the videos they blasting some random crap music so you cant even hear shit they saying.

Was thinking the exact same thing, like I'm all in for using insert songs but that shit blasted throughout half of the entire episode over some shitty CGI fighting scene... honestly if this does not get better next week I'm abandoning ship. I see nothing of value in this show.
Apr 14, 2019 3:07 PM
Jul 2018
This anime is terrible OMG the characters are Bland and the story sucks ass i can't understand anything stop showing fucking Battle scenes explain more
Apr 14, 2019 3:11 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Yeah, i don't give a shit about the characters or what's happening. Also, the directing and action is pretty shit.

Might as well drop it.
Apr 14, 2019 3:43 PM

Aug 2018
More or less liked it, don’t have a clue what’s going on.
Apr 14, 2019 3:46 PM

Aug 2018
Fayrin said:
We learned a bit more about Free's and Mariya's past. It seems she is a special case because her fairy possessed her instead of being transplanted. We were also introduced to two of Free's comrades: Serge and Clara.

Their fairies seem to be a bit different from the Persona-like ones who are good for close-range combat. But they are still cool, and they make a great duo. There was also Wolfran, the guy from Free's past who is now in a mafia or something. but different from Mariya who cares about Veronica, Free doesn't seem to care very much about this familiar face.
Thank you, that all makes more sense now. It’s a different way of story telling than we’re accustomed to.
Apr 14, 2019 4:23 PM

Mar 2019
it's funny to see the divergent opinions about soundtrack and other stuff, here

i'll still give it a chance

i'm with the ones who enjoy the background art, lol... it gives me a sense of eerie nostalgia, for some reason

i wish the fairy tulpas/symbiotes/personas/stands fostered the same feeling
my dark magical girl webseries
Apr 14, 2019 4:25 PM

Aug 2016
Even though I got interested by first episode, it felt shallow and kinda poorly executed, but this getting my interest more. Flashbacks from this (magicpunk?) fantasy war, secret agency, mafia organization with fairy specials, let's get to some plotting, I like this kind of stuff. And animation so far aint bad, CGI don't bite my ass, so far, so good. And I love (K)NoW_Name music.
Martin_TaylorApr 14, 2019 4:30 PM
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Apr 14, 2019 4:41 PM

Oct 2012
Seem like loud music and random action is all this show is ever gonna get. Not bad as the previous episode but still very average. And it bothers me a lot that they always target their minions instead of their master which would be a lot more logical. But here I'm talking about login again after the last episode, well...

The next episode would be probably the last I'll watch.
Apr 14, 2019 5:51 PM

Aug 2013
The story is still relatively ambiguous as we are only being given bits and pieces to keep us interested. The visuals and soundtrack are the shining points for me at least. Since we are getting 24 episodes, I'm hoping by episode 6 that stuff will start coming together.
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 14, 2019 6:24 PM
Apr 2018
this anime is really abusing J-rock music in its uninteresting action sequences
Apr 14, 2019 6:27 PM

Oct 2015
Wolfran is one ruthless character, but I think he has a good reason for it and I suspect it has to do with his dead family.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 14, 2019 7:38 PM

Jul 2014
This episode felt disconnected from the previous one and a bit rushed. They omitted everything that happened between the moment the dude asked her to join the government thing and when she started to do missions.

I mean, it is a 24 episodes anime, with that length most anime of similar episodes at least introduce you to the group she joined, its goals, if it has rules or whatever, and give you a detailed history about the things she had to do to be able to start to do missions; not just "here we are, now we go".

To be honest, after seeing the first episode I though it was going to be a 12 episodes anime because of how rushed it was and superficial was the presentation of previous relevant events and characters.
Apr 14, 2019 8:26 PM

Oct 2012
I'd like this so much more if the music wasn't so try-hard. I'm not 14 so please just make it go away.
Apr 14, 2019 8:52 PM

Feb 2016
Jesus, the directing is all over the place. I even felt lost half in the episode without knowing what was going on. The CG is still horrendous and I don't feel invested in any character despite them putting some random background at the beginning, I don't know what the staff at PA was thinking, but this is just terrible.

Dropped 4/10
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Apr 14, 2019 10:44 PM

May 2015
Eww...two origin stories told before the OP. One is unlucky and the other is lucky in the worst ways...

So unlike other Fairy Soldiers, Mariya is a natural who didn't need a transplant? How convenient...

Look! A four-legged truck!

Bolt-Action Rifles FTW!

So Klara spots while Serge shoots. The perfect sniping team.

The background art where Mariya and Free were riding on the motorcycle was great. The music isn't bad, but it doesn't seem to match with the current setting...

An episode to introduce Wolfran. I guess he and Veronica are on the same boat where they lost something and have their own reasons for going against Dorothea.

This episode was called "Wolf Collar and Swan Feathers." Next episode is "Greedy Fox and Lying Crow." Uhh...what exactly do the episode titles have to do with the episode itself? I can't really tell...
Apr 14, 2019 10:57 PM
Jan 2019
I must admit that I did not have many complaints about the CGI in this episode. Step unnoticed, pay more attention to the plot than to that. In itself, the plot is very good. I like it.

"Your partner from yesterday may be your enemy today." What a dilemma, first Marlya's childhood friend and now Wolfran's partner.
Apr 14, 2019 11:40 PM

Jun 2016
I liked it, it did what the first episode did, intruduced more of the main characters and show cased what missions for the organization could look like. Which in my book is what the first episodes should be about, further plot develing and world building should come in later episodes, escpecially since its scheuduled for 24 episodes, hence a lot of time to devleoped and expand on those subjects.

I think that so far the story is pretty easy to understand and can´t for my life understand the confussion that it seems to bring to people. And it SHOULD be a lot of questions so early in a 2-cour show, beacause the rest of the season is supposed to answer them. I never liked the kind of show that brought forth a question and answered it in the same episode or the next, that kind of thing makes it episodic and somewhat directed to people with a short attention span, which can completely ruin a flow a story.
Apr 15, 2019 12:27 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Swagernator said:
The music during the fight scenes, it reminds me the youtube videos of those newbie youtubers, who are making informative walkthroughs about games and into the videos they blasting some random crap music so you cant even hear shit they saying.

You described it so, so well, I laughed my ass off after reading this.
In general I despair at the use of music with a lot of vocals during action scenes. It's a massive distraction. I don't know why the producers think this is cool.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 15, 2019 1:56 AM

Mar 2009
I do not care about any of these characters.
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