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Jan 24, 2019 12:04 PM
This show still has chance to be the best of the season to many people's opinion and one of the best of the year but it needs to improve, it needs to improve really. Fappa said: AyumiVk said: What "unrealistic"? They could be doing a better job, but they arent. It was undoubtedly possible for them to be doing better with the adaptation so i dont know what the hell you are talking about. Also, can you stop? I dont really want to fill this thread with just this stupid argument. Quit getting your panties twisted and be this defensive, jesus christ. You have your right, so does @Ryuseishun but watching you go down a step on the staircase called "levelheaded argumentation" with each exchange is just aggravating to watch. For you it's a step down and you are ( quite clearly ) up in arms for this being the case in the first place. He acknowledges that but tries to tell you that the source of your dissatisfaction was pretty much written on the wall before even the first episode aired and that adjusting your expectations will help your enjoyment of the show which to no one's surprise is its very purpose. So quit the defensive turd flinging, shake hands and widen your horizons kiddos. I don't know why you have to offend him or even talk about panties, like really panties?. If he doesn't want to continue arguing it's his choice and everyone is entitled to their opinions, i praise the adaptation so far but if someone wants to criticize it then that someone has the right to do it(preferably not in a negative way but telling their honest opinion) the anime still has chance to be great but what has been animated so far could have been made better(even without needing to talk about the source material, did you noticed the shots from afar, their faces weren't even drawed) everyone can criticize a series no matter how well made or bad made it is. |
Jan 24, 2019 12:05 PM
Very tense episode, and great mind games from both side. Can't wait to see who is the spy between the kids :3 |
Jan 24, 2019 12:10 PM
Aymen_Maf said: Decent episode. Loving the direction of the show so far. But it's pretty stupid how they cut out the whole 2015 thing. Could someone please explain this without getting too spoilery? The calendar behind sister Crone (in her room) said 2045, was it the calendar the children have access to that said 2015? Also, is it just me or does anyone else also think that until a mom becomes a mom, she's used as a breeding cow, and that's why sister Crone has this creepy child doll? It would make sense for the demons to select the smartest women for this purpose so that their "smart" genes pass on, right? (not a manga reader) |
Jan 24, 2019 12:14 PM
QueenMargosha said: Aymen_Maf said: Decent episode. Loving the direction of the show so far. But it's pretty stupid how they cut out the whole 2015 thing. Could someone please explain this without getting too spoilery? The calendar behind sister Crone (in her room) said 2045, was it the calendar the children have access to that said 2015? The children in the farm can have access to a library. The most recent book in that library is published in 2015, thus they know nothing about the state of the world after that date and have no idea what happened between 2015 and 2045 (which is the current date of the show). |
Jan 24, 2019 12:16 PM
Aymen_Maf said: The children in the farm can have access to a library. The most recent book in that library is published in 2015, thus they know nothing about the state of the world after that date and have no idea what happened between 2015 and 2045 (which is the current date of the show). Thank you! That wasn't very clear from the episode. |
Jan 24, 2019 12:19 PM
Jan 24, 2019 12:19 PM
bobbyboiii said: So this is how it's going to be? Manga readers playing spot the difference and calling the anime trash? The anime is its own thing, with its own pacing and directorial decisions. They're obviously trying to stand apart from the manga. Just because something was "cut" from this episode, doesn't mean it's going to be left behind. Doubly so for all the "important plot points" that manga readers are crying about. Trying to judge the quality of this anime by how faithful it is to the pacing and style of its written counterpart is ludicrous. It would be more apt to judge it on it's own merits. What has been shown so far in the anime has been incredible. Is not a matter of "spotting the difference" Modifying the source can be good if its done right, like in case of David Production's take on JoJo Part 5 which is already superior to its source. Can't say the same about this adaptation tho, there are things that made the Manga great that they are skipping and that's a fact. Now, don't misunderstand us (or at least me), I didn't expect a 100% faithful adaptation, not with 12 episodes. I'm not calling it trash (yet, because it hasn't give me a reason to) It still does good with the setting, the atmosphere and the characters. I'm still a bit disappointed, but that doesn't mean I am not enjoying it or calling it trash either. It could've been worse. What I see here is people making quick assumptions thinking that @AyumiVK is calling it trash when he just pointed out his disappointment over the skipped material, hell, he even said "I could be enjoying this way more if I hadn't read the manga" which to me, means that he is, in fact, still enjoying it. |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Jan 24, 2019 12:28 PM
HereticHunter said: bobbyboiii said: So this is how it's going to be? Manga readers playing spot the difference and calling the anime trash? The anime is its own thing, with its own pacing and directorial decisions. They're obviously trying to stand apart from the manga. Just because something was "cut" from this episode, doesn't mean it's going to be left behind. Doubly so for all the "important plot points" that manga readers are crying about. Trying to judge the quality of this anime by how faithful it is to the pacing and style of its written counterpart is ludicrous. It would be more apt to judge it on it's own merits. What has been shown so far in the anime has been incredible. Is not a matter of "spotting the difference" Modifying the source can be good if its done right, like in case of David Production's take on JoJo Part 5 which is already superior to its source. Can't say the same about this adaptation tho, there are things that made the Manga great that they are skipping and that's a fact. Now, don't misunderstand us (or at least me), I didn't expect a 100% faithful adaptation, not with 12 episodes. I'm not calling it trash (yet, because it hasn't give me a reason to) It still does good with the setting, the atmosphere and the characters. I'm still a bit disappointed, but that doesn't mean I am not enjoying it or calling it trash either. It could've been worse. What I see here is people making quick assumptions thinking that @AyumiVK is calling it trash when he just pointed out his disappointment over the skipped material, hell, he even said "I could be enjoying this way more if I hadn't read the manga" which to me, means that he is, in fact, still enjoying it. And that's your opinion. I think the manga is better personally, but I can't find any logical reason to be upset that this adaptation (Please realize that this is an adaptation and not 1/1 manga to anime) is taking out a lot of the inner monologues. In my opinion the inner monologues would not transfer to the anime well at all, and are better served being half cut, and half restated as character dialogue like how the anime is doing it. |
(x෴x) |
Jan 24, 2019 12:33 PM
Since they adapted 10 chapters pretty much so far, I hope that having to adapt 27 chapters in 9 episodes will make the anime flow with a normal pace (3 chapters per episode), because while watching this episode I felt like there wasn't a moment to breath, to compute all the informations that were given (that's certainly a privilege of the manga). And since the first arc is a crescendo, I hope this will be the case. It's interesting to see all the directing creativity that's going on with this adaptation, like the camera going back and forth between the 3 main characters while they're talking in the library; it really enhances the unease feeling of the whole situation. On the contrary, there were quite many shots where people didn't have their faces drawn ... the budget for this episode was not high for sure. Si, fino alla fine della serie si rimane così per diffondere il verbo :D |
Jan 24, 2019 12:37 PM
making too much hint that Ray is a spy ? Oh he is , in fact spoiler were already around with fandom and wikipedia. |
Jan 24, 2019 12:37 PM
I liked this episode even though it felt a bit rushed. But the manga version is a lot better. |
Jan 24, 2019 12:50 PM
Krone must have a few screws missing inside her brain as her personality is one part amusing and the other part completely insane. The amount of close-ups of her face as she makes her many smiles was properly disturbing. She's not just a wacko, though. Her athletic ability while playing with the kids was very impressive and also scary. Thankfully, she too has her limits as she couldn't catch Norman and Ray before the time limit was reached. The trio have spent plenty of time in this episode trying to get a few steps closer to their plan of escaping the orphanage with all of the kids, but yet another problem has occurred, with the potential chance of a traitor amongst the kids. If I had to guess who could be the traitor, it might be the girl with the big glasses, going by her unease with being around Emma as she tried to find the tracking bugs on one of the other kids. Her other appearances after that scene gave her that uncomfortable expression on her face. Whether I'm right or wrong, I do hope that Emma, Norman and Ray finds out who the traitor is soon. Overall, this was another great episode. =) |
Jan 24, 2019 12:56 PM
Jan 24, 2019 1:05 PM
Better than the last episode for sure, but still rushed. I'm not liking the apparent number of things being skipped either, among scene changes. |
Jan 24, 2019 1:05 PM
So they continue to plan their escape and gather information. I thought it was pretty clever how they used tag to train the kids and figure out how skilled Sister Krone is, which she seems very skilled, but it was great to see Norman and Ray beat her. Sister Krone is pretty creepy. I guess you have to be at least somewhat insane to be okay with that kind of job, but man, her talking to that doll creeped me out. It's interesting that she's in it for herself and plans to overthrow Mom. I wonder if that will play a role in the kid's escape later on? The scene with Mom communicating with this "Grandma" was interesting. We learned more about the demons, and that there are at least three farms or "plants". I can't wait to see what else they figure out and how their plan comes together, and how they will take down Mom and Sister Krone before their escape. This anime really has me hooked. I noticed how some of the manga fans are disappointed at things that were skipped, so I'm glad I held off reading it to watch this instead. I'm not surprised though, they have to fit in what they can in the allotted episodes. But with nothing to compare it to, I feel like it's been a fantastic anime so far. The source material is almost always better anyway, right? So going into stuff like this with the proper expectations is important. Not every anime can be like Monster. |
praisethevillainJan 24, 2019 1:08 PM
Jan 24, 2019 1:07 PM
This new babysiter is very scary ^^; but mother Isabela I way more scarrier! Intense episode! o_o I have a good idea whose kid is the spy, but I'm not so sure... Can't wait to find out who's the traitor! |
[*]My Completed List [*]♪Listen ► [/list][/left] |
Jan 24, 2019 1:09 PM
The only concern i have is that there are just 12 episodes... Still a decent adaptation so far though. |
Jan 24, 2019 1:22 PM
PurpleGirl203 said: This new babysiter is very scary ^^; but mother Isabela I way more scarrier! Intense episode! o_o I have a good idea whose kid is the spy, but I'm not so sure... Can't wait to find out who's the traitor! Who do you think it is? :) |
Jan 24, 2019 1:23 PM
They did that glasses shit with that girl, it has to be her... I kinda hope that there's a second twist and it turns out it wasn't that glasses girl, otherwise it'd be some lacklustre dramatic irony going -they put way too much emphasis on her |
Jan 24, 2019 1:29 PM
Luffyskywa1ker said: AyumiVk said: So they skipped even more things, change others to go with the changes and.. we're already up to chapter 10? Almost 5 chapters in an episode.. dude, if i didnt read the manga i would be enjoying this way more but i just cant go back 2 years now. Inner monologues didnt show up so i guess its safe to assume there will be none until the end. Also why did they cut this :( They maybe considered it too much of a spoiler I haven't read the manga, but I'm guessing since I didn't draw that conclusion from watching the show they figure other people wouldn't but with you saying that now I know how they plan to move forward. They're tryna make it so you don't know anything until it happens. I think they'll end up using that quote maybe next episode I don't think they necessarily cut the scene out. They had the same idea with Ray and Norman at the sink. Just because it doesn't follow the manga word from word doesn't make it a bad adaptation and a negative thing |
Jan 24, 2019 1:31 PM
lots of people seem to have read the manga, and looks like there is a lot more inner monologues that is missing, but personally, its still very entertaining to watch even though I have not read the manga yet. also spoilers, but when regarding the traitor in the group of kids, its probably some random toddler that came in and not the girl with the glasses cuz that would be everyone's first guess |
Jan 24, 2019 1:34 PM
Dude, not a second goes by where I do not feel tensed and pressured. Sometimes certain plans should be discussed in closed places, and not anywhere that is wide open. I felt like they were being watched every time dang it. Anyways, things are just making me shake and quake with goosebumps every time dang it. |
Jan 24, 2019 1:39 PM
I feel like traitor is a misnomer at this point. It's not like the poor kid knows why they are doing this (my assumption, at least). |
Jan 24, 2019 1:43 PM
that new mama is creepy af, now I hope don't see her in my dreams tonight |
Jan 24, 2019 1:44 PM
Like other people have said 3 ch per ep at this rate puts everything on track to get this first season to its most likely conclusion. The escape occurs in chapter 36. |
Jan 24, 2019 1:54 PM
Sister Krone is creepy af, those faces XD That game of tag was really nice! Ray & Norman are badass, Emma always thinking of the smaller kids before herself. Really tense episode on some parts. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:03 PM
LiedElfen said: This series does rely a lot in inner monologue, that was one of the main strenghts of the story's first arc(the one been adapted), the pace has been good but it could perfectly fine be done way better because the skipped parts so far would have made it much better than it has been(also it is understandable that some things would be skipped because this will be only 12-13 episodes but it could be way way better). Emma is the most phisically gifted of them all, she is a much better athlete than anyone within her age range. Also later(if the anime gets a second season and even in this one) she will show her prowess. Well, for now, I'm pretty fine with the way they are telling the story without the inner monologues. I don't see the need. That may be because I haven't read the manga so I can't compare them. But for me so far, it doesn't create the feeling of "something is missing" that some anime adaptations do. I hope they manage to highlight Emma strengths in the next episodes! She creates a good contrast with the boys, but so far they have more protagonism. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:10 PM
Jan 24, 2019 2:15 PM
Pacing aside, are we not gonna talk about how derpy the animation was in this episode? |
Don't believe the hype. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:23 PM
DedPanda said: Pacing aside, are we not gonna talk about how derpy the animation was in this episode? It was, wasn't it? I wonder why. Maybe next episodes require more budget and also got that budget? At least, I hope that's it. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:28 PM
LiedElfen said: This show still has chance to be the best of the season to many people's opinion and one of the best of the year but it needs to improve, it needs to improve really. Fappa said: AyumiVk said: What "unrealistic"? They could be doing a better job, but they arent. It was undoubtedly possible for them to be doing better with the adaptation so i dont know what the hell you are talking about. Also, can you stop? I dont really want to fill this thread with just this stupid argument. Quit getting your panties twisted and be this defensive, jesus christ. You have your right, so does @Ryuseishun but watching you go down a step on the staircase called "levelheaded argumentation" with each exchange is just aggravating to watch. For you it's a step down and you are ( quite clearly ) up in arms for this being the case in the first place. He acknowledges that but tries to tell you that the source of your dissatisfaction was pretty much written on the wall before even the first episode aired and that adjusting your expectations will help your enjoyment of the show which to no one's surprise is its very purpose. So quit the defensive turd flinging, shake hands and widen your horizons kiddos. I don't know why you have to offend him or even talk about panties, like really panties?. If he doesn't want to continue arguing it's his choice and everyone is entitled to their opinions, i praise the adaptation so far but if someone wants to criticize it then that someone has the right to do it(preferably not in a negative way but telling their honest opinion) the anime still has chance to be great but what has been animated so far could have been made better(even without needing to talk about the source material, did you noticed the shots from afar, their faces weren't even drawed) everyone can criticize a series no matter how well made or bad made it is. Yeah Neverland fans who like the anime always seem to be rude for some reason, such vulgar choice or words there, should be reported to mods. It's like people can't accept a different opinion. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:32 PM
Awesome episode. I have read the manga, but the pace was fine, although they skipped a few things. Krone is a bit less creepy than the manga, but I enjoyed her presence here and her monologues with the doll. I felt like this episode was 10 minutes. Gotta wait for the next week's episode. Also, this episode was key-animated by only ONE person, of course it was not going to look as consistent as the previous episodes with the amount of animators there. |
No community will be as misunderstood as the furry community. Uh... I guess? |
Jan 24, 2019 2:32 PM
kiz-chan said: LiedElfen said: This series does rely a lot in inner monologue, that was one of the main strenghts of the story's first arc(the one been adapted), the pace has been good but it could perfectly fine be done way better because the skipped parts so far would have made it much better than it has been(also it is understandable that some things would be skipped because this will be only 12-13 episodes but it could be way way better). Emma is the most phisically gifted of them all, she is a much better athlete than anyone within her age range. Also later(if the anime gets a second season and even in this one) she will show her prowess. Well, for now, I'm pretty fine with the way they are telling the story without the inner monologues. I don't see the need. That may be because I haven't read the manga so I can't compare them. But for me so far, it doesn't create the feeling of "something is missing" that some anime adaptations do. I hope they manage to highlight Emma strengths in the next episodes! She creates a good contrast with the boys, but so far they have more protagonism. It doesn't create that "something is missing feeling" in an exagerated way but i think it's clear that some more thinking is needed because this is a minds game anime similar to a lesser degree to a show like death note. The bous have been more time together on screen but they haven't had more "protagonism" since the protagonist is Emma. I like the chemistry between Ray and Norman(they're like brothers) and i think they are more along because their intelligence surpasess any other kid's in the farm. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:37 PM
Anguiltred said: Awesome episode. I have read the manga, but the pace was fine, although they skipped a few things. Krone is a bit less creepy than the manga, but I enjoyed her presence here and her monologues with the doll. I felt like this episode was 10 minutes. Gotta wait for the next week's episode. Also, this episode was key-animated by only ONE person, of course it was not going to look as consistent as the previous episodes with the amount of animators there. It is indeed incredibly if ot truly was key-animated by one person, i'd go as far as to say that the animation couldn't be better this episode if it weren't animated by more than one person. I did noticed that the art and the animation were inconsistent this episode but then if it was one person that animated it, then it has it's merits. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:45 PM
Being a manga reader for this series, I can understand the complaints of other manga readers when it comes to the adaption of the source material, ore specifically with cutting out a good amount of inner monologues and slow burner scenarios. Yet I can also understand that when adapting manga to anime, you can't expect them to always be 'faithful'. A manga and it's anime adaptation are best taken as separate series, not one in the same. That is why there will be anime only people, so they can latch onto the show as it's more suited to their preferences of sound, movement, and voice acting. For me, even though I was disappointed at first, I came to decide it was for the best. If they left a lot of the inner monologues and exposition in that they previously cut out, then the show would get a whole new load of complaints for having too much exposition. Even the slow burners arcss aren't the most necessary when driving the main plot. Reading and watching or listening to multiple sentences of exposition in a row are two completely different things, especially when the latter goes on for longer and is limited by time and episodes. So far I think the show is turning out to be something special, so if it somehow goes to garbage down the line I know I'll be left disappointingly shocked. Though I do half agree with the point made by some that what's ruining the show is it's episode count being only 12 episodes and not 24, therefore lack of time limiting how much can be adapted. But I believe that this show isn't worse than the manga, because it's way too soon to make such assumptions. This is still only episode 3. And my thoughts on episode 3, it was much more eventful than episode two with more unique directing given to the exposition scenes in comparison to the previous episode where it felt flat. Also just having Krone makes this episode leagues superior. |
Jan 24, 2019 2:54 PM
I'm glad I haven't read the manga because otherwise I would have been disappointed like everybody else that reads the manga here. As an anime only watcher I find this anime enjoyable so far, sure the manga probably has more details and is better but the anime isn't doing that bad either, with only 12 episodes they have no choice but to skip/remove stuff so they can get to the point a lot quicker. Could have they done it better? yes they could but this is not a train wreck either. I just wished I didn't clicked on the spoilers tag about the spy among the children's in a previous post, I accidentally clicked it and now I know who the spy is. Crap, being spoiled sucks. |
xZabuzaxJan 24, 2019 3:01 PM
Jan 24, 2019 3:00 PM
Jan 24, 2019 3:08 PM
bobbyboiii said: HereticHunter said: bobbyboiii said: So this is how it's going to be? Manga readers playing spot the difference and calling the anime trash? The anime is its own thing, with its own pacing and directorial decisions. They're obviously trying to stand apart from the manga. Just because something was "cut" from this episode, doesn't mean it's going to be left behind. Doubly so for all the "important plot points" that manga readers are crying about. Trying to judge the quality of this anime by how faithful it is to the pacing and style of its written counterpart is ludicrous. It would be more apt to judge it on it's own merits. What has been shown so far in the anime has been incredible. Is not a matter of "spotting the difference" Modifying the source can be good if its done right, like in case of David Production's take on JoJo Part 5 which is already superior to its source. Can't say the same about this adaptation tho, there are things that made the Manga great that they are skipping and that's a fact. Now, don't misunderstand us (or at least me), I didn't expect a 100% faithful adaptation, not with 12 episodes. I'm not calling it trash (yet, because it hasn't give me a reason to) It still does good with the setting, the atmosphere and the characters. I'm still a bit disappointed, but that doesn't mean I am not enjoying it or calling it trash either. It could've been worse. What I see here is people making quick assumptions thinking that @AyumiVK is calling it trash when he just pointed out his disappointment over the skipped material, hell, he even said "I could be enjoying this way more if I hadn't read the manga" which to me, means that he is, in fact, still enjoying it. And that's your opinion. I think the manga is better personally, but I can't find any logical reason to be upset that this adaptation (Please realize that this is an adaptation and not 1/1 manga to anime) is taking out a lot of the inner monologues. In my opinion the inner monologues would not transfer to the anime well at all, and are better served being half cut, and half restated as character dialogue like how the anime is doing it. Well to me, the inner monologues added an extra value to what was shown in the Manga, and some of them carried emotional weight for the reader. But as you said above its an opinion, I respect yours, so I expect you to do the same to the negative feedback. |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Jan 24, 2019 3:11 PM
Seems like they turned it down from the manga. Shame.. its not like we are watching this for the great character design. I hope this will get more serious soon |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Jan 24, 2019 3:17 PM
Really shame to see how they are adapting this, going for the shock factor way instead of more step by step mindgame approach like the manga (and yes, it's possible without rushing stuff). Lacks the tension, pity since first arc is the only decent thing about the manga. |
Jan 24, 2019 3:32 PM
I'm a manga reader, and I don't mind the changes, as they have to squeeze like 38 chapters into 12 episodes, and monologues don't often work as well in televisions as opposed to manga/LN. One-for-one adaptations are almost impossible, and they would've been able to get more in with just ONE extra episode, but for the moment, it's good to get their bearings and test the waters with the anime. |
Jan 24, 2019 3:35 PM
HazelHasNuts said: Luffyskywa1ker said: AyumiVk said: So they skipped even more things, change others to go with the changes and.. we're already up to chapter 10? Almost 5 chapters in an episode.. dude, if i didnt read the manga i would be enjoying this way more but i just cant go back 2 years now. Inner monologues didnt show up so i guess its safe to assume there will be none until the end. Also why did they cut this :( They maybe considered it too much of a spoiler I haven't read the manga, but I'm guessing since I didn't draw that conclusion from watching the show they figure other people wouldn't but with you saying that now I know how they plan to move forward. They're tryna make it so you don't know anything until it happens. I think they'll end up using that quote maybe next episode I don't think they necessarily cut the scene out. They had the same idea with Ray and Norman at the sink. Just because it doesn't follow the manga word from word doesn't make it a bad adaptation and a negative thing At the sink Ray was the one who proposed it, and Norman was rather dumbfound at the idea. So, if anything, they did not have the same idea. I would be rather surprised if Norman is the one who nonchalantly goes with it. |
Re:formed |
Jan 24, 2019 3:42 PM
PumpkinSpicePie said: Being a manga reader for this series, I can understand the complaints of other manga readers when it comes to the adaption of the source material, ore specifically with cutting out a good amount of inner monologues and slow burner scenarios. Yet I can also understand that when adapting manga to anime, you can't expect them to always be 'faithful'. A manga and it's anime adaptation are best taken as separate series, not one in the same. That is why there will be anime only people, so they can latch onto the show as it's more suited to their preferences of sound, movement, and voice acting. For me, even though I was disappointed at first, I came to decide it was for the best. If they left a lot of the inner monologues and exposition in that they previously cut out, then the show would get a whole new load of complaints for having too much exposition. Even the slow burners arcss aren't the most necessary when driving the main plot. Reading and watching or listening to multiple sentences of exposition in a row are two completely different things, especially when the latter goes on for longer and is limited by time and episodes. So far I think the show is turning out to be something special, so if it somehow goes to garbage down the line I know I'll be left disappointingly shocked. Though I do half agree with the point made by some that what's ruining the show is it's episode count being only 12 episodes and not 24, therefore lack of time limiting how much can be adapted. But I believe that this show isn't worse than the manga, because it's way too soon to make such assumptions. This is still only episode 3. And my thoughts on episode 3, it was much more eventful than episode two with more unique directing given to the exposition scenes in comparison to the previous episode where it felt flat. Also just having Krone makes this episode leagues superior. I do think that this show is worse than the manga, in most cases the source it's better than the adaptation and this case is no different, it is basically impossible for this show to be better than the manga just because of the parts skipped and also because the manga isn't just good, it is truly one of the best manga out there currently ongoing. |
Jan 24, 2019 3:44 PM
Am I the only one who likes Emma, I mean she's much closer to a basic shonen protagonist, but that doesn't immediately make her annoying. I mean Ray is still ma boi, but Emma's a good character too. She's fun, and easier to relate to or root for than the other two. I'd say she's just as good of a character as Ray or Norman. I also like having a shonen protag. who happens to be female and isn't simply there for fanservice sake, which is a small perk, but a welcome one. |
Jan 24, 2019 3:47 PM
Frostbytes said: Really shame to see how they are adapting this, going for the shock factor way instead of more step by step mindgame approach like the manga (and yes, it's possible without rushing stuff). Lacks the tension, pity since first arc is the only decent thing about the manga. That's your opinion, the first arc is basically masterpiece material and the rest of the manga is at least good. Goldy pond was an incredible arc and the last chapter released yet(119) was really emotional, the manga is truly an amazing read. |
Jan 24, 2019 4:11 PM
That jumpscare was really poorly made lmao *dubstep fart* |
Jan 24, 2019 4:33 PM
LiedElfen said: PumpkinSpicePie said: Being a manga reader for this series, I can understand the complaints of other manga readers when it comes to the adaption of the source material, ore specifically with cutting out a good amount of inner monologues and slow burner scenarios. Yet I can also understand that when adapting manga to anime, you can't expect them to always be 'faithful'. A manga and it's anime adaptation are best taken as separate series, not one in the same. That is why there will be anime only people, so they can latch onto the show as it's more suited to their preferences of sound, movement, and voice acting. For me, even though I was disappointed at first, I came to decide it was for the best. If they left a lot of the inner monologues and exposition in that they previously cut out, then the show would get a whole new load of complaints for having too much exposition. Even the slow burners arcss aren't the most necessary when driving the main plot. Reading and watching or listening to multiple sentences of exposition in a row are two completely different things, especially when the latter goes on for longer and is limited by time and episodes. So far I think the show is turning out to be something special, so if it somehow goes to garbage down the line I know I'll be left disappointingly shocked. Though I do half agree with the point made by some that what's ruining the show is it's episode count being only 12 episodes and not 24, therefore lack of time limiting how much can be adapted. But I believe that this show isn't worse than the manga, because it's way too soon to make such assumptions. This is still only episode 3. And my thoughts on episode 3, it was much more eventful than episode two with more unique directing given to the exposition scenes in comparison to the previous episode where it felt flat. Also just having Krone makes this episode leagues superior. I do think that this show is worse than the manga, in most cases the source it's better than the adaptation and this case is no different, it is basically impossible for this show to be better than the manga just because of the parts skipped and also because the manga isn't just good, it is truly one of the best manga out there currently ongoing. I'm not saying that the anime is better, and I'm definitely not saying if it were to be better it would be because of the cuts and parts skipped. I'm saying that the manga and anime should be viewed as their own things, as manga and anime are overall different mediums and will come with their own ups and downs. Though I wouldn't consider the manga a masterpiece or 'one of the best', I do agree with you when it comes to it's quality and effect on the manga landscape. I just believe that making such a general statement about how most times anime adaptations are inferior to their sources neglects the point of an adaptation to begin with. Adaptations are meant to be their own things, if it isn't for their own individual characteristics differed from the manga there isn't a point for their to be an adaptation in the first place unless it would be something like action. From what I'm getting from your statement, you just want a cut and copy with a new coating, and if so don't complain and just stick with the old coating. I don't mean to sound rude or objectively accurate, but to me personally your statement is coming off a bit closed minded. |
Jan 24, 2019 4:36 PM
Good episode. Although they did cut out quite a bit of stuff. Wasn’t a fan of the Krone doll stuff. She’s wasnt that psychotic in the manga. And why are the characters not having inner monologues? I mean, Krone didn’t say her plan OUT LOUD in the manga, she had it in an inner monologue. |
Bowman145Jan 24, 2019 6:52 PM
Jan 24, 2019 4:37 PM
AyumiVk said: So they skipped even more things, change others to go with the changes and.. we're already up to chapter 10? Almost 5 chapters in an episode.. dude, if i didnt read the manga i would be enjoying this way more but i just cant go back 2 years now. Inner monologues didnt show up so i guess its safe to assume there will be none until the end. Also why did they cut this :( I see a lot of people complaining that the show is different than the manga. From the perspective of someone who has not seen the manga but really likes the anime I think that this is a great show so far in its own right. It does not feel rushed to me at all, infact, The pacing feels slow to me, but in good way as things are still very interesting. I had no idea that they were skipping anything at all until I read this post. But I'm glad I saw the comment Norman made in the manga. Ray eluded to killing them in the anime with the comment to Norman: "As soon as we escape, the monsters will come after us. There's only one way to stop that. Mom and Sister have to be..." Then he waves his fork in the sink. So they didn't just completely remove the idea of killing the adults from the anime. It's just more nuanced. |
Jan 24, 2019 5:13 PM
Very intriguing episode, this! Krone's got the scary expressions and Isabelle's mind games are really suspenseful. Emma, Ray and Norman are still barely keeping up and that's commendable! Really enjoying the discussions of the three, it gives us, the viewers, a sense of reality and mystery into the story. Awesome to see the three teaching the other three survival tips too, it's really going to save them big time during the climax I'm sure. Norman and Ray then going on to beat Sister Krone was bloody cool, Emma really provided some good challenge though. Moving on, looks like they three have come to the conclusion that there is a traitor among them, and clearly that's gravely affected Emma already as we saw during the final few moments before the ED kicked in. Meanwhile, we got a lot more interesting info! First up, it seems as though Sister Krone was a part of the children in a certain farm I imagine. Isabelle mentioned something about perfect scores so surely Krone was among the finest of her farm and judging by how she was beaten later on is quite amazing! Isabelle then had a short discussion with a certain "Grandma", could be something like the leader of the humankind under the influence of the monsters. Also, she mentioned something about Farm 3 so there's obviously more of these human-cultivating farms out there for the monsters outside. 'Him', I wonder who that is too. Mystery is thickening by the episode and I'm loving it! Hopefully, it keeps this up for the remainder of the Season! Pacing seems just a little fast to me, an anime-only watcher, but I really hope they stop skimming through the manga especially if they make the journey only more intense as the manga readers above claim. |
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