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High School DxD (light novel)
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Apr 17, 2018 2:15 PM

Jul 2015
That was a cool fight between two awesome guys, they need to face again ASAP. Loving both plot and plot as usual.

Apr 17, 2018 2:23 PM

Dec 2017
I thought the new art style would be very hard to get used to (and while I still am getting used to it a bit) I've adapted to it, and I can say this first episode was pretty alright.
Apr 17, 2018 2:41 PM
Feb 2018
RzN23 said:
just asking for thoese who read the LN . the op is showing more of rias and issei . We will something like that in this season ?
The focus of volume's 9 and 10 is totally for Rias, Issei and their relashionship, be happy :D
Apr 17, 2018 3:00 PM

Sep 2014
Akeno seems even lewder now with new animation, what a great start wew.
Tfw no Koneko to heal you.
Issei oggling Venelana was lol

Sairaorg seems like a really cool guy, crazy strong too.
Akeno during the intermission ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Now that you's pretty weird that he rarely calls Rias by her name and he sleeps with her naked..

The ending was perfect, dat Xenovia booty and all those oppai!!
Apr 17, 2018 3:07 PM

Aug 2013
I never was an Akeno fan, but at least I found her to be sexy previously. With this new art style she no longer have that adult older sister charm, the same goes for Rias. Other characters look passable but still prefer the old looks. Whether this new art style look closer to the LN illustrations doesn't matter one bit. If the characters don't look as charming as before, than it is bad.

The fight's animation was decent, at least. Sairaorg seems like a cool opponent for Issei.
Apr 17, 2018 3:57 PM

Jan 2018
This is it!!

"Green how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches."
Apr 17, 2018 4:01 PM

Aug 2012
Heh I love how after taking all those punches, Issei was dropped to his knees from the shame of having his power said out loud. Usually he owns it wholeheartedly, I guess you could say his embarrassment kinda reflects the respect he has for Sairaorg.
Apr 17, 2018 4:39 PM

May 2015
Whew, great to see this back. I honestly love the new artstyle.

For a first episode, it was pretty good. Looking forward to what this new season will bring.

Apr 17, 2018 4:47 PM

Jan 2008
Episode felt kinda rushed. Like many jumps in-between to fit alot of stuff in one episode. Did the Ep 0 took away a episode?

Also the nipple looking way off (beside all the meh character change).
Apr 17, 2018 4:57 PM
Jan 2016
The character animation is much more fluid and dynamic and interesting to watch.

Literally loved the battle choreography its a good choice the author decide to depart his show from the studio and somebody take helm of the project as the previous studio wouldn't be like this. Heck this is only ep 1 so quite excited to what to come.

I'm fine with everyone's design just don't like Rias that much compared to her old design that was great. However again just getting use to it most likely.
Apr 17, 2018 5:13 PM
May 2016
I'm truly glad the author decided to kick TNK to the curb after the abomination that was BorN. The change in animation can olny be blamed on the old studio. If they hadn't fucked over Ishibumi and the story they would still have the job.
Apr 17, 2018 5:25 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Great episode. I loved every second of seeing Issei and the gang back. The light bout that Issei had looked way better than all the fights from Born as well imo. Lol'd so hard at Akeno and others trying to get a piece of Issei before he goes on his school trip to Kyoto.

Feels awesome to have this series back and im totally looking forward to the next episode.
Apr 17, 2018 5:26 PM

Apr 2008
nerfx said:
Akeno seems even lewder now with new animation, what a great start wew.
Tfw no Koneko to heal you.
Issei oggling Venelana was lol

Sairaorg seems like a really cool guy, crazy strong too.
Akeno during the intermission ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Now that you's pretty weird that he rarely calls Rias by her name and he sleeps with her naked..

The ending was perfect, dat Xenovia booty and all those oppai!!

Rarely calls Rias by name? Try never. Only in the dub does he call her rias which is a stupid decision on the dubbing team
Apr 17, 2018 6:30 PM

Jan 2011

take it back was cool with the new art but fully on board with the new studio change now glad i'm back to liking DXD ,but it's been ages since we don't get a ton of battle ecchi's now a days i forget how lewd they can get lol the girls look so good and the fights look great for this shows standards

gonna just pretend born doesn't exist now on
katsu044Apr 17, 2018 6:33 PM
Apr 17, 2018 6:36 PM
Nov 2011
Now THIS is the DxD I know and love! The change in animation is still taking getting used to, but I absolutely love it. Makes it feel so much more like the light novels. After the terrible pacing of BorN, nice to see such beautiful pacing as well. Absolutely no complaints (Still salty about BorN messing up the timeline), and can't wait for more :)
Apr 17, 2018 6:41 PM

Oct 2012
And yet again he sleeping with his clothes on now wonder he can get any where
Apr 17, 2018 6:55 PM

Apr 2016
I found the animation was a lot better than in episode zero.
Don't know why episode zero was half ass compared to ep 1.
Apr 17, 2018 7:00 PM

Apr 2008
TheOddFox said:
I found the animation was a lot better than in episode zero.
Don't know why episode zero was half ass compared to ep 1.

Because it was a retcon episode meant only to put thing back on track so the next two arcs can happen as they should
Apr 17, 2018 7:20 PM
Mar 2016
TheOddFox said:
I found the animation was a lot better than in episode zero.
Don't know why episode zero was half ass compared to ep 1.

i didnt consider eps 0 was half-ass (for me eps 0 is Overwrite Story from Previous Studio)
if me as production staff, eps 0 something like test product before release
wait and see what audience response
positive and negative response will be accommodate and try to fix it
NdanHMApr 17, 2018 7:28 PM
Apr 17, 2018 7:34 PM

Jan 2016
Aww isn't Rias lovely? :3

A very good starting episode! The sparring with Sairaorg was excellent and he is one admirable rival. Even after hearing Issei's secret of his strength (which is indeed embarrassing), he still respects him and so does our Harem King xD That Rating Game is going to be epic!

Now... What kind of adversities will our Harem King have to face in that school trip? :P
Apr 17, 2018 8:08 PM
Nov 2015
Wow, this episode gives me faith that Passione will give a quality DxD season. The fight with Sairaorg was fluid and had a much better feel than any prior fight in the season, and just the overall dialogue is better paced as well, I found it pretty jarring in previous seasons.

Really looking forward to some of the big fights later this season.
Apr 17, 2018 8:32 PM
Sep 2016
Its was okay, I like it,and yeah they changed their character design but at least is fun to watch. I really miss the design of akeno and Rias, although the design of the Rias 's brother is very cute ..... oh shit.
Maybe what disappoints me the most is the ecchi that they have put back again.
Apr 17, 2018 8:46 PM

Apr 2008
matiasotaku said:
Its was okay, I like it,and yeah they changed their character design but at least is fun to watch. I really miss the design of akeno and Rias, although the design of the Rias 's brother is very cute ..... oh shit.
Maybe what disappoints me the most is the ecchi that they have put back again.

Ecchi was always there. It was BorN that fucked things up in that regard
Apr 17, 2018 9:09 PM
Sep 2016
Darklight0303 said:
matiasotaku said:
Its was okay, I like it,and yeah they changed their character design but at least is fun to watch. I really miss the design of akeno and Rias, although the design of the Rias 's brother is very cute ..... oh shit.
Maybe what disappoints me the most is the ecchi that they have put back again.

Ecchi was always there. It was BorN that fucked things up in that regard
Darklight0303 said:
matiasotaku said:
Its was okay, I like it,and yeah they changed their character design but at least is fun to watch. I really miss the design of akeno and Rias, although the design of the Rias 's brother is very cute ..... oh shit.
Maybe what disappoints me the most is the ecchi that they have put back again.

Ecchi was always there. It was BorN that fucked things up in that regard

Yeah I know and it doesn't bother me, hopefully this season will close the romantic relationship, it could be more serious if they were real partners (no only perverts), I still don't expect so much just that it 's could be fun to watch.
Apr 17, 2018 9:40 PM
Sep 2015
Can we expect a dubbed trailer before may 1st? Want to know if voice cast is the same as previous seasons.
Apr 17, 2018 10:00 PM

Dec 2012
ROFL! This is mentioned BorN special episode 3. I laughed way too hard when I saw this.

Now THIS is DxD. 5/5

Paul said:

Feels like they're toning down the nips though.

100% agree. Score lowered to 4.9/5
NainApr 17, 2018 10:42 PM
Apr 17, 2018 10:17 PM

Aug 2013
The best ecchi/harem series in recent anime history returns with a PROPER adaptation
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 17, 2018 10:27 PM

Aug 2013
I swear I thought I was watching something from Pink Pineapple at first lol

nothing too fancy in this ep I guess, the fight too, not really an epic fight but yeah, still passable as fight scene I guess. in all, this one is a pretty peacful first ep, I still enjoyed it tho..

And god that Akeno at the start, ngggghhh, I can't, I just can't. Koneko might be cute, but Akeno is on different level...

glorious ED animation... finally something on par with the S1 ED ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Apr 17, 2018 11:00 PM

Aug 2013
tbh, I already forgot what's last season plot/about xd
well it's not like I'm here for the story to begin with..
Apr 18, 2018 12:41 AM

Apr 2016
Hamudanu said:
TheOddFox said:
I found the animation was a lot better than in episode zero.
Don't know why episode zero was half ass compared to ep 1.

i didnt consider eps 0 was half-ass (for me eps 0 is Overwrite Story from Previous Studio)
if me as production staff, eps 0 something like test product before release
wait and see what audience response
positive and negative response will be accommodate and try to fix it

Ahh okay, seems quite reasonable then.
Apr 18, 2018 1:24 AM
Apr 2018
UndisputedEra said:
Weirdly this is the only ecchi show that I really like lol. The sparring scene was pretty cool this episode, can't wait to see them fight again.

Damn Rias cockblocking all the scenes
you forgot about shokugeki no souma is also ecchi anime
Apr 18, 2018 1:26 AM
Mar 2014
As someone who was really disliking the new art style from seeing it in previews and ep 0, i must say that this episode completely changed my opinion on it. Besides the strange long faces girls have in some scenes, i could dare say i might actually prefer this art style more then the old one. All the girls look so much softer and their assets seem to be more....lively and pronounced. And that ED was FREAKING AMAZING from a fanservice point of view.
AmaterasunyanApr 18, 2018 1:44 AM
Apr 18, 2018 1:50 AM

May 2016
I'm actually getting used with the new style but still miss the old one, no can do let's stop complaining, the fight was pretty good tbh, let's hope we can get a good season.
Apr 18, 2018 2:23 AM
Feb 2018
Im still adapting to the new art style and try to get used to new appearances. Im complaining only for Rias, the rest is okay i guess.
Rias's vibe is changed, she doesn't have the "senpai look" as before and the "pride look" less apparent
Apr 18, 2018 2:49 AM

Oct 2008
More OPPAI! shame the one that I watched is fron [hs] subs, better rewatch it from [SubDESU] subs but the only censored part of ep 1 is a very short scene on bed...

Apr 18, 2018 3:45 AM

Jan 2008
matias067 said:
More OPPAI! shame the one that I watched is fron [hs] subs, better rewatch it from [SubDESU] subs but the only censored part of ep 1 is a very short scene on bed...

Just watch a remux version. Aka HS subs from a uncen video source. Someone is doing that. SubDESU subs are beyond awful.
Apr 18, 2018 3:53 AM
Nov 2016
It seems like they've toned down the nudity a bit.

The new animation style has sort of grown on me. It'll be fun to watch.
Apr 18, 2018 4:33 AM

Sep 2014
Darklight0303 said:

Rarely calls Rias by name? Try never. Only in the dub does he call her rias which is a stupid decision on the dubbing team

Never saw the dub but you're prolly right, he mostly calls her "Buchou", though I think I might have heard "Rias Buchou" a few times, but yea never "Rias".
Apr 18, 2018 5:15 AM

Dec 2013
I’m actually starting to like the new art style more and more.

Sairaorg is such an awesome character so far! I really hope that he doesn’t suddenly become evil.
Apr 18, 2018 5:18 AM

Apr 2008
G_Spark233 said:
I’m actually starting to like the new art style more and more.

Sairaorg is such an awesome character so far! I really hope that he doesn’t suddenly become evil.

You don't need to worry about that. The man is a god
Apr 18, 2018 8:15 AM

Sep 2009
if we are supposed to forget the last few episode of Born, then how do they explain how Rossweisse joined them? was that the only thing that was canon in the last series ending?
Apr 18, 2018 8:19 AM

Apr 2008
komic said:
if we are supposed to forget the last few episode of Born, then how do they explain how Rossweisse joined them? was that the only thing that was canon in the last series ending?

Rosseweisse joined them after the fight with Loki when Odin abandoned her
Apr 18, 2018 8:26 AM

Sep 2009
Darklight0303 said:
komic said:
if we are supposed to forget the last few episode of Born, then how do they explain how Rossweisse joined them? was that the only thing that was canon in the last series ending?

Rosseweisse joined them after the fight with Loki when Odin abandoned her

no. the Born she became a teacher in their school. She didn't join the family until the last episode of Born.
Apr 18, 2018 8:30 AM

Apr 2018
Awesome first episode! I enjoyed the fight between Issei and Sairaorg. Also at the end of the episode where Rias kisses Issei. Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode, especially on the school trip!
Apr 18, 2018 8:41 AM

Apr 2008
komic said:
Darklight0303 said:

Rosseweisse joined them after the fight with Loki when Odin abandoned her

no. the Born she became a teacher in their school. She didn't join the family until the last episode of Born.

I was talking about the novel >_>
Apr 18, 2018 10:03 AM

Apr 2013
This art is starting to grow on me. But i still need to see more oppai to be sure. It's kinda funny that Rias is making such a deal about Ise fucking off for 2 days to Kyoto, when last season, he was gone for what, weeks, while he was training with Tannin, and she didn't even seem to care that he was gone.
Apr 18, 2018 10:57 AM

Feb 2018
Has anyone else noticed the massive growth in Rias' Mother bust?

Apr 18, 2018 11:35 AM

Oct 2011
After the 0 episode and this one I don't care about the art drop in the new season. I'm too busy enjoying my favorite characters from the novel coming to life - Sairaorg FTW!

ahan55 said:

You made my day :D

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
KuniiNov 26, 2020 5:04 PM

Apr 18, 2018 12:30 PM

Oct 2015
That fight between Issei and Sairaorg was pretty great. I seriously forgot how great this series was since its been 3-4 years since the last season. Hope it continues to be great.

Apr 18, 2018 1:39 PM
May 2017
I have yet to understand why people like Issei. Yeah he's better than most bitch boy harem protagonists, but he still acts like a bitch every time women surround him. This constant artificial tension has never been more annoying after this long. He has no cause to resist their advances yet he does anyway. For someone who 'takes delight in this situation,' he should be going all out at any opportunity.

"But it's not a hentai!!"

Then don't fucking write him into situations like that then?
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