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Girls' Last Tour
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Nov 11, 2017 12:27 AM

Mar 2013
What a good Episode... "Hopeless is Hopeless" could be a sentence to live-by.

I think my heart skipped a beat when the plane broke midair, but glad Ishii is okay in the End. Though I kind of still worried for her when She parachuted to the lowest level of the City, hope she's okay after landing...
Also the potatoes looks delicious, even though It's ration foods but It's still look good for me...
Nov 11, 2017 12:34 AM

Oct 2008
The OST of this show feels really heavenly depressing!
They found another person (Ishii) who helped them fixed their Kettenkrad!
And the two also helped her finish her plane!
I was really shocked and convinced myself that she would be already a goners but hopefully Yuuri told Chi-chan that she was prepared and has a parachute! but damn! She's back from zero lowest level...
LOL at Yuuri always singing "hopeless"...that's bad omen and could really happened to them or is already happening to them!?!?

Nov 11, 2017 2:46 AM
Oct 2017
Another beautiful episode. While I wasn't surprised at the plane failing, I was still horrified at watching it disassemble in midair. The timing of not immediately showing us as viewers that Isshu was okay was also well done. I'm enjoying the episodes becoming more and more self contained, almost like parables, rather than being part of some grander narrative.

I can tell this is a show that I will come back to.
Nov 11, 2017 4:21 AM

Jan 2017
Each week i love it more and more.

This was a wonderfully built episode. As much as i was expecting the plain to fall i felt sad and worried nonetheless. The girls were amazing on this one, and i ADORE how so far they have only encountered nice people with really nice stories behind them.

Ishii was a very good step in their journey.

SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Nov 11, 2017 5:31 AM

Aug 2013
I really enjoyed everything about this episode. 5/5.

Nov 11, 2017 7:21 AM

Mar 2016
I almost had a heart attack, what a great episode
Nov 11, 2017 7:54 AM

Dec 2014
I liked this episode...that song on hopelessness was hilarious
Nov 11, 2017 8:26 AM

Apr 2017
When the plane broke... my heart fell in my chest... glad she survived but damn... that was just heart wrenching... Loving this anime more with each episode. But I still can't put it into words as to why exactly.
Nov 11, 2017 8:42 AM

Jul 2015
"She did it!" the plane breaks

Goddamnit Yuuri.
Nov 11, 2017 11:57 AM

Jan 2014
My heart sank when the plane fell apart. I'm glad she was okay :O

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 11, 2017 5:20 PM

Oct 2013
I had a feeling the plane would fail, but when it did break up I thought for a moment they would show Ishii perish in the crash, but she had the foresight to have a parachute. Good episode. Of course no one wonders what will become of Ishii in the lowest level.
Nov 11, 2017 11:36 PM
Feb 2015
Yuuri didn't go potatoX2!!
Literally unwatchable.
Nov 12, 2017 4:51 AM
Jul 2018
this woman completely lost her will to live lol
Nov 12, 2017 6:45 AM
Apr 2014
As an aircraft maintenance student, I knew from the get-go that the plane was gonna crash but I thought "have some hope for them!" in the end I was right. Yuuri's song about hopelessness was like foreshadowing but not. I like how the show presents problems like mental illness (depression?) and the ways the girls cope up with it and just lighten it up in some way.

This show is helping me understand how to deal with those problems in my head.
Nov 12, 2017 1:29 PM

Aug 2012

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard.
Nov 12, 2017 5:40 PM

Feb 2013
Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless.

I was really surprised when the wings came off. Was not expecting such disaster in this anime.

Wow... just how many levels to that city are there...
Nov 12, 2017 8:39 PM

Jul 2015
Ooohhh my heart, got so worried when I saw that plane fall. Also, this is pretty nice apocalypse to live in, they've met two people on their journey now and nobody's actively tried to kill them yet.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Nov 12, 2017 11:27 PM
Apr 2008
After the last episode this one was like a cold shower. Really depressing, but in a special way - like when you're trying so hard to smile even though your mind understands that this is all completely fucked up.

It is quite relatable - at some point in our lives, we all work so hard on something, only to see how it falls apart later on. Of course, often it's not something as dramatic as your life, literally. It could be a girl you fall in love with but couldn't bring her to feel the same, or it could be a big project you worked on but was beaten by a competitor. There are plenty of situations like these, where the only thing we can do after we failed completely is to find a peace with this overwhelming feeling of hopelessness.

Surprisingly, this time it was not Chito, but Yuuri who understood the whole situation perfectly.

The episode was utterly beautiful in direction, art and sound, just like previous ones. I love this show.
DracusNov 12, 2017 11:31 PM
Nov 13, 2017 9:20 AM

Oct 2016
I'm so glad Ishii didn't die. I was so shocked to see the plane break. Hang in there Ishii.
Nov 13, 2017 9:38 AM

Apr 2015
Futari awasete- pmsl. The most subtle humour the most amusing ones.

Are you a friend of despair?
Nov 14, 2017 12:12 AM
Mar 2017
♪ ♪ ♪ Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless. ♪ ♪ ♪

It is more sad because I do not leave my 4 walls and ceiling for more than 3 years, and the places I want to go are: bed, bathroom, computer, the past

The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Nov 16, 2017 1:55 AM

Jul 2009
I am glad the woman didn't die! I was a bit worried when the plane started to break.
Nov 16, 2017 8:42 AM

Sep 2016
OMG.... my heart really stoped for a while when the plane fall down...... thank God everything is ok with Ishii...
Nov 17, 2017 6:28 AM

Dec 2009
The plane crashing was obvious from a mile away, but i wasn't sure if Ishii would make it or not, i'm glad she survived, but i wonder how it would have affected the girls, specially Chi, if she died.

I guess this was Icarus' legend but with a happy and optimistic ending.
Nov 17, 2017 7:21 AM

Mar 2016
this show is so underrated and no one is watching it wth it's seriously the best
Nov 18, 2017 8:32 PM

Jan 2013
Amazing she had a parachute, I thought she was fully prepared to die at the end of the plane ride. I didn't expect the break apart.
Nov 18, 2017 8:35 PM

Sep 2017
Zetsubō~♪ Zetsubō~♪
I like this song.
Nov 19, 2017 12:10 AM

Feb 2015
Deep shit from simple moments done well again.

I knew Ishii's gonna survive after the crash even it left me a little heart attack during that.
Nov 19, 2017 6:41 AM
Dec 2012
I knew something was going to go wrong but still got startled when the plane fell.
Yuuri : "And together we're..."
´ ▽ `
Nov 19, 2017 2:03 PM

Feb 2008
My heart skipped a beat as Ishii's plane fell apart. Thankfully, the ever-present hopelessness did not evolve into a full-blown despair.
Nov 19, 2017 7:17 PM

Dec 2016
The world of this show is definitely interesting, especially the city in that we know nothing about it, but I hope at some point they reveal at least a little information about it.
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 22, 2017 11:05 AM

May 2010
Ishii was fantastic, love her. Gahh I love this anime. When the aeroplane fell, my heart dropped too God. Thank God she had a parachute. Gotta miss her.
Nov 23, 2017 6:20 AM

Aug 2012
I anticipated that her plane will crash somewhere along the way (and so it did) but I was surprised that Ishii survived that crash (I thought that she will die as well).

That zetsubou song was amusing though, I thought it was a bad omen for the plane crash or something.

My Youtube page: link
Nov 24, 2017 10:19 AM

Dec 2012
Damn, I really didn't think the plane would break. I was like 'meh its a SoL, they've gone through a lot building it and there's no way she'd die'.

Then it broke down. I was in shock but then she didn't die so meh.

This episode got me interested in the series again.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Nov 24, 2017 8:29 PM

Jan 2011
I was sorta expecting an Icarus-esque ending, but still surprised me when it just suddenly fell apart like that.
Nov 29, 2017 12:31 PM
Jul 2017
Really liked that episode. The messege was coveyed amazingly well. I wish i could find that background music from when they were building the plane, it was absolutely glorious. 10/10 episode, honestly.(if anyone knows the name of that song, please help, i want it)
Dec 2, 2017 9:00 AM

Apr 2016
the girls found a enigmatic woman that want fly...finally she can´t do it!!!
Dec 18, 2017 5:41 PM

Dec 2016
Anyone got the soundtrack? I absolutely love the music in this episode but i cant find it anywhere
Dec 19, 2017 7:04 AM

Apr 2015
"It's so peaceful." "It's hopeless." The cutting back and forth between Yuuri and Chito's dialogue really shows the difference in their world perspectives.

Another person...Chito left Yuuri hanging when they were trying to make their introduction. "And together we're..." Chito was just like "nope, not doing that."

"Once it's done, I'm going to get in it...and escape this city." Yeah, that'd be the smart thing to do if you're capable of building an airplane. I wonder if Ishii has family she might think are alive on the higher levels.

Chito is understandably a little wary of people in general, while Yuuri thinks that all people are good/want to help others...considering the past war that'd led to their current devastation, I think Chito's perspective is smarter.

"Hopeless, hopeless..." That's an interesting subject for a tune to sing to yourself, Yuuri. I'm not even sure if she understands the meaning of the world. She's seemingly never felt that way before.

Yuuri was very excited over that grey potato.

"She did it!" Oh. Oh,, she didn't. It's a good thing she had a parachute, though I would've given the show props if they just had Ishii die right in front of Chito and Yuuri. Things have been a bit too light so far.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Dec 27, 2017 1:16 PM

May 2012
Damn, what an amazing episode, yet that ending was just bittersweet! Zetsuboushita!
Dec 27, 2017 10:39 PM

Nov 2010
delta5 said:
This episode
zunderdog24 said:
Chito:"This is Yuuri, I'm Chito.
Yuuri:"And together, we're-"

They both ignore Yuuri and continue talking..... Ahhh, Yuuri truly is wonderful.

SO hilarious! Loved that moment. :-)

Haha, that was the best. :)
Jan 10, 2018 6:17 PM

Mar 2012
The plane actually broke apart lmao.
Feb 15, 2018 12:23 PM

Nov 2007
The episode was about to redeem hopelessness yet it was hit by hopelessness at the very end. Absolutely fantastic. But at the end, no one gives up and moves on for a new adventure, a new destination, or star anew. The will for people to live on is captured outstandingly in this episode. Loved how Yuu embraced hopefulness. How idiotically positive she is but I cannot dislike her!

When Chi was saying Ishii could be the last pilot of the human history, it really hit me. And I knew it will go wrong because of the closeup of the airplane. :/

This anime is brilliant. Upped my rating to a 9/10 midway the series! Simply breathtaking!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Feb 18, 2018 5:05 PM

Sep 2011
I thought about how sick it would be if the plane broke, and then it did :/ I'm happy she survived, but on the other hand I would have also accepted if she died in front of the girls, to show just how hopeless (zetsubou~) the whole world is now.

zunderdog24 said:
Chito:"This is Yuuri, I'm Chito.
Yuuri:"And together, we're-"

They both ignore Yuuri and continue talking..... Ahhh, Yuuri truly is wonderful.

Easily the best part of the episode :D
Feb 19, 2018 9:17 AM

Nov 2011
Also this time the episode was gloomy and melancholic, in which the narration gripped the viewer with that sense of unavoidable and almost resignation, which always puts me so much anxiety on him. When Ishii leaves with the plane, I felt like crying because the three girls were left behind, and I enjoyed it so much when she took it so philosophically, her mistake with the plane, which was really fun. The reflections made by the peronaggi really deep. That light still lit in the container, seems to mean that there is still hope in the future.
Mar 1, 2018 10:09 PM

Mar 2015
Aww that sense of hope was so short-lived..

But wait, just in an earlier episode, the concept of music was unknown to the girls yet Yuuri was able to sing a made-up zetsubou song?
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 1, 2018 11:09 PM

Jan 2016
I liked this episode a lot more than the last one. That one was too aimless and didn't really teach us much about the world.

The other humans they meet are so interesting and charismatic! I guess it was hopeless for an amateur to build a functioning airplane after all. Glad to see Ishii was still very pleased with the experience.

It's true, sometimes it does feel great to fail after giving it your all. At least you know you tried, and don't have to live with the painful feeling of regret from not knowing.
mintkatApr 1, 2018 11:55 PM
May 6, 2018 8:40 PM

Jan 2018
The metal bars protruding from the ground looks like a bunch of swords from some shonen anime. Haha

Good thing Ishii is still alive. I'd be really upset if she died. I had chills when Ishii took off. It was a beautiful sight and feeling.

May 23, 2018 4:25 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Worst was avoided, I nearly got a shock there... glad she was safe.
Been a longtime since I last saw the series, glad to be back, and with an episode that really put me in the mood for more, and definitly liking it alot more now.

Kinda make me wish someone can get the hell out of this dammed city and explore the world around, I mean I would prefer if this city wasnt the whole setting for the whole series.
Jun 18, 2019 3:40 PM
Mar 2018
That plane scene almost gave me a heart attack omg! Thank goodness shes safe though. I wonder if she'll be able to make it back.
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