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Sep 24, 2017 1:49 PM

Nov 2014
This was such a weird anime. It had amazing production values and a well realized premise, but the way the story was told and the episodic nature made it extremely hard to decipher which direction the story was going. Almost half of the episodes were more or less character introductions. Luckily the last three episodes had a LOT of momentum and really delivered some much needed payoff. Overall 7,5/10 for me, and I hope we are getting continuation soon.
Sep 24, 2017 1:56 PM

Mar 2013
ewww what the fuck was with that ongoing manga/LN tier ending

they dropped what they'd been doing the whole season to try and actually do something at the end... only to do nothing and go back to what they'd been doing the whole time.

I'd have been fine with either one, but not whatever the fuck that ending was.
Sep 24, 2017 1:58 PM

Jun 2015
fst said:
ewww what the fuck was with that ongoing manga/LN tier ending

they dropped what they'd been doing the whole season to try and actually do something at the end... only to do nothing and go back to what they'd been doing the whole time.

I'd have been fine with either one, but not whatever the fuck that ending was.

Ah yes the best world to descriebe is LN tier ending, very lazy and filler like, and ultimately feels one wasted time.
The ending made the show even worse than it was, though it was to be expected quite few predicted last week and my bet was on that too.
Sep 24, 2017 2:21 PM

Jan 2011
An original that was a really great show. Steam punk made it an easy pick up but this had a lot going for it. Story was weaved pretty well.
Sep 24, 2017 2:21 PM

Jul 2016
I loved this series --- it was definitely a hidden gem, IMO. I almost overlooked this series, but I am glad I gave it a chance!

I am expecting a season 2! You can't just end it like this... The person behind the murder of Dorothy's dad is still around! S2 plot certainly would involve that much! The revenge of the fake high school girl!

Sep 24, 2017 2:24 PM

Aug 2013
Yet another good series that got deal a shitty ending. I'm really hoping for a second season at some point this wrecked my rating for the show. Overall the series is a strong 7 but that ending was a 6.
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 24, 2017 2:28 PM

Apr 2009
As many people have already said, a great show but a meh ending.

The ending seems rushed and hamfisted. It seems as if the makers are teasing a possible second season, which may or may not come. Boohoo. Bleh.

Such a waste of an ending, if you ask me. Still a great show overall that I enjoyed thoroughly.
To be or not to be... that is not the question. ;3
Sep 24, 2017 2:34 PM

Jun 2017
A white house in Casablanca.

white house in spanish = casa blanca

A white house in whitehouse.

Sep 24, 2017 2:43 PM

Dec 2014
I'm satisfied with the ending, honestly since they went with an episodic format, that didn't even follow a precise timeline, I wasn't expecting them to solve the whole wall business. Maybe if it had 24 episodes; but with just 12 and most of them focusing on building characters it wasn't going to happen. This was a moe steampuk spy show, and I got my fill with all three categories. Also that princess carrying with a snowy London in the background was just sweet <3 Solid 8/10

Sep 24, 2017 3:04 PM
Jul 2017
Great show and I do wish it was 24 eps. Hope we get a 2nd season. Will give it a 9 since left open ended. Also if your gonna put cute girls on a beach don't do turn of the century swimsuits at least on Dorothy.
Sep 24, 2017 3:24 PM

Dec 2014
Better than Joker Game? I guess, idk I didn't like either of them all that much. This whole last episode was pretty terrible but that aside all the other ones were passable I guess. Meh is how this show made me feel.

Sep 24, 2017 3:24 PM

Jul 2013
the ending was alright. not bad, but i hate the cliche where every piece of storytelling "has" to end with something overly sentimental and feel-good for some reason... it very rarely actually fits the narrative and often cheapens it, i feel. two completely different examples but, both this and when i recently went to see girl's trip in the cinema (the one where the group of black women go for a party weekend) had the same problem of a sappy ending that felt really forced.

both in the final scene and the escape scene there was just too much cheesy dialogue for my liking. we already KNOW how they feel about each other; to spell it out like that makes me feel as if i'm being spoon-fed or something, idk. i wish the ending was a bit more subtle or something i guess.

ANYWAY, negativity aside, i'm absolutely HYPED for a second season!!! i know it's unknown if we'll get one, but honestly i'm feeling pretty optimistic about it... the studio left a lot of loose ends that clearly were left for a second season to explore, so they seem ready for it. thankfully it seems to be selling pretty well domestically too so those two things combined gives us a pretty good chance i think!

overall my score for pripri is an 8/10. just 'cause i feel there's quite a few things they could've done better narratively speaking, but the character designs & personalities, music, general aesthetic of the backdrop/setting was fuckin' BOMB. almost makes me wish i lived in that era even though we know how shitty the living and working conditions were haha that's how you know they did a good job with the atmosphere of the show
Sep 24, 2017 3:29 PM
Mar 2017
to wait for season 2
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Sep 24, 2017 3:39 PM

Dec 2016
Yes, the team was reunited, and they did a great job.

They managed to foil Zelda's plans and escape the Duke of Normandy for now.

As for what the Duke had at the end, I wonder if those are some kind of documents that has info on the switch that was made between Ange & Charlotte, either way I bet it's something really important that he can use to his advantage.

I really hope there is an S2 sometime, this was my favourite show this season.
Sep 24, 2017 4:13 PM

May 2015
I wonder if we'll get another season. Finale felt a little bit rushed and it still feels kinda open. Wouldn't mind another season, since I pretty much enjoyed it. Definitely one of the better shows this season.


Sep 24, 2017 5:55 PM

Nov 2011
Everyone is boasting about this ending...I dunno, I mean it was a good episode but it ended with them all happy on a beach with a shit load of things unresolved. Like why was that dude not in office anymore? Zelda has a gravity ball? My dude found this white hat which means something as well. Too many open questions in my opinion to be considered a "Great Ending" If they would have had everything followed by "See you in Season 2" I would have been hyped. Now Im just...meh.

This part had me crying though. They thought they had those idiot guards and when they didn't it was basically "FUCK IT!!!!!" lol
SoraSenpaiSep 24, 2017 6:01 PM
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Sep 24, 2017 6:02 PM

May 2015

Tarotist said:

Also, knowing how anime likes to go about with disappearing characters, I'm pretty sure that Dorothy is still alive and around somewhere. Since Zelda and the guards don't know that the Princess (aka Ange), is still alive on the airship, I'm going to guess that Ange and Dorothy along with Chise will reunite somehow and try to help Charlotte.


How many windows were broken in this episode? And they even pulled off a Ghost in the Shell on the very last episode as it did in the first episode. Hehehe. Nice one 3hz.

Well it was a pretty good ride. The ending was rather rushed, but it looks like it was to set up for a second season. It can definitely still do more. And given that this is an original anime with an ending that can lead to a sequel as well as the good DVD pre-order sales, I think we'll be getting ourselves a 2nd season in the future. The final scene with Zelda also having a Cavorite ball is definitely a teaser for another season, and Zelda will be one of the major antagonists. Spies vs. Spies in Steampunk London. Good stuff.
TarotistSep 24, 2017 7:29 PM
Sep 24, 2017 6:16 PM
Aug 2014
Wot. The two studios have yet to announce any Fall line ups, so I guess 2nd season isn't too far fetched.
Sep 24, 2017 6:57 PM
Apr 2017
ending feels different .. because do not know why L is absent and replaced by the military .. and the case has not been revealed all because each episode different case only 3 episodes sequentially .. will there be season 2? :3
Sep 24, 2017 7:54 PM

Nov 2010
Great anime, loved it from the start to finish.
I just hope and pray for the second season. it seems necessary.

Sep 24, 2017 7:59 PM

Jan 2013
Yes, this was the best ending possible! A "happy ending".
I really enjoyed this anime more than i thought, the OP & ED were really good. The idea and how they made it, really impressive. I doubt that there will be a 2nd season but if this anime succeeds i think there could be at least some OVAs.
8/10, will miss the spy girls.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Sep 24, 2017 8:05 PM

Apr 2011
I hope there's more to it. That's not a real ending.
Sep 24, 2017 8:30 PM

Aug 2016

The scene of pure beauty we all waited to see.

So pleasant to see that the gang got back together in the final episode, especially after the tense state in which we were left after Episode 11. Yngwie's death was telegraphed but nonetheless unfortunate to see, as you can tell that was a man who had a genuine interest in his country. "Ange" and "Charlotte's" ultimate reunion was extremely heartfelt and touching, one fitting for two girls with such history. The lack of the opening was a bit sacrilegious for me, but they made up for it (slightly) by playing the theme alongside the credits.

In the greater context of things, I'm comforted by the fact that not only was it a fairly conclusive (though somewhat premature) ending but there's also a foundation established for a second season. Naturally, that doesn't mean there'll be one, and considering the timeline of BD releases it would be quite unlikely, but a spy can dream. It did feel all too inviting to see the importance laid upon the scenes of Zelda's escape and the Duke of Normandy's "letter", but perhaps it's all for a "just in case" scenario where they have the money and interest to continue. Still can't help but be a bit miffed that we were teased with the case ordering only to result in having a single season's worth of episodes.

At any rate, Princess Principal was one of the best series of Summer 2017 and certainly one of my favorites for the whole year. We can only hope that the anime gods (or rather profit gods) will bestow upon us the blessing of a second season, because between the amazing characters, gorgeous aesthetic, and phenomenal soundtrack, this is a title I will be thinking back upon for many months to come (that is, until my next re-watch).

For the time being, I'll continue to have "The Other Side of the Wall" nestled comfortably on my playlist to keep the spirit of the show alive.
ValenthyneSep 24, 2017 8:45 PM
Sep 24, 2017 9:37 PM

Jul 2017
I personally quite disliked the ending. It was somewhat rushed and was by no means satisfying.

The fact that Ange has lost all her cool and the fact that they are a spy team, that does not even know what each other is up to, made it mildly annoying.
Suddenly, someone slaps you with a brick wall.

Sep 24, 2017 10:07 PM

Sep 2016
interesting this could have ended in all sorts of different scenarios i overall enjoyed the way they handled it was a nice touch and you know what? that ed im betting itll be a season 2 within the near future we have many unanswered questions, where did the spies commander go,(maybe imprisoned?), where is that dumb slut Zelda and i bet some others but my mind in wraps right now lol really nice anime 8/10 Chiseee babyyy
Facta Non Verba
Sep 24, 2017 10:33 PM
Aug 2017
I feel like there has to be a second season. It just felt to short and unfinished I guess we will have to wait and see.
Sep 24, 2017 10:41 PM
Feb 2010
Swim_Swim said:
What a waste of my time, as expected everything went happy without any problem at all, K-ON with lolies dressed as spies, oh well its my fault sticking with this horrible show despite knowing that plot wouldnt happen. Looking back this whole experience lacked any kind of enjoyment.


Considering K-ON is a classic, finding its place in the anime t100 list of all time and basically creating a genre on its own, not to mention amazing visual story telling... I don't really see a problem with anything being K-ON-esque.

Also, great review, keep doing it... spouting unargumented bullshit.

I'd recommend a rewatch to people like you. With your brain turned on and eyes open, because you obviously miss all the good parts about the show, or are just a cringy kiddo.
Sep 24, 2017 10:49 PM
Jul 2013
So it was the government's plan to smoke out Zelda and her gang. Brilliant. I wonder what organization does Zelda belong to. She wants the Kingdom and Commonwealth to go to war with each other so maybe she's foreign?
Princess calls Ange her "turtledove" sobs my OTP.
Things are looking good for the BD. We might have a 2nd season and I do hope we get one.
Sep 24, 2017 11:04 PM

Mar 2009
I need more. I want the Princess to be a successful Queen. That open ending gave us a hint for a second season, maybe a special chapter. It was a great adventure and I'm going to miss these girls.
Sep 24, 2017 11:22 PM

Jan 2017
I was looking out in the end there to see if the Princess' leg was okay and they didn't show it. I'm probably just overthinking things I
Anyway the anime as a whole was very good and I'm looking forward to a season two.
Sep 24, 2017 11:31 PM

Apr 2014
I wanted to drop this anime so bad since the very beginning but I loved the steampunk setting and Dorothy's chest demeanor so I kept on watching and got hooked midway, just in time for the show to start plummeting in writing and art quality. It was tagged as an original anime so I was hoping it would have a conclusive ending and that's all the show really needed to be decent, but we didn't even get that. Overall it was a fun ride which ultimately just led to disappointment that really needs a second season. It's not bad enough to say avoid it, but without a second season it just feels empty and like a waste of a decent story and characters. And they tried cramming in too much towards the end and the whole anime just felt overly ambitious.

Sep 24, 2017 11:58 PM

Dec 2013
Seriously didn't feel like a proper ending for this series.
It felt like there were too many issues unanswered, and not in the "go read the manga if you want to know more" way.

The conflict resolution regarding dealing with the assassination attempt was way too simplistic, as was the fact that Zelda just seemed to give up on the entire planned assassination once she lost the fight with Chise. If it were such a big deal, then wouldn't there have been backups and plan Bs to ensure that your plan succeeded, regardless of who got in the way?

In any case, it seems the girls managed to get out of the country for a while (though how they managed to smuggle the Princess to Casablanca without anyone knowing is beyond me right now). Overall it was a decent show to watch. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
Sep 25, 2017 12:56 AM

Jul 2007
Season two when?

This was way too much of a non-ending to be an ending. The whole episode literally felt like sequel bait. There's literally nothing resolved.

Hopefully with BDs selling decently that actually happens.
Sep 25, 2017 2:09 AM
Jul 2018
I shouldn't expect good ending from original series. Even so, i still like this anime and hope S2.
Sep 25, 2017 3:54 AM

Aug 2008
This is great! But at the same time a sad. One thing, they did not rush the ending and get something half-assed released, just for the sake of getting some sort of ending, which is great! Sad thing, they left it at a sort of cliff-hanger, in that the story is not yet finished.
The main antagonists are still there, and the main objective from Princess of tearing down the wall is still there as well.

There's just so much left unfinished, argh! There's a lot of material still yet to be explored as well! Dang it.

But yeah, putting aside the possibility of a continuation in the future, I gotta say this anime turned out really well. It just kept getting better and better from the first episode.
My initial fear that it'd end up being a moeblob slice of life anime about just another quartet of high-school girls having a fun at school was unfounded. It had meat and depth.
The characters were badass and interesting in various ways, and the intrigue and action was there. Really, from the animation, to the characters, story, the action, the music and originality, it was all very well executed. Loved it!

It'd be really nice if it got a continuation! It's just heresy to leave things like this lol
Sep 25, 2017 4:41 AM

Oct 2016
A bit of an open ending but hopefully we get a 2nd season.

Overall a good series. I liked the art style and animation was good. OST was amazing.

Sep 25, 2017 5:05 AM

Mar 2013
I feel like this series could be better with 2-cours instead... But well still, the Ending is well-done enough. Thought It'll be a bad-ending, cuz' this anime have so many unexpected turns imo...

Maybe 2nd season? There's something that should be explained more and this series feel like not finished yet, like how Zelda happened to have the C-Ball or why It shows case #24 in the 12th Episode? It seems necessary for a 2nd season imo...
Sep 25, 2017 5:32 AM
Sep 2017
“Believe or not I-“ does this mean Ange is in a romantic relationship with Princess?

Also throw back to ep 4: case 9 when they said they wanted to find a russian boyfriend for princess and her reaction tho.

Also wonder what Ange means when she said “I don’t know” at the end. foreshadow of team member death?(or ange trying to save one of em but cant)
Sep 25, 2017 6:00 AM

Jun 2007
This show ended up far better than it had any right to be given it's premise (cute girls who are spies and one of them is a princess!). Pleasant surprise of the season. 7/10
Sep 25, 2017 7:58 AM

Jun 2017
Perfect finale to an intriguing, highly captivating and such an extraordinary show! Seriously, Princess Principal sounded like a over-the-moon moe series before the Summer season begun but since the first episode, I have been hooked up to this mysterious and thrilling vibe of this show instantly and have enjoyed it immensely to say the least and can comfortably and wholeheartedly regard this show as the anime of the season and potentially the anime of the year. All those 'messy' cases appearing every now and then were, in my opinion, just for each character backgrounds and involvements and the final three episodes were the real climax of the season and with that I would appreciate if people could just stop slamming this show for a lack of proper buildup of a proper storyline.

Honestly, I was expecting a touching ending with the death of the Princess(fake, real Ange) though and hence was a little disconsolate coming into this episode but boy was I in for a surprise? Personally, I thought this ending was undoubtedly the best ending at this point(halfway point). Sure, I understand why many people would disagree with me on this but really I appreciate this ending and hence found it to be the best possible ending for the first half of the show, if not more. While watching the episode though, seeing Zelda shoot the Princess's(fake) leg and the Major, I thought it was going to happen one way or another but probably towards the end of the episode but thankfully not. Pretty sure one of the two girls will eventually die in the end however for the sake of the other but who knows.

Best moment of the episode goes, hands down, to the classy reunion of the gang back in Casablanca followed by Chise's return entrance and her short fight with Zelda. Glad that we could also see the badass Dorothy's driving skills and in creating a little bit of light comedy and realization within Ange. Once again, however, the question lies as to what Beatrice did? Lol, just kidding. Despite her lame and 'useless' contributions, I still fairly liked her as a character and I don't even know why myself. I wonder what their part was though other than causing mayhem of course. Nonetheless, it makes me just as curious as to what the opposition side is up to as well and who Zelda really is in particular. There better a Second Second though, judging by the openness of the ending and ounces of potential still lying with the story.

Storytelling/Plot Development: 8/10
Art/Animation: 9/10(and 9.5 for the last episode in particular)
Sound Department: 8.5/10
Characters: 8.5/10
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10

Overall, an easy and resolute 9/10 to this mesmerizing show and a solid 5/5 to this glorious finale episode! I was very tempted to give this show a straightforward 10/10 but due to the little messy chronological order and eventually not turning out to be a two cour season and because of the openness of the ending, a firm and strong 9 is all I can give. Can't wait for Season 2 to air and that little special or whatever it is to clear things up and for more Princess Principal really. I hope the rating of this show here increases though, just like for Tsuki ga Kirei last season...
_MushiRock11_Sep 25, 2017 8:10 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 25, 2017 8:01 AM

Jun 2017
FireCrauter said:
to wait for season 2

Lol, that was perfect! 😂
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 25, 2017 8:12 AM

Jul 2015
It felt slightly incomplete, i'm hoping for a second season.

Sep 25, 2017 8:33 AM

Jul 2013
dannymilk said:
ummm that was it??

pretty much my whole reaction.

I mean, L just came in like he was taking a week-long dump and all is good? Dafuq, their own military sabotages their spy network in their own country and now all is good? Shit

And everyone hype the duke but he was as stupid and clueless as the rest of them, was expecting a plot twist that zelda was working with the duke all along.

Hope that a 2nd season (if any) will fix this and make the duke into a proper antagonist

Dorothy's episode with her father made the whole anime, her arc has the best episode hands down
Sep 25, 2017 8:34 AM

Apr 2013
It was said if the anime sell well and the smartphone game is well going to have a second season
Sep 25, 2017 9:05 AM

May 2012
The ending was good. Not sure why all the hate


Sep 25, 2017 9:16 AM

Jun 2015
Rufix said:
Swim_Swim said:
What a waste of my time, as expected everything went happy without any problem at all, K-ON with lolies dressed as spies, oh well its my fault sticking with this horrible show despite knowing that plot wouldnt happen. Looking back this whole experience lacked any kind of enjoyment.


Considering K-ON is a classic, finding its place in the anime t100 list of all time and basically creating a genre on its own, not to mention amazing visual story telling... I don't really see a problem with anything being K-ON-esque.

Also, great review, keep doing it... spouting unargumented bullshit.

I'd recommend a rewatch to people like you. With your brain turned on and eyes open, because you obviously miss all the good parts about the show, or are just a cringy kiddo.

You are the one who should watch the series with your brain turned on, because the only way this could be enjoyable watching with brain turned off, these girls was anything but believable as spies so many blunder with countless unprofessional conduct. Personally for me the most memorable when the Princess bought the mill on noone seemed to care or the laughable way everytime Dorothy "seducing" guards.. Deus ex machinas, everything falling into places so perfectly, the cliche ending, aka happy unfinished mess. Plot didnt exist at all, most of episode was nothing but filler, probably for you that is "charachter building" in the end that ammounts for nothing.
This was a slice of life, with keywords like "cosplaying as spies, 19th century england etc"
I expected more and different
Sep 25, 2017 9:58 AM
Sep 2008
Which horrible writer produced this abomination?
One episode we have serious implications of deceit and murder in a steampunk setting and the next one we have cute girls being happy-go-lucky superheroes.

One of those days Japan will learn to write intricate stories again. This was not the day.

Sep 25, 2017 10:31 AM

Jul 2014
Well, this feels like a complete and utter waste of time as far as being a finale is concerned, not least because it completely copped out on all of the stakes and intensity set up in the previous episode, instead confirming my suspicions that this show didn't have the guts to kill off any of the main characters or to do anything interesting other than trying to set up a sequel that will likely have the same problems as this has had.

Ultimately, while this show has a lot of attention and praise, I feel that this is mainly happening because of how poor this season has been as a whole; if there had been a wider range of good-great shows this season, I wonder if this would have been as popular as it has been.

Sep 25, 2017 10:53 AM
Oct 2009
Atavistic said:
Well, this feels like a complete and utter waste of time as far as being a finale is concerned, not least because it completely copped out on all of the stakes and intensity set up in the previous episode, instead confirming my suspicions that this show didn't have the guts to kill off any of the main characters or to do anything interesting other than trying to set up a sequel that will likely have the same problems as this has had.

It is more of a seasonal finale than a story finale, so I don't mind any of that. Killing off main characters just for the sake of increasing the stakes would have been quite sudden and not necessarily earned in this context. For instance, the villains didn't really have much of a presence, let alone the upper hand, in order to justify such a move.

I would also argue the opposite of your conclusion too, since they actually did provide some interesting moments of characterization for the major characters, which is a good way to end a season, and the enemies have now acquired information that would complicate things next season if they ever go ahead to make a continuation. Under a slightly different status quo, perhaps it would be easier to see some casualties.
Sep 25, 2017 12:13 PM
Nov 2016
A pretty good ending, thought it'd have more of an impact but well...

A pretty good show. This was a dark horse in may ways as it doesn't really seem to be popular. I don't know of we'll get a second season but we'll see. 7/10
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