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Sep 15, 2017 10:27 PM

Jun 2013
Hajimete no gal:

-Trippwire-Sep 15, 2017 10:34 PM
Sep 16, 2017 12:04 AM
May 2011
This show was a waste of time. Only thing it reminds me of is that prison school needs a second season... Shinpei (blue hair guy) is no Gakuto from prison school but i do kinda miss that quirky kind of character.

Bad Art shit was looking like it was drawn in ms paint
static image animation???? in 2017
Forgettable Music
Forgettable characters except for the occasional trip to gelbooru and nhentai
what was the point of blondie dude and pedo hulk didn't save all the disgusting scenes pedo dude had
the finale was seriously lame
beach episode was pretty hype and was super lame

All in all just straight garbage. Haven't seen an anime this bad since kampfer or school days.
Sep 16, 2017 10:25 AM

Oct 2013
Renaultclio101 said:
ToshiroChan said:
I don't understand why so much hate on this series, I truly enjoyed the series, refreshing comedy and a story about firs love and a little bit of ecchi, but i feel like they rushed it up, too bad since the series has a lot of potentials for the 2nd season but i doubt that after i saw the final episode. I still wondering about Yukana's past like her middle school and childhood they didn't mention anything about her middleschool even after that Matarai guy showed up and said something about Yukana's past.

Finally they kissed ! i'm so satisfied.. Yukana is like the cutest gyaru ever with pure heart, not sure what has gotten into her that made her decide to be a gyaru, and props to those three musketeers aka junichi's friends they always lighten up the situation and made me laugh my arse off, i needed that.

lastly if you notice Junichi still calling Yukana by her surename which is Yame, but Yukana calls Junichi by his first name, well i guess it's just personality problem, Junichi is a shy dude afterall

Overall score 10/10, truly a refreshing series, i hope there will be a 2nd season but i sadly doubt that, i heard the manga is pretty good they are so close to having sex, well i guess now onto the manga

Basically this, is what people should read

So glad we have the same thoughts, it's just breaks my heart to see so many bad reviews on the page and bad scores mostly 2 out of 10 like come on it is not that bad beyond saving, i mean it's a romantic comedy anime series i don't know what these people expect from it, as for my self i am entertained by the show, those people absolutely have no respect for the genre, the author and the comedy aspect, such a disgrace for the community, this is why we can't have nice things.
Sep 16, 2017 11:27 AM

Jan 2012
I couldn't help but laugh at Nene's boobs this episode.

Sep 16, 2017 3:28 PM

Sep 2013
A fucking average series that has cute gals but the guy was pure despicable. Too much bland inner monologue, lewd delusions of fucking each girls (and he's the preacher of morality), gets intimate with the harem girls but whines/sulks at just 'seeing' GalxManslut talking!!!! damn this show to Jigoku Shoujo's hell....
Sep 16, 2017 4:12 PM

Oct 2016
Spav said:
So, obviously..the Main lead is a virgin, and apparently most of the people commenting have been, too.
I mean christ, some of the comments are about how Yame was so disloyal and flirting and a cock tease and shit..she didn't do anything of the sorts with anyone in the entire anime, hell, she was the only one taking the relationship seriously at the start, and had more interest in him than he did in her for over half the anime
So many of the comments of this anime have been negative, about how the plot was so poor and badly developed and such
its a fucking Echhi Harem anime, like fuck? you expect proper plot development, in an obvious fan service anime, and in only 10 episodes? get the fudge out.
This anime had as much plot development in this genre as others with 20+ episodes.
I really enjoyed this anime, I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of it when I started it, being the kind of anime it was
People are complaining about the density of the mail lead in this anime, man, do i need to compile a 50 page list of EVERY single male lead in history in any ecchi, romance etc anime of all time? They are all always stupid. Never know whats'going on. Aren't particularly good at anything,
if you even look back at some of the more popular/original harem type animes, the Main Leads are dense mother fuckers.
Shuffle? Yup. Maburaho? Yup. even get into more recent ones like SAO and -insert 600 other animes here-
the male leads in these animes are always dense, idiots, with no skills, hell atleast Junichi had the whole..inner selves fucking around t give him a little something
This anime, did what every other anime/harem style does all the time, stick to the tropes, you had the nerdy, losery friends who aren't popular, and you had the hot, smart, atheltic popular happens in every anime, so why so much hate for this one?
You've got people complaining about the 'anti-climatic' ending..sorry, not every anime has to end with half the world being killed off and everyone being married

Only LEGIT complaints I've seen, are for the quality of the animation, that was a bit of a hit to the anime in itself.

and my only personal issue, was the fat guy and his whole..child thing, i mean, sure, add it from time to time as a little joke (underage sex/child molestation is bad kids, mkay) but it was LEGIT all this guy did, every scene he was being a massive creep over some kid, not cool.

I've found this anime to be one of the better ones this season, having, for the first time ever, actually dropped animes because they weren't worth watching.
i totally agree with your statement

Sep 17, 2017 1:24 AM

Jul 2013
ToshiroChan said:
Renaultclio101 said:

Basically this, is what people should read

So glad we have the same thoughts, it's just breaks my heart to see so many bad reviews on the page and bad scores mostly 2 out of 10 like come on it is not that bad beyond saving, i mean it's a romantic comedy anime series i don't know what these people expect from it, as for my self i am entertained by the show, those people absolutely have no respect for the genre, the author and the comedy aspect, such a disgrace for the community, this is why we can't have nice things.

Basically and lets not forget that most of the MAL community have become biased towards generic genre and expecting something different. They forget the simply purpose of entertainment and comedy.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2017 9:43 PM

Jan 2013
Decent ending, still feel Yukana never opened up. Just too much wasted time in the middle of the series.
Sep 18, 2017 12:19 AM
Nov 2012
GreenEmu said:
Yame herself took zero responsibility for her retarded actions last episode while Junichi literally got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. This double standard in these types of anime that the girl can do no wrong and it's always 100% the guy's fault is annoying.

Yes. Yame is clueless. She just sails along, doing what she wants, messing up other people's lives, and not getting called on it. Ranko knows this, and seems to have dedicated herself to saving Yame from Yame's own stupidity.

Ranko is the only character in this anime with any sense. She's smart, tough, loyal, and confident. A great ending would be Junichi telling off Yame, dumping her, and going off with Ranko.
Sep 18, 2017 4:56 PM

Mar 2009
Well, this show was certainly...something. Could have used more fanservice, honestly. I watched the uncensored version, but it was kind of pointless to have a censored version anyway. What was there to censor, really? The panty shots?

Ranko and Yame were hot. Yame was a nice girl. That's about the only good things I can say about this show. Junichi's friends were annoying as hell, but I eventually tolerated glasses dude. Only time the show made me laugh was when he showed up in the Kirito cosplay.

So, in conclusion, can we just get more Galko-chan? Please?
Sep 18, 2017 8:30 PM

Jun 2012
-Trippwire- said:
Hajimete no gal:


That beautiful animation.
Sep 19, 2017 12:59 AM

Nov 2014
GreenEmu said:
Garbage finale for a garbage show. Yame herself took zero responsibility for her retarded actions last episode while Junichi literally got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. This double standard in these types of anime that the girl can do no wrong and it's always 100% the guy's fault is annoying.

Yup.... pissed me off too
Sep 19, 2017 5:37 PM

Nov 2014
Yeah, finished at last..

At first, i didn't expect too much on this series
after i saw first episode, i think i should watch the other episodes and so on until i watch them all

I really enjoyed the plot although it looks simple and common, but it's really enjoyable tbh, and the jokes and comedy from Junichi(MC)'s friend are hilarious, i cant stop laughing at them

For romance it seems like typical romcom, still i enjoyed it very much (romcom one of my favorite genre xD)

I read few chapters from the manga and it seems different from the adaptation, and also rushed, the romance is also deeper in the manga.

I wish they'll make a 2nd season which is more in line with the manga(althought it seems hard to realize it if seeing from people review)

Sep 20, 2017 11:09 AM

Oct 2013
I hate this like I've never hated anything before.

Imagine going to a restaurant, you order a some BBQ and a large soda..
but instead the waiter brings you a piece of shit and piss.

This is exactly how I feel about this anime.
I love the manga and I've been reading it since the first chapters...
I liked a lot how the manga managed to make a couple of persons with such different lifestyles, and how they try to make their relationship work.

The dates, the humor...the manga is not a masterpiece but it's enjoyable to read.

This anime totally missed the point, it turned the whole plot into a pandering to the worst lifeforms in the planet.

it's literal crap.

I'd give this anime a NEGATIVE 10.

seriously, damn it!
it ruined everything!!!

I hope people will eventually give the manga an oportunity, but the anime pretty much ruined the image....

Sep 20, 2017 7:00 PM

Feb 2014
Thanks for killing my enjoyment episode 09 and 10.
Hope you both go to hell.

MC opened his heart and said what he thought about the situation.
The gal didn't say just fucking nothing and even started to ignore him, she wants him to know what she's thinking?
Last 02 episodes were a mess, what a shame. Should have stayed with the romcom and ecchi until the end if it were to make these "wtf" episodes.

From 8 to 6/10
How doing it wrong in the last episodes / minutes can throw into the trash everything you enjoyed back then.

Vi-Sep 20, 2017 7:16 PM
Sep 20, 2017 10:32 PM

Sep 2008
I liked the Gal girlfriend and I wish they had just focused more on just her and the MC. The other harem members weren't that interesting. The bigger the harem got, the less interesting the show became.

After the first couple episodes, I thought this might be a 7/10 or maybe even 8/10 show. But I'm going to be generous now and give it 6/10, mainly because the Gal was sweet and the kind of gf I would like to have irl.

Sep 20, 2017 11:11 PM

Jan 2014
Rahki100 said:

my thoughts when i saw that
Sep 22, 2017 10:46 AM

May 2014
This anime was dumb. The manga is also dumb but it doesn't take itself too serious anyway. It was a faithful adaptation overall but I still believe it wasn't needed and that the short-chapter manga format suits this better than an anime.
Sep 23, 2017 1:40 PM

Dec 2014
You don't have to be a manga reader to see that this was less than an half-assed adaptation.

Lacking in graphic quality, subpar fanservice, overabused cliches and not so fun comedy. It's only saving grace is Yame-san, extremely likeable character.

It had it's moments, but the path it took left a lot to be desired.
flo7Sep 23, 2017 1:43 PM
Sep 24, 2017 9:57 AM

Sep 2017
I need more of this ... The ending was not enough to sum the story up.
『Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活』  Luv Re;zero   

Sep 24, 2017 11:50 AM
Oct 2016
There were nothing to censor, what was the point of uncensored version? pasnties censor?

First half was not bad but with the start of Junichi helping girls and to ruin boys perverted plans, I hated Junichi and everyone.
Sep 25, 2017 1:13 PM

Jul 2014
Meh...pedo guy didn't end up in jail.

I hated Junichi's friends, I found them annoying. I would have liked to see more of the girls instead of these guys.

I'm just gonna miss Kashii.
Sep 25, 2017 2:14 PM

Jul 2014
Rahki100 said:

I know they are huge, but this is just ridiculous xD
Sep 25, 2017 9:20 PM

Jan 2011
Should have only adapted volume one before the bullshit with the other girls came along.
Sep 30, 2017 5:24 PM

Nov 2013
Rahki100 said:


ya while i actually like her, but her boobs are kinda too f****** big...and this picture even exaggerated it more lol

anyway, overall i really enjoyed the anime
the boys were kinda annoying and the girls kinda started bad, but in the end i started to like all the girls and the boys were ok

also, Yukana is a serious candidate to my real top10 later =D i really enjoyed almost everything she did and she really surprised me since i thought she was gonna be completely different
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Oct 1, 2017 11:05 AM

Jun 2017
Kinda realistic lmao
Moral of the story: even if you're not in the wrong, sometimes you have to swallow your pride and grovel
Fucking thot
Are we not gonna figure out what happened in the cafe besides "we talked" or are we just gonna ignore the fact the the mc got his ass kicked just to apologize???
Oct 1, 2017 2:34 PM

Dec 2012
The last episode was weak, but I'm happy that the playboy he got destroyed by Hulk. I laughed when it happened, it was totally out of nowhere ^.^

I really liked this show. Even if the romance didn't progress that much, they were cute together and Yame didn't act like the bimbo stereotype.
All the episodes were funny, it was very entertaining to watch. They could have done better for the animation, but it didn't mind me that much.
Oct 1, 2017 10:10 PM

Jul 2015
Oh boy... not sure how to feel about this, it was a pretty crappy harem, but the MC actually chose a girl and got the kiss. Characters themselves were... meh... kind of crap, but Yame was pretty decent. Fan service was... good some places but I still feel sorry for Nene. A lot of the jokes sucked but then some were pretty okay. It was a mixed bag of jelly beans, some tasting good, with others being fart or pencil shaving flavored. There was some enjoyment to be had, but I only really stuck around originally out of curiosity, not because I was enjoying it. 5/10.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Oct 3, 2017 5:59 AM
Sep 2017
Illyricus said:
I thought for a moment Minoru was going to turn into an ozaru. It seems lolis can be the source of one's power after all.

That would have been one awesome reference.
I personally liked the ending and it was kind of nice to Junichi's friends being useful. Waiting for season 2, if it happens.
Oct 3, 2017 6:54 PM
Oct 2017
I watch the whole season in English dub , it was very funny and I give this episode 9/10 and series 8/10. I went back to watch English sub of my fav episodes and it was not as funny as the English dub.

Pedo dude and Junichi friends was the funniest in the series and becoming the hulk put in over the top.
Oct 4, 2017 2:40 PM

May 2012
Nice final episode I must say, the kiss concluded this series pretty nice! All in all a quite lovely and fun episode with lots of great characters!
Oct 7, 2017 8:51 PM

Apr 2015
Wow, that guy was awful, and seeing him get his ass kicked was pretty awesome. Pedo was actually useful in the end! That was his one good scene in the whole damn anime...

I guess all's well that ends well. This show could've been much worse if they would've let the ending go down the shitter, but they actually avoided the harem ending...kind of! The other girls seem to be respecting that Junichi and Yukana are a thing and won't aggressively be trying to break them up anymore.

You know what would really make me happy? Some OVAs that go all the way. Like, why does this show not have any nipples? I guess all NAZ has done before is fujoshi stuff, so this was a baby step for them.

However, I wanna see nipples and borderline hentai shit. I want to see Junichi and Yukana's first time. Maybe another OVA of Yui doing a private livestream or something.

Gonna give the show overall a 6/10. Not a complete waste of time, some funny parts. The pedo still should be castrated; he's done his one good deed for society and will now return to being a predator.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Oct 7, 2017 11:27 PM

Dec 2007
This show was seriously bad. All the male characters sucked. The plot was horrible. Even the art and animation were terrible. Don't even know how I finished it. I've seen hentai with better plot and animation than this crap and those provide better fan service...

Oct 9, 2017 8:04 AM
Sep 2014
xxmbmxx said:
I liked the Gal girlfriend and I wish they had just focused more on just her and the MC. The other harem members weren't that interesting. The bigger the harem got, the less interesting the show became.

After the first couple episodes, I thought this might be a 7/10 or maybe even 8/10 show. But I'm going to be generous now and give it 6/10, mainly because the Gal was sweet and the kind of gf I would like to have irl.

mate read the manga if you want, this anime didn't even feel like an adaptation, just anime original content. The manga feels a lot more about just the main characters
Oct 9, 2017 12:28 PM

Sep 2012
the old friend of Yukana, that dirt-bag & the drama that came with it was last minute unnecessary rushed SH that should have been left out or done properly cause 2 episodes isn't enough for a arc 2 ep is 2short, i don't mind drama if its done properly, i didn't have any other issues with it


i hope they make season 2 & i hope that will be done better
Oct 11, 2017 4:55 PM

Feb 2013
Was it amazing? No of course it wasn't...if it was it would have been the craziest sleeper anime in history lol. But did I enjoy it. Yes I did. It was surprisingly cute....I mean....some of it was.


Oct 20, 2017 1:04 AM

Jul 2013

This anime does not deserve the criticism it gets, other than from the manga crowd.

The lolicon scene in this one was awesome. It showed a lot of what the lolicon community is actually about, though it looks like that went right over people's heads. Blind prejudice with only ignorance to back it up seems to be the norm these days.
Omne Solum Forti Patria
Oct 20, 2017 10:58 PM

Jan 2016
absolutely great anime and I enjoyed every minute of this show.
Let's hope we'll get more stuff like this!
saeed1mOct 20, 2017 11:29 PM
Oct 21, 2017 10:34 PM

Mar 2014
TFW when the gals aren't actually sluts.

Oct 24, 2017 2:28 AM

Jan 2014
not a big improvement to their relationship at all, it's just they relationship just got better at understanding, nothing more.

I feel like, Yame actually a virgin shy girl, a decent girl, but trying to be a popular by dressing as a gal.
I think she's the same as Yui back then, but got makeover in highschool to gain popularity.
AbyhapeOct 24, 2017 2:31 AM
Nov 14, 2017 5:21 AM

Apr 2011
Average show, yet I stuck till the end.

Glad Yame and Junichi where in good terms again. NTR guy got his ass kicked as hard. Good.

Its okay, but really forgettable. Manga seems better than this.

Nov 18, 2017 2:28 PM
Jul 2018
5/10. Only worth of that score because of Junichi and Yame moments were the best thing out of the series. I liked how it was a prank in the beginning but later on they got serious about each other. They sure make a cute couple.
I can't say anything positive about the rest tho. Just terrible and cringy.
Onto the manga now. Hopefully it is better.
Nov 21, 2017 7:33 PM

Sep 2011
It was a fun show to watch. Nothing special by any means, but I enjoyed it.
Nov 22, 2017 4:37 PM

Jun 2016
ToshiroChan said:
I don't understand why so much hate on this series, I truly enjoyed the series, refreshing comedy and a story about firs love and a little bit of ecchi, but i feel like they rushed it up, too bad since the series has a lot of potentials for the 2nd season but i doubt that after i saw the final episode. I still wondering about Yukana's past like her middle school and childhood they didn't mention anything about her middleschool even after that Matarai guy showed up and said something about Yukana's past.

Finally they kissed ! i'm so satisfied.. Yukana is like the cutest gyaru ever with pure heart, not sure what has gotten into her that made her decide to be a gyaru, and props to those three musketeers aka junichi's friends they always lighten up the situation and made me laugh my arse off, i needed that.

lastly if you notice Junichi still calling Yukana by her surename which is Yame, but Yukana calls Junichi by his first name, well i guess it's just personality problem, Junichi is a shy dude afterall

Overall score 10/10, truly a refreshing series, i hope there will be a 2nd season but i sadly doubt that, i heard the manga is pretty good they are so close to having sex, well i guess now onto the manga

The manga is more funny, it makes me laugh a lot, the anime is more rushed (obviously) and the plot is a bit modified but it's still enjoyable in my opinion.
I liked the series, me too, I don't understand why it received so many bad rewievs and hate comments.
Franz_FurantsuNov 22, 2017 4:47 PM
Dec 8, 2017 4:33 AM
Aug 2015
enginesofdemise said:
Lex1979 said:
Uh? What anime did you watch? I know the anime did its best to skip all the character development, but yame was the one really committed in the relationship from the beginning.
Yeah so committed to their relationship as he goes flirt with Chad and completely ignores her 'boyfriend' lmao

Totally true!
She makes him so miserable that he literally thinks that he is non existent entity.
That trash playboy making boobs and sluty body comment on that girl and everyone taking it as joke.... After all that drama of not trusting..... Girl just went to that get together like nothing happened at all. Come on.... I mean.. is it that hard for girl to judge good/bad intentions of people around her:-(
Any boyfriend will react the same way as MC if his girlfriend flirting her ass off in front of her boyfriend.
And even after all that shit MC is totally wrong? Seriously? Girl not even learns a single lesson? Pathetic.
And don't get me started on MC.. he is the most spineless person I have ever seen.
How can any boyfriend is so willing to give his girl to some random dick. Have some self respect.
But no.......he just growling at her feet like he committed some kind of fucking merder.
Don't get me wrong... Doubting is seriously wrong but can you tell me how it is wrong after what he seen?
This last 2 episodes are perfect setup for NTR hentai.
God_Speed7700Dec 8, 2017 4:41 AM
Dec 9, 2017 2:05 PM
Dec 2017
Worst anime I have ever seen and I have seen Magical Meow Meow Taruto and it was better.. I find it most feminist (more feminazi like) and I was under the impression the Japanese goverment is trying to motivate youth to increase the population with the sexual messages portrayed in anime but this... this was horrible!!!!!
Dec 28, 2017 11:00 AM

Apr 2014
Damn it, they really went original and made it much worst than the manga.
The manga was slightly better than this garbage, they should just adapt it.
Anyway I'm gonna rate this anime a 5 out of 10 score overall. (I'm generous now)
Haters always gonna hate.
Jan 5, 2018 5:16 AM

Aug 2016
This anime had just my kind of humer (although the fat guy was a bit much sometimes). The kiss was a great end to this series! 8/10.
Nanika ga Okashii
Jan 22, 2018 6:53 PM

Jun 2013
Well the show is pretty bad. There is little progress or development which they try to cover up using fanservice. Furthermore, the rest of the female cast hardly had any meaningful screen-time to make them feel important to the story since it was allocated to lesser characters like the perverted trio.

There is hardly any romance or connection between the main characters apart from Junichi acting like a submissive and desperate cuck. Honestly, I am more surprised that Shinpei doesn't have a girlfriend considering how intelligent and knowledgeable he is while the bland and idiotic protagonist is having a harem without even trying. I mean it's a good possibility that Shinpei could easily steal Junichi's harem if he tried since Junichi doesn't mind giving a helping to his perverted friends like a good cuck. I do understand that stupidity is an essential part of romcoms but c'mon I think they took it too far with Junichi.

Now I did read somewhere that the show is not properly adapted and changes were made but it's not like it makes any difference since the director made it difficult for any further anime adaptions. And seeing how this turned out to be I hope it stays that way.

Apr 15, 2018 1:54 AM

Mar 2015
All's well that ends well! Glad the asshole got what he deserved, dealt to him by the friends who, while were annoying as hell, were always there for Junichi.

Good ending too, I thought! They finally kissed.

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
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