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Jul 29, 2017 7:22 AM

Nov 2011
The OP song might take some time to get used to...

Xon and Eleanor connected better compared to the first episode but still felt lacking on some parts. We got a lizard monster attacking in America. Not really impressed by the action elements in this show though, it just felt all over the place.
Jul 29, 2017 11:13 AM

Dec 2016
Haha 4 hours and no one's actually watched because we all dropped it after ep1
I arrange video game sheet music for piano:
My arrangements
My (very few) anime arrangements
Jul 29, 2017 11:16 AM
Apr 2017
Like a quarter of the episode was just a rehashed section of the first episode with some added commentary.
The villains are pretty cool, that stan lee guy sucks tho(ye i said it)
Still, barely any animation, even though the art style's so goddamn simplified at some times it looks like I could draw it.

The preview is quite possibly the worst I've seen. Stan Lee's voice doesn't make it any better.

I was defending last episodes' art style and the potential for a story but I'm just disappointed.
I'll still be watching tho, hoping it gets better.
Jul 29, 2017 11:17 AM

Mar 2013
I'm really REALLY trying to abide by the three episode rule before dropping this.... but
Jul 29, 2017 11:31 AM

May 2010
It's hard to think of things to defend it, but I want to dream, so I'm gonna give it at least one more episode. If they had combined everything in episode 2 into episode 1 with the same time allotment, it would have been a great first episode.
Jul 29, 2017 11:34 AM

May 2017
Wow! reptilians exist in this anime.
Jul 29, 2017 12:04 PM
Jul 2017
-whispers to self- Keep strong. You can do it. You can finish episode two. T_T

Edit: Well, the most entertaining part is the Stan Lee cameo at the end credits.
KurariyonJul 29, 2017 12:17 PM
Jul 29, 2017 12:09 PM

Mar 2016
I can't...I just can't! The art style is so atrocious it hurts to look at it an say yup that's anime! NO! I don't know if I can watch anymore! I like the concept and the story and characters aren't bad but the pacing is horrendously slow and the visuals make my eyes bleed. I'll give any art style a chance but this one just isn't for me and from the other reviews I've seen it seems the art style isn't for most people. DROPPED!!!
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Jul 29, 2017 12:17 PM

Jun 2015
Got to see how the attack on New York started and how people got their powers. Eleanor wants to be X-on's student. She doesn't know how to control her powers. I-Guy was a singer before everything happened.
Jul 29, 2017 12:25 PM

Jun 2013
I am so torn on this show.... there are some parts that are pretty fun and entertaining, and I like the main female... but other parts of this are soo bad, and it doesn't help that the story feels super generic
Jul 29, 2017 12:58 PM

Feb 2017
I'm really digging the aesthetics of the show, but the animation is still kinda choppy. Not as bad as last episode but still kinda shoddy. I'll probably keep going after the 3rd episode, and I hope that it continues to improve, even if its only slightly.
Jul 29, 2017 2:00 PM
Jun 2016
I'm enjoying this series from a weird charm point of view, but kinda wish there was a little bit more to it heh.
Jul 29, 2017 4:01 PM

Feb 2016
Did I really thought that this episode could improve? what did i get? a half recap episode with some comentary and the same atrocious frame animations. I'm really trying to give it the law of 3 eps... but this just...
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 29, 2017 4:21 PM

Feb 2013
I'm not sure about the storytelling... on one hand seeing things from another angle is neat... but it's also slowing the progress.
Jul 29, 2017 4:31 PM

Jun 2016
I laughed quite a bit when I saw this

The cop looks super high here.

Some of the stuff we saw was just a rehash from the first episode. All we learned is that Stan Lee is a criminal mastermind of sorts? I think. I'm still intrigued by this though, so hopefully the story picks up in the next episode.
Jul 29, 2017 4:45 PM
May 2009
I like the animation style, but it would've been way better if the motion was smoother with a higher frame rate. Instead I get this weird feeling of half-way between motion comic and full animation. It's really distracting when watching a fight.

The first part of this episode conveyed more information to me than the entire first episode, and with some much needed context. Vague starts can be good if done right, but if you aren't going to hand over information then you need to provide a solid hook which the first episode sorely lacked. Episode 2 finally gives me a hook, and explains what's going on.

I'll continue watching for now to see how this goes.
Jul 29, 2017 5:32 PM

Apr 2016
It really continues to be a....experience. And still not in a good way.

I noticed that in this episode the new animation was a lot better, more fluid and a lot less stilted. The reused parts sadly did not get any more love sadly but they could have used it. Sadly even the new parts had a lot of falter, mainly in almost everything lacking weight.
What did improve was the sound mixing. Not all but it did improve and I am okey with that as the soundtrack is actually really good when you can hear it.

Now onto the actual episode. Surprisingly, it was rather good. It did a lot more explaining in what was going on. Explaining how all this is happening and explaining who we are involved with. Content wise this was a good episode.

Overall this is a bit of a redeeming strike for the series. But one that still not makes The Reflection really good. It is still very much a bad anime.
I will be keeping to the 3 episode rule for looking at this. Mostly because the story actually has me interested in it. I just hope it pays out and that it is able to get me to finish the entire thing but very unlikely.
Jul 29, 2017 6:08 PM
Jul 2017
can i say that this was a good episode and i enjoyed it or you'll find me and kill me ?
Jul 29, 2017 6:39 PM

Jun 2015
What I enjoyed the most, or the only, was the ending song, the voice actor of the 6 arms 20 second villain, and Stan Lee's cameos on the villain and his voice at the end, and those were merely to keep me awake. First time I'm breaking my 3 episodes rule, can't waste another 20+min of my anime watching time on this
Jul 29, 2017 7:50 PM

Jan 2015
I cant take this anime anymore, this gotta be the most boring and horrible anime i've seen, really feels like watching an american superhero cartoon with american humor and that is not good T_T
At least Stan Lee himself does narrations in the end of the episode in English !
Jul 29, 2017 8:08 PM
Jun 2013
At least the framerate was not halfspeed this time. I'm also glad that the 4 girls have some significance to the show, and are not just bystanders used for the sake of introducing the American setting.
We learned a little more about Ian-Guy, including his team. It looks as if they and other Reflected are looking for the spotlight, which might cover some interesting themes further down the line.
Anime exists
all is well
Jul 29, 2017 9:42 PM
Feb 2013
I already dropped it but checked in on the episode just to see. I skipped to the middle and it's the same guys fucking around in the air in New York City with that stupid song playing in the background. God this show is awful.
Jul 29, 2017 9:54 PM

Mar 2013
Shows some prequel footage of what played out before mixing it with some first episode footage.

"The Reflection" killed many people and some of those that survived, gained abilities. The whole big gathering was a memorial service for those who died.

X-On called red-head his stalker.
She wants him to help her with her abilities, but he doesn't want to bother with it.

And I laughed a little bit at I-Guy's (who's real name is Ian and an ex-singer) dialogue between him and his team of what really happened when he was flying with the villains in the previous ep. xD

The animation also seems a bit smoother in this episode.
KilikcliaJul 29, 2017 10:19 PM
Jul 29, 2017 9:57 PM
Sep 2016
That song they play during the fight scenes is annoying af
Jul 30, 2017 12:08 AM

Jul 2007
So Episode 2 pretty much fills in the blanks and contextualizes Episode 1 in a great way. ITs kind of hilarious to see of just how much in the dark the viewer was back then and how much of what we see in Episode 1 is purposeful due to plot.

Overall story so far is shaping up nicely too and this episode pretty much convinced me this will be good and not just for style.
Jul 30, 2017 1:07 AM

Sep 2016
so not only could they not get smooth animation on an art style that it looks like a toddler can draw, but they also need to reuse a bunch of animation on top of that? the previous episode was already painfully slow (seriously felt like 3 minutes of info/action stretched to 20), but now i have to watch it again? i know it's Deen, but i expect better even from them.

every time i see someone say that the show "isn't that bad" their only justification seems to be that it's "different." sure, the art style is different and i'm not going to say that it's an inherently bad style, but the actual quality/fluidity of the animation is objectively awful. it's so messy and sluggish that it actually completely ruins the pacing of...everything. in almost every scene, there are several points where the animation will completely halt to sit on a single frame (or looped animation) for just long enough to be uncomfortable.

also they're really trying to force this "sky show" shit, aren't they? i particularly liked the 3 minutes of exposition that was shoehorned into the conversation at the party. i already got tired of hearing clips of that song on episode 1, but i guess they're just gonna keep going with it. it'll be episode 7 and we're still gonna have announcers shouting "DID YOU KNOW THAT SKY SHOW WAS A HIT 80S SONG IN AMERICA?" i almost shit my pants laughing when they transitioned into the song by having a character randomly sweep his hand across a piano.

StoneColdStunnerJul 30, 2017 5:51 AM
Jul 30, 2017 2:33 AM

Jan 2013
Don't you feel character behaviour is a little bit off for those who are supposed to be Americans? Also, no reaction from police etc.

I know it is anime and everything, but different style and setting makes me look at it differently
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jul 30, 2017 3:37 AM

Mar 2015
i expected second episode to try and redeem some of the crap from the first episode but i'm surprised at how they managed to make it even worse. i'm trying to think of anything to redeem the anime aside from Stan Lee's voice in the episode preview but i really can't. the entire show is pure shit in every aspect
Jul 30, 2017 4:33 AM

Feb 2011
I surprisingly kinda liked this episode... I think. It was honestly over before I knew it. I can't say it's GOOD, far from it, but I have this strange intrigue in finding out where the hell all of this is going in the end... or I'm just way too much into superheroes atm, I dunno.

The artstyle I have no problems with tbh.
Jul 30, 2017 6:01 AM
Dec 2015
Holy Fucking Shit!! why is stan lee here
Jul 30, 2017 7:01 AM

Aug 2015
I didn't expect that Stan Lee was going to be a character. I will continue watching this anime; hope is the last thing you lose.
Jul 30, 2017 7:53 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I died when I saw that Stan Lee is the villain lol

In the beginning I was a bit confused because of the non-linear approach that this episode went with but when I caught on everything flowed okay since now we got even more pieces of the story filled up

I was surprised to see who I-Guy was outside of the suit and his backstory though.....The guy kinda reminds me of Tony even more in a way
Jul 30, 2017 4:05 PM

Feb 2016
DarkKnight1107 said:
I'm really digging the aesthetics of the show, but the animation is still kinda choppy. Not as bad as last episode but still kinda shoddy. I'll probably keep going after the 3rd episode, and I hope that it continues to improve, even if its only slightly.
Couldnt agree more!
Jul 30, 2017 6:48 PM

Feb 2014
Although having to re-watch that Times Square fight again was a pain, it was sort of interesting to see it from I-Guys' teams perspective, which helped me get the whole random "Sky High" song thing that I had nfi was either background music or something he was supposed to be playing on the suit, as well as the images on the monitors whether ACTUALLY there (showed by the team) or just randomly there for stupid effect.

Maybe just me who didn't grasp any of that due to not being able to get into the first ep lol, enjoyed this ep a lot more.
TrumpAnimeJul 30, 2017 9:44 PM

Jul 30, 2017 7:15 PM

Nov 2016
I wish I would be enough hipster to enjoy this, unfortunately I'm not.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 30, 2017 10:37 PM

Jan 2010
SakurasouBusters said:
I am so torn on this show.... there are some parts that are pretty fun and entertaining, and I like the main female... but other parts of this are soo bad, and it doesn't help that the story feels super generic

Same. I especially like watching X-On. He's sort of deadpool-ish imo. But overall the story doesn't have a lot to offer. I like the characters but it's sort of one of those typical X-Men like stories. So far it's like it's a mediocre fan fiction from some superhero enthusiast.
Jul 31, 2017 1:24 AM

Aug 2013
that was interesting, I enjoyed it more than I expected to be
Jul 31, 2017 2:24 AM
Feb 2017
9 if you wanna know in great detail. However, I think this series got a lot of potential for some great things here. The mystery aspect can help to draw people in surrounding the reflection incident. Plus we can get a few glimpses to see how the sudden emrgence of super humans affects society of a personal level with dealing with super powers becoming the norm. I see it as the beging stages of what Boku No Hero couldve went through before it's current point.
Jul 31, 2017 8:53 AM
Jan 2013
wow Stan Lee has become Magneto, thats interesting idea.

The thing that bothers me about this show though is how zero emotional it is. Although giant fights happen in the middle of the city, all people walk unconcerned about it. All characters talk slowly with low enthusiasm as if all people on Earth were Saitama
Aug 1, 2017 8:41 AM

Nov 2012
I think this episode was better, but it should've been the second half of the first episode. I wasn't really feeling the Tony Stark vibes in I-Guy last week but now it's really obvious, although there's quite a team behind him. I didn't get what power he got from the reflection because he fights in his suit all the time, though.

Eleanor and X-On were the only characters I was looking forward to, but now I-Guy was added to the list. Not really interested in the fight scenes, I want to see more character development X'D
Evil Stan Lee cameo what? I don't know why but I'm not feeling much the villains, even if they basically are magneto's faction.

Can't believe how that fire girl wasn't killed by snipers as soon as she got on stage... I mean I think fire doesn't deflect bullets.

I can deal with art style but the animation itself is jarring to watch :/ Let's see if the third episode can save it somehow.
Aug 2, 2017 9:38 AM
Nov 2015
here we go again another x men but with different name seriously stan lee you can at least just make a tokusatsu hero super hero theme not another civil war shenanigans , make it cheesy and with some action and some simple flying kick but nope we goes with this comic book pattern again , well at least some guy insane enough to make a remake of spiderman japanese tokusatsu with giant robot and shits ill be waiting for that because it might give a laugh
Aug 3, 2017 9:52 AM

Mar 2015
This one is better than the last episode
I like Furina, I love Furina.
Aug 3, 2017 10:19 AM

Apr 2012
Better than the first, though that's not a hard thing to do. I'm hoping next episode will be better, otherwise I'm dropping this. I-Guy is pretty cool though, and Sky Show is great. Not to mention Stan Lee as the bad guy...
"The moment 'pride' is lost, 'freedom' is also lost" - Ramza Beoulve, Final Fantasy Tactics

Aug 4, 2017 5:07 PM

Apr 2017
I like the idea so far. The art is fine, I grew up with piss poor 80's anime so I'm not so jaded I can't get over a different art style. I don't like the fact that most of the episode was a rehash of episode one with different angles... curious as to what the japenese school girls powers are...

I'll see this through to the end, unless it ends up getting canned as not many people seem to like it enough.
Aug 4, 2017 5:11 PM

Aug 2016
broodo said:
I'm really REALLY trying to abide by the three episode rule before dropping this.... but

i dont think the "3 episode rule" should always work.
im more into "watch it till you get really bored"
Aug 5, 2017 8:17 PM

Aug 2013
I didn't like IGuy at all in this episode. It seems like he is just diet Iron Man (Iron Man with no weapons just with a built in jet pack to fly, no repulsor blasters or anything for combat), out of his suit he also comes across as watered down Tony Stark. Tony but without his personality (being an egomaniac) and he doesn't seem to have Tony's intelligence since he has like normal people giving directions to him in the suit while Tony has an advanced AI (Jarvis) that he created himself to do that for him plus he doesn't need any pit crew to remove his armor for him. The main girl and Xone weren't any better as well.

The only good thing about this episode is that it gave some backstory as to the lead up to the events in the first episode. Also I guess Stan Lee actually being a villain in show was a big surprise.

Hirugiku said:
I cant take this anime anymore, this gotta be the most boring and horrible anime i've seen, really feels like watching an american superhero cartoon
Most American superhero cartoons are way better than this anime.
DrGeroCreationAug 5, 2017 8:21 PM
Aug 6, 2017 5:23 AM
Feb 2013
MonoJuMal said:
I laughed quite a bit when I saw this

The cop looks super high here.

Lmao, that made me laugh too.
Aug 12, 2017 8:33 AM

Dec 2015
Seeing the backstages of I-Guy's show made not only things clearer but far more interesting too (character included). Pretty good choice of super-hero name (apart from the Iron-man reference).
Now, if slow-motion walking and some over-simplified body figures were banished, it would be nice to watch. About the far away faces being not drawn, I'm pretty sure it's obvious that it is a parte of the graphical identity of the series and I'm fine with it.

4/5 Stan Lee as the mini-boss of the evil organization was hilarious. Will he dub the character himself later?

Based on this beginning, there are two ways to go: the mystery behind the Reflection, and the rift between the "normal" population and the "Reflecteds" (with a super heroes VS the opponent team battle)

@CodeBlazeFate This isn't on your seasonal list, right? (would have been funny to read you incinerating the drawings and animation)
Rei_IIIAug 12, 2017 8:42 AM
Aug 13, 2017 5:16 AM

Jan 2011
If they were just gonna pretty much rehash the previous ep but with clarification then they should have just made it the one ep in the first place.
Aug 22, 2017 11:40 AM
Jun 2017
what's the difference between the purple smoke and the green light?
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