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May 25, 2017 10:19 AM

Nov 2011
Oh my...that's some serious disturbance that just popped up this episode.

Felt kinda odd with some of the political stuff going on. This episode didn't have much as cheesy comedy as I had anticipated so that's a plus. Still, I think they're doing a poor at story building as I can't feel invested into the plot. Poor RyuZU, I guess she has her limits too.
May 25, 2017 11:35 AM

Apr 2010
So desperation hits the crew again but it seems they found the solution.
Now the question is will the be able to solve the problems with the solution they found.
May 25, 2017 12:48 PM

Jun 2015
Anything with gears stopped working, but that won't stop Naoto from trying fix RyuZU. Marie was about to give up, but decided to help. That huge machine is a big threat. RyuZU and Anchor are okay now. Naoto already knew they were working.
May 25, 2017 1:01 PM

Aug 2013
I don't care about the whole hate on this series. One of my favs of this season.
May 25, 2017 1:31 PM

Dec 2014
Looks like magnetism affected the gears. Problematic I suppose.

RyuZu and AnchoR appeared to have been affected but Naoto knows they're working fine. Only RyuZu needs to be cooled down to disperse the heating and startup again.

4 episodes to go.
May 25, 2017 1:56 PM

Sep 2013
The gov and gears get btfo by the magnetic weapon but it's weak to heat, they should super nuke it next ep.
Naoto getting his hand messed up to move ryuzu and marie gets motivated by his dedication/craziness.
May 25, 2017 2:04 PM

Dec 2016
So maybe Halter is a woman now huh... or It's someone else...

rsc-pl said:
I don't care about the whole hate on this series. One of my favs of this season.

Just ignore the elitist... What matter is your own enjoyment.

ichii_1 said:
The gov and gears get btfo by the magnetic weapon but it's weak to heat, they should super nuke it next ep.
Naoto getting his hand messed up to move ryuzu and marie gets motivated by his dedication/craziness.

I think if they nuke the weapon, it will destroy that grid as well, so it's like indirect purge of the grid or maybe not only Akihabara grid alone will be affected, nearby grids as well. And they said the Tokyo grid is consist of multiple complex grid and it will affect Eastern Asia grid as well if something to happen to Tokyo's grids...
HiddenArmyMay 25, 2017 2:14 PM
May 25, 2017 2:38 PM

Aug 2013
The minister of defence guy advocating for the purge just so he can cover it up. Quite sickening in my opinion.

I wonder how they will conclude this with only 4 episodes. I also want to know more about the old man with the white hair.

May 25, 2017 3:16 PM

Feb 2016
That "Hope dies last" scene made me lol pretty hard.
May 25, 2017 4:22 PM

Jan 2017
This was actually a pretty decent episode. Naoto finally seems to break free from being pushed around by Marie. So the scientists who made that electromagnetic weapon want appraisal for their research when nobody seems to care about it. what a good way to convince the people by killing them off...

I don't know why, but I still can't get attached to the characters of this show apart from Halter.
May 25, 2017 4:50 PM

Dec 2009
Dayum, more proper use of science.

I was wondering how an EM weapon could fry an android and gynoids who run entirely on gears... then when Marie described that "everything is broken," showing the magnetized screwdrivers; it makes sense, as the induced dielectric inertia (magnetization) from an absurd EMP would seize their gears.

The emp would also induce a hell of a racket in the copper wire for headphones, and possibly blow the speakers (if not fry the driver magnet). As for why he passed out, maybe it's because he is frequency-sensitive, or maybe it was sensor overload by the blasting headphones... though his hears weren't bleeding.

Not sure why they know about magnetization in a thousand year post- EM civilization... Should have left it at them being bewildered by the alienness of the situation.

ps: depending HOW you magnetize gears, you could potentially exponentially accelerate them
GenesisAriaMay 25, 2017 5:02 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
May 25, 2017 4:54 PM

Dec 2016
I was fearing the worst there for a bit but everything is sort of ok, Naoto was just doing his thing.

At least AnchoR is ok, poor RyuZU though.

Can't believe he went through all that pain though, I don't even want to guess what kind of temperature that was.

Halter as a woman in the next episode, very creepy.

Forget about that though, there's that missile and the giant rampaging the old dude is controlling.
May 25, 2017 5:48 PM

May 2015
Oh damn, they're quite in a pinch right now.

Ok episode.

May 25, 2017 8:20 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, I'm rather surprised the planes weren't covered in gears, shooting gears and using gears as some form of rotary flying mechanism.

And that next episode preview... did they do what I think they did and give Halter a female body...?
May 25, 2017 8:44 PM

Dec 2015
Naoto somehow makes me cringe in every episode.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
May 25, 2017 8:55 PM

Oct 2013
>Naoto calls RyuZu his Wife and AnchoR is his Daughter.

He's living the dream of every robot fetichist out there. He must be 9S's buddy.

So the entire Country gets rekt by a Metal Gear. Pretty decent episode.

On the science side: While most mechanical devices woulnd't be badly damaged by an EMP, complex mechanical devices made out of small gears would totally be screwed by an EMP.

For example, if you expose a mechanical watch to a strong magnetic field, there's a chance some of the gears actually become magnetized for a while.

An Android as complex as those in this anime would really get damaged by the EMP.

RyuZu dodged the bullet with the Curie temperature, but that raises a question: ¿What's RyuZu's made of?
May 25, 2017 10:45 PM

Jan 2015
Damn it Naoto, you're already hugging AnchoR like that? Well I guess that's okay, since probably you won't get another chance for this time the giant cyclop robot finally got into surface. Means you'll have a large task to complete.
And there goes another nonsense meeting of the Council or something about doing Purge and the effect of it.
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May 25, 2017 10:59 PM

May 2016
Oh man AnchoR voice is cute AF
May 26, 2017 3:45 AM

Jan 2015
Not bad. Another solid 3/10 episode.
May 26, 2017 8:13 AM
Dec 2016
okay i dont like just hate him lol... i think the reaction of Marie was the realist after the blow...she is the best character in this series
May 26, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2009
Eeuuugh, whoever did the translation sucks ass at it. Low-ass budget and shitty writing ain't helping the show either.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
May 26, 2017 6:06 PM

Feb 2015
The show got marginally better this week. Still not doing it for me though.
May 27, 2017 9:28 AM

Jun 2015
In the name of progress man will always reach for something that they shouldn't have in the first place. This always ends in disaster for the rest of mankind. Though in this case it almost resulted in the destruction of the planet. Hmm the main villain seems to hold a hatred of how this world turned out. Lol Ryu's comment as Nauto hugged anchoR though. Hmm even with a head Mari is still able to get running eh. Lol to think that Nauto already figured out back then that AnchoR won't target humans though. Hmm so that weapon is still kicking and it looks like it wasn't stopped by the army because it uses electromagnetic tech eh. Damm that thing is seriously bad news for not just the city but also Nauto, Ryu, anchoR and Halter. Since both the city and the automatons are made of gears that thing can just disable it. Man what a miscalculation on Marie's part. I think the brass clearly knows what this weapon is though. Guess the air force just doesn't have the firepower to take this thing out. Looks like the local government is panicking already. Hmm so in their panic they want to use a powerful cannon against it eh. Hmm so that weapon also has shields that can deflect even cannon shells eh. Hmm even the cannon wasn't enough to stop it and now they even lost the cannon as well. So the main villain is the one thats controlling the weapon eh.

Hmm so this villain was actually the old man that Nauto met when he fell into the depths. Despite saving this world it does seem that Y isn't held in high regard by everyone though. I wonder do they prefer to be dead instead. If one continues to have hope then nothing can stop you from achieving your goal. So every gear in that ward has been destroyed eh. The fact that magnetism is present in the air is proof of this. It magnetized everything in the area. Man the military just loves to purge stuff right. Someone's been reading about purging in their childhood. Or maybe everyone in the military wants to be a purger. Hmm that meister ally of Marie though is an interesting guy in that he started his explanation with a theory before moving on to the main point. Hmm even now the government is still intent on hiding their crime eh. But then again treaties aren't going to stop countries from researching things that are forbidden under it. Whether in this world or the real world. Hmm even in the most direst of emergencies Nauto is able to remain calm and optimistic. Marie can really learn from Nauto really. Man Nauto is pretty protective of his family though isn't he. Still valuing all life is what i admire the most about Nauto. Hope is what Nauto believes in and is what motivates him even in the face of despair. Still its not just Nauto that has something that he doesn't want to lose and protect as well. Marie too has as well. They may not always get along but Maries bond with Halter is pretty strong as well. It looks like he's been with her since she was little eh. Marie has this side of her as well eh. Hope anchoR has an emergency sequence that reactivates her once something bad hits her eh. Hmm so heat gets rid of magnetism eh. So since Ryu's heart is so hot its causing her heart to stop. anchoR's true self is cute in that she's really just a innocent little girl and contrasts with Ryu. Sometimes human emotions would define logic and common sense especially when family is concerned. Not everything can be explained with logic after all. In a way both Nauto and Marie are slowly learning from each other. Its cute that anchoR see's them as one big family though.

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May 27, 2017 7:19 PM

Apr 2015
What's the point of this anime? Save the world from the old guy and the military? I still think that plot is strange and I don't know if they can fix that
May 27, 2017 11:41 PM

Oct 2008
so they have a weakness on electromagnetic forces...

May 29, 2017 3:50 PM

Mar 2016
Why does the old man Naoto meet earlier in the series want to destroy the world? I'm confused...I don't know how they plan to gather all the pieces of the story together and wrap it up and put a nice bow on it because it just seems to scattered at this point. But I really like Naoto's dedication to RyuZU and AnchoR and I think the plot still has the potential to be a good one I just hope they can pull it all off in the final few episodes
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Jun 3, 2017 5:56 AM

Feb 2016
" Eat shit and die"
"Are they jerking off and sleeping?"
Captain Sakamuro is the true hero of this anime, let's be honest.
Jun 4, 2017 10:08 AM
Mar 2012
random flashback with team Zetsubobububu
Curie saves the day
Kid broke a steel wall?
Osts are really good, feelsbad for the musicians.

Jun 7, 2017 11:39 AM

Mar 2016
This show is an insult to viewer's intelligence. I wonder how low can it go...
Jun 12, 2017 3:23 AM

Nov 2009
GenesisAria said:
Not sure why they know about magnetization in a thousand year post- EM civilization... Should have left it at them being bewildered by the alienness of the situation.

Well, Marie did react bewildered enough.
Also, while knowledge of trivial stuff can be forgotten, knowledge of super-dangerous stuff (like radiation in our world) tends to be remembered better.

sun123 said:
What's the point of this anime? Save the world from the old guy and the military? I still think that plot is strange and I don't know if they can fix that

Yes, this is a story of a group of renegade engineers saving the world from government and mad scientists. It's about as cool as it can be.
The best part is how it's a story of a supervillain organization (complete with making announcements of planning to destroy cities on TV), and it makes perfect sense.

Loli_PoP said:
Why does the old man Naoto meet earlier in the series want to destroy the world?

Well, he is really frustrated with the clockpunk aestetics and how all those gears don't make any sense.
You'd be like that too if you tried to make sense of gears all your life, but they're actually drawn by artists and don't make any sense.

U1111 said:
This show is an insult to viewer's intelligence. I wonder how low can it go...

You have Lain in your favorites, so you don't get a right to complain about the show's technology and lack of explanations.
flannanJun 12, 2017 3:33 AM
Jun 12, 2017 6:08 AM

Mar 2016
flannan said:
U1111 said:
This show is an insult to viewer's intelligence. I wonder how low can it go...

You have Lain in your favorites, so you don't get a right to complain about the show's technology and lack of explanations.

Lain mainly depended on what was common knowledge among futurist circles in the '90s, and references make it pretty clear, the only things that may cause problems were the parts where it went into combining them with conspiracy theory stuff about aliens, which was also common knowledge in the '90s (maybe even more in popular culture). There is nothing particularly mysterious about what's portrayed in Serial Experiments Lain, though the direct influence of Wired on RL seems to be of a supernatural nature and thus more than a little forced (but, again, that's the '90s conspiracy theory influence).

TL;DR, Lain requires some additional knowledge, which I happen to have.

What specifically brought about my reaction was the portrayal of a fighter plane flying roughly at a speed typical of a Cessna 172 claiming to fly at Mach 5.
Jun 12, 2017 7:12 AM

Nov 2009
U1111 said:
What specifically brought about my reaction was the portrayal of a fighter plane flying roughly at a speed typical of a Cessna 172 claiming to fly at Mach 5.

Indeed, this is a propeller plane, so it probably can't fly above speed of sound.
Maybe it's a translation error? I can make out "speed of sound", but I am not sure that "5 times" is the right translation.
Can somebody who has read the novels or has a better command of Japanese language clarify?
Jun 12, 2017 10:26 PM

Nov 2009
flannan said:
U1111 said:
What specifically brought about my reaction was the portrayal of a fighter plane flying roughly at a speed typical of a Cessna 172 claiming to fly at Mach 5.

Indeed, this is a propeller plane, so it probably can't fly above speed of sound.
Maybe it's a translation error? I can make out "speed of sound", but I am not sure that "5 times" is the right translation.
Can somebody who has read the novels or has a better command of Japanese language clarify?

@U1111 - I got my hands on the novels. This scene is the prologue of volume 3, and they are indeed supposed to be maneuvering at Mach 5, close to human limits of handling acceleration. They still can't outmaneuver lightning, and that makes them really unhappy.
Except in the novels they're called "fighter jets", and they use afterburners to do that.

Consider the planes' speed in the anime to be cinematic convention, as subjective time slows down to show fast things happening.
Aug 19, 2017 1:59 PM

May 2012
Nice episode, that ending was great! Let's see what's next though.
Sep 3, 2017 7:22 AM

Apr 2015
One of the most random fanservice scenes I've ever seen
Extremely puzzling episode.
Jun 13, 2022 6:28 PM
Jan 2020
I guess big ol' electromagnetic machine is the endgame antagonist of this season. That, or the military I guess? Why is every response to anything to purge grids?
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Dec 25, 2023 10:05 PM

Dec 2022
Those are some painful looking burns on Naoto's hands. Doesn't seem to bother him, at least.

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Shaded Horizon

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