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Feb 24, 2017 9:02 AM

Nov 2011
This movie definitely gave me nostologia again.

Seeing the Digimon again from the Digital world in their baby forms was also nostalgic. The kids from the first season reunited with their Digimon as well. (seems that Biyomon isn't getting along well with Sora much though until later)

Seems that Meicoomon is still unstable.

Also really nice to see Machinedramon make an appearance (I wish they kept more of his original appearance). The whole Will of Yggdrasill is also revealed in this movie, something that I think will be a major focus. Pretty entertaining overall, really glad to see some old school Digimon again especially the original Dark Masters.
Stark700Feb 24, 2017 9:06 AM
Feb 24, 2017 11:43 AM

Dec 2014
the movie was good..but it left so many questions unanswered you know
Feb 24, 2017 11:47 AM

Sep 2015
Here we go again
3/4 of movie just talk and almost useless just a few bit info get

A freaking rookie somehow can stun a freaking MEGA digimon yeah plot armor
they got problem with tamer enslave digimon after this year? really?
AND Bakumon(Tapirmon) only appeared in like just 1 minute
Gennai who rape all the girl
4 Holy Beats born after Dark Master invade wtf
*extra note
Why Dark Master even helping Yggdrasil with rapist Gennai? you guys are bad dude group
Dark Master here are just puppet
Digimon : we have no idea how to evolve with digivice or know who you guys but we want help *instan evolve to mega

nothing else and they already forgot about 2 FREAKING MEGA BATTLE EACH OTHER from last movie

Tri is Tri whatever you do i guess? blame everything to Yggdrasil
ZBlastHistoryFeb 24, 2017 2:51 PM
Into the Internet!
Feb 24, 2017 1:01 PM

Jul 2015
What a complete train wreck! I didn't expected this. I don't really know if the studio had some trouble but the pacing is all over the place. Nothing makes much sense. The party gets torn and find back through convenient plotholes just to find Old Sage McRape mumbling about slaves and stuff.

In all honesty..this movie feels like they tried to push 50 ideas into one without giving each enough time to develop any form of tension, power or even sense.
AngrayuFeb 24, 2017 1:15 PM
Feb 24, 2017 1:13 PM
Apr 2014
We're on movie 4 and this shit is still dull, Hackmon with very little infodump, Yggdrasil is the big baddy, Gennai is a dissapointing generic rapist sithlord, Himekawa is insane and one of the previous digi destined, Meicoomon is fucking annoying and the kids re-establish bonds with their patona, 02 kids still nowhere to be seen.
Wherever Yggdrasil is, the royal knights aren't too far away, we already saw Alphamon, maybe we'll see Gallantmon. Kinda weird that Omegamon and Jessmon are not working for him eh.
I really want to like Tri goddammit, but they're only feeding me nostalgia with no interesting plot.
"Why aren't you remembering me you little shit?!"
Drake1000Feb 24, 2017 2:06 PM
Feb 24, 2017 1:20 PM

Feb 2009
Digimon Tri = wasted potential

Also, Gennai's behaviour toward the girls was totally unnecessary. The series doesn't need that at all.

I wish Toei put more effort into creating a better story instead of wasting their (and our) time with stupid scenes.

To me, so far, this episode as a whole was worst than any episode in any of the Digimon series. Even the so awaited Mega digivolutions were badly portrayed, I've never felt this much indifference toward digivolutions before.

Well, well, let's all blame Yggdrasil Toei together, since no one wanted such a bad reboot.
Anime ga daaaai suki!!! Computer Engineering. Japan is awesome!!!
Feb 24, 2017 1:27 PM

Mar 2013
My thought's, reactions and guesses during the movie:

part 1: that nostalgia hit me hard with the dark masters and seeing all the digimon in there baby forms. that beginning confused me are the dark masters coming back and was she (forgot her name but I do remember it later) a part of the original digidestined? since they rebooted the digital world does that mean they also brought back the villains? wait how did they digivolve without there partners... oh wait I forgot most digimon can digivolve without a partner.

part2: sora has it bad first biyomon refuses to be with her and now no one seems to notice how she feels (well almost no one). will this finally explain why sora chose yamato over taichi or am I going to have to continue waiting? Machinedramon YES wait was machinedramon one of the dark masters I can't remember oh well who cares I'm just glad to see it. no way there actually mentioning Yggdrasil I thought they were never going to mention it in an anime but now that they did what does this mean? biyomon why are you being so distant that's not the biyomon I remember also I feel like they removed a part more specifically when sora started crying and when they found meiko.

part3: this was actually rather emotional and just what is libra? I don't think I've ever heard of libra or maybe I have and just don't recall it. whoa gennai looks way too young and apparently he's a bit creepy but wait how did he get so young is it because he joined the dark side? the will of Yggdrasil so wait are we actually going to see Yggdrasil?

part4: was not expecting himekawa (told you I'd remember actually no the show reminded me) to go yandere when tapirmon forgot about her. she took a way more different approach to it than sora did and I like it. seeing wargreymon and metalgarurumon back in action felt so amazing. okay they just went all out on the digivolutions closer to the end it made sense with sora but hey I'm not complaining. damn you cliffhangers the only thing I hate more than a cliffhanger is a suspenseful cliffhanger.

overall this was pretty good I do hope we get to see the dark masters because gennai did state that those who were killed or destroyed in the human world are now back. not only that but tapirmon who was sacrificed also came back even though they stated that he could never come back. so does this mean we might see wizardmon and leomon I sure hope so. but wait does this only apply to the first season of villains or does this apply to the second season as well? because so far there really hasn't been any mention of the second season's digidestined. so many questions left unanswered how long must I wait for these answers?
FallenEntityFeb 24, 2017 1:31 PM
Feb 24, 2017 2:39 PM
Apr 2014
What the fuck was that even? I've enjoyed the first three movies a ton, one more than the last, and had really high hopes for this. It started so well too but the entire goddamn thing fell into pieces halfway through the movie. It's like it slowly picked up speed just to ram full force into a brick wall to crash and burn...

I was legitimately thinking one of these "late" sequels could actually work for a change but nope. Leave it to Toei to take something great and thoroughly fuck it up. If the next one is as stupid, I'm not even gonna bother with the final part. I don't want to start hating the entire series because of the dumb shits who're responsible for that trainwreck.
Feb 24, 2017 3:40 PM

May 2011
I gave this movie an 8 cause for the badass intro! Otherwise it would be around 5-6. Still liked it but it felt it needed "something more".

Generally the movie, felt rushed and empty. They putted a lot effort on "fan service".
Yes, Digimon ALWAYS was a drama and emotional series, but when drama and fanservice is the 80% of a movie that last 1 hour and the story progress is like 20% then of course the pace of the movie is not gonna feel right.
Seriously, they had so many months and they only made 4 episodes?
I can't imagine waiting another half year for another only 4 episodes.
Also, they waste the great story of Milleniumon and instead we have Yggdrasil out of nowhere? Still not bad, but with Milleniumon it could be great!

Also I am sure that next film will be focused on Hikari.

I strongly expecting that last two movies will be very good. I feel like they hold the best for the end.
KurisenshiFeb 24, 2017 3:44 PM
Feb 24, 2017 4:25 PM

Aug 2016
i cry every time they digivolve Q_Q

Besides my nostalgia kicking in, i don't think part 4 is as good as the first 3. Still enjoyable to watch though.

Kind of a stupid question: Will there be a part 5??? (with the plot at where it is, there has to be lol). Has there been any announcements/news regarding how many parts there will be in total?? Anything you guys know would be nice/ appreciated :)
Feb 24, 2017 4:37 PM

May 2011
ZuzuMiBachi said:
i cry every time they digivolve Q_Q

Besides my nostalgia kicking in, i don't think part 4 is as good as the first 3. Still enjoyable to watch though.

Kind of a stupid question: Will there be a part 5??? (with the plot at where it is, there has to be lol). Has there been any announcements/news regarding how many parts there will be in total?? Anything you guys know would be nice/ appreciated :)

From the first time they had announced it will be a 6 movies series. :-)
Feb 24, 2017 4:43 PM

Sep 2015
Kurisenshi said:

Yes, Digimon ALWAYS was a drama and emotional series

Drama you mean are problem with familly or become a friend with each other but Tri have none of that instead they have drama for teen
Into the Internet!
Feb 24, 2017 4:54 PM
Mar 2016
Wow, so much negativity ... Maybe i'm the only want here enjoy this movie ... It's good and for me the best from all digimon adventure tri movie, but a bit dissapointed about their act around Sora. They are so irresponsible about her problem. But it's much like Sora, she could solve her problem alone. The story was good and moving nicely, i prefer this over the 3 previous movie.

Nah, because so much negativity i will join you all ... I still don't like Sora and hikari design, animation was kinda flat although the movement looks better (just a bit) than previous movie, unanswered question every episode, and it will have potential rush ending. Kinda wasted potential for big franchise like them, but i still like it than got nothing of them.
Feb 24, 2017 4:59 PM
Jan 2015
Waiting so long for new adventures with old squad i would be happy even with yamato playing 2 hours on his instrument. ^^

But really, i can't shake off the feeling that they wanted to simply mess up with anything from earlier - you were wandering for a long time with your digipal - you can get at most superevolution, only if you find some stone and gain maximum trust; and that symbolic thing with piercing your sibling with an arrow. Now they know each other for one day so of course they can mega evolve -.-; my favourite potato got his evo in last 5 minutes and did nearly nothing :/

Oh and despite having no fighting experience, these war and metal can defeat metalseadramon - the guy that couldn't be defeated without a plan. I'm counting on you piedmon
Feb 24, 2017 4:59 PM

May 2011
ZBlastHistory said:
Kurisenshi said:

Yes, Digimon ALWAYS was a drama and emotional series

Drama you mean are problem with familly or become a friend with each other but Tri have none of that instead they have drama for teen

Well they are late teens and not kids anymore. What is the problem with that and what is the difference in kid drama and teen drama? It it still the same drama with different age group. Would it be better have exactly the same struggles as they had in season 1? For me, no.
Feb 24, 2017 5:45 PM
Sep 2012
The first five minutes that flashback, I know it was tragic, it was beautiful, the animation and the music, it could have been a great short film. Sometimes someone's misery is another person's great art. Though it is anti climatic, after 3 movies, the beginning of the 4th movie we know the adults were former Chosens.

Well it was sad at first to see all the memories gone, but just seeing them all bond again was nice, and made you forget about the situation for a bit, though Biyomon did get my nerves for a bit. There was a part when Sora was on the ground, with Taichi and Yamato in front of her, no one thought of Team 7 in Naruto.

Well we do finally who our main villain, is someone familiar to us, but not he Adventures universe and Yggdrasil. And how did Gennai turn evil like that? Well I am sure we will find out, but I wouldn't drink from tea from him again. Though I wish we got more of a reaction from Koushiro, he and Gennai were close back in the original Adventures, I thought he would be a little more emotionally about that.

And Hackmon is in this one, a Digimon Universe character is in the movie. Speaking of which, Nishijama you are not a bad person, but trying to hit on someone when they are in such a emotional state, not cool. And was I right Himekawa and her being a former Choosen and her motivation, called it.

I am going to make another prediction, by the end of this series, not well we have to fight Meiccomon, but I think Meiko she is going to turn, I don't know how, but Yggdrasil is going to turn into like a Digimon Empress or something. And you have an excuse in at the end when she was in trouble, the others forgot about her. If I can reference another Toei series, I think before we deal with Yggdrasil, we have to deal with eveil Meiko and Meiccomon, we could have a Black Lady situation here. But that is just my prediction, a corrupted dark Meiko could look awesome.

Anyway great movie, can't wait for the next one.
Feb 24, 2017 5:47 PM

Sep 2015
Kurisenshi said:

Well they are late teens and not kids anymore. What is the problem with that and what is the difference in kid drama and teen drama? It it still the same drama with different age group. Would it be better have exactly the same struggles as they had in season 1? For me, no.

I am fine with teen drama but this one very forced they have to stay as a "kid" for nostalgia's sake
they make 02 still there but avoid 99% related to 02 i mean they not even try to say 02 kid's name outside Ken

I put Tri same level as Seed Destiny for "sequel" or worse
Into the Internet!
Feb 24, 2017 6:22 PM

Apr 2013
I honestly have no idea what to think about "Loss". There's way too may questions than there are answers, and we're two-thirds of the way done. That's not a good sign. I've been enjoying this series, don't get me wrong, and I do want to like it, but there's just way too many problems to ignore, and I honestly believe this should've just worked better as a TV series. At the very least, we'd have been done with it by now and can give it proper judgment instead of waiting four/five months for the next continuation.

I think the only thing I can take away from "Loss" is that the reboot may have been a fucking mistake, and the reveal of Yggdrasil should've been Millenniumon. Everything else was wasted opportunities/potentials and a lot of rushing to get to someplace. Gotta have that cliffhanger, guiz!

Should've honestly expected this from the director of School Days...
Feb 24, 2017 6:30 PM

Jun 2013
This is awesome. Everyone become stronger and the fight is epic.
Can't wait for next episode.
Feb 24, 2017 6:45 PM

Nov 2011
one of the weaker liking everyone having a ultimate evolution now though it's always cool watching them digivolve

We're all Wednesday arent we?
Feb 24, 2017 6:56 PM

Sep 2016
I can't directly put what I feel about "Loss" into words but here I go. Firstly, the title itself, "Loss", does not really fit in with the content in the movie. I think it could've been like "bond" or "trust" or some type of thing like that would've been better. Secondly, the parts were kind off slow. I did expect it to be slow at first but this seemed slower than usual. But when it reached the 4th part it felt like I got pushed down a water slide. It doesn't really make sense how Patamon suddenly turned into Seraphimon, I expected Patamon to get his Ultimate form during the 5th movie with Tailmon. Thirdly, Not a lot of questions were answered here. I guess it kind off answered why Himekawa and Nishijima were getting involved and how they knew about Digimons and all that but some questions from even the 1st movie wasn't explained. WHERE ARE THE 02 KIDS. I'm just very heated up about it.

Negativity aside, I liked Piyomon's character development in this. Also, the action maybe short but it was awesome. The intro about the the 4 Digimons from Tamers (I forgot what they are called) was a nice touch. I also liked how Himekawa went Yandere just because Tapirmon had forgotten her. Some parts got my shipping meter high.

Overall, this movie is my least favourite. It wasn't really worth the 4/5 months wait but it was good nonetheless.

I'm not expecting a lot from the 5th movie because of this. However, due to the 4/5 months wait, I'm always having high expectations. Hopefully the 5th one is focused on Hikari because we need Tailmon to get her ultimate and we're done with Ultimate evolution. Also they could do something with the dark ocean and my favourite, Daemon. If the 5th one is called "Darkness" or "Betrayal" I'm going to do a back flip. Hope no potential is going to be wasted more and more.
Feb 24, 2017 7:16 PM

Feb 2009
blfan said:
And Hackmon is in this one, a Digimon Universe character is in the movie.

No, this isn't the Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters character, they're not the same. The one in this movie is the one from Digimon Collectors (the smarphone TCG), and has already appeared previously in Adventure (game) and Cyber Sleuth.
Anime ga daaaai suki!!! Computer Engineering. Japan is awesome!!!
Feb 24, 2017 7:30 PM

Sep 2015
Movie's title are for Himekawa's loss about Bakumon being sacrificed to get 4 Holy Beats and gone insane to get Bakumon back by any means
Into the Internet!
Feb 24, 2017 8:53 PM
Apr 2016
The weakest so far, but still enjoyable.
The nostalgia train is hitting way too hard.

Unnecessary-yet-epic 5 minute evolutions are back, yay. This is the fanservice I came here for.
Patamon should have reached it's ultimate evolution on Chapter 3 tho, it felt it came out of nowhere in this movie.
Damn you cliffhanger.

The story is a bit messy and there are still a lot of things to explain, but we are heading to an end. It's building up to be as epic and fanservice-y as possible.
Feb 24, 2017 9:32 PM

Feb 2013

Honestly the worse one in the series, so disappointing.
It started out pretty good, that flashback scene with Himekawa was pretty awesome.
But they failed to build on that good beginning.

When the group got split up, Sora is in the desert and suddenly, Meiko is in the digital world... WHAT?!
Then next scene all of a sudden they're out of the desert, what was the point of being in the desert if they just randomly appear in the forest moments later?

Then Himekawa and Tapirmon just happened.
Well duh he forgot about you Himekawa, I mean what did you expect would happen with the reboot?
Then Himekawa goes all yandere and then we dont see them again for the rest of the movie... okay?

Salamon, a rookie, pulls out a move and it stops MACHINEDRAMON, A FRIGGEN MEGA DIGIMON. BULLSHIT.
Gabumon, also a rookie, pulls out blue blaster and it stops MACHINEDRAMON'S ATTACK AND INJURES METALSEADRAMON.

Tai and Matt "drowning" scene was pretty cringe, another scene which could have been improved on. No evolution scene for Agumon and Gabumon? Come on wtf.

And that final fight, was it really necessary for Tentomon to digivolve? I agree Herculeskautarimon is friggen awesome bu itt didnt need to happen.

Biyomon digivolving straight to Phoenixmon was pretty bad, could at least have Garudamon get a few hits in first.

Patamon's evolution to Seraphimon was also bad, it happened out of no where, no build up, no nothing.
It wasnt as unnecessary as Herculeskabutarimon, but it could have been handled way better. It also would have been nice to see Magnaangemon pull out a few moves.

Honestly it was at the point where I was like "Seriously? You might as well have Palmon and Goamon get in on that mega evolution fiesta?!"

If it had just focused on a fight between Biyomon and Machinedramon, it would have been a better flowing fight.

I defended this series before when people complained about lack of details, but I said it was because they were still building up the plot.
But thats not an excuse this time, because this time it was extremely sloppy and not handled well.

The only good parts of this movie were the interaction between characters, as in any scene not relating to the plot of the story.
Like IzzyxMimi, love that.
Or the awkward Tai, Matt, and Sora scenes lol.

ALSO GOTTA GIVE PROPS TO MY MAN JOE, for thinking about the group's safety, the lowkey MVP who tackled the crap outta evil Gennai, and caught Sora from falling to her doom.

But yeah, movie still was not great overall.
Doesnt compare to the 9/10 that was the third movie.
RaydntFeb 25, 2017 3:43 PM
Feb 24, 2017 9:59 PM
Feb 2017
Raydnt said:

Honestly the worse one in the series, so disappointing.
It started out pretty good, that flashback scene with Himekawa was pretty awesome.
But they failed to build on that good beginning.

When the group got split up, Sora is in the desert and suddenly, Meiko is in the digital world... WHAT?!
Then next scene all of a sudden they're out of the desert, what was the point of being in the desert if they just randomly appear in the forest moments later?

Then Himekawa and Tapirmon just happened.
Well duh he forgot about you Himekawa, I mean what did you expect would happen with the reboot?
Then Himekawa goes all yandere and then we dont see them again for the rest of the movie... okay?

Salamon, a rookie, pulls out a move and it stops MACHINEDRAMON, A FRIGGEN MEGA DIGIMON. BULLSHIT.
Gabumon, also a rookie, pulls out blue blaster and it stops MACHINEDRAMON'S ATTACK AND INJURES METALSEADRAMON.

Tai and Matt "drowning" scene was pretty cringe, another scene which could have been improved on. No evolution scene for Agumon and Gabumon? Come on wtf.

And that final fight, was it really necessary for Tentomon to digivolve? I agree Herculeskautarimon is friggen awesome bu itt didnt need to happen.

Biyomon digivolving straight to Phoenixmon was pretty bad, could at least have Garudamon get a few hits in first.

Patamon's evolution to Seraphimon was also bad, it happened out of no where, no build up, no nothing.
It wasnt as unnecessary as Herculeskabutarimon, but it could have been handled way better. It also would have been nice to see Magnaangemon pull out a few moves.

Honestly it was at the point where I was like "Seriously? You might as well have Patamon and Goamon get in on that mega evolution fiesta?!"

If it had just focused on a fight between Biyomon and Machinedramon, it would have been a better flowing fight.

I defended this series before when people complained about lack of details, but I said it was because they were still building up the plot.
But thats not an excuse this time, because this time it was extremely sloppy and not handled well.

The only good parts of this movie were the interaction between characters, as in any scene not relating to the plot of the story.
Like IzzyxMimi, love that.
Or the awkward Tai, Matt, and Sora scenes lol.

ALSO GOTTA GIVE PROPS TO MY MAN JOE, for thinking about the group's safety, the lowkey MVP who tackled the crap outta evil Gennai, and caught Sora from falling to her doom.

But yeah, movie still was not great overall.
Doesnt compare to the 9/10 that was the third movie.

I agree with you. This movie is the worst compared to the 3 other previous movies. There are many plot holes in this movie like you just stated. But i still enjoyed it. I feel bad for Metalseadramon and Mugendramon who were beaten by more than 1 chosen kids' digimon mega evolution whereas Wargreymon and Phoenixmon should be enough to deal with each of them. About Herculeskabuterimon, I think TOEI wanted to give fanservice to the fans since in the previous movie he only pushed his other digimon friends to digital world from reboot and never launched any attack. TOEI gave fanservice to fans with evolving Tentomon to Herculeskabuterimon again and finally launched an attack that was never seen before...
Feb 24, 2017 10:34 PM

Jan 2012
What a great plot device to make the story longer -____-

Best part were the evolution, as usual
My Guitar Covers:

Feb 24, 2017 10:51 PM

Aug 2008
Are the Machinedramon and Metal Seadramon the same one Dark Master. The Dark Master arc are my favorite arc in the original Digimon so seeing them again make me feels so excited.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 24, 2017 11:22 PM

Sep 2014
By far the worst movie so far.I didn't mind SoL elements in the previous movies since they had much less forced melodrama but this one was unbearable watching 3 episodes of this.Only the 4th episode was ok and that was mediocre at best.Now Rookies can deal damage to Mega Digimon and retreat for a while this kind of attacks didn't even make them flinch in the past.Plot-armor at its best.Also somehow Gennai turned into a molester and he's into high school girls.Since I judge this without the nostalgia googles I give it 5/10 only for the evolution sequences and the cliffhanger,but now I start having lower expectations from this series.
Feb 24, 2017 11:29 PM

Sep 2011
God damn. Just no words to describe what I just watched. Tri continues to be the stain on this franchise. It's been bad since the first movie but damn it, it's worse than Time Hunters. It's worse than Applimon. It is the worst Digimon anime ever which is a shame since this level of budget has so much potential that Toei pissed away.

- Story is garbage and nonsenical
- Plot holes everywhere
- Inconsistent characters
- Some mixed as all hell scene composition
- Awful directing
- Ending in the middle of a scene AGAIN

Only good parts are the tri version of Butterfly (as usual), Hackmon's 30 seconds on screen and the background on the "OG" Digidestined was a little cool.
Feb 25, 2017 12:40 AM

Oct 2008
So, I'm just done with the Digimon movie and holy fucking hell. Is it just me, or is the barrier to entry for evolving to Ultimate/Mega just extremely low now? My Digimon stubbed its toe! ULTIMATE EVOLUTION!!! The fact that it's become about "facing your inner darkness" as opposed to being about actually forging a strong enough bond with your Digimon really annoys me. Biyomon's Ultimate Evolution was NOT earned at all.

Like, shit.. neither was Patamon's. Why the hell was Seraphimon just thrown in for no fucking reason at all? It was not earned, there was no need for him in the slightest and there was nothing to be gained by seeing him there. Because he was there, he took away from Hououmon and HeracleKabuterimon. Where is the awe? Where is the spectacle? Again, it was unnecessary, unearned and underwhelming. Seriously, I'm not one to swear, but this is too fucking much. Mega/Ultimate Evolutions are supposed to be an event. Not just something you throw in for the sake of it. There is absolutely no meaning to any of it in this series.

Also, the warp evolution sequence of Agumon/Gabumon is skipped over again. Though, credit where credit is due, those couple of minutes were the best few minutes of the movie. They actually got that whole, tension -> build up -> comeback thing right... only to shit on it moments after. You think 3 Mega/Ultimates were a little too much!? And this lack of Warp Evolutions is really starting to get on my nerves. There is no reason to show them all in their entirety and they're just there to eat up run time.

STOP SPAMMING EVOLUTIONS!!! STOP IT!!! Even as a fan, I DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM FOR THE SAKE OF SEEING THEM!!! This is why the SAO movie succeeds where this fails. The story is being written for the fanservice and not the other way around. be fair, the first 5 minutes were excellent too. Like finally, some world-building and adding to the lore. It was great to see the creation of the 4 digimon sovereigns. The contrast between Himekawa's reaction and the Digidestined to their Digmon not remembering them was great, but why the hell didn't she see this coming? Wasn't she more than aware of this? Also, why didn't the guy know about Himekawa's plan? He was more than aware of her intentions from the beginning. The freaking plot holes...

GOD. I am so worried for the CCS sequel.
Feb 25, 2017 1:49 AM

Jul 2014
Ok... what.the.actual.fck.Toei?
I can live with the Gennai licking Sora (that was creepy af but meh)
But having a rookie digimon stop a mega digimon, A FREAKING MEGA DIGIMON! how the hell did that happen? that was like Goku getting hurt by a bullet cringe! stahp it Toei.
What I can also not forgive is... you give literally everyone a scene of evolution but skip Agumon to Wargreymon and Gabumon to Metalgarurumon? UNFORGIVABLE! and what just happened with the last fight? WHY THE HELL were 3 mega's needed to take down Machinedramon? just why? because you cant come up with a cool fight scene or dont have the budget hence moving over to just spamming evolutions for the 3? fcking Seraphimon had no fcking hype at all, he came out of literally nowhere, TBH Seraphimon alone would have been to much for Machinedramon.
Now Im worried for the coming next ones, I hope they dont fck it up like what they did here.

Again, we get it Toei, we got all their evolutions in our head, stop spamming them, it takes up waaaaay too much time.

The only ones I enjoyed were the start with the flashback, that was awesome, and Wargreymon+Metalgarurumon kicking metalseadramon's tail!

Im not enjoying their teen drama, tho I liked the part when Tai and Yamato were like "You're a fcking pain in the ass" Digimon Tri drama in a nutshell.

I've enjoyed the past 3 films but this.... this was a train wreck.
Feb 25, 2017 1:51 AM

Sep 2016
digimon is still a thing? lol, i don't watch this but let me predict it's quick cash grab from nostalgia

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Feb 25, 2017 2:35 AM

Sep 2011
GangsterCat said:
digimon is still a thing? lol, i don't watch this but let me predict it's quick cash grab from nostalgia

Yes, these movies are pretty bad and definitely fueled by nostalgia. They started out as an anniversary project after all.

Cash grab s debatable but these are by no means quick.

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
RawrbertoFeb 25, 2017 8:56 PM
Feb 25, 2017 5:03 AM

Dec 2015
The first minutes (who strangely were'nt shown as the first ones during the early revelations) were great despite leading to a few questions.

Almost all the remaining needed infos! Now it kind of makes sense . But it can't fill a full movie and they added more questionable revelations.
I guess that Gennai wasn't affected because he was outside, thus changing history? (but in this case, the chosen digimon eggs shouldn't have stranded on the Island)

So, the digital humanoids like Gennai were servants of the will who preserves the balance in the Digital World? Nice to learn, goes well with their Jedi attire. And now, the only surviving one is on the dark side? OK... but this dark side is nothing more than a super-computer controlling the real Dark Side? ...Also, the clothes colour change was enough, no need to make Gennai look like a creepy evangelist.

Having the full"Butterfly" is nice, the looong evo sequence using it is not.

Enjoyment: 2/5
Score: 5/10 Disjointed, often pointless.

When you have no idea to make a new Digimon story, just smack Yggdrasyl in it... though it was to expect with Alphamon Ôryûken's presence. (by the way, did they totally forgot about the fight seen right after the arrival at the end of the previous movie?)

@Angrayu Those aren't "plot" holes, they are called "warp"/"worm"/"black" holes.

edit @Angrayu And I thought the play wasn't international. ^^"
About the building, yes, it is bad (or inexistant?). But even when you watch the series as a whole, apart from the traditional cut of the stories each focused on a certain character (or pair), there is little logic. This movie does not seem like the 4th chapter on six.

@Angrayu Well, there is a moment where Sora realizes finally the problem/"darkness" with her quality (I think it was made through flash short scenes) like the others before (and what Takeru actually lacks in this movie to justify his ultimate evolution). But it did not seem tied to the movie like it was the case with the previous epiphanies (is this what you mean?). Since there was no second chosen child under the lens, I imagined it would treat the Himekawa case. Especially after they tried to dress some parallel between her and Sora. That was before I realized she simply vanished of the storyline once her task was fulfilled.
And the more I watch of this "series", the less it seems to have a clear road map. (too bad for an anniversary project who had largely enough time to be developed)

As for the scoring, most people here have usually no consideration for "storytelling", except when it is to point out the supposed problem of a commercial, manga teaser or merchandising OAV. (maybe I should not write this since I might sometimes look past that too)

@FallenEntity Libra means balance. It is a latin word. Also used to name the zodiac sign.
Rei_IIIFeb 25, 2017 11:48 AM
Feb 25, 2017 5:08 AM

Aug 2013
meh, it was so average..
maybe I expected too much..

it's a kids show anyway.. :'
Feb 25, 2017 6:53 AM

Jul 2016
I don't know, this one is kinda weak for me, it's just like nothing.
Feb 25, 2017 7:16 AM
Mar 2016
I liked the movie except I had 2 major nitpicks: 1. Still no mention of the season 2 cast or even seeing em (cmon Trollei the fuck are you doing smh), and 2. I really didn't want Yggdrasil to be involved in tri
Feb 25, 2017 7:48 AM

Jul 2015
@Rei366 They can call it Friendship holes if they have fun with it. My point is that these worm holes open for everyone to end up at the same location again. (My guess is to pay homage to the structure of the anime where things like that happened all the time leading to separate episodic adventures for each of them)

There was no other way to get all back together than these plot devices. So i thought calling them "plot holes" had a nice double meaning for them. :D

After some sleep and a few more thought i still can't wrap my head around the pacing and structure of this movie. It was all over the place with so little sense. Something went wrong in the development.

edit: @Rei366 It was fairly odd, wasn't it? It started out really nice with some fine moments. I remember that in the original anime, the digimon used to pop out of the woods and claim "yup we are your partners!" and the kids were like. "what are you guys anyway?!" so it was a sweet mix up of that situation which i loved to see. Tsundere Biyomon was strange but i can get what they were trying to do. That a stranger just comes in and claims to be your best friend does seem suspicious. I don't get what they tried to do with the pacing of those scenes. When they had the struggles and conflicts of Mimi/Palmon and Joe/Gomamon it was the center of the story. They faced how they are and how to accept themselves, which was a beautiful message of growing up. (fitting right into the theme of tri)

I have a strong feeling that they had to shove in a few more ideas and thus this needed scenes were cut from this movie. (a bit like Suicide Squad felt like) The conflict between Sora and Biyomon still got much screen time but 3 times these scenes ended with biyomon rejecting Soras attempt to reconnect with her.

Then we have scenes with yandere-exgirlfriend-mon throwing tantrums, old Sage McRape acting weird and creepy and some stuff about some Yggdrasil and balance and general wtf?! moments. It lacked set up. There was no logic. Completely disconnected (i'm honestly baffled people here give it a score higher than 5)

I could go on and on but i think my point is clear. From a narrative standpoint...this was a total mess.
AngrayuFeb 25, 2017 10:45 AM
Feb 25, 2017 11:21 AM

Mar 2015
No logic, forced drama, incoherent fights, lame characters, boring story, bad directing, tedious animation, awful pacing. As expected, the "movie" sucked. Looking forward to part 5.
Feb 25, 2017 11:46 AM

Oct 2008
This is a repost, but I think it's worth taking a look at if you haven't already.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING from these new movies have evoked the same level of emotional response that these scenes have. They are beautiful in their construction and flawless in their execution.

Is it wrong for me to expect this kind of quality from a movie that is supposed to be more "mature"? I'll just stick to my "childish plot" that actually puts in more emotion and heart into its writing, thank you very much.
Feb 25, 2017 12:06 PM
Jul 2014
Movie 3 was much emotional.
Feb 25, 2017 12:07 PM

Jun 2011
My god, the salt is real in this thread. Y'all are expecting too much out of a shonen pet raising series.

And btw, Gennai being a creepy JK licker was the best.

Mod Edit: Hateful language
RawrbertoFeb 25, 2017 8:58 PM
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Feb 25, 2017 12:39 PM
Mar 2016
LOL Come on
what you expected from TOEI Animation
Epic Story with Epic Animation? LOL
we all know about TOEI
Money Above Quality
they just Ride on Digimon Big Name
Feb 25, 2017 2:09 PM

Oct 2014
Can't we just be happy these movies are even being made in the first place? I see people bashing left and right about inconsistencies and slow pace, really? Did you do that same level of criticism when you were first watching Digimon as a child? Just try to watch them with the silliness we had back then.

Honestly I'm just so happy being able to see the original gang getting back together doing ANYTHING. These movies could have been about them going to the park with the digimon and I still woulda loved the shit outta them. Why? Because they are suppose to be a treat. I never would have imagined getting a Digimon sequel 15 years later. I cried buckets when I first saw the announcement that they would be making tri. Yes Salamon should not have been able to stop Machinedramon with a bark, big deal, it's awesome because it's there, we're watching something we never thought was gonna be made, just try to enjoy it without nitpicking so much.
Feb 25, 2017 2:14 PM

Sep 2011
sindragosa said:
Can't we just be happy these movies are even being made in the first place? I see people bashing left and right about inconsistencies and slow pace, really? Did you do that same level of criticism when you were first watching Digimon as a child? Just try to watch them with the silliness we had back then.

Honestly I'm just so happy being able to see the original gang getting back together doing ANYTHING. These movies could have been about them going to the park with the digimon and I still woulda loved the shit outta them. Why? Because they are suppose to be a treat. I never would have imagined getting a Digimon sequel 15 years later. I cried buckets when I first saw the announcement that they would be making tri. Yes Salamon should not have been able to stop Machinedramon with a bark, big deal, it's awesome because it's there, we're watching something we never thought was gonna be made, just try to enjoy it without nitpicking so much.

No, we will not turn off our brains just because of nostalgia. These movies are massively flawed and deserve to be called out for it.
Feb 25, 2017 2:22 PM

Oct 2014
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
sindragosa said:
Can't we just be happy these movies are even being made in the first place? I see people bashing left and right about inconsistencies and slow pace, really? Did you do that same level of criticism when you were first watching Digimon as a child? Just try to watch them with the silliness we had back then.

Honestly I'm just so happy being able to see the original gang getting back together doing ANYTHING. These movies could have been about them going to the park with the digimon and I still woulda loved the shit outta them. Why? Because they are suppose to be a treat. I never would have imagined getting a Digimon sequel 15 years later. I cried buckets when I first saw the announcement that they would be making tri. Yes Salamon should not have been able to stop Machinedramon with a bark, big deal, it's awesome because it's there, we're watching something we never thought was gonna be made, just try to enjoy it without nitpicking so much.

No, we will not turn off our brains just because of nostalgia. These movies are massively flawed and deserve to be called out for it.

They were made because of nostalgia, you're expecting too much. They are just a special treat for the 15 year anniversary of the series. It has nothing to do with turning your brain off, they aren't even that bad, "massively bad" well that's your opinion, I've seen worse anime than tri.
Feb 25, 2017 2:23 PM

Jul 2015
sindragosa said:
Can't we just be happy these movies are even being made in the first place? I see people bashing left and right about inconsistencies and slow pace, really? Did you do that same level of criticism when you were first watching Digimon as a child? Just try to watch them with the silliness we had back then.

You say it yourself. It's been 15 years. Haven't you grown up in those 15 years or do you value each new thing you see through the eyes of a child?

Digimon Adventures Tri was always advertised for those who watched it back then. These first 3 Movies build right into that mindset of growing up. Seeing the world and their fights with the eyes of more mature eyes. (devastation and casualties. Fear of the future etc)

It's not wrong to "not fanboy" all of what's happening and if people want to speak their mind of some flaws ( in a civilized and understandable way) it's the right way to do. They do because they liked the source material or they wouldn't care to even write it down here.

It's completely okay to like it. If you can draw that "silliness we had back then" out of it that's great! But just hate the haters, not the critics okay? ;p
Feb 25, 2017 2:32 PM

Oct 2014
Angrayu said:
sindragosa said:
Can't we just be happy these movies are even being made in the first place? I see people bashing left and right about inconsistencies and slow pace, really? Did you do that same level of criticism when you were first watching Digimon as a child? Just try to watch them with the silliness we had back then.

You say it yourself. It's been 15 years. Haven't you grown up in those 15 years or do you value each new thing you see through the eyes of a child?

Digimon Adventures Tri was always advertised for those who watched it back then. These first 3 Movies build right into that mindset of growing up. Seeing the world and their fights with the eyes of more mature eyes. (devastation and casualties. Fear of the future etc)

It's not wrong to "not fanboy" all of what's happening and if people want to speak their mind of some flaws ( in a civilized and understandable way) it's the right way to do. They do because they liked the source material or they wouldn't care to even write it down here.

It's completely okay to like it. If you can draw that "silliness we had back then" out of it that's great! But just hate the haters, not the critics okay? ;p

Everyone has a right to their own opinion, I'm not saying everyone should like it, but I do think some people are being too harsh towards these movies.

I don't see the reason, maybe some are looking more into it then I am. The first series was so good it set a high standard. I for one didn't start watching these movies with the idea that it would be of the same caliber as the first or better, I'm just very happy they are even making these.

I don't have "fanboy" goggles on, I see the flaws too, I just think there's a lot of nitpicking going on. For me, these movies, I view them as a "special", I didn't set any high expectations to them so maybe that's why I can just enjoy them as they are.
Feb 25, 2017 2:33 PM

Apr 2014
Raydnt said:

Honestly it was at the point where I was
The only good parts of this movie were the interaction between characters, as in any scene not relating to the plot of the story.
Like IzzyxMimi, love that.
Or the awkward Tai, Matt, and Sora scenes lol.

I completely agree with you. The only good thing was the interactions. Patamon's evolution to Seraphimon was absolutely bullshit. I don't understand why they forced it into this movie when they easily could've shown it in the next one - where it at least would've made sense. Given that we'll get to see "dark" Hikari and she is dear to him. Platonically or romantically. Seriously wth.

And bless Joe. He was the best thing in this movie.

The Izzy x Mimi and the slight bg Hikari x Takeru moments do make me wonder tbvh. Is it merely teasing or more? The way they are being developed and stepping ahead suggests there are mutual feelings involved - if not at least some attractions and they aren't acting out on them. But then again aren't Sora and Yamato supposed to be a thing since 02 and there isn't any. They don’t look like a couple to me? The progressing relationships highly confuse me. Will they be a thing or not? It wouldn't change a thing knowing. But Toei we will never get a closure or solve the riddle - up to our own interpretations with all the hints we were given. It will be left open.
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