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Log Horizon
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Dec 23, 2016 9:47 PM

Jan 2016
I'm guessing this probably has been asked before but anyways I just finished watching season 2 of Log Horizon and I was wondering how they ended it they could defiantly continue it.

But I'm guessing since season 2 came out on DVD not long ago (May 31 2016 for US/Canada release ) they'd probably wait a bit to see how sales and all of that would go first.

But what do you guys think do you think theirs a chance big, slim or other wise?

All the Anime's on my list are all one's I own Personal physical copies of, or have seen in theaters that I plan on buying, series that I've watched on FUNimation or HIDIVE will not be on here unless/until I have already bought it.
Dec 23, 2016 9:56 PM

Sep 2015
Going to need some sources for this but...

I thought Log Horizon was never getting a season 3 cause the writer: a) died b) ran into legal issues c) something happened to the source so no more story.

With that being said, I would love for another season, I mean come on, give us more Krusty.
Dec 23, 2016 9:58 PM

Jan 2010
Moved from Anime Discussion

It would definitely be fun, but while I don't particularly remember the specifics, the issue with the different studios doing the two seasons and the author having legal troubles, I wonder if behind-the-scenes problems could prevent a third season from coming to fruition?
Dec 23, 2016 10:38 PM

Feb 2015
Shocked said:
I wonder if behind-the-scenes problems could prevent a third season from coming to fruition?

Mhhh... I do somewhat get the reason as to why it might fail to get another adaptation, though I have not known about the "behind the scene" problems, enlighten me if possible...

Ohhh legal troubles, I thought something like the one with NGNL author...xD
Dec 23, 2016 10:42 PM

Jan 2010
_Ako_ said:
Shocked said:
I wonder if behind-the-scenes problems could prevent a third season from coming to fruition?

Mhhh... I do somewhat get the reason as to why it might fail to get another adaptation, though I have not known about the "behind the scene" problems, enlighten me if possible...

Ohhh legal troubles, I thought something like the one with NGNL author...xD

This happened earlier this year, so that was a thing.
Dec 23, 2016 11:20 PM
Sep 2014
I have a weird relationship with the show. I nearly dropped it S1, but slogged through and for some reason watched S2. I think my curiosity about what happened to put everyone in that world has been the only driving force keeping me watching.
Jan 2, 2017 10:46 PM

Feb 2016
i´m really sad that there is no season 3 :'(
Jan 21, 2017 11:01 AM
Dec 2012
well that sucks :\
guess i should read the LN
~Zoom Zoom Iyaan!
Jan 22, 2017 5:42 PM

Jan 2013
Hope there's a season 3... We soooo need this now. Please rescue us, anime show is getting boring except Youjo Senki and the movies.
Jan 22, 2017 6:09 PM
Oct 2012
Pyon2WarpKun said:
Hope there's a season 3... We soooo need this now. Please rescue us, anime show is getting boring except Youjo Senki and the movies.

It all comes down to the writer. NHK is behind the animation, so worrying about sales doesn't matter. The problem with a season 3 is that the writer hasn't published anything since Sept 2015. And it seems he has been busy with dealing with a tax evasion scheme, which may pull NHK out of any future production. Pity, if that proves to be the case.
Feb 25, 2017 4:34 AM

Sep 2014
it will be a few years at least, the author is fairly slow (at least compared to many others) at getting new novels out. I may be wrong but Im pretty sure season 1 used up 5 novels worth while season 2 stretched out 3 or 4. So we need to wait for at least that many til a new season could be started.
Mar 19, 2017 10:38 AM
Jan 2013
as for other series getting boring i think you should wait a bit for the next season of atk on titan
Mar 30, 2017 6:36 PM
Mar 2017
Hey everyone

Okay so i really really loved log horizon, I'm sure people have their opinions about it, but personally i really enjoyed it, and I'm like dying for more, I have heard that the writer had something happen with taxes, and having to pay it back. But i was wondering if anyone knew any new news on it?

Thank you!
Mar 30, 2017 7:09 PM

Jul 2012
At least for main story, if I remember correctly, the light novel series was going to end at volume 15. The rough material covered by each season was like 5 volumes. Since the second season only 1 volume has released for a total of 10 and it's gotten like 3 spin-offs.
So since nothing is confirmed and there isn't enough source material the only thing that could possibly animated would be one of the spin-offs.
Mar 30, 2017 7:11 PM

Jul 2016
Loved Season 1. Season 2 was meh for me. I hope they give season 3 to a different studio.
Mar 30, 2017 7:24 PM
Jan 2017
Season two was okay and a bit boring. So don't care, I much more excited for Konosuba, SAO, and Overlord.
Mar 30, 2017 7:38 PM
Oct 2012
Sterps said:
Loved Season 1. Season 2 was meh for me. I hope they give season 3 to a different studio.

Please stop with the Studio Deen bashing. The faults in season 2 were not Deen's fault, they were the faults of the original material.
Mar 30, 2017 9:18 PM

Jun 2015
Takuan_Soho said:
Sterps said:
Loved Season 1. Season 2 was meh for me. I hope they give season 3 to a different studio.

Please stop with the Studio Deen bashing. The faults in season 2 were not Deen's fault, they were the faults of the original material.

The terribad art was not the material's fault though.
Mar 30, 2017 9:43 PM
Oct 2012
Brb said:
The terribad art was not the material's fault though.

What really sucked? I agree that Kanami was inferior to the first season, but the novels made it clear that her avatar had changed, so that wasn't an "art" issue.

If one talks about scenes, Deen perfectly captured William's thoughts. They did Akatsuki pretty dead on as well. The weakness was the over focus on the "kids", but that was from the novels.
Mar 31, 2017 1:10 AM

Jun 2015
Takuan_Soho said:
Brb said:
The terribad art was not the material's fault though.

What really sucked? I agree that Kanami was inferior to the first season, but the novels made it clear that her avatar had changed, so that wasn't an "art" issue.

If one talks about scenes, Deen perfectly captured William's thoughts. They did Akatsuki pretty dead on as well. The weakness was the over focus on the "kids", but that was from the novels.

It's general consensus that S1 production values are better than S2, and more consistent as well, cherry picking scenes don't make the animation good, just those specific scenes.

IDGAF about the source's flaws as that does not have any relationship with how low quality s2 seems in terms of art direction.
Apr 1, 2017 6:54 AM

Aug 2014
Apr 20, 2017 2:31 PM
Apr 2017
I used to have the link to the news but the show/novel creator, Mamare Tuono was convicted of tax evasion 2 years ago and sentenced to jail time for about 2 years (he should have been released in 2016 by my memory/reckoning). Yen Press is still cranking out the manga and novels in English. My guess is that 1) NHK won't pick up Log Horizon due to his conviction, 2) other anime providers are keeping an eye on the DVD/Blu-Ray, manga and novel sales. The 8th Novel is scheduled to be released in June or July 2017 and the sales of the actual anime may be over unless you all buy the products to keep the show going.
Jun 3, 2017 7:10 PM
Feb 2010
Years ago when it first came out I watched the first episode of the first season and dropped it halfway; wasn't really into this "stuck in a game" theme yet until I watched a couple more; videlicet OverLord, Sword Art Online, and .hack//sign series -- thence I developed a passion for the genre and decided to give it another go after much consideration then finished first, then the second, yet I CAN'T WAIT for the Next ones -- for any of the aforementioned shows above, mostly OverLord (It's coming! YAY!) and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, although the latter is not about getting stuck in a game; it is still about fantasy, magic, and martial arts.

It's a bangin' show.
Jun 4, 2017 9:19 AM

Jan 2016
ExileoN said:
Years ago when it first came out I watched the first episode of the first season and dropped it halfway; wasn't really into this "stuck in a game" theme yet until I watched a couple more; videlicet OverLord, Sword Art Online, and .hack//sign series -- thence I developed a passion for the genre and decided to give it another go after much consideration then finished first, then the second, yet I CAN'T WAIT for the Next ones -- for any of the aforementioned shows above, mostly OverLord (It's coming! YAY!) and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, although the latter is not about getting stuck in a game; it is still about fantasy, magic, and martial arts.

It's a bangin' show.

Yeah I will admit not as much of a fan of Log Horizon as I am of Overlord and I agree can't wait for season 2

All the Anime's on my list are all one's I own Personal physical copies of, or have seen in theaters that I plan on buying, series that I've watched on FUNimation or HIDIVE will not be on here unless/until I have already bought it.
Jun 14, 2017 12:05 PM
May 2017
Shocked said:
_Ako_ said:

Mhhh... I do somewhat get the reason as to why it might fail to get another adaptation, though I have not known about the "behind the scene" problems, enlighten me if possible...

Ohhh legal troubles, I thought something like the one with NGNL author...xD

This happened earlier this year, so that was a thing.
Yeah- I heard thtat there was something about tax evasion or something.
Jul 15, 2017 9:38 AM
Jul 2017
just finesh watching log horizon and theres so much that hasnt been told yet so im pretty sure there is gonna be another on unless something happend to the author
Aug 10, 2017 3:29 AM

Aug 2017
Guys, any news about Log Horizon season 3? I'm looking for it but still got nothing.
I Am Fun. I Am Pretty. I Am Beautiful. I’m A Queen. I’m Inspire, your Desire. I’m A Diva, living La Vida.
Aug 28, 2017 5:02 PM
Jul 2017
Cute_Rias12 said:
just finesh watching log horizon and theres so much that hasnt been told yet so im pretty sure there is gonna be another on unless something happend to the author

The author is in jail from avoiding his taxes or something like that.
Oct 14, 2017 6:40 AM

Jun 2015
Youjisama said:
Guys, any news about Log Horizon season 3? I'm looking for it but still got nothing.
the LN still on going tho, the volume 13 released 16 April this year, and volume 14 still on production, but the anime? maybe there is no more season 3
Oct 15, 2017 5:04 PM

Aug 2017
@Kukirakira I see, I cant read japanese tho :(
YoujisamaOct 15, 2017 5:13 PM
I Am Fun. I Am Pretty. I Am Beautiful. I’m A Queen. I’m Inspire, your Desire. I’m A Diva, living La Vida.
Oct 15, 2017 5:16 PM

Jun 2015
Youjisama said:
@Kukirakira I see, I cant read japanese tho :(

Light novel...
The autohor of Log Horizon got caught by Tax Evasion Scandals and now in jail but the light novel still on goin from what i see
Oct 15, 2017 5:38 PM

Dec 2014
Hopefully it happens, and hopefully it happens ~soon~.
Nov 9, 2017 7:19 AM
Oct 2015
The official light novels by Enterbrain stopped at Volume 10. The web novel is halfway through Volume 14, but none of the fan translation projects have attempted anything. Regardless, there is now enough source material for making Log Horizon Season 3, but NHK has remained silent.

Nov 24, 2017 9:08 AM

Feb 2016
HecticLeo said:
Going to need some sources for this but...

I thought Log Horizon was never getting a season 3 cause the writer: a) died b) ran into legal issues c) something happened to the source so no more story.

With that being said, I would love for another season, I mean come on, give us more Krusty.

Hey I'm not the only one that wants more screen time of Krusty.
Dec 29, 2017 8:18 AM
Aug 2017
Is there a possibility of Log Horizon 3 next year 2018????
I mean there are still stuff to reunite with Kanami.....reunite with Crusty..........Akatsuki and Shiroi(my ship)..........and the rest of the story is still on going so what i think is that there will be a season 3 but what do u guys think :/ ?
Feb 27, 2018 9:50 PM
Nov 2016
need season three of it it was good the good ones never keeps going and the none goods one get more seasons then they should
Mar 14, 2018 3:39 PM

Mar 2016
The chances are next to null....the author is in jail for avoiding taxes, so even if by then he gets released, it'll take too much to redeem his reputation for a good enough impression to promote another season. However, there's also the problem of how poorly season 2 went. After Akatsuki and Shiroe experienced their first "death" and redemption afterwards, the plot just went completely south and turned into a mess, not even managing good focus on support characters like the previous season did. I hate to say this, but it was one of the few times I actually got bored finishing (or trying to) an anime season I had hopes for at the time.
So in short, I personally don't think there's any chance of a third season, due to the two issues aforementioned, but hey, there's still theoretically a chance.
Mar 17, 2018 6:54 AM

Aug 2014
Ryuseishun said:
The chances are next to null....the author is in jail for avoiding taxes, so even if by then he gets released, it'll take too much to redeem his reputation for a good enough impression to promote another season. However, there's also the problem of how poorly season 2 went. After Akatsuki and Shiroe experienced their first "death" and redemption afterwards, the plot just went completely south and turned into a mess, not even managing good focus on support characters like the previous season did. I hate to say this, but it was one of the few times I actually got bored finishing (or trying to) an anime season I had hopes for at the time.
So in short, I personally don't think there's any chance of a third season, due to the two issues aforementioned, but hey, there's still theoretically a chance.

I have the same impression about the adaptation.
The 1st half are okay, some episode like 10 felt like dragged into cringefest then theres this newbie quest that seems like a mess + abit of filler into it.
The last 2 episode seems rushed though it doesnt seems forced so its an alright pacing at the beginning and ending, but fk up on the middle.

I honestly have no idea about the author, but1 thing that makes log horizon feel special was because its taken into a rational acts and decision when an events occur on each arc , no one are overpowered, and everyone had their screentime or background.
Make sense why some chapter arent published yet and i guess i finally had the answer.

Then again sequel as usual are next to null,
Ahh.. what a dissapointment, S1 was great, S2 was half assed mediocre (the raid was pretty good imo) but its a mess, with more "events" waiting ahead one only can dream for a n announcement that perhaps will never happen.
2018 arent possible its obvious
2019 ? no idea but nah i doubt Producers NHK would risk it here and theres this studio Deen which is a pretty painful budget studio.
Mar 17, 2018 8:29 AM

Mar 2016
Xaelath said:
Ryuseishun said:
The chances are next to null....the author is in jail for avoiding taxes, so even if by then he gets released, it'll take too much to redeem his reputation for a good enough impression to promote another season. However, there's also the problem of how poorly season 2 went. After Akatsuki and Shiroe experienced their first "death" and redemption afterwards, the plot just went completely south and turned into a mess, not even managing good focus on support characters like the previous season did. I hate to say this, but it was one of the few times I actually got bored finishing (or trying to) an anime season I had hopes for at the time.
So in short, I personally don't think there's any chance of a third season, due to the two issues aforementioned, but hey, there's still theoretically a chance.

I have the same impression about the adaptation.
The 1st half are okay, some episode like 10 felt like dragged into cringefest then theres this newbie quest that seems like a mess + abit of filler into it.
The last 2 episode seems rushed though it doesnt seems forced so its an alright pacing at the beginning and ending, but fk up on the middle.

I honestly have no idea about the author, but1 thing that makes log horizon feel special was because its taken into a rational acts and decision when an events occur on each arc , no one are overpowered, and everyone had their screentime or background.
Make sense why some chapter arent published yet and i guess i finally had the answer.

Then again sequel as usual are next to null,
Ahh.. what a dissapointment, S1 was great, S2 was half assed mediocre (the raid was pretty good imo) but its a mess, with more "events" waiting ahead one only can dream for a n announcement that perhaps will never happen.
2018 arent possible its obvious
2019 ? no idea but nah i doubt Producers NHK would risk it here and theres this studio Deen which is a pretty painful budget studio.

I mean, I hate the fact that the second season was literally an half-assed work that got me in circles trying to figure out if there's an actual even sub-plots aren't even that interesting at all.
As for the author's jail dilemma, this makes the situation even worse. That's why at this point, only conclusions we can "truly" get are from fanfics for the series finale.

IMO, Overlord 2 may have just two big plot arcs that don't really focus heavily on the mc, but more so on the main characters...but the stories were actually very interesting and the edginess and action that is there is actually pretty lit. More importantly, these arcs were at very least not half-assed like with Log Horizon 2. That's just my take on it, though.
Apr 8, 2018 1:25 AM
Nov 2016
nee soon i been wait a long time for it to come out

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