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Oct 15, 2016 1:46 AM

Sep 2016
Very good episode. I'm liking the direction the story may take and it seems it will have some interesting villains and characters along the way. Looks like we're in for a good show this fall.
Oct 15, 2016 1:49 AM
Jan 2014
I like how this show is all gory and gloomy but it does not look edgy at all. Everyone is a badass but they won't say cringy one liner.

The OP sequence is amazing. ED is good also.
Oct 15, 2016 2:07 AM

Jul 2012
I am ready for some Helling levels of hype!

Totally didn't know the same guy did both series. I had a huge hunch the first ep with the art style but forgot to look it up. Then the second ep hit and I just knew it had to be the same or some awesome levels of style devotion! Hype!
Oct 15, 2016 2:38 AM

Jul 2016
Oh LORD! Is that a licensed song in ANOTHER Kouta Hirano anime? I missed you SOOO MUCH!!! Andit's the OP, that's fucking awesome!
And let me say this, Gate can't hold a candle to what Drifters is, Gate done right, with motherfucking badass samurais. And that scene when Toyohisa bashes the guy with the hilt of his sword, BRUTAL And DELICIOUS!! The asshole deserved it!
ONWARDS! Away from homework and on to more anime!!!
Oct 15, 2016 3:08 AM
Oct 2011
SakurasouBusters said:
Did they tone down the awful comedy from the first episode?
nope, comedy is still as shitty

joe_own said:
For all the people complaining about the comedy, have you not watched hellsing?, 2ndly just because some of you people don't understand it, doesn't mean its "cringe" or bad, its more or less your ignorance, and that's not the fault of the anime neither the manga, that's the individuals problem, and no there is also no mindless killing, there is most definitive a story and reasoning behind there actions and motives, this is not some run of the mill anime, and for the people that reads the 1 lonely review on MAL take it as a grain of salt, as that moron is reviewing it base on 1 episode, and that is what we call "inaccurate judgement".
comedy in Hellsing Ultimate was as retarded.
Candor123Oct 15, 2016 3:15 AM
Oct 15, 2016 3:21 AM
May 2016
The was a damn badass episode. That absurd brutality hype me up in my seat. I guess the humor here depends on the watcher, so for me I find it laughable.

The trio really are badass. Oda's quote while watching the grain fields burning was so badass. Shimazu got done really mad, made him torture the head of the Commander. Looking forward for next episode, looks like more enemies will be introduced.
Oct 15, 2016 3:45 AM

Nov 2013
lol It's funny when you realize that Nobunaga from HunterxHunter(2011) was also voiced by Naoya Uchida.
And this episode just confirmed that this is not Hellsing + Fate stay night
It's Hellsing + Fate stay night + Umineko no naku koro ni

Btw, I wonder if Nakata Jouji is getting a role in this? Or in any anime of this season at all...?
ColtBuntlineOct 15, 2016 3:52 AM
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Oct 15, 2016 4:18 AM

Jul 2013
I love it. The second episode was really amazing, Drifters might become my favourite of this season.
LOL at Toyohisa's line "If you don't speak japanese, you must die!" xD
It's good he encouraged the elves to end that commanders lifes themselves. This is like the first (very bloody) step to be able to protect their village from now on. These guys need some good training.
Oct 15, 2016 4:19 AM

May 2015
What a magnificent gorefest.

This time the comedy was better because it was used when the action ended as a way to drop the tension since it wasn't needed anymore.
Not liking the comedy != bad comedy
Even though I am not a fan of the style it managed to steal a smile from me.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 15, 2016 4:58 AM

Aug 2014
damn I didn't like the first episode, but this was gold. Loved the OP, the characters are great, the art style's nice. I could have doen with the FMAB-style humour, but this was really good
Oct 15, 2016 5:25 AM
Sep 2015
mc's sword art is a little overdone but for now it's best of the season
Oct 15, 2016 5:26 AM

Oct 2016
Good opening song. This is the secound and last part of the OVA, i hope the next episodes are as good as the ova and the manga
Oct 15, 2016 5:30 AM
Jan 2013
Blood and fire is sweet!
I love this episode!!!
Oct 15, 2016 5:38 AM
May 2016
badassery is literally oozing from this series

Oct 15, 2016 6:02 AM

Jun 2013
the OP is amazing and that was brutal
Oct 15, 2016 7:32 AM

Dec 2015
Nice OP, nice action and violence. Liked the 2nd episode. More interesting than the 1st episode. Seems there are different factions fighting which will make it intersting. (Only the action itself would get boring a bit.)
Oct 15, 2016 7:41 AM

Jul 2013
Well, apart of the beginning with Scipio and Hannibal, there is anything new respecting the second half of the OVA, as expected. Anyway, I enjoyed again the over the top action that Kouta Hirano's series has and it was an enjoyable as the OVA (didn't mind the awkward comedy at all).

Next episode will have new content. Cannot wait for it.

Btw, the opening it's fucking great.
Oct 15, 2016 8:11 AM

Jun 2015
crystalblade13 said:
Niveen_Sleem said:

I guess the people who don't appreciate this kind of comedy haven't watched Gintama

Gonna have to stop you there, gintama is my favorite anime and is fucking hilarious even when you don't get the specific references. Cause usually, the situation or pure clever writing of the joke shine through anyway. Drifters on the other hand doesn't... at all.

I meant the sudden switch from a dead serious situation to a joke. Gintama has a lot of comedy types. like almost every type. All I'm saying that it's easier for Gintama fans to adapt to the sudden mode changes.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Oct 15, 2016 8:16 AM

Feb 2016
The OP sequence is so good.

The comedy is still awkward, though fewer than the first episode.

And that violent torture lol. So cool yet so wrong. Though that guy wasn't dead yet, or at least incapacitated, what tenacity.
All people have their own sh*t tastes, therefore, there are no sh*t tastes, since everything is equally sh*t.

Oct 15, 2016 8:37 AM
Apr 2014
Not sure if I like the excessive blood but I guess that was to be expected from the mangaka of Hellsing.

All in all it was mostly entertaining. Hopefully they stop talking that gibberish soon. That's really the only major annoyance.

Zinzoo said:
DekuHero said:
What language are the elves speaking? It sounded Germanic.
I believe this is some variation of japanese, like with changed sounds, I noticed that instead of 'no' they are using 'mo'

I could even imagine they used "regular" japanese then simply cut it into pieces and switched it around a little. With some kind of system, obviously, to make it sound consistent.
Oct 15, 2016 9:05 AM
Nov 2013
Niveen_Sleem said:
crystalblade13 said:

Gonna have to stop you there, gintama is my favorite anime and is fucking hilarious even when you don't get the specific references. Cause usually, the situation or pure clever writing of the joke shine through anyway. Drifters on the other hand doesn't... at all.

I meant the sudden switch from a dead serious situation to a joke. Gintama has a lot of comedy types. like almost every type. All I'm saying that it's easier for Gintama fans to adapt to the sudden mode changes.

True, I'll give you that. Although when gintama gets truly serious, the moment is almost never ruined by a joke. Gintama knows when to stay serious.
Oct 15, 2016 9:09 AM

Jun 2015
crystalblade13 said:
Niveen_Sleem said:

I meant the sudden switch from a dead serious situation to a joke. Gintama has a lot of comedy types. like almost every type. All I'm saying that it's easier for Gintama fans to adapt to the sudden mode changes.

True, I'll give you that. Although when gintama gets truly serious, the moment is almost never ruined by a joke. Gintama knows when to stay serious.

I know I cried for a whole episode and after it too. This never happened to me before.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Oct 15, 2016 9:26 AM

Jul 2015
Bobby2Hands said:
thebusofdoom said:
Even Yoichi bragging about her age was funnier.

ha, gaaaaaaay!
Yoichi is a "he" not a "her"

After 61 chapterof manga I still have no idea
Oct 15, 2016 10:15 AM

Dec 2008
Shimazu is crazy as hell!! I like that!!
Oct 15, 2016 10:44 AM
May 2016
I've read the Drifters manga up to its current point, and while I'm a bit concerned about the slow pacing of the episode, it was definitely a step up from the last one. Of course the comedy bits are a bit jarring, but I'm personally fine with them. I'm really excited to see how Hood handles the next episode, because it should by all means be absolute madness.
Raise your Database on the Ground
Oct 15, 2016 12:25 PM
Nov 2013
Niveen_Sleem said:
crystalblade13 said:

True, I'll give you that. Although when gintama gets truly serious, the moment is almost never ruined by a joke. Gintama knows when to stay serious.

I know I cried for a whole episode and after it too. This never happened to me before.

I know right? It can be so sad... Mitsuba...courtesan...SA...

Such beautiful arcs.
crystalblade13Oct 15, 2016 6:21 PM
Oct 15, 2016 12:25 PM

Apr 2011
Shit went down in this episode can't wait until next week.
Oct 15, 2016 1:00 PM

Apr 2014
This show is so brutal and beautiful at the same time.
---------My Profile------------
Oct 15, 2016 3:52 PM

Feb 2013
If nothing else, at least the action is bloody good.
Oct 15, 2016 5:29 PM

Jul 2016
I see now that the director of JoJo's is in this.

I can feel the GAR in here.
Oct 15, 2016 6:14 PM

Aug 2014
joe_own said:
For all the people complaining about the comedy, have you not watched hellsing?, 2ndly just because some of you people don't understand it, doesn't mean its "cringe" or bad, its more or less your ignorance, and that's not the fault of the anime neither the manga, that's the individuals problem, and no there is also no mindless killing, there is most definitive a story and reasoning behind there actions and motives, this is not some run of the mill anime, and for the people that reads the 1 lonely review on MAL take it as a grain of salt, as that moron is reviewing it base on 1 episode, and that is what we call "inaccurate judgement".

I watched Hellsing and it's bad comedy, why would someone change his opinion based on another show? It's just so out of place whether you watched Hellsing or not, your comment makes no sense.
Oct 15, 2016 6:22 PM
Nov 2013
Also, the animation really isn't all that good at all guys. It's the art that's great.
Oct 15, 2016 7:34 PM

Aug 2014
Hmmm... I didnt kow how i felt about ep 1 but ooooo booy was this episode on some next level shhiiiiiit
Oct 15, 2016 7:46 PM

Apr 2015
the first episode was average and i was not that interested in the story. But after the episode 2, i'm really hyped about this show.
Oct 15, 2016 8:10 PM

Jan 2016
Is only me or actually this anime is hard to watch? I DON'T UNDERSTAND THEIR PLAIN JOKES PLS HELP EXPLAINING THEM TO ME. Even they dared making harsh joke after those death?! I'm not complaining but it's only 2 episodes and now i'm complaning the whole show. Ee?

I haven't watch hellsing and I don't understand how to enjoy this anime. I mean.. Do people must watched hellsing beforehand in order to understand the whole thing?

The art is appealling especially those op and ed, i like it. But it's gone nothing for me cause i don't understand the plot. I don't like mc's goals ideals. He is dead and now he is obsessing to cut people's head. He barely just swung his sword and it's mere blood for show? It's creepy although his team now is siding with elves afterward. Feel bad for those poor germanian elves. I hope their approach become clearer in next episodes.
We did this every day that summer. There wasn’t a day we missed.

"I love you, air conditioner."
Oct 15, 2016 8:14 PM

Sep 2011
I'm frankly loving this fucked up show, its kind of refreshing to just see something so not give a shit about how edgy and brutal it is and instead just double down on it. It gets me hyped.

Also that opening is outstanding.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 15, 2016 8:32 PM

Oct 2011
amazing Op song and ending
Oct 16, 2016 2:15 AM
Oct 2015
The second episode is so much better than the first one! I didn't really like the comedy in the first one, but it actually worked pretty well in this episode. The fight scenes are great and it looks like the story is going to be amazing as well. Looking forward to watching the third episode! Great stuff so far!
I love anime, one of my favourite is Tokyo Ghoul. I created a french website about it. You can check it out here:
Oct 16, 2016 3:21 AM

Jun 2013
Opening was between Good-OK....

I am so enjoying how Toyohisa and Co. are slaughtering these Racist Pigs. F***ing

and Nobunaga....Absolutely love his Maou of the 6th Heaven act! I am fan of him, even if he was Crazy Warmongering Warlord.

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Oct 16, 2016 4:01 AM
Dec 2014
I will go out on a limb and say that I don't like the opening song. Nothing catchy for me there. But it goes nicely along OP's presentation so I really don't mind.

What an episode. I was waiting for some badass and gory anime and this looks really great so far. Art style is magical!!! Very very nice work.. I hope it keep its qualities up until the end.

If they manage some kind of gradation, that would be awesome.

Jokes aren't that bad. They somehow manage to put certain grammar or intonation that joke overall is not so irritating.. Even slightly funny :D
Oct 16, 2016 1:24 PM

Jun 2012
Nanashi said:
Not sure if I like the excessive blood but I guess that was to be expected from the mangaka of Hellsing.

All in all it was mostly entertaining. Hopefully they stop talking that gibberish soon. That's really the only major annoyance.

Zinzoo said:
I believe this is some variation of japanese, like with changed sounds, I noticed that instead of 'no' they are using 'mo'

I could even imagine they used "regular" japanese then simply cut it into pieces and switched it around a little. With some kind of system, obviously, to make it sound consistent.

Isn't it Japanese but on reverse? I remember that on Hataraku Maou-sama they did it like that too. I think some bits sound like normal Japanese.
Oct 16, 2016 1:26 PM

Apr 2014
Great episode. Good action and not to shabby with the blood, I like it :3
Oct 16, 2016 1:27 PM

May 2016
I really enjoy this ep.
That was so brutal and bloody.
Oct 16, 2016 1:47 PM
Apr 2014
Snaita said:
Isn't it Japanese but on reverse? I remember that on Hataraku Maou-sama they did it like that too. I think some bits sound like normal Japanese.

That is indeed a possibility I didn't think of and on top of that is much simpler to do than my approach :P

I had the same impression. Some syllables/words sound like normal Japanese.
Oct 16, 2016 2:38 PM

Jun 2012
Nanashi said:
Snaita said:
Isn't it Japanese but on reverse? I remember that on Hataraku Maou-sama they did it like that too. I think some bits sound like normal Japanese.

Some syllables/words sound like normal Japanese.

Yeah, yeah that's it, some syllables were definitely normal.
Oct 16, 2016 6:10 PM

Feb 2015
Holy Shit that Intro man

Then on top of that the rest of the episode HOT damn this is going to be amazing..

Oct 16, 2016 7:19 PM

Jan 2011
Jesus this show is pretty brutal only still interested behind the whole reasoning of warriors of different time periods getting put together,but man after all that not even seconds after the guy getting killed by a bunch of villagers "lets turn to Wacky comedy" i'm just like why?! oh god why are you doing this right now.

the still art sure look nice at times
Oct 16, 2016 9:13 PM

Oct 2008
YEA! This is the best 2nd episode that I've ever seen this Fall 2016 season!
I personally call them "The Three Overlords" !

Oct 16, 2016 9:45 PM

Mar 2015
Definitely my favorite opening of the season. I'm enjoying the characters so far, but am really hoping to see more drifters and ends introduced as quickly as possible. If they all have the same level of chemistry as the first three I think we'll be in for a great show.
Oct 17, 2016 3:11 AM

Apr 2016
Drifters Vs. Ends, next episode, i want yet!!!!!
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