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Jul 17, 2016 12:02 PM

Sep 2014
Much better than the previous special...was a fun adventure with badass moments, brings me really back to the classic OP

Lel PSY is a funny dude xD
Didnt expected dat Olga is older than them,loved her maniac facial expression in the first half :D
Mad Treasue wasnt really an unique villain but certainly had his quirks too, like his Jararara laugh xD

Overall enjoyable special, loved the fight scenes and the animation, ties in with the movie well

Pretty hyped for Gold~

Jul 18, 2016 6:26 AM

Jul 2015
Haven't watch it yet except the ending song in youtube, Maki Otsuki is so amazing, her voice bring back Old One Piece Feels.. :3
I hope we hear more of her song in the future episodes..
korewaItaiJul 18, 2016 6:29 AM
Jul 20, 2016 11:15 AM

Feb 2013
I like this movie but in some parts I get triggered, like this one because of art work
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Jul 20, 2016 12:14 PM

Sep 2010
I was going to complain a lot but the ending song is incredible and we also got some Rob Luchi's greatness so I don't feel like complaining any-more.


The CP0 agent was threatened as a joke in this special.

The chain dude actually fought against Luffy's haki without using haki.

Straw hats once again got stupidly captured and had to be rescued.

And many others but MOST importantly. This story resolved around IMMORTALITY CRYSTAL and yet both strawhats and world government simply forgot about it at the end of the special. It's IMMORTALITY CRYSTAL damn it!! And it can be divided into multiple immortality small crystals that still work! The whole crew could become immortal, all celestial dragons could become immortal. Admirals Yonko's anyone! Even a Gol D Roger could have used it back in the day!!! And yet here we forgot about it as if it never happened.

Well both this special and the gold movie never happened but truly... as much as I enjoyed just seeing 1:44 h of One piece, once again whoever wrote the script never read/watched one piece before.

BTW, there was a quick scene of Casino and there was Herakulesun walking around there. Does that mean that Herakulesun for gold movie confirmed?
Jul 20, 2016 1:18 PM

Jan 2008
The art was awesome for most part, but the plot wasn't anything to write home about: eso18 got it right with the scriptwriter never watching/reading any One Piece stuff for life. But my biggest pet peeve was Nami's and Robin's slave "fanservice". To each its own, but for me it was utterly disgusting. I don't have anything against them parading in their nice bikinis, the suggestive shots when strangled by Mad Treasure were a stretch though.

I liked Olga, she brought something new to the usual "kid with problems" dish to One Piece specials and movies universe. Her dad was also a nice character and shizles, her mom was beautiful. Mad Treasure and his lackeys were so forgettable, that Sanji and Zoro didn't even think much about their speeches during their respective fights (I'm not sure if this is translation's fault, but I didn't get it what the hell were they talking about, save for Sanji's recycled Thriller Bark speech and Zoro's Pound-hou "incantation"). And even though I don't feel the hype related to Lucci and Cipher Pol, the way they were presented in this special was laughable. Argh, don't put a character for the sake of fanservice only, come on!
Jul 20, 2016 3:36 PM

Dec 2015
I really enjoyed this special. It was a good prequel to hype up the next movie that we are getting in a few more days (then subbed a few more days after that hopefully, since this took 3 days to sub). I thought it was really good plot-wise. Its funny how they brought up Doflamingo, but Nami and the others are supposed to be on Zou (if this is a continuation or off-story of the silver pirate alliance due to Tesoro being a part of the story). I wonder if the Sunny will keep its upgrade in the anime and if Frankys Robot will stay in the anime too (I forgot if Franky's robot was already built or he just built it during the movie). Either way it was a fun adventure. This has to be my 2nd favorite movie right after Nebulandia. The only gripe I had about this was the art was horrible, but hey its Toei, what should I expect lol. I mean Nami's and Robin's tits was crappily drawn; if you are going to do fan service at least put the proper art into it. Not to mention both of their tits were huger than before. I don't know how much bigger they can keep drawing them before those balloons implode on themselves. Oh and 1 more gripe with it is how they made one of the dudes from CP-0 look weak as fuck. Then again we know little about them, and they are an intelligence agency. It would seem that the fighters of CP-0 would be the original members from CP-9 and the other CP-0 members might not be the fighters, who knows.

Overall, its a 4/5 for sure! Can't wait for One Piece: Gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 20, 2016 4:59 PM

Aug 2014
I disliked it as much as I could. Cp0 was basically made fun of, the whole plot is completely filler like (even Apis' filler was more interesting than this), all the damn crew got captured even if the enemies were weak as fk, Luffy didn't recognize Zoro ,S anji and Franky even tho he could've just used haki to do so, the voice acting was awful, same goes for animations (usually animations are better in these specials), the fact that Brook thought he could just "feel what the creator of the song wanted to say", this whole special looks like it's supposed to be watched by 6 years old kids, One Piece GOLD was already plain looking, this just killed my interest to watch that movie...
Ruka desu.
Jul 20, 2016 5:46 PM
Mar 2008
Yeah this was........................disappointing.
- Animation was too sloppy at times for its own good
- Story was ok at best
- They made a joke out of CP0 for whatever reason
- Only the ED saved the music overall
- Boring and uninspired fights (even tho i have to admit that i liked the reference from Sanji back to Thriller Bark)
- A lot of illogical crap, more than i can even count
- VA's were terrible for some reason. When it comes to the veterans like Kazuya Nakai or Mayumi Tanaka, they always do a wonderful job but what the hell was up with Olga's father? Or even worse: Olga herself? Was she an apprentice or something? She may be able to sing but thats a bad reason to even hire a VA that cant actually act.

This was weak, really weak. If anybody thought that several movies or specials from One Piece were just money grabbers just for the sake of it, then with this special you have the pinacle of that. A special almost without any effort put into it at all, thats sad. I just hope that the actual movie doesnt go this route....
Jul 20, 2016 7:43 PM

May 2009
eso18 said:

And many others but MOST importantly. This story resolved around IMMORTALITY CRYSTAL and yet both strawhats and world government simply forgot about it at the end of the special. It's IMMORTALITY CRYSTAL damn it!! And it can be divided into multiple immortality small crystals that still work! The whole crew could become immortal, all celestial dragons could become immortal. Admirals Yonko's anyone! Even a Gol D Roger could have used it back in the day!!! And yet here we forgot about it as if it never happened.

I don't think it would make sense for Luffy to care about inmortality, tbh.

I quite liked this. Highlights:
Zoro's no sword style
Usopp using haki like it's nothing
The monster trio's fights
I just love Olga
The ending song
nice special overall: 7/10
"The weak get washed away by the tides of fate...The strong drink it up."-Godot
Jul 20, 2016 8:28 PM

Jan 2014
The art in this movie is so good ! Toei animation could easily compete with madhouse if they did every regular One Piece episode like this

I loved Ogla <3

Waifu material :P

The fights were meh, but everything else about the movie was great :3 !!!

Jul 20, 2016 8:44 PM

May 2007
Also going to throw myself into the "disappointed" group. Love One Piece and where the manga is currently heading but this special had so many inconsistencies as far as the Strawhat crew's power in relation to their enemies, haki, etc. They dumbed it down a bit for comedic effect it seems. I'm just glad they didn't have Luffy go Gear 4th in order to beat this guy. I would have had a serious problem with that. I know fanservice is important for specials/movies, but at least try to keep some semblance of continuity with the manga as far as power levels go.

Speaking of continuity, I'm still utterly confused as to how this special/movie fits into the canonical timeline with the manga. It obviously occurs after the Dressarosa arc, but that's impossible because the crew is already split up by then. Was there anything mentioned about this by Oda that I may have missed?

Regardless, it was an enjoyable watch and I'm still psyched for the movie. The animation and art for this special was pretty good, although I definitely could point out a bunch of instances where the art was just off on the characters.
Jul 20, 2016 9:18 PM

May 2015
good episode better then the whole dressrosa arc imo
Kono Giorno Giovana Niwa Yume Ga Aru
Jul 20, 2016 10:36 PM
Jul 2018
20 minutes into the movie and this happens :(
Jul 20, 2016 10:48 PM

Jan 2008
VK11 said:
Speaking of continuity, I'm still utterly confused as to how this special/movie fits into the canonical timeline with the manga. It obviously occurs after the Dressarosa arc, but that's impossible because the crew is already split up by then. Was there anything mentioned about this by Oda that I may have missed?

Short answer: it doesn't. There was quite a speculation when Film Z was coming out, because it appeared to sensibly fit with then-current story, but there were some things that didn't make sense and in the end Oda said that "nope, the movies are not canonical, folks". None of the movies, supervised by Oda or not, are in the canon: take for instance Movie 3, where there is no Vivi or Robin in sight which is physically impossible at that moment of the story.
Jul 20, 2016 11:22 PM
Jul 2018
Well I never ever thought any of this One Piece film were actually fit into the main series timeline anyway. So many monster level pirates that were never in the main series were introduced in the film series and Luffy beat them all. If anything by now Luffy should be at the Yonkou level.

And lol this pirate MadHunter weren't even that a threat but still got the crew beats up. :(
Jul 20, 2016 11:51 PM

Oct 2014
Overall i thought it was a pretty good special. It honestly makes me cringe whenever the strawhats get fodderized and captured as they did for the sake of the plot.
the animation was great, the Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji fights were epic and looked pretty. Sanji still has his dreams of course.

seeing how much Tesoro's being hyped up from this special and the silvers mine filler arc, not to mention the fact that they'r calling him the monster of the new world, im expecting this guy to to be a Doflamingo level threat or film gold is just gonna be anticlimactic.
"My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where the villas are, and i am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and i get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but i occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get 8 hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last checkup."
Jul 21, 2016 3:50 AM
Jan 2016
I liked this special~
It could have been better, but I was satisfied with it. But I think it all depends on whether you like Olga or not, if you not like her, this special could be really difficult to watch.
Either way now I'm pretty hyped for the movie. Although again something with Nami is a bit much... We just had Strong World, and now again the thieve companion or whatever she was...I hope it wont be too much drama, Nami had really too much drama already.
But at least in this special we had again sanji with his dream xD It never gets old at least for me xD And he sounded almost inspirational xD
In the last scene where they show Gran Tesoro, you can see Usopps mentor walking through, that was really cool xD
Jul 21, 2016 4:25 AM

Mar 2015
it was soo bad that i laughed....
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 21, 2016 4:26 AM

Jan 2015
We finally see cipher pol in action and he's so weak.
A curve including all entries should be of a gaussian form. One including limited entries by picking animes you liked and not rating animes you dropped should look like mine.
Amount of total animes each rating should have (percentages): 6-25,7-15,8-6,9-3,10-1
Jul 21, 2016 5:49 AM
Aug 2012
Good watch, Film Gold next. So Carina (purple hair girl in the upcoming Film Gold) is an old friend of Nami's. Olga sure did have an mischievous evil-looking smile going on and that laugh... I enjoyed it. Also, a decent amount of screen-time for Chopper.
Another thing, Olga's band-aid reminded me of the "X Mark" that Luffy & the rest made on their left arms with Vivi & Carue in Alabasta.
Jul 21, 2016 7:10 AM

May 2007
Ciara said:
VK11 said:
Speaking of continuity, I'm still utterly confused as to how this special/movie fits into the canonical timeline with the manga. It obviously occurs after the Dressarosa arc, but that's impossible because the crew is already split up by then. Was there anything mentioned about this by Oda that I may have missed?

Short answer: it doesn't. There was quite a speculation when Film Z was coming out, because it appeared to sensibly fit with then-current story, but there were some things that didn't make sense and in the end Oda said that "nope, the movies are not canonical, folks". None of the movies, supervised by Oda or not, are in the canon: take for instance Movie 3, where there is no Vivi or Robin in sight which is physically impossible at that moment of the story.

Ah, that makes sense. I know the early movies aren't canonical but I figured that the movies that were written by Oda were so. But yeah, it definitely makes sense for it not to be. Thanks for the insight.
Jul 21, 2016 10:13 AM

Dec 2014
that was amazing... love it how it is all chronical
Jul 21, 2016 10:53 AM
Nov 2012
How do you run on water? You put your left leg forward before your right leg sinks. :D
Jul 21, 2016 11:42 AM

Mar 2013
Olga's voice acting was horrible and so was her father's acting.
If you're doing celebrity voice acting, than at least cast people who can act, for Pete's sake!
AntonKutovoiJul 21, 2016 12:02 PM
Jul 21, 2016 12:50 PM
May 2012
If one has only watched until just prior to the Vega Punk arc, is it okay to watch this special or would there be anything that would spoil the canon story (plot developments, new moves, new relationships, etc.)? My friends are behind, but I am almost up to date on the TV show and prefer not to have to watch the special twice. Thanks for your replies.
Jul 21, 2016 6:17 PM

Jul 2016
it was enjoyable but, hated Olga's voice :(
Jul 21, 2016 8:44 PM

May 2015
I’m not going to lie I though the father was a bastard until I heard the reasons behind the creation of Pure Gold even if Olga mother died I bet she was glad that she was still alive thus having a slim chance but nonetheless a chance to find a cure for her daughter…

The lullaby/song was very pretty!

eso18 said:

The CP0 agent was threatened as a joke in this special.

The chain dude actually fought against Luffy's haki without using haki.

Straw hats once again got stupidly captured and had to be rescued.
The CP0 fighting scene could have and should have definitely been handled better...

VK11 said:
Also going to throw myself into the "disappointed" group. I'm just glad they didn't have Luffy go Gear 4th in order to beat this guy. I would have had a serious problem with that.

Regardless, it was an enjoyable watch and I'm still psyched for the movie. The animation and art for this special was pretty good, although I definitely could point out a bunch of instances where the art was just off on the characters.

DreadedOne said:
Overall i thought it was a pretty good special. It honestly makes me cringe whenever the strawhats get fodderized and captured as they did for the sake of the plot.

Sarana_Ryoko said:
I liked this special~
It could have been better, but I was satisfied with it.
But at least in this special we had again sanji with his dream xD It never gets old at least for me xD And he sounded almost inspirational xD
In the last scene where they show Gran Tesoro, you can see Usopps mentor walking through, that was really cool xD
Jul 22, 2016 4:04 AM

Mar 2012
It feels like they were nerfed to the ground...

"Have you ever encounter a wild beast that guarantees to never bite anyone?" ~ Roronoa Zoro
Jul 22, 2016 4:31 AM
Oct 2007
Cliche as this might be, this special is actually movie quality worthy!
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Jul 22, 2016 7:14 AM
Mar 2014
what is this song anyone know any info about it ?
Jul 22, 2016 1:25 PM

May 2013
Master Roshi? :D

Also in the scene before this, Heracles was also in the casino. :D I hope he and Usopp will meet.

Jul 22, 2016 2:21 PM

Oct 2015
It's so wonderful to see One Piece without shitty filler animation! I agree that it could have been better, but I was pleased with what we got. Some notes:

The voice acting for Olga threw me off at first because she didn't sound like a kid. I caught on pretty fast that she was older than she looked, but to me she sounded at least 20, not 6.

Zoro got a shitty, underdeveloped person to fight against again.

For the majority of the film, I though Sanji was upset with the camo dude because his character design reminds me of Iva's followers in Impel down. I thought they were doing a tie in with his two year training camp, so I was confused when they were fighting. My bad.

There's no way Luffy would just lie there on the beach in chains when the tide is coming in.

The animation was 100x better here than in the anime. I love it. Sanji's fire scenes were amazing.
Jul 23, 2016 1:59 AM

Dec 2014
That was really awesome, Adventurous, Lot of Fun StrawHat moments, Heartwarming story and just really enjoyable. The entire special had a real classic One Piece feel to it.

Damn you Toei, You see! You can do it if you try. The art and animation were stunning, If only you animated the TV series like this it would be heaven.

I've always loved One Piece's diverse environments, The Islands inside Bonbori's stomach along with the background art was really captivating to see.

Really liked Olga and her Dad, I kinda teared up as well when Olga cried after learning her father created Pure Gold to stall her disease. Reminded me of Law and Corazon :( , Lovely Heartwarming moment toward the end.
Loved the song Olga and Brook performed.

Interesting that a Nami backstory is tied into Gold.

The fights were the only drawback I guess, It was pleasing and really cool to look at but the StrawHats should have taken care of Mad Treasure in no time. Zoro's fight was still badass even though he wrecked his opponent, Sanji's fire animation was great. Luffy however should have owned Mad Treasure without even the need for gears, Also there definitely should have been a Conqueror's Haki scene.

Anyhow this has gotten me real hyped for Gold, Wish I could watch it today .
9/10 for me.
Lelouch0202Jul 23, 2016 2:04 AM
Jul 23, 2016 4:23 AM

Apr 2014
Olga voice is the only thing I can't get over with.
Overall, fine special, I love dem thick lines they use for the artstyle.
Jul 23, 2016 6:59 AM

Jul 2016
Pretty crap overall... Needed far more development.
Jul 23, 2016 1:25 PM

Dec 2012
Olga's voice is so annoying
Jul 23, 2016 1:31 PM

Dec 2012
AntonKutovoi said:
Olga's voice acting was horrible and so was her father's acting.
If you're doing celebrity voice acting, than at least cast people who can act, for Pete's sake!

I noticed too. Bad voice acting.
Jul 23, 2016 1:33 PM

Dec 2012
robert_garcia said:
If one has only watched until just prior to the Vega Punk arc, is it okay to watch this special or would there be anything that would spoil the canon story (plot developments, new moves, new relationships, etc.)? My friends are behind, but I am almost up to date on the TV show and prefer not to have to watch the special twice. Thanks for your replies.

Yes, there are spoilers
Jul 24, 2016 5:02 AM
Dec 2010
I don't know if the characters were really bad, or if I've just gotten tired of the writing for the movies, but at this point outside of guys like Blackbeard or someone equally powerful, no f'n filler pirate captain should be capable for capturing the entire Mugiwara crew just like that. This just makes them look as gullible as it was one of the first movies, just lame. Hopefully the Gold movie will be better than this.
Jul 24, 2016 4:07 PM
Jul 2013
So CP0 is shit? What was the whole point of them coming to Dressrosa and everyone was scared shitless when they are this shit?
Jul 24, 2016 4:18 PM

Jun 2016
One Piece: Heart of Gold was good for a special , i hope one piece gold will be better and yea ... was damm good
Jul 24, 2016 7:47 PM

Mar 2014
What the fuck was this shit? Worst OP special I've seen. The animation was way better than the weekly episodes but still not great; the best part of this was the Nami & Robin fanservice.

Jul 25, 2016 12:09 AM

May 2016
This special has too many plot holes... the difference in power was too wide, and yet they fought equally. It was ok when Luffy and Mad treasure traded punches with Luffy using haki and Mad treasure covering his fists with chains, but in the end Mad Treasure traded punches with Luffy without using his chains (wtf?).
Also, I understand that Olga lived 200 years because of the ring with pure gold, but why did her father lived that long? I dont think he had pure gold with him?
Olga was fine, Zoro was badass, the ending was good, the rest was disappointing.
Jul 25, 2016 3:56 AM
Mar 2014
i love the olga mother song did anyone know name of this song ?
Jul 28, 2016 5:14 AM
Jul 2016

I loved this one piece Movie. But i just can't set the timeline correct. If this is after he defeated Doflamingo, then sanji should have been gone by then. The crew didn't meet up until they were in Zou and by that time Sanji was already "taken" by Big moms crew. So the timeline in the movie Heart of gold is very very wrong and fucked up. Oda need to be specific with the timeline in both the anime and Movies
Jul 30, 2016 9:34 PM
Jul 2012
I haven't watched this movie yet, but i plan to go to the cinema and watch GOLD in a few days but then i saw that it says prequel on this movie, so do i need to watch this movie first?

i live in japan thats why its in the cinema already if anyone is wondering
Jul 31, 2016 4:24 PM

Feb 2013
Great one!
The story was great and the fights weren't bad either.
A lot of funny moments, especially when Olga's dad made that smug face,lol.
The woman who betrayed Nami was with Tesoro, now to wait for the movie.
Aug 3, 2016 8:22 AM

Aug 2015
It's cool how they managed to connecting the: filler episodes

this special
and the movie :O

I myself enjoyed this special episode.. The art is the one that makes me excited.. it's even better than the previous special episodes! The characters design look very nice, especially the girls (Nami & Robin)..

That movie teaser tho.. can't wait to watch Film Gold! >_<
Aug 5, 2016 2:03 AM

Oct 2015
the special was awesome especially the part luffy finished off that mad treasure guy using 3rd gear combined with 2nd gear. I was sad he never used 4th.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Aug 6, 2016 7:47 AM
Nov 2015
Decent animation. Badass moments. And Olga ! So it's 5/5 !
I'm a bit sad that One Piece with all its greatness has no good loli girl like Olga lol
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