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May 25, 2013 1:57 AM

Jun 2011
Digglett said:
HawthorneKitty said:
You can't contest for shit if the cameras are rolling.

My exact reaction. Was cheering for Shinobu the whole time.

Of course Shinobu is going to win, that's obvious, but heck HawthorneKitty, you're such a hater, even without the cameras, Shinobu will know who exactly got the cards first, and Yumin too, because they are top class players unlike Chihaya, don't be such a baseless hater just because she defeated your beloved Chihaya by any means but not dirty.

seishi-sama said:
So, how many people removed Shinobu from their favorites after watching this episode?

Still loving her haha what I love about her isn't only her appearance but her attitude and personality as well, unlike people who care only about appearance *booo*

Confucius said:

I don't think what they think of you Shinobu, you are my favorite over all the other players


Biased. Shinobu said that she felt his aura and all.. Even though Shinobu puts on a few pounds, the game wasn't all about speed, so fat Shinobu = slim Shinobu rather than fat Shinobu < slim Shinobu. If Karuta is all about speed, one just have to train with weighted wristband, but it's not all that simple.. At the very end, it was known that to the Meijin, there are 28 one syllable for him, rather than just 7 for most of the people including Shinobu, so the meijin can act earlier and faster than Shinobu, he doesn't have to wait like Shinobu.. Sigh these blind fans..

saltncheese said:
I don't understand why Yumi gets much hate. She worked hard and she knows how to play competitively. She's a hard worker who became queen and is at least a match against the current one who wins chiefly by god-given talent. I praise Yumi for being able to carry on after being crushed by destiny like that.

Yes, I don't get the hate either, man people worked hard without cheating and even Chihaya said that she lost because it's her own fault, you guys seriously need to stop the baseless hate, or are you too prideful to admit that you're wrong and just blindly hating? Poor Yumin gets no love, these humans here are just so.. wrong, they're hating on her for the wrong reason
ToG25thBaamMay 25, 2013 2:00 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
May 26, 2013 5:22 AM

Nov 2008
Ship TaichixChihaya. Nothing else.
Jul 2, 2013 5:40 PM

May 2012
Woh the queen got fat just because she wanted that rare item... lol quite funny, but I do have to say quite a lovely episode especially that ending was a WOW effect! To beat him that really will require a lot of skills! The beginning of this episode with the mom of Taichi was pretty funny, and the queens back story was also quite interesting, well I really wonder what they'll put in the last episode of this first season!
Jul 18, 2013 5:31 AM
May 2012
Lenalee1 said:
Ship TaichixChihaya. Nothing else.

Sep 7, 2013 10:20 PM

Mar 2012
Man, why did you have to make the cute Shinobu into...that? I love how all of a sudden over the course of I'm going to assume atleast 6 months, Shibobu goes from what looks like 130-140lbs to atleast 200 lbs while that is realistic I feel like it was just an added factor just to come up with some sort of suspense and drama for the couldn't come up with anything better?.....

saltncheese said:
I don't understand why Yumi gets much hate. She worked hard and she knows how to play competitively. She's a hard worker who became queen and is at least a match against the current one who wins chiefly by god-given talent. I praise Yumi for being able to carry on after being crushed by destiny like that.

I thought it was obvious the last few episodes that she can't win without being able to contest was practically said that's why she lost her Queen title in the first place.... in other words, she was never really fit to be Queen, being cheap is no strong suit.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Sep 13, 2013 5:08 PM

Oct 2009
Tengai said:
Lenalee1 said:
Ship TaichixChihaya. Nothing else.


Jan 5, 2014 1:17 AM

Apr 2012
Yes! Yumi got crushed! Well done Shinobu. I see Yumi tried cheating again by trying to drag out the match. Poor sportsmanship at its best from that horrible cow... Can you tell I hate her? ^_^
Jan 15, 2014 4:52 AM

Nov 2011

You can not hate nobody in this anime series, are all a force.
Shinobu and Yumin in their own way, are charismatic as their male counterparts.
Plot and narrative, are superb, maybe they were also at the technical part of the beauty and wonder that every time they can send me those two components!
It would be an anime masterpiece! * _ *
This time the story has me puzzled with comedy and plot twists worthy of the best Hollywood movies! : D
Shinobu was pleasant even in that state! ;)
This time the character Chihaya was put in the shade by a little Snowmaru-girl, Yumin and the male counterpart who challenged. Even Taichi stole a little scene! ^ _ ^
Beautiful episode, really pleased for the plot! Go with the ending! Yay!
May 16, 2014 1:49 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Nope, Yumin, you can't contest cards against Shinobu. You either beat her fair and square or lose to her fair and aquare.

I was shocked to see Shinobu put on that much weight and yet she still won.

Jul 17, 2014 9:07 AM

Sep 2011
Holy shit. She seriously get fat.

Sep 27, 2014 7:41 AM
Jul 2012
I guess I haven't seen a whole lot of horror anime. I did watch Another, and thought it was quite good.

The bit with Taichi's mom hissing was CONSIDERABLY more disturbing than, for instance, anything in Another.

What a great show. (Chiyayafuru, I mean, not Another...)
Nov 20, 2014 9:54 PM

Jun 2012
Shonobu... got fat huh? Nice game though. That Suo's moves are sleek, wow.

"No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself."
-- Murakami Haruki
Nov 27, 2014 3:20 AM

Dec 2013
Wtf is this pork.. where is my hottie?
Jan 15, 2015 8:55 AM

Dec 2013
bastek66 said:


Overall it was awesome! But i seriously had to go back and see to make sure if it was Shinobu or not...
"No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite.” - Okabe Rintarou

"El Psy Congroo."

Kirino Kyousake Picture
Sep 12, 2015 6:23 AM

Mar 2014
Master and Queen 's matches !! Nervous folly ~ .
Stouted highess .. cute . Too much frosty .
Demeanor of a deviant . Icy domination .
Presence of a king . (that really gives the chills !!)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 15, 2015 12:20 PM

Mar 2012
All the people who wanted to see Shinobu so badly, here she is lol.

HawthorneKitty said:
You can't contest for shit if the cameras are rolling.

SweetGelato said:
Nope, Yumin, you can't contest cards against Shinobu. You either beat her fair and square or lose to her fair and aquare.

So I'm guessing there weren't any cameras when Yumi beat the Queen before her. Oh but wait, wouldn't that mean she won without contesting then?

I'm assuming the reason there weren't any contested cards was because of how fast and accurate Shinobu is. Unlike Chihaya who makes a ton of faults and hits multiple cards to get the one she's going for. That or bad writing in which for some reason they didn't have Yumi do what she's known for due to being too busy showing how OP Shinobu is even when her weight suddenly increases in a short period of time.
Nov 8, 2015 2:09 AM
May 2015
Yes! Shinbou wins. But she is so chubby now, hope she will get thinner in future.
Shinbou: beauty with brain.
Chihaya: beauty in vein. *if you don't agree with me, then just google 'beauty in vain' and see the image result*
Mar 10, 2016 1:05 PM

Sep 2015
Shinobu!!! I really felt for her past, I like her even more now. I don't give a damn if she gained weigth, Ice Cream is awesome!!
A life of playing Karuta and eating Ice Cream doesn't sound too bad if you ask me. :P

I don't mind Yumin, but I still clearly favored Shinobu. And tbh, I was somewhat annoyed by Nikumakun's cheers. (In the episode against Chihaya as well).

As said it's not because of Yumin herself; I just really dislike her trainer. He is pushing her way too much and at least partly reason for her depressive tendencies.
Which makes me wonder why Kana and Desk choose to join that society.. Chihaya's trainer is 1 million times more likeable and apparently a better skilled player as well.
Jun 26, 2016 2:57 PM

Nov 2012
A chubby Shinobu is still a cute Shinobu.
Aug 24, 2016 7:40 AM

Aug 2014
Avenger-senpai said:

So I'm guessing there weren't any cameras when Yumi beat the Queen before her. Oh but wait, wouldn't that mean she won without contesting then?

I'm assuming the reason there weren't any contested cards was because of how fast and accurate Shinobu is. Unlike Chihaya who makes a ton of faults and hits multiple cards to get the one she's going for. That or bad writing in which for some reason they didn't have Yumi do what she's known for due to being too busy showing how OP Shinobu is even when her weight suddenly increases in a short period of time.

Yumi wasn't contesting cards because shinobu was taking them by a long shot, not because of cameras. Yumi was even contesting cards in challenger match that happened last episode and I'm pretty sure there were cameras.
I think yumi has the skill to be queen, it's just that shinobu is too OP for her.
Aug 28, 2016 6:08 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I've been torn between shipping Chihaya with Shinobu or Kana-chan. ;A;
Maybe both in different universes. Idk. OTL
Shinobu's so cute. Ahh.
Kana-chan's cute too though, but ahhh I just really want to see more of Chihaya and Shinobu. ;__;

It's been a great ride though. Wow. I kinda expected to watch season one then never watch season two, but now I'm actually like, "I kinda don't want it to end-- wait there's a season two! Yes!" BUT at the same time, it's going so well that I'm scared the second season will only serve as a detriment to this show's charm for me personally. I kinda trust that it won't fail but at the same time, I'm still scared.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Sep 1, 2016 6:05 PM

Aug 2014
Hated it, fuck you Chihayafuru !!

What have you done to my queen?

Oct 17, 2016 3:40 PM
Feb 2015
the master is so badass i want to see him vs Arata
Oct 24, 2016 1:00 PM

Dec 2014
taichi's mom is a scary women....
The queen became fat now that was a shocker
Nov 3, 2016 9:58 PM

Dec 2015
Just when I thought I'll be able to see Shinobu's mystique appearance again...

I was not prepared for that twist! LOL! that was unexpected! she has changed so much!!! WTH happened???

but her not giving any shit about her weight just for the snowmaru merch (LOL! I don't know what the item is) is the same reason why I adored her quirky personality. anyway she looks cute with her chubby face and she's still the reigning Queen of Karuta despite her gaining those pounds.
Apr 23, 2017 7:36 AM

Feb 2013
Chubby Shinobu dominated and won!
I loved seeing Yumin cry!
Sep 1, 2017 3:14 PM

Nov 2016
Fat Shinobu ? Wtf ? xD

Anyway, it was a nice match between her and Yumi, loved the flashback again.

And Hisashi seems pretty much like a monster, can't wait to see more of him.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 4, 2017 4:14 AM

Aug 2017
Shinobu has grown too fate haha that’s funny. I like her past story . She is a good character.
Nov 20, 2017 8:21 AM
Feb 2017
Why did they make Shinobu fat??? Was it to make Shinobu less cute/likeable or potray her as complicit in order to elicit sympathy for her oponent from the audiance? They had done such a good job of characterizing Shinobu up to this point as an incredibly strong advisary for Chihaya, but also some scared and human. Was this development just for the shock effect?
FiREIng_maNiacNov 20, 2017 8:25 AM
Nov 30, 2017 5:58 PM

Dec 2013
Shinobu suddenly becoming fat was random af!

I’m not a big fan of Yumin but her crying was sad.
Apr 22, 2018 2:06 PM

Feb 2014
Loli Shinobu so adorable
Jan 23, 2019 12:15 PM

May 2016
Was rooting hard for Yumi, but I guess that Shinobu is way too crazy to lose.

Unfortunately, you don't get to be on that level at any kind of sport if the sport isn't your entire life. I'm willing to bet the master is insane as well.

Chihaya is definitely crazy enough to get to that level, I just don't know if she's smart enough to make split-second decisions involving so many variables. There is a reason offensive linemen are the smartest guys on the field.
Lease_of_LifeJan 23, 2019 12:34 PM
"I will become his world and will make him my world" - You really should know who said this.

"Firing at unarmed citizens is a feat that those without courage and a chivalrous spirit simply cannot accomplish." - Oskar von Reuenthal

"No way Spirited Away is better than Akira. NO WAY." - Kanye West
Feb 4, 2019 8:12 AM
Apr 2016
Damn chubby Queen... Fun episode, we should see the masters play next episode!
Feb 14, 2019 7:32 PM

Jun 2015
we've heard so much of the queen that we haven't heard much of the master. definitely wanna see how much better he is (if he is better) and how he plays similarly to chihaya, according to nishida
Feb 26, 2019 9:29 AM

May 2016
Suo Hisashi is really OP, can't wait to see Arata or Mashima challenging him.
Aug 2, 2019 1:04 AM

Aug 2018


She gained a lot of weight this queen finals xD
but she's still cute with that chubby face.

I hope she will back on her old figure next season... pls

I feel sorry for Yumin, Shinobu is really OP in Karuta couz she put her heart in the cards since she was a little more than in any opponent she faced.I dont know how Chihaya gonna beat her if they manage to meet again.

Man its starting to get more interesting

B O C C H I  S W E E P
Nov 21, 2019 1:38 PM

Oct 2013
Shinobu-chan loves Snowmaru-kun so much she wants to look like him. ;D
But damn, I can't imagine how many ice creams she ate to gain so much weight.
Anyway, she defended her title.

I'm curious how men's master duel will look like. For now on its pretty certain that it will be intensive as hell.

I loved the scene in which Nishida reminded Chihaya that she is not the most important person in the world. xD
Dec 19, 2019 4:31 AM
Jan 2018
Overreaction much the queen got hooked on ice cream becouse she wanted the prize lol

What was she thinking never heard a 16 year old do that anyway she's till the queen as it shows as she defended her crown

Looks like Chiyaya has either learned something new or realised something

Glad to see a bit of backstory from her though

Next on to the Master
Mattinator95Dec 19, 2019 5:36 AM
Dec 19, 2019 4:34 AM
Jan 2018
Adnash93 said:
Shinobu-chan loves Snowmaru-kun so much she wants to look like him. ;D
But damn, I can't imagine how many ice creams she ate to gain so much weight.
Anyway, she defended her title.

I'm curious how men's master duel will look like. For now on its pretty certain that it will be intensive as hell.

I loved the scene in which Nishida reminded Chihaya that she is not the most important person in the world. xD

All the overreactions in this thread Becouse the queen got hooked on ice cream is funny . All they cared about is her looks form the looks of it
Jan 4, 2020 12:03 AM

Mar 2015
Lmao all that fat shaming, but hopefully she's back to normal in her next appearance!

That master looks formidable af
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 30, 2020 4:14 PM
Nov 2014
So fucking glad that cheater lost. Way to go Shinobu!
Mar 30, 2020 6:55 PM

Apr 2016
Lmao Taichi's mom was home.

Omg Chihaya's face when she thought about going up to Taichi's room was too damn cute. I'm a little disappointed that the other club members showed up though.

Lol too much ice cream. Wakamiya wiped the floor with Yumi despite being out of shape - too OP. We got a glance of Suo Hisashi as well. Looking forward to seeing more of his mad karuta skills.
Apr 27, 2020 10:20 AM
Feb 2016
LOL at all the people bitching that their waifu Shinobu got ruined because she ate so much ice cream. There goes their precious fapmaterial.

Both the queen and Chihaya seem very similar (airheads who become amazing at the match when they noticed something they didn't catch the first time). This match would have been more interesting if they actually bothered to explain Yumin's other skills,but instead we got her only explained skill being nulified by the camera and Shinobu bulldozing her when she noticed that her kimono wasn't heavy,but she herself was. Pretty boring match overall.

Shinobu's backstory was somewhat interesting,but I don't see how that explains the gap between her and Chihaya considering that she is just as obessed in becoming "friends with the cards" that she memorized the meaning of all of them,but apparently that doesn't explain it.

The highlight of the episode was the match between the Challenger and the current Master. I didn't really catch the "28" refrence he made in regards to the amount of second syllable cards,but it was a nice departure from the boring queen match. Would be nice if we got more info about him this last ep of the season.
May 12, 2020 9:09 PM
Nov 2018
shinobu getting thicc was not expected, holy moly lol! the meijin looks scary. these karuta matches are always so intense
Aug 9, 2020 9:09 PM
Nov 2019
Some people seem to hate that Shinobu gained weight. Guys... she’s cute either way! How could you hate such a cute character just because she ate a bunch of ice cream and put up some weight? She even won her match despite being chubby! Just do whatever Shinobu-chan. Your quirks makes you a better character :D
Feb 12, 2021 7:54 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

the master is indeed a force to be reckoned with; I love how he just calmly went for that first card like the psychic that he probably is

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 28, 2021 5:46 PM

Aug 2018
Hmm, let's see how the master plays
Mar 5, 2021 3:14 PM
Apr 2018
Lmao, Shinobu putting on weight was such a strange move that I thought it was deliberate to make her lose the match. Glad she won, yay!
May 24, 2021 8:07 AM

Feb 2019
I like Shinobu's character. She's somewhat socially dysfunctional though, but that might be a strength for her karuta. Glad she defeated Yumi. Still can't get behind her.
Jul 13, 2021 11:09 AM

Jul 2015
Shinobu took befriending the Karuta cards to the next level. While not a total obliteration at least it was satisfying to see Yumin lose with her shitty 'my pinky reached first' attitude especially with Shinobu not being in the optimal shape.

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