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Book Girl
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Dec 9, 2012 10:58 PM
Nov 2012
Miu and Konoha remind me of Amadeus--one is talented, the other not. I guess the reason why she committed plagiarism is she attempted to compete with him; since she was not talented, the only way she could compete with him must be plagiarism. As she said, beautifying of things was merely a lie after all. Indeed, fair is foul, and foul is fair.

Poor Miu; the more Konoha treats her with ternderness, the more she gets hurt. It is why she sometimes liked him and sometimes hated him. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Maybe it would have been the much better compassion and tenderness if he had left her alone?
Feb 4, 2013 11:58 AM

Sep 2007
Enjoyed this film a lot but a little deflated with the bittersweet ending ...

Mar 9, 2013 5:06 AM

Sep 2011
I'm sort of glad for the bittersweet ending, as I hate Movies that leave you hanging.

What Happens next? Do they ever meet again? Stuff like that always makes me ponder and just annoys the fuck out of me. I'm glad they showed what happened after the graduation of both of the two, and 6 years later.

Solid 7.5ish out of 10 for me so 7/10, since it didn't have the Yandere girl annoyed me lmao.
Apr 11, 2013 1:22 PM

Nov 2011
The movie Bungaku Shoujo of it was really nice to plot and narrative. The characters are just mentioned but they have a good characterization already. Another thing to point out the beautiful colors and the CG really good. The only flaw the seabed not up to the film, the PA Works does best at this juncture, and the character design does not maintain the good level throughout history, there are decreases in some places! However, it is a film that I recommend to all! ^_^
Jun 14, 2013 4:52 PM

Feb 2011
Firstly Miu was just emo , Konoha couldn't help it. She was just screwing with him this whole time.

Also , what the hell was with that ending ? Their reasoning is just ... lol.
HatsuyukiJun 14, 2013 5:21 PM
Jul 8, 2013 7:16 PM
Dec 2011
I stopped watching this as soon as I saw a girl eating paper. Seemed pretty stupid. I'm still going to tough it out but I hope it has a decent ending.
Aug 1, 2013 2:24 PM

Aug 2009
So I just finished this movie, and spend the last ~20 minutes crying like a bitch :P
It had a great time watching this movie, but I have to say I never really cared about Miu.
The art/music/characters, I liked the lot of them.

Aug 12, 2013 4:07 PM

Jul 2012
Rerated everything on my list. Bumping it down to 8/10 but I'm promising a rewatch later on to rerate it once again.

oilerfan said:
I stopped watching this as soon as I saw a girl eating paper. Seemed pretty stupid. I'm still going to tough it out but I hope it has a decent ending.

LOL Good luck. I don't think the book eating is that significant though.
Aug 24, 2013 1:16 PM

Nov 2009
The girl in the ending was definitely Touko. Miu can just go and die.
May 8, 2014 8:27 PM

Jun 2011
Eh, so bad, especially the forced drama(-ish) at the end (omigod separationnn) and the MCxMC pairing, which I assume the fault lies with the director and the restrain of time, and not the original source. Epilogue was okay, but eh we don't even get to see who she is, but I guess that has it's own merit, because honestly it doesn't matter who he ends up with, as long as they are living their life happily, to me anyway. I am pretty sure it's Touko tho, Miu is seen with the kids earlier.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
May 23, 2014 1:26 AM

Jan 2008
Finally got around to see this after putting it off for years.

People have been telling me to read the books before watching anything...I now regret not listening when I found out after watching the movie that the anime adapts the latter half of the novels (excluding the sequel after Touko goes to University).

But I nonetheless enjoyed it for what it is, even though a lot didn't make any sense at first. I was tempted to spoil myself and read up character bios online, but fortunately they explained everything later on in the movie, and things gradually fell into place.

I read somewhere that Touko is a
, but that just sounds plain stupid to be honest. To throw a supernatural element into a story otherwise centered on realistic teen drama and romance, just seems out of place.

Why couldn't they just give Touko a rare real world condition, i.e. synthesia? Synthesia would essentially explain her peculiarity. They never said she only ate books, but only mentioned she couldn't taste normal food--doesn't mean she can't eat normal food (for regular sustenance). There have been real world cases of capable people eating inedible objects all over the world, from light bulbs to metal. So to pair that kind of condition with the neurological condition synthesia, would put all speculation and debate to rest, as to "What is Touko?", or "Why does she eat printed paper?" Well, that's just all IMO.

I kind of wish they gave Maki (the rich girl) some more screen time.
Jun 4, 2014 1:22 PM

Aug 2013
mayukachan said:
At first, Touko was a bit annoying and she felt like Chitanda from Hyouka.

Wait, Chitanda was annoying? Hell no! :)

Andriyani said:
The girl in the ending was definitely Touko. Miu can just go and die.

I didn't like her too..

// 8/10
HidenNinpoJun 4, 2014 1:26 PM
Jul 24, 2014 6:57 PM

Jan 2014
Hahaha. That just happened.

The chemistry between Touko and Konoha was the only reason I didn't drop this movie. Miu can just go and die, she's so unlikable, at least for me.

Recommend me an anime
Mar 28, 2015 9:01 AM

Jan 2014
total clusterfuck in some parts

Nonetheless, it was a good watch.

8.5 but 9 for Kotobuki and Kenji's existence.
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Jun 4, 2015 9:02 AM

Apr 2015
Can someone tell me if this is somehow related to the vocaloid song series Bungaku Shoujo Insane (文学少女インセイン / Literature Girl Insane) by Karasuyasabou?
Aug 3, 2015 8:10 PM
Aug 2014
I can kind of understand why this movie isn't all hyped up. It didn't meet my expectations, thats for sure.
I was in for a dramatic heartfelt story but... I hated Miu on so many levels. She irritated me a countless number of times during the movie. The amount of selfishness she developed felt WAYYY over-exaggerated, especially from someone dealing with fighting parents. For her to try to monopolize someone just somehow triggered my every nerve.
And then she had the nerve to say that her optimistic stories were all lies?
I'm so pissed at Inoue for not taking that chance to say that ideals trump reality.
Abraham Lincoln simply once said that even though we can never truly become perfect, we should always try to be perfect, because that's when we are perfect.
Inoue, again; the amount of selfishness here just really throws me off. His extreme attachment to Miu just makes it seem like someone dropped him at birth. To join someone in committing suicide without thinking? Please. I was ok with Touko being the weird one (b/c that's kind of the point) and ok with Inoue being a little "out there", but Miu felt inexcusable.
The second half is decent, and at one point I was thinking "Wow, this movie would've done amazingly well if they focused on the relationship between Touko and Inoue." The last moments in the movie were worth savoring and the other parts, not so much.
Sep 5, 2015 7:02 PM

Dec 2012
Well, that was certainly not what I would have imagined based off of the title. For something that I picked up on a whim (mostly because of Hana Kana), this really caught me by surprise with the drama and tension. The first portion had me completely drawn in by the chilling atmosphere as it unraveled the haunting mystery behind Konoha's trauma. Miu turned out to be a very fascinating character, consumed by obsession, jealousy, and self-loathing. I had to laugh a bit when she was pretending to be a kid again cause I was sitting there thinking "damn that's so sad" and then bam bucket of water and she's up cursing out Kotobuki.

I'm not familiar with the literary works they mentioned so I can't say I followed along on all of the references all that well, but I do remember hearing about Night on the Galactic Railroad in another series somewhere. I got a bit lost during the planetarium scene since it made it seem like Konoha was confessing to Miu, but didn't click together since I was still feeling the Konoha x Touko chemistry. I'm also confused as to why Touko decided to part with Konoha but I'm guessing it had to do with how he's finally found the inspiration to write again through and for Miu.

Overall a nice movie to watch on the side and certainly inspired a range of bittersweet emotions throughout. I liked that epilogue and how it hints at Touko and Konoha reuniting now that he's finally brought about another novel.

7.5/10, my only problem with the movie is that Touko was growing on me fast so it's a shame her quirky story eating stops here.


I started thinking about this movie again and I just couldn't shake off the parts that confused me. After rewatching the scene in the planetarium, all of it makes so much more sense, especially the confession. Konoha said that he loved Miu, which leads me to believe that his time with Touko has changed that and that his love for Miu was true back when he wrote the book. It also doesn't seem like Miu was romantically interested in Konoha, she just wanted him to stay with her as her best friend.

This is the first time I've actually gone back to take notes while rewatching a scene. I think I'll be doing this more often as it does help to clarify many cloudy areas. Here are the notes I took, spoiler'd so as not to drag this out too much.

Bumping up score from 7.5 to 8/10, well deserved.
ZekkenshinSep 11, 2015 8:19 AM
Nov 1, 2015 11:45 AM

Apr 2014
I feel so empty and bad right now.
How could you adapt a movie from a novel's series middle. I just hate it when the adaptation isn't complete.
This is horrible. I feel horrible. My life is now horrible.. :L
I hope that those 4 OVA's might change my view and thoughts on this. :S
Or I will have to read the novels, but I'm not so attached to this story and I don't wan't to waste my money on what I feel like I won't enjoy to the fullest.
Life is sometimes such a b**ch you know..
Nov 25, 2015 11:31 PM

Sep 2014
Who expected her to be lying??? God!!! My jaw dropped when her friend threw the water on her. And when they were about to suicide, and that truck scene.

I was just shouting "OMG! Holy Fuck! What is happening!?"
Nov 27, 2015 5:39 PM

Feb 2013
9mins in and I'm bored. Dropped.
Dec 20, 2015 10:14 PM

May 2012
i thought the beginning was a bit rough, but overall it was decent
Mar 13, 2016 9:33 AM

Dec 2014
I watched it and the movie depicted pretty intense plot through out the movie that Miyu Really was something
Mar 31, 2016 6:46 AM

Apr 2009
I love everything especially the art and music.
I never enjoyed another romance movie like this one since 5 cm per second.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 19, 2016 8:29 PM

Jun 2013
I thought it was good. The story was quite beautiful and interesting. But I feel like the other heroines except Miyu didn't get enough screen time. Like I wanted to know more about Nanase and Touko's relationship with Konoha. But it's understandable since it's a movie. However, I did watch the prequel OVAs which gave me some insight about them. 7/10
Jul 14, 2016 10:04 AM

Dec 2015
I think I could even write a whole review of this anime if I wanted, but I guess there is no point in doing that now in 2016.

There is something magical in this movie, first of all I think that every single setting, every place felt alive, in other words I felt like I am there, in a sunny day in literary club's room, in autumn night, in winter, I don't remember experiencing that before this strongly, I guess it can be attributed to well done background noises, in some scenes I think there were even 2 layers of background noises. The wind blows also did add quite a lot to the atmosphere.
Also, though I can see some people not liking the way the characters were drawn, to me it was quite interesting and didn't bother me at all, but more importantly the scenery was well drawn and I really liked it.

The idea of a girl eating books (because of childhood trauma if I remember correctly) Is also very interesting and I liked it. I also enjoyed the literary motif overall, though I am not that crazy into literature as the main characters, I can see someone being similiar to them in that matter (In one scene Amano even reminded me of my literature teacher)

I liked the characters too, they don't tend to be overly dramatic like in some shows which adds to the feeling that they are human like us, the little slice of life scenes also contribute to that. Maybe their personalities aren't particularly well developed but I think that for a 140 min movie the Amano, Miu and Inoune were developed rather well and it is enough for me.

I have to say something about Miu, I read that some people didn't like her and I can understand them, she is a kind of person that gives us reasons to be hated.
But I actually liked her, even more than, I like her as a character so much and I think she is a great character. Why? Because she is a tragic character but she also is a painfully realistic tragic character to me in a way. I can understand her because I myself grew up in a family similiar to the one from Miu's description and I too had a distorted view of the world like Miu, well I certainly never got even close to the Miu's state and I understood my mistake but I can totally see someone becoming like Miu, getting to that level of craziness and seeing world in a crazy manner like Miu did. She gave me feels. But it was really nice to see that she did got help at the end and wasn't just left to herself.

The ending itself though it can be a bit confusing to some was also very good, the last scene with Amano and Inoune was so climatic.

So overall all these things contribute to the unique feel and atmosphere of this show which is why I think it is great, I just had to give it 10/10.
"Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
--As long as you remember her,
you are not alone."

Jul 15, 2016 2:28 AM

Jan 2013
Maybe I'm the only one but after Touko disappeared from the planetarium I had the strong feeling that she wasn't real and was just a figment of Konoha's imagination.
Turns out no.
Anyways great movie.
Nov 15, 2016 8:19 PM

Dec 2014
I've seen noses drawn a bunch of different ways and yet these were the worst noses I've seen yet. It's like they were drawn inverted or something. The movie itself was also really bad. Were they just trying to make me rage? That girl was completely insane and they didn't think once to just drop her? MC wasn't any better either. He was a little bitch the whole time. Hana Kana deserves better than his bitch ass. Damn this movie was frustrating. They managed to make two characters that pissed me off as much as Joffrey and it only took them an hour and a half. That's the one good thing I can say about this I guess is that it managed to make me emotional, but not with tears though, with rage.

Dec 11, 2016 7:13 PM

Jan 2014
ending made me shed a tear, that was beautiful ;__;

Jun 12, 2017 10:19 PM
Nov 2016
Can someone explain what Touko is? I heard it's explained in the light novel, "Book Girl: and the scribe who faced God", but I can't find her backstory anywhere online.
Jul 5, 2017 6:15 PM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
Did anyone else feel like they were watching two movies at once? Honestly felt like the relationship between Konoha and Tooko was in a separate world from Konoha and Miu's relationship. The story felt disconnected from its characters and I felt like I was watching a rom com and then a soap opera.

Isn't it kind of BS for Miu to fake her injuries when SHE'S IN A HOSPITAL??? Like, does the hospital not take MRIs, X-rays, or even send in a doctor to check her condition?

Nov 21, 2017 3:20 PM

Jul 2014
Soo the movie was basically a continuation of Miu's arc but then get to shipping with Touko?

Gripping drama tbh. I consider the OVA's a must see even though they were boring.

7/10 to be generous and kept me watching but 5-6/10 because of the lack of consistent plot direction.
Oct 2, 2018 3:01 PM

Jan 2016
7/10 just because Touko was such an amazing character. Miu was fascinating somehow but still hateable, what she does is still not justifiable. The girl at the end has to be Touko!

But what I don't understand is that his debut book was supposed to be an "I love you too" to Miu, right? So how come he went and kissed Touko afterward? Best scene in the movie so I'm not complaining but I don't understand it
Dec 18, 2019 8:49 PM

Jun 2019
Damn the ending is a hell of a rollercoaster emotion, and I assumed the girl at the end of the credits is Tooko wish they could show the face tho.. 9/10
Mar 2, 2020 10:50 AM

Sep 2019
ezaya said:
I love everything especially the art and music.
I never enjoyed another romance movie like this one since 5 cm per second.
guess you know a lot about this movie. So in that case I've a question about the ending, if you care to explain who was that lady at the end?
Mar 2, 2020 10:55 AM

Sep 2019
Actually I don't know what can it be said about the store of Bungaku shoujo. It's just amazingly explains the story. I was invested the whole time. But the ending is hella Clif hanger.
Mar 2, 2020 10:55 AM
Mar 2020
13 مارس 2016 ، 9:33 ص
شاهدت ذلك والفيلم يصور مؤامرة شديدة من خلال الخروج من الفيلم أن ميو حقا كان شيئا
Feb 11, 2021 2:13 PM

Jul 2017
This movie was just an insane, senseless clusterfuck of an adaptation of the novels, combined to one film essentially. As an adaptation, it was a pretty awful one since there was no time for any build or anticipation and at least the novels had stuff to build up with, even if the actual novels were average in the end.
Mar 6, 2021 8:42 PM

Dec 2020
Man, I'm so confused and no matter where I look, I can't find any information.

He confessed his PAST love for yandere-chan, then kisses Tooko because, well, he fell for her after 2+ years and so did she.

What bugs me is how it ends - why CAN'T THEY BE TOGETHER? He was willing to do what it takes, so why did she reject him? What was all that about her not being able to snack on his stories anymore? And what was the point of the after-credits scene? Gah.
Jul 29, 2021 6:14 AM

Oct 2017
Manipulation: The Anime.
Aug 11, 2021 2:27 AM
May 2021
Konoha is confirmed to end up with Touko in the sequel novel. Click spoiler for more details

destinicallyAug 11, 2021 3:02 AM
Oct 20, 2021 7:58 PM
Dec 2017
nice film overall imo

Mar 27, 2022 12:37 AM

Feb 2021
my god I didn't think I could hate a movie this much, ended up becoming one of the worst drags I've ever had to sit through full of insufferable characters. Even the animation was shit. 2/10
Jun 7, 2022 8:30 AM

May 2018
I actually find this movie a good one especially how everyone's wish is the main part of the movie. I don't like how Miu was selfish, and after she explained most of the things, I feel myself understanding her character which I appreciate. Tooku being there for Konoha in his worst times, is one of the best thing I like about her. There's not much to say about Kotobuki, but it's sad how she didn't really get any chance for her love, she was rejected completely. Lastly the thing I love about this, is the "Do you love me?" part where Konoha wrote the novel to convey his feelings to Miu that time (which is from the OVA). But because it was already in the past and as the the ending of the anime showed, Konoha didn't like Miu anymore as she like Tooku now.
Jun 30, 2022 6:29 AM
Apr 2022
Crack said:
my god I didn't think I could hate a movie this much, ended up becoming one of the worst drags I've ever had to sit through full of insufferable characters. Even the animation was shit. 2/10
"animation was shit" what do you mean on SoL like this ?
Oct 22, 2022 10:19 AM

Aug 2014
After watching this movie and all four OVA/special episodes:

Book girl is entertaining enough to make you want to complete it, mainly due to the atmosphere and some of the charms of the characters. However, its just melodrama with teens thinking that the world is all about them.

Not an anime that ill watch again.
Dec 31, 2023 5:33 AM

Jul 2022
Watched the ovas before and this movie really was beautiful. The conflicts with Miu, u can't really hate her. She had a really rough childhood resulting her being jealous, manipulating him as he's the only one who understands her, no one else would put up with that (reminds me a little of the tomodora ships). It's just very conflicting, he can't leave her alone. But the kiss in the end show his real feelings, for Touko. I loved how she realized that at the end when he's running after her.

Ost was really beautiful too, making me tear up a bit. 9/10
Jan 23, 2024 5:49 PM

Dec 2015
If you want to watch the high-quality harem anime, here it is... lol
The endung bruh...
Sep 9, 2024 10:50 PM
Dec 2020
I watched this because for the longest time I've had an odd sexual urge to watch an anime girl eat a book. Come to find out that she only daintily rips off the corner of each page rather than raw-dogging the whole thing at once, and unless I missed something while skipping around, there's only two scenes where she even does that.

I decided against adding this movie to my list because saying that I watched it is like saying that I watched Nichijou because of all the clips floating around.
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