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Satoru and Kayo have romantic feelings during the story?
Feb 3, 2016 7:23 AM

Nov 2014
Warning:this has two or six references to what happens in the story, so read it at your risk. Some of it is important plot . I didn't give much details tho. It's in the giant paragraph and in the end.

Soo... Let me start by saying that I'm not a hardcore shipper of any pairing in boku dake ga inai machi. I understand that the characters are too young to have a complex romantic relationship with each other, and Satoru specially is too inadequated to have a relationship with a ten year old, instead I accepted the powerful relationship the group shared between them, it was beautiful and enough to make me read the manga. I don't need a romantic relationship to make me read a manga. But while it isn't romance focused, the romance is a subplot expected to develop, and this is why some people get angry when it's simply brushed away .
But there is a point of view I will quote here that is very different from my own: the user is @just_Chicken

Just_Chicken said:
It's not about the status of the relationships, but about what he thinks.

Kayo is a precious friend to him, no doubt.

He often unconsciously thinks about Airi. That's more a romantic interest indication than anything.

Keep in mind that he wants to save Kayo (and indirectly through that, his Mom), but it was Airi who helped a 29-years-old Satoru regain his courage.

I'm not a shipper, so just saying that this wasn't something everyone should be upset about. Even if he won't meet Airi anymore, he still has his Mom and his friends, who are more precious than a little love. This manga was never romance-focused to begin with.

Let me explain by parts how I feel about this point of view. I was unable to sleep today so I kept thinking about this repeatedly in my mind. It's okay because I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

It's not about the status of the relationships, but about what he thinks.

I interpret this as "the position they are in doesn't matter;if your friends make jokes about you and your girl friend being a couple it doesn't matter, even if they joke like this " When are you going to get married? ", " You're so bold Satoru! "," Let's leave them alone" It doesn't matter, because people can and will assume anything about anyone, but that doesn't make it a" established truth". I agree. What really matters is the definitions of a romantic relationship being accomplished: sharing interests in each other, being emotional together, desiring to be interesting to the other, trying to get intimate as in knowing about their life. thinking about the partner very much, desiring to connect to the other. Now comes my doubts, I think they have reached these criterias,for obvious reasons.The shared gloves and the handholding, the moment at the tree during the starry night, the glances shared when they were sleeping in satorus house, Satoru told his mom "she was in the way" , the departure and joy he has when he sees Hinazuki. This is beyond a deep friendship and is something more.Even if I was shipping airi X satoru I would acknowledge this fact.

He often unconsciously thinks about Airi. That's more a romantic interest indication than anything.
I honestly don't remember satoru thinking of airi even once while he was building connections with the group and Kayo, I think the first time he remembered of her was moments before the ice hockey incident.And why is this a greater indication of romantic interest than the moments he shared with the other girl? , if it's because Airi is older and more attractive than Kayo (he thought airi was attractive) it's invalid in the face of all these other criteria satoru accomplished with Kayo,and in no way more affirming.

But it was airi who helped a 29-years old satoru regain his courage
Irrelevant because the other girl could have done the same thing.

I'm not a shipper, so just saying that this wasn't something everyone should be upset about. Even if he won't meet Airi anymore, he still has his Mom and his friends, who are more precious than a little love. This manga was never romance-focused to begin with.
I agree,im not a shipper too. I think the third phrase is meant to those that thinks he should discard the things that he accomplished because of love, and do a re-run.It's a cold hearted statement but It's not wrong because Airi, Satoru, and Kayo can move on and without being in risk of dying, and this is a bigger accomplishment.

I decided to be fine with the manner things are developing and don't let it take away from the story, buuut I couldn't understand the things I explained above, and I was thinking about it a lot and decided to write it out. What about the community, what are your answers to "Does Satoru and Kayo ever share romantic feelings?" If you think this is idiotic or unnecessary, know that I don't care if it is and I don't give a frick because I'm bored.

GhoultulhuFeb 3, 2016 8:16 AM

Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Feb 3, 2016 7:36 AM

Jan 2012
I believe so yes.
There are numerous cases where the little hints of the feelings they have for each other come through quite clearly.

Feb 3, 2016 1:22 PM
Jun 2014
I think Kayo may have had romantic feelings towards Satoru, more than anything because of the constant blushes and the fact that Satoru was the hero that rescued her. About Satoru, I'm not that sure. He also got embarrased constantly so he might have felt something towards Kayo but I always have thought, while reading the manga, that, just in the romantic sense, he was attracted to Airi.

Anyways, back then they were both kids (well Satoru was a grown-up actually) so more than romantic love what made their bond so strong was the friendship they shared, between them and with all the others. It's like the previous user commented, here the romance does not determine at all the depht of the relationships shared or how much Satoru cares for one character or another.

I admit that I'm a SatoruxAiri shipper (from the start I was) so my opinion could be biased, but that's what I think.
Feb 3, 2016 3:20 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
He wanted to protect Kayo, but I don't think he necessarily had romantic feelings for her. If he really loved Kayo then...
Feb 4, 2016 5:42 PM

Jun 2013
He definitely didn't have feelings for her in that way. He just really cared for her as a friend. He was even genuinely happy for her when he found out her and Hiromi had a baby.

As for her, she told him that he was her hero. He saved her. Because of him she was able to be happy and she was very grateful. Nothing romantic in that. I know people are sad bc she ended up with hiromi, but come on, guys, what matters is that everyone is alive.

Btw, blushing does not automatically mean someone's in love, lmao. How many people blushed in this manga? A lot! More out of embarrassment than anything.
Feb 5, 2016 3:02 AM

Apr 2015
I mean he outright says (well thinks) he likes Airi in one of the earlier chapters. I think that's enough indication right there lol. But to add onto that, you might have missed it but there are times where he has been caught thinking or dreaming about Airi even in the past timeline. Before he passed out from drowning under water the last person he thought of was Airi. When he was amnesiac after waking up from a coma, only Airi triggered his memories. Satoru wanted to save Kayo yes, and even blushed around her a few times mostly out of embarrassment when they were teased, but I think it's quite clear Airi is the one Satoru had feelings for.
Feb 5, 2016 3:39 AM
Sep 2014
It's hard to deny that there's a tension between them but it's only a childhood love or puppy love. In the end, it's just a good memories and they're nothing more than good friends when they grow up.

So, my answer are both Yes and No, they're cleary more than friend but it's hardly to considered as romance.
Feb 5, 2016 3:42 AM

Dec 2015
If he liked her or not doesn't change the fact she made her own life and is happy. That's what Satoru wanted so he's not asking for anything else..He saved his friend Hiromi and his mother. What else can he ask?
WTF people saying he should go back in time just to get that Kayo and knowing he could fail yet again? That's just meaningless BS.
Feb 8, 2016 7:28 AM
Jul 2009
okurinn said:
He definitely didn't have feelings for her in that way. He just really cared for her as a friend. He was even genuinely happy for her when he found out her and Hiromi had a baby.

He lost his memories, so this could be the reason. He even wondered if they were this close in the first place when she visited him.

I don't want to ship anything either, but I expected that there will be something more to their relationship than that. I'm not satisfied at all :<. Furthermore, there is something about Airi that is bugging me. Who exactly is she? She appears right away when Satoru needs her and also this resemblance to Kayo from time to time. Well, maybe I just read too much into this.
SznikFeb 8, 2016 10:34 AM
Feb 8, 2016 7:14 PM

Feb 2010
Satoru's feeling for Kayo is more than friend less than lover he cared about her so much , desperate about saving her ..flirting with her...but still i think the one he has a feeling for is Airi, Airi is the one who give him light.

Kayo thinks Satoru as her hero, according to latest chapter im sure she only thinks that way... there's no way she married someone else if she is in love with him.
roppuriFeb 8, 2016 7:22 PM

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Feb 9, 2016 4:21 PM

Aug 2013
Really tough to say, they were only 11 at the time, even if they did have these feelings towards one another it isn't likely to last that long, esp w/ him getting into coma
Feb 10, 2016 7:58 AM

Jul 2014
well it's just that the author went out of his way several times to show the tension between them and satoru really blush countless times when he is with her "which is weird " and even mention that he miss her in chapter 28 the same goes for airi and airi is brought what ever kayo is out of his reach like it or not he really have something for kayo and maybe even airi

I just don't like how author bullied their relationship to just change his mind at the end
if he wake up from the coma to find 24-25 years old kayo still there for him that would be perfect but it didn't happen so what ever
if he gone that route it would be simple and satisfying for the fans

really don't why he chose such route .....hell even his chance with airi seems to vanish in this time line

Well what ever i hope at least satoru end up with some one
Devil_SlayerFeb 10, 2016 11:39 AM
Feb 10, 2016 9:38 AM

Dec 2015
Devil_Slayer said:
well it's just that the author went out of his way several times to show the tension between them and satoru really blush countless times when he is with her "which is weird " and even mention that he miss her in chapter 28 the same goes for air and air is brought what ever kayo is out of his reach like or not he really have something for kayo and maybe even airi

I just don't like how author bullied their relationship to just change his mind at the end
if he wake up from the coma to find 24-25 years kayo still there for him that would be perfect but it didn't happen so what ever
if he gone that route it would be simple and satisfying for the fans

really don't why he chose such such route .....hell even his chance with airi seems to vanish in this time line

Well what ever i hope at least satoru end up with some one

That would be called catering to the audience which the author doesn't seem to know. A remarkable number of people will praise the fact the author doesn't do that and a lot of people will hate that. LOL
I for one don't care either way as long as , Satoru doesn't end up dying at the end. That would suck.
About Airi well he had to sacrifice his relationship with her to save people. And they possibly haven't met in 2004 yet so it doesn't change much from the original timeline does it?
Feb 25, 2016 5:45 PM

Apr 2009
No I think Satoru never did, but Kayo could have. First let me just ask this. Am I the only one who thinks it's wrong for Satoru and Kayo to be a couple? Are we forgetting that Satoru is a 29 year old man who has 18 years of experience and knowledge over Kayo? It would be exploitative and he'd be manipulating his position by pursuing a romantic relationship with Hinazuki. Just like it's wrong for an adult to date a minor or a psychiatrist dating their patients, it would be wrong for him to be with her, regardless of this supernatural predicament.

He wasn't bought back to find love, he was bought back to saves live and clear people of wrongful accusations.

Yes, the things that he did to get closer to Kayo can be perceived as flirting or having romantic interest, but it's clear from the story that his intentions were to only to get closer to her quickest in a short period of time and keep her safe from the killer. The creator shows us this by having Satoru remind himself that he's 29 years old and his genuinely happiness for Kayo being alive, having a baby, and being married to Hiromi. Not once in the post coma chapters does he dwell on or regret not being with her.
Feb 25, 2016 6:28 PM

Feb 2011
GoldenDevilGamer said:
He wanted to protect Kayo, but I don't think he necessarily had romantic feelings for her. If he really loved Kayo then...

This, also they were like ten. Kayo mayve had feelings but she hadnt hit puberty, and it was probably the suspension bridge effect than anything else, for her protector. Not that they couldnt develop a relationship, but there clearly werent things like true confessions between the two.
Feb 26, 2016 4:02 AM
Sep 2010
MiraiLink said:
Satoru is a 29 year old man who has 18 years of experience and knowledge over Kayo

Possibly wrong.
1. 95% he is virgin. So he does not own that type of experience.
2. He is dumb and had no life. 29 years of no life becomes 0 years of life.
3. Kenya or Kayo both look more adult in their actions than Satoru.
4. Look at Yashiro sensei, that guy is "late twenties or early thirties" when he was teacher at school. How smart is he compared to 29 years old Satoru?
5. Satoru's mother doesn't seem to have any suspicions toward him. Is Satoru in her eyes act like 11 years old kid even after he is 29 years old?

OR Satoru is an idiot OR just 11 years old kid who somehow recieved memories of Satoru-29. His mind certainly is not a mind of the normal grown-up adult guy.
Mar 1, 2016 4:59 PM

Apr 2009
CupOfRumAndGo said:
MiraiLink said:
Satoru is a 29 year old man who has 18 years of experience and knowledge over Kayo

Possibly wrong.
1. 95% he is virgin. So he does not own that type of experience.
2. He is dumb and had no life. 29 years of no life becomes 0 years of life.
3. Kenya or Kayo both look more adult in their actions than Satoru.
4. Look at Yashiro sensei, that guy is "late twenties or early thirties" when he was teacher at school. How smart is he compared to 29 years old Satoru?
5. Satoru's mother doesn't seem to have any suspicions toward him. Is Satoru in her eyes act like 11 years old kid even after he is 29 years old?

OR Satoru is an idiot OR just 11 years old kid who somehow recieved memories of Satoru-29. His mind certainly is not a mind of the normal grown-up adult guy.

What...? Is like you don't understand anything at all.
Mar 1, 2016 5:46 PM

Apr 2014
okurinn said:
He definitely didn't have feelings for her in that way. He just really cared for her as a friend. He was even genuinely happy for her when he found out her and Hiromi had a baby.

As for her, she told him that he was her hero. He saved her. Because of him she was able to be happy and she was very grateful. Nothing romantic in that. I know people are sad bc she ended up with hiromi, but come on, guys, what matters is that everyone is alive.

Btw, blushing does not automatically mean someone's in love, lmao. How many people blushed in this manga? A lot! More out of embarrassment than anything.

Nah fuck it, everyone can die. My boy Satoru did everything and got nothing.
Mar 1, 2016 9:12 PM
Oct 2013
Young Hinazuki might of had a crush on Satoru, but it's never explored.
I don't understand why the author kept teasing romance between both of them to just in the end discard everything.
Mar 2, 2016 12:54 AM
Jul 2018
I think there were many instances of teasing romance between the two. Never explored quite well.

Well whatever, this is the answer actually
Grimji said:
It's hard to deny that there's a tension between them but it's only a childhood love or puppy love. In the end, it's just a good memories and they're nothing more than good friends when they grow up.

So, my answer are both Yes and No, they're cleary more than friend but it's hardly to considered as romance.
Mar 2, 2016 6:21 PM

Nov 2013
Grimji said:
It's hard to deny that there's a tension between them but it's only a childhood love or puppy love. In the end, it's just a good memories and they're nothing more than good friends when they grow up.

So, my answer are both Yes and No, they're cleary more than friend but it's hardly to considered as romance.

This post depicts their relationship very nicely.
Anime gave me more life lessons than school
Mar 5, 2016 12:57 AM
Jul 2015
it's gross.

Satoru is 29 and was in his 11 year old body....him being attracted to hinazuki would be hypocritical considering you know....the whole pedophile angle of the anime.
Mar 5, 2016 2:26 PM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
okurinn said:
He definitely didn't have feelings for her in that way. He just really cared for her as a friend. He was even genuinely happy for her when he found out her and Hiromi had a baby.

As for her, she told him that he was her hero. He saved her. Because of him she was able to be happy and she was very grateful. Nothing romantic in that. I know people are sad bc she ended up with hiromi, but come on, guys, what matters is that everyone is alive.

Btw, blushing does not automatically mean someone's in love, lmao. How many people blushed in this manga? A lot! More out of embarrassment than anything.

Nah fuck it, everyone can die. My boy Satoru did everything and got nothing.

He got everything he wanted.
Mar 5, 2016 4:06 PM

Apr 2014
1idd0kun said:
NearSky said:

Nah fuck it, everyone can die. My boy Satoru did everything and got nothing.

He got everything he wanted.

He essentially lost his life. He is literally losing all of the memories from his original life as of the final chapter.
Mar 5, 2016 4:25 PM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
1idd0kun said:

He got everything he wanted.

He essentially lost his life. He is literally losing all of the memories from his original life as of the final chapter.

His life in the original timeline was shit. He was a failure as a mangaka and was working in a fucking pizza place to make end meets. He lived a alone, had no social life and no friends, and even his relationship with his mother wasn't that good.

Now he's a successful mangaka, has a perfectly functional social life and many friends, a good relationship with her mother, and most likely will get together with Airi. All in all, his life is significantly better than it was originally.
Mar 5, 2016 5:00 PM

Apr 2014
1idd0kun said:
NearSky said:

He essentially lost his life. He is literally losing all of the memories from his original life as of the final chapter.

His life in the original timeline was shit. He was a failure as a mangaka and was working in a fucking pizza place to make end meets. He lived a alone, had no social life and no friends, and even his relationship with his mother wasn't that good.

Now he's a successful mangaka, has a perfectly functional social life and many friends, a good relationship with her mother, and most likely will get together with Airi. All in all, his life is significantly better than it was originally.

Yeah, I know. But all of his memories, all of the time he spent with his friends while he was young are all going to disappear. Instead, he's replaced with Hiromi and Kayo in those memories.
Mar 5, 2016 5:09 PM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
1idd0kun said:

His life in the original timeline was shit. He was a failure as a mangaka and was working in a fucking pizza place to make end meets. He lived a alone, had no social life and no friends, and even his relationship with his mother wasn't that good.

Now he's a successful mangaka, has a perfectly functional social life and many friends, a good relationship with her mother, and most likely will get together with Airi. All in all, his life is significantly better than it was originally.

Yeah, I know. But all of his memories, all of the time he spent with his friends while he was young are all going to disappear.

The time he spent with his friends while he was young is part of the new timeline. Those memories aren't going to disappear. The memories fading away are the ones from the original timeline, before he jumped back in time for the first time.
1idd0kunMar 5, 2016 5:24 PM
Mar 5, 2016 5:43 PM

Apr 2014
1idd0kun said:
NearSky said:

Yeah, I know. But all of his memories, all of the time he spent with his friends while he was young are all going to disappear.

The time he spent with his friends while he was young is part of the new timeline. Those memories aren't going to disappear. The memories fading away are the ones from the original timeline, before he jumped back in time for the first time.

Yeah, I know. Which means he replaced years worth of memories, with days worth of memories. Sounds like a shit exchange if you ask me.
Mar 5, 2016 7:27 PM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
1idd0kun said:

The time he spent with his friends while he was young is part of the new timeline. Those memories aren't going to disappear. The memories fading away are the ones from the original timeline, before he jumped back in time for the first time.

Yeah, I know. Which means he replaced years worth of memories, with days worth of memories. Sounds like a shit exchange if you ask me.

His life during all those years was shit. He didn't have any friends in that timeline. He was alone. Why can't you understand that?
Mar 5, 2016 7:44 PM

Apr 2014
1idd0kun said:
NearSky said:

Yeah, I know. Which means he replaced years worth of memories, with days worth of memories. Sounds like a shit exchange if you ask me.

His life during all those years was shit. He didn't have any friends in that timeline. He was alone. Why can't you understand that?

He did have friends after elementary school, you see that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others for a while after. I fully understand it, I'm not an idiot. What I'm saying that he threw away 15 years worth of memories, I'm damn sure no one would want to do that.
Why can't you understand that?
Mar 5, 2016 7:50 PM

Jan 2015
At the time? No, but if we look on how Satoru's power works, whatever he does in the past holds true when he goes back in the future.

So let's say that everything goes well and Satoru doesn't get screwed over with the coma, then does he instantly go back to the future or does he get automatically transported?

1.He relives his life with newfound friendship and confidence plus he's close with Kayo so there's a possibility.
2.He gets transported but what exactly changes? Is he still living the same life? Kayo is the same age and not 10 years younger and they already have history together.

So while I don't think there was definitive romantic feelings during 1988, I'd bet good money that feelings may have surfaced in the coming years.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Mar 5, 2016 8:53 PM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
1idd0kun said:

His life during all those years was shit. He didn't have any friends in that timeline. He was alone. Why can't you understand that?

He did have friends after elementary school, you see that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others for a while after. I fully understand it, I'm not an idiot. What I'm saying that he threw away 15 years worth of memories, I'm damn sure no one would want to do that.
Why can't you understand that?

I don't know where you got that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others in the original timeline. It's pretty obvious that's not true. He lost all contact with them after moving out from Hokkaido after Hiromi was killed.

I think you probably should read the manga again. You're mixing up your facts.
Mar 5, 2016 11:16 PM

Apr 2014
1idd0kun said:
NearSky said:

He did have friends after elementary school, you see that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others for a while after. I fully understand it, I'm not an idiot. What I'm saying that he threw away 15 years worth of memories, I'm damn sure no one would want to do that.
Why can't you understand that?

I don't know where you got that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others in the original timeline. It's pretty obvious that's not true. He lost all contact with them after moving out from Hokkaido after Hiromi was killed.

I think you probably should read the manga again. You're mixing up your facts.

Satoru talks about the trip they had, which was after elementary school.
Mar 6, 2016 7:16 AM
Jul 2009
NearSky said:
1idd0kun said:

I don't know where you got that he stayed friends with Kenya and the others in the original timeline. It's pretty obvious that's not true. He lost all contact with them after moving out from Hokkaido after Hiromi was killed.

I think you probably should read the manga again. You're mixing up your facts.

Satoru talks about the trip they had, which was after elementary school.

And then he moved out of town and they lost contact.
Mar 17, 2016 1:43 AM
Feb 2016
yeah,, i think so bruh.

Hisokath said:
Warning:this has two or six references to what happens in the story, so read it at your risk. Some of it is important plot . I didn't give much details tho. It's in the giant paragraph and in the end.

Soo... Let me start by saying that I'm not a hardcore shipper of any pairing in boku dake ga inai machi. I understand that the characters are too young to have a complex romantic relationship with each other, and Satoru specially is too inadequated to have a relationship with a ten year old, instead I accepted the powerful relationship the group shared between them, it was beautiful and enough to make me read the manga. I don't need a romantic relationship to make me read a manga. But while it isn't romance focused, the romance is a subplot expected to develop, and this is why some people get angry when it's simply brushed away .
But there is a point of view I will quote here that is very different from my own: the user is @just_Chicken

Just_Chicken said:
It's not about the status of the relationships, but about what he thinks.

Kayo is a precious friend to him, no doubt.

He often unconsciously thinks about Airi. That's more a romantic interest indication than anything.

Keep in mind that he wants to save Kayo (and indirectly through that, his Mom), but it was Airi who helped a 29-years-old Satoru regain his courage.

I'm not a shipper, so just saying that this wasn't something everyone should be upset about. Even if he won't meet Airi anymore, he still has his Mom and his friends, who are more precious than a little love. This manga was never romance-focused to begin with.

Let me explain by parts how I feel about this point of view. I was unable to sleep today so I kept thinking about this repeatedly in my mind. It's okay because I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

It's not about the status of the relationships, but about what he thinks.

I interpret this as "the position they are in doesn't matter;if your friends make jokes about you and your girl friend being a couple it doesn't matter, even if they joke like this " When are you going to get married? ", " You're so bold Satoru! "," Let's leave them alone" It doesn't matter, because people can and will assume anything about anyone, but that doesn't make it a" established truth". I agree. What really matters is the definitions of a romantic relationship being accomplished: sharing interests in each other, being emotional together, desiring to be interesting to the other, trying to get intimate as in knowing about their life. thinking about the partner very much, desiring to connect to the other. Now comes my doubts, I think they have reached these criterias,for obvious reasons.The shared gloves and the handholding, the moment at the tree during the starry night, the glances shared when they were sleeping in satorus house, Satoru told his mom "she was in the way" , the departure and joy he has when he sees Hinazuki. This is beyond a deep friendship and is something more.Even if I was shipping airi X satoru I would acknowledge this fact.

He often unconsciously thinks about Airi. That's more a romantic interest indication than anything.
I honestly don't remember satoru thinking of airi even once while he was building connections with the group and Kayo, I think the first time he remembered of her was moments before the ice hockey incident.And why is this a greater indication of romantic interest than the moments he shared with the other girl? , if it's because Airi is older and more attractive than Kayo (he thought airi was attractive) it's invalid in the face of all these other criteria satoru accomplished with Kayo,and in no way more affirming.

But it was airi who helped a 29-years old satoru regain his courage
Irrelevant because the other girl could have done the same thing.

I'm not a shipper, so just saying that this wasn't something everyone should be upset about. Even if he won't meet Airi anymore, he still has his Mom and his friends, who are more precious than a little love. This manga was never romance-focused to begin with.
I agree,im not a shipper too. I think the third phrase is meant to those that thinks he should discard the things that he accomplished because of love, and do a re-run.It's a cold hearted statement but It's not wrong because Airi, Satoru, and Kayo can move on and without being in risk of dying, and this is a bigger accomplishment.

I decided to be fine with the manner things are developing and don't let it take away from the story, buuut I couldn't understand the things I explained above, and I was thinking about it a lot and decided to write it out. What about the community, what are your answers to "Does Satoru and Kayo ever share romantic feelings?" If you think this is idiotic or unnecessary, know that I don't care if it is and I don't give a frick because I'm bored.

which one is satoru most loved ? kayo or airi?
Mar 17, 2016 3:59 PM
Mar 2015
fuck man wtf, why didnt he just end up with kayo thats bullshit he saved everybody but he got nothing off it wow
Mar 28, 2016 9:17 AM
Mar 2016
I'm really surprised and happy to see that you're having a civilized conversation and not being butthurt like everyone else
Apr 20, 2016 4:50 AM

Apr 2014
I think Kayo had feeling for Satoru, since like others have mentioned, she did see him as the "hero" that saved her from her mother and from being alone.

I don't think Satoru had romantic feelings for her, but rather had the feeling of wanting to protect/save her.

I was really disappointed when the scene of Kayo holding a baby when Satoru woke up, I really wanted for them to be together in the end. But at the same time it would've left a big hole in the story and a loose end with Airi, whose role would have been essentially pointless if Kayo and Satoru got together.

Airi had to not exist for KayoxSatoru to exist otherwise too many loose ends/plot holes.
Apr 25, 2016 12:57 AM
Apr 2016
I liked the story. But I cried a lot at the end. I just wanted kayo to be together with satoru because he saved her and I don't think that airi is a main character and I think the writer of Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi is a little stupid. Like 80% good writer and 20% an idiot.
Jul 28, 2016 8:18 PM
Jul 2016
Even though I want to think that Sotoru had romantic feelings for Kayo, it is highly likely that the only thing Sotoru wanted was to save her and in turn finding himself. First when I mistook Sotoru drawing Kayo after she came to visit as a sign of having feelings for her.But it was a sign of his true self finally feeling relived of his guilt and pain and being free. And reminding him that there were still things to be done afterwards.
Sep 28, 2016 9:17 AM
Sep 2016
I just ended with the manga and see the anime in 1 night, and i think its a Yes/No (kayo yes, satoru, no) i will not lie, y really cry and get so fucking angry when i see kayo holding a baby, but i just calm down and think it twice, satoru wasnt sad so, why we should be?? Also, he kwos airi at the end so, maybe those two can have a good relationship rogether (the only weird thing is just when airi gets to 18 satoru will be 30) the satoru / kayo relationship was beutiful i know, i really was expecting to see thwm together in the future, but maybe the author thinls that would be just, too predictable.
Jan 19, 2017 5:04 PM

Apr 2016
Sznik said:
okurinn said:
He definitely didn't have feelings for her in that way. He just really cared for her as a friend. He was even genuinely happy for her when he found out her and Hiromi had a baby.

He lost his memories, so this could be the reason. He even wondered if they were this close in the first place when she visited him.

I don't want to ship anything either, but I expected that there will be something more to their relationship than that. I'm not satisfied at all :<. Furthermore, there is something about Airi that is bugging me. Who exactly is she? She appears right away when Satoru needs her and also this resemblance to Kayo from time to time. Well, maybe I just read too much into this.

I thought the same about Airi but the plot line didn't go anywhere. At first I thought Airi was Kayo but then immediately realized that made no sense but yeah she has a strange connection to Kayo.
Jan 21, 2017 2:26 AM
Jan 2017
There are two reversals in this story.
The first was that Kayo was married,
The second is that Satoru is very pleased with it.

Let's talk about the second reversal.

Please read the following story
The rich man shouts at the fire scene
"I will give you money, please save me"
Then a man rescues the rich man.
But he saves the rich and leaves without paying the money.
The man just wanted to protect the person.

Because the money came out in this story
It is emphasized that the man did not want money for keeping a richman.
If the money story is missing from this story
It turns out to be a foolish story that "someone saved a man".
Because he did not want money, money comes into the story.

The reunion scene of Kayo and Satoru is quite complicated.
At first, Satoru lost his memory, and he hardly remembered Kayo.

But as soon as he saw her, he was so happy that he wept.
What does it mean?

His sincere heart is that he is very pleased with the present situation.
In other words, he is really happy with Kayo's happiness.

The writer intentionally showed the possibility that she and Satoru would become a lover.
It is like the money I mentioned earlier.
However, it turns out that Satoru only wanted Kayo's happiness.
He did not want her compensation for romance.

This is very meaningful and touching.
The hero wants her to marry her, so hero rescues her ?
It's just a comedy.
The person who wants the happiness of the people is the hero.
The person who wants to get romance through keeping a person is not a hero.
The intention of the writer is that

This is a story about a hero, not a romance.

This was not well expressed in animation.
And the time was too short to think.

But the original comic book was enough.
I am very sorry, but I do not understand people who do not understand this

Of course, those who expected romance, not hero stories, would have been disappointed.
But it is only disappointment that it was not what I expected.
There are some who say that the work is wrong, not understanding the intention of the writer.
I am angry with them.

Of course there will be some people who are disappointed that Kayo is married.
It's a different story than the story above.
The reason is explained later.
aksmfakt132Jan 21, 2017 4:09 AM
Aug 3, 2017 3:31 AM
Aug 2017
Alright, while I know this post is late, I just finished watching the anime literally a couple of hours ago so I have thoughts and opinions running through my head. While I definitely thought they would have made a great couple, where Kayo would see Satoru as a protector and someone who she would eventually fall in love with because of her deep feelings for him, people fail to realize that in the time line where Kayo, and the other victims can be alive, Satoru lost 15 years of his life in a coma. He thankfully woke up at only 26 making him an adult, but still young enough to build a life. However, he missed out his whole adolescence and missed out on potential relationships with any of his classmates since he was again, in a coma during the time that when comprehension of Love is understood. People also forget that the only reason Satoru Is not a 26 year old man-child (basically a person with the body of a 26 year old but the brain and mentality of an 11 year old) was because he went back in time already having the mentality of a 29 year old when he was saving Kayo and the others. He also knew that it would be wrong to have feelings of love in an 11 year old even though it's technically not pedophilia, (since he was also 11) for him it kind of is. Kayo definitely had a crush on Satoru at some point and Satoru might have liked her a little, but in the end it wasn't love. He was happy enough that Kayo was able to live a happy life (even though I hated that she ended up with Hiromi who I thought was gay lol). Even if Kayo grew up wanting to be with Satoru, she took reality into consideration (which a lot of people fail to do in anime) and thought about her happiness and future since there was not much hope that Satoru would ever wake up and that she would potentially miss out on the life that was so desperately saved by Satoru If she waited for him. In the end I like that the author really doesn't give us an explanation on how the characters ended up together since he doesn't have to since they were only 11. Satoru luckily had a good mentality with his memories intact and ended up with a girl that he truly did love in the end.
Aug 5, 2017 12:45 PM
Jan 2017

You watched the animation.
This is a forum for manga.

I'll point out some things based on manga about your story.

1. Hiromi is not gay.
Perhaps there will be any scene that you thought so.
But it did not exist in manga

2. There is a story of Kayo's junior high school student.
It is the story of Kayo accepting farewell.
It is very sad and touching.

I recommend you read the manga.
From the beginning.
Aug 11, 2017 4:41 AM
Aug 2017
I get that kayo and satoru didnt have romantic feelings like that but, the creator could have made them both single instead of her marrying that twat who barely did anything for her. That also means kayo loves hirmomi more than satoru which is straight bullshit
Aug 11, 2017 9:00 AM
Jan 2017

Not like that. Have not you seen gaiden?
She chose to farewell by herself.
Because She encouraged her to do it around
She also realized that it was bad for her to depend on Satoru forever.

Do not ask her for responsibility.
"For a man who saved her, a girl is responsible for not marrying and waiting for him"
This is a very childish and bad idea.

And, what Satoru wanted was Kayo's happiness.
She was abused by her mother.
She wanted to have a happy family.
Her marriage, and the baby, clearly mean that she has found happiness.
aksmfakt132Aug 11, 2017 9:05 AM
Aug 29, 2017 4:15 AM
Aug 2017
I think yes, by all means because just think why did satoru at the end then??but I also felt since satoru also have another girl that he can rely on as well,but still it make felt a bit frustrated
Aug 29, 2017 6:14 AM
Jan 2017
Unearthly-freak said:
I think yes, by all means because just think why did satoru at the end then??but I also felt since satoru also have another girl that he can rely on as well,but still it make felt a bit frustrated

[because just think why did satoru at the end then?]

What is 'what Satoru did at the end' that you say?
Are you talking about his tears?
aksmfakt132Aug 29, 2017 6:27 AM
Oct 10, 2017 1:37 AM

Jul 2009
As other explained, it's pretty obvious (especially after reading Kayo's spin off story) that Kayo has crush into Satoru, which is not surprising considering Satoru is her saviour that saved her from the hellish miserable life (the suspesion bridge effect in the work) and being the one that reached to her in her isolation which holds until Satoru's mother snapped her into reality that Satoru prob wont waked up again and she needs to move on to her own life

For Satoru's side, maybe I misinterpret the early chapter, but I have feeling that he was pretty attracted to Kayo when he was child in his first timeline. Since he still remember and regret on how he cant save her and yuuki even 20 years after the incident. As he grew older, he just moved on from that and attracted to Airi. In the second and third rerun tho, he obviously didnt have any romantic intent anymore with Kayo (for god sake, he had 29 years old mind at that moment, how he will be attracted to 10 years old girl lol). He just purely want to save her and wish for her happiness (which is why he is smiling seeing Kayo getting married and having a baby. considering his personalty, he probably be worried and feel guilty that Kayo ended up waiting for him during his coma)
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