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Nov 21, 2015 3:15 PM

Dec 2014
Wow, Yu's gonna die!....said no-one.
Nov 21, 2015 3:36 PM

May 2013

Nov 21, 2015 3:48 PM
Mar 2014
After this weeks episode, I wish it was a double episode.
Nov 21, 2015 4:07 PM
Jul 2018
Lots of action this episode, but animation was kind of meh.
Nov 21, 2015 4:48 PM

Jul 2012
Pretty good episode, cool battle between Crowley vs Shinya and Guren showing just how strong Crowley is, pretty much playing with them. I cant wait to see what Shinoa's plan is because im pretty sure its not just Yu jumping out from underneath lol.

Here is my full review of the episode:
Nov 21, 2015 4:53 PM

Jan 2011
aryashine said:
I thought the director for this episode did quite a terrible job. It's like, when it's finally Guren's turn to do something cool, the director, the animators, whatever - they all go YOLO or something and we get the shittiest episodes. I thought even the music wasn't so fitting. Maybe it's because the screen - the animation - had like no energy, no fluidity, no... I don't even know.

I thought things were really getting better (like esp with Lululu Lalala episode) with the battle animation but THIS EPISODE ER MY GOD MY EYES. SEASON 1 HELLO

OTOH closeup of Shinya so fabulous thank you thank you I just wanted fabulous Shinya and some gureshin yes

It felt a little off for me. I mean, it just kept jumping from tense to calm. They dragged this episode so hard I kept looking at my player's counter. There was a scene Shinoa didn't didn't have her weapon summoned -- like IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING FIGHT. Then the talking, god. I've seen more tension during the planning of school festival episodes. I mean at least they got to the fighting and didn't fuck us with that shit they spewed last week. Yea I know #feels and all but shit. At least EP 5 had consistency, but this, nah.

I also felt a bit of awkward focus on Shinoa yanking thee leash on Yu. I mean I know they want to emphasize best girl's concern for her squad but shit... What was it 3 or 4 times they did that? Like shut the fuck up Yu and do your shit. It's like he learns and for gets every episode now.

I mean, I understand the the subtitle "the war in Nagoya" But between the remaining episodes and the pace it's taking I see another Arslan ending. Charging off to battle with a smile armed with a bunch of Digimon team moral boosting lines..never to be heard of again and forgotten by all except the most loyal (anal) of fans.

I will say I'm a tad pleased with how they handled the vampires strength (specifically the nobles). It's a bit tiring to keep seeing OP MCs that grow at the speed of plot. However that's what's dragging down the pace of the show. And as I stated above I have a bad feeling we're gonna be left wit a very mediocre ending loaded with loose ends and cheezy lines while our MCs are staring at the sky.
QWERTYFish25Nov 21, 2015 5:02 PM
Nov 21, 2015 6:13 PM

Dec 2012
It was an ok episode, but I'm just waiting for Mika to show up >////< . Aww preview for next episode doesn't look that good. I hate waiting. Hurry the beep up Mika. How much longer must I endure for Mika and Yuu's reunion again.

Also I love Crowley's two vampire chicks. I never remember their names though.
Shion657Nov 21, 2015 6:20 PM
Nov 21, 2015 6:18 PM

Oct 2011
Nov 21, 2015 7:00 PM

Aug 2013
Good episode, the fights were a little more exciting, especially because the opponent was very strong, but that Yuu's attitude really makes me a little angry, caring and trying to save everyone, he changed from water to alcohol, and Guren is a character that I do not like, so I'm looking forward to seeing him quite suffer next episode ..
Nov 21, 2015 7:16 PM

Aug 2014
Okay, Shinya's part of him talking instead of shooting was just dumb. They should have changed that into something else, like Chess saving Crowley. Also, I hate how Yuu seemingly reverted back to his Eren-state, what happened to the cool and supposedly mature Yuu from the previous episodes?

Overall the episode had both good and bad moments, but I still enjoyed it. Crowley is awesome.


In other news, Guren is still the best character.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Nov 21, 2015 8:42 PM
Oct 2007
aryashine said:
I thought the director for this episode did quite a terrible job. It's like, when it's finally Guren's turn to do something cool, the director, the animators, whatever - they all go YOLO or something and we get the shittiest episodes. I thought even the music wasn't so fitting. Maybe it's because the screen - the animation - had like no energy, no fluidity, no...


Slightly disappointed by the same studio that did Shingeki no Kyojin and as a subsidiary of I.G. Production.
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Nov 21, 2015 9:12 PM

Jan 2011
mira-nyan said:
Yu and Yoichi reminisce the rape of their squad at Shinjuku.

Was I the only one who got a valvrave (Harutard raping Saki) vibe from that incident?
Nov 21, 2015 9:39 PM

Aug 2012
luccide said:
aryashine said:
I thought the director for this episode did quite a terrible job. It's like, when it's finally Guren's turn to do something cool, the director, the animators, whatever - they all go YOLO or something and we get the shittiest episodes. I thought even the music wasn't so fitting. Maybe it's because the screen - the animation - had like no energy, no fluidity, no...


Slightly disappointed by the same studio that did Shingeki no Kyojin and as a subsidiary of I.G. Production.
Except Shingeki had Araki, Tetsurou as the director known for his dynamic movement in scenes and Wada works closely with Isayama so obviously it's not going to be the same standard for OnS.
Nov 21, 2015 9:40 PM

Aug 2012
Man Crowley is a savage.
Nov 21, 2015 10:16 PM

May 2012
yu gonna get ded, jk plot armor too stronk
Nov 22, 2015 1:39 AM
May 2015
Is it safe to say that Guren has kicked the bucket?
Nov 22, 2015 2:27 AM

Feb 2013
nutrrox said:

i was wondering where all the animation and plot in this episode went
Nov 22, 2015 2:58 AM

Oct 2008
Sanderella said:
Please, can someone write the title of the OST during the battle or post the link to download it, it was played after the "break" in the middle of the episode, around 15:40. It was fitting perfectly action during this episode ;_;

Queen_Malec said:
Can someone pleasseeee tell me which song played during the fight scene?? It's the same song that played during episode 4 and I can't find it anywhere.

No one knows the title and you won't be able to find it anywhere. Yet. Soundtracks to anime don't normally release until near the end of the season. They can even put it in the BD release so you may not get it until months later.
Nov 22, 2015 3:38 AM

Feb 2015
Zoba said:
nutrrox said:

i was wondering where all the animation and plot in this episode went

Nov 22, 2015 7:55 AM

Aug 2014
LuciferIAm said:
This series really keeps dropping the ball. Somehow all its characters have suddenly forgotten they wield demons and have super soldier pills. Why do they keep fighting so half assed? its so fucking moronic it hurts.

They already took the super pill earlier when fighting the other nobles, before moving to attack Crowley.

Remember how the 2nd pill damages their organs and 3rd one kills them...

There is a limit and they didn't mention the reset time to when you can take another, assumingly though not within a few hours.
Professional Banana Poster

Nov 22, 2015 9:33 AM

Apr 2014
why cant they just follow the original mission??
---------My Profile------------
Nov 22, 2015 9:54 AM

Oct 2014
I love that Crowley is such an OP troll :D
But I hate that cliffhanger at the end so 4/5 just for Crowley ;)
Nov 22, 2015 10:44 AM

Sep 2014
Aaaaaaaaaaaah, Cliffhanger!
Overall an Intense episode with lots going on. Action scenes where okay and the ost was pretty nice.

These recent episodes seem to fly by though.. I want more. :c
Nov 22, 2015 12:24 PM

Jul 2015
The commander should have at least hurt the noble, even slightly, though the commander was already injured, and Lord Crowley is super OP as hell. Good action was presented in this episode, Shinya and the commander's teamwork managed them to escape from Lord Crowley by a bit, which would be hard for normal demon users.

Shinoa is starting to act like a leader now, she has the wits of being one, now that she truly realises that she is responsible for the lives of her comrades, thus, the people in her squad being trustworthy towards her and willing to listen to her diligently.

Yeah, I love Shinoa.
Nov 22, 2015 2:10 PM

May 2015
one more cliffhanger shit

SoulBlitz said:
Yeah, I love Shinoa.

shinoa 4life
Nov 22, 2015 3:23 PM

Sep 2014
So Guren does suck after all, I thought he may have been holding back vs Shitaela.
Dunno if anyone finds these vampires cool, annoying and arrogant(in a retarded way).
Nov 22, 2015 3:38 PM

Sep 2015
Well, the operation to rescue the hostages starts in this episode. Early on, though, the focus is on discussing and debating what they're going to do. Most of the action takes place near the end of the episode, as they work at starting to rescue the hostages while taking on the vampire guards. Guren and Crowley also have an encounter.

I have to admit that even though I just finished watching the episodes, only bits and pieces are actually memorable. Oh well. Hopefully next week's episode won't be quite as forgettable to me.
Nov 22, 2015 4:34 PM

Jun 2014
This show honestly has some crazy cliffhangers
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Nov 22, 2015 4:55 PM

Nov 2015
I like Crowley a lot

I might be gay for Crowley
Nov 22, 2015 5:16 PM

Jun 2013
Crowley is op as hell
Nov 22, 2015 5:55 PM

Jun 2011
Intense episode. Loved the action. I'm hoping we see Yu and the gang's special moves next episode.

All the girls in this series are so cute.
Nov 22, 2015 7:16 PM

Oct 2013
Awesome intense episode with Gurren & Shinya tag team vs dat OP happy-go-lucky Crowley and in case things would go bad for him, his 2 hot damsels. Gurren & Shinya should be glad Crowley like's to mess around and not have his 2 ladies help, else that would've been a very short, even more one-sided battle.

Some death flags for at least some of Narumi Squad members - hoping at least 1 or 2 make it out alive.
Nov 23, 2015 5:06 AM

Nov 2011
Haha, how many times does Guren need to be stabbed in the heart before he dies?

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Nov 23, 2015 7:39 AM

Sep 2014
Zee530 said:
Haha, how many times does Guren need to be stabbed in the heart before he dies?

Guren wouldn't die even if he was killed.

The sun is a deadly laser
Nov 23, 2015 8:01 AM

Oct 2008
Glory to Crowley! very strong!

Nov 23, 2015 9:24 AM

Jul 2015
Just these two things about this week's episode:


Cliff bloody hanger

Nov 23, 2015 1:06 PM

Jan 2011
The cliffhanger felt ugh, too lame imo. Dem oppais though.
Zoba said:
nutrrox said:

i was wondering where all the animation and plot in this episode went

Who needs frames anyway?
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Nov 23, 2015 4:08 PM

Oct 2013
Right when I decided to catch up with this show it ends on a huge cliffhanger..
Nov 23, 2015 9:04 PM

Mar 2013
Oh boy, is it time for the animation quality to drop off already?


I mean, it's one thing for it to be bad due to a lack of time or budget, but some of this shit was bad in ways that can't be attributed to either of those, shots where you look at it and its like, how high did they have to be to think that this drawing was ok?

and oh god the sound design, when crowley picks guren up it sounded like he was unzipping his pants wtf
fstNov 23, 2015 9:12 PM
Nov 24, 2015 5:01 AM

May 2014
Pretty good with action in this ep. Damn, that cliffhanger in the end. I really wonder if Mika-chan will come and save his ass. ^^
Nov 24, 2015 11:00 PM

Oct 2007
MattUzumaki said:

*Pokes head in* 0_0

You know I don't know, the show doesn't seem like it needs to be this flat out bad. Maybe they could do a reboot or something, like I think there is some potential here just the director just clearly sucks very much so at his job and I think it's most of what dragged the whole thing down far below even the guilty pleasure line. Something would have to be done about how they've characterized most of the cast too as that didn't help matters. It seems like a manga that can be done quite better with just a modest effort...just I don't know. That's about all I have to say.

aryashine said:
I thought even the music wasn't so fitting. Maybe it's because the screen - the animation - had like no energy, no fluidity, no... I don't even know.

Judging from what I saw from the first season I have a feeling that that one isn't on the director, that's just modern Sawano. I'm pretty much completely certain at this point that he doesn't even look at or have anything to do with the anime he's composing for, he just does some shit for his own personal releases and then sends it over as a tie-in cause he's popular and the project staff of any given work somehow have to try to hope they can match it to whatever is happening. The only time it ever really felt like he was composing for a show or at least in tandem with it was Gundam Unicorn where quite often the soundtrack would match shot for shot whatever was happening.

From what I remember of the first season that I saw there were already even a ton of scenes where the music didn't seem to match what was happening at all and would often have the most over dramatic themes for pretty much nothing happening but characters shooting the shit. It also seemed like they were stuck using a lot of the same songs over and over again like that one bass guitar track just because most of the time nothing else could possibly fit.
PeacingOutNov 24, 2015 11:06 PM
Nov 25, 2015 8:56 AM

Dec 2012
It was not as good as the other episodes. The animation of the fight looked crappy, is the season 1 is back ?
Nov 25, 2015 7:16 PM

Jun 2013
First it was the MikaYuu ship.

Now, it's the GuShin ship.

So many ships.
Nov 25, 2015 7:55 PM

Aug 2014
^ That second ship makes no sense since Guren has always loved Mahiru.

Edit: And I just realized I tried to rationalize a ship. Nevermind.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Nov 26, 2015 6:07 AM
Jul 2018
Good a cliffhanger, for a second there I thought this was the epic fight manga fans talked about. I gotta ask though wtf is wrong with Shinya? Is it really that important to say something before taking out a huge threat? It doesn’t look cool when you fail btw :/
Nov 26, 2015 11:51 AM

Sep 2014
Maledict said:
^ That second ship makes no sense since Guren has always loved Mahiru.

Edit: And I just realized I tried to rationalize a ship. Nevermind.

*The second ship makes no sense because Mahiru's yandere enough to kill Shinya if needed.
The sun is a deadly laser
Nov 26, 2015 10:19 PM

Jan 2011
#Mikrul ship plz

xcess090 said:
Good a cliffhanger, for a second there I thought this was the epic fight manga fans talked about. I gotta ask though wtf is wrong with Shinya? Is it really that important to say something before taking out a huge threat? It doesn&rsquo;t look cool when you fail btw :/

This has got to be like the tenth time they've done it this season. Geting old.
Nov 27, 2015 10:13 AM

Jun 2008
Another boring episode.
Nov 27, 2015 7:14 PM

Jul 2008
Based on the current episode, the finale would be a bad rushed one or a lame cliffhanger if we do not have a third season.
Nov 27, 2015 11:11 PM

Aug 2014
Come on guys, it wasn't that bad... Plus, I bet .25 cents that most of you are watching this for free. Anyways, there is a drop in quality however the studio may save up for any future fights similar to (Gundam Orphans).

That thing that I am the most worried now is the fact that the anime will have an anime-only ending like Akame ga Kill.

Yay!! More Shinoa screen time haha (^-^)/
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