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Aug 20, 2015 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
This episode was weird. The reunion wasn't but some of the returns of the characters. I'd have to say that the atmosphere is strange with their reunion. A lot of odd tension and especially since Mashiro is somehow back. A lot of family feels?

Nope, I was not expecting this:
Aug 20, 2015 7:50 AM

Jan 2013
hope that the yuri kiss boosts sales for the second season :)
Aug 20, 2015 9:57 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Dat kiss tho lol

The only logical explanation for this girl even being alive was that she had to have been a Returned One so at least that makes sense

Sucks to be Ibuki right now because I know that he's conflicted as fuck. And I like his twin sister Inori a lot too so I wonder how things are gonna proceed from here now

That guy in Swallow's camp was pretty cool too and I'm interested in seeing what he and those 4 knights are up to
Aug 20, 2015 9:58 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Did they really need that #epiccliffhangerofdoom effect at the end? It really wasn't that cool nor unexpected you know =_=
Aug 20, 2015 10:00 AM

Aug 2014
How dumb can Ibuki get.
Powerless yet always not using his brain to think. I do hope his naive personality would improve in the next few episodes.
Your taste in Anime is shit.

Because you can't differentiate between what's good and bad.

How sad.
Aug 20, 2015 10:28 AM
Jun 2010
Why do they make anime where MC has IQ and combat power of potato?
Aug 20, 2015 10:39 AM
Jul 2018
I did not expect to see a yuri kiss.

Inori raised Mashiro from the dead!
Aug 20, 2015 11:00 AM

Jan 2015
And here I thought THAT Mashiro is a clone.
[url=]convert gambar online
Aug 20, 2015 11:12 AM

Jan 2013
Usomochi said:
Why do they make anime where MC has IQ and combat power of potato?

dunno im really enjoying watching a completely useless mc with his crappy power that completely suits him
Aug 20, 2015 11:31 AM

Jun 2014
Best part of the episode was that kiss lol.

But really how can Ibuki be that dumb? It was kind of obvious that wasn't the real Mashiro, especially considering the fact that she wasn't speaking in full, coherent sentences like a normal person, and they never gave a legit explanation as to how she could have survived.

Let's see where this heads next week.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 20, 2015 11:42 AM

Jul 2014
Did this show just have something resembling a good episode? It's a freaking miracle, even if the show is still bogged down by Ibuki having the IQ of a rock at not being able to tell that Mashiro was a Returned One.
Aug 20, 2015 11:49 AM

Feb 2015
ass pulls everywhere. Dead characters coming back and a sister nobody had even heard about. Ibuki must be the worst MC of the summer season by some distance. The storyline is all over the place and the fact they have to keep explaining new elements like the 'wedge' is proof of this.

On the plus side it's still quite a good show in terms of artwork and animation. It's pure style over substance.
Aug 20, 2015 11:55 AM

Jul 2009
Oh please, now we got dead characters coming back in such a ridiculous way. The amount of plot holes is just too pathetic, it's the 8th episode and the story don't make any sense anymore.

This MC is giving me Ikari Shinji vibes.
Aug 20, 2015 12:13 PM

Feb 2015
I like how in the middle of a season we change what a Returned One can look like or be. I know Mashiro is a Returned One but it looks nothing like what they've established so far in the series. I guess you can change whatever the hell you want whenever you want to make your dumb plot make sense.

Oh god, such a badly done twist and a badly done episode ending. They're trying so hard to make it interesting when really, it's just rather exhausting to watch.
Aug 20, 2015 12:40 PM

Apr 2015
This kid is just so blinded by anything good that has happened without a second thought. Lol to the kiss scene. The whole concept about "Returned Ones" regarding Mashiro and her zombie self seems vague. Alright episode.
Aug 20, 2015 12:46 PM

Jul 2015
Lol the only thing that has this going is how hilariously stupid the plot is and how broken Ibuki is as MC.
Aug 20, 2015 1:10 PM

Jan 2012
Ibuki's rather dumb, but I can't blame him for wanting to believe an obvious lie here. Evil necromancer imouto brings trouble...
Aug 20, 2015 1:30 PM

Feb 2010
One of the most irrelevant yuri scene, but I need like a gif of that. Shocked face montage. They probably have CG to worked that for them.
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Aug 20, 2015 1:38 PM

Jan 2013
8 eps and everyone is still alive -_-
"who will ibuki kill and who will ibuki save ? " answer no one, man that line is such a tease
Aug 20, 2015 1:57 PM

Mar 2015
I never expected that kiss to happen...

Wrsty said:
Lol the only thing that has this going is how hilariously stupid the plot is and how broken Ibuki is as MC.
Aug 20, 2015 2:06 PM

Jan 2015
So has the show gotten better since the second episode?
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Aug 20, 2015 2:10 PM

Jan 2013
bobzanny said:
So has the show gotten better since the second episode?

no ibuki hasn't killed anyone since then
Aug 20, 2015 2:23 PM

Feb 2014
It was so obvious from the start, I just wanted to kill myself.
Aug 20, 2015 3:29 PM

May 2015
That kiss, what, lol. Gotta say that this episode just showed how weak a character Ibuki really is. He's not even thinking twice about the situation, since it was pretty much obvious Mashiro died. Also, that ending. Didn't see that one coming. Overall, just a decent episode.

Aug 20, 2015 3:38 PM

Dec 2014
Average episode.
3/5 Overall
BlancchetAug 20, 2015 3:42 PM
Aug 20, 2015 9:15 PM

Aug 2013
What the fuck.

Obviously the sister is evil, because she's fucking playing Ibuki like a banjo. What better way to get that potato to slice himself up, stuff some bacon and cheese inside and slow bake in the oven, then by showing up as his long lost twin after all this time, and then BOOM dead childhood friend back. He's now a delicious cheesy bacon potato in the palm of her hand.

He was even watching the video and was like, nope nuh uh, no way, she cant be.

The way Inori even said that was menacing as fuck. It literally screamed I HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES!!

At least they answered my question last week about his sister being the true ruler. I thought that was just some bullshit to get her into power. Apparently though it's "tradition". Sounds like a stupid fucking tradition that the younger sister becomes the ruler over the brother...but hey, they said it so I'll let it go.

I wonder if Inori is a returned one too, but one that is fully coherent? The people kept wondering it, and we never actually saw her get saved by Akito, but for now I guess she is alive until something says otherwise.

Where did she get her power to revive people from...the black dragon maybe? The red dragons claw was what was reviving corpses at the volcano and they were straight up zombies. But Mashiro has color and can even say one word.

Preview looks like it showed a bit of Inori's evil side. Wondering when this will turn into Ibuki and Red Dragon vs Inori and Black Dragon...because that seems like the only logical place it can go.

The show may not be that great, but at least it gives me more to speculate about each week than other shows, which is kind of nice.

Aug 20, 2015 9:53 PM

Jun 2013
oh a yuri kiss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aug 20, 2015 10:04 PM

Aug 2013
it's just stupid..
the MC, oh no, facepalm so hard

at least I'm liking Inori (?)
Aug 20, 2015 11:42 PM

Jun 2013
So Inori was supposedly dead but Agito saved her and with collaboration fromD'natia, she has been brought forward as ruler instead of Ibuki. And as expected, she will be no more than a puppet queen, or at least for the time being. Agito brought her forward to take advantage of Kouran's confusion with a couple of their generals dead. D'natia will help in kicking out Kouran after which Nil Kamui will try and get their land back under their complete control.

Mashiro is back... as a zombie with some makeup I guess, unless Inori's way of bringing back the dead is different from the Red Dragon's returned ones. They spent a lot of time trying to figure out whether Mashiro is actually alive or not. Eykha even killed her again, they were about to take off her clothes (and they would have done it if it weren't for Inori coming in) and then Inori walks in and is like "yeah Mashiro is dead. Any problem?" Like, couldn't you have told that sooner? Or couldn't anyone simply ask her?

Simeon has one ginormous sword. Just when I was thinking that his sword is too big, it got bigger lol.

Ka Grava is making a deal with Lou to give her a hand (literally) in exchange for her yellow dragon scale, if I'm not missing something. He wants peace and that's the best way I guess.

Lol when Lou said that beheading is the best way to confirm whether her target is dead or just unconscious when everyone was talking about Mashiro having been killed back then by Ibuki or not.

Inori has an interesting ability to bring the dead back. It probably works together with Ibuki's power. Ibuki sacrifices someone for the Red Dragon's power and Inori brings that person back.

That loli kissing though...
Aug 21, 2015 12:56 AM

Jan 2011
oh no they killed Mashiro.....again
Aug 21, 2015 1:28 AM

Nov 2011
If it's too good to be true, it usually is.

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Aug 21, 2015 2:39 AM
Aug 2015
At this point the show has gone beyond the limit of fucked up. It's unprecedented, in my opinion. I'm just watching this show at this point to see how much more fucked up it can get. That phrase when something's so bad it's good, you know? Only other reason why I'm watching is for Lou and Eiha(I forgot her name, don't correct me). If they don't even show Lou's backstory, which would probably have been far better than the actual anime, then this show deserves to be worse than Tokyo ESP xD. It really feels like those 100 over episode animes with multiple different segments all squeezed into one small box where so much content leaks out and goes missing. Welp, at least Lou's gonna be more badass XD.
Aug 21, 2015 2:44 AM

Jan 2015
This anime try to add too many things, without any explanation.

Usomochi said:
Why do they make anime where MC has IQ and combat power of potato?

Well, most of animes have MC with potato IQ, so this isn't a big change.
Aug 21, 2015 8:28 AM

Jan 2014
Eugh.. Ibuki get your act together! That was simply too good to be true. There is still something fishy about Inori >-> it's even more suspicious that she has brought back a dead one.
Aug 21, 2015 10:07 AM

Oct 2014
Ass- pull in its finest form folks !
I implore you to watch this episode and get your brain pain for free :/
I don't know why people write that they are approachable persons,
if you were you wouldn't be on MAL.
Extended families or lovers on MAL are a farce.
Aug 21, 2015 10:37 AM

Dec 2013
How the hell is Inori so OP?
She can raise the dead AS Returned Ones, she can control said Returned Ones so they don't attack others. Seriously what is she made of? My head is starting to hurt. If she was this powerful to begin with, then why the heck would they hide her for 7 years? Why did they not just use her 7 years ago to attack that invading country?

I get the feeling that Inori is the second-last boss (and whoever behind her pulling the strings is the end game). She makes a really excellent antagonist to be honest. I love watching Ibuki suffering.

More of the same next week please!
Aug 21, 2015 11:52 AM

Aug 2014
Inori may just save this otherwise awful show now.

And Ibuki plz stahp making me hate u more and more >_<
Aug 21, 2015 1:33 PM

Nov 2010
Ibuki is by far the worst MC that I`ve seen in the last few years. He's useless in every front. Had he died in the first episode and the story countinued without him, the anime would have been much better.
Aug 21, 2015 9:22 PM

Apr 2012
HaXXspetten said:
Did they really need that #epiccliffhangerofdoom effect at the end? It really wasn't that cool nor unexpected you know =_=

#epiccliffhangerofdoom effect is neccesary :v
Aug 22, 2015 12:21 AM

Apr 2010
Jonny_Mhl said:

This MC is giving me Ikari Shinji vibes.

Well, Shinji had emotional problems but his IQ wasnt below average :/
Aug 23, 2015 2:10 PM

Oct 2011
She's a returned one 0___0

Dat kiss
Aug 23, 2015 8:51 PM

Dec 2014
People do not die if they are killed.

Snappynator said:
Inori may just save this otherwise awful show now.
Aug 25, 2015 1:17 PM

Aug 2015
Gakuto fro Prison School is the best anime character of 2015.
Ibuki is the worst anime character of 2015.

Alright, eight episodes in and Ibuki is only getting worse.

Ibuki is not a blank slate power fantasy character with a harem, no. Those characters are designed to appeal to a certain crowd and work...despite how lazy they are.

This is worse than lazy. This is actually trying and screwing up big time.

Ibuki is unlikable because right as he was gonna stop being Kira Yamato he reverts back. Every step he takes to become a better character he takes two steps back.

This episode highlights the problem right in your face. What changed ibuki? Well his love interests death. Ibuki decided it was time to grow up and take the thrown. He had to grow a pair of balls fast if he wanted to succeed. But no matter what Ibuki keeps thinking that he can solve all of his problems without killing.

After seeing returned ones you would think he would finally stop but he continues to hesitate. It was only what's his faces sacrifice that was for naught that might have fixed ibuki since ibuki actually fought back. Kudos to him.

And what's this? Ibuki learns about returned ones and he...just...and then his imouto will be king and now he is...just...what the hell. He just reverts back to being a cowardly prince who won't take any responsibility. All of that character development just went down the drain.

Ibuki is spineless, idiotic, lazy and gullible.

Even if he finally grows a brain it will only disappear to make ibuki more spineless and dumb.

He is a character, but he is just very unlikable.
"I -AM- ELECTRICITY." -Gunvolt
Aug 25, 2015 2:13 PM

Jul 2014
LOL Ibuki has to be one of the worst MCs ever. LOL wtf is wrong with him? he hasnt progressed at all and this show is almost done. This show is just becoming a cringe comedy for me
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Aug 26, 2015 2:08 AM

Jul 2012
Yep the MC really has a low IQ. It was way too obvious that it is impossible for Mashiro to be alive.
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Aug 26, 2015 2:28 AM

May 2014
Well what can I say, this wasn't handled well. A rather boring episode because of that, plot twist should be brought onto the public in a better way ya know.
So his sis is crazy, ehuh, Mashiro is a lesbian corpse, ehuh.
This anime is going crazy.
Aug 28, 2015 4:05 AM
Jun 2015
Finally watched this episode and I gotta admit, the thing with Mashiro's character being a returned one is kinda cool.
However, everything else was average. This is obviously the best episode but it isn't good. However, it wasn't bad. Of course, we had a lot of stupid dialogue and rushed scenes but that's the usual. Can't believe Silver link's behind this though -_-"
However, that split second yuri scene was the best thing this show produced. Fate Kaleid had a better one though.
Too bad the scene was completely random and she had no reason to kiss her.
I liked Mashiro's character but now I think she's lost any form of personality she once had. I was gonna give this a 4/10 but I'm probably gonna give it a 3/10 which is where I put Sword art online... Not a good spot to be.
Sep 1, 2015 9:32 PM
Jul 2018
Ibuki is stupid; he didn’t even consider the fact that she’s a returned one. Let’s see what the little sis is up to.
Sep 2, 2015 4:32 PM

Jun 2014
Whoops. totally forgot what happened this episode.
I think the zombie friend got munched?
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Sep 3, 2015 11:07 AM

Jun 2015
Why so much hate for ibuki. What people are not understanding is that he is a kid. He isnt smart and doesnt know about much and had the responsibilty of being a king thrown on to him so early. If you expected anything else, that wouldnt make sense. I think ibuki will get his ttime to shine towards the very end. Anyways this is probably the most underrated anime of the season. Its actually pretty good. Definetly better than monster girls and shimoneta
Grimgar season 2 please!!!!
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