Ah man, what a contrast - because… I have never gotten the appeal of watching streamers and I probably never will lmao. Now don’t get me wrong, I play some high intensity games that require me to watch some people for tips (like fighting games), so sometimes I watch clips, and I read a lot of articles as I’m zealously inquisitive in that respect, but just watching for fun? Eh..., >.> Sure it’s a great way to kill some time though.
Did you hear recently that the CDC announced that they discovered the pfizer vaccine can slightly increase breast sizes for women? One girl went from a high b-cup to a c cup in just a few days, it’s due to the lymph nodes increasing as an immune reaction response, but something dumb happened - a girl went into shock and had to go to the hospital because she got 7 vaccines in the course of 3 days trying to get bigger boobs - now the anti-vaccination people are trying to use that as evidence as to why it’s dangerous lmao.
I don’t blame you, Tolkein was a detailed writer, but a cryptic one and more of a philosopher if anything, he constant pays homage to the ancient-wisdom traditions of gnostic, but as well as more judaistic christian teachings - which can be somewhat of a battle of attrition with his text, littered with exposition. I especially love Sauron being a metaphor for WW2 (Which Tolkein called: “The War of the Machines”) as well as Satan - being a figure that believed that knowledge was the ultimate key to surpass god, but his passions for knowledge, and desire for control created a hell on earth. I think LOTR is line trying to get into alcohol or something, it hits you in the face at first and is very confusing, but if you stick with it, learn the nuances, it’s one of the best reads in modern history - the thing is, it’s no easier to revisit it the next time lol.
Speaking of word-salad-symbolism, like I said I got done watching a lot of thematic breakdowns about Harry Potter (despite still not reading it lol) and thought you’d be interested in a quick one!
This is just one two minute clip, agh, the art….!!! <3 <3 <3
I'm glad to hear! That's the best we can hope for during these beleguarded times. >.>
I'm pretty well myself, just going through a few more replays of some of my favorite games before school starts back up again. I'm a really big fan of Dead Space and Silent Hill . I find them to be great surrogates for meditation and working stuff I feel out, like stresses and such, I love the choking intimacy, the cramped hallways, the allegories. I'm an art-fag when it comes to everything I guess. <.<
Otherwise I got my dose of the covid vaccine finally, and am very, very, very disappointed I can't work out for a few days....
And I've been going over Tolkein again even though I have a love hate relationship wtih em, prose is deletarious, symbolism and thematics are *thumbs up*. Did you get around to reading Lord of the Rings? :>
Well, I'd say it's pretty understandable to be biased toward your favorites. :P
Ahh, that's actually pretty tough to answer since there are just so many things I listen to, lol. I'll just name some artists off the top of my head. Say Sue Me, Gregory Alan Isakov, Pinback, Mew, The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, The Airborne Toxic Event, Lord Huron, Passenger, Arctic Monkeys, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, The Paper Kites, etc.
It's hard to really pinpoint my exact favorites as it's shifted so much over the years, but I do really think Gregory Alan Isakov has held his place as my #1 indie-folk singer/songwriter (I actually consider The Weatherman to be the best album of the 2010s). As for a band, I'd probably give that to The Airborne Toxic Event, but I kinda feel that their music derailed after their third album (Such Hot Blood). Their first three albums were stellar to me, though. :)
Oh hey! Sorry, I haven't been quite as active on MAL lately, aside from list updates and whatnot. Thank you so much! And you've got great taste yourself. ^_^
Nice to meet you, and I'm doing pretty well; how bout yourself?
Thanks for liking the review. I wrote it a couple of days prior since I could tell that it was damn consistent, but I was prepared to delete my work if the ending didn't deliver. I'm glad it did. They were intense. I couldn't close my eyes as soon as a drop of blood was spilled.
I hope my review made your opinion on the show change a bit. Can't wait to watch season 2 and its potential.
Young-adult fantasy is fine, just a reminder that ASoIaF is incredibly long so it will probably take a while. I tend to prefer more mature stories, but some children's fiction can be good too if they deal with interesting themes. Do you have more Fantasy recommendations besides Lotr?
Yes lol, I quite liked the first Frozen so I'm looking forward to seeing it, also playing Kingdom Hearts 3 made me like it more for some reason, and nice song. Do you like it more than the first one?
I've never tried it. Usually when I talk to people on here I will just do it in comments.
That's the thing about 0 is that it tries to recreate that same feeling of hopelessness from the original, but I thought it used a cheap means of achieving that by showing us an alternate timeline to a story that's already ended. Maybe it's executed better in the VN, but I don't really have the motivation to read it, at least not at the moment.
I'll definitely take those fantasy recs lol, might be a while before I finish ASoIaF though.
Yeah, pretty much. I guess it just comes down to if I like how it sounds. I like Disney movies, just haven't watched any in a while. I basically grew up with Disney Channel and Disney movies, but I think that also resulted in me eventually growing out of them, since it takes a lot for me to get interested in them nowadays. Frozen 2 should be fun though :)
And I always get asked about Discord, but no I don't have one. Should really think about trying it one of these days.
All Comments (2180) Comments
Did you hear recently that the CDC announced that they discovered the pfizer vaccine can slightly increase breast sizes for women? One girl went from a high b-cup to a c cup in just a few days, it’s due to the lymph nodes increasing as an immune reaction response, but something dumb happened - a girl went into shock and had to go to the hospital because she got 7 vaccines in the course of 3 days trying to get bigger boobs - now the anti-vaccination people are trying to use that as evidence as to why it’s dangerous lmao.
I don’t blame you, Tolkein was a detailed writer, but a cryptic one and more of a philosopher if anything, he constant pays homage to the ancient-wisdom traditions of gnostic, but as well as more judaistic christian teachings - which can be somewhat of a battle of attrition with his text, littered with exposition. I especially love Sauron being a metaphor for WW2 (Which Tolkein called: “The War of the Machines”) as well as Satan - being a figure that believed that knowledge was the ultimate key to surpass god, but his passions for knowledge, and desire for control created a hell on earth. I think LOTR is line trying to get into alcohol or something, it hits you in the face at first and is very confusing, but if you stick with it, learn the nuances, it’s one of the best reads in modern history - the thing is, it’s no easier to revisit it the next time lol.
Speaking of word-salad-symbolism, like I said I got done watching a lot of thematic breakdowns about Harry Potter (despite still not reading it lol) and thought you’d be interested in a quick one!
I'm pretty well myself, just going through a few more replays of some of my favorite games before school starts back up again. I'm a really big fan of Dead Space and Silent Hill . I find them to be great surrogates for meditation and working stuff I feel out, like stresses and such, I love the choking intimacy, the cramped hallways, the allegories. I'm an art-fag when it comes to everything I guess. <.<
Otherwise I got my dose of the covid vaccine finally, and am very, very, very disappointed I can't work out for a few days....
And I've been going over Tolkein again even though I have a love hate relationship wtih em, prose is deletarious, symbolism and thematics are *thumbs up*. Did you get around to reading Lord of the Rings? :>
Ahh, that's actually pretty tough to answer since there are just so many things I listen to, lol. I'll just name some artists off the top of my head. Say Sue Me, Gregory Alan Isakov, Pinback, Mew, The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, The Airborne Toxic Event, Lord Huron, Passenger, Arctic Monkeys, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, The Paper Kites, etc.
It's hard to really pinpoint my exact favorites as it's shifted so much over the years, but I do really think Gregory Alan Isakov has held his place as my #1 indie-folk singer/songwriter (I actually consider The Weatherman to be the best album of the 2010s). As for a band, I'd probably give that to The Airborne Toxic Event, but I kinda feel that their music derailed after their third album (Such Hot Blood). Their first three albums were stellar to me, though. :)
Nice to meet you, and I'm doing pretty well; how bout yourself?
I hope my review made your opinion on the show change a bit. Can't wait to watch season 2 and its potential.
Yes lol, I quite liked the first Frozen so I'm looking forward to seeing it, also playing Kingdom Hearts 3 made me like it more for some reason, and nice song. Do you like it more than the first one?
I've never tried it. Usually when I talk to people on here I will just do it in comments.
I'll definitely take those fantasy recs lol, might be a while before I finish ASoIaF though.
Yeah, pretty much. I guess it just comes down to if I like how it sounds. I like Disney movies, just haven't watched any in a while. I basically grew up with Disney Channel and Disney movies, but I think that also resulted in me eventually growing out of them, since it takes a lot for me to get interested in them nowadays. Frozen 2 should be fun though :)
And I always get asked about Discord, but no I don't have one. Should really think about trying it one of these days.