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Jul 10, 2015 1:31 PM

Nov 2008
HaXXspetten said:
Best part

This entire episode reminded me of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs

Not really, more like Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s.

The Spanish defeated the Aztecs with the help of the Aztec's subject tribes, and with a lot of help from plagues that the Spanish introduced to the Aztecs. It was still a close thing. Read Bernal Diaz's account of the conquest - he was there and participated.
Jul 10, 2015 1:33 PM

Sep 2013
dbaranyi said:
HaXXspetten said:
Best part

This entire episode reminded me of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs

Not really, more like Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s.

Actually it's very similar to the nanking massacre (except the rape)
Jul 10, 2015 1:37 PM

Nov 2008
ichii_1 said:
dbaranyi said:

Not really, more like Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s.

Actually it's very similar to the nanking massacre (except the rape)

There are a lot of parallels to the Japanese "experience" in China in the 1930's in the manga, except, of course that they are taken from the Japanese point of view...
Jul 10, 2015 1:40 PM

Aug 2014
Pff they made this into a sh*tty moe-moe anime....... they took out all the mature stuff. What the hell did they done with the characters. Kurobayashi was my favourite female character in the series, and they make her look like THIS? She should be the midget who kick as*. I'm not gonna eat this "beauty contest winner" Kurobayashi. NOPE. In general my problem is:
-the designe itself
- left out mature stuff
- left out story parts (with a 12 ep anime it is understandable ...but still -,-')
Im done with the anime. I can recomend the manga. 10000x better than this.
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Jul 10, 2015 1:42 PM

Jun 2014
Very solid so far. I really hoped we see the Elf girl ? sooner. But I am happy we will see her in the next episode. I hate the king already. I wonder if his daughter will also be bad, or will she turn against him.
Jul 10, 2015 1:47 PM

Jun 2014
Hmmmm im still curious as to where this is going... but im definitely interested!
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jul 10, 2015 1:59 PM

Feb 2014
Man, the opposition army got massacred badly, all of them pretty much running into their deaths leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It seems like the king doesn't seem to mind about the high death toll either way, with is a pretty nasty thing to say. =/

On a lighter note, Youji and his buddy singing an anime song while travelling was pretty funny. ^_^

Hopefully they'll take down that dragon in the next episode.
Jul 10, 2015 2:09 PM

Mar 2012
Single sided slaughters just makes me all giddy inside.
Jul 10, 2015 2:09 PM

Jan 2015
ichii_1 said:
dbaranyi said:

Not really, more like Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s.

Actually it's very similar to the nanking massacre (except the rape)

Acutally it's more similar to a 10th century empire fighting a 21st century nation.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jul 10, 2015 2:11 PM

Nov 2013
My lord, a main character that is actually a pretty interesting squad commander instead of the typical highschool boy. Refreshing.

Also pretty interesting seeing modern army versus ancient civilization-type army. Hope for more military tactics.
Jul 10, 2015 2:15 PM

Oct 2014
SoonaxUchiha02 said:
Pff they made this into a sh*tty moe-moe anime....... they took out all the mature stuff. What the hell did they done with the characters. Kurobayashi was my favourite female character in the series, and they make her look like THIS? She should be the midget who kick as*. I'm not gonna eat this "beauty contest winner" Kurobayashi. NOPE. In general my problem is:
-the designe itself
- left out mature stuff
- left out story parts (with a 12 ep anime it is understandable ...but still -,-')
Im done with the anime. I can recomend the manga. 10000x better than this.

is this anime adaption not EDGY enough for you?

and lol "left out story parts". Nice bullshit you are spouting there. They actually showed much more than in the manga.
Jul 10, 2015 2:20 PM

Dec 2014
I love how they showed the sheer amount of death or modern weapons are capable of enacting upon people. Glad the rest of the episode moved into smaller scale and moving around the world, trying to establish friendly relations, etc, etc.
Loving this show so far.
Jul 10, 2015 2:24 PM

Oct 2012
Much better than the first episode and the MC was a lot more tolerable this time around, although he wasn't even present for half of it. His laidback attitude was actually refreshing enough here and the two lads singing the OP managed to get a laugh out of me. Seems like we're in for plenty of politics, military antics with a dash of a generic harem and with 24 episodes there's a real opportunity for it to develop quite nicely.
Jul 10, 2015 2:32 PM

Nov 2010
HaXXspetten said:
This entire episode reminded me of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs
That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Spaniards had crap weapons (it was 250 years before the American Revolutionary War after all) and were cut off from their country in the middle of an unknown land, facing insurmountable odds. If the enemy had been anything like the Roman Empire, like it is in this story, they would have been promptly exterminated, and a couple of small cannons would have done jack shit.

Here there wasn't even a real battle. The Not-Romans couldn't even see the enemy, they just died from artillery fire immediately. They got to the barbwire only at the end and that was still hundreds of meters away from the camp.

And the Japanese weren't even fighting the empire in this episode, but its "allied" nations' armies (the emperor sent them to die knowingly so they couldn't turn against him while his own army was weakened after the defeat at Ginza). The Aztecs couldn't dream of that level of loyalty and organization. The Persians, Greeks, Chinese, etc. could have swept the floor with them much sooner had they not been isolated between two oceans.
Jul 10, 2015 2:43 PM
Feb 2011
Not impressed by the 2nd episode either. So far it's boring af and is putting me to sleep. I'm still hoping it gets better though. And I hope those three girls that are listed as main characters get introduced soon as it seems the elf and the loli will appear in the next episode.

At least the way that king thinks is to my liking.
Jul 10, 2015 2:50 PM
Mar 2014
HaXXspetten said:
Best part

This entire episode reminded me of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs


much better in terms of adaptation than the first epi
Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Jul 10, 2015 3:10 PM

Jul 2011
dfsafsaf said:
Not impressed by the 2nd episode either. So far it's boring af and is putting me to sleep. I'm still hoping it gets better though. And I hope those three girls that are listed as main characters get introduced soon as it seems the elf and the loli will appear in the next episode.

At least the way that king thinks is to my liking.

i see it as one of those things that only fans of militaries with hints of standard nerding would like, personally, i enjoy it for the military side and the reactions of the special zone people's reaction to modern day miltarie.
Jul 10, 2015 3:11 PM

Apr 2014
Haha those army just got kill just like flies...
Hm...the artwork and dress/cloth in the anime is different from the manga (I don't know about the novel as of yet since I still haven't read it yet).
I love what I saw in here...mostly Tuka's green dress and Piña's armor (when she go talk to her dad, she don't wear armor.)
So far so good.
Jul 10, 2015 3:33 PM

Oct 2014
I am actually a little disappointed that it was a one-sided Slaughter fest. I expected Some Magic, Barriers, pewpewpew and stuff, not mid-ages like armies xD.

Japan to stronk, pls nerf.
Also, When Will Freedom come to the Imperial city?
Jul 10, 2015 4:05 PM

Jan 2008

Whoaaa awesome episode.
Just how they defend their hill witch such ease! Okay - they had modern weapons while the others swords.
They used horse to ride in the battle, they used tanks!
Truly massarce!

But like he said, they come to make peace (after that K/D ratio...)

Anyway, I'm wondering how the elf will react (sure, she will join soon or later).

But Gate is the Anime that I've been waiting for ages:
What happens when modern weapon meet swords and shields...
And the modern side is"kinda" the good one!

Loving it so far (non Manga reader [yet]).

Some people say it's less brutal.
So far I think its okay. Not only that the deaths of so many people is nothing...
Jul 10, 2015 4:05 PM

Jul 2009
A bit of slandering USA in this ep. I'm not some huge fan of America, but if most of our world would expect Japan to fail, Americans wouldn't leave them just like that. There wouldn't be "let them lose", because America has hero complex. They would be first to fight, to prove their worth.
Also, other world might have oil, so... you know ;)
Jul 10, 2015 4:13 PM

Aug 2014
Poor guys, they don't know what they hit them. Bows and swords VS bombs and artillery. That's how my enemies at Civilization must also feel against me. lol

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Jul 10, 2015 4:20 PM
Anime Moderator
᠎ Master Öqvily᠎

Aug 2014
A man that protects his wifu huh. That's good.

Forum set made by my
secret santa, Nate!
Jul 10, 2015 4:20 PM
Oct 2012
ichii_1 said:
Actually it's very similar to the nanking massacre (except the rape)

Not even close. The Japanese and Chinese were similarly armed. The Chinese leaders fled causing their Army to panic and disintegrate, with them starting the looting. The Japanese then joined in.

If you want a better example it would be WWI, where entire armies would fix bayonet charge into machine guns.
Takuan_SohoJul 10, 2015 4:25 PM
Jul 10, 2015 4:29 PM

Sep 2013
I just watched the first two episodes today. I wasnt really expecting anything at first but now, I think this might become one of my favorites this season.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 10, 2015 4:30 PM

Jan 2008
America is the one funding the JSDF in this series so they'll want a share of the wealth on the other side. China and Russia also wants a piece of the action. If all hell break loose then Japan is the one going to suffer the most in the modern-era side because they only got cold war era weaponry.

PS: Modern wars are no longer fought with men. It's a war using drones.
yvancJul 10, 2015 4:39 PM
Jul 10, 2015 4:39 PM

Feb 2014
Got much better than first episode.
Jul 10, 2015 4:41 PM

Apr 2014
It was fun seeing those armies getting rekt haha
Jul 10, 2015 4:42 PM

Mar 2015
Dang, I felt bad for all the lives lost in this episode.
Jul 10, 2015 4:45 PM

Jan 2013
Even though it was somewhat toned down from the manga, it still did well enough to show the disparity between the JSDF and the other world armies. Excited about the next episode!

"Yeah i'll kill you if you bad mouth my waifu!"

Lol XD
Jul 10, 2015 4:56 PM

Aug 2011
Wow, I loved this episode.

I kinda wanted the US Army to get involved, but the anime would have ended at episode 2 if they did.

I liked the viewpoints from both sides, that was very nice. I almost feel bad that the other side is getting crushed by a country with an army that isn't even considered one of the strongest. It makes sense, because the other side is all medieval and stuff. The downside to this, is that the other members of the defense force don't seem to get any love and are just there for comic relief.

This really feels like a war anime, I thought it was going to end up like some kind of battle shonen where the MC awakens a mystical power whilst on the other side and then has to fight the strongest humanoid villain in the series.

I don't like how the US is portrayed as republicans.
XarvynJul 10, 2015 5:00 PM
Jul 10, 2015 4:58 PM

Dec 2007
ichii_1 said:
councilman: king we just lost 60% of our military with no casualties for the enemy!
king: good just what I wanted send the remaining 40%

From my understanding it's their allies military that is lost not theirs. Seems they're trying con other nations to suicide themselves so they can rule the world or something.
Jul 10, 2015 5:10 PM
Oct 2012
WhaleCostume said:
From my understanding it's their allies military that is lost not theirs. Seems they're trying con other nations to suicide themselves so they can rule the world or something.

No, the first army (episode 1) was the Imperial army, and they lost 60% of their forces.

This weakened the Empire, so the Emperor ordered the allied/tributary nations around the Empire to send their armies (episode 2) so that they would be proportionally slaughtered and weakened and could not take advantage of their numerical strength to rebel against the Empire had he not ordered them to attack.

So some pretty bleak geopolitical, Machiavelli thinking there. Bleak, but well thought out.
Jul 10, 2015 5:14 PM

Nov 2014
Well a lot of people died
Hi there
Jul 10, 2015 5:14 PM

Jun 2009
It’s getting better from the first episode. A machinations and a diplomacy details seems to be cut down in comparison to the manga (Didn’t read the LN, is it translated by anyone?), but the every necessary detail is in place, so you don’t loose the track. Well, it’s okay for an anime to be focused on the action details. Everything seems as accurate as it could be, so I guess this one could be considered as a pretty good adaptation example.
P.S. OP — «Well, nice». ED — «What is that for? Why?»
Jul 10, 2015 5:21 PM

Feb 2010
Entertaining to see Ancient and modern warfare go at it. It bothers me how dumb the lesser lords are so easily persuaded to fight at Anus hill. Can't be an anime without your fair share of moe, aka: female soldier who gets hit on immediately and elf chick in the well. Also, plus one for boob armor!
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Jul 10, 2015 5:25 PM
Oct 2012
MelbShaw said:
It bothers me how dumb the lesser lords are so easily persuaded to fight at Anus hill.

They were not part of the original army and they were not told that the first army was wiped out. They had no reason to doubt their liege lord and were acting with honor. They also were told that they would be meeting up with the imperial army. So they weren't "dumb", they were trusting, and they were used in a way that they didn't deserve to be used.
Jul 10, 2015 5:46 PM

Sep 2013
So better episode than the last by a long shot good humor in a couple of moments and really like that earth is the dominant "world" in the war unlike most animes like this where earth is overwhelmed by enime forces still dont like the protaganist that much altough he was much better this episode also didnt like that the first girl of what seems to be his harem appeared in the end.

Jul 10, 2015 6:17 PM
Jul 2018
AzureAlert said:
The death count may be high, but it's hard to feel much sympathy for them when just last episode they invaded and started slaughtering civilians left and right. Can't blame the JSDF for mowing them down when they keep attacking.

I don't think we are supposed to really.
Jul 10, 2015 6:19 PM

Apr 2010
Xarvyn said:
I don't like how the US is portrayed as republicans.

Democrats too. It's the legacy of the U.S. and neither party is immune.

I physically cringed when the general's horse ran into the barbed wire. Holy shit.
Jul 10, 2015 6:27 PM

Feb 2015
Well this is basically a adaptation of the european colonization of Africa. The europeans use modern weapons while the africans use spears haha.
Jul 10, 2015 6:38 PM
Nov 2013
God damn, the Self Defense Force fucking ANNIHILATED those armies.

First of the girls to be introduced next episode, hopefully we get cat loli soon.
Jul 10, 2015 6:55 PM

May 2012
This gonna be GOTY.. Surprised the score is soo low considering there's a loli in this show :D

Jul 10, 2015 6:55 PM

Jun 2013
One simply doesn't badmouth a JSDF officer's waifu. Too bad for Itami that he couldn't find his mahou shoujos there.

So this was another good enough episode. The emperor of fantasy land had all his allies go kill themselves while he did nothing. It's no surprise that swords and arrows were defeated big time by guns, missiles and land mines.

The JSDF now has to learn about the locals and get on their good side, make friends (Itami will make his harem) and learn about the land itself.

The thing which I fear is the harem part. Itami doesn't seem like a guy who knows his way around women considering his otaku nature. He may be a good enough guy in other places, but he may not be when it comes to females. Well, let's see how the harem part is played out. I was planning on dropping this, but looks like it will live another day.
Jul 10, 2015 6:56 PM
Aug 2014
I have really really high expectations for this anime and I pray to god that it does not let me down.
Jul 10, 2015 7:22 PM

Mar 2015
ichii_1 said:
dbaranyi said:

Not really, more like Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s.

Actually it's very similar to the nanking massacre (except the rape)

Its nothing at all like Nanking. The JSDF were on the defensive in all the fights this episode, and the defenders won.

I'd say more like Rorke's Drift, or actually a one-sided version of some World War One battles, with troops charging headlong into massed rifle and machinegun fire. And there was the concertina wire, as well.
The sword that takes life gives life
Jul 10, 2015 7:23 PM
Feb 2015
Wow the other world is losing people.... So many deaths and the emperor even burned their settlements to stop our world. I just hope he finds all the girls and made a peace keeping team or something

That dragon is gonna be a big pain in the but I'm pretty sure
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Jul 10, 2015 7:26 PM

Jun 2014
"Ill kill you if you badmouth my waifu" more great quotes.

Marches into someone else's land with guns and kills everyone using a huge military power gap. Sounds kinda like America... oops I said that out loud.
Jul 10, 2015 7:26 PM

Sep 2013
This is like an alternate version of Outbreak Company.

Invasion by culture against invasion by force.

Surprised the army doesn't have access to magic.
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