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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Jun 9, 2015 2:15 PM
Oct 2011
Bitches be salty :D :D
Jun 9, 2015 2:18 PM

May 2010
xSanox said:
the girl is in love with the teacher she has known for a while because the teacher knows her dad. yeah that means nothing.

But Reina was clear about his feelings for Taki Sensei

Jun 9, 2015 2:22 PM

Apr 2013
Kumiko's a cutie :3

So many disappointed people XD

I almost feel bad for liking Kumiko x Shuichi.
Jun 9, 2015 2:22 PM

Nov 2013
mangakam said:
xSanox said:
the girl is in love with the teacher she has known for a while because the teacher knows her dad. yeah that means nothing.

But Reina was clear about his feelings for Taki Sensei

Shippers gonna ship
Jun 9, 2015 2:32 PM

May 2013
Kyoani still baits in this episode and condolence to the yuri shippers.

But, to be serious, I'm glad that this episode developed Taki-sensei and Natsuki and others and man a showdown between Reina and Kaori next time! But tbh, like Asuka, i don't care who is better and not caring who will win as long as these two can have some developments.

YumeNoMonogatari said:
Kumiko's a cutie :3

So many disappointed people XD

I almost feel bad for liking Kumiko x Shuichi.

^ there's still hope if they follow the LN.
SweetCoconutJun 9, 2015 2:35 PM
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 9, 2015 2:39 PM
Oct 2010
xSanox said:
remember that one guy? what's his face... hmm??. OH SHUUICHI completety abscent from this episode..
Not just him. All the guys were making themselves scarce in the face of rampaging teenage drama, in case someone asked their opinions and placed them in a precarious situation. Much better to say: "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing"

Taki can't complain about the drama, that's what he gets for treating them like adults.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jun 9, 2015 2:55 PM

Oct 2012
So even Reina can be unlikable when she is angry - her reaction was pretty ill-considered and short-tempered, she pretty lost it and even looked priggish. Ofc, that's not to say things like this don't happen in the real life, quite contrary. But I was really surprised she showed how insecure is she about her leading position. Or more likely, it had to do with her infatuation for Taki-sensei. People loose their judgment when dealing with things concerning their loved-ones. The pressure has to be immense.

And gossip can be pretty hard as we saw in second part of the episode it would be really hard for her to get along with others after this incident as they won't be helping her a bit, actually, quite contrary - rivalry will be omnipresent. And from teacher perspective this situation is pretty hard to solve if he doesn't want to loose his authority (which he lost a bit when he yelled unnecesary after they packed those carpets. But then again, this only shown it was bit strain for him too).

It seems that Asuka is really favoring Kaori even that she doesn't admit it (why would she when she knows Kumiko is favoring Reina).

In the end, Taki-sensei find the best possible solution available, winning back his authority quickly which was essential. I'm just curious whether those second auditions turn into blind favouring friend or picking the better, that would be the most crucial part of the selection.
Jun 9, 2015 2:57 PM

Sep 2011
animefan8800 said:
I felt really bad for Kaori. She acknowledges Reina was better, doesn't complain, and even tells Yuko not to press the issue...which of course she does, making a scene resulting in Reina laying a verbal smackdown on the no doubt embarrassed girl. I woulda freaked out on Yuko for doing that if I were her. As if that wasn't bad enough, now she gets to suffer even more humiliation when the whole band inevitably picks Reina over her anyway next week, the poor girl.

I would disagree with you here. Kaori could have shut down this very easily. Note that she was still practicing the solo part? She was actually being very sly in getting her juniors to do the dirty work while she could act all indignant. She could also have refused to try out for the solo as well.
Jun 9, 2015 2:58 PM

Jun 2014
most of what I read here is hate for Yuko and butt-hurted yuri shippers. LoL, you can barely see romance in the series. The hell with the that :P

Jun 9, 2015 3:08 PM

Nov 2014
even the ship was cleary sunk, the people still cling to hope... god are you guys M?

anyhow not only is the episode is salty, the people on the forums are salty as well
Jun 9, 2015 3:09 PM

Aug 2011
This show is getting better and better. I love how Natsuki starts talking about the competition when Yumiko is about to drink ww
And Reina is damn cute in this episode <3
Jun 9, 2015 3:10 PM

May 2015
shoujo ai dream has been shattered

scruffykiwi said:
animefan8800 said:
I felt really bad for Kaori. She acknowledges Reina was better, doesn't complain, and even tells Yuko not to press the issue...which of course she does, making a scene resulting in Reina laying a verbal smackdown on the no doubt embarrassed girl. I woulda freaked out on Yuko for doing that if I were her. As if that wasn't bad enough, now she gets to suffer even more humiliation when the whole band inevitably picks Reina over her anyway next week, the poor girl.

I would disagree with you here. Kaori could have shut down this very easily. Note that she was still practicing the solo part? She was actually being very sly in getting her juniors to do the dirty work while she could act all indignant. She could also have refused to try out for the solo as well.

totally agree with this i would like to see reina wreck those doubting fools
Jun 9, 2015 3:13 PM

Feb 2014
Yuko really is a bitch... wow.

Imo sensei didn't really do anything wrong, he's just getting shit on by everyone.
I think redoing the audition is a bad this especially because now it is everyone voting and, obviously, Reina isn't going to win because almost no one likes her, especially after last week's incident.

Oh and Kyoani destroyed our hopes of Kumiko x Reina. rip.
Jun 9, 2015 3:42 PM

May 2011
Yuri route denied, fuck this shitty show.
Jun 9, 2015 3:53 PM

May 2012
Farabeuf said:
Another very good episode. I thought that the Sensei handled the whole thing extremely badly. He should have enforced his will there and then, making it clear that he's professional and that he chose Reina because she was better, and that if anyone was butthurt about it, the door was wide open. There is no way he should have opened up for a second audition. He can't be undermined every time someone gets their panties in a bunch because their beloved senpai didn't get their role.

Asuka is a lot more complex than I gave he credit for. I wonder where she really stands on the issue.

While i totally agree with you about everything, but maybe Taki-sensei started to think that he could have been biased there.

Of course, it can just be him being bad at handling the class again. He already proved that he may know about music, but he has no tact at all and can't manage the class very well.
KaeUBWJun 9, 2015 3:57 PM
I despise woke people.
Jun 9, 2015 4:04 PM

Apr 2013
Lollo36 said:
mangakam said:

But Reina was clear about his feelings for Taki Sensei

Shippers gonna ship

one sided confession of her means nothing. series has done a pretty good job so far at being realistic, would love to see taki sensei talk to her in an adult manner and tell her that this is silly and she should forget about that, no awkward scene or anything.
Jun 9, 2015 4:10 PM

Mar 2009
The dream is dead.

Good episode this week. It was pretty realistic how all the other students acted - how they responded to the rumor(which was confirmed to be true), bullying others for getting picked(like the part with Kumiko at the beginning of the episode), etc. And then we have Natsuki. She's great. I love how mature she is.
I can sympathize with Kaori. She really wants that solo, but Reina is very skilled and has a lot of confidence. Whatever the case, next week's episode is going to be very interesting. At this rate, won't Kaori win just based on a popularity contest?

Also, Asuka has personality issues. She's wearing a mask and needs to be more honest with people. At least that makes for a very interesting character.
Jun 9, 2015 4:22 PM

Nov 2013
Another great episode. This show keeps on proving to me that it's by and far one of the best this season.
Jun 9, 2015 4:26 PM

May 2012
lol, this episode was great, loved reinas getting mad, that was adorable and then asuka getting mad about the whole audition crap lol, dat water bottle scene doe :p
Jun 9, 2015 4:42 PM

Nov 2007
Didn't realize Yuuko would turn out to be such a terrible character. Kaori-senpai is well aware of the fact that Reina is better than her yet she just had to take the opportunity of the re-run for the audition. This will give her the chance to prove herself.

Natsuki-senpai couldn't have asked for more love, now could she? Remember that it is not because of Kumiko that she didn't make it. All three of the Eupho could have passed the audition. The limit was 55 members altogether. It just means that there are 54 other who were better than her with their instruments. The way she accepted it makes her an okay character, but the way she broke Kumiko's concerns that shouldn't have any basis in the first place made her an admirable character. Their conversation was the best part of the episode.

Off Topic:

Not really wanted to point this out but I have noticed the novel's official web page has SIX characters listed as main characters — our four girls from the anime and Shuuichi (kind of makes sense) AND Asuka-senpai(?) Does she play a bigger role in the novel? I would think the sixth one would be Taki-sensei but it isn't.

Also, CR and their mistakes.

In episode 9: When Kumiko clearly says she is bummed too when Midori is depressed — Midori miraculously gets translated to Hazuki.
In episode 10: Reina clearly says Taki-sensei's father is a famous concert band instructor — and now Taki-sensei is a famous concert band instructor himself.

I wasn't planning to point out the mistakes but I read a comment above me that made me realize that translations mistakes will create wrong understanding.

On Topic: I think I fell in love with Kumiko.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Jun 9, 2015 4:42 PM

Aug 2009
Well pretty good episode.
As a let down the drama feels really forced/artificial, at least really amplified. Their was already far enough drama in all the last episodes, come on, why this one.

Also well, Kousaka love for Taki was not a surprise.
Kumiko is a bit let flat MC since the last episodes, some interesting reactions, I'm starting to finally like her.
Askua is interesting as always, I wish she'd get more screen time.

alpha_shadow said:
meh, not a fan of the uncecessary drama

pretty much that
Jun 9, 2015 5:10 PM

Oct 2013
Great episode. I think the writing for this series is excellent. The characters act just like the gossips and jealous-types at my office. Our staff was even called into a meeting to be scolded about all the back-biting and rumor-mongering, and almost everyone is in their 30's and 40's.

Unnecessary drama is a part of life, sad to say. i find the situations quite realistic. Hats off to the original creator Takeda Ayano, and Hanada Jukki's adaptation for the anime.
Jun 9, 2015 5:27 PM

Apr 2012
Good ep for me.
"If you want to complain do it once you've surpassed me." Badass Reina, yeah.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Jun 9, 2015 5:31 PM

Aug 2009
Kaetokiha said:
Farabeuf said:
I thought that the Sensei handled the whole thing extremely badly. He should have enforced his will there

maybe Taki-sensei started to think that he could have been biased there

Even if Taki was built as a confident character, he maybe questioned himself, knowing he's still human and can be biased even when he thinks he's not.

Also with importants positions and such, bad rumors spread like hell, it's not easy to handle it right.
Jun 9, 2015 5:48 PM

Nov 2007
Ajunky said:
xSanox said:
remember that one guy? what's his face... hmm??. OH SHUUICHI completety abscent from this episode..
Not just him. All the guys were making themselves scarce in the face of rampaging teenage drama, in case someone asked their opinions and placed them in a precarious situation. Much better to say: "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing"

Guys be awesome. Guys avoid being around catfight. Also, unless you are a die-hard feminist, you ought to admit that guys don't talk shit behind one another. Usually they use their fists to do that talking. I am a feminist, so I will deny what I just said.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 9, 2015 6:09 PM
Mar 2013
Vindstot said:
But it'd be great if her feelings stay unrequited so the Yuri ship will still be at bay, even if not sailing at full speed.

I think she would never confess her feelings for Taki because...

Also, I guess her love for Taki-sensei is more like a girly yearning toward a superstar.
htsujiJun 9, 2015 6:44 PM
Jun 9, 2015 6:25 PM

Aug 2012
Abandon ship!!
Jun 9, 2015 6:32 PM

Jan 2012
scruffykiwi said:
animefan8800 said:
I felt really bad for Kaori. She acknowledges Reina was better, doesn't complain, and even tells Yuko not to press the issue...which of course she does, making a scene resulting in Reina laying a verbal smackdown on the no doubt embarrassed girl. I woulda freaked out on Yuko for doing that if I were her. As if that wasn't bad enough, now she gets to suffer even more humiliation when the whole band inevitably picks Reina over her anyway next week, the poor girl.

I would disagree with you here. Kaori could have shut down this very easily. Note that she was still practicing the solo part? She was actually being very sly in getting her juniors to do the dirty work while she could act all indignant. She could also have refused to try out for the solo as well.

The girl's not a saint, given another opportunity of course she'd take it. I never got the impression that she was manipulating Yuko into doing what she did, but agree to disagree I guess.
Jun 9, 2015 6:51 PM

Nov 2007
htsuji said:
Vindstot said:
But it'd be great if her feelings stay unrequited so the Yuri ship will still be at bay, even if not sailing at full speed.

I think she would never confess her feelings for Taki because...
Also, I guess her love is more like a girly yearning for a superstar.

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 9, 2015 6:57 PM

Dec 2014
I have been hooked on this series since episode 1 but was sold on it by 8 and keep finding more and more to love. Yuko is a bitch, and I don't even care.
Jun 9, 2015 7:00 PM

Dec 2014
Have you ever been super pissed and tried to say something nice? That is me right now.
Jun 9, 2015 7:13 PM

Jun 2013
So much drama! But I love it so much that I can't stop watching it!I think a series did its job if it makes people discuss about it for the rest of the week. Really hard to be in Reina's or the teacher's shoes at this point but how he responded with a second audition was probably the best choice to settle down the argument. Its very rare in any extra curricular activity to get a second audition especially when the judge has to be the peers. Then we have Kumiko who is doing what ever she can behind the scenes to make everyone happy.

Yuuko is so butt hurt passionate about Kaori's results and creating this drama is a little to much to swallow down though.
Jun 9, 2015 7:16 PM

Nov 2007
above the post above mine. three posts in 6 months, 2 of them in this episode discussion. You must have really liked this episode. :)

OT: I watch Kiniro Mosaic for the same reason some of you watch Hibike. Off to watch!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 9, 2015 7:23 PM

Nov 2014
Sit the fuck down, Reina is the queen.
Hi there
Jun 9, 2015 7:24 PM

Jan 2011
well the dream is dead despite already knowing it wouldn't happen

still episode was pretty great even with the "senpai notice me girl" adding way more drama then we needed,didn't think sensei was gonna do second auditions

and seriously Nakagawa why couldn't she be one of the mains she so good
Jun 9, 2015 7:30 PM

Feb 2009
You can make fun of ReinaxKumiko shippers all you'd like, or was very much there and very much present, so if you think a teacher getting with a student makes more sense then them, or Shuuichi who was NOWHERE to be seen in this episode is a better candidate, you're hilarious.

But anyway, I personally think Sensei is dumb catering his decisions to a bunch of adolescent teens just because he's the new guy. Put your foot down, dude.

Jun 9, 2015 8:05 PM
Oct 2010
kyle8998 said:
Sit the fuck down, Reina is the queen.
LOL, word play?
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jun 9, 2015 8:19 PM

Sep 2013
Hahahaha one sentence from Kousaka and my ship sunk ... so hard! </3
Jun 9, 2015 8:24 PM

Aug 2013
Natsuki-senpai and Kumiko's conversation is the highlight of this episode for me.
Jun 9, 2015 8:25 PM

Nov 2007
KyoAni managed to keep Asuka's mask on even when Kaori decided to redo the audition. That soft smile doesn't really say anything. At least I couldn't make anything out of it. It could be that she wanted Kaori to get the Solo because they are close friends, or it could be that she knew Kaori would take on such opportunity, or it could be that she knows it would be futile, acknowledging that Reina is the better candidate, or it could simply be that she really didn't care as she told Kumiko.

+1 for KyoAni's screenplay and episode director for this episode.

Also, the story is so well written. We saw the first Reina outburst in front of the whole class. She only showed her this side to Shuuichi and more to Kumiko in the past, which means she is changing because of her meeting with Kumiko.

+1 for Reina's character development.

DarcyD said:
or Shuuichi who was NOWHERE to be seen in this episode is a better candidate...

Tsukamoto Shuuichi no Shoushitsu

Even KyoAni wouldn't want to fire two canons to sink it in one episode. I wouldn't be able to take it if I were in the same ship. I am not making fun, but the faith in their relationship was misplaced from the start and I cannot say I didn't warn the shippers in the other thread.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 9, 2015 8:30 PM

Sep 2013
argh! spoil me please, is kousaka going to win again????!!
Jun 9, 2015 8:37 PM

Nov 2007
BiriBiri21 said:
argh! spoil me please, is kousaka going to win again????!!

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 9, 2015 8:39 PM

Sep 2013
Cloudy said:
Hahaha the SHIPS ARE REAL xD

I love Kousaka, but daaaaamn I want Kaori to win the next audition. It's not only that she made a statement like that in public (I am better) but she also dissed Kaori when talking with Oumae (dem hugs though). I would love a comeback here but taking Kousakas character into account along with the fact she practices just as much + the scene were Taki-sensei is told that "music doesn't lie" all will lead to everyone accepting Kousaka is superior :|

Still a comeback from Kaori would be the best twist imo!! (Along with Oumae confessing to Kousaka. Ok ok fanboy mode off)

I think she's talking about Yukko and not kaori-senpai (When she's talking with Oumae-san) ..
Jun 9, 2015 8:42 PM

Dec 2013
shanimebib said:
Didn't realize Yuuko would turn out to be such a terrible character. Kaori-senpai is well aware of the fact that Reina is better than her yet she just had to take the opportunity of the re-run for the audition. This will give her the chance to prove herself.

Natsuki-senpai couldn't have asked for more love, now could she? Remember that it is not because of Kumiko that she didn't make it. All three of the Eupho could have passed the audition. The limit was 55 members altogether. It just means that there are 54 other who were better than her with their instruments. The way she accepted it makes her an okay character, but the way she broke Kumiko's concerns that shouldn't have any basis in the first place made her an admirable character. Their conversation was the best part of the episode.

Personally I don't believe Yuko is as horrible as many here are making her out to be. Yes she is biased for her sempai, and has little to no love for Reina, but considering her own experience, regardless of her bias, it's still somewhat understandable.

Considering that she has been watching Kaori play for two straight years, whereas her interaction with Reina has been less than one semester, and Reina normally practices alone.
The only time she gets to hear her play is during the ensembles, meaning no one really stands out unless they're playing badly. So how would she know how good Reina really is?

What she's convinced of is that Kaori is a good trumpet player who works hard. The rumors were going around already (note that she wasn't the one who started them) regarding Taki being biased. Couple that to her undying love for her Kaori-sempai, and she pretty much convinced herself that the results of the auditions were unfair. Considering how many hands shot up in the end questioning the fairness of the auditions, I'm plenty sure that she wasn't the only person to think that either.

That said, what she did was a pretty dick move. Kaori, despite struggling to accept the result herself, told her explicitly not to complain about the result. Kaori was trying not to have the situation become like what happened in the previous year, yet she totally blew it out into the open.

Not only does it make the situation seem like Yuuko is being a mouthpiece for Kaori, but it also makes it seem like it's Kaori who is trying to destroy the band by questioning the Teacher's decisions. I highly doubt that is what Kaori wanted to happen.

Yuuko think's that she herself means well by coming out to say what she thinks others (especially Kaori) wants to say, but she doesn't seem to understand all the unnecessary problems and tension that it was causing until Kaori snapped at her. I don't really consider her a bad girl, but I have my doubts on her social skills and thought/decision making process.
As an analogy: She feels like an extreme MAL shipper who can't believe her ship is sinking.

I disagree with those who say that Kaori was being a schemer. I don't understand why continuing to practice for the solo part explicitly implies that she's still out to get Reina. For one thing, no one requested for a second audition, Taki only got the idea from the other teacher long after everything was blown out of proportion. Even if she was practicing, she had no way of knowing whether it would be of any use or not for the current competition. In that sense I believe her motive was similar to Natsuki's in that she was doing it for herself, for future use.

This is where I don't understand the hate for her going around. She practices as hard as, if not harder than, everyone else, and refuses to give up even after being told she's not good enough. I personally think it's a quality similar to Reina (I refer to her attitude as a fighter), and yet people here are bashing her just because THEY believe that Reina is better than her and that she should just give up and accept Taki's decision like snap. I feel like there's plenty of bias to go around here.
If I practiced hard on something all my life and was then told someone else was better, I'd be the first to reassess myself, but I wouldn't give up, shut up and accept that other person as superior. I'd try to get to that persons level and beyond. Both Reina and Kaori have shown to have this quality, so why bash one over the other here?

However, despite her resolve in fighting for her spot, I cannot help but feel that Kaori was somewhat forced to put her hand up, just so Yuuko wouldn't be isolated for making her complaints known, but having no one back her up. Kaori clearly understands the social dynamics in the club. She likes her underclassmen enough to take a brunt of the blame for her, which I believe is a selfless and noble thing to do.

On the same end, I would like to add that Natsuki is getting too much unnecessary praise. I mentioned it last week, and she basically mentioned the same thing today. Natsuki is a chill person who knows her own limitations, and she's cool with it. It took Taki and his ways to get her interested in working hard again, but she didn't have any hard feelings once she wasn't selected because she knew where she stood in comparison to the other Euphs. She is easily influenced by the flow of things, and as such easy to accept her exclusion as normal (which it is).

In this case, her attitude is a boon to Kumiko, because she was traumatized by being blamed for taking her sempai's spot on the team back in middle school (I'm so glad we finally get to see it), and by said sempai no less.
I think this is also one reason for her non-committal nature. She doesn't want conflict and hence is reluctant to give an opinion on anything. She was plenty scared that Natsuki was gonna rip her a new one, and for that I'm sure plenty of us here are grateful that Natsuki's attitude and demeanor is what it is. Seeing Kumiko cry tears of relief at the fast-food joint somehow endeared me to her even more, because it seems like it tore down a wall that she built in her heart for so long, and she finally showed some genuine expressions.

I totally agree with you, that scene was the best part of the episode.

shanimebib said:

Off Topic:

Not really wanted to point this out but I have noticed the novel's official web page has SIX characters listed as main characters — our four girls from the anime and Shuuichi (kind of makes sense) AND Asuka-senpai(?) Does she play a bigger role in the novel? I would think the sixth one would be Taki-sensei but it isn't.

Considering what we know will happen
I don't think I'm as surprised as you are about this. Asuka has a somewhat undeveloped backstory as of this moment, meaning there is much potential for her to be explored if/when they adapt the subsequent 2 volumes of the novel.

shanimebib said:

Also, CR and their mistakes.

In episode 9: When Kumiko clearly says she is bummed too when Midori is depressed — Midori miraculously gets translated to Hazuki.
In episode 10: Reina clearly says Taki-sensei's father is a famous concert band instructor — and now Taki-sensei is a famous concert band instructor himself.

I wasn't planning to point out the mistakes but I read a comment above me that made me realize that translations mistakes will create wrong understanding.

On Topic: I think I fell in love with Kumiko.

Glad you pointed this out, because it makes for a different dynamic than if the subs were actually true.

The fact that it's Taki's father who is a famous band instructor, rather than Taki himself makes so much more sense. Considering that if he had been accepted as brilliant from the off, then way more students would have joined their school just to work under him, whereas the reality is that only Reina seems to know of and promotes his brilliance. From the off, I always pictured Taki as an up-and-coming instructor who has the talent but not the fame (hence his not being invited to work at a more prestigious school). I assume that Taki and Reina were childhood friends (or like.... an elder brother figure?) growing up. Reina gave off the air of "I know Taki best" whenever she spoke about him, so she understands how brilliant he is and his way of thinking.

I personally think that he gives off a bit of an airhead vibe, and doesn't really know how to deal with anything outside of his area of expertise. In that, I mean he's probably not used to dealing with people being disapproving of his ideas and decisions. He managed to change the feel and direction of the club by doing things his way up till now after all, and the students were following him without reservations before this.

That said, I think Taki actually messed up by not coming up with a solution to the band's issues after telling everyone else about his acquaintance with Reina. It felt like he just expected things to simmer down and that the band would continue on as planned (whereas in reality things just got a lot worse). He was at such a loss at how to deal until Michie-sensei gave him a hint.

In the end I can see this all turning out for the better once the second audition happens and Yuuko and everyone else is forced to admit that Taki has truly been fair in his judgement.

Overall I thought this episode was brilliant!
Both the band and the relationships got a lot of development here, though I'm a bit peeved that I only got to see my Midori three times.......
Jun 9, 2015 8:52 PM

Sep 2013
shanimebib said:
BiriBiri21 said:
argh! spoil me please, is kousaka going to win again????!!

Arg, so she lost? </3 I want an exact answer.
Jun 9, 2015 8:53 PM

Sep 2011
animefan8800 said:
scruffykiwi said:
I would disagree with you here. Kaori could have shut down this very easily. Note that she was still practicing the solo part? She was actually being very sly in getting her juniors to do the dirty work while she could act all indignant. She could also have refused to try out for the solo as well.

The girl's not a saint, given another opportunity of course she'd take it. I never got the impression that she was manipulating Yuko into doing what she did, but agree to disagree I guess.

I don't think she directly manipulated Yuko, BUT she certainly has took advantage of the situation. By thanking Yuko in her chat in the playground she indirectly gave support to Yuko and the campaign she knew was coming, which she followed up by practicing the solo parts.
Jun 9, 2015 8:53 PM

Aug 2013
The amount of whining coming from the fucking scrubs this episode made me wanna put a hole through my screen.

Reina legit fucking called all those bitches out. Shots fired. @Kaori "I'm better than you. @Yukunt "she's nowhere near as good as me, she can barely play an instrument". CALLED. THE. FUCK. OUT. Reina better win the audition again. Rub salt in the wounds. Kaori isn't going to magically get better in a week. That isn't how it works.

I feel like Taki-sensei is giving the scrubs too much of a voice in this band. Oh, we're terrible, and we don't like the fact that better people got better parts, so we're going to whine. We know that Taki is a critically acclaimed professional band conductor, but he's definitely wrong this in what fucking world?

When he flipped out on them for picking up the blankets I was so happy. Sometimes, when a dog shits on the floor, you gotta rub their nose in it and put them in their place. Good job Taki-sama.

Grew to dislike Asuka more this episode. Tries to put up this mysterious act and wall, but she's too much of a coward to speak her mind. "Oh, I don't really give a damn about who gets a solo or not". Really? Because you seemed to be favoring Kaori immediately after.

Fucking Yuko...I'm still mad about that. Like, how many times was she told by multiple people to shut the fuck up this episode? 3 or 4? And she doesn't listen for shit. Hope she redoes the audition for some reason and gets cut entirely. Then she falls into chronic depression, tries to get out of it by confessing to Kaori, she rejects her, and then Yuko kills herself.

Also glad we can finally get past the ships now. You were told MULTIPLE TIMES people! It was nothing more than yuribait. Now confirmed. Fucking indisputable. Shuichi loves Kumiko. Reina loves Taki. Kumiko vaguely "likes" Shuichi. Ships confirmed. Deal with it.

Glad to see that old bitchy teacher's only purpose as a character is that she has a connection to Taki and his father. So pointless.
Jun 9, 2015 9:12 PM

Sep 2013
Highlight of the episode :

Jun 9, 2015 9:23 PM

Jul 2010
rsc-pl said:
Really nice episode again.
Btw, I don't think that redoing this trumpet solo will change anything.

The only thing that it will change is that everyone will acknowledge that Reina is the better trumpet player and they won't believe that she got the solos through favoritism.

Cloudy said:
Hahaha the SHIPS ARE REAL xD

I love Kousaka, but daaaaamn I want Kaori to win the next audition. It's not only that she made a statement like that in public (I am better) but she also dissed Kaori when talking with Oumae (dem hugs though). I would love a comeback here but taking Kousakas character into account along with the fact she practices just as much + the scene were Taki-sensei is told that "music doesn't lie" all will lead to everyone accepting Kousaka is superior :|

Still a comeback from Kaori would be the best twist imo!! (Along with Oumae confessing to Kousaka. Ok ok fanboy mode off)

She wasn't talking about Kaori with Kumiko. She was talking about Yuko. She did say she was better than Kaori in front of everyone, and might have been a bit too forceful and shown too little tact, but she was not saying that Kaori can't play her instrument.

All in all, a great episode. I can't wait for more! That hug was so sweet! And even if she says she loves sensei, Reina still blushes nicely when Kumiko calls her cute!
Jun 9, 2015 9:25 PM

Sep 2013
zensunni said:

All in all, a great episode. I can't wait for more! That hug was so sweet! And even if she says she loves sensei, Reina still blushes nicely when Kumiko calls her cute!

Yep, it's confirmed, Kousaka is a bi. Hahahaha
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