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Apr 12, 2015 2:16 AM

Apr 2013
Enjoyable episode.
straggy said:
The show's got some serious issues creeping up in this episode but the biggest one is easily Shinoa. She's such a horrible cow unnecessarily and she's got such an annoying voice. Did they really have to give her the same voice as like every worst girl ever?

Annoying voice? That's not a complaint I expected to hear.
Apr 12, 2015 2:16 AM

Dec 2014
Aiko_Hiroshi said:
TheHonestThief said:

Even if I was a homophobe, its my own taste in anime, get over it. You do not get to preach the sanctity of letting everyone have their ideal relationships/opinions while denying mine. Even if mine contradict yours, you either accept an alternate opinion, or naively present a double standard.

I did point out the premise and action scenes by the way.

I think people that spread hate in any form are pieces of shit personally that should just stay offline and not join any discussions. Also I love double standards, its pretty much the reason why the world is going to burn :D

Anyway, I'm done ranting since online it accomplishes nothing. If this anime really is something you'll end up liking, then you shouldn't be focusing on one aspect and just ignore it. I hope you do end up liking the anime overall. It seems to be closely adapting the manga and there seems to be plenty of straight ships in the manga as well.

I'll be done after this since you said you'd be done ranting as well, but it is hypocritical to hate someone's hate. Unless you can come up with some moral justification as to why your hate is superior, it's just another subjective opinion. Just sayin'.
I can't even tell how much sarcasm and/or commentary is laid into your comment on double standards....

Oh, I will keep watching. I was just expressing my dislike for a potential aspect. Besides, I have since learned the original author just threw in hints to pander to certain viewer-bases, and the real ships are the straight ones.
Apr 12, 2015 2:29 AM
Jan 2015
Weak episode imho, sending him back to school to make friends, well if you teach someone teamplay you can do that in many ways, while he is serving the army. That was bullshit.
Then the part where he is not allowed to get into fights, what about self defence or defending others.
Not allowing that is just plain ridiculous.

The trouble he had killing the vampire was good though, shows that he is by far not experienced enough to kill a grown one. Although the figthing sequence was mediocre at best.

2/5 (the whole "make friends" thing pissed me off just too much.)
Apr 12, 2015 2:30 AM

Jun 2013
Well that went from not that bad to stupid school crap real fast
Apr 12, 2015 2:52 AM

May 2013
Lmao they sure shows a lot of spoilers both in opening and ending (though it was obvious since the first episode that Mika will not die because of plot-chan)

But cool episode
The world shall know the truth soon.
Apr 12, 2015 3:31 AM

Apr 2012
I don't like the new friend
He's kinda obnoxious lol. Otherwise a decent episode. The fight was decently animated

Apr 12, 2015 3:37 AM

Mar 2014
Well it's far from perfect but it looks good
Apr 12, 2015 4:17 AM

Mar 2012
Shinoa is pretty win. A tease character plus Hayami Saori is uber win for me.

Enjoyable enough episode overall. Sort of hope the series doesn't pander too much with the school life for Hyakuyua and focuses more on the training corp. The "making a friend" part makes enough sense, given how Hyakuya tries to isolate himself so much and how focused he is on revenge. Would be nice to see him develop into someone who doesn't just seek revenge.
Apr 12, 2015 4:38 AM

Jan 2014
Well, this is very interesting. Want more!!

Sawano is my hero
Apr 12, 2015 4:42 AM

May 2014
Shut up shut up SHUT UP. We're not even half on this yet so many people complaining about how horrible it is. It gave me a headache, really, all these cynical elitism.

I really enjoy this episode, though, having read the manga. It's a pretty faithful adaptation. 4/5

Apr 12, 2015 4:59 AM

Aug 2013
After great first episode, I thought that it will be something really good, but this episode was just average.
Anyway, animation and art is still amazing.
HidenNinpoApr 12, 2015 5:17 AM
Apr 12, 2015 5:01 AM

Dec 2012
Chuunichan said:
Shut up shut up SHUT UP. We're not even half on this yet so many people complaining about how horrible it is. It gave me a headache, really, all these cynical elitism.

So we cannot criticize this anime show because it's only 2 episodes in? Why exactly? Sure, we cannot criticize the whole story, be we surely can criticize other things. You need to know the difference.
And I am sorry that my critics gave you a headache.
I like anime.
Apr 12, 2015 5:40 AM

Apr 2014
Wow that opening spoiled a lot of things I didn't even know about some of the characters.

Meh I sort of wish they just skipped the school setting and focused more on the military/group or whatever it was. The whole bullying thing was kind of cringeworthy in the beginning. Overall it was an average episode and I hope they get done with the school setting soon.

Tried to ignore that scene but it didn't work. Yeah I know they're trying to cater to the fujoshi however it kind of gets distracting.
Z4KApr 12, 2015 5:43 AM
Apr 12, 2015 6:03 AM

Nov 2012
It was great episode :3

But way put the crazy spoilers in the opening...
Apr 12, 2015 6:03 AM

Dec 2014
Nice episode but cliches are hilarious but cringey.
Well this anime will also be stupid but enjoyable rampage fest.
Apr 12, 2015 6:22 AM

Jan 2010
A pretty stupid twist, ended the climate of the first episode . Seriously, totally disapproved . It would be more interesting if they were just a group of refugees training to kill vampires , now slice of life with moments of comedy and kindergarten ? Generic shounen , the first episode was equal to Aldnoah Zero , just to deceive .
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Apr 12, 2015 6:25 AM

Dec 2008
The vampire girl looked more innocent in the manga.

Apr 12, 2015 6:30 AM

Jun 2013
livingdarknet said:
It was great episode :3

But way put the crazy spoilers in the opening...
Apr 12, 2015 6:50 AM

Jul 2014
Nice episode. The sexual undertones between Yuu and Yoichi were amusing.
Apr 12, 2015 6:52 AM

Nov 2011
Still not convinced with the show, still too little world building, OP spoiled several stuff, whether i have time will determine whether i continue with this.

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Apr 12, 2015 7:11 AM

Apr 2013
That god, Yoichi. If he would just stay still there.
Shinoa + Scythe = WIN !

Also, that freaking we know he is not dead.
Apr 12, 2015 7:26 AM

Apr 2013
mika alive... get out of here with this ugh....

welp the bet is on

A. brainwashed. creepy vampire blood made mika his slave
B. manipulated. "everyone died becasue of yuu. yuu is evil etc"
C. fooled. "yuu died my vampire friends saw it. you can resist and die or join us and live"
D. for absolutly stupid reasons he joined them willingly

action was good and ost was good, story can still be interesting but so far it is meh
xSanoxApr 12, 2015 7:44 AM
Apr 12, 2015 7:32 AM
Jul 2013
I love this anime so much!!
One ship away... Sailing!! Please remain inside the ship!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Apr 12, 2015 7:54 AM

Jul 2013
xSanox said:
mika alive... get out of here with this ugh....

welp bets are on

A. brainwashed. creepy vampire blood made mika his slave
B. manipulated. "everyone died becasue of yuu. yuu is evil etc"
C. fooled. "yuu died my vampire friends saw it. you can resist and die or join us and live"
D. for absolutly stupid reasons he joined them willingly

action was good and ost was good, story can still be interesting but so far it is meh

None of your bets hit the mark, fortunately, lol.

Apr 12, 2015 8:44 AM
Sep 2013
So... can someone explain me the hype behind owari no seraph? So far been looking like shit

It's tokyo ghoul all over again
Apr 12, 2015 8:53 AM

Dec 2014
5/5 good fight scene
Apr 12, 2015 8:54 AM

Jan 2013
Good episode, I really liked the character interactions. And the animation was great during the action sequences.
Apr 12, 2015 9:32 AM

Aug 2012
Based MAL

AlexTheRiot said:

I feel like people are bypassing posts saying these things so I'll reiterate for redundancy's sake.
-The school setting is NOT prevalent. It's a plot device to set things up, but it's not like it's inconceivable that they would have schooling in this setting, and that Guren would place Yuu there to develop his collaboration skills(which he clearly has none of) considering they're up against an entity that is 7 times their strength.
-No this is NOT BL. The OP/ED has its fair share of fujobait unfortunately, and then there's that wtf moment with Yoichi..shimmying(?) on top of Yuu, but it's nothing more than slight pandering.
-Yuu will not remain static throughout the series. When good writers create a character that comes across annoying at first, there's a reason.
Apr 12, 2015 9:39 AM

Dec 2009
TheHonestThief said:
Aiko_Hiroshi said:

I think people that spread hate in any form are pieces of shit personally that should just stay offline and not join any discussions. Also I love double standards, its pretty much the reason why the world is going to burn :D

Anyway, I'm done ranting since online it accomplishes nothing. If this anime really is something you'll end up liking, then you shouldn't be focusing on one aspect and just ignore it. I hope you do end up liking the anime overall. It seems to be closely adapting the manga and there seems to be plenty of straight ships in the manga as well.

I'll be done after this since you said you'd be done ranting as well, but it is hypocritical to hate someone's hate. Unless you can come up with some moral justification as to why your hate is superior, it's just another subjective opinion. Just sayin'.
I can't even tell how much sarcasm and/or commentary is laid into your comment on double standards....

Oh, I will keep watching. I was just expressing my dislike for a potential aspect. Besides, I have since learned the original author just threw in hints to pander to certain viewer-bases, and the real ships are the straight ones.

The entire first paragraph was intense sarcasm. I'm not that extreme, I was just reacting in a common way that most people would. Honestly I was mocking MAL forums in general *Gets banned*

And see, sounds like you honestly have nothing to worry about. See you on future episode discussions.
Apr 12, 2015 9:43 AM

Feb 2011
heliasvieira said:
So... can someone explain me the hype behind owari no seraph? So far been looking like shit
has there been hype? where? when?

@AlexTheRiot i'd rather try to lower people's absurdly high expectations than trying to correct their faulty and hasty assumptions
(expecially cause correcting faulty assumptions can lead only to spoilers)

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Apr 12, 2015 11:27 AM

May 2013
OP shows some very interesting things.

Yuu needs a friend and he freakin' got one! Take that, badass Guren!
Somehow, Yuu can't just avoid these yaoi moments. Yoichi enjoyed it though.
Well, preview says Shinoa will show her so stuff, so that's pretty cool.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Apr 12, 2015 11:54 AM
Jan 2012
I was wary after the first episode after seeing how much BL pandering there was between Mika and yuu and all the inconsistent plot holes

After watching episode 2, the yaoi overtones are way too strong for me to ignore. Sorry, fujoshit is not for me
Apr 12, 2015 12:17 PM

Jun 2013
holy shit both the OP and ED are amazing and good action finally he joined them
Apr 12, 2015 12:21 PM

Aug 2014
Hmm the OP gave quite a lot of spoilers there. I didn't know Mika still alive after what happened in episode 1. Did he turned into a vampire after that or something?

Shinoa seemed like a decent character. I like her already! Plus, a scythe as a weapon?! True definition of badass!
Hyakuya didn't lose in term of badass either! Well, not really right now, but definitely will later!
Welp, that's pretty easy to join the organization there, just by making one friend, seriously?
Apr 12, 2015 12:24 PM

Jan 2014
The OP and ED are really great *___*
And another great episode yaay. Love it <3
Apr 12, 2015 12:32 PM

Aug 2014
MrKai23 said:
Meh didn't like it that much. Moe garbage and makes zero sense. Gonna drop it next episode if it doesn't improve.

Stfu you and your moe. Read the genres before writing.
Apr 12, 2015 12:35 PM
Sep 2014
Once again, very pretty animation and great backgrounds. The MC could be Eren's twin for all we know, but I like him still! Idk, I liked this episode. It was fun and it was well executed. I expect good things from Owari :)

Apr 12, 2015 12:58 PM

Oct 2013
The problem with this show is that it's trying to be all serious and then drops a lame unnecessary school setting the next episode. I mean something like a legit military academy would be fine, but this is just ridiculous.
Apr 12, 2015 12:59 PM

Dec 2009
Mich666 said:
School setting? Ice-cream? 'We don't want you till you find friend?' What the fuck is wrong with this post-apo setting?

If the world population was reduced to 1/10 they would have A LOT helluva different problems. Like weak agriculture, problems with logistic, insufficiency of medicaments, lacking food industry, whole economics crumbling down, and so on.

And those fights are really cringeworthy when MC or his enemy are talking and showing each other their backs with enemies obediently wait for their turn... really? o_O

I must agree with you on that, those are some weak points they could have spared us. This anime could have been way better than how it actually is, I can already see it. Lonely MC with tragic past who clearly lacks survival instinct and passionately wants revenge against enemy? Cliché. I'm not saying he is a bad character or they should have made him differently, but seriously, the way he talks, acts or thinks is so cliché. After 5+ years of watching anime, I've seen too many characters like him. Supporting tsundere robot girl who does nothing apart from criticizing the MC could make an interesting character, if they developed her more. Let's hope they do in next episodes.

That out of place school scene made the post-apocalyptic setting look very silly. Like, who cares about going to school when humanity has almost collapsed? And that bullying WHAT WAS IT, WHY. I guess they added it for cliché's sake? It made me cringe.

I'm liking it so far, though. It isn't going to be a masterpiece, but it has some potential to be a good, though stereotypical, anime. Character design is good. Animation is amazing. I'm appreciating the BL hints, although I haven't quite understood if there's a bromance/BL sub-plot or if it's only fanservice. I don't like fanservice much since I think it drecreases an anime's value, so let's hope this is not the case. I hope it isn't going to get even more clichéd after MC enters the anti-vampires group. Oh well, we'll see.
Apr 12, 2015 1:03 PM

Nov 2011
This anime seems to be Good !
the graphics are so great and the fight with the vampire was okay
the op and ed are spoiling some events , I shouldn't have watch them T-T

I really enjoyed this episode... I have high expectations for this anime
To desire some results, one must take actions
Apr 12, 2015 1:12 PM

Jun 2013
Woah, these first two episodes have been breathtaking! This is one of my favorites of the season thus far, along with Plastic Memories :)
Apr 12, 2015 2:03 PM

Dec 2014
Opening & ending are great. I'm loving the character designs <3
Apr 12, 2015 2:08 PM

Nov 2014
another school bs..

Apr 12, 2015 2:30 PM

Oct 2011
Ahhh I love this show so much already!! I love the setting, plot, art, characters and music. Probably going to be my favorite of the season. This episode felt like 5 minutes long.

Dont know why theres so much hate.. every single anime has cringeworthy moments. Probably because of the BL vibes, which is a stupid reason because we know there is no BL in this show. I just call it brotherly love lol I think its adorable when 2 guys are really close, because society has made a stupid rule that its gross. But society is full of morons so..

If it was girls though, people would be saying much more positive things.
LuxtressApr 12, 2015 2:39 PM
Apr 12, 2015 3:03 PM

Nov 2013
EasyGo-er said:
xSanox said:
*Random speculation*

None of your bets hit the mark, fortunately, lol.
Saying that is kind of a spoiler, you know...
Apr 12, 2015 3:13 PM

Aug 2014
I like this anime.
Apr 12, 2015 3:14 PM

Sep 2014
Liked it! This could definitely turn into something good. Seeing some similarities with Shingeki no Kyojin.

OP and ED were good altough felt like it contained som spoilers. OST is still really nice.

Also Shinoa, liking her so far.
Apr 12, 2015 3:41 PM

Oct 2011
Levi won't let Eren join the Vampire Unit XDDD

Eren found his Mikasa and Armin : )
Apr 12, 2015 4:44 PM

Oct 2013
Great episode, really has left me waiting for wanting more.

ED > OP though.
Apr 12, 2015 4:45 PM
Apr 2014
iAmZiro said:
ED > OP though.
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