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Mar 7, 2013 1:37 PM

Sep 2012
kchorrex2012 said:
Sorry to be this late to the party but I only found out about this series last week. It was a good ride overall. I started watching it expecting only humour and fan service, but kept going because of the plot (normally is the other way round, because there is no plot).
- Surprisingly complex plot, haven't played the VN but apparently they took parts from different routes, yet the story still feels coherent and more ambitious than Amagami (politics aside, obviously).
- It is harem and comedy but at the same time shit gets serious, and I don't find the transition to be forced.
- Good character design :3 Though the VN is from a different studio, some characters look like expys from Amagami, and that's a plus in my book *¬* (Dem Shinonome sisters).
- Intricate politics. I personally didn't find the elections meta to be boring or too deep, it was always well-balanced
-Yuuki was a bit too dense at the beginning of the series.If the other elements had not been good I would've probably dropped the series because of him. HOWEVER, he does grow some balls and turns Chisato down TWICE and even bitchslaps her at some point (and with good reason). That was some nice character development. I was expecting him to be generic and appear oblivious to all the girls' feelings (see: most harems and sadly, Boku wa Tomodachi NEXT) and pick one at the very end, but he tried to be honest for the most part.


-WHAT DA HELL?! Clingy childhood friend ending? Seriously? Talk about things done do death. Yuuki grew balls and even rejected Chisato at least twice, and then all of a sudden he remembers their childhood memories and click! He has a change of mind. I'm absolutely biased towards the Shinonome sisters (especially Satsuki), but I would've accepted any other route rather than the clichéd one. What bugs me even more is that none of the other girls that have feelings for Yuuki try to do anything to cock block Chisato, they just step aside like they could read minds, even Satsuki who almost kissed Yuuki. At first I was neutral towards Chisato, but her Yuno-like "you-belong-to-me" attitude made want to punch the screen every time. She even looks like Asuka the first time Yuuki turns her down (homage perhaps?). They could have at least tried to break Satsuki's advances with some conflict (IDK, maybe she was much more worried about winning the elections, or perhaps they try to start a relationship but somehow it doesn't work and they end up like friends... oh right, things like that do not happen often in anime).
- The CIA-like elements and the overall system of the school were good, but they were a bit overdone. Perhaps a lot. My suspension of disbelief fell apart many times. Eg: assassination attempts, kidnapping, etc. I think some of these things could've been done more credible with simpler forms of blackmailing or harrassing/bullying (through social networks and the like), with the aim of breaking the victim's spirit rather than going fully criminal. When they did try to do that, the results were good. I found the bullying scene was well done, I ended up hating on those girls. Also, I found really unrealistic that Aomi had to work LATE AT NIGHT sometimes. Seriously? Anybody knows that there is something called human rights and labor rights, and we're talking about an underage person, which would make it even more illegal. Still, since this is an adaptation of a VN, the anime can be forgiven.
- Sadly, there were many interesting characters, but the series was so short that only a couple of them got adequate development.
- Last episode lacked suspense or action. They kept showing every phone booth but when the elections came they skipped to the winner. Not even 30 seconds of counting votes, updates or anything that adds suspense. Not even a "Ooshima... sorry, Oojima-kun won the elections" big announcement and a big high-five.
- Transition to ending theme. At first it felt natural, but as the series got darker and darker the theme felt too happy/melodic, and somehow broke the suspense. Getting rid of that fade-in could've solved the problem.

TL;DR version:
The series is really fun to watch but things start to feel forced from episode 9 onwards. /rant
Still I'd recommend it to friends, at least the journey was fun.

7/10 Could've been higher with a different ending. Guess I might learn some Japanese just to try the VN and see some other routes..
Hopefully the OVA brings something nicer to the table than just the mandatory fanservice at the beach episode. I admit I'd be satisfied with just that, but this series has proven it can be much more. Like somebody said, OVAs with different routes would be interesting...Rooting for Yuuki x Shinonome sisters :3

well i liked the ending, there are anime's were childhood friend lost like Shuffle, i like this ending & i also like how Shuffle ended, it depends on a anime, in some anime's i like to see childhood friend win & this anime is one of them!!! it depends on how anime is build & how chars have build & how char's grow on me, BDW Chisato has suffered a lot, she needs Yuuki more then others, others have 1 thing love for Yuuki, but Chisato has love for Yuuki & pain from loosing her brother, so 2 things, with out Yuuki she wold kill herself cause she say'd she dose not want to lose some1 close to her ever again, so her past trauma is part of the reason i supported Chisato x Yuuki

i agree with u about: I found really unrealistic that Aomi had to work LATE AT NIGHT sometimes. Seriously? Anybody knows that there is something called human rights and labor rights, and we're talking about an underage person, which would make it even more illegal. Still, since this is an adaptation of a VN, the anime can be forgiven.
Mar 10, 2013 12:37 PM

Oct 2012
usually if there is "childhood friend" girl going after MC, she is made so that I dislike her or so ... this was exception of it, even though I found her really annoying near-end, before she get out of her trauma .. actually I liked all girls from this anime (Oosawa is expcetion ^^ ) and the ending was good as well.

for me, one of the MOST f....en annoying things about this anime, was to actually FIND episode 12 with f.....en subtitles ... almost every video I found had subtitles stopping after opening and starting at around 6th minute of that episode ... luckily I found the right one and could finish it fully ..

I've got a bad habit of clicking spoilers too fast, then regret it ..

"The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed."
Mar 11, 2013 12:56 PM
Mar 2008
Ugh, I was rooting for Mifuyu even though she had no chance.
MC's change of mind made no sense.
Mar 16, 2013 2:29 PM

Mar 2010
I'm happy he actually chose someone (you know, with the anime being a VN adaptation). It was a fun ride while it lasted.
co_flame said:
If it sells, it works.
Mar 22, 2013 4:29 AM

Jan 2013
kchorrex2012 said:

-WHAT DA HELL?! Clingy childhood friend ending? Seriously? Talk about things done do death.

No, SERIOUSLY, could somebody explain to me why do some people hate the childhood friend romance stories? What's wrong with them? It doesn't even happen that often and at least, if two people know each other since childhood, there is a guarantee that their relationship isn't just physical attraction, but something deeper. In my opinion, childhood friends staying together through their lives is one of the cutest things ever.
Mar 24, 2013 1:55 AM

Jun 2011
Hobgoblin2013 said:
kchorrex2012 said:

-WHAT DA HELL?! Clingy childhood friend ending? Seriously? Talk about things done do death.

No, SERIOUSLY, could somebody explain to me why do some people hate the childhood friend romance stories? What's wrong with them? It doesn't even happen that often and at least, if two people know each other since childhood, there is a guarantee that their relationship isn't just physical attraction, but something deeper. In my opinion, childhood friends staying together through their lives is one of the cutest things ever.

Haa I would want to know that myself too. I don't hate on all childhood friend romance, just some of them really ticked me off, I judge them by their personalities, not their identity..
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 28, 2013 7:34 PM

Apr 2007
The series started off really slow and I almost gave up, but now I'm glad I kept watching. Their school elections are certainly taken far too seriously compared to what we're used to, but it didn't come off as bad to me. Well, some of the rushed drama was still laughable tho.

The ending was nice too. Chisato isn't a bad choice, but Satsuki wins my heart <3
Apr 9, 2013 2:05 AM

Jan 2013
7/10 A solid anime. Though nothing too special.
Apr 12, 2013 5:55 AM

Oct 2011
Hobgoblin2013 said:
kchorrex2012 said:

-WHAT DA HELL?! Clingy childhood friend ending? Seriously? Talk about things done do death.

No, SERIOUSLY, could somebody explain to me why do some people hate the childhood friend romance stories? What's wrong with them? It doesn't even happen that often and at least, if two people know each other since childhood, there is a guarantee that their relationship isn't just physical attraction, but something deeper. In my opinion, childhood friends staying together through their lives is one of the cutest things ever.

It's not about every single one, but the specific ones, I understand some of the people who hate Chisato - me included. Mostly because of her character I found more faults in it then good things. 1. She get on my nerves too much with her childhood friend ideal. 2. she acts like the most hurt being in the earth because she lost her brother, is she the only one that lost something?... 3. she is manipulative 4. She covers her brothers death with Yuuki as his replace? OMG is it called true love this days?

I gave you my reasons to hate her, I think it shows you why me and some people would hate "this specific" childhood character.

Sugram22 said:

well i liked the ending, there are anime's were childhood friend lost like Shuffle, i like this ending & i also like how Shuffle ended, it depends on a anime, in some anime's i like to see childhood friend win & this anime is one of them!!! it depends on how anime is build & how chars have build & how char's grow on me, BDW Chisato has suffered a lot, she needs Yuuki more then others, others have 1 thing love for Yuuki, but Chisato has love for Yuuki & pain from loosing her brother, so 2 things, with out Yuuki she wold kill herself cause she say'd she dose not want to lose some1 close to her ever again, so her past trauma is part of the reason i supported Chisato x Yuuki

i agree with u about: I found really unrealistic that Aomi had to work LATE AT NIGHT sometimes. Seriously? Anybody knows that there is something called human rights and labor rights, and we're talking about an underage person, which would make it even more illegal. Still, since this is an adaptation of a VN, the anime can be forgiven.

So you're saying that you support Chisato beucase she is the most tragic character in the series, because she lost her brother and would kill herself if Yuuki didn't choose her?
I find it somewhat stupid, but I won't say anything because we live in different environment, maybe that's why some people have an urge to mix "TRUE LOVE" with "PITY".

It isn't called LOVE you know if he pities her because of her past and her trauma, or she just blackmails him with "I will kill myself, because you don't love me" thing. DO YOU REALLY CALL IT LOVE? or are you just oblivious to the truth. I am seeing that "most" of the Chisato fans pair her up with him because of that reason - plainly stupid.
Like she was the only one in the entire world hurt and had some sort of trauma.. nah I wrote too much already. Just think among yourselves if you really call it love.
May 1, 2013 8:40 PM

Jan 2012
Michiru alone gives this anime a 10/10 (strong no pedo)

I'm gonna take her out of the equation though... so 8/10

I wouldn't mind another season, but OVAs will suffice.
May 3, 2013 6:54 PM

Aug 2010
Pretty nice ending to the series. This was a decent show and was fun to watch so it gets a 7 from me.
Jun 8, 2013 8:47 AM

Sep 2011
I'd prefer Shinonome though it's okay.


Jul 4, 2013 4:24 AM

Nov 2011
I did like this alot for some reason
I'm giving it an 8/10
Jul 20, 2013 9:15 AM

Dec 2012
Final kiss ftw.

I am normally pretty stingy with scores towards romance, but I'm giving this an 8 for some reason... I really liked this a lot.
Sep 11, 2013 5:08 PM

May 2012
A really amazing and satisfying end to an awesome series~

Oojima got Chisato

Michiru got Kana

And Kii got Ai!

Couldn't have asked for more~

It really took me a long time to see this...10/10!!
Oct 1, 2013 4:35 PM

Apr 2011
Don't particularly like Chisato, so that ruined the ending for me.

But this show overall was pretty solid. The election plot was ridiculous but kept me drawn in.
Nov 4, 2013 9:42 AM

Aug 2012
Yumekichi11 said:

YUUKI X CHISATO! YES! YES! YES! I was overjoyed! Rather than the painful shit of Mashiro Iro couple pairings this series ends on a high positive note towards that and it totally makes me happy. I am even more overjoyed at the kiss was executed. A infinite loop of kiss + sweet chocolate mixed in it. It truly makes a unique experience and consdiering chocolate does heighten lust/love in general due to some of its properties, it makes it that much more worthwhile. What is more significant is that it was done in front of Chisatos’ brother’s grave. A noteworthy proof for him in heavens that his older sister is happier more than ever and to that effect he may rest now. Might edit later.

Right, and i hate that Mashiro iro symphony ending.
Dec 18, 2013 6:31 PM

Jun 2009
Damn this finale! :O It was great! I can't believe I'll miss watching it considering that I just wanted to tear my eyes out the past 9 episodes.

So happy Kana got her justice for getting ran over.

TEWGMar 3, 2014 7:55 PM
Feb 18, 2014 8:10 PM

May 2013
It was nice to the Kana recover from her injury in the beginning and the drama was surprisingly good. I have to say, I got sucked into the ChisatoxYuuki shipping so I was satisfied with that odd yet sweet chocolate kiss.

To everyone who is raging about childhood endings: I can say after watching many, many, many, romance anime childhood friends do not win every time. They actually seem to win less than most people's perception. A childhood ending is way better than the retarded open ending.
TomangoFeb 18, 2014 8:13 PM
Mar 12, 2014 11:57 PM
Jul 2018
Tenchi_Ryu said:
Haven't watched the episode yet, but pretty much how everyone else is doing, spoiling myself hard. Lost interest once the Chisato route took place. The series lost all common sense for me when they instantly cured her 10 year struggle in 10 mins, she was seriously on some Super Saiyan Yandere power levels.

Would have preferred anyone else other than Chisato to be honest, like others have said, the obvious girl wins ending is a little too cliche for me. And kissing in front of someone's grave to me is more creepy than romantic....

6/10 for me.

Sadly, i have to agree with you, her complex was settled way too fast, and i also agree on any other girl than Chisato. I personally would have preferred Satsuki.
Mar 21, 2014 10:33 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
That kiss was so sweet and vivid. Chisato may be a bit on the annoying side, but deep down understanding her past is what is important in order to fully understand her. Imo I much prefer Yuuki to be with Chisato since he obviously liked her but he wasn't ready to express his feelings to her.

Michiru says the Yaoi sticks are a bit tastier, so cute.

Yuuki races against time to save Chisato. When I saw Chisato's torn shirt, I thought if he does not make it to the next phone Chisato's clothes will be stripped off completely, and from there maybe humiliate her in public or beat her up and tell Yuuki where she was and only to find her in a unplesant state. Considering the Kitahara faction, I never ruled out Chisato being humiliated, but good thing Yuuki had stamina to make it to each phone.


Would have liked to see more story content on Isara.

Mar 31, 2014 12:45 AM
Jun 2012
YES! YuukixChisato <3
Hey KyoAni, when will you learn to make your Couples kiss in the Anime instead of teasing us and rage at our Screens? Anyways, I was happy that they finally understood each other after they fought a few Episodes back. The fact that Yuuki was racing for his life for Chisato was epic. I'm surprised that he managed to run to all the Phone Booths without issue. I guess Love makes people committed to do everything they can to achieve something and get it done on time.

Apr 14, 2014 5:07 AM
Dec 2013
Disappointing . He blew off Satsuki like that and went for the annoying cry-baby childhood friend. i wish this show had been like Amigami SS(atleast).

Satsuki > Chisato

UchihaApr 14, 2014 5:12 AM
Apr 22, 2014 7:54 AM

Apr 2012
The show was alright...... Kinda far fetched in terms of plot. The Public Safety Commission had some absurd influence over the school, and they even have their own hospital? lol I actually liked the pairing between Yuuki and Chisato. The chocolate pocky kiss at the end was very sweet. A decent watch but it was missing something.

May 1, 2014 7:00 AM

Mar 2014
I must Say That This Episode was one of the best episode so far !.
And the ending.. well I think I am satisfied with the couple cause they're happy about it .
Though I really want the Satsuki/hazuki x Yuuki couple.
This is a "Must be" anime it will be good to have a second season.
So I hope there is one in the future :D
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May 3, 2014 11:18 AM

May 2007
This anime was okay, I really liked Hazuki, the advisor teacher for Shokken. The anime to me felt all over place because I think it tried to satisfy the viewers that had played the original game by sorting of making an ending for each of the girls like Chisato forgiving herself, Hazuki's past and her eventual reconciliation with her younger sister, Michiru finding Kana etc. Doing this made the flow of the anime just plain awkward. However, I did like most of the characters but I felt Satsuki was barely in it, it always seemed like Chisato was everywhere, which can't really be complained about because that's the route the anime was talking whilst making pit-stops at other routes along the way.

It was a little weird for me because of the random cameos of the heroines from a game called "Ima Sugu Oniichan ni Imōto da tte Iitai!" (aka Imaimo), a game made from the original creators of the Chocolate visual novel. I guess it would actually be kind of awesome to see them animated if you had played the Imaimo game.

My score for this anime is 7/10, it wasn't that bad but it wasn't great either.

I'll probably watched the 13th episode today at some point, I kinda wanna watch something else right now.
May 17, 2014 11:00 PM

Apr 2014
I thought the ending was pretty good. I'm also glad that Chisato won. I wouldn't have minded a Satsuki x Yuuki ending though if they did it right, meaning they find a way to properly end the Chisato x Yuuki feelings.

Overall, I really liked the show. The drama was pretty good but it seemed a bit too grand for the setting, i mean I could understand it if this was a show about the government but a show about a highschool student council with that kind of drama/conspiracies was just a little much. Also, I enjoyed the 1st half the show a lot better when it was more slice of life.

In the end though, the show hooked me in and I marathoned through this in a couple hours. I wouldn't say it was a 10/10 in my books because of the stuff I mentioned above, but I'd give it a 8 or 9 simply because I found it really enjoyable.
Jun 26, 2014 4:24 AM

Jul 2013
Nice series. I didn't think I'd be so engrossed in the story once it reached the climax. The last 3 episodes were fantastic with all the mystery, tension, political drama, as well as the twists.

I hesitated at first because I thought this would be average just like other eroge adaption especially with the harem genre. I didn't expect them to actually put a presentable story as well as giving each characters reasonable depth.

I ain't even mad that Yuuki ended up with Chisato. Satsuki is the best girl but Chisato was always the logical choice from the beginning, her bond and history with Yuuki is unmatched with other girls. Even despite the past trauma that prevented them to become a full-fledged couple in the beginning, it was clear that they truly care for each other deep down.

The concept of self-governing school with rich people fighting for influence in the background by using the students as their proxy is exaggerated yet feasible at the same time. I like how this anime can portray elections realistically especially when it comes to strategy and winning favors from influential sections of the students. Most characters are likeable especially the adorable Michiru, the seductive Hazuki, and the ever reliable Satsuki.

7/10 is quite a fair score I think.
Aug 2, 2014 8:13 AM

Jun 2014
7.5/10 Is my score. So i gave it 8/10.
Aug 2, 2014 8:15 AM

Jun 2014
7.5/10 Is my score. So i gave it 8/10.
Sep 29, 2014 9:29 AM

Sep 2014
Yuuki saves the day! Well not really lol.. He gave an awesome speech though.. And to think he won in the end.. A well deserved victory for the hardships he endured..
That kiss at the end! What a great way to end an anime.. I love animes ending with a kiss haha.. Another good anime finished..

~ 8/10 ~
Dec 7, 2014 7:51 AM

Jul 2012
This might be the first time I've really disliked the main girl in a harem, but it was still a fun ride. Too little Shinonome, though.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Dec 25, 2014 10:14 AM
Sep 2014

Good anime, at the start i was confused and i was not sure am i watching the right anime since it started all serious .
Later i started to dislike it a little bit because the school is small country, ruled by kids- WTF?!
But since its anime i decided to forget about that and just enjoy.
I have to say that im a big fan of political thrillers so i guess that is what made this show even better to me. I really liked the humor at start and tension that was build in last few episodes.
I guess it would be much better if they made it completely about elections and stuff, without romance, school, but it was good anyway.
Feb 5, 2015 6:15 PM

Jan 2015
CodeST said:
Well, the story about election is great, I lol when that president guy told that he put signaling devices on all food club members. Damn, this school is too serious.

But it sucks that Tomoya 2.0 ends up with Chisato. There are many good girls around him, and he still choose that psycho girl.

5/10 for me.

i 2nd this. It shoulda HAREM ENDING or Satsuki X Yuuki atleast :(. tbh, i didnt read the manga ver yet but the story is very plain, i dont even know why & how da gurls like the MC in da 1st place.... its like the author juzt put all those gurls 2 like Yuuki so it can have a legit "Drama" genre in it :P.

Also, its pretty annoyed me 2 know dat it took over 10 years 4 Chiseto 2 get over "her bro dead becuz she didnt accept his choco bar..." DA PHUCK o_O !!?? Imho, the most stupid & lamest regret i have ever witness in anime n realyfe 2.
4 me this anime is 6/10. average as best imho.
Mar 19, 2015 5:02 PM
Mar 2013
4/10. I really did not like Chisato as a character (I find her VERY annoying, and she royally ticks me off). Would have possibly rose it to a 5 but Chisato annoyed me to the point I wanted to drop this so many times (also she didn't have to be such a jerk in this episode when the guy went through all that to save her...she could at least say thank you). Also how the heck could he possibly fall for that infuriating, needy, unlikable brat of a female mc? I'm not convinced ever any decent reason why he would ever fall for someone like her (throughout it didn't even feel like he liked her that way at all, so when it happened it felt really forced). It also didn't help that some were biased in the show about the two in love, as well as taking Chisato's side at near every turn even though she's the one usually in the wrong. Another thing is it's implied that Chisato's best friend likes the male mc, yet everytime the matter is brought up she won't admit to it even at the end, and then it just gets dropped instead of really being adressed and delt with. I also heavily detested that one scene where the mc wants time to think after the Teacher throws him off guard with a confession, and she gets annoyed that he respectfully says he doesn't know what to think and wants time to think about it. It makes me really angry when girls react that way. If a girl acted that way to me after I told them I want some time to think about it, I would have gotten very mad, told them off and forget any thought of giving things a try with them (I hate when girls act as if their feelings have to be immediatly responded with a yes or no when they confess to someone. That goes for it being reverse as well with the guy confessing and reacting the same way if the girl isn't sure yet how to respond to it and wants to think about it). Honestly I didn't like any of the central characters except the male mc. All the people the show wants us to like I was ticked off by (besides the male mc). Not watching this crap again.
RoychopMar 6, 2016 6:57 AM
May 2, 2015 1:53 PM

Dec 2010
Great ending to a great series..9.5/10.
May 30, 2015 3:59 AM

May 2014
Great series :D I haven't watched any drama romance anime for a while so it really got me hooked.

First of all the story was very good! So good that I couldn't even comment to many episodes since I was too curious what happens next. It is true that it could've been better if it was a 24 ep series so it wouldn't feel rushed but even so the story was completed well with no plot holes that I noticed.
When it comes to characters I liked Chisato. She is not your usual tsundere childhood friend that you want to kick in the face so I'm perfectly fine with the ending. Though I would like to see an adaptation after Satsuki's route too. I liked those 2 equally. As for the other characters, they were also very lovable.

What I didn't like is the setting. I mean just what kind of federal secret / ancient magic relict / alien technology is that high school possessing?? What's with that amount of money and with the conspiracy?! Is just a goddamn high school!!

Anyways, I totally enjoyed this anime. And since that's all that matters to me I give it 9.5/10 :D
Jun 8, 2015 4:38 PM

Aug 2009
well, everything went as expected

who are those green suited girls that oojima met? probably middle school friends or something?

not a big fan of chisato but okay i guess

Jul 14, 2015 12:05 AM

Aug 2013
Eh, that was ok I guess.

I feel like I got fucking cheated out of the Satsuki route though with that random sequence of events bullshit.

Liked the art though. One of those VN adaptations that kind keeps a VN-ish art style to it. Not too much of course, but it looked good.

Eh, 6/10 I guess. Would've definitely been higher if pretty much any other girl was chosen, especially Satsuki or Hazuki.
Sep 7, 2015 4:28 AM

Dec 2014
Chisato was okay... But i like a Satsuki route ending better. (She reminds me Morishima Haruka from Amagami .) or Isara. :)
Nov 25, 2015 2:49 PM

Aug 2013
It was good. Really good. They showed how elections works in general. It reminds me the political situation in my country and last elections! Every TV station, every newspaper or online media was against one of political partie, because they wanted rightful country (and judge huge amount of people from political world for their criminal past). Thanks God they won and now finally they started working on recreation of my country.

Great anime,, I really enjoyed this show. 9/10
Dec 8, 2015 3:03 AM

Nov 2014
testamentKAISER said:
Chisato was okay... But i like a Satsuki route ending better. (She reminds me Morishima Haruka from Amagami .) or Isara. :)
heh, same... really liked Satsuki, and it really does remind me of Morishima Haruka from Amagami... Quite enjoyable and the art was pretty good as well...
Dec 10, 2015 8:29 PM
Dec 2013
Awful show. Only a few character interactions (that were unique enough) and a mix of drama all over the place doesn't make for an interesting story. The yaoi jokes don't tickle my funny bone, but I'll get over that, at least. Lastly, the threat of violence in a romcom SoL-ish story just annoyed me a bit too much.

Maybe I'd like the VN a bit more, but somehow I doubt it. I really wasn't into the whole election theme anyway. I think it has to do with how I dislike the mix or serious themes mixed with comedic tones thrown here and there. There are other shows that I've watched and disliked for the same reason.

It's somewhat ironic, but you'd think I'd like this over SchoolDays, which gets a lot of flak, but I on the other somewhat enjoyed SchoolDays, whereas this show is somewhat forgettable once you realize how simple the plot was and how very little happened.

Sigh. Onto the next anime on my list...
Mar 17, 2016 12:45 PM

May 2013
This Anime exceeded my expectation at first i thought this would be a typical harem anime but i got really into it the drama gave me feels and its very enjoyable to watch and i really like the ending and how everything went

I like the chocolate kiss

and about 5 hours ago i planned to take a bath so i stripped naked and got my towel then i decided to watch this anime and yes i watch the whole anime naked in one sitting
Mar 29, 2016 2:50 PM

Jun 2014
wow this is surprisingly enjoyable. Gotta check the vn later.
Jul 2, 2016 8:30 PM

Oct 2015
Why. Why. WHY! WHYYYYY! SATSUKI-CHAN WHY DIDNT YOU END UP WITH HIM!!! I KNOW NOW, ITS ALL THAT DUMB TEACHERS FAULT, IF SHE DIDNT FREAKING COCKBLOCK SATSUKI-CHAN'S KISS I WOULD HAVE HAD NO REGRETS!!! It pains me, whichever anime studio adapted this anime, please, have a bus ticket I bought, its destination is hell.
Aug 29, 2016 11:57 PM

Mar 2016
um the end pairing was kind of obvious. it was gonna be his long childhood friend. im disappointed that i did not get what was looking for in this anime. i thought there would be some love triangle romance in this but it was just another harem romance comedy anime sigh... was looking for something like white album 2 but this was put on recommendations. well the story was interesting nonethless and the harem was not overdone. 5/10
Sep 18, 2016 12:54 AM

Dec 2014
yes a good end truly interesting and fasinating series
Sep 28, 2016 5:54 PM

Dec 2014
This was like a really shitty version of House of Cards. The gay guy frustrated me, the cliches frustrated me, I should just stay away from shows like this.

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Poll: » Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Yumekichi11 - Aug 30, 2012

127 by bakakisima »»
Aug 1, 2024 8:50 AM

Poll: » Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Episode 6 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Yumekichi11 - Aug 16, 2012

90 by bakakisima »»
Jul 30, 2024 1:41 PM

Poll: » Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Yumekichi11 - Jul 19, 2012

114 by bakakisima »»
Jul 30, 2024 11:33 AM

Poll: » Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Yumekichi11 - Jul 12, 2012

117 by FegiAndrian »»
Aug 26, 2023 11:43 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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