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Dec 10, 2014 6:27 PM

Sep 2014
This was to be expected since the first season did not have enough DVD sales. 8/10 Should have stopped at first season.
Dec 10, 2014 6:29 PM

Nov 2008
Dang, I love this series but the ending is meh.

They should have put it in 12 eps at least...

Oh well 7/10

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 10, 2014 6:32 PM

Dec 2007
On one hand, I like that it's finished and they didn't just let it trail off like so many others. On the other, I'm also a firm believer that if you know you can't do it right, don't attempt to do it wrong. This season, while occasionally fun and providing some level of closure, was disjointed as heck. Some episodes felt too slow for what they were attempting, while others ran pretty much like an summary instead of the actual story. They appear to not even have had it in them to try and do a through-the-credits epilogue, which would have helped immensely.

Oh. And:
Red Chaika. New outfit. Like.
Dec 10, 2014 6:43 PM

Jul 2014
Overall the series was alright. Wish the 2nd season was longer than 10 episodes, but what can we do... 6/10 from me.
Dec 10, 2014 6:47 PM

Aug 2013
Quite busy end, many battles and rapid development, but everything as expected, nothing very surprising, but I enjoyed seeing Tooru very strong and Chaika sacrificing himself to kill the emperor

Akari again did not have great highlight, but for me she is the best girl in the anime, and how it was badass in this episode also

I Expected to see a little more after defeating the emperor, but already gave you an idea of how the story follows

The anime has some good aspects, but has some negative too, is a good story for anyone who likes fantasy and adventure, surprised me positively in general, then I indicate to those who enjoy these genres ..
Dec 10, 2014 7:45 PM

Aug 2013
Yeah, it was rushed. I felt like they could've played the chaika-losing-memories-part at the end with so much feels, haha. Oh well, I can use my imagination and fill in the blanks. It was a good story.
Dec 10, 2014 7:58 PM

Sep 2013
That was a really great series. Im a little disappointed that Shin never went Iron-Blood Transformation because I just wanted to see that overwhelming power difference but Toru using his mind to open himself up and then attack was very Toru-ish so its acceptable. And lol at the end with Akari writing a novel between the love of 2 Sabateur siblings and it merely being the prologue.

10/10 for the series.
Dec 10, 2014 8:21 PM

Apr 2010
The plot element I was so pained to see never happened was the fact that Gaz turned out to be a one-man Industrial Revolutionary. Seriously! This dude... man, he developed genetic engineering, long-range laser cannons, space stations... holy shit!

So wish this was 12 episodes, this is the kind of final battle that needed at least 3 episodes to do properly, but I guess that's the financial reality of the show...
Dec 10, 2014 8:25 PM

Jul 2012
ReaperCreeper said:
I preferred the 1st season, this would have benefited from being slightly longer.

This. I don't have much else to say. The entire series ranged from mediocre to good at times. It was fun to watch though.
Dec 10, 2014 8:36 PM

Apr 2012
Meh that felt like a cop out ending; Niva suddenly turning on Gaz made it really anti-climatic


The show had its moments.

Dec 10, 2014 8:48 PM
Jul 2012
Well, this series was really good while it lasted. It had an interesting world, nice adventures and a good amount of mystery overall. But, this finale needed at least 2 episodes.

I mean, we all agreed that this was rushed. The fight scenes between Toru and Shin wasn't given enough screen time. Gaz never told us why Toru had peaked his interest if we don't read between the lines. And, the battle with the Chaika army was a bit boring. I thought all the Chaikas were supposed to be extremely talented in a field to obtain the remains. If so, a lot of them have got to be skilled combatants. Niva's betrayal, if you can call it that, wasn't given much reason as to why. We get a small idea, but its way too underdeveloped(can't really improve it though).

Still, lets agree that this was a good finale and wait twiddling our thumbs for the OVA.
Dec 10, 2014 8:51 PM

Jan 2013
Wow, a lot happened.
Needed 22 episode.
Fredrica is the most unappreciated character.
Dec 10, 2014 8:57 PM
Feb 2011
Last 3 episodes were quite predictable and dragged out. But overall I enjoyed it.
Dec 10, 2014 8:59 PM

Nov 2014
Not enough Fredrica.
Dec 10, 2014 9:36 PM

Apr 2013
"Niva has personality." - Ends up stuck in gundo mode imprisoned in a glass case. Thanks for saving the world.

A good series overall 7/10. I'll miss Chaika.
Dec 10, 2014 9:41 PM
Sep 2009
They really could have used a few more episodes to develop Niva; the way she just turned on Gaz was just baffling, honestly. If they had actually given her a personality (instead of just saying she did) and gave her more of a relationship with Chaika, it would have contextualized this last minute change of heart and declaration of having a personality. I also find it funny that after she saves the world, the next time we see her, she's chained up and locked away. I wonder if she's having second thoughts about betraying Gaz.

That said, I did like the final battle with Black Chaika. Plus, Toru finally makes a contract with Fredrika , I only wish we got to see him do more.

I really liked most of the show a lot, but it is a bit disappointed that it lead to an all too rushed conclusion. A 7 out of 10 overall. It's a good action adventure through majority of the show, but it just lacks catharsis in the end.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Dec 10, 2014 10:19 PM
Jul 2018
Overall it was a very nice sequel ~ I need more Chaika !
Shocking truth ! She still looks Chaika ! I wonder if they'll ever come back ti their past selves or ... vanish? Because they're tools, right? And where's Layla? (I don't remember xD)

Welp, even /if/ the OVA's gonna be a filler, it's fine by me. More Chaika !
Dec 10, 2014 10:24 PM

Jul 2013
Wow so rushed (though expected). I can understand why most people are confused. However what I can gather are these:

- Guy is some sort of projections from the floating castles in space.
- Niva couldn't shoot Chaika because she was the one who activated her in the first place
- Chaika ran out of bullets so in the end had to use her own memories to power Niva's last shot
- Chaika lost her memories and is rehabilitating with Toru.

Hopefully someone who has access to the last LN volume would be able to clear things up in the future but I believe that's what happened anyway. Still, the 2nd season had been a thrilling journey despite the single blip that is this final episode. The mystery and plot twists were well-kept until the end and it's such a shame that this couldn't be dragged in to a much more deserving 12 or 13 episodes. Normally only comedy or SoL shows get 10 episodes.

9/10 for the whole series.
Dec 10, 2014 10:43 PM

Oct 2011
Cannot beloved Chaika is over. Wished for 2 or even 3 more episodes T__T
Dec 10, 2014 10:43 PM

Jul 2012
Sure, it was rushed in places, but I still enjoyed it. The story of Chaika has been a fun ride throughout, and that goes for this final episode too.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Dec 10, 2014 10:48 PM

Mar 2012
The moment I saw that the second season was only 10 episodes I figured it'd be rushed. To be fair, it did pretty well all the way up to episode 10, and even then it wasn't as if a whole lot was missing (unless LN readers indicate otherwise, it was fairly smooth). The ending itself was satisfactory, I think. It's back to peacetime, and everyone lived to see the day.

This series definitely did a pretty good job in terms of execution. None of the world setting went to waste, and just about every bit of thread that was left was picked up by the end (at least I don't remember any plot hole that was left)...which can't be said for a lot of series out there. Kind of sad that it went by rather quickly and probably could've been a lot less anticlimactic in the last few episodes, but overall still a pretty above average piece of work, art, soundtrack, characterization, plot all considered. 8/10 in my book.
Dec 10, 2014 11:02 PM

Sep 2011
I grant it a 7/10, it was pretty solid overall just that the ending was super rushed.

The ending left me with a few odd questions which I hope the OVA will answer.

Gaz spends and entirety of 21 episodes to get his plan together and everything goes to shit in less then 21 minutes, the final boss have it bad as always.

Edit: Toru's Dragoon mode reminded me of .Hack's Haseo in many ways.
Dec 10, 2014 11:13 PM
Oct 2013
What the heck? That's all? What a waste of last episode. I believe the story can be told much better if this season is for ~12 episodes.
Dec 10, 2014 11:28 PM

Jan 2011
wish this was a bit longer at least 2 more eps felt rushed but seeing as how it could of ended up far worst i think they rapped up everything decently,7/10 almost a 8 for the series

Shocking Truth!~ never forget!
Dec 10, 2014 11:30 PM

Aug 2013
So that's the end of Hitsugi no Chaika huh?

Kind of sad. I really enjoyed both seasons. It was definitely an underdog show that's for sure.

It did feel rushed at the end, but at the same time it was good for the time allotted, and it showed enough stuff to make it satisfactory.

First and foremost we got Toru making the contract with Frederica and turning into a boss. Though I guess by renouncing his title as saboteur he lost the ability to use iron-blood transformation. Oh well, he beat that Shin guy's ass.

Next best thing we got to see was Akari using iron-blood again. We got it once last season, and I was really looking forward to seeing it more this season. Especially since they show it all the time in the OP. We got it once in episode 1 this season and pumped me up, but we didn't get it again until this episode. Nonetheless I'm glad we got to see it at least one more time.

Gillette retired after that. Handed over the reigns to Nikolai, though I'm sure there wasn't much fighting that needed to be done anyway. Kind of disappointed we didn't get to see Vivi x Gillette sailed ship at the end.

Niva didn't transform back. I wonder why? But at least her Gundo form didn't break.

Chaika was still alive thank god. Red Chaika still being a tsundere.

It looks like Chaika using that big ass move to kill Gaz affected her memory to the point of almost crippling her. I'm just going to assume that it consumed most of her memories since we don't see her say anyone's names. We only get a thank you. Akari also mentioned that she happened to feel well enough to walk that day, but she stumbled a bit.

I guess overall you could call it a happy ending. Thanks for the adventures Chaika.

S1 = 9/10 S2 = 8/10

Cant wait for the OVA. Anime original stuff. Looks super fan service heavy.
Dec 10, 2014 11:38 PM

Jun 2013
Good overall, i guess. Ending way too rushed, though. :(

feel bad for Niva, being locked up in a cage in her gundo mode. And she's still latched onto Chaika's gun, i see.
Dec 10, 2014 11:57 PM

Mar 2008
Loved this anime. Toru making a contract with Fredrica was bad ass. I also like how Red Chaika stayed with them after it all ended. 9/10
Dec 11, 2014 12:14 AM

May 2012
If this series had 12 hell even 11 I think it would have had a better ending. I enjoyed the series, just wish it had a better ending.

Dec 11, 2014 12:27 AM

Oct 2010
Like just about everyone else here, ending feels rushed. Still a solid series though. 7/10 for both seasons.
"People die when they are killed" - Emiya Shirou
Dec 11, 2014 12:28 AM

Aug 2013
Aw it's over ;_;
Great ending to an overall awesome show. Didn't really feel all that rushed to me, just wish it was longer.
8/10, same as first season.
wow gay
Dec 11, 2014 12:43 AM

May 2013
Toru finally made a contract with Fredrica. That was kinda cool.
LOL! Gaz was easily defeated. I don't know why Niva resisted in killing Chaika, but that was a disappointing part.

Yeah, it was rushed, it could have been better if they extended it until episode 12.

The OVA better be good than what happened in this episode.

I'm giving this a solid 7/10.
The first season was 8/10.
Dec 11, 2014 1:14 AM

Dec 2013
So it's a happily ever after ending.

Best scene

overall this season is quite enjoyable. 6/10 for me
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Dec 11, 2014 1:35 AM

Dec 2013
So it's over and were left underwhelmed, there is a lot of questions that were left unanswered and the ending was very anti-climatic. With one episode left, we got what we expected with the defeat of Gaz. It's a very poor ending but i really liked the first season and i usually build off of seasons when i grade so this was a 8.0 before episode 10 and i'll bring it down to a 7.0 as my final rating.

Favorite Character: Fredrica- She's a "beast"
Least Favorite Character: Shin Acura- Poor mentor...never got his point across.
HibbingtonDec 11, 2014 1:43 AM
Dec 11, 2014 1:53 AM

Aug 2008
To every big baddie out there: Make sure 100% that your sentient weapon's allegiance lies with you.

Eh, it was decent. Rushed yeah, but entertaining enough.
Dec 11, 2014 2:18 AM

Nov 2011
Really enjoyed the first season, the second was not.

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Dec 11, 2014 2:29 AM

Apr 2014
How true is this comment I found on YT?
"What happened in the LN

-Tournament Arc Starts
-Toru and the Gang decided to enter the tournament
-Toru entered the tournament with Frederica while Chaika, Akari and Niva went scouting.
-Akari and her group got captured. see DAT ASS THOUGH!!
-Toru and Frederica vs NOTGillette and Boxhead guy. see
-Toru gets beaten by Gilette very badly and lost unconsciousness so Frederica takes him away.
-After Tooru wakes up, Frederica asks him to make a contract, but Toru still refuses to have one so Frederica RIPPED his throat out to force him to make a contract with her.
-Toru won the competition, and meets Hartgen and Guy
-Guy explains that he is an apostle of God the same as Gaz
-Gaz was given the task by God to help the humanity advance, however he cuts all ties he have with God, because he wants war and not peace
-Guy gets sent by God to collect all parts and kill Gaz after his reborn, but Gaz kills him
-Gaz asks Toru and Gilette what they want as a reward
-Gaz suggested that Toru, Gilette and Him could unite the world as the three emperors, they refuse.


End of Volume 10

Volume 11 spoiler - Toru becomes a half Chaika, see hair.


Dec 11, 2014 2:50 AM

Dec 2013
Fredrica was seriously underperforming throughout the whole series...
Dec 11, 2014 2:54 AM

Dec 2013
I don't understand much disappointment .... First, we knew from the first episode of S1 that they would go in a hurry ... second, with 10 episodes was logical ... Third, it's better then a more precise series, but that will NEVER have a final ?

Because we all know, if the BONES hadn't wanted to finish it anyway, they would stop at volume 3 ... we wouldn't have ever known Red Chaika for example ...

I do not know if it is true ... but as you can see, the series would serve many more episodes ... but if sales are low, why BONES have to lose money ?
Unfortunately it's the truth... moreover is Kadokawa which prescribed the 10 episodes ...
What do you think about the planetarium? That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when....
Dec 11, 2014 3:46 AM

Jan 2013
Scared that Fredrica might die but all is good.
I want more, the ending felt rushed tho, but I'm not disappointed. Hope to see a OVA soon.
Dec 11, 2014 4:21 AM

Apr 2014
When I watched this Final Episode it was kinda with M3:The Dark Metal because there was feeding from terror and despair and converts it into something (Admonition:Magic) and Brynhildr in the Darkness with White Chaika Trabant used her memories to make her most powerful attack to eliminate the most dangerous enemy.

Oh well It's good to see that Gillette and his companions got promoted and doing fine.
Red Chaika Bohdan was still being tsudere but still caring for Toru's group.
Akari was making a novel? Is it her ideal life because she can't do it because Toru only sees her as his sister?
Seeing Toru assisting and being Chaika (White) was great. Too bad Chaik (White) needs to build good memories again with Toru because all of her memories with him was been completely lost(?) because she traded it to defeat/kill the "The Taboo Emperor" Gaz.
And too bad for Niva. She was been locked up and like she was just a tool, Even if she declared that she also had perosnality too.
Oh well she's a dangerous weapon so if she was been used for war it will be a big problem. But It's just wrong to keep her locked up!

EDIT: Wait Fredrica Where? She was not showed in the ending damn it!... Oh, in a cat form. But I want in Human Form!

So it's over now? I know there's an OVA but it's almost likely a side story. Well since the story was kinda over,
So I guess I can be fine with that. I will definitely gonna miss this!

I will gonna rate this 8 out of 10 overall because I'm still not satisfied with that ending because Chaika (White) needs to start over again which kinda left me hanging. But this is definitely a Great Anime/Manga!
Haters always gonna hate.
Dec 11, 2014 4:27 AM

Feb 2014
I wonder what would happen if Toru tried an iron blood transformation after contracting. Was half expecting to see that when he fought Gaz.

I liked this episode, it had quite a few funny moments and overall felt like a rather nice conclusion. Some things are left unanswered, but that's perfectly fine by me.
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Dec 11, 2014 5:22 AM

Dec 2011
Everything felt so rushed... it could have used more episodes... especially with the fights (even if they were meager) particularly Tooru vs Shin and also to Gaz, fleshing out more of Niva POV... she just went to Chaika just like that. >.<

Overall, the series isn't bad.
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Dec 11, 2014 5:51 AM

Dec 2012
Everything was fine until the last 5 minutes. Weak final resolution. I was expecting them to skip OP / ED to have more time but clearly that was too much to ask.

First time I see a time skip that devotes like 2 minutes or less to the main characters, then it just kinda ends.

2.5/5 ep, 8/10 series because I was thoroughly entertained.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Dec 11, 2014 6:35 AM

Jan 2013
Nakama power would've been better than "oh shit me just remember me has personality"
Dec 11, 2014 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
I was waiting for the moment Toru would make a contract with Fredrica but I have to admit that being a cavalier doesn't really suit him much. This episode went by very quickly, all the scenes seemed rushed and the battles too especially Gaz's death, I expected it'll take a little more than that to kill him once and for all but I guess Niva is insanely OP. Overall it was enjoyable and now time to wait for the OVA.
Dec 11, 2014 7:14 AM
Jul 2018
NeutralSide said:
How true is this comment I found on YT?
"What happened in the LN

-Tournament Arc Starts
-Toru and the Gang decided to enter the tournament
-Toru entered the tournament with Frederica while Chaika, Akari and Niva went scouting.
-Akari and her group got captured. see DAT ASS THOUGH!!
-Toru and Frederica vs NOTGillette and Boxhead guy. see
-Toru gets beaten by Gilette very badly and lost unconsciousness so Frederica takes him away.
-After Tooru wakes up, Frederica asks him to make a contract, but Toru still refuses to have one so Frederica RIPPED his throat out to force him to make a contract with her.
-Toru won the competition, and meets Hartgen and Guy
-Guy explains that he is an apostle of God the same as Gaz
-Gaz was given the task by God to help the humanity advance, however he cuts all ties he have with God, because he wants war and not peace
-Guy gets sent by God to collect all parts and kill Gaz after his reborn, but Gaz kills him
-Gaz asks Toru and Gilette what they want as a reward
-Gaz suggested that Toru, Gilette and Him could unite the world as the three emperors, they refuse.


End of Volume 10

Volume 11 spoiler - Toru becomes a half Chaika, see hair.


It it is true...then this is kindl of a mess-up.

And that true Dragon Cavalier armor is pretty sleek.
removed-userDec 11, 2014 7:36 AM
Dec 11, 2014 8:23 AM

Nov 2013
DejWoSWK said:
NeutralSide said:
How true is this comment I found on YT?
"What happened in the LN

-Tournament Arc Starts
-Toru and the Gang decided to enter the tournament
-Toru entered the tournament with Frederica while Chaika, Akari and Niva went scouting.
-Akari and her group got captured. see DAT ASS THOUGH!!
-Toru and Frederica vs NOTGillette and Boxhead guy. see
-Toru gets beaten by Gilette very badly and lost unconsciousness so Frederica takes him away.
-After Tooru wakes up, Frederica asks him to make a contract, but Toru still refuses to have one so Frederica RIPPED his throat out to force him to make a contract with her.
-Toru won the competition, and meets Hartgen and Guy
-Guy explains that he is an apostle of God the same as Gaz
-Gaz was given the task by God to help the humanity advance, however he cuts all ties he have with God, because he wants war and not peace
-Guy gets sent by God to collect all parts and kill Gaz after his reborn, but Gaz kills him
-Gaz asks Toru and Gilette what they want as a reward
-Gaz suggested that Toru, Gilette and Him could unite the world as the three emperors, they refuse.


End of Volume 10

Volume 11 spoiler - Toru becomes a half Chaika, see hair.


It it is true...then this is kindl of a mess-up.

And that true Dragon Cavalier armor is pretty sleek.

Is this for real? That's really different from the source material then. Talk about anime original ending. I didn't mind the ending though, but now it makes me want to read the LN. Although I'm sure the outcome will be the same.

All those images look really cool, especially the Gaz + Niva one - looks really sci-fi and cyber punk-ish, which is really cool. And yes, this dragon armour looks pretty badass too. Not sure how I feel about Bones leaving out that Tooru becomes a half-Chaika. I mean they rushed so much, might as well have cramped this in into a 15 second time frame too (like season 1 when the other girl becomes half Chaika). Although it's still possible for this to happen in the OVA, although I'm overall satisfied with the ending.

Also I like it more how Tooru becomes a Dragon Cavalier in the anime, because here it's his own decision, where as in the LN as stated, Frederica forces him into becoming one (even though she does it for their own good I imagine).

Edit: I just realised the LN is still publishing. It's fine then, because there would have been no other way for Bones to adapt it without an original ending. The only minus is the rush job, otherwise it's not really a big deal.
HandsomeManDec 11, 2014 8:33 AM
Dec 11, 2014 8:33 AM

Feb 2008
As expected the fight with Gaz (and mainly the whole episode) was rushed...
Still, I felt this season was a fun ride.
Dec 11, 2014 8:49 AM

Mar 2014
The ending was too simple but overall is good !!
Dec 11, 2014 8:50 AM

Mar 2012
HandsomeMan said:
DejWoSWK said:

It it is true...then this is kindl of a mess-up.

And that true Dragon Cavalier armor is pretty sleek.

Is this for real? That's really different from the source material then. Talk about anime original ending. I didn't mind the ending though, but now it makes me want to read the LN. Although I'm sure the outcome will be the same.

All those images look really cool, especially the Gaz + Niva one - looks really sci-fi and cyber punk-ish, which is really cool. And yes, this dragon armour looks pretty badass too. Not sure how I feel about Bones leaving out that Tooru becomes a half-Chaika. I mean they rushed so much, might as well have cramped this in into a 15 second time frame too (like season 1 when the other girl becomes half Chaika). Although it's still possible for this to happen in the OVA, although I'm overall satisfied with the ending.

Also I like it more how Tooru becomes a Dragon Cavalier in the anime, because here it's his own decision, where as in the LN as stated, Frederica forces him into becoming one (even though she does it for their own good I imagine).

Edit: I just realised the LN is still publishing. It's fine then, because there would have been no other way for Bones to adapt it without an original ending. The only minus is the rush job, otherwise it's not really a big deal.

He does not turn into a half chaika. the contract of being a dragon cavalier made his hair glow white the same as federica's dragon armor color. The ending for the LN and the Anime ended differently but more or less the same conclusion. the only problem is the last episode was rushed so they had to make a few changes. it should have had 2 more episodes but im satisfied.

P.s If nobody knows yet Hitsugi no Chaika has been approved to have a western Publication by yen press
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