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Ace of the Diamond
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Nov 29, 2014 3:46 PM

Nov 2011
So we find out a bit more about Haruichi's past this episode. It felt a bit repetitive but whatever.

Seems like Haruichi relieves a bit of his memory too. The episode was pretty tense when his bat shattered upon impact with the ball. Honestly, I didn't expect that so I'm just as surprised as some of the other players are this episode.
Stark700Nov 29, 2014 8:34 PM
Nov 29, 2014 6:05 PM

Jul 2010
Haruichi being able to hit it from the first pitch. Mei wanting to break his bat, he didn't truly mean that!

Really nice to learn about Jun, Haruichi and Yuki's feelings towards baseball! With all base full and having two outs, Yuki vs Mei! It being a pretty amazing duel that would definitely change the game! It lasting that long was pretty nice.

My heart was pretty tense when Mei threw that ball tbh, that slow motion along with it. Who is going to prevail with both carrying a lot over their shoulders!
Nov 29, 2014 6:19 PM

Apr 2014
oh my fucking kgjisjfdglijsdkjlfhsdkf
I've never been so mad at a cliffhanger. Ugh :-( They're seriously throwing that intense tension they built up this episode out the frickin window?!

Sigh. Anyways, highlight of the ep was Harucchi. He's so damn underrated.
Nov 29, 2014 7:03 PM

May 2010
saying it now..ppl will be dissapointed next week.
Nov 29, 2014 7:38 PM

Jul 2010
Kerozinn said:
saying it now..ppl will be dissapointed next week.

O.o Disappointment only means that Yuki is going to fail :/ I don't really care about Mei tbh.
Nov 29, 2014 7:57 PM

Apr 2014
WOW what a great episode. Haruichi hitting the first pitch and his bat breaking on impact was badass. Isashiki get's on base on Yuki steps up to bring it home! This anime is the Reason I love Sundays!
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Nov 29, 2014 8:19 PM

Dec 2013
Really happy Haruichi was able to get a hit off of Mei. As expected, the suspense builds up as the episode cuts off between the two aces. Let's go Yuki!
Nov 29, 2014 10:42 PM

Apr 2013
Kerozinn said:
saying it now..ppl will be dissapointed next week.
really nice spoiler bro.
Nov 29, 2014 10:50 PM

Jul 2014
Kerozinn said:
saying it now..ppl will be dissapointed next week.

wtf some one please tell him to use the spoiler tag
How do I signature?
Nov 29, 2014 10:55 PM

May 2011
This episode gave me several goosebumps

Sourire said:
Kerozinn said:
really nice spoiler bro.


LOAD said:
Ugh :-( They're seriously throwing that intense tension they built up this episode out the frickin window?!

That's what I was thinking too. I'll probably not feel the same atmosphere/tension that I was having after watching this episodes.

But still, great episode
jr_paperbagDec 1, 2014 6:06 AM
Nov 29, 2014 11:09 PM
Mar 2013
The ending..... was perfect.

Next episode will be the bees knees yo.
Nov 29, 2014 11:20 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Haruichi was amaaazing! Loved the back story which occurred right before the hit. I just love how much he looks up to Ryousuke ;_; These brothers are the best. I remember in the beginning I had thought that Ryousuke seemed a little cold, or kind of wtv towards Haruichi, but that thought had quickly disappeared as I saw Ryousuke initiating to practice with Haruichi. And of course also last episode when he had a lot of confidence in Haruichi. Beautiful moment when Haruichi's bat broke into pieces, and everyone's surprised faces!

xahjun said:

Sourire said:
really nice spoiler bro.


What if he meant people will be disappointed with Mei's supposedly awesome-pitch-which-if-perfected-will-be-untouchable? :P I've read the manga, but I don't remember the outcome of this...but I guess it's still a spoiler since I'm sure everyone here is rooting for Seidou so you can interpret that comment from that pov if that makes any sense. If y'all are complaining about the spoiler, might be best to also quote that in spoilers :)

But yeah, talk about intense cliffhanger...
Nov 29, 2014 11:48 PM

Sep 2011
For those without patience, that can't wait a week.

Diamond no Ace Ch 175 Vol 08 : From Here On...
Throws the pitch Towards the end of the chapter

Diamond no Ace Ch 176 Vol 08 : Can't Remember
Chapters starts with him attempting to hit the pitch
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Nov 30, 2014 12:10 AM
May 2012
Do you know whats the most interesting thing?
It takes more than two episodes to finish just one innings.(even that's not finished yet)
This gets way beyond drama.and its getting annoying. The image in my mind of shounen is getting worse everyday.the hell with 'nakama'(my ass) and 'i won't lose next time' (even after losing 100 times).these trademark dialogues needs to change.'nakama',fuuu!!!!!
Let me onto you something,you can't win anything no matter how much trust you have on your teammates.You need skills to back you up.if you have time to waste time on relying on others you can at least do image training to strengthen your mind.'nakama'!!!! maybe i am growing up.OH boy i miss MAJOR
Nov 30, 2014 3:21 AM

Apr 2014
ijen said:
Do you know whats the most interesting thing?
It takes more than two episodes to finish just one innings.(even that's not finished yet)
This gets way beyond drama.and its getting annoying. The image in my mind of shounen is getting worse everyday.the hell with 'nakama'(my ass) and 'i won't lose next time' (even after losing 100 times).these trademark dialogues needs to change.'nakama',fuuu!!!!!
Let me onto you something,you can't win anything no matter how much trust you have on your teammates.You need skills to back you up.if you have time to waste time on relying on others you can at least do image training to strengthen your mind.'nakama'!!!! maybe i am growing up.OH boy i miss MAJOR

Well this game started at the second half of episode 51 and now we're on episode 58 and the game is at the bottom of the eighth. Eight episodes, eight innings so I think we're okay in that aspect (for now). This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing and I haven't seen Major but im guessing it's similar to this.
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Nov 30, 2014 3:47 AM
Jul 2018
I have a feeling that things aren't going to turn out well for Inashiro unfortunately, and that's probably because of the "feelings", and "determination" Seido consistently gives off. I honestly want Inashiro to win, but if we're going to have flashbacks of why Seido players are going to beat their opponent, then we can forget about Narumiya striking out Yuki.

Overall, it was an alright episode, the cliff hanger at the end was somewhat annoying though.
Nov 30, 2014 8:52 AM

May 2009
This show need a new type of's always the same
<img src="" border="0" />
Nov 30, 2014 9:26 AM
Feb 2013
What kind of end was that ??? I'm dying, I'm dead, no please !
Nov 30, 2014 9:38 AM
Dec 2007
If Yuki doesn't make this hit I will be super disappointed. Making it a cliffhanger otherwise is stupid.

We already saw Mei strike out Yuki (every turn at bat) so him doing it again is just repetitive and doesn't need a cliffhanger.

We already saw Mei pitch his change-up perfectly (and to Yuki) so why should I care if he does it again even if it gets worse later in the game.

The only thing that will make the cliffhanger worthwhile is if Mei does pitch it perfectly and Yuki hits it.

If they dragged this scene out for any other outcome I am going to be extremely frustrated. I am trying not to read the manga but it is hard.
Nov 30, 2014 10:03 AM

Apr 2011
I urge you guys to never watch the preview from here on out. That's no cliffhanger, they spoiled it in the preview. And they seriously need to pick the pace up. Well, at least it's better than One Piece.
Nov 30, 2014 11:23 AM

Aug 2009
Ahem *cough* first let me fangirl about Yuki


Omg this episode got me so hyped! I just can't wait!!! Wow I was so immersed in this episode it seemed to fly by. I swear like 7 minutes passed. Haruichi's first at bat was splendid. He was great and I loved that flashback we got about him and his brother going to buy bats. Simply, love!
Dat OST when Yuki and the coach were talking! I MUST KNOW WHAT IT IS!!

Nov 30, 2014 12:32 PM

Aug 2010

Why are all the Senpai's having their flashbacks?? Are they gonna lose this match D:

Loved Haru as usual. This kid's BOSS!! He hasn't missed a bat yet :3 Dat guts pose ^^
Nov 30, 2014 12:42 PM
May 2012
AJWilliams said:
ijen said:
Do you know whats the most interesting thing?
It takes more than two episodes to finish just one innings.(even that's not finished yet)
This gets way beyond drama.and its getting annoying. The image in my mind of shounen is getting worse everyday.the hell with 'nakama'(my ass) and 'i won't lose next time' (even after losing 100 times).these trademark dialogues needs to change.'nakama',fuuu!!!!!
Let me onto you something,you can't win anything no matter how much trust you have on your teammates.You need skills to back you up.if you have time to waste time on relying on others you can at least do image training to strengthen your mind.'nakama'!!!! maybe i am growing up.OH boy i miss MAJOR

Well this game started at the second half of episode 51 and now we're on episode 58 and the game is at the bottom of the eighth. Eight episodes, eight innings so I think we're okay in that aspect (for now). This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing and I haven't seen Major but im guessing it's similar to this.

You can always ignore this if you don't like but the truth doesn't change.
Actually what said was that i takes more than two episodes to finish a not yet finished innings.even 8 episodes for not yet finished 8 innings are too much.but compared to before its tolerable.
MY god you just gave the statement of the year."This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing". Have you ever played outdoor sport?from your speech its obvious that you have no experience whatsoever.if you think team means trusting your teammates and growing strong, then your dead just doesn't work that way.If your thinking is right lets imagine a setting where you have a team and LOTS of trust among yourselves and in important decisive moment you make some error because of your incompetence and lose something big.What do you think would happen?can you honestly say that your teammates and fans will say 'ohhh!don't mind we are a team aren't we?' i can assure you that nothing will be same again.everyone will think 'if there was someone better' whether its directly or indirectly. This is a setting but you won't under since you have no experience.Trust grows from acknowledgement of strength,skill,superiority not something like covering for others,relying on others.11X1< a team game everyone will have to do their role.A strong person can change the game by himself.Do you honestly think the person who covers for your mistakes will stay in the same team always.Not a chance,either he will be promoted or you will be discarded.This is team game.All that matters is winning and if you are skilled enough you will win.So, at the end of the day,my point is don't brag about the knowledge based on animes.Anime is nothing but entertainment and its the idea of an author who may not even experienced sports.If you thinking anime is right then Japan would have been the world champions by now.So why?lack of trust?lack of hard word work?Everyone will follow you when you are strong and when you are weak you have nothing but to rely on others.And in the end by relying on others its not your doing.
Like i said you can always ignore but the truth is different.
And don't make assumption about AOD being similar to major.The only similar aspect is that both of them are baseball.I recommend that you watch major it is better than this.I like AOD and its human nature to compare with something better
Nov 30, 2014 1:00 PM

Nov 2014
dang what a cliff hanger. Yuki is so cool. I'm pumped for next week. I think they stretch each game a bit too much, but it's nice hearing the back stories of the players. I love the relationship between the kominato brothers. I'm glad there isn't a ton of drama and jealousy and whatnot between the two of them.
Nov 30, 2014 1:16 PM

Sep 2014
Another cliffhanger, can't wait till next week. these cliffhangers are killing me, seriously.
Nov 30, 2014 4:23 PM

May 2012
Omg. The cliffhangers are killing me!
Nov 30, 2014 7:10 PM

Jun 2009
ijen said:
Do you know whats the most interesting thing?
It takes more than two episodes to finish just one innings.(even that's not finished yet)
This gets way beyond drama.and its getting annoying. The image in my mind of shounen is getting worse everyday.the hell with 'nakama'(my ass) and 'i won't lose next time' (even after losing 100 times).these trademark dialogues needs to change.'nakama',fuuu!!!!!
Let me onto you something,you can't win anything no matter how much trust you have on your teammates.You need skills to back you up.if you have time to waste time on relying on others you can at least do image training to strengthen your mind.'nakama'!!!! maybe i am growing up.OH boy i miss MAJOR

"The image in my mind of shounen is getting worse everyday.the hell with 'nakama'(my ass) and 'i won't lose next time' (even after losing 100 times).these trademark dialogues needs to change.'nakama',fuuu!!!!!"

...Isn't that what shonen is all about?
When people stop reading/watching, "these trademark dialogues" it may change. Until then Dattebayo!

Anyway, it's got to be time for a homerun. Yuki go forth!
Nov 30, 2014 10:52 PM

Oct 2011
Nov 30, 2014 11:08 PM

Mar 2008
A painful spot to end the episode. From all the build-up I suppose the pitch will be perfect, Yuuki will get a solid hit, but something will keep it from being a complete rout.

The track during Yuki/coach's flashes/monologue is pretty great.
Dec 1, 2014 12:14 AM

Nov 2012
oh, everyone from inashiro smiling in the preview.
guess the overrated 3rd year yuki and tanba dont do shit in this game at all
first year and kuramochi carrying these feeder
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Dec 1, 2014 12:20 AM

Jul 2014
Woo, can't wait till next episode!
Dec 1, 2014 4:02 AM

Oct 2013
Dec 1, 2014 6:46 AM

May 2011
ijen said:
AJWilliams said:

Well this game started at the second half of episode 51 and now we're on episode 58 and the game is at the bottom of the eighth. Eight episodes, eight innings so I think we're okay in that aspect (for now). This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing and I haven't seen Major but im guessing it's similar to this.

You can always ignore this if you don't like but the truth doesn't change.
Actually what said was that i takes more than two episodes to finish a not yet finished innings.even 8 episodes for not yet finished 8 innings are too much.but compared to before its tolerable.
MY god you just gave the statement of the year."This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing". Have you ever played outdoor sport?from your speech its obvious that you have no experience whatsoever.if you think team means trusting your teammates and growing strong, then your dead just doesn't work that way.If your thinking is right lets imagine a setting where you have a team and LOTS of trust among yourselves and in important decisive moment you make some error because of your incompetence and lose something big.What do you think would happen?can you honestly say that your teammates and fans will say 'ohhh!don't mind we are a team aren't we?' i can assure you that nothing will be same again.everyone will think 'if there was someone better' whether its directly or indirectly. This is a setting but you won't under since you have no experience.Trust grows from acknowledgement of strength,skill,superiority not something like covering for others,relying on others.11X1< a team game everyone will have to do their role.A strong person can change the game by himself.Do you honestly think the person who covers for your mistakes will stay in the same team always.Not a chance,either he will be promoted or you will be discarded.This is team game.All that matters is winning and if you are skilled enough you will win.So, at the end of the day,my point is don't brag about the knowledge based on animes.Anime is nothing but entertainment and its the idea of an author who may not even experienced sports.If you thinking anime is right then Japan would have been the world champions by now.So why?lack of trust?lack of hard word work?Everyone will follow you when you are strong and when you are weak you have nothing but to rely on others.And in the end by relying on others its not your doing.
Like i said you can always ignore but the truth is different.
And don't make assumption about AOD being similar to major.The only similar aspect is that both of them are baseball.I recommend that you watch major it is better than this.I like AOD and its human nature to compare with something better

Sorry if I missed any key points because I just scanned through it (yeap I'm a lazy person)

Well in my opinion,
You can only trust your teammates when your team are strong. You trust them because you believe that they have the abilities to accomplish something. Lets say in basketball (well it seems to be the only sports I roughly know about) if the shooting guard has trust in both their center and power forward, the shooting guard can take shots without much stress, tension or pressure that it may be a turnover if he ever miss a shot as those two players can get the rebound. He will trust them because of the amount of training they have together, and he knows how much fight he is able to give to his opponent, and not backing down easily.

Therefore, you can't trust your teammates if you know that he/she is no match, or has great skill difference compared to his opponent. If that's the case, even if you are a greatly skilled player, you still have things here and there you need to worry about. Yes, you are still strong, but you can't maximize your full potential. And yes, you can still win if there's just one strong individual (which causes the lack of trust everywhere, however the weaker individual will maximize more of their potential, HOWEVER, it usually is not much of a help actually. *emphasis* USUALLY)

If you have a team full of STRONG players, however without trust, like one who always think "tsk if I do this myself, I'll probably do better" or of the sort, would usually messed up because there won't be "chemistry" among them. But of course, if this type of team played against a team or weak players but with good chemistry, this team can still win ( it still depends on how strong is their strong, how weak is their weak, and how bonded they are )

So putting it into this anime, with trust, they can swing with full confidence, make plays smoother etc.
Yes, this may not seem much, but between Seido and his opponents, they are BOTH STRONG. They're elites. They're professionals. So this little thing, called trust, plays a big role in them.

And since you can't possibly improve your skills suddenly during a match, the team chemistry is the only factor that can decide the game. To me, in this match, both teams are equally strong. That's why it's those little mistakes that cause the runs. I know that in real life, this is rare (usually we'll see the strength difference instead of "the battle of uhhh teamwork"?), that's why this anime kind of make this type of situation possible so that it's interesting to watch. It's like making aliens invade earth to gain our interest of what would happen to earth if this situation were to happen, which would never realistically happen. (uhh just ignore this line if it doesn't make sense because I'm quite bad at comparison or showing the concept sooo ya)

Lastly, I haven't watch much sports anime yet, so I may not how cliche this anime is but hey, it's because they work well and they are great that's why they are cliche, right? Maybe my opinion may not make sense to you but I think it's fine since everyone as different perspective haha

PS: I just wanna empahsise that I'm not really a great sports player so if it's really illogical to you I may be the one who's really not making sense haha but these are just my views for now~
Dec 1, 2014 4:21 PM

Oct 2013
Dat cliffhanger. Eh, I think Mei has Yuki again.
Dec 1, 2014 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
How could it end right there.
Great episode, Yuki needs to redeem himself.
Dec 2, 2014 3:33 PM

Jul 2012
Nooooo, the cliffhanger D: I was so into it too :P
Dec 2, 2014 3:59 PM
May 2012
xahjun said:
ijen said:

You can always ignore this if you don't like but the truth doesn't change.
Actually what said was that i takes more than two episodes to finish a not yet finished innings.even 8 episodes for not yet finished 8 innings are too much.but compared to before its tolerable.
MY god you just gave the statement of the year."This is a team sport, if you don't trust your teammates and rely on them you aint gonna win nothing". Have you ever played outdoor sport?from your speech its obvious that you have no experience whatsoever.if you think team means trusting your teammates and growing strong, then your dead just doesn't work that way.If your thinking is right lets imagine a setting where you have a team and LOTS of trust among yourselves and in important decisive moment you make some error because of your incompetence and lose something big.What do you think would happen?can you honestly say that your teammates and fans will say 'ohhh!don't mind we are a team aren't we?' i can assure you that nothing will be same again.everyone will think 'if there was someone better' whether its directly or indirectly. This is a setting but you won't under since you have no experience.Trust grows from acknowledgement of strength,skill,superiority not something like covering for others,relying on others.11X1< a team game everyone will have to do their role.A strong person can change the game by himself.Do you honestly think the person who covers for your mistakes will stay in the same team always.Not a chance,either he will be promoted or you will be discarded.This is team game.All that matters is winning and if you are skilled enough you will win.So, at the end of the day,my point is don't brag about the knowledge based on animes.Anime is nothing but entertainment and its the idea of an author who may not even experienced sports.If you thinking anime is right then Japan would have been the world champions by now.So why?lack of trust?lack of hard word work?Everyone will follow you when you are strong and when you are weak you have nothing but to rely on others.And in the end by relying on others its not your doing.
Like i said you can always ignore but the truth is different.
And don't make assumption about AOD being similar to major.The only similar aspect is that both of them are baseball.I recommend that you watch major it is better than this.I like AOD and its human nature to compare with something better

Sorry if I missed any key points because I just scanned through it (yeap I'm a lazy person)

Well in my opinion,
You can only trust your teammates when your team are strong. You trust them because you believe that they have the abilities to accomplish something. Lets say in basketball (well it seems to be the only sports I roughly know about) if the shooting guard has trust in both their center and power forward, the shooting guard can take shots without much stress, tension or pressure that it may be a turnover if he ever miss a shot as those two players can get the rebound. He will trust them because of the amount of training they have together, and he knows how much fight he is able to give to his opponent, and not backing down easily.

Therefore, you can't trust your teammates if you know that he/she is no match, or has great skill difference compared to his opponent. If that's the case, even if you are a greatly skilled player, you still have things here and there you need to worry about. Yes, you are still strong, but you can't maximize your full potential. And yes, you can still win if there's just one strong individual (which causes the lack of trust everywhere, however the weaker individual will maximize more of their potential, HOWEVER, it usually is not much of a help actually. *emphasis* USUALLY)

If you have a team full of STRONG players, however without trust, like one who always think "tsk if I do this myself, I'll probably do better" or of the sort, would usually messed up because there won't be "chemistry" among them. But of course, if this type of team played against a team or weak players but with good chemistry, this team can still win ( it still depends on how strong is their strong, how weak is their weak, and how bonded they are )

So putting it into this anime, with trust, they can swing with full confidence, make plays smoother etc.
Yes, this may not seem much, but between Seido and his opponents, they are BOTH STRONG. They're elites. They're professionals. So this little thing, called trust, plays a big role in them.

And since you can't possibly improve your skills suddenly during a match, the team chemistry is the only factor that can decide the game. To me, in this match, both teams are equally strong. That's why it's those little mistakes that cause the runs. I know that in real life, this is rare (usually we'll see the strength difference instead of "the battle of uhhh teamwork"?), that's why this anime kind of make this type of situation possible so that it's interesting to watch. It's like making aliens invade earth to gain our interest of what would happen to earth if this situation were to happen, which would never realistically happen. (uhh just ignore this line if it doesn't make sense because I'm quite bad at comparison or showing the concept sooo ya)

Lastly, I haven't watch much sports anime yet, so I may not how cliche this anime is but hey, it's because they work well and they are great that's why they are cliche, right? Maybe my opinion may not make sense to you but I think it's fine since everyone as different perspective haha

PS: I just wanna empahsise that I'm not really a great sports player so if it's really illogical to you I may be the one who's really not making sense haha but these are just my views for now~

Your point is simple and clear.However, your point somehow seems like based on kuroko no basket.let me tell you that anime is nuts.the powers kagami and the generation of miracles has isn't possible.the best player in the real world can't even do 1/10th of it.
In Cricket,a team scores around 300 runs more or less in 50 overs.however the best individual score in a match is 264 runs by a single person.which do you prefer a team scoring 300 as a whole or the team where a single player is capable of scoring 264.?

In football,real madrid XI plays one of the world's 11 best players.however,only handpicked ones score.Why is that?because they all have different roles.That is a pro.Doing their respective jobs.

In Baseball,a pitcher pitches.if the the opposition hits the fielders stop it.Now,a pitchers job is to pitch and not to get hit.and the fielders job is to stop the ball if its a hit.
My point no.1. would you like a pitcher who gets hit and the fielders stop it or a pitcher who can shutout the opposition by himself.
2.In a pro team,if the pitcher got hit and the ball is coming your way and you didn't stop it and let it go just because there isn't any trust between you two.Now,thats stupid.

At the end of the day,my point is don't try to rely on others from the start in the first place,if you can do it,do it by yourself.But we know that,that isn't possible all the time.if you get hit,your teammates will stop it.Because that's their job.Trust is irrelevant.

You said something about a strong team player thinking,"i can do it better"or something.what's wrong in thinking like that.if your better just prove it and you will get the better spot in the team.Do you think this will create bad chemistry.But why that topic comes in the first place?If your not good then why are you in the team in the first place.
A strong team is combined of strong individuals.they don't need trust in the first place.Because they do their job as professionals.This is called a pro team.
Sawamura Eijun screams every time,"i will keep sending your way so thanks in advance". He thinks about relying from the start.(Now,lets not think of it as a anime but real life). All is good but when a strong batter comes and hits a homerun whose fault is that?Sawamura?the teammates?or someone will say why the batter is strong?
In a pro field,you don't play friendship its better to be strong from the start.
Anime is entertainment but is far from reality and nothing but lets not be a lunatic.Lets just enjoy without believing that nonsense
ijenDec 2, 2014 4:03 PM
Dec 3, 2014 3:53 AM

Oct 2014
Too much fluff and not enough baseball.
Dec 4, 2014 7:49 AM

May 2011
ijen said:
Your point is simple and clear.However, your point somehow seems like based on kuroko no basket.let me tell you that anime is nuts.the powers kagami and the generation of miracles has isn't possible.the best player in the real world can't even do 1/10th of it.

Nahh more on slam dunk that comes to my mind and when I play basketball myself. I agree kuroko no basket is quite extreme but I'm still fine with the show.

ijen said:

In Baseball,a pitcher pitches.if the the opposition hits the fielders stop it.Now,a pitchers job is to pitch and not to get hit.and the fielders job is to stop the ball if its a hit.
My point no.1. would you like a pitcher who gets hit and the fielders stop it or a pitcher who can shutout the opposition by himself.
2.In a pro team,if the pitcher got hit and the ball is coming your way and you didn't stop it and let it go just because there isn't any trust between you two.Now,thats stupid.

Well sometimes the pitcher will deliberately let the batter hit the ball by jamming their bats (like how eijun unconsciously did it quite a few episodes ago). Since I have never played baseball before I'm in no position to give any points.

Well the trust part is just giving the pitcher the full concentration to pitch (probably especially when the pitcher wants to strike them out) which makes the pitcher stronger. Because he can think that "even if my pitch is hit, it doesn't matter. my team mates are going to save it. I'm here, I just do my best and full fill my role". If the player is a worrywart like me, I always messes things up.

If you didn't stop the ball and let it go, IMO it's not due to trust issues. More like either it's not within your favour or you just really lacks the skills for it because in this case, I think it only works on the pitcher. (Again, my opinions can be really flawed)

ijen said:

At the end of the day,my point is don't try to rely on others from the start in the first place,if you can do it,do it by yourself.But we know that,that isn't possible all the time.if you get hit,your teammates will stop it.Because that's their job.Trust is irrelevant.

I understand your point that we shouldn't rely on others in the first place. But like what you said too, a pitcher is usually out of reach in the fielding, that's why we, in the end, still need to rely on he team mates. Well, maybe not rely but trust (I think I used the word 'trust' too much that it's becoming annoying haha) and therefore the whole cycle goes again.

ijen said:

You said something about a strong team player thinking,"i can do it better"or something.what's wrong in thinking like that.if your better just prove it and you will get the better spot in the team.Do you think this will create bad chemistry.

Nope there's nothing wrong with that. I was just trying to imply that the player may omit options/decisions that can make the play better. Yes having self confidence can help you reach your fullest potential, but at the same time other options (may or may not be better) could become invisible to them.

But why that topic comes in the first place?If your not good then why are you in the team in the first place.

Wow that's harsh but for some people, some teams, they all started together as a beginner, all were weak at first. However, different people have different talent, different pace of improvements, and when they become a real "player", their skills can differ greatly but they started out as a team and grew together like that. It's going to be tough for a player to leave a team like that and look for a better ones. Of course some people still does that but I'm just giving an example as to "why are you in the team in the first place".

A strong team is combined of strong individuals.they don't need trust in the first place.Because they do their job as professionals.This is called a pro team.

Hmm you got a point. You're saying if they (the individuals) are a pro, internally they should be able to to fight off distractions like that. Well I'm not sure about this since I'm pro at nothing haha. But when a pro team vs a pro team I'm pretty sure the players themselves would still feel a bit of nervous or tension right?

Sawamura Eijun screams every time,"i will keep sending your way so thanks in advance". He thinks about relying from the start.(Now,lets not think of it as a anime but real life). All is good but when a strong batter comes and hits a homerun whose fault is that?Sawamura?the teammates?or someone will say why the batter is strong?

That's his way of self comfort, trying to boost his own confidence, and lessen the worries of messing up his pitch. I agree, I think it would be Sawamura's fault if that ever happens. BUT his team mates knows that that is his way of pitching. Jamming the batter's bat. That's his way of making getting a out. I know it's still ridiculous to shout/scream like that but I guess that's just one of his flaws

In a pro field,you don't play friendship its better to be strong from the start.
Anime is entertainment but is far from reality and nothing but lets not be a lunatic.Lets just enjoy without believing that nonsense

I think it's because it is far from reality that's why it's interesting to watch. I always find that the first few episode of the anime is to let us have an idea of how the world works. So let say if an anime is related to magic, and you can only see people shooting small fire, you'll get the idea of what's ridiculous in this anime and what's not. Definitely shooting fire out of nowhere is ridiculous in reality, but we know that this anime it's the norm. However if that anime suddenly include some guy knowing how to shoot meteorite, then that's ridiculous in that world. (well I hope you get my point) Just my opinion~ Thus, so far this anime didn't really did anything ridiculous in this "Ace of Diamond" world, so I would say I really enjoyed it haha.

To end off I think it's nice chatting with you haha I hope you don't find it a waste of time talking about all these stuffs especially to someone who has no great experience in team sports (I changed to long distance running and competes in track events. Still a newbie though. Like you said, I was quite a burden in my team haha so I drifted away from team sports. Of course, the excitement you get from a team sport is definitely different~).

Have a nice day~

PS: Sorry if my English or sentence structure is horrible, I typed these during midnight so I'm kind of drained haha
jr_paperbagDec 4, 2014 7:52 AM
Dec 5, 2014 2:28 PM

Nov 2013

That music during the end flashback almost felt like it didn't belong in the series, it sounded awesome. Not that the ost ain't great but, dayum.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Dec 12, 2014 2:22 AM
Jul 2018
Wow what a tense episode, Haruichi's bat getting shattered and then Yuki vs Mei I'm seriously hoping he'll hit it this time.
Dec 27, 2014 6:45 PM

Jul 2012
First. HARUICHI!!!! :') You are amazing. I look forward to seeing how far you will go in the next 2 years.

Second. YESSS. CLEAN UP VS ACE BATTLE. HYPE! tbh the pacing got too slow ugh. but whatever, im satisfied in the end
Sep 5, 2015 3:09 AM

Mar 2012
Flashbacks at the worst possible moments xD

Some intense stuff going on.
Jan 8, 2017 6:31 PM

Sep 2015
Thought Haru got rekted when his bat got destroyed. But dam why did they have to make this episode a cliffhanger between Yuuki and Mei!
Jan 17, 2018 2:30 AM

Apr 2016
Come Captain, do a home run!!!
Aug 23, 2018 7:44 PM

Dec 2013
The bat actually broke!

This is an intense face off!
Sep 7, 2018 4:37 AM

Nov 2016
First I was shocked that Haruichis bat broke, but he still did it.

Mei vs Tetsu, nasty cliffhanger before the showdown.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 6, 2019 8:47 PM

Sep 2018
Ouch~ Kominato's wooden bat broke ;(

Wahhh!!! Ganbatte Tetsu!!!!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Oct 29, 2021 11:44 AM

Jul 2015
Lets go Haruichi continues the average batting score of 1.000. Its wholesome seeing him from a young age look up to his brother and even practicing with a wooden bat in order to catch up.

The last half felt a bit too stretched out, they better make the cliffhanger worth it.

Jul 4, 2023 6:40 PM

Aug 2019
Calm down Mei 💀Haruichi has done nothing wrong to you, yet.

Oh my gosh, he destroyed the bat!!

Yuki is all you

Yuki said stop right there
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