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Oct 7, 2014 5:50 AM

Nov 2008
What a great chapter! Taichi's true feelings are revealed, saying he loves everything about her except for the side that she shows Arata.

The Karuta club also loses a member!? Dang, Chihaya's tears. :/ The kiss was kind of bittersweet in my opinion..
Oct 16, 2014 5:14 PM
Jul 2012
Taichi drama :D lets have more chapters.
Nov 3, 2014 4:31 AM
Dec 2013
I can't stand to see Taichi's sad face.. this chapter is so heartbreaking.. T^T i know it's too much to make him to stay in karuta club after Chihaya indirectly rejected him.. but it just too sad to watch him leave..
if i have to choose between taichi or arata.. maybe i was more to arata's side.. cuz compare to taichi who has everything, arata only has karuta.. BUT! someone who is always besides chihaya is taichi.. arghh now i don't know which side i'm on anymore.. T^T

6 weeks of hiatus is just a torture.. i can't wait that loong to read chapter 139.. can someone please invent time machineee?
Nov 4, 2014 9:13 PM
Jul 2012
Taichi is easily my favorite character. Although I like Arata he isn't shown much and rarely gets character development while lately Taichi has been developing lots.

So for me Taichi > Arata.
Nov 7, 2014 1:06 PM

Dec 2012
This chapter was so depressing. We finally get a Taichi x Chihaya kiss but in the saddest way possible.

I totally understand why Taichi has lost his ability to play karuta. Chihaya was the reason why he started in the first place.
Nov 7, 2014 8:15 PM

Aug 2012
Well fuck...
Nov 7, 2014 9:34 PM
Jul 2012
...why? Why?! Why do you have to torture me like this!!

This revalation was unexpected (not). This chapter was pretty funny. Glad it's still going on. Killing me that the chapter releases aren't weekly. Does anybody else impersonate the reciter and read the beginning poem of karuta?! "Naniwazuni. Sakuya kono hana~ etc." It's somewhat fun to say!
Nov 8, 2014 1:10 AM

Jun 2013
I wasn't even sure if he kissed her since their lips didn't even touch. Maybe it was just a weird way of drawing it. I don't even know who Taichi should end up with. Chihaya is so dense that I don't think she could truly love anybody at this point. It's like her brain hasn't fully developed. I didn't like Sumire before, but her empathy and and compassion towards Taichi in his lowest of lows has really grown on me.

Anyways, I love that Taichi is making peace with everything that is holding him back. He's undoubtedly the best character in the manga. You could actually easily argue that the story of Chihayafuru is about Taichi's struggles in growing as a person and with karuta. His development in the story trumps both Chihaya and Arata's combined.
SavethebestforuNov 8, 2014 9:09 PM
Nov 8, 2014 2:22 AM

Jan 2013
I am crying. Chihaya you idiot. Chihaya and Taichi are meant to be. Before I was very frustrated with Taichi. Now I am with Chihaya. They're both my precious babies, I love them. They are breaking my heart. I hope Chihaya will realize her feelings for Taichi. That is all I want. I can hope.
Nov 8, 2014 2:59 AM

Nov 2011
Oh man, wtf....

I hope they resolve this in a civil matter.
Nov 8, 2014 3:05 AM

Jul 2010
I was so happy last chapter but then this happens. Remember as always being Taichi is suffering. Also Chihaya was so selfish as usual. That line "Do you think I'm made of stone?", that really got to me.
Nov 8, 2014 4:59 AM

Sep 2010

I can't even write a meaningful comment right now.

Does mangaka hates Taichi or something? I mean, one after another, bad things are keep happening to him. WHY!!!!

I know he used to be kind of jerk but THAT WAS ONLY IN FIRST FEW CHAPTERS! Taichi made such a progress from that state and yet he is still taking the hits for no reasons!

Nov 8, 2014 6:22 AM

Nov 2012
taichi :(
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Nov 8, 2014 6:56 AM

Jan 2014
taichi ;_;7
Nov 8, 2014 7:00 AM
Apr 2014
He can't even see the Karuta cards, he quit the club, and he lost by a place.
Ever since the confession, it's going pretty downhill, isn't it?
Poor Tachi.
Nov 8, 2014 7:59 AM

Jun 2010
I feel so bad for Taichi, it's not even debatable imo between Taichi and Arata, the one person that's always backed up Chihaya and helped her is Taichi. And this is on Chihaya's selfish whims and going against his personal wishes as well as what he could've accomplished aside from devoting himself to karuta.
Nov 8, 2014 8:18 AM

May 2013
Yep, things are just going downhill from here.
Nov 8, 2014 10:59 AM
Mar 2013
I'm crying inside so hard....

So much paiin! but that's the beauty of this manga, is that it shows suffering. Honestly, I think the author must have had some sort of experience like this and is portraying their real life experience into the relationship between taichi and chihaya... I really hope the author has a soul and makes taichi and chihaya together
Nov 8, 2014 11:35 AM
Dec 2013
Arata: a talented nice guy who endured his whole life.
Taichi: angsty rich pretty boy with mommy issue.

Nov 8, 2014 3:49 PM

Aug 2012
^what the hell are you talking about?

Savethebestforu said:

Anyways, I love that Taichi is making peace with everything that is holding him back. He's undoubtedly the best character in the manga. You could actually easily argue that the story of Chihayafuru is about Taichi's struggles in growing as a person and with karuta. His development in the story trumps both Chihaya and Arata's combined.
The truth.
Nov 8, 2014 6:29 PM

Feb 2012
Taichi getting rejected was one the best parts of the manga. Seeing his face after Chihiya flat of rejected him was hilarious.

Hopefully the taichi drama can get resolved soon we can see Arata building his own Karuta Club.
Nov 10, 2014 10:32 AM
Apr 2014
Taichi quit :( what now ? Man, this is heartbreaking
Nov 11, 2014 1:14 AM
Aug 2012
reading these posts made my tears to faLL... and reaLLy broke my heart!! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!1 why is that!!?? oh my!! Taichi!! pLease.. don't be sad.. I'm here..

(I am about to read the Latest ch. and I saw this thread... woah! I was so excited to read this chapter but now.. my heart is aching.. so I'm gonna read it tonight.. to torture my heart!! augh!! it's soooo painfuL!!)

Taichi! Taichi!!
Nov 12, 2014 7:58 AM

Sep 2011
IceBurn said:
Taichi getting rejected was one the best parts of the manga. Seeing his face after Chihiya flat of rejected him was hilarious.

Hopefully the taichi drama can get resolved soon we can see Arata building his own Karuta Club.

Nov 12, 2014 12:32 PM

Aug 2013
IceBurn said:
Taichi getting rejected was one the best parts of the manga. Seeing his face after Chihiya flat of rejected him was hilarious.

Hopefully the taichi drama can get resolved soon we can see Arata building his own Karuta Club.

I second that.
Nov 12, 2014 4:13 PM

Jan 2011
At first I kind of wanted an anime continuation but now I think that would only ruin the impact of this chapter. Good reading
Nov 13, 2014 8:41 AM

Oct 2012
Since chapter 136 I was crying really really hard. Actually I always cry reading Chihayafuru because the character's are incredible, the art is magnificent and the plot is... Perfect. Seriously, this manga is just perfect. I root with all my soul for Taichi x Chihaya, since the very beginning. He was always there with her in everything (in the club, when they were kids, always, always, always). Always supporting her, always loving her... He is definitely the best character in this manga.

Reading the confession on last chapter made me cry for like 10 minutes. I was so happy and yet so nervous but STILL so happy. Suetsugu-sensei-sama knows exactly how to express her character's feelings. I love everything they say and I love her art. I simply love her and her work. The cover of the new volume (that shows Taichi) is beautiful... I want to spend the rest of my life looking at it.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: THIS MANGA IS SO FUCKING PERFECT. This chapter was heart breaking. Seeing Taichi leaving the club and Chihaya in despair because of it broke my heart. Their kiss was bittersweet... He pulled her like to show her how he's truly feeling - like "Hey, I fucking love you and you fucking rejected me, so I can't stay in the club with you" -, but at the same time his kiss was not even a real kiss. Their lips barely touched. It showed how much he loves her and cares for her (in my point of view, at least). Then he said "Do you think I'm made of stone?" and it was just perfect.

Chihaya don't understand other's people feelings very well. She's a child inside. She only loves karuta, she wants everyone to be happy... She's super cute, but her inoccence makes her selfish. Or she's just selfish... I don't know. She can't understand that Taichi fucking LOVE her and that he can't stay by her side because it makes him sad as fuck. He was cheerful in the club, but it was obviously he was hiding all the sad shit he feels. I mean, being rejected is not EASY.

Still, I loved how she screamed and said she didn't want him to leave the club. I LOVED this chapter. Okay, Taichi was kind of rejected (he didn't hear the answer clearly) and everything and it was sad as fuck and he left the club and it was also sad as fuck, but still... I think now Chihaya will start to REALLY think about him. She will try to understand him. She was trying lately, remember? "Why do you always go alone, Taichi?" She was trying, but she couldn't, then she just tried her best to make him happy - she's so cute, oh god. Now she'll FINALLY pay attention to him. She knows his feelings, and now that he kissed her she knows it FOR SURE. She knows and she can't deny it to herself anymore. There's no "What about Arata?" when he said "Let's spend our lives together". There's Arata, and there's Taichi and they are in love with her, and now she knows that Taichi ALSO loves her and she's out of her comfort zone. Now it's the time that she'll pay attention to Taichi, and now it's the time she'll pay the due attention to Arata's confession as well.

It's finally time to Chihaya grow up. It's time to make a decision. It's her last year. She can't be immature now. She has to make a lot of decisions - and "Taichi or Arata" will be one of them, definitely. I root for Taichi x Chihaya all the way as I said, but I know Suetsugu-sensei-sama will make them happy no matter what - and it doesn't matter who they end up with -, so it makes me really, really, really happy. I know I will be in tears in the last chapter, and I know I will love this manga with all my heart for the rest of my life. ♥ Thank you, Suetsugu-sensei-sama.
MaahHeimNov 13, 2014 9:17 AM
Nov 14, 2014 9:38 PM

Feb 2011
Correction: Chihaya was thinking about Arata: not only that, she even interpreted his words when Arata said: "let's play karuta together" as as a marriage proposal "let's spend our lives together"it's so beautiful indeed that has so many sparkle around them that connect them together: it does makes perfect sense in ch 120 after seeing Chihaya's reaction towards Arata's confession: when she was looking at a dove saying if the dove was glow and happy because she having a baby in her tummy: that moment means a lot because deep down that's Chihaya's main desire is to build a "family" together with Arata: that glow represent her sunlight: a light that shines her world: and now that light is clouded by Taichi's frustration that only brought her depression and tears.
Nov 17, 2014 6:08 PM
Aug 2012
I love your review MaahHeim... but I agree with sweetangie.. that's why I am nervous for Chihaya's answer... :)
Nov 17, 2014 8:45 PM

Apr 2010
God dammit this was way too sad ;_;
Nov 18, 2014 4:08 PM
Jul 2012
Commented on this thread after reading chapter 137. Went back here out of curiousity and found out that this thread was actually for chapter 138! I thought this was for chapter 137. I went back quickly and read the chapter (more than once). Ahh. The feels. Please. Hoping for Taichi to get this. Sorry Arata but I'm leaning towards Taichi. This manga is great and keeps me hanging off from my chair waiting in anticipation! Never knew I would like something like this manga more or less with karuta. Taichi didn't get a full kiss! It was close but only a peck it looks like. Fingers crossed for the next chapter!!
Nov 18, 2014 4:11 PM

Jul 2012
I haven't even read the manga but this looks depressing as hell ;_;
Nov 21, 2014 8:06 PM

Apr 2011
I must be the only one who thinks Taichi is a complete jerk in the last few pages of this chapter. I'm glad he finally managed to tell her how he feels, and I understand that he's now feeling terrible that she rejected him, but how he's feeling is not Chihaya's fault. She didn't choose to fall in love with Arata instead of him, it just happened that way, and it's not fair to punish her for it. And it's not fair to blame her for not realising how he felt either, when he's taken great pains their whole lives to hide his feelings for her. Yet he's now acting like a child and actively trying to make her as miserable as he is.

His timing in leaving the club is perfectly calculated to sabotage their recruiting drive, by upsetting Chihaya right before she's supposed to be giving her pitch to the new students. And that kiss, in my opinion, was revolting. He never kissed her before, when he wasn't sure of her feelings and thought there was a chance she might reciprocate. He only does it now, when he knows very well she doesn't feel that way about him and doesn't want to kiss him. He basically stole her first kiss just so she can't share it with Arata.

It's a funny way to treat someone you supposedly love, punishing them because they don't happen to love you back in exactly the way you want.
Nov 21, 2014 10:34 PM

Apr 2011
sweetangie said:
the moment he was acting all desperate and forceful is something I don't support because he wasn't thinking about Chihaya when he went and did that: if he truly loves her, he should of thought about Chihaya's happiness before his own and all he did was acting all selfish and forceful to make Chihaya love him back ( things don't work out that way): the feelings of love always comes out naturally without any force measures ( everything that's force is all fake and dishonest).

Yeah. Taichi's made it clear now that he doesn't respect Chihaya's feelings at all. All he cares about is his own feelings and trying to make her do and feel what he wants her to. Sumire is pretty much the complete opposite, accepting his feelings and trying to push him towards his own happiness, even if it doesn't include her.

This whole idea that it's a man's job to make a woman love him is rubbish - love doesn't work like that. Chihaya knows very well who she loves, and if Taichi really wants to act like a man he needs to accept that he's been rejected and deal with it, instead of throwing tantrums and trying to destroy her happiness. My sympathy for Taichi has pretty much evaporated with this chapter. Now I'm just hoping Chihaya doesn't take too much damage from him.
Nov 22, 2014 2:34 PM
Aug 2009
sweetangie said:
Correction: Chihaya was thinking about Arata: not only that, she even interpreted his words when Arata said: "let's play karuta together" as as a marriage proposal "let's spend our lives together"it's so beautiful indeed that has so many sparkle around them that connect them together: it does makes perfect sense in ch 120 after seeing Chihaya's reaction towards Arata's confession: when she was looking at a dove saying if the dove was glow and happy because she having a baby in her tummy: that moment means a lot because deep down that's Chihaya's main desire is to build a "family" together with Arata: that glow represent her sunlight: a light that shines her world: and now that light is clouded by Taichi's frustration that only brought her depression and tears.

Totally agree. Even thought I personally love Taichi and his development, so far we have only seen Chihaya getting close to Arata. She even said "I'm an offensive karuta player so I gave up the things I cherish and fight hard to take them back (not exactly this but something similar)". So when we consider Chihaya and Arata to break apart and Chihaya to keep on karuta. Regardless of the shown reason of Chihaya to be so much obsessed with karuta her loving it, I assume we all clear that she was actually trying this hard to see Arata again. So Chihaya's reaction to Arata's confession made almost everything clear...

I think Chihaya run after Taichi only because she loves and really cherishes him as a friend, nothing related to any kind of love interest (well at that moment at least). and then when he kiss her, he literally scr*wed everything, thats why we saw their memories falling down...

Personally this really cracks my heart because I loved both their relationship and motivation they are giving to each other... If Taichi really were to be quit, next episodes are gonna be so much blue...
Nov 27, 2014 8:46 AM

Apr 2012
Brace625 said:
I was so happy last chapter but then this happens. Remember as always being Taichi is suffering. Also Chihaya was so selfish as usual. That line "Do you think I'm made of stone?", that really got to me.

Damn yes..
Nov 30, 2014 11:58 AM

Aug 2013
If Taichi confessed before Arata, do you think that would make any difference? In my opinion, Taichi would have more chance, but Chihaya would still rejected him. Unlike many people I just can't think of them as lovers.
Dec 27, 2014 12:49 AM

Nov 2012
antisense said:
I must be the only one who thinks Taichi is a complete jerk in the last few pages of this chapter. I'm glad he finally managed to tell her how he feels, and I understand that he's now feeling terrible that she rejected him, but how he's feeling is not Chihaya's fault. She didn't choose to fall in love with Arata instead of him, it just happened that way, and it's not fair to punish her for it. And it's not fair to blame her for not realising how he felt either, when he's taken great pains their whole lives to hide his feelings for her. Yet he's now acting like a child and actively trying to make her as miserable as he is..

did you ever experience heart broken? confess your long crush and got rejected? i have.
taichi needs time and distance. he cant move on if he doesnt quit and distance himself from chihaya.
if i was taichi, do i want to stay 24/7 in small club with my long crush who reject me and watching her develop with her own crush? i dont.
its dumb but its true. its so hard to move on.
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Dec 27, 2014 4:53 AM

Apr 2011
ninjastarforcex said:
did you ever experience heart broken? confess your long crush and got rejected? i have.
taichi needs time and distance. he cant move on if he doesnt quit and distance himself from chihaya.
if i was taichi, do i want to stay 24/7 in small club with my long crush who reject me and watching her develop with her own crush? i dont.
its dumb but its true. its so hard to move on.

Yeah... Like I said, I understand that he's feeling terrible, and it's fine that he wants to put some distance between himself and Chihaya for a while, but the way he's going about it seems calculated to hurt Chihaya as much as possible. And nothing excuses kissing her when he knows she doesn't want to be kissed.
Dec 28, 2014 4:20 PM

Nov 2008
ninjastarforcex said:
antisense said:
I must be the only one who thinks Taichi is a complete jerk in the last few pages of this chapter. I'm glad he finally managed to tell her how he feels, and I understand that he's now feeling terrible that she rejected him, but how he's feeling is not Chihaya's fault. She didn't choose to fall in love with Arata instead of him, it just happened that way, and it's not fair to punish her for it. And it's not fair to blame her for not realising how he felt either, when he's taken great pains their whole lives to hide his feelings for her. Yet he's now acting like a child and actively trying to make her as miserable as he is..

did you ever experience heart broken? confess your long crush and got rejected? i have.
taichi needs time and distance. he cant move on if he doesnt quit and distance himself from chihaya.
if i was taichi, do i want to stay 24/7 in small club with my long crush who reject me and watching her develop with her own crush? i dont.
its dumb but its true. its so hard to move on.

Bless you
Jan 26, 2015 6:43 AM

Oct 2012
ninjastarforcex said:
antisense said:
I must be the only one who thinks Taichi is a complete jerk in the last few pages of this chapter. I'm glad he finally managed to tell her how he feels, and I understand that he's now feeling terrible that she rejected him, but how he's feeling is not Chihaya's fault. She didn't choose to fall in love with Arata instead of him, it just happened that way, and it's not fair to punish her for it. And it's not fair to blame her for not realising how he felt either, when he's taken great pains their whole lives to hide his feelings for her. Yet he's now acting like a child and actively trying to make her as miserable as he is..

did you ever experience heart broken? confess your long crush and got rejected? i have.
taichi needs time and distance. he cant move on if he doesnt quit and distance himself from chihaya.
if i was taichi, do i want to stay 24/7 in small club with my long crush who reject me and watching her develop with her own crush? i dont.
its dumb but its true. its so hard to move on.

Thank you
Apr 12, 2015 2:11 AM
Dec 2014
Taichi has been feeling very depressed and down for the last couple of chapters. He can’t pretend any more that he’s not hurt. He’s always been pretending all his life that he doesn’t love Chihaya, that it doesn’t hurt him to lose to her or to Arata in matches, that it doesn’t hurt him how Chihaya seems to take his presence for granted, that it doesn’t hurt to have so much pressure and expectations from his mother and in the end it all fails. It’s just… too much and so incredibly hard to deal with, especially for someone like Taichi who’s been carrying this huge burden for most of his life. Taichi failed his agreement with his mom. His grades aren’t the best, and as a part of the agreement he had to leave the Karuta club before the new year begins. That’s why his friends in the club were worried. They all expected something bad was going to happen. His friends noticed, and not Chihaya. Again, another thing that irks me. You see, Chihaya has a tunnel vision when it comes to these things. I don’t think she even considered Taichi’s feelings after the confession or what he’s been going through… but I digress, I’ll speak about this in another point down the line. So, Taichi had to quit the club to focus on studies.
Apr 12, 2015 2:13 AM
Dec 2014
Another thing we find out in the end is that all the cards seem black to him right now. It’s pretty symbolic of how depressed he is, how lost he feels… whether it means he lost his reasons for playing Karuta or that it’s not fun any more to play Karuta, imo it symbolizes how incredibly hard and painful it is for him to play Karuta now. He just can’t. And it’s understandable and I sympathize with him completely. A lot of people who demonize Taichi refuse to understand his character or his motives. They just want to make him out to be the bad guy.
Apr 12, 2015 2:15 AM
Dec 2014
A lot of people who demonize Taichi refuse to understand his character or his motives. They just want to make him out to be the bad guy. I think his character is the most complex character in this manga. You need to understand where he’s coming from. People telling him to just get a grip and toughen up and move on don’t understand. He’s been doing just that for his entire life. He’s been pretending that it’s all fine and dandy -to his mom, to his friends and to Chihaya. And it’s hard. You can’t go on in life like that. Sometimes you just need to take a break. This is what happened to Taichi. I don’t understand people saying he shouldn’t have given up on Chihaya and the club or how selfish he is for doing that. Because you see, the world doesn’t revolve around Chihaya and her feelings and needs alone. Taichi is a human being and his feelings deserve to be respected as well.
Apr 12, 2015 2:17 AM
Dec 2014
I really can’t bring myself to blame Taichi here because we see, yet again, that he tried to let it go and to toughen up and to go on in life as if it was nothing. He tried yet again to do it. They spent days together after the confession playing Karuta in the club like they’re used to be. It’s not Taichi who’s acting weird. It’s Chihaya who’s being all awkward and distant. She doesn’t even look Taichi in the eyes any more.
Apr 12, 2015 2:19 AM
Dec 2014
You may sayshe just doesn’t understand these things and how to deal with them and this all came as a big fat shock to her, but you all have to take into account Taichi’s feelings in all of that. He didn’t run away right away. He tried to go on. He really did. But there are times when things just don’t work out the way you want them to be. I think he reached a point where he decided that he can’t do this any more, that there’s no reason for him to play any more and that he just can’t take it any more.
Apr 12, 2015 2:23 AM
Dec 2014
The infamous ‘kiss’, whether it was a proper kiss or not (I’d say it’s more of a peck on the lip) isn’t the point here. What matters is what it meant to both of them in the end. Some people take the kiss as it is and call Taichi a jerk for it, without trying to understand what led him down that path or why he did it. And this isn’t right. At all. You need to take in the full picture of what transpired between the two to get this part. I’m not going to condone a kiss that someone forces on another when the other obviously just doesn’t want it or doesn’t expect it. But you see, I get why Taichi did it. I understand where he’s coming from. And this breaks my heart even more.
Apr 12, 2015 2:24 AM
Dec 2014
Here’s the last thing that irked me about this chapter, Chihaya’s actions in the last couple of pages when she finds out Taichi left. Now, before people jump down my throat, let me explain. As I said before, Chihaya is very self-centered sometimes and so Karuta-centered. She was confused with what happened between her and Taichi, feeling so awkward and weird (probably guilty?). The right course of action when you find out your best friend who just confessed his love to you (and you rejected him) quit your favorite club… is not to run after him on the street, crying and bawling and ordering him to not leave the club. Again, the world doesn’t revolve around Chihaya and her feelings only, other people have their own feelings too. Taichi does. Chihaya didn’t even ‘ask’ him why he decided to leave the club. She didn’t even ask him how he’s been doing the last couple of days after confessing (when all she did was keeping her distance away from him and not even looking him in the eyes). She, instead, demanded and pleaded he stays with the club. Chihaya just doesn’t understand the amount of struggle Taichi has been going through and she seems oblivious to his pain, anger and sadness on top of that and this breaks Taichi even more. Because it’s all about Karuta to Chihaya and his feelings be damned. That’s why he pointed it out to her, that he’s not ‘made of stone’, that he’s got feelings too, that he’s also just… tired of all of this. This is the lowest pit of despair that Taichi reached in this story. And as for the kiss, like I said I’m not going to condone it, call it romantic or romanticize it. Taichi was so full of desperation and anger that he wanted all those feelings to reach Chihaya (understandably). You can even tell that Taichi kind of regretted what he did the moment their lips touched so he backed away right after. But I’m not going to blow the kiss out of proportion too, calling it rapey and gross and yuck and OMG TAICHI YOU JERK! because no, it wasn’t like that.
Apr 12, 2015 2:27 AM
Dec 2014
Well, that’s it. I just felt like letting it all out of my chest because the recent couple of chapters played with my emotions so badly. All I hope for Taichi now is to get better, to feel better, to feel genuine happiness even for once in his life.
Sorry,for the long posts but I hate the jerks who criticizes taichi I am telling these to sweetangie,antisense or whatever and finally these reviews are not really mine
yosishApr 12, 2015 2:31 AM
Apr 12, 2015 4:28 PM

Feb 2011
^ Like people say, "the truth hurts" and the evidence of the story speaks for itself.

As for Taichi as a character I admit I don't pity him because his actions what speaks out rather if he deserves sympathy or not: the moment he was acting all desperate is something I don't support because he wasn't thinking about Chihaya when he went and did that: if he truly loves her, he should of thought about Chihaya's happiness before his own and all he did was acting all selfish and forceful to make Chihaya love him back ( things don't work out that way): I mean if someone belongs to you, no one nor anything can't take that away: the feelings of love always comes out naturally without any force measures ( everything that's force is all fake and dishonest). Taichi is already aware what's in Chihaya's heart ( he can't fool himself who's the person Chihaya loves: Arata) and despite that he doesn't care for her or her feelings at all: instead of being forceful and wants her to let go of her own feelings: he could of encourage Chihaya to open up her heart and tell her feelings towards the person she loves (just like what Sumire encouraged him to tell his feelings to her: but she didn't mention to make Chihaya love him back by force: his own actions is dragging himself down and because of that, he doesn't deserve any room for sympathy): he's no longer a child to be taught what's right and wrong. For now on, I'll keep my opinions about Taichi's rude behavior to myself.
sweetangieApr 24, 2015 5:52 PM
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