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Feb 28, 2008 12:46 AM

Dec 2007
I would like to know your true thoughts on the Tsukihime anime and don't hold back.
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Mar 1, 2008 2:51 PM
Oct 2007
Honestly speaking, the anime sucks... compared to the visual novel which is the best thing I've ever read, so I can't hate the anime either... I'm really sad about Arc tho, she doesn't look so pretty in the anime.
Mar 15, 2008 6:07 PM

Oct 2007
the only thing I liked about the anime, is the art. but the plot is a total let down.

I agree, with the above post about arcueid's true ending. In the anime, I didn't feel anything but when I viewed the same ending in the VN, I got depressed for a week...I really felt sad about how arcueid had to say farewell....:(
Mar 21, 2008 3:37 PM

Dec 2007
I didn't care for the character design in the anime but my biggest problem with it was that they didn't explain Shiki's past.
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Mar 22, 2008 2:05 AM

Oct 2007
their biggest mistake was letting the anime run no time for explainations
Mar 22, 2008 4:58 AM

Oct 2007
Yeah, Shingetsutan Tsukihime is one example of a continues episodes of "Great VNs being adapted into a 1 cour long anime". They just had to squeeze everything into just 12 episodes! Hell, it took me about 4-6 weeks to finish the VN (yes, I have a busy life and I enjoy reading slowly) and the anime had just a total of:

12 episodes X 20 mins = 240 mins / 60 = 4 hours!

Even Sacchin's story wasn't this short... Something like Tsukihime needs at least a 2 cour series. That's the main reason why the story was horrible compared to the VN, they didn't explain anything.

But on the merit side, the OST was rather good especially the OP, it was great. The character design was different from the VN but it wasn't that bad. I actually liked Shiki's design in the anime more than the novel, he looks nerdier XD Nrvqsr Chaos too, he looked like a freak in the VN but had a more calm, intimidating look in the anime. And the final merit point would go to the amusement park episode. It was like a fanservice anime where you got all the (except for the maids T.T) fight over Shiki, it was hilarious!

I gave it a 10 because I'm rating it as a stand-alone series without adding the VN to the equation. I'm rate mostly on stories and I loved Tsukihime's story so much that I ignored the horrible plot and the compact story.

P.S: I don't know which is moe'er, No-Breast-Akiha or Brain-Washing-Detective-Hisui...
Mar 24, 2008 10:56 AM

Feb 2008
i have no negative comment about the anime, i watched it 3 times n still interested to watch it again n again~
ironic is.. this is the only serious anime.. i mean the many blah blah scenes that i not bored to enjoy :)
kupis_1408Mar 24, 2008 11:04 AM
Mar 25, 2008 7:30 AM

Oct 2007
yuusuke said:
i have no negative comment about the anime, i watched it 3 times n still interested to watch it again n again~
ironic is.. this is the only serious anime.. i mean the many blah blah scenes that i not bored to enjoy :)

serious anime is right...though Arcueid still has her bubbly attitude..but it was better in the VN...

I would've prefered they made it that there's time to cover the characters' stories...
Mar 27, 2008 3:21 PM

Feb 2008
The anime sucked hard.
The characters wasn't played enough.
Arcueid wasn't as chieldish as in the game
Kohaku wasn't as cute as in the game
Shiki was stupider then in the game ( ok he was never smart to begin whit. )
The fight against Chaos sucked compared to the fight in the game
Sacchin is even less important in the anime...-_-
And even if the anime is about Arc's path. If it's an anime then it should have reviled the other main characters important things. Like in Shuffle. The anime was Asa's path but it still reviled the split personality of Sia and the "twin" of Nerine...Etc. ( Ok the Shuffle anime was batter then the game. ^^" )

And on top of that all. The worst thing in the anime that was just...un speakebly stupid.
The scean where Shiki kills Arc.
Arc runing away from Shiki. WHAT IS THAT?!?! You have got to be kidding me!
The Princess of the True Ancestors runing in fear from a human. THAT IS IMPOSIBLE!!!
In the game Shiki ( Nanaya to be exact who is way stronger then Shiki / Shiki gets his power from Nanaya. ) did a surprise attack. He assassinated Arc in one secound and he succeded becouse he didn't give Arc enough time to realise that she is attacked. If Arc wear to realise the fact then she would:

A: Arc is way faster then either Shiki or Nanaya so she can attack before he dose and she can kill Shiki whit one strike. Even in day time.

B: She is still faster so she can just dodge the attack and then either attack, disarm or question Shiki. Even in day time.

C: She is still faster so if we say that she would run away like in the anime then Shiki would never ever catch her. While Nanaya can move faster then the normal human's ( / Vermillion Akiha's ) eye Arc can move faster then Shiki's eye. Even in day time. ^^"

Arc is faster. Arc dosen't have the fealing of fear to begin whit so she can't be scared. even if she could she knows that she can't be harmed whit any normal wepon so a random human whit a knife can't harm her ( at least at the moment she would think that rather then runing away. )

This is the most unrealist and stupid scean i ever sow. I just can't explain how stupid it is. ^^"

Any way this is my oppinion.

And any way
Revillo_PhoenixMar 27, 2008 3:45 PM
Mar 27, 2008 7:12 PM

Dec 2007
You sure do hate the anime phoenix. I do agree with you on the Arcued scene but the scene i had the biggest problem with was the final battle with Chaos, they fail to explain the points and on top of that shiki kills him by cutting him.

Revillo_Phoenix said:
And any way

I was also thinking about putting up that pic.
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Mar 29, 2008 5:38 AM

Oct 2007
Revillo_Phoenix said:

And any way

that says it all....

and yes...there is NO reason for that scene to happen!!! >.<
Apr 28, 2008 10:46 AM

Oct 2007
The only logical explain of the Arc killing scene is (when putting Arc's childish personality from the VN):
Arc saw a cute little human running at her with a knife, thinking she's a very attractive foreign girl.
She thought to herself "awww... how cute, he's just a poor sick sadist who wants to kill/rape me. Let's play tag with him and then surprise him :D"
Arc starts running like a normal human girl while shouting "hentai! hentai! hentai! tasukate!"
And as he got closer to her, she got more excited and was like "ooh he's going to kill me now, how cute :)"
Shiki catches up and slices Arc into 17 pieces
Arc fell there, in pieces, in a state of "wtf just happaned?" until she was revived.
--End of logical explanation, damn the anime scenario writer must've been high or something...
May 1, 2008 7:52 PM

Oct 2007
Rengemaru said:

--End of logical explanation, damn the anime scenario writer must've been high or something...

you're tellin' me...

May 8, 2008 5:18 PM

Mar 2008
My thoughts of the animé?

1) Why do they all look older?
2) Why did they remove every single piece of humor from the game?
3) Why did they give away Ciel's true self in the first episode?
4) Why did Satsuki live?
5) Why did they reveal Shiki's past connection to Hisui and Kohaku and then ignore it?
6) Why did they add an amusement park episode?
7) Where's my succubus scene? They animated the sex scene so why not?
8) Akiha vs. Roa? Why?
9) Why does Shiki have no emotion?

If I thought long enough I could list off a bunch more unnecessary or wrong elements that should not have existed in the animé. Tsukihime goes on top of my list of shows that I think need to be redone. I know it's virtually impossible to adequately animate a visual novel, but good God, they didn't even TRY.
May 14, 2008 10:32 PM

Dec 2007
you all seem to have played the visual novel, I haven't, therefore I really like the anime 'cuz I don't compare :C
May 24, 2008 3:45 PM

Mar 2008
Rakku-san said:
you all seem to have played the visual novel, I haven't, therefore I really like the anime 'cuz I don't compare :C
You really, REALLY need to play it. The animé is waaaaaaaaay off.
May 25, 2008 8:02 AM

Feb 2008
Problem is the following. It is explaind ( by nasu after the creation of tsuki )
That Arc understood that useless/pointless/unecsesury things that is not part of her mission is necesery becous she got killed by Shiki. In the proloug it's said that she would never trip in a rock abous it's unecsasury. After she got killed by Shiki she started realising things that is not part of her mission at all. Untill then she was more like a vampire killing machine then an actuall person.
May 25, 2008 12:12 PM

Dec 2007
Quintessence said:
You really, REALLY need to play it. The animé is waaaaaaaaay off.

or not. I have no interest in visual novels.
May 25, 2008 3:27 PM

Mar 2008
Rakku-san said:
Quintessence said:
You really, REALLY need to play it. The animé is waaaaaaaaay off.

or not. I have no interest in visual novels.
You're loss.
Jun 9, 2008 7:08 AM

Oct 2007
Revillo_Phoenix said:
Problem is the following. It is explaind ( by nasu after the creation of tsuki )
That Arc understood that useless/pointless/unecsesury things that is not part of her mission is necesery becous she got killed by Shiki. In the proloug it's said that she would never trip in a rock abous it's unecsasury. After she got killed by Shiki she started realising things that is not part of her mission at all. Untill then she was more like a vampire killing machine then an actuall person.

Yeah I know that. However, I was complaining about the pre-killing Arc, the supposedly "unemotional arc", who was running away from Shiki.
Jun 9, 2008 11:31 AM
Mar 2008
The anime was a letdown to me. I can practically list the faults, but these are the bigger reasons why the anime sucked to me:
1. Shiki's personality was almost completely different in the anime. In the game, he had a positive outlook on his life, and always saw the good qualities in people no matter now twisted they were (and example that comes to mind is Kohaku). In the anime he was morbid in comparison, and often saw the negative of everything.
2. Arcueid. She's 800 years old, but she's supposed to look like she's in her late teens, not 30's >_<. Actually, that happened to most of the characters. I watched the anime and wondered the whole time how old they're supposed to be. Imagine people 25 years old attending middle school and high school lol.
3. The battle with Nero. Why did they make such a long fight in the game last only five minutes in the anime? It makes no sense at all.
4. Kohaku/Hisui. I was glad to see them nearly unchanged(except they both look older). The only problem I had with them was the small flashback. The one where the kids were playing in the yard while a girl watched them in the mansion on the second floor. They don't explain that AT ALL in the anime, and only serves to take away the surprise in the game. this might be the first time I have seen an anime actually "spoil" the game in such a way o_O.
There were many other reasons why the anime sucked. The only thing I really liked in the anime was the soundtrack. That was beautiful. I often play it while I'm playing the Tsukihime game. Chamber music + Tsukihime = masterpiece ~_^
Jul 1, 2008 3:31 PM

May 2008
Actually i liked the anime very much when i saw it.
Now after finishing the game, i love him even more, but just because i now know the details...
Now i understand how the ending was meant, but i think if you haven't played the game you just misguide the end of the anime, cause since it's almost the same as the true ending, there are still some parts missing in the anime which is quite bad i think....
Now i know that the ending isn't that bad, it's just open....

Only thing what i'm wondering about,
why the anime got the true and not the good ending of the game :(
Jul 2, 2008 6:49 PM

Oct 2007
Arbel said:
Actually i liked the anime very much when i saw it.
Now after finishing the game, i love him even more, but just because i now know the details...
Now i understand how the ending was meant, but i think if you haven't played the game you just misguide the end of the anime, cause since it's almost the same as the true ending, there are still some parts missing in the anime which is quite bad i think....
Now i know that the ending isn't that bad, it's just open....

Only thing what i'm wondering about,
why the anime got the true and not the good ending of the game :(

that's just the's the TRUE ending...
Jul 2, 2008 9:31 PM
Mar 2008
Two-Hands said:
Arbel said:
Actually i liked the anime very much when i saw it.
Now after finishing the game, i love him even more, but just because i now know the details...
Now i understand how the ending was meant, but i think if you haven't played the game you just misguide the end of the anime, cause since it's almost the same as the true ending, there are still some parts missing in the anime which is quite bad i think....
Now i know that the ending isn't that bad, it's just open....

Only thing what i'm wondering about,
why the anime got the true and not the good ending of the game :(

that's just the's the TRUE ending...

Exactly. The producers of the anime wanted to stay close to the True Arc end, so that's why everything ended that way.
Now that I think about it, the fight scene between Shiki and Roa was most likely the most accurate part of the whole anime. Everything else serves to confuse and distort what happened.
Another thing I realized. I forget this now, but does Acrueid even say "You'll take responsibility for killing me" in the anime? I know I heard her say it in a trailer, and it sounded like it was meant to be a threat. In the game it was more playful and didn't even seem like she was being serious. She was smiling a genuinely happy smile when she said it in the game, with no malice and such.
Jul 2, 2008 11:24 PM

Aug 2007
It depends on how you define 'true' ending...

According to Geccha, Arc True is the True End for Tsukihime Story while I think its either Akiha/Kohaku is the True End for Tohno Shiki.

IMO, Shiki end is much better than Tsuki end =P

How come Shiro gets to look GAR in FSN the anime while Shiki just looks like a crybaby wimp? Just unfair...
Jul 6, 2008 6:47 PM

Oct 2007
PimpToad said:
It depends on how you define 'true' ending...

According to Geccha, Arc True is the True End for Tsukihime Story while I think its either Akiha/Kohaku is the True End for Tohno Shiki.

IMO, Shiki end is much better than Tsuki end =P

How come Shiro gets to look GAR in FSN the anime while Shiki just looks like a crybaby wimp? Just unfair...

i demand anime
Jul 9, 2008 12:40 AM

Aug 2007

Jul 10, 2008 9:21 AM
Mar 2008
lmao. I almost hope for a Tsukihime movie series like what they're doing for Kara no Kyoukai now.
You know, one for each girl. Well, I'm thinking they could almost put Hisui's and Kohaku's story together. And the girls that have two endings would have them combined in some way. So it would be a four movie series(or five if you want to include Yumizuka).
Jul 10, 2008 3:03 PM

Dec 2007
One movie per route would definately be too short. What i always wished they would do is what they did with Hellsing. THey could dedicate 3 or 4 ovas per character and take care of each route like that.
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Jul 10, 2008 3:55 PM

Aug 2007
1 movie per route would actually suffice, although it has to be minimum 1:30 for it to work. If they omit the daily life part (although not all of it), then I'm sure they can manage...

3-4 episode OVA's equal to 60-80 minutes worth of airtime, less than that of a movie =P
(granted that each ova episode is your average 30 minute ep, although if they do it ala!)
Jul 10, 2008 4:05 PM

Dec 2007
I guess that would work if they ommited the daily life part but when i said ova iment like the Hellsing ovas that are almost 1 hour each. I would also love to see alot of the daily life parts animated like lunch with Arihiko or wondering the mansion looking for Hisui or Kohaku.
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Jul 10, 2008 4:31 PM

Aug 2007
A lot of people would find that boring...xD
Jul 10, 2008 5:12 PM

Apr 2007
What anime?there is no anime
Jul 10, 2008 5:16 PM

Aug 2007
Jul 11, 2008 1:47 PM
Mar 2008
Hamel said:
What anime?there is no anime

True. We're just discussing what it would be like if there were one.
Jul 11, 2008 7:06 PM

Aug 2007
I wouldn't mind a manga adaptation =P

I have high standards when it comes to adaptations and I'm very impressed at what they've done with it. Its practically impossible to combine near-side and far-side into one adaptation...but oh well small sacrifices for the good of mankind! xD

Far-Side: Arcueid? Who's that? xD
Far-Side: that some type of food?
Far-Side: Who knew Sacchin was yandere for Shiki...
Near-Side: Who the fuck is SHIKI?
Near-Side: Kohaku :O
Near-Side: What the hell is a Sacchin? (No wai she dies?) xD

Two completely different stories deserve two completely different anime!
Sep 19, 2008 7:19 AM

Jun 2008
The anime was so full of flaws, I don't even know where to begin. From beginning to end, everything fell short of the source material. Arcuied was way too serious and Shiki seemed constantly depressed. Watching the anime made me feel like stabbing myself in the head.

The manga of Tsukihime was done much better. I really hope that the Tsukihime remake leads to a remake of the anime. It seems ridiculous that such a great story was butchered so horribly. Did the production company even try? I seriously doubt it.
Sep 30, 2008 5:11 AM

Jun 2008
I've gotta say, I watched the anime before playing the VN, or reading the manga, so I loved it.

Now that I'm reading the manga AND playing the VN, the anime doesn't seem so great any more.
May 25, 2009 1:32 AM

Apr 2008
I only watched anime and I cannot say it was brilliant. It was just so-so, however, I really enjoyed the music.
From your opinions, I can see the anime shallowed many things and some important stuff was omitted- too bad. Guess it's time to try the game.
Jun 1, 2009 10:57 PM

Jul 2007
Dunno how i would feel if i watched the anime first but...

The anime was epic suckage... Biggest mistake was too make it 12 eps pffff
It was so rushed seriously.

It had a really good episode though that i laughed my ass off. When they all visited the luna park!!!

Tsundere Akiha <3 <3 <3
Jun 10, 2009 12:31 AM
Jul 2018
It was boring as hell.
Sep 5, 2009 9:08 AM

Feb 2009
It`s one of the best mystic-romance anime
Аккаунты: rutracker || fansubs || World-Art
Dec 19, 2009 10:50 AM

Dec 2009
Anime( ¿? rumor?) sucks after having played the VN ... i invited all my friends to watch the VN for them to understand me, i made them read at least Arc's endings...
After having been "Enlightened" the Conclusion: "MUST PLAY VN"
"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Dec 21, 2009 8:32 PM

May 2009
I've been playing the VN, reading the manga, and watching the anime all at the same time.
Only one is shit.
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Dec 28, 2009 6:07 AM
Oct 2009
it sucked and was way too short
Mar 19, 2010 8:50 PM

Mar 2010

Lovebar made by Rarutos-sama from ARM
Mar 25, 2010 10:22 PM

Oct 2007
Know what I find worse than the Tsukihime anime?

That goddamn retarded meme.
You can find me on IRC.
Apr 3, 2010 9:20 AM

Dec 2009
Kuyukly said:
Know what I find worse than the Tsukihime anime?

That goddamn retarded meme.

"A Cat is Fine Too"
"There is No Tsukihime Anime"
"This Chair, This Chair, ..."

i prefer " A Cat [Insert stuff] is Fine Too"
NasuverseproApr 3, 2010 9:27 AM
"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Apr 9, 2010 4:18 AM

Dec 2008
Man if I could make anime my first would be a remake of Tsukihime that encompassed all 5 story lines with your traditional Acruied ending. It's possible damnit!
Apr 10, 2010 7:34 AM

Jul 2009
Renegade765 said:
Man if I could make anime my first would be a remake of Tsukihime that encompassed all 5 story lines with your traditional Acruied ending. It's possible damnit!

You mean kinda like the manga is doing.
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