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Should I watch fate/zero before watching this series?
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142 votes
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Oct 6, 2014 6:55 AM

Sep 2013
Not much is spoiled by Fate/Zero in Unlimited Blade Works, don't worry. It mostly affects Fate (Saber's route) and Heaven's Feel (Sakura's route and the story that will be covered in a movie), which are the first and third playable routes respectively. You have to play the first route (Fate) to unlock the second (UBW) and you have to play the second route to play the third (HF). There's an order to all of this.
CapsuleCoreOct 6, 2014 6:58 AM
Oct 6, 2014 6:57 AM

Jul 2007
CorePriest said:
Not much is spoiled by Fate/Zero in Unlimited Blade Works, don't worry. It mostly affects Fate (Saber's route) and Heaven's Feel (Sakura's route and the story that will be covered in a movie).

Well it does technically spoil

AhenshihaelOct 6, 2014 7:00 AM
Oct 6, 2014 7:00 AM

Sep 2013
CookingPriest said:
CorePriest said:
Not much is spoiled by Fate/Zero in Unlimited Blade Works, don't worry. It mostly affects Fate (Saber's route) and Heaven's Feel (Sakura's route and the story that will be covered in a movie).

Well it does technically spoil

True, but I'd argue that is not as great an issue as the things Zero spoils regarding Fate and HF.
Oct 6, 2014 7:01 AM

Jul 2007
CorePriest said:
CookingPriest said:

Well it does technically spoil

True, but I'd argue that is not as great an issue as the things Zero spoils regarding Fate and HF.

I'd say that's quite a big of plot twists to be spoiled for UBW.
Oct 6, 2014 7:36 AM

Sep 2013
CookingPriest said:
CorePriest said:

True, but I'd argue that is not as great an issue as the things Zero spoils regarding Fate and HF.

I'd say that's quite a big of plot twists to be spoiled for UBW.

Not as much as for Fate and HF for me, which is my point.
Oct 6, 2014 11:59 AM

Sep 2013
Meh, I watched F/Z first and then this one. No problem. I was like OH SHIT when I saw Saber attacking Archer >_>
Oct 6, 2014 5:00 PM

Jan 2011
th3pwnsh0p said:
Meh, I watched F/Z first and then this one. No problem. I was like OH SHIT when I saw Saber attacking Archer >_>
"Gee nothing in the first episode was spoiled by F/Z so it must be okay."
Oct 6, 2014 6:05 PM

Jul 2013
ReaperCreeper said:
th3pwnsh0p said:
Meh, I watched F/Z first and then this one. No problem. I was like OH SHIT when I saw Saber attacking Archer >_>
"Gee nothing in the first episode was spoiled by F/Z so it must be okay."

secondaries be like
And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
Oct 6, 2014 6:28 PM

Nov 2013
Ahmad317 said:
watch fate/zero first.
it doesn't spoil FSN.
fate zero is masterpiece while original FSN is crap compared to it.
You can't get more secondary than this.
Oct 6, 2014 6:56 PM

Sep 2014
Ahmad317 said:
watch fate/zero first.
it doesn't spoil FSN.
fate zero is masterpiece while original FSN is crap compared to it.

The "original" F/SN? You clearly don't even know what the original F/SN is. And if you knew what it was and thought it was crap, then you wouldn't have read the entire novel anyway, which means you don't know a thing about Heaven's Feel. Therefore, you're not entitled to talk about what's spoiled or not.
Oct 6, 2014 7:12 PM

Aug 2012
It's daijoubu, you won't get spoiled. Personally I prefer to watch series in release order in general though.
Oct 6, 2014 7:31 PM

Jul 2007
FlameseeK said:
Ahmad317 said:
watch fate/zero first.
it doesn't spoil FSN.
fate zero is masterpiece while original FSN is crap compared to it.

The "original" F/SN? You clearly don't even know what the original F/SN is. And if you knew what it was and thought it was crap, then you wouldn't have read the entire novel anyway, which means you don't know a thing about Heaven's Feel. Therefore, you're not entitled to talk about what's spoiled or not.


Anyone who knows what they are talking aobut KNOWS just HOW MUCH Fate/Zero spoils and would never recommend to watch it first.
Oct 6, 2014 7:36 PM

Jul 2013
Ahmad317 said:
watch fate/zero first.
it doesn't spoil FSN.
fate zero is masterpiece while original FSN is crap compared to it.

Wow, for a minute I thought I just read something really fucking stupid.

And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
Oct 6, 2014 8:23 PM

Nov 2013
CookingPriest said:
BotatoPriest said:
Watch UBW 2014, then watch HF movie(s) then F/Z.

^ this person is correct.

Fate/Zero spoils entirety of FSN and is intended to be watched after FSN.
Well shiiiiit I already watched F/Z

Oct 6, 2014 9:28 PM

Apr 2014
PriestJabon said:
Ahmad317 said:
watch fate/zero first.
it doesn't spoil FSN.
fate zero is masterpiece while original FSN is crap compared to it.

Wow, for a minute I thought I just read something really fucking stupid.


I have come to request blessings from the priests. Please give me the strength to overcome the ignorance being spewed across the internet by people who think they know shit about the franchise even though they have never read the visual novel.
Oct 6, 2014 10:45 PM

Oct 2010
ZeroDragon said:
PriestJabon said:

Wow, for a minute I thought I just read something really fucking stupid.


I have come to request blessings from the priests. Please give me the strength to overcome the ignorance being spewed across the internet by people who think they know shit about the franchise even though they have never read the visual novel.

I love F/Z but it annoys me all the fucking time to see people dismiss F/SN in favor of F/Z because they're only familiar with the mishandled Deen adaptations.
Oct 7, 2014 12:21 AM
May 2013
My opinion is that this should be good by itself, not as a sequel to fate/zero, since...well, it's not.
Oct 7, 2014 3:33 AM

Aug 2014
ChaoticSilence said:
CookingPriest said:

^ this person is correct.

Fate/Zero spoils entirety of FSN and is intended to be watched after FSN.
Well shiiiiit I already watched F/Z

It's still watchable, but some twists might come off as....not twists. Also it will complete the story and there is at least one major one in this route not spoiled, so yeah.
Oct 7, 2014 4:41 AM

Jul 2007
InsertPriestHere said:
ChaoticSilence said:
Well shiiiiit I already watched F/Z

It's still watchable, but some twists might come off as....not twists. Also it will complete the story and there is at least one major one in this route not spoiled, so yeah.

On other hand. Huge part of storyline will feel like a recap.

Hey, at least the fights will still b e good.
Oct 7, 2014 6:17 AM

May 2014
ZeroDragon said:
PriestJabon said:

Wow, for a minute I thought I just read something really fucking stupid.


I have come to request blessings from the priests. Please give me the strength to overcome the ignorance being spewed across the internet by people who think they know shit about the franchise even though they have never read the visual novel.

I think we both know that's not something you want.

Last time Kirei attempted a baptism he
Oct 7, 2014 9:09 AM

May 2014
>Comes here
>Votes no
>"No way anyone would actually say chronologically@
>Checks results
>"Chronologically - 28 - 43.75%

Wow, is that the amount of people that never read the VN?

Because F/Z spoils way too many things for the VN.

Read the VN and then watch F/Z.
Oct 7, 2014 9:19 AM

Aug 2014
Tatsuya-kun said:
>Comes here
>Votes no
>"No way anyone would actually say chronologically@
>Checks results
>"Chronologically - 28 - 43.75%

Wow, is that the amount of people that never read the VN?

Because F/Z spoils way too many things for the VN.

Read the VN and then watch F/Z.

Though in this case release date is actually the same as chronological order seeing as he's referring to UBW 2014 and F/Z the poll is kinda....useless....
Oct 7, 2014 9:50 AM

Nov 2013
Tatsuya-kun said:
>Comes here
>Votes no
>"No way anyone would actually say chronologically@
>Checks results
>"Chronologically - 28 - 43.75%

Wow, is that the amount of people that never read the VN?

Because F/Z spoils way too many things for the VN.

Read the VN and then watch F/Z.
If you read the replies you would notice the Priests did their best to enlighten newcomers.

Though I think we kinda pushed it seeing as one of the posters deleted his comment...
Oct 7, 2014 9:50 AM

Sep 2014
ChaoticSilence said:
Well shiiiiit I already watched F/Z

What's done is done. F/SN is still very much worth watching even if you watched F/Z first!

It won't be as mysterious, but rest assured UBW has mysteries and twists of its own that aren't spoiled by F/Z. In fact, the story gets deeper in each route and builds on prior knowledge. Since plot twists can't be recycled, UBW and HF have to go further.

The routes that were most spoiled by F/Z are without a doubt Fate and HF. However, the fact that Ufotable is going straight for UBW means that the twists from the Fate route will still be twists in the UBW adaptation.

Tatsuya-kun said:
If you read the replies you would notice the Priests did their best to enlighten newcomers.

Though I think we kinda pushed it seeing as one of the posters deleted his comment...

I think I was particularly blunt about it. :(

But then again, the guy was spreading misinformation about spoilers and called F/SN crap without having read the novel, so I couldn't help being a little harsh when I called him out. It's for the greater good of F/SN though.
FlamepriesTOct 7, 2014 10:01 AM
Oct 7, 2014 9:55 AM

Jun 2012
Can we just make an FAQ sticky already I know most posters won't care but, at least we can stop some of them.
Oct 7, 2014 10:04 AM

Sep 2014
GarPriest said:
Can we just make an FAQ sticky already I know most posters won't care but, at least we can stop some of them.

It's high time we made a FAQ imho. There are too many threads about where to get started in the series.
Oct 7, 2014 10:34 AM

Jul 2007
GarPriest said:
Can we just make an FAQ sticky already I know most posters won't care but, at least we can stop some of them.

Already was done at least five times here.

Hell there are at least FIVE different schemes explaining it all on the internet.

Questions still come.

And some people outright come and say that "no you are wrong. Its just my opinion but Zero should totally be first"
Oct 7, 2014 10:51 AM

May 2014
Everyone who says "F/Z should be watched first" is a filthy secondary who did just that.
Oct 7, 2014 12:08 PM

Oct 2014
Tatsuya-kun said:
Everyone who says "F/Z should be watched first" is a filthy secondary who did just that.

While I understand the argument of "F/Z should be watched after F/sn" and that it probably is the better option for the majority, I myself did it "wrong", and it did not decrease my enjoyment in any way (unless you dare to have the arrogance to say BS like that my expierience is somehow 'inferior')

This argument has been in exactly 100% of all cases (not only on this forum but at other places as well) ignored by the purists. Be it me, or others that have been giving similar opinions, as if trying to deny our existence, while instead focusing about the "secondaries" from youtube comments and repeating how bad bad bad watching F/Z first is.

Also the argument that people that don't want to read the VN should wait until they experienced all of the HF adaptions later on (which will probably be a movie series, else it becomes DEEN UBW movie 2.0) before watching F/Z is outright ridiculous! Just think about it a bit and you will realize that a subbed version of the last movie will at earliest be in 2 years and at the latest in 4-5 years. Who would want to put off watching F/Z due to a few background spoilers for so long? Of course IN 5 years it will be a different matter, since the movies are already available, but now?

Honestly, I personally think for the MAJORITY it would be best to watch the UBW anime now and after that watch F/Z if they want. Yes, it COULD affect the enjoyment of watching the HF movies (like you and the priests say), but it could also not affect the enjoyment at all, or even enhance it with the background knowledge (like it did for me and others). In the end it comes down to preferences and how long you are willing to wait to follow the "author's intended order".

I abstained from the poll since I can not tell others something that they have to decide for themselves. I expect people here to be old enough to make their own decisions in that regard instead of letting their every action be dictated by someone else.

Also I personally think F/sn is better than F/Z, but that is just my personal opinon

And absolutely don't watch DEEN's 2006 version. The MC is completely mischaracterized there, which will probably cause those too infected by it to drop the current ufotable adaption next episode after a few minutes.

inb4 someone claims I am "just some wikia reader" or being labled as a "troll", because my existence does not fit into a purists' world view.
Oct 7, 2014 12:29 PM

May 2014
i watched fate/zero first and my experience hasnt been negatively impacted at all... i never found myself thinking *gosh darnit! if only i hadnt watched f/z first, my viewing experience wouldnt have been COMPLETELY FUCKING ANNIHILATED!*

it honestly felt better to me to watch f/z first. it felt like a natural progression, wheras if i watched f/sn first i wouldve been confused and irritated as fuck because of the reverse chronology and trying to piece everything together correctly in my head

i say watch fate/zero first
Kenjataimu mode status: 恒久
Oct 7, 2014 12:30 PM

Nov 2013
Grey-Zone said:
Also the argument that people that don't want to read the VN should wait until they experienced all of the HF adaptions later on (which will probably be a movie series, else it becomes DEEN UBW movie 2.0) before watching F/Z is outright ridiculous! Just think about it a bit and you will realize that a subbed version of the last movie will at earliest be in 2 years and at the latest in 4-5 years. Who would want to put off watching F/Z due to a few background spoilers for so long? Of course IN 5 years it will be a different matter, since the movies are already available, but now?

I don't understand why people treat F/Z like the goal everyone wanting to get into Fate/ has to achieve. It's just complementary material to F/SN; fanservice to VN readers if we want to be extreme. You watch it just to enhance your experience of F/SN. If one wants to watch a side story so badly that they don't care about the main one, then I don't think asking about which order to watch the series in even matters in the first place.

But anyway, the fact is Zero DOES spoil HF, and very much. We tell that to newcomers, but it is up to them to decide of course. Ideally, though, one would just read the damn VN and then watch whatever is available without asking too many questions or getting headaches.
Oct 7, 2014 12:34 PM

Nov 2013
OnlyTemporary said:
it honestly felt better to me to watch f/z first. it felt like a natural progression, wheras if i watched f/sn first i wouldve been confused and irritated as fuck because of the reverse chronology and trying to piece everything together correctly in my head
And somehow you weren't confused about bits in F/Z like
Oct 7, 2014 12:36 PM

Sep 2014
OnlyTemporary said:
i watched fate/zero first and my experience hasnt been negatively impacted at all... i never found myself thinking *gosh darnit! if only i hadnt watched f/z first, my viewing experience wouldnt have been COMPLETELY FUCKING ANNIHILATED!*

it honestly felt better to me to watch f/z first. it felt like a natural progression, wheras if i watched f/sn first i wouldve been confused and irritated as fuck because of the reverse chronology and trying to piece everything together correctly in my head

i say watch fate/zero first

Says the guy who watched Deen's adaptation, has no clue what Heaven's Feel is, and rated the UBW prologue as "1". What a joke. The franchise would be much better off without people like you.
FlamepriesTOct 7, 2014 1:07 PM
Oct 7, 2014 12:46 PM

Aug 2014
FlameseeK said:
OnlyTemporary said:
i watched fate/zero first and my experience hasnt been negatively impacted at all... i never found myself thinking *gosh darnit! if only i hadnt watched f/z first, my viewing experience wouldnt have been COMPLETELY FUCKING ANNIHILATED!*

it honestly felt better to me to watch f/z first. it felt like a natural progression, wheras if i watched f/sn first i wouldve been confused and irritated as fuck because of the reverse chronology and trying to piece everything together correctly in my head

i say watch fate/zero first

Says the guy who watched Deen's adaptation, has no clue what Heaven's Feel is, and rated the UBW prologue as "1". What a joke. The franchise would be much better off without people like you.

Boom, #rekt.
BotatoPriest said:
OnlyTemporary said:
it honestly felt better to me to watch f/z first. it felt like a natural progression, wheras if i watched f/sn first i wouldve been confused and irritated as fuck because of the reverse chronology and trying to piece everything together correctly in my head
And somehow you weren't confused about bits in F/Z like

Oct 7, 2014 12:54 PM
Jul 2014
InsertPriestHere said:
Oct 7, 2014 1:00 PM

Sep 2013
Grey-Zone said:
Tatsuya-kun said:
Everyone who says "F/Z should be watched first" is a filthy secondary who did just that.

While I understand the argument of "F/Z should be watched after F/sn" and that it probably is the better option for the majority, I myself did it "wrong", and it did not decrease my enjoyment in any way (unless you dare to have the arrogance to say BS like that my expierience is somehow 'inferior')

This argument has been in exactly 100% of all cases (not only on this forum but at other places as well) ignored by the purists. Be it me, or others that have been giving similar opinions, as if trying to deny our existence, while instead focusing about the "secondaries" from youtube comments and repeating how bad bad bad watching F/Z first is.

Also the argument that people that don't want to read the VN should wait until they experienced all of the HF adaptions later on (which will probably be a movie series, else it becomes DEEN UBW movie 2.0) before watching F/Z is outright ridiculous! Just think about it a bit and you will realize that a subbed version of the last movie will at earliest be in 2 years and at the latest in 4-5 years. Who would want to put off watching F/Z due to a few background spoilers for so long? Of course IN 5 years it will be a different matter, since the movies are already available, but now?

Honestly, I personally think for the MAJORITY it would be best to watch the UBW anime now and after that watch F/Z if they want. Yes, it COULD affect the enjoyment of watching the HF movies (like you and the priests say), but it could also not affect the enjoyment at all, or even enhance it with the background knowledge (like it did for me and others). In the end it comes down to preferences and how long you are willing to wait to follow the "author's intended order".

I abstained from the poll since I can not tell others something that they have to decide for themselves. I expect people here to be old enough to make their own decisions in that regard instead of letting their every action be dictated by someone else.

Also I personally think F/sn is better than F/Z, but that is just my personal opinon

And absolutely don't watch DEEN's 2006 version. The MC is completely mischaracterized there, which will probably cause those too infected by it to drop the current ufotable adaption next episode after a few minutes.

inb4 someone claims I am "just some wikia reader" or being labled as a "troll", because my existence does not fit into a purists' world view.

Don't overgeneralize here, because that doesn't make you any better than Tatsuya-kun. I know you read MAL before you decided to post here, you should know that not everyone who favors the intended order says it's unbelievably bad to start with FZ. People ask for recommendations, I give them one. Simple.
Oct 7, 2014 1:07 PM

Sep 2014
Grey-Zone said:
Also the argument that people that don't want to read the VN should wait until they experienced all of the HF adaptions later on (which will probably be a movie series, else it becomes DEEN UBW movie 2.0) before watching F/Z is outright ridiculous! Just think about it a bit and you will realize that a subbed version of the last movie will at earliest be in 2 years and at the latest in 4-5 years. Who would want to put off watching F/Z due to a few background spoilers for so long? Of course IN 5 years it will be a different matter, since the movies are already available, but now?

They SHOULD watch HF first at the very least. It could also be argued that Ufotable should have adapted UBW and HF before F/Z, but that's not what happened. So you have the option of (1) waiting for HF, (2) watching F/Z in spite of it spoiling HF, or (3) reading the novel.

Option number 3 is obviously the ideal approach, as you can easily finish the entire novel way before the first season of UBW is over. Then, you can watch F/Z without a care in the world. It's not like I wouldn't have enjoyed the novel if I'd watched F/Z before it, but I personally would have hated to have done so. But if someone won't bother reading the novel and can't wait until UBW and HF are both released, that's their problem, not mine... they have been warned after all.
Oct 7, 2014 1:24 PM

Oct 2014
That guy posting after me, made me look bad -.- saying F/Z MUST be watched first is ridiculous. It may be an option, but calling it the "only way", connected with rating the UBW prologue episode with 1 due to "balancing it out", without giving any real reasons are clear indications of a troll.

But to answer the priests questions (since the troll will obviously be unable to answer them), I cannot completely remember what I was thinking when I watched it, but off the top of my head (I watched it after it was already completed, about half a year ago):

There were a few things I did not know about, but those things, unlike the 2006 DEEN anime, were able to drive me into reading the VN in the end, which was my second VN I read in my life.

The reason why I hate DEEN so much is because the first VN I read in my life was Umineko...

FlameseeK said:
They SHOULD watch HF first at the very least. It could also be argued that Ufotable should have adapted UBW and HF before F/Z, but that's not what happened. So you have the option of (1) waiting for HF, (2) watching F/Z in spite of it spoiling HF, or (3) reading the novel.

Option number 3 is obviously the ideal approach, as you can easily finish the entire novel way before the first season of UBW is over. Then, you can watch F/Z without a care in the world. It's not like I wouldn't have enjoyed the novel if I'd watched F/Z before it, but I personally would have hated to have done so. But if someone won't bother reading the novel and can't wait until UBW and HF are both released, that's their problem, not mine... they have been warned after all.

Yes option 3 would have been ideal, but some people don't want to. But it feels bad if people are telling left and right that something is unenjoyable, even though I did it and it WAS enjoyable. That is like admiting that I my enjoyment was "fake" or something, it is hard to express.
Grey-ZoneOct 7, 2014 1:45 PM
Oct 7, 2014 1:30 PM

Jul 2013
That feel when the secondaries will view the priests as villains when we're trying to guide everyone to the path of righteousness.

Feels bad man.
And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
Oct 7, 2014 1:35 PM

Sep 2014
FlameseeK said:
GarPriest said:
Can we just make an FAQ sticky already I know most posters won't care but, at least we can stop some of them.

It's high time we made a FAQ imho. There are too many threads about where to get started in the series.

Trust me, they wouldn't read them. Over at /r/anime, about 3 or 4 are made in the last month or so, and one even made it into the wiki with a link on the banner, but we still get the fate watch order question every few hours
Oct 7, 2014 1:44 PM

Nov 2013
The thing is, usually people that suggest F/Z first don't know what they are talking about and sometimes if not always they haven't read the VN themselves. OP is asking the people that KNOW, so the uninformed posts are really misleading. Now I, and I'm sure most of the other TM fans, don't care what OP does nor do we think that F/Z being first is the worst thing possible. We just give relevant information about the whole thing and our own recommendation based on what we know from reading the novels and watching all anime versions of Fate/ that are in question. And the best way is to watch Zero after HF because not only does it spoil HF, but F/Z assumes you know stuff from HF and doesn't bother to explain them to you so you might end up confused about it.

Like I said, if they can't wait and want to watch Zero that badly then they can go ahead and watch Zero first, but I sure as hell don't recommend it at all, and most other people who know their stuff about Fate/ feel the same way I'm sure. Though I'd recommend watching it again after F/SN.

But most of all, I highly recommend reading the VN. I know I bashed the VN medium a few times before but seriously, reading the VN solves and answers ALL the problems in this matter not to mention gives you a chance to properly experience Fate route since it doesn't have a proper anime adaptation.
Oct 7, 2014 1:44 PM

Jul 2007
Not_A_Priest said:
FlameseeK said:

It's high time we made a FAQ imho. There are too many threads about where to get started in the series.

Trust me, they wouldn't read them. Over at /r/anime, about 3 or 4 are made in the last month or so, and one even made it into the wiki with a link on the banner, but we still get the fate watch order question every few hours

There are five or six "guides" written(Reddit created one too), there are four or five different schemes(including the four chan one).

They are always met with same "oh its just your opinion man, watch Zero, totally" secondaries rushing in.
Oct 7, 2014 1:48 PM

Jan 2014
PriestJabon said:
That feel when the secondaries will view the priests as villains when we're trying to guide everyone to the path of righteousness.

Feels bad man.
Funny thing is, judging from the comments it seems that most people see us as one single entity rather than different posters with each their own opinion.

Which is awesome.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Oct 7, 2014 1:52 PM

Oct 2010
SlothPriest said:
InsertPriestHere said:

Oct 7, 2014 1:55 PM

Sep 2014
Grey-Zone said:
Yes option 3 would have been ideal, but some people don't want to. But it feels bad if people are telling left and right that something is unenjoable, even though I did it and it WAS enjoyable. That is like admiting that I my enjoyment was "fake" or something, it is hard to express.

I know what you mean. I'd still have read F/SN even if I'd watched F/Z first by mistake, and I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed it because it's just that good. That being said... I can only pity those who aren't willing to read the most popular visual novel ever. But it's their right to go ahead and have F/SN spoiled if they don't care about it...

PriestJabon said:
That feel when the secondaries will view the priests as villains when we're trying to guide everyone to the path of righteousness.

Feels bad man.

HAHAHA you just made my day!
There's no way we're villians, right?

Not_A_Priest said:
Trust me, they wouldn't read them. Over at /r/anime, about 3 or 4 are made in the last month or so, and one even made it into the wiki with a link on the banner, but we still get the fate watch order question every few hours

But if there's a sticky here on the forums, we could easily just let the person know about the thread. And perhaps lock it right afterwards if there's a mod around.
FlamepriesTOct 7, 2014 2:02 PM
Oct 7, 2014 2:00 PM

Nov 2013
FlameseeK said:
There's no way we're villians, right?
Actual Fate/ spoiler:
Oct 7, 2014 2:00 PM
Jul 2014
Shintai said:
SlothPriest said:

Fair enough. I don't think DEEN's version explained that and I haven't got that far into the VN yet :P
Oct 7, 2014 2:00 PM

Oct 2014
Well there are those who are afraid of getting the VN to read due to... let's say "legal issues".
Oct 7, 2014 2:03 PM

Sep 2014
GangstaPriest said:
Funny thing is, judging from the comments it seems that most people see us as one single entity rather than different posters with each their own opinion.

Which is awesome.

So true. It's like we're fundamentalists whose goal is to defend the visual novel from the profanity of F/Z. lol

Grey-Zone said:
Well there are those who are afraid of getting the VN to read due to... let's say "legal issues".

What do you mean exactly? If you're talking about h-scenes, they can be turned off depending on your patch or version of the game.
FlamepriesTOct 7, 2014 2:07 PM
Oct 7, 2014 2:07 PM

Oct 2010
SlothPriest said:
Shintai said:

Fair enough. I don't think DEEN's version explained that and I haven't got that far into the VN yet :P

The DEEN anime does bring it up and it's explained early on that killing people can supply servants with mana, you were meant to put 2 and 2 together during that certain reveal.
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» Plot Hole (spoilers)

Mescalink - Jul 7, 2023

13 by Azynobitaku »»
Jul 8, 2023 6:48 PM

» Is there a huge flaw or am I missing something?

Barrusu - Apr 19, 2017

8 by Dawizz »»
Jun 30, 2023 9:52 PM

» That fight scene

kotosugu - May 13, 2023

12 by kakashis_sidehoe »»
May 15, 2023 2:16 PM

» What happened to the quality of voice acting?

060steve - Jul 28, 2020

0 by 060steve »»
Jul 28, 2020 1:03 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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