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Sep 6, 2014 8:17 AM

Nov 2007
According to a Diabolik Lovers event today, an OVA of anime Diabolik Lovers has been announced. The OVA will be included with the upcoming game Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE which is set to be released in 2015.

The preview announcement at the event showed the four Mukami brothers from Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD. Further information will be announced at a later time.


News submitted by Shadow-Chan

Diabolik Lovers OVA on MAL
DunoisOct 10, 2014 4:55 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
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Sep 6, 2014 8:21 AM

Apr 2014
I can't believe it.I taught that they will never make an OVA lol im suprised. *O*
Sep 6, 2014 9:05 AM

Sep 2013
More vampires! :3
Sep 6, 2014 9:10 AM

Nov 2012
I have heard bad things about this anime...not sure how I feel about this. Will NOT watch since 1) Shoujo.

And vampires. I don't like vampires anymore. Everything ever ruined them.

Never put shoujo and vampires together. You know what you will get? Twilight/Vampire Knight.

"Hey, assbutt!"—Castiel, Supernatural

"Do you ever have a problem where you just don't know how to reply to an argument-- not because you don't know the answer, but you just don't where to begin? Like, the foundation of knowledge you'd need to impart to this person before you could even begin to drag them out of their sinkhole of ignorance would cost thousands of dollars, if it were coming from a University?" -MAL in a nutshell.
Sep 6, 2014 9:20 AM

Aug 2007
Nice. FOr the fans I think its good.
Sep 6, 2014 9:23 AM
Jan 2013
minimiau said:
Nice. FOr the fans I think its good.

I love you.
Sep 6, 2014 9:34 AM

Dec 2007
This is going to be a nice thread I can tell.

edit: Can any of the fans tell me the name of the music playing ton this site? Part of the game OST I assume?
EarwenSep 6, 2014 9:38 AM
Sep 6, 2014 9:40 AM

Aug 2011
Wow, that is certainly a surprise. The only character I'm really looking forward to is Azusa because he's an actual angel. But yeah... More Blood was kind of a trainwreck, so idk.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
TyrelSep 6, 2014 7:33 PM
Sep 6, 2014 9:49 AM

Jan 2013
Great! This was one of the few reverse harems I enjoyed.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 6, 2014 10:21 AM

Sep 2013
Oh! More shit... I am surprised! :O. No, not really...
Sep 6, 2014 10:21 AM

Oct 2012
noooo why wont it just end
Sep 6, 2014 10:34 AM

Oct 2008
The TV series wasn't that good, but I still have a tiny hope the OVA will be better. If the heroine is a little bit less of a doormat that'll be a plus too xD
Sep 6, 2014 10:42 AM

Apr 2012
I can't stop laughing with these news! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I ain't gonna miss this cancer!!!
Sep 6, 2014 10:44 AM

May 2012
I hope this OVA have something more intense than TV series. Maybe something like rape, or maybe some kind of excessive torture. I want to see some scars and blood over all that cute heroine body.

The TV series was good but not dark enough to satisfy me.
Sep 6, 2014 10:44 AM

Jun 2008
If that's bundled with DF (or at least in the animate set), hopefully that means they won't do another season for real... Unless they plan to release yet another game or something...
Well, I was interested how the Mukami brothers would look animated and while they're better than how I remember the Sakamaki brothers in the original PV, the style still looks about the same. OTL Yuuma seems kind of okay though.
Sep 6, 2014 10:45 AM
Nov 2012
wow, just on to see all the haters hate. I gotta admit, i was excited when the show first came out, but it turned out to be a train wreck...just...why?
Fairy Tail, Naruto, One Piece, Mirai Nikki, Clannad, Death Note, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, & Macross Frontier. Nuff said <3
Sep 6, 2014 11:07 AM

Oct 2013
Yey I can not wait. :D
Sep 6, 2014 11:08 AM

Nov 2011

Some good news!

For the girls!

This is a reminder that this world isn't androcentric.
And it is you girls' job to remember that it isn't a gynocentric world either.
But what you should remember is that males will always be above you just kidding Just Kidding I SAID JUST KIDDING.

Which makes me wonder --- are there straight guys who watch this? Do they also bother with Love Stage!!? I mean I'd watch it for the trap. But not today.
Sep 6, 2014 11:09 AM

Feb 2012
Nice. More for the fans to watch, but this show is disgustingly bad.
Sep 6, 2014 11:10 AM

Jun 2008
thepath said:
Face_Faith said:
hopefully that means they won't do another season for real... .

How does that affect you in any way ? No one is going to force you to watch the 2nd season if they make one.

Yes, it does.
If one anime/manga/game/etc. work gets popular, more of this will continue to be produced.
The longer DiaLover is popular (or if it is in general), the more games/anime/etc. like this will continue to be produced. It motivates people like Iwasaki to create even more of this stuff which doesn't even have the appropriate age ratings and may among other things cause normalisation of the sick things they use as material -- not to mention that they don't seem to try to change their patterns at all.
As a side effect, it creates a bad image for anime and other things aimed at girls and women (which also leads to what I mentioned above).
So, yes, I am affected.

zetsu_shoren said:

Some good news!

For the girls!

This is a reminder that this world isn't androcentric.
And it is you girls' job to remember that it isn't a gynocentric world either.
But what you should remember is that males will always be above you just kidding Just Kidding I SAID JUST KIDDING.

Which makes me wonder --- are there straight guys who watch this? Do they also bother with Love Stage!!? I mean I'd watch it for the trap. But not today.

o.o How is this related to the topic? :O Does this belong to a different thread?
Face_FaithSep 6, 2014 11:15 AM
Sep 6, 2014 11:14 AM

Aug 2012
YEEEESSSSSS!!!! The Mukami brothers are getting animated!!!! YEESSS! I'm so excited! Yuma and Kou >_<
Sep 6, 2014 11:27 AM

Aug 2011
YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!! Another 1/10 for my list.
Sep 6, 2014 11:32 AM

Apr 2009
This joke just won't die.
Sep 6, 2014 11:59 AM

May 2012
parfaited said:
YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!! Another 1/10 for my list.

I wonder how can anyone complete an anime and rate it 1/10. If this anime is this bad then why torture yourself and force yourself to watch it ?

I don't think you are honest with your rating

Iktoro99 said:
What's even the point of this?

1 extra episode for people who enjoyed diabolic lovers.
Sep 6, 2014 12:25 PM
Nov 2013
I don't know how to feel about this but we'll see more jerks that's for sure.
Sep 6, 2014 2:06 PM
Aug 2011
Now we just need the Pupa OVA and my life is complete.
Sep 6, 2014 2:51 PM

Aug 2013
OMGOMGOMG YESSS!!!!! :D:D:D:D I have been dreaming tat this would happen never thought it would bcus of the ammount of hate BUT HELL YEAH!!! :D:D:D:D ROLL ON 2015!!!
Sep 6, 2014 3:06 PM
Mar 2010
Sep 6, 2014 3:48 PM

Jun 2008
Iktoro99 said:
What's even the point of this?

Promotion, as usual, probably.
Even if the DVD sales weren't good for an anime (while there were problems with the estimations, it was an anime for a female audience, so I wouldn't be expecting anything outstanding), it's still doing well in terms of it's original work and the games that worked as a base for the anime adaption and while there are also the increased sales because of the anime broadcast (I believe there was a re-run, too), this time, this will probably also work as an additional aid as the sequels of the games will be released on the Vita instead.
Sep 6, 2014 4:21 PM

Aug 2011
zetsu_shoren said:

Which makes me wonder --- are there straight guys who watch this? Do they also bother with Love Stage!!? I mean I'd watch it for the trap. But not today.

Why does your sexuality even matter. I have never understood people who ask these questions. You don't need to be a certain sexuality to enjoy a show. There's nothing different about a gay romance than a straight one; just because it's about a gay couple (I don't know if I can even call them a gay couple because Izumi has shown interest in girls so he's probably bisexual MAYBE I'm not sure right now and that's the same with Ryouma; but I'm speaking in general) doesn't mean it's suddenly going to be super sexual, regardless of the manga content. It's not just sex it actually has a proper plot and handles certain horrible BL tropes very well (this part is with regards to Love Stage!! in particular).
Sep 6, 2014 5:28 PM

Mar 2013
This show is comically underrated the story telling is magnificent.
Sep 6, 2014 5:40 PM

Jul 2012
lmao more shit

i'll be watching it tho
Sep 6, 2014 6:56 PM

Nov 2012
Cant wait, so excited!!
Sep 6, 2014 7:47 PM

May 2010
Moar twisted fanservice I guess. Meeh, maybe I will watch it, the series wasn't as bad as some people were telling me.
Sep 6, 2014 8:07 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Hmm may watch for more laughs.
Sep 6, 2014 9:02 PM

Apr 2014
Oooooh! This is seriously going to be a thing? I guess I'll watch it for the insanity of Kanato and the strictness of Reiji. I won't expect much from it but ehh it's a decent enough series to watch another episode of.
Sep 6, 2014 9:32 PM

May 2012
epitome of cancer
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Sep 6, 2014 11:43 PM
Mar 2010

Well, good for the fans of the series.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on news about Meiji Tokyo Renka and Norn9.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Sep 6, 2014 11:44 PM

Jan 2013
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?
Sep 7, 2014 12:29 AM

Mar 2012
Fangirls were hungry for Vampire`s D.

Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
Sep 7, 2014 1:47 AM

Jan 2013
sometimes a shitty anime can make the visual novel more popular.

worked for walkure romanze.
Sep 7, 2014 2:02 AM
Mar 2010
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

Think is, we don't really know if the sales really were horrendous. I'm sure it was no big seller but you couldn't even buy the limited editions on Amazon! It was probably sold in a lot of stores not reported by Oricon, or so I hear/think/believe.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Sep 7, 2014 2:24 AM
May 2012
I hope that this OVA will be better than the rest of DL >.<
Sep 7, 2014 2:28 AM

Jan 2013
phoenixalia said:
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

Think is, we don't really know if the sales really were horrendous. I'm sure it was no big seller but you couldn't even buy the limited editions on Amazon! It was probably sold in a lot of stores not reported by Oricon, or so I hear/think/believe.

I want to have a shred of faith in humanity, so ill just assume the sales were bad and this is a fluke.

No rational human being would like something this terrible.
Sep 7, 2014 2:34 AM

Aug 2014
Looking forward to it! I didnt know what to think of Diabolik lovers at first, but it ended really well, so i really enjoyed it, ;3
Sep 7, 2014 5:19 AM

Jun 2008
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

SolviteSekai said:
sometimes a shitty anime can make the visual novel more popular.


Iktoro99 said:
Face_Faith said:

Promotion, as usual, probably.
Even if the DVD sales weren't good for an anime (while there were problems with the estimations, it was an anime for a female audience, so I wouldn't be expecting anything outstanding), it's still doing well in terms of it's original work and the games that worked as a base for the anime adaption and while there are also the increased sales because of the anime broadcast (I believe there was a re-run, too), this time, this will probably also work as an additional aid as the sequels of the games will be released on the Vita instead.

Ah, I see. I highly doubt this will sell well though

For an otoge, it will probably, despite then being released for the Vita. Both the game and fandisk have crossed the 20000 line in their first weeks and while for the following games there will probably also be additional buyers who bought the games later or because of the anime (the fandisk was released sometime when the broadcast was a few episodes in so we can expect that the number of (first week) buyers is going to grow a bit), the only otoge for the Vita to have sold more than 10000 copies are the new Hakuouki and Amnesia games, so it wouldn't be strange if DiaLover succeeded in doing so as well. Aside from that, before DF being released, there is also VC at the end of the year (unless they change the release date again...), which will probably be more affected by PSP->Vita than DF as the latter is supposedly going to be released in 2015.

phoenixalia said:
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

Think is, we don't really know if the sales really were horrendous. I'm sure it was no big seller but you couldn't even buy the limited editions on Amazon! It was probably sold in a lot of stores not reported by Oricon, or so I hear/think/believe.

Maybe this will be just like with the limited editions of the anime: If the OVA will be available with the Animate set, buyers will probably go for that (and if the price for the set will be about the same as usual, that sounds like a pretty good deal), so it's a win for Animate and a win for the game (and possibly other related) sales.
Moreover, not only shouldn't there be as much of a bad influence because of the Vita as mentioned above, but if they add the OVA to DF instead of VC, then the people interested in the OVA because of the Mukami brothers (even if they should have bought MB and were disappointed) may also come to like DF's new characters which may again boost some (i.e. CD) sales.

SolviteSekai said:
I want to have a shred of faith in humanity [...]

You say this in a discussion about anime? XD
Sep 7, 2014 5:47 AM
May 2012
Welp, good for the fans, at least.
Sep 7, 2014 6:40 AM

Sep 2012
Wtf? Diabolik Lovers??? Fucking yaoi
Sep 7, 2014 7:50 AM

Jan 2013
Great. I missed this shit so much.
Sep 7, 2014 7:58 AM

Jul 2012
Why? The anime was so bad I don't even know why I started watching it, and now an OVA?
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