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Mar 6, 2010 10:47 AM

Jun 2009
Best yet imo, focusing on a brother and sister. Interesting and surprising ending sequence.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Apr 16, 2010 12:55 AM

Jun 2009
Surprising good ending.... I guess...
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Jun 28, 2010 5:18 AM

Feb 2009
I guess Manticore took them away,huh?Too bad...I'm finally getting closer to the truth.
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Jul 16, 2011 2:31 PM

Dec 2009
Wow.. the ending, this has been one of the episodes I've liked the most from this series.
Sep 16, 2012 6:47 AM

Apr 2012
Dat poor kitty!

But seriously... very positive ep, and once again, very sublte, with that overstrong feeling that nothing is gratuitious: we got both the killer and the little boy, right? I just hope the end will be as good as the meticulous building up.
Jan 12, 2013 11:40 PM

Jun 2008
I enjoyed the episode, the relationship between the brother and sister was built up well. This helped really lead into what was a pretty big surprise as the episode was winding down.
Dec 31, 2013 7:15 AM

Aug 2013
So he hates everything just because his father missed his school play, god that is so stupid.
"Nothing is sweeter than your smile"
Jun 22, 2014 10:03 AM
Jun 2013
yea cant pity someone who killed a kitten.Also this brother and sister relationship is a bit to weird for me.Letting herself get abused and stuff.IAlso great job leaving your mom while she was mentally breaking down.Yea these two will not be missed.I actually liked the last episode more then this one.
Jul 1, 2014 11:14 PM

Jul 2008
So they took out the monster cop, nice but Boogiepop took them out in the end. I admit I was a little sad about that.
Sep 15, 2015 6:38 PM
Jul 2014
Best episode so far.
Dec 30, 2015 5:31 AM

May 2011
My greatest question yet - who was that at the end? Boogiepop...or Manticore?

My opinion of this episode is really not very good, just like the previous one. Maybe due to my eager anticipation for Nagi and Touka to take a vital role soon, or maybe because of high expectations built to a climax at episode 5 that results in disappointment at this stage. Really, presenting two different characters' experiences as a result of Manticore's influence is nothing much more than fillers, to put it in crude perspective. I hope I am proven wrong later, that is, if the show can impress me that these two episodes are not the 'fillers' I expected them to be.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Jan 7, 2016 7:47 PM

Apr 2009
I actually liked this episode and thought the ending was bittersweet. Never break promises to your kid, lol.
So that kid that lead Manaka to the amusement park is a physical manifestation of a young Mamoru?

These composite human names are pretty lame. Spooky Electric? Snake Eyes seemed pretty cool until he got wrecked.

So this Echoes fellow is one of the main causes of increased evolution.
Also wondering if Boogie sent the Oikawas to the same place Jonouchi is in.
Mar 24, 2017 11:00 AM

May 2012
Quite the episode I must say!
Jun 12, 2017 1:24 PM
Nov 2015
Don't like this as much as the mother episode, though still in keeping w the theme (youth's problems)
Almost a happy ending then the Manticore??? came in? What the hell??
Jun 12, 2017 1:25 PM
Nov 2015
Naccho said:
I actually liked this episode and thought the ending was bittersweet. Never break promises to your kid, lol.
So that kid that lead Manaka to the amusement park is a physical manifestation of a young Mamoru?

These composite human names are pretty lame. Spooky Electric? Snake Eyes seemed pretty cool until he got wrecked.

So this Echoes fellow is one of the main causes of increased evolution.
Also wondering if Boogie sent the Oikawas to the same place Jonouchi is in.

That is Manaka?? The stuttering girl?? She's supposed to be 5 years old!
Apr 23, 2018 6:20 PM

Feb 2013
I guess the big takeaway here is that the cop isn't/wasn't the only one "hunting".
Mar 7, 2019 11:57 PM

Dec 2015
Yet another nice familial case. The death of the shadow group's agent surprised me.


grayrebornnhy said:
my eager anticipation for Nagi and Touka to take a vital role
high expectations built to a climax at episode 5
presenting two different characters' experiences as a result of Manticore's influence is nothing much more than fillers
these two episodes are not the 'fillers' I expected them to be.

I was under the strong iimpression that this show was only using an event from the popular novel that inspired it to do its own thing: talking about a "modern society problem" (or just a problematic if you want) with each episode. What you called a climax seems little more than a focus on the background story tying those explorations in order to make some informations clearer to people foreign to the book (telling the kind of story you want). I bet that the "main story" will only strike again for the finale (last eps, or last two eps).

@Sean_Nessman Well, wasn't that what was pointed out by the pregnant mother's and grandmother bits?
Mar 15, 2021 10:51 PM

Aug 2017
That ending sequence, the story of brother and sister was amazing.
I thought episode 5 was good, but this is next level.
Mar 17, 2021 11:18 PM
Apr 2020
this episode was bomb no cap
Apr 15, 2021 6:55 PM

Aug 2017
Finally, Morita is dead. I dont feel bad for both siblings being killed at the end. They did bad things especially to that innocent cat.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 25, 2021 8:41 PM
Jan 2016
grayrebornnhy said:
My greatest question yet - who was that at the end? Boogiepop...or Manticore?

Years later, but it was Boogiepop Phantom, who is basing her physical appearance off of the Manticore from the original light novel (a bit harder to understand in this show because they also call Masami Saotome the Manticore as well).

Overall pretty good episode; while most of this show's light novel references are to the first Boogiepop light novel, this one has several references to the second and third ones (the "VS Imaginator" arc). In particular Paisley park, which is the setting for a lot of events including the climax of those two novels, as well as the appearance of the Spooky E character, although he's got a far less threatening appearance here (just a guy wearing a beanie). He looks far stranger in the 2019 adaption that covers those two light novels.
Nov 8, 2021 6:03 PM

Jun 2010
Story was much too thin; boy uses magical powers in a way that horrifies his sister; turns out she actually had the power; the end.
Jul 2, 2022 11:51 AM

Jan 2022
Did anyone else who watched the dub on funimation feel like the sound was off?
Aug 11, 2022 11:48 PM

Jun 2020
Okay that was fucking amazing. Another masterpiece of an episode. The soundtrack is fucking amazing, as well as the sound design. The thing that makes me wonder is, how do they always manage to make a single episode feel like an elaborate arc? It doesn't feel episodic. It feels like I'm watching a 26 episode anime and this is the 14th ep.

Nov 11, 2022 1:48 PM

Jan 2010
I'm unsure if it's a criticism or not, but due to how visually dark Boogiepop Phantom is, it's hard to tell what's happening half the time. However, there's also a lot of gruesome scenes that are actually enhanced via how dark things are. I love not being able to see the full horrific violence this show contains, as it leaves a lot of mysteries as to the nature of these killings. It helps that I'm not too keen on gore either, but I can see how this could get annoying for some viewers.
Dec 11, 2022 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
The twist in this episode is fantastic. That's where the positives end for me though. Too many vague happenings going on. There are these beings called Echos now? Are they the composite humans that were briefly talked about by the false officer or is it another creature altogether? I still don't know what Manticore is or if the secret organization pitch was real or not.

The sister's relationship with her brother was confusing. He beats and abuses her and she's okay with that? What was the deal with their parents? The father missed the brother's play, so what? They were both loving parents that did their best to help their son. It wasn't good enough for him? Did the sister use her powers to make their parents lose everything and fall into deep depression? All because of the play? What.

At least Boogiepop made an appearance for 0.1 second of the whole episode.. yay.
Jul 8, 2023 7:05 PM
Jan 2016
_Tatyana_ said:
The twist in this episode is fantastic. That's where the positives end for me though. Too many vague happenings going on. There are these beings called Echos now? Are they the composite humans that were briefly talked about by the false officer or is it another creature altogether? I still don't know what Manticore is or if the secret organization pitch was real or not.

The sister's relationship with her brother was confusing. He beats and abuses her and she's okay with that? What was the deal with their parents? The father missed the brother's play, so what? They were both loving parents that did their best to help their son. It wasn't good enough for him? Did the sister use her powers to make their parents lose everything and fall into deep depression? All because of the play? What.

At least Boogiepop made an appearance for 0.1 second of the whole episode.. yay.

Echoes is the being that the Manticore and composite humans were created from. It's something one has to read the original light novel to understand, or watch the first 3 episodes of the 2019 adaption. Echoes was a being from outer space who was taken captive by the Towa Organization and used to create these other beings before escaping himself, which leads to the events of the original light novel. Manaka/Butterfly girl also seems largely based on him as she has the same method of simply "echoing" what people say to her.

The Manticore is a being created by the Towa Organization based on echoes that escaped and started killing a bunch of people. In order to disguise itself it takes the form of people. At least in this show, the Manticore is typically seen taking the form of Masame Saotome (seen in episodes 1 and 3) except for episode 4 where its taking the form of Minako Yurihara because that episode takes place far earlier in the timeline, during the events of the original light novel. The same girl that Boogiepop Phantom takes her appearance from.

That wasn't Boogiepop at the end, but rather Boogiepop Phantom. Interesting to note that Boogiepop has barely been in the show to this point, only 2 scenes in episodes 1 and 5 and the latter was without the costume and probably easy to miss as well if one watches the dub (where for whatever reason Toka's voice actress doesn't really change her voice at all like the sub does).

Boy, it sure takes a lot to explain things in this show. :P
Aug 20, 2023 4:44 PM

Sep 2017
Well at least this one kinda made sense. What was the brother's problem from the beginning anyways? He'd just randomly go around and punch people?
Edit: Apparently he was just mad about his father not showing up to his play.
Well, Snake Eye was finally killed off. I see people talking a lot about Echoes here but I didn't see him at all. Apparently now they're saying Manticore looks the same as Boogiepop? Is Boogiepop even the good or bad guy? Considering that he killed off the siblings, I'd say he was the good guy. Not a fan of them anyways.
Quiddity131 said:
Echoes is the being that the Manticore and composite humans were created from. It's something one has to read the original light novel to understand, or watch the first 3 episodes of the 2019 adaption. Echoes was a being from outer space who was taken captive by the Towa Organization and used to create these other beings before escaping himself, which leads to the events of the original light novel. Manaka/Butterfly girl also seems largely based on him as she has the same method of simply "echoing" what people say to her.

The Manticore is a being created by the Towa Organization based on echoes that escaped and started killing a bunch of people. In order to disguise itself it takes the form of people. At least in this show, the Manticore is typically seen taking the form of Masame Saotome (seen in episodes 1 and 3) except for episode 4 where its taking the form of Minako Yurihara because that episode takes place far earlier in the timeline, during the events of the original light novel. The same girl that Boogiepop Phantom takes her appearance from.

That wasn't Boogiepop at the end, but rather Boogiepop Phantom. Interesting to note that Boogiepop has barely been in the show to this point, only 2 scenes in episodes 1 and 5 and the latter was without the costume and probably easy to miss as well if one watches the dub (where for whatever reason Toka's voice actress doesn't really change her voice at all like the sub does).

Boy, it sure takes a lot to explain things in this show. :P

Apparently you know your stuff.
Who is Boogiepop Phantom? Is he even the good guy?
What makes you think Manticore was at the end and not Boogiepop? Where was Echoes? WHO IS THE GOOD GUY HERE?
What does Boogiepop even do? Do Snake Eye, Boogiepop, Manticore and Echoes all just aim to eradicate the evolved humans?
FatephileAug 20, 2023 4:53 PM
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Aug 20, 2023 7:50 PM
Jan 2016
Fatephile said:

Apparently you know your stuff.
Who is Boogiepop Phantom? Is he even the good guy?
What makes you think Manticore was at the end and not Boogiepop? Where was Echoes? WHO IS THE GOOD GUY HERE?
What does Boogiepop even do? Do Snake Eye, Boogiepop, Manticore and Echoes all just aim to eradicate the evolved humans?

Boogiepop Phantom is the second Boogiepop, although occupies the body of another girl (Minako Yurihara instead of Touka Miyashita) and at least through this part of the series has been the "Boogiepop" we have seen the vast majority of the time (basically every time outside of the first episode).  

I can't say whether or not Boogiepop Phantom is a good guy (well good girl technically), you'll have to keep watching to find out.

It's a bit convoluted to explain if one hasn't read the original light novel (or watched episodes 1 - 3 of the 2019 adaption), but the jist of it is that Manticore is a being created by the Towa Organization by trying to copy Echoes. The Manticore escaped, killed the original Minako Yurihara and took her form. Boogiepop Phantom was then created as a copy of the Manticore in that form, and started wearing Boogiepop's costume. You can tell Boogiepop and Boogiepop Phantom apart because beyond wearing the same costume they're occupying the bodies of 2 different girls and do look different. Also the voice is an easy mark; Boogiepop has a more masculine voice (at least in Japanese) and Boogiepop Phantom has a more feminine one. If you're watching dubbed, Boogiepop Phantom does have a more sinister sounding voice.

Echoes is dead by this point in the storyline.

Boogiepop's goal is to essentially rid the world of evil, or at least the evil occurring in the city that the light novel/anime takes place in. The motivations are a bit different among the characters. Snake Eye is more evil, being an agent of the Towa Organization. Likewise Manticore (occupying the body of Masami Saotome in this show and I believe is known as Manticore Phantom) is evil but I don't think cares at all about the evolved humans and is trying to consume people (ex. girl in the first episode). Echoes is dead by this point so his motivations don't really factor into things at this point.
Oct 27, 2023 10:00 AM

Aug 2017
Reply to Monkey_Business
Okay that was fucking amazing. Another masterpiece of an episode. The soundtrack is fucking amazing, as well as the sound design. The thing that makes me wonder is, how do they always manage to make a single episode feel like an elaborate arc? It doesn't feel episodic. It feels like I'm watching a 26 episode anime and this is the 14th ep.
@Monkey_Business They make the episodes have a twist at the ending that's how!
Jan 20, 2024 3:37 AM
Jun 2017
Def my favorite episode so far though all of them have been great
Dec 30, 2024 9:29 PM

Oct 2024
Brother wasn't so nice :c

W sister for trying her hardest for supporting him and fix him

I still don't know where the plot is going tho (._.)

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