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No Game No Life (light novel)
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Jun 25, 2014 11:23 AM

Jul 2012
VentusCross said:
... blatant sex appeal from an 11 YEAR OLD, and insulting to not only those who work hard...


And still, your favorite anime is madoka.
Jun 25, 2014 11:24 AM

Jul 2010
fanshii said:
Ahhh it'd been FOREVER since I had so much FUN while watching anime. Season 2 plx

Also, I'm totally biased towards plots that involve beating a god - or even better, becoming one, or a devil, or an idea, or any omnipresent figure for that matter...
Whenever something like that happens in a good book/game/show i just can't NOT to love it <3

Totally agree. I feel people hate this anime for it's fanservice rather than the games itself. I feel anyone who complained about fanservice should stop watching ecchi altogether.

I just love the badass characters.
One Outs anyone? Akagi anyone? Problem Children anyone?
Jun 25, 2014 11:25 AM

Apr 2008

Best anime of this season. Can't wait for a second season!
Jun 25, 2014 11:25 AM

Jul 2013
izuna is prettier than the priest just saying

although this show is great, i think it was a bit over rated

8/10 for this season
Jun 25, 2014 11:26 AM
Jun 2014
I believe that it was a good ending but it's just annoying how it'll take a while for the next season to come out, if they even do it...
Jun 25, 2014 11:26 AM

Aug 2008
Too much ass pulling. In either meaning. At least it was bad in some more or less charming way, so I can't say it was just bad. It was fine. Fine but nothing to remember or recommend.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jun 25, 2014 11:26 AM

Jan 2014
Omnime said:
GreenBenjamin said:
Because it can be fixed a bit depending on how future novels go. I think someone mentioned earlier it could be something like setting a date for their match, or maybe the author wanted to add something. It could be wrong, yeah but people are reacting like it is wrong.

True, it's entirely possible. What's the different between giving a Vol 4 cliffhanger versus a Vol 6? It was like a sudden, okay I beat the werebeasts and we're allies. Now, I want to fight an OLD DEUS, #1!! Even if it wasn't that and just to talk to it. I'm really curious to see IF it does get a S2, how it'll fix itself.
Well i don't know about you but meeting an old god seems better than a shota vampire.
Jun 25, 2014 11:27 AM

Apr 2009
Omnime said:

One Outs anyone? Akagi anyone?

They handle the stakes way better. Both of these series actually aknowledge the inherent overpowered nature of their protagonists and focus on the games and side characters at times while also flatout stating that the MCs actually cheat and are far from noble, etc.
NGNL is much more friendly towards its main characters at times, which might be due to the fact that it wants to appeal to lonely gamer otakus.

Also, lol @ people ignoring Ping Pong or Mushishi for this. Or comparing it to HxH, which has 10x times better writing.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 25, 2014 11:27 AM

Dec 2012
Danpmss said:
VentusCross said:
... blatant sex appeal from an 11 YEAR OLD, and insulting to not only those who work hard...


And still, your favorite anime is madoka.

At least Madoka had good writing and didn't put the characters in compromising positions to get male viewers aroused.

Also, I don't recall Madoka's author bookmarking not only loli hentai, but hentai of his OWN CHARACTERS on his Pixiv account.
Jun 25, 2014 11:29 AM
Apr 2014

This was probably one of a favorite anime of the season. It was really good. They better get good sales on this.

They better get a season 2 or bad stuff will happen, lots of bad stuff...
Jun 25, 2014 11:29 AM

Jun 2013
Absolutely outstanding! Without a doubt, my number one anime of spring season and so far the best one this year!

10/10 and waiting for season 2 now :)
Jun 25, 2014 11:30 AM

Nov 2013
Last episode went a bit quickly, a lot of things happen in the second half, but damn, that was fun.

I didn't expect to enjoy it that much after ep1 even if it was good; NGNL really gained in awesomeness until the end.

9/10, really looking forward a second season now!!
Jun 25, 2014 11:30 AM

Apr 2013
Final score: 2/10

The last game is just... no... Even watching it just for "fun" is not working...
Jun 25, 2014 11:30 AM

Aug 2009
Omnime said:
fanshii said:
Ahhh it'd been FOREVER since I had so much FUN while watching anime. Season 2 plx

Also, I'm totally biased towards plots that involve beating a god - or even better, becoming one, or a devil, or an idea, or any omnipresent figure for that matter...
Whenever something like that happens in a good book/game/show i just can't NOT to love it <3

Totally agree. I feel people hate this anime for it's fanservice rather than the games itself. I feel anyone who complained about fanservice should stop watching ecchi altogether.

I just love the badass characters.
One Outs anyone? Akagi anyone? Problem Children anyone?

To be honest, I don't particularly like ecchi myself, but... the games were too great for me to focus on fanservice, really, and the ecchi parts themselves were pretty light and short.

And, yes, competent characters in anime for a change.
Jun 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Jul 2012
Nidhoeggr said:
Omnime said:

One Outs anyone? Akagi anyone?

They handle the stakes way better. Both of these series actually aknowledge the inherent overpowered nature of their protagonists and focus on the games and side characters at times while also flatout stating that the MCs actually cheat and are far from noble, etc.
NGNL is much more friendly towards its main characters at times, which might be due to the fact that it wants to appeal to lonely gamer otakus.

Also, lol @ people ignoring Ping Pong or Mushishi for this. Or comparing it to HxH, which has 10x times better writing.

I watched and readed both. Still enjoyed the hell of this show.
Jun 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Jun 2008
Danpmss said:
Give me examples about how shitty is my taste, pal. If you can.

He didn't say, that your taste is shit. He said, that you can't appreciate things/have trouble liking things.
The two are very different things.
And I also cut the top of this comment-train, because it's sheer size, even though it did little more, than add 2-3 lines each "incarnation", was beginning to grow intimidating.
Jun 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Mar 2014
What a ride! These 12 episodes have been hilarious and exhilarating from start to finish! Bring on Season 2!!!!!
I like anime and you like anime. We have more in common than you think.....
Jun 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Jul 2010
Danpmss said:
Rayzer said:

This anime is kinda something more than just ecchi. It have a purpose behind the fanservice (and besides, is entertaining and genius with its themes and references), and I aprecciate it.

Your ratings and comments in your Anime List was seriously bad... You really don't know how to appreciate things aren't you? There's really something wrong with you.

Give me examples about how shitty is my taste, pal. If you can.[/quote]

Please stop. Personal taste is an opinion regardless how ones personal taste of an anime can be to another person. It won't get anywhere. One will hate it. One will love it.

"The whole story was stupid. They wasted their lives on for games? And most of all this Anime only has Game and Ecchi scenes and no others? So how do you think that it's not stupid?"

Although, I have to question why you watched the anime when the title is "No Game No Life," with the Ecchi genre tag, yet you still watched it. Also, I think Highschool DxD has more erotic ecchi scenes than NGNL, a lot more lol. If you liked Highschool DxD, but not NGNL, it must be because of games. So in the end, I don't know why you decided to watch it. The synopsis points out it's about two NEET gamers.
Jun 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Apr 2013
Awesome, want a 2nd season within the next 2 years :3

Jun 25, 2014 11:32 AM

Jul 2010
NGNL wasn't bad. I still don't understand the crazy hype, but I enjoyed it.

The fanservice was over-the-top, but instead of just being a tacked on element, it really did drive some of the plot, so I didn't mind. It was pretty funny.

I found myself unsure of the direction of the plot many times throughout the show though. I enjoyed it for what it was - fanservice, comedy, and some epic moments, but I didn't really see it come together. I get that you're supposed to be like "wooah" when Sora explains everything in this episode, and it was cool, but it still doesn't override my thoughts about previous episodes.

Still, Shiro is absolutely adorable, so everything is forgiven. ;) I'm simply not too interested, so I don't care much if we'll see a second season or not. But I'll watch if it does end up happening. :)
Overall, 6/10.

Favorite line of the whole show:
fishergirl16Jun 25, 2014 11:43 AM
Jun 25, 2014 11:32 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
doraemon1992 said:
Final score: 2/10

The last game is just... no... Even watching it just for "fun" is not working...
You better Shrek yourself before you wreck yourself O_O
Jun 25, 2014 11:32 AM

Feb 2013
Great anime,one of the best that came out in recent years i might say...Got goosebums goosebumps at the end.... Thta cliffhanger xD... Season 2 plz ASAP

Jun 25, 2014 11:33 AM

Jul 2010
GreenBenjamin said:
Omnime said:

True, it's entirely possible. What's the different between giving a Vol 4 cliffhanger versus a Vol 6? It was like a sudden, okay I beat the werebeasts and we're allies. Now, I want to fight an OLD DEUS, #1!! Even if it wasn't that and just to talk to it. I'm really curious to see IF it does get a S2, how it'll fix itself.
Well i don't know about you but meeting an old god seems better than a shota vampire.

For the sake of HYPE, yes. For the sake of story, no. They're going to have to get all the pieces eventually, unless they're not going to showcase Tet vs Kuuhaku in anime form, why not just follow the story line. But I totally agree with the hype of an old god versus a loli vampire (it's a girl btw).
Jun 25, 2014 11:34 AM

Apr 2009
Danpmss said:

I watched and readed both. Still enjoyed the hell of this show.

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

fishergirl16 said:
NGNL wasn't bad. I still don't understand the crazy hype, but I enjoyed it.

I have the theory that each season needs one hyped anime that everyone can hype bandwagon-style. Sadly, this season's Mahouka proved to be too bad for this so they all switched to NGNL last minute.
Next season we will see the same with SAO2, Akame Ga Kill and maybe one more anime.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 25, 2014 11:35 AM

Oct 2012
doraemon1992 said:
Final score: 2/10

The last game is just... no... Even watching it just for "fun" is not working...

I feel your pain... ;_;
Jun 25, 2014 11:38 AM

Jul 2012
GreenDrag said:
Danpmss said:
Give me examples about how shitty is my taste, pal. If you can.

He didn't say, that your taste is shit. He said, that you can't appreciate things/have trouble liking things.
The two are very different things.
And I also cut the top of this comment-train, because it's sheer size, even though it did little more, than add 2-3 lines each "incarnation", was beginning to grow intimidating.

>He didn't say, that your taste is shit.
"Your ratings and comments in your Anime List was seriously bad..."
I do not think so, this phrase is kinda explicit.
Jun 25, 2014 11:40 AM

Jan 2014
galimx said:
4/10, because im generous
Well gee, thanks for gracing it with that generous score.
Omnime said:

For the sake of HYPE, yes. For the sake of story, no. They're going to have to get all the pieces eventually, unless they're not going to showcase Tet vs Kuuhaku in anime form, why not just follow the story line. But I totally agree with the hype of an old god versus a loli vampire (it's a girl btw).
It's a guy from what i hear. That's why they are called traps.
Nidhoeggr said:
Danpmss said:

I watched and readed both. Still enjoyed the hell of this show.

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

fishergirl16 said:
NGNL wasn't bad. I still don't understand the crazy hype, but I enjoyed it.

I have the theory that each season needs one hyped anime that everyone can hype bandwagon-style. Sadly, this season's Mahouka proved to be too bad for this so they all switched to NGNL last minute.
Next season we will see the same with SAO2, Akame Ga Kill and maybe one more anime.
Why can't enjoyment be considered quality? high quality fun.
Jun 25, 2014 11:41 AM

Nov 2008
Fantastic series ~ I certainly hope it gets an S2

As for the haters.. meh let them hate I ignore them for the most part anyway
sirwenceJun 25, 2014 11:44 AM
Jun 25, 2014 11:41 AM

Jul 2010
Danpmss said:
GreenDrag said:

He didn't say, that your taste is shit. He said, that you can't appreciate things/have trouble liking things.
The two are very different things.
And I also cut the top of this comment-train, because it's sheer size, even though it did little more, than add 2-3 lines each "incarnation", was beginning to grow intimidating.

>He didn't say, that your taste is shit.
"Your ratings and comments in your Anime List was seriously bad..."
I do not think so, this phrase is kinda implying it explicitly.

Okay, so he has an opinion. Woop de doo. Two people have different taste. Not like this hasn't happen before. If two people have opposite taste, trying to have one party explain why the other party''s taste is shitty will never end.
Jun 25, 2014 11:42 AM

Apr 2009
GreenBenjamin said:
Why can't enjoyment be considered quality? high quality fun.

Because I can enjoy trash as well?
Sharknado, Symphogear, Daimidaler and The Room are by no means good yet I have fun. Likewise I don't need to enjoy something to recognize its quality - for me that would be Shinkai movies.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 25, 2014 11:43 AM
Mar 2014
Panaru said:
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, I'm so fucking in love with Shrine Priestess's voice I can't contain myself.

Yeah tought the same .

It was a great anime 8.5/10 Season 2 ore riot !!
Jun 25, 2014 11:44 AM

Jul 2012
Nidhoeggr said:
Danpmss said:

I watched and readed both. Still enjoyed the hell of this show.

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

Well, both are not ecchi comedies either, so the argument is invalid. For it's genre, is probably one of the best out there (my favorite is Ranma 1/2 tho).
Jun 25, 2014 11:45 AM

Jul 2010
GreenBenjamin said:
Omnime said:

For the sake of HYPE, yes. For the sake of story, no. They're going to have to get all the pieces eventually, unless they're not going to showcase Tet vs Kuuhaku in anime form, why not just follow the story line. But I totally agree with the hype of an old god versus a loli vampire (it's a girl btw).
It's a guy from what i hear. That's why they are called traps.

Unless Yuu wants to give us mix signals. He specifically in the novel says girl, so /shrug
Jun 25, 2014 11:45 AM

Jul 2013
Allright I just need to say this... I've seen a lot of people complain a lot about a lot of stuff in my time in the internet... I"m used to it, and usually even if I dont agree with such complains I do not mind it, or at least not enough to actually respond such people.


I mean come on people, its obvious some folks will find flaws in it, not everyone will think it is pefrect, since peoles general tastes are different.... But to say it is "absolutelly shitty" or "crap" and stuff like that ? I wonder what Da Vinci level masterpiece would please such critics...

Anyway, now all that is left is wait for the second season... please buy the damn BD's dear japanese friends
Jun 25, 2014 11:46 AM
Oct 2012
Nidhoeggr said:
I have the theory that each season needs one hyped anime that everyone can hype bandwagon-style.

You are reversing cause and effect. Every season there is a show that captures the imagination of a majority of posting anime viewers. Since the average posting viewer is a male, 14-18 years old, most of these shows tend to fall into the action/comedy genre.

NGNL was no more hyped before the season than any madhouse animation is "hyped". The "bandwagoning" occurred because the show delivered the goods, not the other way around.

Again, hyped /= popular, and hyped /= "shows I dislike or feel condescension to".
Jun 25, 2014 11:46 AM

Apr 2009
Danpmss said:
Nidhoeggr said:

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

Well, both are not ecchi comedies either, so the argument is invalid. For it's genre, is probably one of the best out there (my favorite is Ranma 1/2 tho).

I'd beg to differ. Ranma and other series like Golden Boy had way more charm behind it then this. As for the ecchi..Daimidaler did it better this season.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 25, 2014 11:47 AM

Jan 2014
Nidhoeggr said:
GreenBenjamin said:
Why can't enjoyment be considered quality? high quality fun.

Because I can enjoy trash as well?
Sharknado, Symphogear, Daimidaler and The Room are by no means good yet I have fun. Likewise I don't need to enjoy something to recognize its quality - for me that would be Shinkai movies.
I think your standards for quality are too strict. But whatever.
Jun 25, 2014 11:48 AM
Feb 2014
Nidhoeggr said:
Danpmss said:

I watched and readed both. Still enjoyed the hell of this show.

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

fishergirl16 said:
NGNL wasn't bad. I still don't understand the crazy hype, but I enjoyed it.

I have the theory that each season needs one hyped anime that everyone can hype bandwagon-style. Sadly, this season's Mahouka proved to be too bad for this so they all switched to NGNL last minute.
Next season we will see the same with SAO2, Akame Ga Kill and maybe one more anime.

Nice way to conviently switch the argument...back in the Mahouka announcement thread you said that this would be the most hyped anime the next season and well: it was not.

NGNL as said countless times had 4 pages in its announcement thread and it basically was a nobody when it started airing.

I like Knights of Sidonia very much and I am currently trying to get up to date with the HxH anime and I already plan to watch Mushishi. As for Ping Pong I am not really into sports anime, maybe I will watch it later but I can't guarantee it.

Still: I LOVE NGNL...while you make the argument that all hype it up like nothing and are only fanboys you conviently oversee all those people who like both the anime you like and at the same time NGNL, as if that would be impossible...
Jun 25, 2014 11:49 AM

Jan 2014
Omnime said:
GreenBenjamin said:
It's a guy from what i hear. That's why they are called traps.

Unless Yuu wants to give us mix signals. He specifically in the novel says girl, so /shrug
The japanese character for girl and guy are sometimes hard to distinguish or something along those lines. It's why to this day it's debated if pitou and allukah are either boys or girls.
Jun 25, 2014 11:49 AM

Jan 2011
It was a good show, a solid 7,5/10 in my opinio..
Wait, WUT? #26? SERIOUSLY? I don't even...
Jun 25, 2014 11:50 AM

May 2013
Unsaidxpl said:
It was a good show, a solid 7,5/10 in my opinio..
Wait, WUT? #26? SERIOUSLY? I don't even...

The final proof that MAL's rankings aren't worth a used shoestring.

Jun 25, 2014 11:51 AM

Apr 2009
Caleb8980 said:
Nidhoeggr said:

Enjoyment =/= quality imho. I am sure you will not deny that both of my examples feature better storytelling, characters, etc.?

I have the theory that each season needs one hyped anime that everyone can hype bandwagon-style. Sadly, this season's Mahouka proved to be too bad for this so they all switched to NGNL last minute.
Next season we will see the same with SAO2, Akame Ga Kill and maybe one more anime.

Nice way to conviently switch the argument...back in the Mahouka announcement thread you said that this would be the most hyped anime the next season and well: it was not.

Um..Mahouka WAS one of the most hyped shows. It just didn't deliver.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 25, 2014 11:52 AM

Jun 2008
Nidhoeggr said:
They handle the stakes way better. Both of these series actually aknowledge the inherent overpowered nature of their protagonists and focus on the games and side characters at times while also flatout stating that the MCs actually cheat and are far from noble, etc.
NGNL is much more friendly towards its main characters at times, which might be due to the fact that it wants to appeal to lonely gamer otakus.

Also, lol @ people ignoring Ping Pong or Mushishi for this. Or comparing it to HxH, which has 10x times better writing.

In my opinion, you can't watch Mushishi as a weekly show. It simply just doesn't fit it's style. Thus for me, even if I watched it (I'd prefer watching it's previous season first), wouldn't make the seasonal cut.
On the other hand, PingPong, seemingly a sports-anime just doesn't make me interested.
Jun 25, 2014 11:52 AM

Jul 2012
Nidhoeggr said:
Danpmss said:

Well, both are not ecchi comedies either, so the argument is invalid. For it's genre, is probably one of the best out there (my favorite is Ranma 1/2 tho).

I'd beg to differ. Ranma and other series like Golden Boy had way more charm behind it then this. As for the ecchi..Daimidaler did it better this season.

Well, that's your opinion, and kinda contradicts what you just said about Enjoyment =/= Quality. That doesn't apply for ecchi, comedies, etc... at all.
Charm is having entertainment too, so, this is just favoritism (on both sides).
Jun 25, 2014 11:53 AM

Nov 2013
Hummm so has expected, this episode was a bit slower than the previous one, however I must admit it still add more action than I predicted...

That final scene specially... the show should have ended with Steph and Ino joining forces as the poor creatures being put to work by the siblings, instead we got a Old Deus scene that never appeared before >_<

Anyway, I still believe that even though this show was one of the top 3 of the season (together with Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou and Isshuukan Friends), I'll leave it with the 9/10 it deserves.

In fact, if I had to make one complain regarding this show, that would be the fact that it deserved to be a 2 cour season, with these last 3 volumes being spread over 24 episodes instead of the current 12, which unfortunately led to a lot of information being dumped in each episode, while a lot of information was lost due to time limit constraints... But I would say this is a small complain for the excellent work Mad House did on this anime.

I'm now hopping for a second season ASAP!!!

Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 25, 2014 11:54 AM

Jan 2014
Caleb8980 said:

Um..Mahouka WAS one of the most hyped shows. It just didn't deliver.
This is odd since I was hearing that it was shit for a long time.
Jun 25, 2014 11:54 AM

Feb 2014
Amazingly fun show, really want more. I know the show has a lot of shortcomings but it is simply too enjoyable

Jun 25, 2014 11:55 AM

Jul 2010
GreenBenjamin said:
Omnime said:

Unless Yuu wants to give us mix signals. He specifically in the novel says girl, so /shrug
The japanese character for girl and guy are sometimes hard to distinguish or something along those lines. It's why to this day it's debated if pitou and allukah are either boys or girls.

Not really. 男 and 女 are easily to distinguish. The only reason why Pitou is never classified as male or female is cause he/she wasn't. It was called Pitou to the end. Alluka on the other hand is definitely male, Killua confirms it or one of the brothers does. Something along the lines of "I will control both my little brothers." Killua and Allkua.
Jun 25, 2014 11:55 AM

Dec 2007
Patureau said:
Allright I just need to say this... I've seen a lot of people complain a lot about a lot of stuff in my time in the internet... I"m used to it, and usually even if I dont agree with such complains I do not mind it, or at least not enough to actually respond such people.


I mean come on people, its obvious some folks will find flaws in it, not everyone will think it is pefrect, since peoles general tastes are different.... But to say it is "absolutelly shitty" or "crap" and stuff like that ? I wonder what Da Vinci level masterpiece would please such critics...

Anyway, now all that is left is wait for the second season... please buy the damn BD's dear japanese friends

Some people find an innate need to differentiate themselves by saying "it sucks." Others, of course, just jump on the bandwagon and scream "ZOMFG AWESOME." Still others can happily point out the flaws as well as the good points and make a measured decision. It's not limited to this - I see it in every other form of entertainment out there.
I'm going to tentatively give it a 7 myself. I'm still not a fan of the art style and the gimmicks the writer used are ones that tow a fine line between interesting and just plain lazy writing, with it too frequently feeling like it gravitates toward the latter. That being said, I found it to be one of the most entertaining shows of the past year, and hope to see more.

And frankly, I've never felt particularly enthralled by "high art," which, in all truth, places the stories of and behind the paintings and artists above the actual quality of the work. It might have something to do with my generally utilitarian nature.
ErwinJAJun 25, 2014 11:59 AM
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