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Jun 1, 2014 2:12 PM

Sep 2010
Second season please?!?!

I need to know what happens in anime form ;-(.. Plus the teaser of Karoku waking up at the end.... I guess it's on to the manga for me.
Jul 11, 2014 4:00 PM

Apr 2014
I really liked this series. This definitely needs a second season, but either way I loved Karneval. Regardless of what anyone says, I liked the main characters a lot and I felt satisfied at how they wrapped it up.

If it had more episodes or another season, it would probably end up in my favorites.
Dec 19, 2014 5:55 PM

Nov 2013
Woooooow, what an amazing surprise! I loved this anime, it was so sweet! Was very pleasantly surprised, so glad I picked this up and gave it a go. Definitely underrated; probably because it's a shoujo, but really it feels like a shounen. Apart from the art and the brief shounen ai moments, there was nothing else shoujo-ish; so people came here with different expectations. Maybe the manga is shoujo, but this anime is shounen as it's filled with action-heavy plot and fight scenes, unlike typical shoujo which usually has dramatized plot and romance.

I loved the characters - Nai, Tsukumo, and especially Yogi. I also loved the art so much; it's the main reason why I watch anime, so having beautifully drawn characters, wonderfully colourful scenery and such attention to detail (like the characters' eyes) was really something awesome for me.

I'll definitely be checking out the manga. So sad there is no season 2 or OVAs yet. Also have to mention the ED, which is super catchy.

Jan 9, 2015 7:31 PM
Aug 2014
Ehh well it wasn't a terrible watch, but it was shoujo action after all... 8/10
Jan 28, 2015 9:15 AM

Mar 2012
Very abrupt and anti-climatic ending...rushed as well, too rushed at the end. I'll give it a 6/10 for keeping me watching it.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Apr 28, 2015 12:04 PM

Apr 2014
Totally loved this series. It needs a second season so bad tho like that ending totally put up for a continuation. ._.
Jun 29, 2015 10:41 AM

Feb 2015
I really hope they make a second season. This has become one of my favorite anime!
Sep 26, 2015 9:20 PM

Feb 2015
boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring booooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.

1. thought for the longest time this was a shounen. i don't really care for bishies or not - if you're a good character you're a good character. however COME ON you guys. SERIOUSLY. needless to say when i found out that it was a shoujo i wasn't all that surprised.

2. OP and ED are trash. sounds like something right out of uta no prince sama (ashamed i know that show as well).

3. gareki looked like he would bring the plot along but the writers would never let him get a chance to be himself. he was almost always surrounded by his "friends".

4. nai was (or is, whatever) annoying. i was also expecting some stories of how he ENDED UP IN SHACKLES but apparently no-one could find that story interesting.

5. fights scenes were good - WHEN THEY ACTUALLY HAPPENED. there was barely anything going on, and the plot was everywhere. i tried holding myself out to see if anything good would happen, but that episode with the 9yr old boy took the cake. most of the episodes were treated like cartoons - one episode = one adventure. that was annoying as heck. i liked the fight with the redhead and the two girls, though, i have to admit.

6. what was in that goshdarn box?!?!?!? and where is the answer of nai being a humanimal? karoku (Lord knows i'll know his name 'till the end of time for how many times it was repeated) was just meant for some limp plot device for gareki and nai? he has no meaning? and i totally did NOT get that "new clothes" karoku that "supposedly" took his place.

7. why on earth are people pressurizing how lovely gareki and nai's friendship is? HOW did they become friends? because they act for like familiar strangers. there's no reason either to like the other. as a matter of fact i can't understand how ANYONE is friends with anyone in the ships, but at least they obviously have histories together beforehand so that's not so much big of a deal. but gareki and nai just met. how could they be such close friends when they appear nothing of the like?

8. that random scene in ep 12 when Ponytail "betrayed" circus was out of the blue and so unreal it was nearly laughable.

i will say that the OST was.....good. there are some ones i really love though.

funny to say, i'd watch a S2, but only because the only character that is worth spending the smallest interest in is karoku. i highly doubt there actually BEING a S2, however.

3/10. severely disappointed. dear Lord someone please tell me the manga is different/better.
TomDaySep 26, 2015 10:17 PM
Nov 19, 2015 12:00 PM

Dec 2014
looking back I don't even know why I watched it.. Yogi......
Jul 29, 2016 9:30 AM

Jul 2013
That was a really great show and a great ending!

A lot of fighting in the last episode and action and it was awesome!

Nai reunited with Karoku at the end and the other version of him, the clone or whatever he was disappeared and said they'd meet again after trying to get Nai to go somewhere with him, not sure where exactly. Maybe he was a clone/hybrid of Karoku, mixed with animal DNA. It seems like it could be a likely possibility and since he was able to talk with Nai, maybe the same breed of little cute fluffy bunny but who knows.

Gareki left to go and train to become part of Circus and become part of something bigger than himself! awww :3

The goodbye hugs was so cute <3 and I'm glad he wants to remain part of the team.

The real Karoku woke up at the end.

I really hope they may eventually make a season 2 as it was just simply put a really great show and I loved everything about it, the look, the characters and the story! just amazing *_*

So many hot guys. I guess it's sayonara to Gareki, Nai, Yogi and the rest of the gang! at least for now~

I might try and read the manga if I have time, not read any for some weeks or maybe months now.
Sep 22, 2017 5:43 PM

Oct 2015
yeah nai and Gareki were useless in the entire series especially Nai he was the worst, here I am thinking he had hidden special powers but he turned out to be some worthless animal. At least Gareki is on the path of becoming the child of the second ship in the organization "circus". The most impressive one was Yogi, although he was too affectionate but he was awesome in the entire show.

This anime is not complete and Karoku's association with Nai is still fully unclear
lihle808Sep 22, 2017 5:50 PM
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 22, 2017 5:54 PM

Oct 2015
TomDay said:
boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring booooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.

1. thought for the longest time this was a shounen. i don't really care for bishies or not - if you're a good character you're a good character. however COME ON you guys. SERIOUSLY. needless to say when i found out that it was a shoujo i wasn't all that surprised.

2. OP and ED are trash. sounds like something right out of uta no prince sama (ashamed i know that show as well).

3. gareki looked like he would bring the plot along but the writers would never let him get a chance to be himself. he was almost always surrounded by his "friends".

4. nai was (or is, whatever) annoying. i was also expecting some stories of how he ENDED UP IN SHACKLES but apparently no-one could find that story interesting.

5. fights scenes were good - WHEN THEY ACTUALLY HAPPENED. there was barely anything going on, and the plot was everywhere. i tried holding myself out to see if anything good would happen, but that episode with the 9yr old boy took the cake. most of the episodes were treated like cartoons - one episode = one adventure. that was annoying as heck. i liked the fight with the redhead and the two girls, though, i have to admit.

6. what was in that goshdarn box?!?!?!? and where is the answer of nai being a humanimal? karoku (Lord knows i'll know his name 'till the end of time for how many times it was repeated) was just meant for some limp plot device for gareki and nai? he has no meaning? and i totally did NOT get that "new clothes" karoku that "supposedly" took his place.

7. why on earth are people pressurizing how lovely gareki and nai's friendship is? HOW did they become friends? because they act for like familiar strangers. there's no reason either to like the other. as a matter of fact i can't understand how ANYONE is friends with anyone in the ships, but at least they obviously have histories together beforehand so that's not so much big of a deal. but gareki and nai just met. how could they be such close friends when they appear nothing of the like?

8. that random scene in ep 12 when Ponytail "betrayed" circus was out of the blue and so unreal it was nearly laughable.

i will say that the OST was.....good. there are some ones i really love though.

funny to say, i'd watch a S2, but only because the only character that is worth spending the smallest interest in is karoku. i highly doubt there actually BEING a S2, however.

3/10. severely disappointed. dear Lord someone please tell me the manga is different/better.
Your comment made my day, I understand how you feel. Oh god I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts. This comment is the best here lol.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 26, 2017 9:39 PM

Feb 2015
lihle808 said:
Your comment made my day, I understand how you feel. Oh god I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts. This comment is the best here lol.

um okay? your welcome? :P
Oct 3, 2017 10:25 AM

Jun 2016
That was an okay finale, I guess. Loved the action scenes. And I swear Yogi is so gay for Gareki. Huehuehue. Love you, Gareki! <3


"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Aug 29, 2019 12:25 PM

Apr 2015
a mystery series, by that meaning that i still have no clue what the baja fresh is going on. too weak to be actually considered a mystery series. good artwork and loveable characters and had somethings going for it like ... loveable characters, but at times annoying for their flat-ness.

there are a lot of flaws for this series and the fact that it doesn't have a season 2 doesn't help it's case because nothing can be resolved/it can't redeem itself. however, i guess it speaks for itself the reason why there is no season 2.

entertaining, but nonetheless, a waste of time for those who are watching with the preconceived notion that there will be a message or some greater thematic commentary about the human condition and science of genetic altering.

Although we part as I leave for Inaba,
where pines grow on the moutain peaks
If I am to hear that you pine for me
I shall come back to you again
Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首):
Poem #16 "Tachiwakare"
Mar 23, 2021 9:21 AM

Jun 2016
Hooray, Nai got to meet with Karoku... oh, wait, it's a fake clone version of him. At least the real Karoku appears to be recovering well. Despite being on Kafka's side, Uro is so awesome.

Not sure if it's just cause of the character design, but Karoku does look really similar to Gareki. If I was too guess, the fact Gareki was on a Kafka research ship could mean that a bit of dna splicing took place. Idk tho, and to find out I'd have to read the manga. Oh well.

Highlight: Tsukumo giving Gareki the deformed Niji stuffed toy. She's so bloody cute
Ep Score: 3/5
Series Overall: 5/10

Karneval wasn't that bad of a show to watch. It never really stood out in terms of art and animation, but it made up for it with plenty of okay eps, especially the last 2 eps. My biggest problem comes from the fact that there is too many questions I have, left unanswered. It's a shame tho, that the series may never be picked up again and be finished, but you never know with the anime industry

Jun 18, 2021 3:13 PM

Jun 2019
My 99th completed series chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 4/10 rating.
Sep 24, 2022 10:37 AM
Jul 2015
Gareki highsch arcs era!! >.< what a happy sad touching ending look 3 people love him so much

wife yogi son nai all hugging crying give him dolls my heart fluttery over their emotion all of them are still children w father hirato

9/10 bcs i love the characs 🤣🤞 and art
May 16, 2024 7:18 PM
Oct 2017
I was wondering why I dropped this anime years ago. Now I finally understood why...
Oct 5, 2024 10:46 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
This anime is all style.
I swear it's just so... all over the place in the way they go about trying to tell the story they want to tell. Actually let me just start by saying I loved a lot of the character designs, but it feels as if the creator made the designs and then thought, "Oh shoot. Uhhhh... what do I do with these?" There seems to be some history and such with certain characters-- even if just casually-- and I feel like we don't really get to learn it. It distinctly feels like someone who made some OCs who might have even been a pairing, but then when they put them in the story, they had to kinda downplay it or something. Or perhaps such history is explored in the manga, but we anime-only folk wouldn't know that so it just becomes a nod for manga-readers. Yet it just came off as incomplete because of that.

The way the anime rolls through just feels a little clunky. We'd start with some kinda lighthearted situations and then... I guess it wasn't. I don't know. There were also some plot elements that were straight up anti-climatic. For example, Tsukumo gets taken by our... weirdo bad guys. Oh no! And the next thing we know, she's in a room and honestly it seems like she could escape okay had her timing been better. Okay. And then she goes and get caught again while being poisoned. Oh no! But then Hirato just kinda finds her and all's fine again-- so fine that we kinda go into more silly antics like it's nothing. Like... what? It was so hard to figure out what to take seriously sometimes. Like what's the tone we're supposed to be getting?

Going back to my point about the characters feeling like someone's OCs being put into a plot of some type, it also kinda feels like the creator loved their characters and designs so much that they didn't want much harm to come to them. They are "safe", unless they were designed to not be safe. Because of that, it feels like nothing really... happens.
I'm looking at the way the mangaka typically presents their characters. Honestly... if they just wanted a bunch of pretty people doing stuff, I feel like they could have made the plot a lot more simple for themselves.

There were things mentioned at the beginning that I honestly kinda forgot about, not really because I truly forgot but because they just didn't really mention it ever again or didn't make it a big enough deal for me to actually follow that plot thread... because the characters were busy buying clothes, being in cat suits, or whatever. Biggest example of that would be the whole traitor thing. Of course, I remember that and for like an episode or two after it was mentioned, I actually was keeping an eye out... but it just wasn't revisited enough to really make someone keep wondering things like, "Oh! What's he doing? Is it him??" And then the final reveal of that was so ridiculously underwhelming. Like, really? You were a traitor because you think maybe you're losing because you're on the wrong side and you've apparently lowkey been freaking out about it all this time? It was a pretty weak motivation. Laughable even-- I laughed at least. Creator was doing too much when all a homie really seemed to want to do was do something with and let the world see and love on all the bishie (bishounen and bishoujo) character designs they created. Yet now I just feel a little disdain towards them because I feel like they didn't live up to their potential. The truth is, after all the trying to make a plot for these pretty characters to execute, I barely know much about a lot of these characters. I know them on such a surface level that it's not even much to say. One exception is Gareki who has grown, I guess. Yogi has... some moments I suppose. But then most other characters...?? I really wanted to like Tsukumo because she seemed pretty capable... but that's pretty much just it. She seemed pretty capable. And then she had to be saved like twice. Which is fine but... that's kinda all there is to her character. She seems pretty capable, with a few instances of showing her vulnerability and "cute" side I guess.

Anyway, a little disappointed. Very much one of those "but look at the bishies" in disguise as something worthwhile, but I feel like I've wasted time more than anything. There is a message of found family or a place to belong, but I feel like they didn't even see that all the way throughout the story as much as they could have. When you have an objective, you should be writing with that objective in mind throughout. There are so many things that just have no relevance to that theme and so it just ends up feeling a bit messy. I just kinda feels like I'm walking away from this without much.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 7, 2024 1:28 AM

Apr 2017
I'd give this a 7/10. The anime is definitely overrated. I picked this thinking that it was going to be a 9/10 show. Though it was ultimately just a 7/10, final score. It was enjoyable and starting to hit its stride. I would definitely be excited for another season. Though it didn't quit hit the mark of a good anime. I think this series might be similar to Ooku where it needs time to bake, in order to become a masterpiece.
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